ISCA - International Speech
Communication Association

ISCApad Archive  »  2011  »  ISCApad #159

ISCApad #159

Wednesday, September 14, 2011 by Chris Wellekens

1    Editorial
2    ISCA News
  2-1    Message of our new President J-F Bonastre
  2-2    Call for bids for Interspeech 2015 from Tanja Schultz
  2-3    New ISCA SIG on Speech and Language Indexing for Multimedia
  2-4    ISCA new video archive service
3    Events
  3-1    ISCA Events
    3-1-1    (2012-09-09) INTERSPEECH 2012, Portland, Oregon USA
    3-1-2    (2013-08-23) INTERSPEECH 2013 Lyon France
    3-1-3    (2014-09-07) INTERSPEECH 2014 Singapore
  3-2    ISCA Supported Events
    3-2-1    (2011-12-15) (Call for demos) IEEE workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding
    3-2-2    (2011-12-15) Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop ASRU 2011
    3-2-3    (2012-06-04) JEP 2012 Grenoble
  3-3    Other Events
    3-3-1    (2011-09-21) SemDial 2011 15th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
    3-3-2    (2011-09-25) AISV Stellaris Summer School 2011, September 25th-30th
    3-3-3    (2011-09-27) L'Ecole de Recherche Multimodale d'Information - Techniques & Sciences [ERMITES]
    3-3-4    (2011-09-27) XIVth Intern. Conference Speech and Computer- Russia
    3-3-5    (2011-09-28) Workshop autour de la syllable avec Louis Goldstein et Nathalie Vallée, Paris
    3-3-6    (2011-09-29) 4eme JEFPl, Paris « Le développement de la perception: du signal aux unités phonologiques
    3-3-7    (2011-10-04) SiPS 2011 IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems
    3-3-8    (2011-10-16) 2011 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics
    3-3-9    (2011-10-19) APSIPA ASC 2011, Xi'an, China
    3-3-10    (2011-10-26) CfP Oriental COCOSDA Taiwan
    3-3-12    (2011-11-25) (Extended deadline) 5th Language and Technology Conference (LTC 2011), Poznan, Poland
    3-3-13    (2011-12-04) International Symposium on Audiovisual Detection of Errors in Pronunciation Training (IS ADEPT)
    3-3-14    (2011-12-08) CfP 8th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation
    3-3-15    (2011-12-11) Call for demos ASRU 2011
    3-3-16    (2012-01-12) call for demos- IEEE Intl Conf on Emerging Signal Processing Applications, Las Vegas, USA
    3-3-17    (2012-02-06) ICPRAM 1st International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
    3-3-18    (2012-03-25) cfp ICASSP Kyoto Japan
    3-3-19    (2012-04-23) call for tutorials EACL 2012, Avignon France
    3-3-20    (2012-04-23) EACL Thirteenth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
    3-3-22    (2012-05-21) 8th LREC Conference Istambul Turkey
    3-3-23    (2012-06-04)CfP 19e conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles
    3-3-24    (2012-06-25) 2012 Summer Workshop on Language Engineering,Center for Language and Speech Processing, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA
    3-3-25    (2012-07-27) LabPhon 13 Stuttgart, Germany
    3-3-26    Call for Nominations IEEE Signal Processing Society Speech and Language Technical Committee (SLTC) Member Positions
    3-3-27    Evaluation of automatic speech processing Etape 2011
4    Industry Notes
  4-1    Carnegie Speech
5    Resources
  5-1    Books
    5-1-1    Alain Marchal, Christian Cave, L'imagerie medicale pour l'etude de la parole
    5-1-2    Christoph Draxler, Korpusbasierte Sprachverarbeitung
    5-1-3    Robert M. Gray, Linear Predictive Coding and the Internet Protocol
    5-1-4    M. Embarki and M. Ennaji, Modern Trends in Arabic Dialectology
    5-1-5    Gokhan Tur , R De Mori, Spoken Language Understanding: Systems for Extracting Semantic Information from Speech
    5-1-6    Jody Kreiman, Diana Van Lancker Sidtis ,Foundations of Voice Studies: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Voice Production and Perception
    5-1-7    G. Nick Clements and Rachid Ridouane, Where Do Phonological Features Come From?
  5-2    Database
    5-2-1    ELRA - Language Resources Catalogue - Update (2011-05)
    5-2-2    LDC Newsletter (August 2011)
    5-2-3    ELRA receives the META Prize at the META-FORUM 2011 in Budapest
    5-2-4    Speechocean China
  5-3    Software
6    Jobs
  6-1    (2011-03-01) Post-doctoral position in Automatic Speech Recognition at IRISA, France.
  6-2    (2011-03-09) Ingenieur R/D INRIA Rennes (France)
  6-3    (2011-03-09)Internship for Web Interface for natual language data bases INRIA Paris
  6-4    (2011-03-15) Engineer in Multimedia TCL AMERICA
  6-5    (2011-03-22) Thesis in psycholinguistic at the University of Geneva Switzerland
  6-6    (2011-03-30) Research associate position in the Dialog Group at Cambridge Univ. UK
  6-7    (2011-04-01) Research Position in Speech Recognition for Underresourced Languages at K.U.Leuven - ESAT, Belgium
  6-8    (2011-05-04) Post-doctoral researcher, audio signal processing, at Microsoft Research
  6-9    (2011-05-07) Eight Research Positions in Speech Synthesis and Speech Recognition at Universities of Edinburgh, Cambridge, Sheffield
  6-10    (2011-05-16) Assistant(e) au Labo psycholinguistique expérimentale Genève
  6-11    (2011-05-16) Doctorant au Labo psycholinguistique expérimentale Genève
  6-12    (2011-05-18) Research Positions in Speech Synthesis and Speech Recognition Great Britain
  6-13    (2011-06-04) Post-doc 'Traitement du Langage Parlé' du LIMSI/CNRS
  6-14    (2011-06-08) Ingénieur en conception et développement en expérimentation, Lab Phonétique et Phonologie, Paris
  6-15    (2011-06-14) 3 Professorships on Speech Coding, Semantic Audio Processing and Psychoacoustics at International Audio Laboratories Erlangen, Germany
  6-16    (2011-06-14) Professeur Angers France
  6-17    (2011-06-21) Ms/PhD/Contractor Positions at Ozyegin University, Istanbul, Turkey
  6-18    (2011-07-07) Programming position ELRA/ELDA
  6-19    (2011-07-13)Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Arabic phonetics and phonology, Univ. York, UK
  6-20    (2011-07-14)Postdoctoral Research Scientist Position open at Columbia University in Spoken Dialogue Systems Position
  6-21    (2011-07-18) Deux postes de doctorants au LIMSI
  6-22    (2011-08-05) POSTDOCTORAL POSITION AT LIMSI-CNRS Paris
  6-23    (2011-08-05) Research Associate/Assistant Vacancies in Cambridge University Dialogue Systems Group
  6-24    (2011-08-08) Research Scientist, ASR Palo Alto USA
  6-25    (2011-08-08) Research Scientist, ASR Palo Alto USA
  6-26    (2011-08-23)Postdoc position in Speech Recognition, Adaptation, Retrieval and Translation In Aalto University School of Science, Finland
  6-27    (2011-08-25) Position Announcement: Computational Linguistics at Ohio State
  6-28    (2011-08-26) PhD Scholarship in Human and Automatic Speaker Characterisation, Canberra Australia
  6-29    (2011-09-05) Postdoc position: Articulatory copy synthesis at LORIA (Nancy, France).
7    Journals
  7-1    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO, SPEECH AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING Special Issue on New Frontiers in Rich Transcription
  7-2    IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing/Special Issue on Deep Learning for Speech and Language Processing
  7-3    A New Journal on Speech Sciences and call for Papers for Special issue on experimental prosody
  7-4    Special issue Signal Processing : LATENT VARIABLE ANALYSIS AND SIGNAL SEPARATION
  7-5    IEEE Signal Processing Magazine: Special Issue on Fundamental Technologies in Modern Speech Recognition
  7-6    CfP Journal of Speech Science
  7-7    Open Journal of Modern Linguistics
  7-8    New issue of the Acoustical Science and Technology (AST), English Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan)

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