ISCA - International Speech
Communication Association

ISCApad Archive  »  2015  »  ISCApad #207

ISCApad #207

Friday, September 25, 2015 by Chris Wellekens

1    Editorial
2    ISCA News
  2-1    A message of our President Haizhou Li
  2-2    Videos of Interspeech conferences
  2-3    Call for Bids for INTERSPEECH 2019
3    Events
  3-1    ISCA Events
    3-1-1    (2016-09-08) Interspeech 2016 San Francisco, CA, USA
  3-2    ISCA Supported Events
    3-2-1    (2016-05-09) 5th Workshop on Spoken Language Technologies for Under-Resourced Languages (SLTU'16), Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
    3-2-2    (2016-05-31) Speech Prosody 2016, Boston University, Boston,MA, USA
    3-2-3    Forthcoming ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshops (ITRWs) & Sponsored Events
  3-3    Other Events
    3-3-1    (2015-09-28) 57th International Symposium ELMAR-2015 , Zadar, Croatia
    3-3-2    (2015-10-15) Young Researchers in Sciences of Language, Laboratory Praxiling, University of Montpellier, France
    3-3-3    (2015-10-16) La technologie aux limites de l'humain en didactique des langues, Mons, Belgium
    3-3-4    (2015-10-18) 2015 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA15), New Paltz, NY, USA
    3-3-5    (2015-10-28) 18th Oriental COCOSDA/CASLRE Conference, Shanghai, China.
    3-3-6    (2015-10-30) ACM Multimedia 2015 Workshop *Speech, Language and Audio in Multimedia* Brisbane, Australia (date is modified)
    3-3-7    (2015-11-09) ICMI Doctoral Consortium 17th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction Seattle, USA,
    3-3-8    (2015-11-13) ICMI 2015 - SECOND CALL For WORKSHOP PROPOSALS
    3-3-9    (2015-11-13)1st CFP International Workshop on Advancements in Social Signal Processing for Multimodal Interaction,Seattle, WA, USA
    3-3-11    (2015-11-27) CfP International conference 'ATYLANG - Atypical Language : what are we really talking about ?' at Université Paris Ouest Nanterre France
    3-3-12    (2015-12-03) CfP 12th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation
    3-3-13    (2015-12-11) NIPS 2015 Workshop on Machine Learning for Spoken Language Understanding and Interaction, Montreal, Canada
    3-3-14    (2015-12-13) 3rd CHiME Speech Separation and Recognition Challenge at ASRU 2015
    3-3-15    (2015-12-13) ASRU 2015 : IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop, Scottsdale, AZ, USA
    3-3-16    (2015-12-13) Call for demonstrations at ASRU 2015 (extended deadline)
    3-3-17    (2015-12-13) Calls for Challenge Task Proposals ASRU 2015, Scottsdale, Az, USA (updated)
    3-3-18    (2015-xx-xx) Dialog State Tracking Challenge 4
    3-3-19    (2016-01-09) Speech Processing in Realistic Environments - SPIRE, Groningen, the Netherlands
    3-3-21    (2016-03-14)) 10th ICVPB in Viña del Mar, Chile
    3-3-22    (2016-05-02) 4th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2016), San Juan, Puerto Rico,
    3-3-23    (2016-05-23) LREC 2016 - 10th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, PORTORO, SLOVENIA
    3-3-24    (2016-06-21) ODYSSEY 2016: THE SPEAKER AND LANGUAGE RECOGNITION WORKSHOP, Bilbao, Spain
    3-3-25    (2016-07-04) 5ème Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française, Tours, France
    3-3-26    (2016-07-04) Conference JEP 2016 | TALN 2016 | RÉCITAL 2016, Paris France
    3-3-27    (2016-07-13) LabPhon 15: Speech Dynamics and Phonological Representation,Cornell University, Ithaca, NY USA
4    Academic and Industry Notes
  4-1    Carnegie Speech
  4-2    Research in Interactive Virtual Experiences at USC CA USA
  4-3    Announcing the Master of Science in Intelligent Information Systems
  4-4    Master in linguistics (Aix-Marseille) France
  4-6    Masters à la Sorbonne (Paris)
  4-7    The International Standard Language Resource Number (ISLRN)
  4-8    New Masters in Machine Learning, Speech and Language Processing at Cambridge University, UK
  4-9    MediaEval 2015 Multimedia Benchmark
  4-10    AASP TC Challenges
  4-11    Campagne d'évaluation MULTILING
  4-12    Questionnaire sur une éthique pour la communauté de parole
  4-13    Invitation to host the 8th International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval
  4-14    Planned workshop: Vocal Interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals & Robots (VIHAR)
5    Resources
  5-1    Books
    5-1-1    Tuomas Virtanen, Rita Singh, Bhiksha Raj (editors),Techniques for Noise Robustness in Automatic Speech Recognition,Wiley
    5-1-2    Niebuhr, Olivier, Understanding Prosody:The Role of Context, Function and Communication
    5-1-3    Albert Di Cristo: « La Prosodie de la Parole : Une Introduction », Editions de Boeck-Solal (296 p)
    5-1-4    Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, 'Aux sources de la parole: auto-organisation et évolution', Odile Jacob
    5-1-5    Björn Schuller, Anton Batliner , Computational Paralinguistics: Emotion, Affect and Personality in Speech and Language Processing, Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-119-97136-8, 344 pages, November 2013
    5-1-6    Li Deng and Dong Yu, Deep Learning: Methods and Applications, Foundations and Trends in Signal Processing
    5-1-7    O.Niebuhr, R.Skarnitzl, 'Tackling the Complexity in Speech', Prague University Press
    5-1-8    J.Li, L.Deng, R.Haeb-Umbach and Y.Gong, 'Robust Automatic Speech Recognition', Academic Press
  5-2    Database
    5-2-1    ELRA - Language Resources Catalogue - Update (2015-05) dedicated to the Nepali people.
    5-2-2    LDC Newsletter (August 2015)
    5-2-3    Appen ButlerHill
    5-2-4    OFROM 1er corpus de français de Suisse romande
    5-2-5    Real-world 16-channel noise recordings
    5-2-6    Aide à la finalisation de corpus oraux ou multimodaux pour diffusion, valorisation et dépôt pérenne
    5-2-7    Rhapsodie: un Treebank prosodique et syntaxique de français parlé
    5-2-8    Annotation of “Hannah and her sisters” by Woody Allen.
    5-2-9    French TTS
    5-2-10    Google 's Language Model benchmark
    5-2-11    International Standard Language Resource Number (ISLRN) (ELRA Press release)
    5-2-12    ISLRN new portal
    5-2-13    Speechocean – update (August 2015)
    5-2-14    kidLUCID: London UCL Children’s Clear Speech in Interaction Database
    5-2-15    Robust speech datasets and ASR software tools
    5-2-16    International Standard Language Resource Number (ISLRN) implemented by ELRA and LDC
    5-2-17    ELRA News
    5-2-18    ELRA - Language Resources Catalogue - Update (May 2015)
    5-2-19    Base de données LIBRE et GRATUITE pour la reconnaissance du locuteur
    5-2-20    ISLRN adopted by Joint Research Center (JRC) of the European Commission
    5-2-21    Forensic database of voice recordings of 500+ Australian English speakers
    5-2-22    Audio and Electroglottographic speech recordings
    5-2-23    Press release: Opening of the ELRA License Wizard
    5-2-24    EEG-face tracking- audio 24 GB data set Kara One, Toronto, Canada
  5-3    Software
    5-3-1    ROCme!: a free tool for audio corpora recording and management
    5-3-2    VocalTractLab 2.0 : A tool for articulatory speech synthesis
    5-3-3    Bob signal-processing and machine learning toolbox (v.1.2..0)
    5-3-4    COVAREP: A Cooperative Voice Analysis Repository for Speech Technologies
    5-3-5    Release of the version 2 of FASST (Flexible Audio Source Separation Toolbox).
    5-3-6    Cantor Digitalis, an open-source real-time singing synthesizer controlled by hand gestures.
6    Jobs
  6-1    (2015-04-01) Post-Doctoral Researcher/Early Stage Researcher (PhD Student), University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu Campus
  6-2    (2015-04-01) Senior Researcher, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu Campus
  6-3    (2015-04-02) PhD grant on 'Efforts and coordination of speech gestures' at GIPSA, Grenoble, France
  6-4    (2015-04-08) Junior Computational Linguist at RecordSure London UK
  6-5    (2015-04-13) These de doctorat à Nancy, France
  6-6    (2015-04-14) Thèse de doctorat à IRISA Lannion Bretagne France
  6-7    (2015-04-16) Assistant Professor in Socially Aware ICT at KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
  6-8    (2015-04-21) Postdoc position at Aix-Marseille University (France)
  6-9    (2015-04-22) PhD position offer at LIA Univ. d'Avignon, France
  6-11    (2015-04-29) PhD Position, IRISA lab, University of Rennes 1 at Lannion, Côtes d’Armor, France
  6-12    (2015-04-30) Post-doc position at LORIA (Nancy, France)
  6-13    (2015-05-02) Post-doctoral Position in Speech Signal Processing at Reykjavik University, Iceland
  6-14    (2015-05-03) 4 Ph Positions at Queen Mary, University of London, UK/ Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy
  6-15    (2015-05-04) Speech Technology Researcher at Toshiba Research Europe Ltd, Cambridge UK
  6-16    (2015-05-05) PhD position at the Sigmedia Group, Trinity College, Dublin
  6-17    (2015-05-06) Assistant professor position at KTH Stockholm, Sweden
  6-18    (2015-05-06) 3 Ph.D. and 2 Post-doc positions at Autonomous University of Zacatecas, Mexico.
  6-19    (2015-05-09) ingénieur R&D spécialiste des technologies à l'équipe LINKMEDIA de l'IRISA, Rennes, Bretagne, France
  6-20    (2015-05-12) 3 postes d'ATER au département d?Informatique, Mathématiques et de Linguistique appliquées, Univ Paris 1 (Sorbonne), France
  6-21    (2015-06-01) PhD Research Fellow at Gipsa, Grenoble, France
  6-22    (2015-06-01) Post-doc , Orange Labs, Lannion, Brittany, France
  6-23    (2015-06-01) Post-doc position at LORIA (Nancy, France)
  6-24    (2015-06-01) 2 postdocs en sciences du language/linguistique/psychologie à CNRS, Aix Marseille, France
  6-25    (2015-06-01) Master’s, PhD, and Postdoc Openings at the MuSAE Lab in Montreal, Canada
  6-26    (2015-06-02) PhD Research Fellow at GIPSA Grenoble, France
  6-27    (2015-06-03) Fully funded PhD position, LIA, Avignon, France
  6-28    (2015-06-11) Ingenieur d'études a l'université d'Aix-Marseille, France
  6-29    (2015-06-12) PhD positions at IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy
  6-30    (2015-06-16) One-year post-doc position open at Clemson University, SC, USA
  6-31    (2015-06-16) Postdoc / Spontaneous speech recognition and understanding at IMAG (Grenoble-F)
  6-32    (2015-06-17) Poste d'ingénieur d'étude CNRS, Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris France
  6-33    (2015-07-01) A 3 year fully-funded PhD studentship at University of Sheffield, UK
  6-34    (2015-07-20) Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Advanced Digital Sciences Center, Singapore
  6-35    (2015-07-21) PhD position at Telecom ParisTech, France
  6-36    (2015-08-04) PhD offer at IRISA, Lannion, France
  6-37    (2015-08-04) Post doctoral position at IRISA, Lannion, France
  6-38    (2015-08-15) Internship opportunity at Orange Labs
  6-39    (2015-08-18) 1 year engineer position at INRIA Bordeaux
  6-40    (2015-08-18) 1 year engineer position at INRIA Bordeaux
  6-41    (2015-08-25) Postdoc / Spontaneous speech recognition and understanding, IMAG, Grenoble, France
  6-42    (2015-08-25) Mother-tongue Pashto at Vocapia.
  6-43    (2015-08-25) Mother-tongue Somali at Vocapia
7    Journals
  7-1    Journal of Natural Language Engineering - Special Issue on “Machine Translation Using Comparable Corpora”
  7-2    IEEE/ZACM Trans. ASLP: special issue on continuous space and related methods in natural language processing
  7-3    Special issue Speech Communication on Advances in Sparse Modeling and Low-rank Modeling for Speech Processing
  7-4    [Special Issue] Deep Learning for Speech and Language Processing Applications, EURASIP
  7-6    Special issue of Eurasip Journal in Adv.Signal Proc. 'Silencing the Echoes' - Processing of Reverberant Speech
  7-7    Speech Communication Special issue on Advances in Sparse Modeling and Low-rank Modeling for Speech Processing
  7-8    Special issue of Speech Communication on 'Phase-Aware Signal Processing
  7-10    Advances in Applied Acoustics
  7-11    JAIR Special Track on Cross-language Algorithms and Applications (UPDATE)
  7-12    CfP Travaux interdisciplinaires sur la parole et le langage TIPA 2015
  7-13    EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing
  7-14    CfP Tipa. Travaux interdisciplinaires sur la parole et le langage
  7-15    CfP IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems: Special Issue on Design and Applications of Neuromorphic Computing System
8    Recent Theses
  8-1    Sofia Strömbergsson, 'The /k/s, the /t/s, and the in-betweens. Novel approaches to examining the perceptual consequences of misarticulated speech´
  8-2    Mohamad Hasan, Bahari, 'Automatic Speaker Characterization Automatic Identification of Gender, Age, Language and Accent from Speech Signals
  8-3    Bing Jiang, 'Using Deep Neural Network for Spoken Language identification'
  8-4    Jan-Niklas Antons, 'Neural Correlates of Quality Perception for Complex Speech Signals'
  8-5    Sung Min Ban, 'Feature and Model Domain Blind Dereverberation for Distant-Talking Speech Recognition'
  8-6    José David Lopes, 'Lexical Entrainment in Spoken Dialog Systems'
  8-7    George P. Kafentzis, 'Adaptive sinusoidal models for speech with applications in speech modifications and audio analysis'
  8-8    Xingyu, Na, ' Personalization of HMM-based Speech Synthesis'.
  8-9    Tuomo Raitio, 'Voice source modelling techniques for statistical parametric speech synthesis'
  8-10    Bart Penning de Vries, 'Computerised Speaking Practice: The Role of Automatic Corrective Feedback in Learning L2 Grammar´

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