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ISCApad Archive  »  2015  »  ISCApad #206  »  Events  »  ISCA Supported Events  »  (2015-09-06) Workshop on Rodmap for Conversational Interactive Technologies (Rockit), Dresden, Germany

ISCApad #206

Thursday, August 20, 2015 by Chris Wellekens

3-2-4 (2015-09-06) Workshop on Rodmap for Conversational Interactive Technologies (Rockit), Dresden, Germany

Dear colleagues,

Rockit ( ) is an EU coordinated support action with the
goal of establishing a roadmap about the future of Conversational Interaction
Technologies. The resulting roadmap will be communicated to the EC to influence the
future European funding priorities setting, as well as it will coordinate and guide
research and business communities efforts. To this end, the Conversational Interaction
Technology Innovation Alliance (CITIA, ) has been founded.

Last year, we have collected input from some experts in the area which has been condensed
into a draft roadmap. You can get an overview from the white paper: .
For the scientific side, you can download a screen shots of the road map from .

At this years Interspeech, we plan to refine the roadmap. To this end, we will hold a
roadmapping workshop on Sunday September 6th from 14:00 to 17:00 in Dresden. The plan is
to introduce you to the present version of the roadmap. We will be discussing in more
details the links between commerce/social goods and the science so that we can make a
better, more coherent case for future funding. To participate, you should be willing to
read the products/services part of the roadmap, look at the science plan in one field,
and critique it.

For planning purposes a quick reply to would be

Hope to see you in Dresden

Steve Renals and Dietrich Klakow

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