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ISCApad Archive  »  2017  »  ISCApad #233  »  Events  »  ISCA Events  »  (2018-09-02) CfP Interspeech 2018, Hyderabad ,India

ISCApad #233

Friday, November 10, 2017 by Chris Wellekens

3-1-2 (2018-09-02) CfP Interspeech 2018, Hyderabad ,India

               Speech Research for Emerging Markets in Multilingual Societies

                2-6 September 2018, Hyderabad International Convention Center

                                             Hyderabad, Telangana, India



Gen. Chair: B. Yegnanarayama

Call for Papers
Interspeech is the world's largest and most comprehensive co nference on the science and technology of spoken language processing. Inter speech conferences emphasize interdisciplinary approaches addressing all as pects of speech science and technology, ranging from basic theories to adva nced applications. Contributions to all areas of speech science and technol ogy are welcome. In addition to regular oral and poster sessions, Interspee ch 2018 will feature plenary talks by internationally renowned experts, tut orials, special sessions, show & tell sessions, and exhibits. A number of satellite events will also take place around Interspeech 2018.
Original papers are solicited in, but not limited to, the follow ing areas:
1. Speech Perception, Production and Acquisition
2. Phonetics, Phonology, and Prosody
3. Analysis of Paralinguistics in Speech and Language
4. Speaker and Language Identification
5. Analysis of Speech and Audio Signals
6. Speech Coding and Enhancement
7. Speech Synthesis and Spoken Language Generation
8. Speech Recognition – Signal Processing, Acoustic Modeli ng, Robustness, and Adaptation
9. Speech Recognition – Architecture, Search, and Linguist ic Components
10. Speech Recognition – Technologies and Systems for New Applications
11. Spoken Dialog Systems and Analysis of Conversation
12. Spoken Language Processing – Translation, Information Retrieval, Summarization, Resources, and Evaluation
A complete list of the scientific area topics including special sessions is available at
Paper Submission
Papers intended for Interspeech 2018 should be up to 4 pages of text. An optional fifth page could be used for references only. Paper submi ssions must conform to the format defined in the paper prepara tion guidelines and as detailed in the author’s kit on the conference web page. Please be aware that Interspeech 2018 will use new templates and submissions will be accepted only in the new format. Submissions may also be accompanied by additional files s uch as multimedia files, to be included on the proceedings&rsq uo; USB drive. Authors must declare that their contributions are original and have not been submitted elsewhere for publication. Papers m ust be submitted via the online paper submission system. The w orking language of the conference is English, and papers must be written in English.
Important Dates
Submission opens: February 1, 2018
Abstract submission deadline: March 16, 2018
Final paper submission deadline: March 23, 2018
Acceptance/rejection notification: June 3, 2018
Camera-ready paper due June 17, 2018
Special session proposal submission due December 1, 2017</div>
Special sessions and challenges proposals due December 1, 2017 ( Notification: December 15, 2017)
Satellite workshop proposals due December 8, 2017 (Notification: December 15, 2017)
Show and Tell proposals due March 30, 2018 (Notification: April 15, 2018)
Tutorial proposals due: February 1, 2018
Registration opens: June 10, 2018
We look forward to receiving your submissions and your participation in Interspeech 2018.
Team Interspeech 2018


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