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ISCApad #206 |
Thursday, August 20, 2015 by Chris Wellekens |
3-2-1 | (2015-09-02) SIGDIAL 2015 CONFERENCEPreliminary Call for Papers SIGDIAL 2015 CONFERENCE Wednesday, September 2 to Friday, September 4, 2015 The 16th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue
(SIGDIAL 2015) will be located in Prague, Czech Republic. SIGDIAL will be held September 2-4. The SIGDIAL venue provides a regular forum for the presentation of cutting edge research
in discourse and dialogue to both academic and industry researchers. Continuing with a series
of fifteen successful previous meetings, this conference spans the research interest areas of
discourse and dialogue. The conference is sponsored by the SIGdial organization, which serves
as the Special Interest Group in discourse and dialogue for both ACL and ISCA. TOPICS OF INTEREST We welcome formal, corpus-based, system-building or analytical work on discourse and
dialogue including but not restricted to the following themes and topics: - Discourse Processing and Dialogue Systems - Corpora, Tools and Methodology - Pragmatic and/or Semantic Modeling - Computational Sociolinguistics - Collaborative Process Analysis - Dimensions of Interaction - Open Domain Dialogue - Style, Voice and Personality in Spoken Dialogue and Written Text - Applications of Dialogue and Discourse Processing Technology - Novel Methods for Generation Within Dialogue SUBMISSIONS Special Session Proposals The SIGDIAL organizers welcome the submission of special session proposals. A SIGDIAL special
session is the length of a regular session at the conference; may be organized as a poster session,
a poster session with panel discussion, or an oral presentation session. Special sessions may,
at the discretion of the SIGDIAL organizers, be held as parallel sessions. Those wishing to
organize a special session should prepare a two-page proposal containing: a summary of the
topic of the special session; a list of organizers and sponsors; a list of people who may submit
and participate; and a requested format (poster/panel/oral session). These proposals should be
sent to conference[at]sigdial.org by the special session proposal deadline. Special session
proposals will be reviewed jointly by the general and program co-chairs. Papers The program committee welcomes the submission of long papers, short papers, and
demonstration descriptions. All accepted submissions will be published in the conference
proceedings. - Long papers may, at the discretion of the technical program committee, be accepted for oral
or poster presentation. They must be no longer than 8 pages, including title, content, and
examples. Two additional pages are allowed for references and appendices, which may include
extended example discourses or dialogues, algorithms, graphical representations, etc. - Short papers will be presented as posters. They should be no longer than 4 pages, including
title and content. One additional page is allowed for references and appendices. - Demonstration papers should be no longer than 3 pages, including references. A separate
one-page document should be provided to the program co-chairs for demonstration descriptions,
specifying furniture and equipment needed for the demo. Authors of a submission may designate their paper to be considered for a SIGDIAL special
session, which would highlight a particular area or topic. All papers will undergo regular peer
review. Papers that have been or will be submitted to other meetings or publications must provide this
information (see submission format). A paper accepted for presentation at SIGDIAL 2015 must
not have been presented at any other meeting with publicly available proceedings. Any questions
regarding submissions can be sent to the program co-chairs at program-chairs[at]sigdial.org. Authors are encouraged to submit additional supportive material such as video clips or sound
clips and examples of available resources for review purposes. Submission is electronic using paper submission software. FORMAT All long, short, and demonstration submissions should follow the two-column ACL 2015 format.
We strongly recommend the use of ACL LaTeX style files or Microsoft Word style files tailored for
the ACL 2015 conference. Submissions must conform to the official ACL 2015 style guidelines
ACL 2015 style guidelines, and they must be electronic in PDF. As in most previous years, submissions will not be anonymous. Papers may include
authors' names and affiliations, and self-references are allowed. MENTORING SERVICE For several years, the SIGDIAL conference has offered a mentoring service. Submissions with
innovative core ideas that may need language (English) or organizational assistance will be
flagged for 'mentoring' and conditionally accepted with recommendation to revise with a mentor.
An experienced mentor who has previously published in the SIGDIAL venue will then help the
authors of these flagged papers prepare their submissions for publication. Any questions about
the mentoring service can be addressed to the mentoring chair Svetlana Stoyanchev at
mentoring[at]sigdial.org. STUDENT SUPPORT SIGDIAL also offers a limited number of scholarships for students presenting a paper accepted
to the conference. Application materials will be posted at the conference website. BEST PAPER AWARDS In order to recognize significant advancements in dialogue and discourse science and technology,
SIGDIAL will recognize two best paper awards. A selection committee consisting of prominent
researchers in the fields of interest will select the recipients of the awards. SPONSOR THE CONFERENCE SIGDIAL offers a number of opportunities for sponsors. For more information, email the
sponsorships chair Kristy Boyer at sponsor-chair[at]sigdial.org. DIALOGUE AND DISCOURSE SIGDIAL authors are encouraged to submit their research to the journal Dialogue and Discourse,
which is endorsed by SIGdial. IMPORTANT DATES Special Session Proposal Deadline: Sunday, 15 March 2015 (23:59, GMT-11) Special Session Notification: Monday, 30 March 2015 Long, Short and Demonstration Paper Submission Deadline: Thursday, 30 April 2015
(23:59, GMT-11) Long, Short and Demonstration Paper Notification: Friday, 12 June 2015 Final Paper Submission Deadline (mentored papers only): Monday, 13 July 2015 Final Paper Submission Deadline (all types except for mentored papers): Monday, 20 July 2015 Conference: Wednesday, 2 September 2015 to Friday, 4 September 2015 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE General Co-Chairs Alexander Koller, University of Potsdam, Germany Gabriel Skantze, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Technical Program Co-Chairs Masahiro Araki, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan Carolyn Penstein Rose, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Mentoring Chair Svetlana Stoyanchev, AT&T, USA Local Chair Filip Jurcicek, Charles University, Czech Republic Sponsorships Chair Kristy Boyer, North Carolina State University, USA SIGdial President Amanda Stent, Yahoo! Labs, USA SIGdial Vice President Jason Williams, Microsoft Research, USA SIGdial Secretary/Treasurer Kristiina Jokinen, University of Helsinki, Finland
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3-2-2 | (2015-09-06) Workshop on Rodmap for Conversational Interactive Technologies (Rockit), Dresden, Germany Dear colleagues,
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3-2-3 | (2015-11-09) CFP Conference on multimodal interaction (ICMI 2015), Seattle, USA Call for Contributions
ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2015) November 9-13, 2015, Seattle, WA, USA
ICMI is the premier international forum for multidisciplinary research on multimodal interaction and multimodal interfaces. The conference focuses on theoretical and empirical foundations, component technologies, and combined multimodal processing techniques that define the field of multimodal interaction analysis, interface design, and integrative, multimodal system development.
Calls for Contributions (chronological order):
* Grand Challenge Proposals. Deadline: February 21, 2015 (http://icmi.acm.org/2015/index.php?id=cfc) * Workshop Proposals. Deadline: April 11, 2015 (http://icmi.acm.org/2015/index.php?id=cfw) * Long and Short Papers. Deadline: May 15, 2015 (http://icmi.acm.org/2015/index.php?id=cfp) * Doctoral Consortium Papers. Deadline: July 14, 2015 (http://icmi.acm.org/2015/index.php?id=cfdc) * Demonstration Proposals. Deadline: August 14, 2015 * Exhibit Proposals. Deadline: September 4, 2015 (http://icmi.acm.org/2015/index.php?id=cfd)
* Multimodal signal and interaction processing technologies - Multimodal signal processing, inference, and input fusion - Combinations of signals and semantic interpretations - Multimodal output planning and coordination - Machine learning approaches for multimodal signals * Multimodal models for human-human and human-machine interaction - Multimodal models for human communication dynamics - Models for physically situated human-robot/computer interaction - Models for multiparty, group and social interaction - Affective computing and interaction models - Models for long-term multimodal interaction * Multimodal data, evaluation and tools - Multimodal corpora, resources and tools - Evaluation methodologies, assessment and metrics - Multimodal annotation methodologies and coding schemes - Design issues, principles and best practices for multimodal interfaces * Multimodal systems and applications - Ambient intelligence and smart environments - Human-robot interaction and embodied conversational agents - Multimodal interfaces for internet-of-things - Meeting spaces and meeting analysis systems - Multimodal mobile applications
For more information, please visit the conference website:
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3-2-4 | (2016-05-31) Speech Prosody 2016, Boston University, Boston,MA, USA Speech Prosody 2016, the eighth international conference on speech prosody,will be held at the Boston University from May 31st till June 3rd 2016. It invites papers addressing any aspect of the science and technology of prosody. Speech Prosody, the biennial meeting of the Speech Prosody Special Interest Group (SProSIG) of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), is the only recurring international conference focused on prosody as an organizing principle for the social, psychological, linguistic, and technological aspects of spoken language. Past conferences in Aix-en-Provence, Nara, Dresden, Campinas, Chicago, Shanghai and Dublin have each attracted 300-400 delegates, including experts in the fields of Linguistics, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Speech and Hearing Science, Psychology, and related disciplines.
Contact speechprosody2016.org speechprosody2016@gmail.com Important Deadlines
Review Areas
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3-2-5 | Forthcoming ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshops (ITRWs) & Sponsored EventsForthcoming ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshops (ITRWs) & Sponsored Events