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ISCApad #233 |
Friday, November 10, 2017 by Chris Wellekens |
3-1-1 | (2018-09-02) CfP Interspeech 2018, Hyderabad ,India INTERSPEECH 2018
Speech Research for Emerging Markets in Multilingual Societies 2-6 September 2018, Hyderabad International Convention Center Hyderabad, Telangana, India http://www.interspeech2018,org
Gen. Chair: B. Yegnanarayama Call for Papers
Interspeech is the world's largest and most comprehensive co nference on the science and technology of spoken language processing. Inter speech conferences emphasize interdisciplinary approaches addressing all as pects of speech science and technology, ranging from basic theories to adva nced applications. Contributions to all areas of speech science and technol ogy are welcome. In addition to regular oral and poster sessions, Interspee ch 2018 will feature plenary talks by internationally renowned experts, tut orials, special sessions, show & tell sessions, and exhibits. A number of satellite events will also take place around Interspeech 2018.
Original papers are solicited in, but not limited to, the follow ing areas:
1. Speech Perception, Production and Acquisition
2. Phonetics, Phonology, and Prosody
3. Analysis of Paralinguistics in Speech and Language
4. Speaker and Language Identification
5. Analysis of Speech and Audio Signals
6. Speech Coding and Enhancement
7. Speech Synthesis and Spoken Language Generation
8. Speech Recognition – Signal Processing, Acoustic Modeli ng, Robustness, and Adaptation
9. Speech Recognition – Architecture, Search, and Linguist ic Components
10. Speech Recognition – Technologies and Systems for New Applications
11. Spoken Dialog Systems and Analysis of Conversation
12. Spoken Language Processing – Translation, Information Retrieval, Summarization, Resources, and Evaluation
A complete list of the scientific area topics including special sessions is available at http://interspeech2018.org/areas-and-topics/
Papers intended for Interspeech 2018 should be up to 4 pages of text. An optional fifth page could be used for references only. Paper submi ssions must conform to the format defined in the paper prepara tion guidelines and as detailed in the author’s kit on the conference web page. Please be aware that Interspeech 2018 will use new templates and submissions will be accepted only in the new format. Submissions may also be accompanied by additional files s uch as multimedia files, to be included on the proceedings&rsq uo; USB drive. Authors must declare that their contributions are original and have not been submitted elsewhere for publication. Papers m ust be submitted via the online paper submission system. The w orking language of the conference is English, and papers must be written in English.
Important Dates
Submission opens: February 1, 2018
Abstract submission deadline: March 16, 2018
Final paper submission deadline: March 23, 2018
Acceptance/rejection notification: June 3, 2018
Camera-ready paper due June 17, 2018
Special session proposal submission due December 1, 2017</div>
Special sessions and challenges proposals due December 1, 2017 ( Notification: December 15, 2017)
Satellite workshop proposals due December 8, 2017 (Notification: December 15, 2017)
Show and Tell proposals due March 30, 2018 (Notification: April 15, 2018)
Tutorial proposals due: February 1, 2018
Registration opens: June 10, 2018
We look forward to receiving your submissions and your participation in Interspeech 2018.
Team Interspeech 2018
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3-1-2 | (2019) Interspeech 2019, Graz, Austria Interspeech 2019 will be held in Graz, Austria.
3-2-1 | (2017-11-13)CfP WOCCI 2017, Glasgow, UKCall for PapersWOCCI aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry working in all aspects of child-machine interaction including computer, robotics and multi-modal interfaces. Children are special both at the acoustic/linguistic level but also at the interaction level. WOCCI provides a unique opportunity for bringing together different research communities from cognitive science, computer vision, robotics, speech processing, linguistics and application areas such as medicine and education. Various state-of-the-art systems can be presented here as key components for next generation child-centered computer interaction. Technological advances are increasingly necessary in a world where education and health pose growing challenges to the core well-being of our societies. Noticeable examples are remedial treatments for children with or without disabilities and individualized attention. The workshop will serve as a venue for presenting recent advances in core technologies as well as experimental systems and prototypes. Papers are solicited on any technical areas relevant to the workshop. The technical scope of the workshop includes, but it is not limited to:
The technical committee will select papers for oral/poster presentation. SubmissionsThe program committee welcomes submissions of papers 4 - 6 pages in length, formatted according to the Interspeech 2017 style guidelines. Submissions can be made at the WOCCI 2017 EasyChair submission page. The technical committee will select papers for oral and poster presentations. Accepted papers will be published in the ISCA archive. WOCCI 2017 reviewing will be double-blind; accordingly, paper submissions should not include the authors' names and affiliations. Important DatesJuly 17, 2017: Initial paper submission deadline (title and authors should not be changed after this date) July 24, 2017: Final paper submission deadline August 21, 2017: Notification of paper acceptance Send us a note: wocci2017@gmail.com
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3-2-2 | ISCA Tutorial and Research workshops and supported events*
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3-2-3 | ISCA-endorsed events. The 2017 vintage was very fruitful with 19 events endorsed by ISCA
3-3-1 | (2017-00-00) Ateliers Sciences et Voix, Grenoble, France Les Ateliers Sciences et Voix reprennent pour une nouvelle Saison ASV5, de novembre 2017 à juin 2018 (http://atelier-sciences-voix.fr/). Nous vous retrouverons les jeudis matins de 9h30 à 12h à l?Amphi2 du Bâtiment Stendhal de l?Université Grenoble Alpes (Attention, le lieu change par rapport aux saisons précédentes). Le Bâtiment Stendhal s?étend sur le Campus de l?UGA, du 1086 au 1366 Avenue Centrale (arrêt des tramways B ou C - 'Bibliothèques Universitaires'). Les amphis sont orientés comme indiqué sur le plan ci-dessous; l'Amphi2 est situé dans le Hall Nord du Bâtiment Z. Les ateliers seront toujours accessibles également sur internet, en podcast live ou différé. Voici le programme préliminaire de la Saison ASV5:
En espérant vous retrouver nombreux à ces occasions,
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3-3-2 | (2017-11-13) Colloque « Corpus oraux, corpus écrits : pratiques croisées », Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier 3 Appel à communication - Extension de la date de soumission des résumés au 31 août 2017
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3-3-3 | (2017-11-13) International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI) , Glasgow, Scotland International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI) Glasgow, Scotland. November 13-17th, 2017
Call for Demonstrations and Exhibits Submissions: August 29th, 2017, Decisions on Sept 14th. Camera ready papers due Sept 22nd and materials (e.g. video) due Sept 25th. Submit: http://precisionconference.com/~icmi
Confirmed Keynotes Larry Barsalou, University of Glasgow: http://barsaloulab.org/ Danica Kragic, KTH - Royal Institute of Technology: http://www.csc.kth.se/~danik/ Charles Spence, University of Oxford: https://www.psy.ox.ac.uk/research/crossmodal-research-laboratory **********
The 19th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2017) will be held in Glasgow, Scotland. ICMI is the premier international forum for multidisciplinary research on multimodal human-human and human-computer interaction, interfaces, and system development. The conference focuses on theoretical and empirical foundations, component technologies, and combined multimodal processing techniques that define the field of multimodal interaction analysis, interface design, and system development.
The ICMI 2017 Demonstrations & Exhibits session is intended to provide a forum to showcase innovative implementations, systems and technologies demonstrating new ideas about interactive multimodal interfaces. We particularly encourage demonstration of interactive and multimodal analysis systems and sensors. They can also serve to introduce commercial products.
Proposals may be of two types: demonstrations and exhibits. The main difference is that demonstrations include a short paper (2 pages), which will be included in ICMI proceedings, while the exhibits only need to include a short outline (no more than 1 page). We encourage both the submission of early research prototypes and interesting mature systems. In addition, authors of accepted regular research papers are invited to participate in the demonstration sessions as well.
This year will feature a Multimodal Resources track to showcase novel corpora, annotation tools and schemes. Demonstrations in this track will benefit from more exposure to visitors, and will allow visitors to interact with the material.
Demo Submission A 1-2 page description of the demonstration is required, which must be submitted electronically through the main ICMI conference management system (https://precisionconference.com/~icmi). Demo description(s) must be in PDF format, according to the ACM conference format, of no more than 2 pages in length including references (template available at: http://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template#aL2). Demo proposals should include a description with photographs and/or screen captures of the demonstration and, if possible, the URL of a website where a live version or video of the proposed demo is available. Please note that the accepted descriptions will be included in ICMI proceedings.
The selection process is juried (curated) by committee, according to criteria such as: suitability as a demo, scientific or engineering feasibility of the proposed demo system, application, or interactivity, alignment with the conference focus, potential to engage the audience, and overall quality and presentation of the written proposal. Authors are encouraged to address such criteria in their proposals (paper submission), along with preparing the short papers mindful of the quality and rigorous scientific expectations of an ACM publication.
The curated demo program will be selected from the submitted proposals as well as invited demos from among full-length papers accepted for presentation at the conference which the committee deems suitable for demonstration.
Exhibit Submission Exhibit proposals should be submitted following the same guidelines, formatting, and due dates as for demo proposals. The main difference is that exhibits proposals should be shorter in length (up to one page) and more suitable for very mature systems (commercial or almost commercial). Exhibits won't have a paper published in the ICMI 2017 proceedings.
All materials should be prepared in PDF format and submitted through the ICMI submission system via PCS (https://precisionconference.com/~icmi). The demo and exhibit paper submissions should not be anonymous. However, all ACM rules and guidelines related to paper submission should be followed (e.g. plagiarism, including self-plagiarism).
Important Dates Demonstrations and Exhibits submission deadline: 29th August 2017 Notification of acceptance: 14th September 2017 Camera-ready submission - Papers: 22nd September, 2017 Camera-ready submission - Materials (e.g. Video): 25th September, 2017 Conference dates: 13th-17th November 2017
Further info For more information and updates on the ICMI 2017 Demos and Exhibits, visit the main conference website: https://icmi.acm.org/2017/index.php?id=cfd
For further questions, contact the Demos and Exhibits co-chairs:
********** General Conference Information The 2017 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, ICMI 2017, which will be held in Glasgow, Scotland between 13th and 17th November 2017. ICMI is the premier international forum for multidisciplinary research on multimodal human-human and human-computer interaction, interfaces, and system development. The conference focuses on theoretical and empirical foundations, component technologies, and combined multimodal processing techniques that define the field of multimodal interaction analysis, interface design, and system development. ICMI 2017 will feature a single-track main conference which includes: keynote speakers including Larry Barsalou (http://barsaloulab.org/), Danica Kragic (http://www.csc.kth.se/~danik/) and Charles Spence (https://www.psy.ox.ac.uk/research/crossmodal-research-laboratory), grand challenges, workshops, technical full and short papers, exhibits and doctoral consortium papers and demonstrations . The proceedings of ICMI'2017 will be published by ACM as part of their series of International Conference Proceedings and Digital Library.
For up to date information, see the conference website: https://icmi.acm.org/2017/
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3-3-4 | (2017-11-16) Workshop on L2 Phonetics & Phonology of L1 Romance Learners (L2PHROL). Turin, Italy
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3-3-5 | (2017-11-23) Journée Scientifique 'Développement de l'articulation : du développement typique à la dyspraxie verbale' , Grenoble, France 'Dernier appel à posters et inscriptions, deadline étendue:
Journée Scientifique 'Développement de l'articulation : du développement typique à la dyspraxie verbale' 23 novembre 2017, Grenoble
Le CRTLA-CHU Grenoble Alpes, le laboratoire LPNC, le laboratoire GIPSA-lab, et l?Association Coridys-Isère organisent, le jeudi 23 novembre 2017, une journée scientifique autour du développement de l?articulation de parole typique et pathologique chez l'enfant francophone: nouvelles approches théoriques, nouveaux outils technologiques d?aide à l?identification, l?évaluation et l?intervention, et études cliniques.
L'un des buts de cette journée est de favoriser le dialogue entre personnels de santé (orthophonistes, médecins, psychologues, etc.), chercheurs et étudiants, nationaux et internationaux. Le programme est indiqué ci-dessous. La journée inclut une session posters permettant de présenter les études récentes sur le développement typique et atypique de l'articulation chez l?enfant. Nous étendons la date limite de soumission des propositions de posters au 15 octobre 2017 (résumé de 500 mots, à envoyer à DyspraxieVerbale2017@chu-grenoble.fr). Notification d'acceptation: 6 novembre 2017. 08h30 - 09h00 Accueil 09h00 - 09h30 Sophie Kern, DDL, Lyon : « Babillage typique et atypique » 09h30 - 10h00 Mélanie Canault, ISTR et DDL, Lyon : « Babirom » 10h00 -11h00 Andrea MacLeod, Ecole d?orthophonie, Université de Montréal, Canada : « Développement typique de la phonétique et de la phonologie chez l'enfant francophone» 11h00 - 11h30 Pause 11h30 - 12h00 Geneviève Meloni, LPNC, GIPSA-lab, Grenoble, Université de Montréal, Canada : « Evaluation des troubles du développement de la parole » 12h00 - 13h00 Christelle Maillart, Unité de Logopédie Clinique, Liège, Belgique : « Troubles phonologiques chez les enfants dysphasiques » 13h00 Buffet 13h30 - 14h30 Session posters 14h30 - 15h30 Yvan Rose, Memorial University, Terre-Neuve, Canada : « PhonBank et phonologie clinique : bilan et perspectives » 15h30 - 16h30 Line Charron, Université Laval Québec & UQTR, Canada : « Aperçu de l'intervention en dyspraxie verbale » 16h30 - 17h00 Pause 17h00 - 17h30 Marion Dohen, Amélie Rochet-Capellan, GIPSA-lab, Grenoble : « Gestualité et parole des enfants porteurs de T21 » 17h30 - 18h00 Thomas Hueber, GIPSA-lab, Grenoble : « Technologies multimodales pour la suppléance vocale et la rééducation orthophonique »
Tarif plein: 70 euros, tarif étudiant: 40 euros
L'inscription inclut le buffet du 23/11 midi. Pour les pré-inscriptions, nous écrire à DyspraxieVerbale2017@chu-grenoble.fr
- mercredi 22 novembre 2017: un atelier sur le logiciel PHON, animé par Yvan Rose - COMPLET
- vendredi 24 et samedi 25 novembre 2017 : un atelier sur la dyspraxie verbale, animé par Line Charron (à destination du public orthophoniste) - COMPLET
Pour plus d?informations : www.gipsa-lab.fr/colloque/DeveloppementArticulation
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3-3-6 | (2017-12-01) The 8th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP 2017), Taipei, Taiwan Call for Papers: The 8th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP 2017), Taipei, Taiwan, November 27 °V December 1, 2017 (http://ijcnlp2017.org/)
The 8th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP 2017) invites the submission of long and short papers reporting substantial, original, and unpublished research in all aspects of automated language processing. Relevant topics for the conference include, but are not limited to the following areas: * Cognitive modeling and psycholinguistics * Dialog and interactive systems * Discourse and pragmatics * Document analysis including text categorization, topic models, and retrieval * Generation * Information extraction, text mining, and question answering * Machine learning in NLP * Machine translation and Multilinguality * Phonology, morphology, and word segmentation * Resources and evaluation * Semantics * Sentiment analysis and opinion mining * Social media * Speech * Summarization * Tagging, chunking, syntax, and parsing Important Dates Deadline Submission deadline for long and short papers: July 7, 2017 Author response period: August 7 - 9, 2017 Notification of acceptance: September 1, 2017 Camera ready due: September 30, 2017 ** All deadlines are calculated at 11:59pm Pacific Daylight Savings Time (UTC-7). Events Workshops, tutorials and shared tasks: November 27, 2017 and December 1, 2017 Main conference: November 28 - 30, 2017 Submission Information Paper submission for IJCNLP will be handled by the Softconf START system. The submission deadline is July 7, 2017. Long Papers IJCNLP 2017 long paper submissions must describe substantial, original, completed and unpublished work. Wherever appropriate, concrete evaluation and analysis should be included. Each long paper submission consists of a paper of up to eight (8) pages of content, plus two pages for references; final versions of long papers will be given one additional page (up to nine pages with unlimited pages for references) so that reviewers°¶ comments can be taken into account. Short Papers IJCNLP 2017 also solicits short papers. Short paper submissions must describe original and unpublished work. A short paper is not a shortened long paper and should have a point that can be made in a few pages. For example: * A small, focused contribution * Work in progress * A negative result * An opinion piece * An interesting application nugget Each short paper submission consists of up to four (4) pages of content, plus 2 pages for references; final versions of short papers will be given one additional page (up to five pages in the proceedings and unlimited pages for references) so that reviewers°¶ comments can be taken into account. Submission Format Submissions must be in PDF, and must conform to the official style guidelines in two-column format for IJCNLP 2017. We ask you to use the provided LaTeX style files (they will be posted on the conference site). Authors are strongly discouraged from modifying the style files. Please do not use other templates (e.g., Word). Submissions that do not conform to the required styles, including paper size, margin width, and font size restrictions, will be rejected without review. As the reviewing will be blind, papers should not include the authors' names and affiliations. Furthermore, self-references that reveal the author's identity, e.g., °ßWe previously showed (Smith, 1991) ...°®, should be avoided. Instead, use citations such as °ßSmith (1991) previously showed ...°®. Acknowledgments of funding or assistance should be omitted. Submissions that do not conform to these requirements will be rejected without review. Separate author identification information is required as part of the online submission process. IJCNLP 2017 encourages the submission of supplementary material such as software and data mentioned in the paper. The supplementary material should be supplementary (rather than central) to the paper. It may include explanations or details of proofs or derivations that do not fit into the paper, lists of features or feature templates, sample inputs and outputs for a system, pseudo-code or source code, and data. It may also include reports on preprocessing decisions, model parameters, and other details necessary for the exact replication of the experiments described in the paper. The paper should be self-contained and not rely on the supplementary material. Reviewers are not asked to review or even download the supplemental material. If the pseudo-code or derivations or model specifications are an important part of the contribution, or if they are important for the reviewers to assess the technical correctness of the work, they should be a part of the main paper, not as appendices. Multiple Submission Policy Papers that have been or will be submitted to other meetings or publications must indicate this at submission time, and must be withdrawn from the other venues if accepted by IJCNLP 2017. We will not accept for publication or presentation papers that overlap significantly in content or results with papers that will be (or have been) published elsewhere. Authors submitting more than one paper to IJCNLP 2017 must ensure that submissions do not overlap significantly (>25%) with each other in content or results. Preprint servers such as arXiv.org and workshops that do not have published proceedings are not considered archival for purposes of submission. To preserve the spirit of blind review, authors are encouraged to refrain from posting until the completion of the review process. Otherwise, authors must state in the online submission form the name of the workshop or preprint server and title of the non-archival version. The submitted version should be suitably anonymized and not contain references to the prior non-archival version. Reviewers will be told: 'The author(s) have notified us that there exists a non-archival previous version of this paper with significantly overlapping text. We have approved submission under these circumstances, but to preserve the spirit of blind review, the current submission does not reference the non-archival version.' Presentation Requirement All accepted papers must be presented at the conference to appear in the proceedings. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for IJCNLP 2017. Accepted papers will be presented orally or as a poster (at the discretion of the program chairs based on the nature rather than the quality of the work). There will be no distinction in the proceedings between papers presented orally or as posters. Program Co-Chairs Greg Kondrak, University of Alberta, gkondrak@ualberta.ca Taro Watanabe, Google, taro.wtnb@gmail.com --------------------------------------------------
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Institute for Anthropomatics
Research Group 3-01 'Multilingual Speech Recognition'
Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Stüker
research group leader
Adenauerring 2, Building 50.20, Room 231
76131 Karlsruhe
Phone: +49 721 608 46284
Fax: +49 721 607 721
Email: sebastian.stueker@kit.edu
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3-3-7 | (2017-12-05) International Conference on Natural Language, Signal and Speech Processing (ICNLSSP), Casablanca, Marocco International Conference on Natural Language, Signal and Speech Processing (ICNLSSP) will be held on 5th - 6thDecember 2017 in Casablanca, Morocco.
Conference site: http://icnlssp.isga.ma ICNLSSP is an international conference dedicated to Natural Language Processing and Speech recognition. ICNLSSP is a technical conference not only proposing new researches on the concerned topics but also will permit exchanging ideas between researchers from the world which will be very useful for PhD students and developers in this area. The selection criteria will be similar to those used for large conferences such as Interspeech or ICASSP. The committee program has a strong experience in the subjects of ICNLSSP. Researchers are encouraged to propose papers with new ideas, which have not been yet published. Keynote speeches will be given by Professors and Doctors from Google, Microsoft, University of Waseda and IUF (Institut Universitaire de France). SCOPE
Invited speakers: Jean-Paul Haton (Professor Emeritus at university of Lorraine) Yves Lepage (Professor at University of Waseda ? Japan) Olivier Siohan (Senior Researcher at Google ? USA) Imed Zitouni (Senior Researcher at Microsoft ? USA)
Program Committee Frédéric Béchet ( Professor University Aix-Marseille, France) SUBMISSIONS: Authors are invited to submit full-length papers, with up to four pages (double column) for technical content including figures and possible references, and with one additional optional 5th page containing only references. Submissions will be done via easychair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icnlsp2017
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3-3-8 | (2017-12-08) CfP Workshop Conversational AI: 'Today's Practice and Tomorrow's Potential' at NIPS 2017 Call for papers
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3-3-9 | (2017-12-08) Dialog System Technology Challenge 6 (DSTC6) at NIPS; Call for Track Proposals ------------------------------ Dialog System Technology Challenge 6
Website: http://workshop.colips.org/dstc6/
The DSTC shared task has now been running since 2013. This year?s challenge has been renamed to Dialog System Technology Challenge, which reflects the wider scope we aim for. The DSTC6 workshop will be co-located to one of conferences such as NIPS or IWSDS.
The challenge will include 3-4 tracks, which should reflect the interests of the community. We will ask the community to cast expressions of interest via an online voting system in order to ensure sufficient numbers of participants per track.
We would like to encourage you to submit a 2-page proposal (+ unlimited references, + an appendix of unlimited size containing examples of the data, annotations, and expected output to be generated), including but not limited to:
- end-to-end systems
- dialogue state tracking
- spoken language understanding
- natural language generation for SDS
- dialogue breakdown detection
- automatic evaluation metrics
- question-answering
- text to API call
Your proposal should contain:
1) The names and affiliations of the organisers;
2) A description of the task, with particular reference to its relevance for the dialog community;
3) A description of the data that will be provided for participants;
4) A description of the evaluation methods that will be used to compare peer systems;
5) An appendix of unlimited size containing examples of the data, annotations, and expected output to be generated
Send your proposal document as an attached PDF file (no specific format required) to the DSTC distribution list dstc@lists.research.microsoft.com. See instructions on how to join the mailing list at http://workshop.colips.org/dstc6/contact.html
Important Dates:
- 13 Feb 2017: Track Proposal Submission
- 15 Feb - 1 March: Voting Period
- 3 Mar 2017: Notification
- mid-Mar to mid-Jun 2017: Challenge Preparation
- mid-Jun to mid-Sep 2017: Challenge Period
- mid-Sep to mid-Oct 2017: Paper Preparation
- Dec 8-9 2017: NIPS Workshop
DSTC6 Organising Committee:
- Chiori Hori - Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, USA
- Julien Perez - Xerox Research Centre Europe, France
- Koichiro Yoshino - Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
- Seokhwan Kim - Institute for Infocomm Research (A*STAR), Singapore
DSTC6 Steering Committee:
- Rafael E. Banchs - Institute for Infocomm Research (A*STAR), Singapore
- Julien Epps - The University of New South Wales, Australia
- Luis Fernando D'Haro - Institute for Infocomm Research (A*STAR), Singapore
- Matthew Henderson - Google, USA
- Verena Rieser, Heriot-Watt University
- Jason Williams - Microsoft Research, USA
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3-3-10 | (2017-12-08) Workshop Visually-Grounded Interaction and Language Workshop at NIPS 2017, Long Beach, CA, USA Visually-Grounded Interaction and Language Workshop
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3-3-11 | (2017-12-11) 9th International Conference on Intelligent Human-Computer Interaction, Evry, France
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3-3-12 | (2017-12-13) MAVEBA 2017, Firenze, Italy 10 th International Workshop MAVEBA2017. Since 1999 the MAVEBA Workshop aims at stimulating contacts between specialists active in bioengineering, clinical and industrial development in the area of voice signal and image analysis for biomedical applications.
This tenth Workshop will offer again the participants an interdisciplinary platform for presenting and discussing new knowledge in the field of models and analysis of signal and images of the human vocal apparatus and any related field such as neurology, psychiatry, linguistics and singing. Both adult, pediatric and newborn voices are concerned. The MAVEBA Workshop welcomes contributions ranging from fundamental research to all kinds of biomedical applications and related established and advanced technologies with emphasis on translational research. Proposal for Special Sessions, sw and hw demos, round tables on specific themes are welcome. As for past editions a book of Proceedings will be available at the time of the conference, edited by Firenze University Press.
Moreover a Special Issue of an international journal included in all the major database is foreseen, collecting extended version of selected contributions presented at the MAVEBA Workshop. I am looking forward to welcoming you again next December in Firenze and enjoy together the Florentine Christmas atmosphere!
Claudia Manfredi
MAVEBA2017 Chair
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3-3-13 | (2017-12-14) International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), Tokyo, Japan
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3-3-14 | (2017-12-16)CfP IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop, Okinawa, JapanASRU 2017 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop December 16-20, 2017 Okinawa, Japan http://asru2017.org CALL FOR PAPERS The biennial IEEE ASRU workshop has a tradition of bringing together researchers from academia and industry in an intimate and collegial setting to discuss problems of common interest in automatic speech recognition, understanding, and related fields of research. The workshop includes keynotes, invited talks, poster sessions and will also feature challenge tasks, panel discussions, and demo sessions. TOPICS AND FOCUS We invite papers in all areas of spoken language processing, with emphasis placed on the following topics: - Automatic speech recognition (ASR) - ASR in adverse environments - New applications of ASR - Speech-to-speech translation - Spoken document retrieval - Multilingual language processing - Spoken language understanding - Spoken dialog systems - Text-to-speech systems VENUE The ASRU workshop will take place in Okinawa, Japan. Okinawa is a subtropical island located roughly 640 kilometers (400 mi) south of the main islands of Japan. It is one of Japanfs main tourist destinations because of its warm weather, its rich natural resources, and its unique blend of cultures that evolved through centuries of trade with China, Korea and other Southeast Asian countries. FORMAT The workshop features one keynote and one or two invited talks a day. Regular papers are presented as posters. ASRU 2017 will also include challenge tasks, panel discussions and demo sessions. SCHEDULE Paper Submission............. June 29, 2017 Paper Notification........... August 31, 2017 Early Registration Period:... August 31 - Oct 5, 2017 Camera Ready Deadline........ Sept 21, 2017 Workshop..................... Dec 16-20, 2017 MORE INFORMATION For updates see http://www.asru2017.org
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3-3-15 | (2018-00-00) Ateliers Sciences et voix, Grenoble, France Les Ateliers Sciences et Voix reprennent pour une nouvelle Saison ASV5, de novembre 2017 à juin 2018 (http://atelier-sciences-voix.fr/). Nous vous retrouverons les jeudis matins de 9h30 à 12h à l?Amphi2 du Bâtiment Stendhal de l?Université Grenoble Alpes (Attention, le lieu change par rapport aux saisons précédentes). Le Bâtiment Stendhal s?étend sur le Campus de l?UGA, du 1086 au 1366 Avenue Centrale (arrêt des tramways B ou C - 'Bibliothèques Universitaires'). Les amphis sont orientés comme indiqué sur le plan ci-dessous; l'Amphi2 est situé dans le Hall Nord du Bâtiment Z. Les ateliers seront toujours accessibles également sur internet, en podcast live ou différé. Voici le programme préliminaire de la Saison ASV5:
En espérant vous retrouver nombreux à ces occasions,
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3-3-18 | (2018-04-15) ICASSP 2018, Calgary, AB, Canada. Update:new date and new location
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IWSDS 2018: International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems Technology
Place: Singapore
Main Conference Dates: April 18-20, 2018
INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON SPOKEN DIALOGUE SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY (IWSDS) 2018 invites paper submissions on the following topics:
* Engagement and emotion in human-robot interactions
* Digital resources for interactive applications
* Multi-modal and machine learning methods
* Companions, personal assistants and dialogue systems
* Proactive and anticipatory interactions
* Educational and health-care robot applications
* Dialogue systems and reasoning
* Big data and large scale spoken dialogue systems
* Multi-lingual dialogue systems
* Spoken dialog systems for low-resource languages
* Domain Transfer and adaptation techniques for spoken dialog systems
However, submissions are not limited to these topics and submission of papers in all areas of spoken dialogue systems is encouraged. We particularly welcome papers that can be illustrated by a demonstration. As usual, a selection of accepted papers will be published in a book by Springer following the conference (Springer LNEE series, SCOPUS and other important indexes).
Authors are requested to submit PDF files of their manuscripts using the paper submission system: https://easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?key=60052599.SUbqoTUuk8bTicqc
Paper submission deadline: November 30, 2017
Paper notification deadline: December 29, 2017
We distinguish between the following categories of submissions:
* Long Research Papers are reserved for reports on mature research results. The expected length of a long paper should be in the range of 8-12 pages, including references.
* Short Research Papers should be in the range of 4-6 pages, including references. Authors may choose this category if they wish to report on smaller case studies or ongoing but interesting and original research efforts.
* Position Papers deal with novel research ideas or view-points which describe trends or fruitful starting points for future research and elicit discussion and are not much researched. They should be 2 pages long, excluding references.
* Demo Submissions ? System Papers: Authors who wish to demonstrate their system may choose this category and provide a description of their system and demo. System papers should not exceed 6 pages in total.
In addition, three Special Sessions will be collocated with IWSDS 2018:
1.- Empathic dialog systems for elderly assistance
One of the more important applications of spoken dialog systems (SDS) is the development of personal assistants for elderly. The proposed challenge is to provide personalized advice guidance through a spoken dialogue system to improve the quality of life and independency living status of the people as the age. To this end SDS has to deal not only with user goals but also implement health goals through negotiation strategies to convince the user to develop healthy habits. Such SDS has also include perceived user affective status to support the dialog manager decisions. Important related topics are, but not limited to:
* affective computing in SDS
* user centered design
* policies dealing with shared user-task goals
* management strategies to keep the user engagement
* personalization and adaptation
* ontologies and knowledge representation
* privacy preserved SDS
* simulated dialog manager
* applications to assist the elderly
2.- Designing humour in human computer interaction with focus on dialogue technology
We are welcoming original contributions from a wide range of disciplines, such as human-computer interaction, computational linguistics, artificial intelligence, social robotics, psychology, media, arts etc. * Topics expected include - but are not limited to:
* Computational humour approaches & applications for dialogue technology
* Humorous virtual agents & social robots & chatbots
* Linguistics and non-linguistics challenges in designing humor
* Evaluation approaches for humorous interactions
* Cultural and social norms for appropriate humorous interactions
3.- Third Workshop on Chatbots and Conversational Agent Technologies (WOCHAT 2018)
Although chat-oriented dialogue systems have been around for many years, they have been recently gaining a lot of popularity in both research and commercial arenas. From the commercial stand point, chat-oriented dialogue seems to be providing an excellent means to engage users for entertainment purposes, as well as to give a more human-like appearance to established vertical goal-oriented dialogue systems.
This workshop invites original research contributions on all aspects of chat-oriented dialogue, including closely related areas such as knowledge representation and reasoning, language generation, and natural language understanding, among others. In this sense the workshop will invite for both long and short paper submissions in areas including (but not restricted to):
* Chat-oriented dialogue systems
* Data collections and resources
* Information extraction
* Natural language understanding
* General domain knowledge representation
* Common sense and reasoning
* Natural language generation
* Emotion detection and generation
* Sense of humour detection and generation
* Chat-oriented dialogue evaluation
* User studies and system evaluation
* Multimodal human-computer interaction
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The schedule for all the LREC 2018 Workshops and Tutorials is online at
On this web page you will find a link to each Workshop Call for Papers/Web site and each
Tutorial Outline, when available.
Don't hesitate to contact Workshop and/or Tutorial organisers if you have specific
questions on their event.
For general LREC 2018 matters, please contact us at lrec@lrec-conf.org.
LREC 2018 in Miyazaki (Japan), May 7-12, 2018
Follow us on Twitter: @LREC2018
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LREC 2018, 11th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation -
Phoenix Seagaia Resort, Miyazaki, Japan
7-12 May 2018
Main Conference: 9-10-11 May 2018
Workshops and Tutorials: 7-8 & 12 May 2018
Conference web site: http://lrec2018.lrec-conf.org/en/
Twitter: @LREC2018
The European Language Resource Association (ELRA) is glad to announce the 11th edition of LREC, organised with the support of international organisations ? many from Asia: the Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing (AFNLP), Oriental COCOSDA, the Association of Natural Language Processing - Japan, the Chinese Information Processing Society of China, the Linguistic Data Consortium, the Artificial Intelligence Association of Thailand, the Korean Society for Language and Information, the Korean Special Interest Group of Human and Cognitive Language Technology, ...
LREC is the major event on Language Resources (LRs) and Evaluation for Human Language Technologies (HLT). LREC aims to provide an overview of the state-of-the-art, explore new R&D directions and emerging trends, exchange information regarding LRs and their applications, evaluation methodologies
and tools, communicate on-going and planned activities, identify industrial uses and needs, and address requirements from e-science and e-society, with respect to scientific, technology, policy and organisational issues.
For this edition, which celebrates its 20th anniversary, LREC goes East in order to support a stronger interaction and synergy with the Asian NLP community and to help promoting Asian Language Resources and Language Technologies.
LREC provides a unique forum for researchers, industrials and funding agencies from a wide spectrum of related disciplines to discuss issues and opportunities, find new synergies and promote initiatives for international cooperation, in support of investigations in language sciences, progress in language technologies (LTs) and development of corresponding products,
services and applications, and standards.
Issues in the design, construction and use of LRs: text, speech, sign, gesture, image, in single or multimodal/multimedia data
* Guidelines, standards, best practices and models for LRs interoperability
* Methodologies and tools for LRs construction and annotation
* Methodologies and tools for extraction and acquisition of knowledge
* Ontologies, terminology and knowledge representation
* LRs and Semantic Web
* LRs and Crowdsourcing
* Metadata for LRs and semantic/content mark-up
Exploitation of LRs in systems and applications
* Sign language, multimedia information and multimodal communication
* LRs in systems and applications such as: information extraction, information retrieval, audio-visual and multimedia search, speech dictation, meeting transcription, Computer Aided Language Learning, training and education, mobile communication, machine translation, speech translation, summarisation, web services, semantic search, text mining, inferencing, reasoning, sentiment analysis/opinion mining, etc.
* Interfaces: (speech-based) dialogue systems, natural language and multimodal/multisensory interactions, voice-activated services, etc.
* Use of (multilingual) LRs in various fields of application like e-government, e-participation, e-culture, e-health, mobile applications, digital humanities, social sciences, etc.
* Industrial LRs requirements
* User needs, LT for accessibility
Issues in LT evaluation
* LT evaluation methodologies, protocols and measures
* Validation and quality assurance of LRs
* Benchmarking of systems and products
* Usability evaluation of HLT-based user interfaces and dialogue systems
* User satisfaction evaluation
General issues regarding LRs & Evaluation
* International and national activities, projects and initiatives
* Priorities, perspectives, strategies in national and international policies for LRs
* Multilingual issues, language coverage and diversity, less-resourced languages
* Open, linked and shared data and tools, open and collaborative architectures
* Replicability and reproducibility issues
* Organisational, economical, ethical and legal issues
Asian Language Resources
Special attention will be devoted to highlight the wide variety of initiatives for the creation, use and evaluation of Asian Language Resources and Technologies. Special attention will be paid to Less-Resourced Languages in the Asian area, including (local) Sign Languages.
International Contribution to Olympics 2020
LREC 2018 would like to promote all LTs that would support better interactions and communications between the Olympics 2020 visitors and the local hosts. This involves all speech- and text-based computer interactions, speech/sign to speech/sign translations, human-human communications mediated by computers, etc. Assessment of the above mentioned technologies is also an important area within LREC 2018.
Language Resources in the Online World
In a time in which more and more (language) data are generated, either by human beings or by machines, and directly streamed, the question arises how LRs and LTs can cope with this development. A first challenge is to address and to provide for correctives to hate speeches, cyberbullying, fake news, etc. Can LT provide means to process and respond in a timely manner to such language data streamed in a huge amount at high speed? In this context, language technologists have to intensify cooperation with humanities, especially social and political sciences, psychology but also economics, and more.
In addition to describing your LRs in the LRE Map ? now a normal step in the submission procedure of many conferences ? LREC recognises the importance of sharing resources and making them available to the community. When submitting a paper, you will be offered the possibility to share your LRs (data, tools, web-services, etc.), uploading them in a special LREC repository set up by ELRA. Your LRs will be made available to all LREC participants before the conference, to be re-used, compared, analysed. This effort of sharing LRs, linked to the LRE Map for their description, contributes to creating a common repository where everyone can deposit and share data.
The Scientific Programme will include invited talks, oral presentations, poster and demo presentations, and panels, in addition to a keynote address by the winner of the Antonio Zampolli Prize. We will also organise an Industrial Track.
General submission page: http://lrec2018.lrec-conf.org/en/submission/
Submission of extended abstracts for oral and poster (or poster+demo) papers: 25 September 2017
LREC 2018 asks for a 3 to 4 pages (references excluded) extended abstract which must strictly follow the LREC stylesheet. Extended abstracts must be submitted through START @ https://www.softconf.com/lrec2018/main/ and will be peer-reviewed. Submissions are NOT anonymous.
Submission of proposals for panels, workshops and tutorials: 25 September 2017
Workshop and Tutorial Proposals must be submitted online @ http://lrec2018.lrec-conf.org/en/submission/ and will be reviewed by the Programme Committee.
The Proceedings will include both oral and poster papers, in the same format. Final papers will range from 4 to 8 pages, with no difference in quality between shorter and longer submissions.
There is also no difference in quality between oral and poster presentations. Only the appropriateness of the type of communication (more or less interactive) to the content of the paper will be considered. The importance of LREC in Natural Language Processing is reflected by the H5-Index citation ranking in Google Scholar: LREC is ranked 3rd among Computational Linguistics conferences. In addition, since 2010, LREC Proceedings are included in the Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index.
Nicoletta Calzolari ? CNR, Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale ?Antonio Zampolli?, Pisa - Italy (Conference chair)
Khalid Choukri ? ELRA, Paris - France
Christopher Cieri ? Linguistic Data Consortium, Philadelphia - USA
Thierry Declerck ? DFKI GmbH, Saarbrücken - Germany
Koiti Hasida ? The University of Tokyo, Tokyo - Japan
Hitoshi Isahara ? Toyohashi University of Technology, Toyohashi - Japan
Bente Maegaard ? Centre for Language Technology, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen - Denmark
Joseph Mariani ? LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay - France
Asuncion Moreno ? Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona - Spain
Jan Odijk ? UIL-OTS, Utrecht - The Netherlands
Stelios Piperidis ? Athena Research Center/ILSP, Athens - Greece
Takenobu Tokunaga ? Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo ? Japan
Sara Goggi, CNR, Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale ?Antonio Zampolli?, Pisa, Italy
Hélène Mazo, ELDA/ELRA, Paris, France
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Pour la 5ème fois, le Laboratoire Parole et Langage organise cette conférence sous l?égide et la caution scientifique de l?Association Francophone de la Communication Parlée (AFCP). La dernière édition dans la ville d?Aix-en-Provence date de 1986. Nous souhaitons faire de cette nouvelle édition, une conférence lisible, fédératrice et « historique » en proposant un coloriage thématique tourné vers l?histoire des sciences de la parole. L?édition 2018 des JEP veut attirer les projecteurs sur l?histoire et le patrimoine de la phonétique instrumentale et des technologies vocales en y dédiant une session spéciale. Au plan international, depuis 2011 cette thématique est appuyée par I?International Speech Communication Association (ISCA) sous l?action du Special Interest Group History of Speech Communication Sciences. Egalement, au plan local, la culture et le patrimoine scientifique et technique d?AMU et de ses laboratoires, dont le LPL, sont l?objet d?actions de valorisation scientifique en partenariat avec le Centre National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM). Les JEP 2018 veulent ainsi offrir un hommage à l?histoire, aux pères et l?apport instrumental de nos laboratoires et de notre communauté aux sciences de la parole.
Les JEP 2018 comprendront des communications orales et affichées ainsi que des conférences invitées. Par ailleurs, des conférenciers invités seront également sollicités dans le cadre de la session spéciale Petite histoire de la phonétique instrumentale et des sciences de la parole.
La langue officielle de la conférence est le français.
Dates importantes
- Soumission des articles : 15 janvier 2018 (23h59, heure de Paris)
- Notification aux auteurs : 15 mars 2018
- Ouverture des inscriptions : 15 mars 2018
- Soumission des versions définitives : 1er mai 2018 (23h59, heure de Paris)
- Fin des inscriptions : 15 mai 2018
- Conférence : 4-8 juin 2018
Types de communication
Les auteurs sont invités à présenter des travaux de recherche originaux ou comportant un apport substantiel par rapport à de précédents travaux déjà partiellement ou totalement publiés. Dans ce cas, l'article soumis devra faire explicitement référence à la-aux publication-s concernée-s dans sa bibliographie.
Les articles seront présentés, lors de la conférence, sous forme d?une communication orale ou affichée.
Thématiques scientifiques
Les communications pourront porter sur tous les thèmes liés à la communication parlée et au traitement de la parole dans leurs aspects empiriques, théoriques et applicatifs. Les thèmes de la conférence incluent, de façon non limitative :
- Phonétique, phonologie
- Prosodie
- Production, perception
- Cognition
- Acquisition, apprentissage
- Santé, troubles, handicap
- Géolinguistique, sociolinguistique
- Traitement automatique
- Synthèse
- Reconnaissance, dialogue, compréhension
- Codage, ressources, évaluation
- Corpus
Critères de sélection
Les soumissions seront examinées par au moins deux spécialistes du domaine considérant en particulier :
- l?adéquation aux thèmes de la conférence
- l?importance et l?originalité de la contribution
- la correction du contenu scientifique et technique
- la discussion critique des résultats, en particulier par rapport aux autres travaux du domaine
- la situation des travaux dans le contexte de la recherche internationale
- l?organisation et la clarté de la présentation.
Les articles sélectionnés seront publiés dans les actes en ligne dès le début de la conférence.
Modalités de soumission
Les articles seront rédigés en français et devront être soumis en format pdf.
La taille des articles ne devra pas dépasser 8 pages, plus une page dédiée aux références bibliographiques.
Une feuille de style LaTeX, un modèle Word et un modèle LibreOffice sont disponibles sur le site web de la conférence dans la rubrique Appel: https://jep2018.sciencesconf.org
L?AFCP offre un certain nombre de bourses pour les doctorants et jeunes chercheurs désireux de prendre part à la conférence, voir le site de l?AFCP : http://www.afcp-parole.org.
L?ISCA apporte également un soutien financier aux jeunes chercheurs participant à des manifestations scientifiques sur la parole et le langage, voir le site de l?ISCA : http://www.isca-speech.org/iscaweb.
Informations et contact
Site web : https://jep2018.sciencesconf.org
Contact email : jep2018.soumission@lpl-aix.fr
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The 9th Speech Prosody Conference will be held from 13 to 16 June, 2018 at Collegium Iuridicum Novum, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland. Speech Prosody is the biennial flagship conference of SProSIG with 300 - 400 participants each time.
The deadline for Workshop, Tutorial & Special Session proposal submission is 15 September. We encourage you to make proposals by sending e-mail to prosodist@gmail.com and jolabachan@gmail.com
The paper submission deadline is 10 December. (Submission page will open on 1 October.)
For details, please go to Speech Prosody 2018 home page http://sp9.home.amu.edu.pl/index.php
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The Sixth International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages will be held in Berlin, Germany from Monday June 18 to Wednesday June 20, 2018. This symposium follows the successful TAL 2016 conference in Buffalo, NY, USA. TAL 2018 will be organized at Beuth University Berlin conveniently located in the city center close to all major attractions. TAL 2018 is timed after Speech Prosody 2018 in Poznan, Poland, June 13-16, only a quick train ride away.
Websites and deadlines:
TAL 2018: http://public.beuth-hochschule.de/~mixdorff/tal2018/
Speech Prosody 2018: http://sp9.home.amu.edu.pl/, paper deadline 10 December 2017
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2018 Jelinek Summer Workshop on Speech and Language Technology
We are pleased to invite one page research proposals for a workshop on Machine Learning for Speech and Language Technology at Johns Hopkins University June 25 to August 3, 2018 (Tentative)
CALL FOR PROPOSALS Deadline: Monday, October 9th, 2017.
One-page proposals are invited for the annual Frederick Jelinek Memorial Workshop in Speech and Language Technology. Proposals should aim to advance the state of the art in any of the various fields of Human Language Technology (HLT) or related areas of Machine Intelligence, including Computer Vision and Healthcare. Proposals may address emerging topics or long-standing problems. Areas of interest in 2018 include but are not limited to:
* SPEECH TECHNOLOGY: Any aspect of information extraction from speech signals; techniques that generalize in spite of very limited amounts of training data and/or which are robust to input signal variations; techniques for processing of speech in harsh environments, etc.
* NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING: Knowledge discovery from text; new approaches to traditional problems such as syntactic/semantic/pragmatic analysis, machine translation, cross-language information retrieval, summarization, etc.; domain adaptation; integrated language and social analysis; etc. * MULTIMODAL HLT: Joint models of text or speech with sensory data; grounded language learning; applications such as visual question-answering, video summarization, sign language technology, multimedia retrieval, analysis of printed or handwritten text.
* DIALOG AND LANGUAGE UNDERSTANDING: Understanding human-to-human or human-to-computer conversation; dialog management; naturalness of dialog (e.g. sentiment analysis).
* LANGUAGE AND HEALTHCARE: information extraction from electronic health records; speech and language technology in health monitoring; healthcare delivery in hospitals or the home, public health, etc.
These workshops are a continuation of the Johns Hopkins University CLSP summer workshop series, and will be hosted by various partner universities on a rotating basis. The research topics selected for investigation by teams in past workshops should serve as good examples for prospective proposers: http://www.clsp.jhu.edu/workshops/. An independent panel of experts will screen all received proposals for suitability. Results of this screening will be communicated by October 13th, 2017. Authors passing this initial screening will be invited to an interactive peer-review meeting in Baltimore on November 10-12th, 2017. Proposals will be revised at this meeting to address any outstanding concerns or new ideas. Two or three research topics and the teams to tackle them will be selected at this meeting for the 2018 workshop. We attempt to bring the best researchers to the workshop to collaboratively pursue research on the selected topics. Each topic brings together a diverse team of researchers and students. Authors of successful proposals typically lead these teams. Other senior participants come from academia, industry and government. Graduate student participants familiar with the field are selected in accordance with their demonstrated performance. Undergraduate participants, selected through a national search, are rising star seniors: new to the field and showing outstanding academic promise. If you are interested in participating in the 2018 Summer Workshop we ask that you submit a one-page research proposal for consideration, detailing the problem to be addressed. If a topic in your area of interest is chosen as one of the topics to be pursued next summer, we expect you to be available to participate in the six-week workshop. We are not asking for an ironclad commitment at this juncture, just a good faith commitment that if a project in your area of interest is chosen, you will actively pursue it. We in turn will make a good faith effort to accommodate any personal/logistical needs to make your six-week participation possible.
Proposals must be submitted to jsalt2018@clsp.jhu.edu by 5PM EDT on Monday, 10/09/2017.
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26th European Signal Processing Conference
Rome, Italy
September 3-7, 2018
The 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) will be held in Rome, the Eternal City, in Italy from September 3 to September 7, 2018. The flagship conference of the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP) will offer a comprehensive technical program addressing all the latest developments in research and technology for signal processing and its applications. It will feature world-class speakers, oral and poster sessions, keynotes and plenaries, exhibitions, demonstrations, tutorials, demo and ongoing work sessions and satellite workshops, and is expected to attract many leading researchers and industry figures from all over the world.
Technical Scope
We invite the submission of original, unpublished technical papers on topics including but not limited to:
- Audio and acoustic signal processing
- Speech and language processing
- Image and video processing
- Multimedia signal processing
- Signal processing theory and methods
- Sensor array and multichannel signal processing
- Signal processing for communications
- Radar and sonar signal processing
- Signal processing over graphs and networks
- Nonlinear signal processing
- Optimization methods
- Machine learning
- Statistical signal processing
- Compressed sensing and sparse modeling
- Bio-medical image and signal processing
- Signal processing for computer vision and robotics
- Computational imaging/Spectral imaging
- Information forensics and security
- Signal processing for power systems
- Signal processing for education
- Bioinformatics and genomics
- Signal processing for big data
- Signal processing for the internet of things
- Design/implementation of signal processing systems
- Other signal processing areas
Accepted papers will be included in IEEE Xplore®. EURASIP Society enforces a ?no-show? policy. Procedures to submit papers, proposals for special sessions, tutorials and satellite workshops are detailed at the EUSIPCO 2018 website (www.eusipco2018.org).
Important dates
Tutorial proposals: 18 February 2018
Full paper submissions: 18 February 2018
Notification of paper acceptance: 18 May 2018
Camera-ready papers: 18 June 2018
STUDENT PAPER AWARDS: ?EUSIPCO Best Student Paper Awards? will be presented at the conference banquet. Papers will be selected by a committee composed of area and technical chairs.
TUTORIAL AND SPECIAL SESSION PROPOSALS: Tutorials will be held on September 3, 2018. Brief tutorial proposals should include title, outline, contact information, biography and selected publications for the presenter(s), and a description of the tutorial and material to be distributed to participants. Special session proposals should include title, rationale, session outline, contact information, and a list of invited papers.
EUSIPCO 2018 is offering a 3 Minutes Thesis contest, where PhD students have three minutes to present a compelling oration on their thesis and its significance. It is an exercise for students to consolidate their ideas so they can present them concisely to an audience specialized in different signal processing fields.
The 2018 edition of EUSIPCO is proud to organize a half day of thematic workshops on Friday, September 7, 2018, after the end of the main conference, which will provide a forum to participate in specific scientific events and present research focused on current innovative topics in signal processing technology and its extension to other fields.
Patrizio Campisi, Roma Tre University, Italy
Josef Kittler, University of Surrey, UK
Sergio Barbarossa, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Moncef Gabbouj, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Augusto Sarti, Polythecnic University of Milan, Italy
Lajos Hanzo, University of Southampton, UK
Enrico Magli, Polythecnic University of Turin, Italy
Paulo Lobato Correia, IST Lisbon, Portugal
Andreas Uhl, Salzburg University, Austria
Bulent Sankur, Bogazici University, Turkey
Marco Carli, Roma Tre University, Italy
Juan Ramon Troncoso-Pastoriza, EPFL, Switzerland
Emanuele Maiorana, Roma Tre University, Italy
Francesco De Natale, University of Trento, Italy
Carmen Garcia Mateo, University of Vigo, Spain
Stefania Colonnese, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Ajay Kumar, PolyU, Hong Kong
Shantanu Rane, PARC, USA
Anderson Rocha, University of Campinas, Brazil
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All the best,
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Proposal Submission Deadline: October 22, 2017
Notification of Acceptance: November 17, 2017
The Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), the International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), and the Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL HLT) invite proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with ACL 2018, COLING 2018, EMNLP 2018, or NAACL HLT 2018. We solicit proposals on any topic of interest to the ACL communities. Workshops will be held at one of the following conference venues:
ACL 2018 (the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics) will be held in Melbourne, Australia, July 15 - July 20, 2018, with workshops to take place on July 19-20: http://acl2018.org/
COLING 2018 (the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics) will be held in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, August 20 - August 25, 2018, with workshops to be held on August 20-21, 2018: http://coling2018.org/
NAACL HLT 2018 (the 16th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies) will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, June 1 - June 6, 2018 with workshops to be held on June 5-6, 2018: http://naacl2018.org/
EMNLP 2018 (the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing 2018) will be held later in 2018 (after the other three conferences). Exact details on dates and venue for EMNLP workshops will be announced later.
Proposals should be submitted as PDF documents. Note that submissions should essentially be ready to be turned into a Call for Workshop Papers within one week of notification (see Timelines below).
The proposals should contain:
- A title and brief (2-page max) description of the workshop topic and content.
- The names, affiliations, and email addresses of the organizers, with one-paragraph statements of their research interests, areas of expertise, and experience in organising workshops and related events.
- A list of Programme Committee members, with an indication of which members have already agreed. It is highly desirable for proposals to have at least 75% of the Programme Committee reviewers confirmed at the time of the submission. Organizers should do their best to estimate the number of submissions (especially for recurring workshops) in order to: (a) ensure a sufficient number of reviewers so that each paper receives 3 reviews, and (b) anticipate that no one is committed to reviewing more than 3 papers. This practice is likely to ensure on-time, and more thorough and thoughtful reviews.
- A list of invited speakers, if applicable, with an indication of which ones have already agreed and which are indicative, and sources of funding for the speakers.
- An estimate of the number of attendees.
- A description of any shared tasks associated with the workshop, and estimate of the number of participants.
- A description of special requirements and technical needs.
- The preferred venue(s) (ACL/COLING/NAACL/EMNLP), if any, and description of any constraints (e.g. if the workshop is compatible with only one of these events, logistically, thematically or otherwise)
- If the workshop has been held before, a note specifying where previous workshops were held, how many submissions the workshop received, how many papers were accepted (also specify if they were not regular papers, e.g. shared task system description papers), and how many attendees the workshop attracted.
Note that the only financial support available to workshops is a single free workshop registration for an invited speaker; all other costs must be borne independently by the workshop organizers.
In addition, you will need to specify the following information when you submit via the START System (not in the PDF proposal):
- A very brief advertisement or tagline for the workshop, up to 140 characters, that highlights any key information you wish prospective attendees to know, and which would be suitable to be put onto a web-based survey (see below).
- A URL for the workshop website which will be shown in the web-based survey.
- A list of organizers’ names which will be shown in the web-based survey.
The proposals should be submitted no later than October 22, 2018, 11:59 PM Samoa Standard Time (SST) (UTC/GMT-11). Submission is electronic, using the Softconf START conference management system at
The workshop proposals will be evaluated according to their originality and impact, as well as the quality of the organizing team and Programme Committee. In addition, to estimate the attendance of the different workshops, a new voting mechanism will be implemented, where attendees of ACL-affiliated events from the past 3-5 years will be able to vote on which workshops they would like to attend in 2018. (A representative prototype of the survey is shown here, but is subject to change: https://goo.gl/3cuZON.) The overall diversity of the workshops will also be taken into account to ensure the conference program is varied and balanced. The workshop co-chairs will work together to assign workshops to the four conferences, taking into account the location preferences and technical constraints provided by the workshop proposers.
Organizers of accepted proposals will be responsible for publicizing and running the workshop, including reviewing submissions, producing the camera ready workshop proceedings, and organizing the meeting days. It is crucial that organizers commit to all deadlines. In particular, failure to produce the camera ready proceedings on time will lead to the exclusion of the workshop from the unified proceedings and author indexes. Workshop organizers cannot accept submissions for publication that will be (or have been) published elsewhere, although they are free to set their own policies on simultaneous submission and review. Since the conferences will occur at different times, the timelines for the submission and reviewing of workshop papers, and the preparation of camera-ready copies, will be different for each conference. Suggested timelines for each of the conferences are given below. Workshop organizers should not deviate from this schedule unless absolutely necessary, and with explicit agreement from the relevant Workshop Chairs.
The ACL has a set of policies on workshops. You can find the ACL's general policies on workshops, the financial policy for workshops, and the financial policy for SIG workshops at:
October 22, 2018: Proposal Submission Deadline
November 17, 2018: Notification of Acceptance
Individual dates:
* ACL:
Dec 11, 2018: First Call for Workshop Papers
Mar 5, 2018: Second Call for Workshop Papers
April 8, 2018: Workshop Paper Due Date
May 7, 2018: Notification of Acceptance
May 28, 2018: Camera-ready papers due
July 19-20, 2018: Workshop Dates
TBA: First Call for Workshop Papers
TBA: Second Call for Workshop Papers
TBA: Workshop Paper Due Date
TBA: Notification of Acceptance
TBA: Camera-ready papers due
Aug 20-21, 2018: Workshop Dates
27 November 2017: First Call for Workshop Papers
8 January 2018: Second Call for Workshop Papers
2 March 2018: Workshop Paper Due Date
2 April 2018: Notification of Acceptance
16 April 2018: Camera-ready papers due
5-6 June 2018: Workshop Dates
TBA: First Call for Workshop Papers
TBA: Second Call for Workshop Papers
TBA: Workshop Paper Due Date
TBA: Notification of Acceptance
TBA: Camera-ready papers due
TBA: Workshop Dates
* ACL:
Brendan O’Connor, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Eva Maria Vecchi, University of Cambridge
Tim Baldwin, University of Melbourne
Yoav Goldberg, Bar Ilan University
Jing Jiang, Singapore Management University
Marie Meteer, Brandeis University
Jason Williams, Microsoft Research
For inquiries, send email to the workshop organizers at:
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