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ISCApad #230

Thursday, August 10, 2017 by Chris Wellekens

3-1 ISCA Events
3-1-1(2017-08-20) Important message from Prof. Lacerda, chairman of Interspeech 2017

The Interspeech 2017's organization committee is very proud to announce that we already have a record number of 1845 conference participants, including 1650 regular registrations. The high number of participants raises some inevitable logistics issues that we are dealing with and here is some information on how we will handle the situation:


For the opening ceremony, there will be two overflow lecture halls for streaming of the ceremony from Aula Magna


The plenary sessions will be recorded and streamed to an additional lecture hall with two-way communication (participants in the overflow hall will be able to ask questions and will appear on the main screen, just as for those sitting in Aula Magna)


On Monday, August 21, Interspeech 2017 attendees are invited by Stockholm City to a reception at the City Hall. However, for security reasons, there is an absolute maximum of 1200 persons allowed in the building and therefore a parallel reception organized by Interspeech will be offered to the conference attendees in excess of the 1200 limit for the City Hall reception.

Because a detailed guest list must be provided to the City Hall before the reception, all participants who signed up for the welcome reception will receive an e-mail confirmation stating whether they are included in the City Hall's guest list or in the guest list for the parallel reception organized by Interspeech. Attendees who are included in the City Hall guest list but cannot attend the reception or would rather be in the parallel Interspeech reception are kindly requested to contact the Interspeech registration so that their place in the City Hall guest list can be given to other attendees.

The location for the parallel Interspeech reception is currently being negotiated and will be announced as soon as possible.


To extend the space and capacity for the Interspeech banquet, additional places for the dinner will be provided by the Ethnographic Museum, face-to-face with the Technology Museum.


Please note that due to the large number of registered participants, some of the conference materials may not be available to late registrants.


We look forward to welcome you in Stockholm!


Francisco Lacerda

General chair


3-1-2(2017-08-20) Interspeech 2017 update

The preparations for Interspeech 2017 are in full swing!

As you may have noticed, we had a serious virus attack to Interspeech 2017 website and it too us a while to restore it. The website is now up and running again, although with still some issues concerning links that are not yet completely operational, at this time.

We have received a good number of proposals for Satellite Workshops as well as for Special Sessions and Challenges and we are working on the schedules and logistic details. We can announce that co-registration will be possible. Participants will be able to select participation in Satellite Workshops and pay the registration fee in connection with the registration for Interspeech 2017. The organizers of satellite events will be in touch with our PCO to get information on the registered participants and the universities involved in the satellite events will request from our PCO transfers of the events’ registration amounts. Except for the credit card fee (about 2 %), we do not expect any other costs for the organizers of the satellite events.

Sponsorships and exhibition requests are dropping in, which is a very good sign. We have started a Facebook page and taken over a Twitter account for Interspeech 2017. There is still some work to be done to activate properly those social media but we are working on it.

The three main Interspeech 2017 partners, Stockholm University, KTH and Karolinska Institute are coordinating efforts to make the conference a success and are deeply involved in the planning. To the good news, we can add that Stockholm University will not be charging Interspeech 2017 for the lecture halls or use of other spaces at the university and KTH/TMH will be hosting the Technical Committee meeting in May. Meanwhile, we are having regular planning meetings involving Stockholm University’s representatives of various infrastructures, like wifi, media services, restaurants and cafeterias, security, etc. and working hard to make sure that Interspeech 2017 will flow as smoothly and effectively as possible.

See you in Stockholm in August!

Francisco Lacerda
General Chair for Interspeech 2017


3-1-3(2017-08-20) Satellite Workshops and Events at Interspeech 2017


HSCR 2017: Second International Workshop on the HISTORY OF SPEECH COMMUNICATION RESEARCH

Dates: 18–19 August 2017

Location: University Main Building in the City Center Campus, Helsinki, Finland


Names and affiliation of organizers:

  • Martti Vainio, Chair, Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Reijo Aulanko, Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Jurai Šimco, Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Mona Lehtinen, Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki, Finland



Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech, DiSS 2017

Dates: 18–19 August 2017

Location: Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden


Names and affiliation of organizers: 

  • Robert Eklund, Linköping University, Sweden
  • Robin Lickley, Queen Margaret University, Edinburg, UK



MMC 2017: The 12th Workshop on Multimodal Corpora

Dates: 19 August 2017

Location: Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden


Names and affiliation of organizers: 

  • Jens Edlund, Chair, Speech, Music and Hearing, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden
  • Dirk Heylen, Human Media Interaction, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
  • Patricia Paggio, Center for Sprogteknologi, University of Copenhagen, Denmark



1st International Workshop on Challenges in Hearing Assistive Technology (CHAT-2017)

Dates: 19 August 2017

Location: Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden


Names and affiliation of organizers: 

  • Jon Barker, University of Sheffeld, UK
  • John Culling, University of Cardiff, UK
  • John Hansen, University of Texas, Dallas, US
  • Amir Hussain, University of Stirling, UK
  • Peter Nordqvist (local contact), Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden



The 3rd International Workshop on Affective Social Multimedia Computing ASMMC 2017

Dates: 25 August 2017

Location: Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden


Names and affiliation of organizers: 

  • Dong-Yan Huang, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
  • Björn Schuller, University of Passau, Germany
  • Jianhua Tao, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
  • Lei Xie, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
  • Jie Yang, National Science Foundation, Arlington, USA
  • Sven Bölte (local contact), Karolinska Institutet, KIND, Stockholm, Sweden
  • Dongmei Jiang, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
  • Haizhou Li, National University of Singapore.



Grounding Language Understanding GLU2017

Dates: 25 August 2017

Location: Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden


Names and affiliation of organizers: 

  • Giampiero Salvi, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden
  • Jean Rouat, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada

And supported by the CHIST-ERA IGLU consortium



AVSP 2017: International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing

Dates: 25–26 August 2017

Location: Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden


Names and affiliation of organizers: 

  • Christopher Davis, University of Western Sydney, Australia
  • Jonas Beskow, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden
  • Slim Ouni , University of Lorraine, France
  • Alexandra Jesse, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA



SLaTE 2017: The seventh ISCA workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education

Dates: 25–26 August 2017

Location: Stockholm archipelago, Sweden


Names and affiliation of organizers: 

  • Olov Engwall, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
  • Iolanda Leite, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden (from January 2017, presently Disney Research)
  • Helmer Strik, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands



Vocal Interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots (VIHAR-2017)

Dates: 25–26 August 2017

Location: University of Skövde, Sweden


Names and affiliation of organizers: 

  • Robert Eklund, Linköping University, Sweden
  • Angela Dassow, Carthage College, Kenosha, USA
  • Ricard Marxer, University of Sheffield, UK
  • Roger K. Moore, University of Sheffield, UK
  • Bhiksha Raj, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA
  • Rita Singh, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA
  • Serge Thill (local contact), University of Skövde, Sweden
  • Benjamin Weiss, Technical University of Berlin, Germany



GESPIN 2017: 5th Gesture and Speech in Interaction conference

Dates: 25–27 August 2017

Location: Collegium Novum, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland


Names and affiliation of organizers: 

  • Maciej Karpiński, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland
  • Małgorzata Fabiszak, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland
  • Ewa Jarmołowicz-Nowikow, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland
  • Anna Jelec, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland
  • Konrad Juszczyk, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland
  • Katarzyna Klessa, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland



LTLT 2017: Language Teaching, Learning and Technology

Dates: 26–30 August 2017

Location: Alto University Campus, Helsinki, Finland


Names and affiliation of organizers: 

  • Kay Berkling, Cooperative State University, Karlsruhe, Germany
  • Fabian Zener, German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF), Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  • Keelan Evanini, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ., USA
  • Mikko Kurimo, Alto University, Helsinki, Finland



20th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue / TSD 2017

Dates: 27–31 August 2017

Location: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic


Names and affiliation of organizers: 

  • Václav Matoušek, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
  • Kamil Ekštein, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
  • Miloslav Konopík, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
  • Roman Mouček, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
  • Tomáš Hercig, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
  • Eva Hajičová, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
  • Markéta Lopatková, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
  • Anna Kotěšovcová, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic

3-1-4(2017-08-25) 7th ISCA (International Speech Communication Association) Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE),Stockholm, Sweden

the Seventh ISCA (International Speech Communication Association) Workshop on Speech and
Language Technology in Education (SLaTE).


3-1-5(2018-09-02) Interspeech 2018, Hyderabad, India

                                                           INTERSPEECH 2018

               Speech Research for Emerging Markets in Multilingual Societies

                                                2-6 September 2018

                                                    Hyderabad, India



Gen. Chair: B. Yegnanarayama


3-1-6(2019) Interspeech 2019, Graz, Austria

Interspeech 2019 will be held in Graz, Austria.


3-1-7Interspeech 2017 Update 2017-06-05

The Stockholm team continues preparing for InterSpeech 2017 in August 20-24. Following on the TPC’s intensive review work to handle the 1532 submissions to InterSpeech 2017, we are now dealing with the logistics of scheduling the 797 accepted regular contributions as well as about 40 additional Show & Tell presentations.

Registration for InterSpeech 2017 requires an ISCA membership valid during the conference (i.e. 20-24 August 2017) and “InterSpeech 2017 + ISCA membership packages” will be updated within the next couple of days. It will offer integrated options for the simultaneous payment of both registration and ISCA membership fees.

Renewing the ISCA membership via the InterSpeech 2017 website is already possible but we are working to make the payment process smoother. Note however, that all the payments must be in SEK and that they will include a service fee.

Short announcements and updates concerning InterSpeech 2017 are also published via and linked to Facebook, Twitter and Google +

Welcome to Stockholm!












3-1-8Interspeech 2017 Stockholm ( update July)


InterSpeech 2017 is approaching rapidly and the Stockholm team is working to ensure a positive and giving experience to all participants. Lots of work, lots of fun and we look forward to have you all here in Stockholm!

Following the trend of recent InterSpeech conferences, the interest for InterSpeech 2017 is also very high. We are extremely glad and proud of this high number of registrations (that still is increasing) and will make sure to find the best possible solutions to deal with this very welcome large demand. For instance, we will provide a live streaming of plenary sessions from Aula Magna to an additional lecture hall to make sure that everybody can participate and interact with the keynote speakers. Large, non-plenary, sessions will also be held in Aula Magna, where there will be enough space for all the participants.

We also want to make sure to include all the participants in the social activities that you have signed up for so we are working with solutions to increase the capacity of the events and considering attractive parallel alternatives, if the event’s capacity cannot be expanded. This work is in progress and must be done based on the demand, so we expect to announce all the solutions by the first week in August.

About two weeks before InterSpeech 2017, all registered participants will receive an e-mail with practical instructions and information regarding the registration procedure, options and other details.

Short announcements and updates concerning InterSpeech 2017 are also published via and linked to Facebook, Twitter and Google +

Have a nice trip to Stockholm and enjoy InterSpeech 2017!



3-1-9Launch of the the on-line workshop application portal

ISCA is pleased to announce the launch of the on-line workshop application portal: This new service handles
submission, reviewing by the workshop committee and post-event reporting in case of
acceptance. Note that:
(1) the applications for the endorsement of an event (ITRW, workshop or challenge) by
ISCA should now be submitted by an ISCA member (i.e. having a valid username & password);
(2) the grant application portal ( is coupled
with ISCA-endorsed workshops and conferences.


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