ISCA - International Speech
Communication Association

ISCApad Archive  »  2011  »  ISCApad #153

ISCApad #153

Saturday, March 05, 2011 by Chris Wellekens

1    Editorial
2    ISCA News
  2-1    Call for Board Member Nominations
  2-2    ISCA Calls for 2011 Fellow Nominations
3    Events
  3-1    ISCA Events
    3-1-1    (2011-08-27) CfP INTERSPEECH 2011 Florence Italy
    3-1-2    (2012-09-09) INTERSPEECH 2012, Portland, Oregon USA
    3-1-3    (2013-08-23) INTERSPEECH 2013 Lyon France
    3-1-4    (2014-09-07) INTERSPEECH 2014 Singapore
  3-2    ISCA Supported Events
    3-2-1    (2011-06-17) SIGDIAL 2011 CONFERENCE: 12th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue,Portland, Oregon
    3-2-2    (2011-06-27) CfP Symposium on Machine Learning in Speech and Language Processing, Bellevue, Washington
    3-2-3    (2011-08-24) CfP SLaTE-2011 workshop Venice, Italy
    3-2-4    (2011-08-31) AVSP 2011 The 11th International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing
    3-2-5    (2011-09) SIGDIAL: satellite event of Interspeech 2011
  3-3    Other Events
    3-3-1    (2011-03-17) Journée d'études sur le Résumé automatique multimédia Paris (French)
    3-3-2    (2011-04-07) Comparative Methods and Analysis in the Language Sciences Toulouse France
    3-3-3    (2011-04-17) ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR) Trento Italy
    3-3-4    (2011-04-18) CfP 33rd European Conference on Information Retrieval/ Dublin, Ireland
    3-3-5    (2011-05-19) Quatrièmes journees de phonetique clinique, Strasbourg (France)
    3-3-6    (2011-05-20) Intensive School in Machine Translation, Chelyabinsk, Russia
    3-3-7    (2011-05-22) ICASSP 2011, Prague
    3-3-8    (2011-05-25) 9ème édition des Rencontres des Jeunes Chercheurs en Parole (RJCP) Grenoble France
    3-3-9    (2011-05-30) CfP HSCMA 2011: 3rd Joint Workshop on Hands-free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays, Edinborough, UK
    3-3-11    (2011-06-13) CBMI 2011 9th International Workshop on Comtent-Based Multimedia Indexing
    3-3-12    (2011-06-20) CfP 9th International Seminar in Speech Production, Montreal
    3-3-13    (2011-07-11) Workshop on Multimodal Audio-based Multimedia Content Analysis (MAMCA-2011)
    3-3-14    (2011-07-11) JHU Summer Workshops
    3-3-15    (2011-08-17) 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XVII)
    3-3-16    (2011-08-20) 8th Int. Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science - NLPCS 2011 Special Theme: Human-Machine Interaction in Translation
    3-3-17    (2011-08-28) Show and tell (at Interspeech 2011)
    3-3-18    (2011-08-29) CfP 6th DGfS-CL Computational Linguistics Fall School 2011
    3-3-19    (2011-08-31) 9TH Pan European Voice Conference PEVOC 09, Marseille France
    3-3-20    (2011-09) Speech processing tools at Interspeech 2011
    3-3-21    (2011-09) Speech Technolgy for Under-Resourced Languages at Interspeech 2011
    3-3-22    (2011-09-01) )IWSDS2011 Workshop on Paralinguistic Information and its Integration in Spoken Dialogue Systems
    3-3-23    (2011-09-01) First International Workshop on Machine Listening in Multisource Environments (CHiME 2011) Firenze Italy
    3-3-24    (2011-09-05) GESPIN2011 Gesture and Speech in Interaction Bielefeld GE
    3-3-25    (2011-09-12)CfP Prosody-Discourse Interface IDP 2011 U.Salford, Great Manchester UK
    3-3-26    (2011-09-14) 53rd International Symposium ELMAR-2011 Zadar, Croatia
    3-3-27    (2011-10-16) 2011 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics
    3-3-28    (2011-10-19) APSIPA ASC 2011, Xi'an, China
    3-3-29    (2011-10-26) CfP Oriental COCOSDA Taiwan
    3-3-30    (2011-10-4) SiPS 2011 IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems
    3-3-31    (2011-12-15) Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop ASRU 2011
    3-3-32    2011-09-27) XIVth Intern. Conference Speech and Computer- Russia
4    Industry Notes
  4-1    Carnegie Speech
5    Resources
  5-1    Books
    5-1-1    Spoken Language Processing
    5-1-2    L'imagerie medicale pour l'etude de la parole
    5-1-3    Korpusbasierte Sprachverarbeitung
    5-1-4    Linear Predictive Coding and the Internet Protocol, by Robert M. Gray
  5-2    Database
    5-2-1    Bell System Technical Journal (1922-1983) available .
    5-2-2    ELRA Language Resources Catalogue Update (June 2010)
    5-2-3    LDC Newsletter (February 2011)
    5-2-4    ELDA Distribution Campaign 2010
  5-3    Software
6    Jobs
  6-1    (2010-09-08) European project in Basque country
  6-2    (2010-09-12) Ph D positions at KTH
  6-3    (2010-09-27) Two positions at ELDA
  6-4    (2010-10-01) Ingenieur/Doctorat en Reconnaissance automatique de la parole des personnes âgées
  6-5    (2010-10-) Research internship on automatic speech at HLT research unit at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Trento, Italy )
  6-6    (2011-07-11) JHU Summer Workshops CALL FOR TEAM RESEARCH PROPOSALS
  6-7    (2010-11-11) Joint PhD Studentship in Speech-based Security over the Telephone (Avignon-Swansea)
  6-8    (2010-11-28) Post Doc at KUL Leuven Belgium
  6-9    (2010-12-01) Opened positions/internships at Microsoft: French Linguists (M/F)
  6-10    (2020-12-06) These CIFRE at EDF France (in french)
  6-11    (2010-12-17) PhD at INRS Montreal Canada
  6-12    (2010-12-20) Tenure-track position in signal processing and tenure-track position in acoustics at the Aalto University (Espoo, Finland).
  6-13    (2011-01-15) 3 PhD positions at Tilburg University (The Netherlands)
  6-14    (2011-01-15) 3 Engineer positions open at SYNVO
  6-15    (2011-01-20) Poste de Professeur, Grenoble INP (ENSIMAG ), Laboratoire LIG France
  6-16    (2011-02-01) Maitre de conferences UMR CNRS Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Information & des Systèmes à Toulon
  6-17    (2011-02-15) Maitre de conferences à l'Université du Mans France
  6-18    (2011-02-16) Research Associate Position/ Dialogue Systems Group, Cambridge University Engineering Department
  6-19    (2011-02-18) Post docs at Tsinghua University, China
  6-20    (2011-02-22) Programming position at ELDA Paris France
  6-21    (2011-02-24) Research position at NICT Japan
  6-22    (2011-03-01) Post-doctoral position in Automatic Speech Recognition at IRISA, France.
7    Journals
  7-1    Speech recognition in adverse environment in in Adverse Conditions of Language and Cognitive Processes
  7-2    Special Issue of Speech Communication on Advanced Voice Function Assessment
  7-3    Special Issue on Deep Learning for Speech and Language Processing, IEEE Trans. ASLT
  7-4    ACM TSLP Special issue:“Machine Learning for Robust and Adaptive Spoken Dialogue Systems'
  7-5    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO, SPEECH AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING Special Issue on New Frontiers in Rich Transcription
  7-6    IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing/Special Issue on Deep Learning for Speech and Language Processing
  7-7    SPECIAL ISSUE on Multimedia Semantic Computing
  7-8    Special Issue on Multimedia Data Annotation and Retrieval using Web 2.0
  7-9    A New Journal on Speech Sciences and call for Papers for Special issue on experimental prosody
  7-10    CfP Special issue Signal Processing :LATENT VARIABLE ANALYSIS AND SIGNAL SEPARATION
  7-11    CfP ACM Trans. on Information Systems Special Issue on Searching Speech

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