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ISCApad Archive  »  2012  »  ISCApad #172  »  Jobs  »  (2012-08-24) Post-docs call for application at Brain and Language Research Institute, Aix en Provence France

ISCApad #172

Sunday, October 07, 2012 by Chris Wellekens

6-31 (2012-08-24) Post-docs call for application at Brain and Language Research Institute, Aix en Provence France

Brain and Language Research Institute

               Post-docs call for application


>>> Deadline extension

The 'Brain and Language Research Institute' is a new 'Laboratoire d'Excellence' at Aix-Marseille Université. It federates 6 top-level labs in the domain of language studies, neurosciences, cognitive psychology, medicine and computer science. BLRI is now starting different interdisciplinary research programs investigating language production and perception and its cerebral correlates.

Applications are sought for one-year positions of Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Five research subjects are proposed (see detailed presentation available from, all to be started fall 2012.

1. Introducing humour in vocal human-machine interaction systems
   Domains: linguistics and computer science
   Location: Aix-en-Provence (LPL) or Avignon (LIA)
   Contact:; fabrice.lefevre@univ-­

2. Handwriting sonification: a tool for early diagnostics and treatment of micrographia in Parkinson Disease
   Domains: neurosciences and medicine
   Location: Marseille (LNC)
   Contact:; serge.pinto­

3. Recording and processing the vocalizations of baboons
   Domains: psychology and linguistics
   Location: Marseille (LPC)

4. Oculomotor and Visuo-attentional Prerequisites to Reading Development in Preschool Children in 4- and 5-year-olds
   Domains: psychology and linguistics
   Location: Aix-en-Provence (LPL)

5. Phonetic alignment: Analysis and simulation
   Domains: computer science and linguistics
   Location: Aix-en-Provence (LPL) or Avignon (LIA)
   Contact:; georges.linares@univ-­

Candidates should send a detailed CV plus a 3-pages research project corresponding to one of the subjects. Elaborating the project should be done in coordination with the project supervisors (see contacts for each project).

  . Position: 1 year
  . Salary: 1,950euros net per month (all taxes deduced, excepted income tax)
  . Deadline: September 15th
  . Starting date: not later than November 2012

Application should be sent to with copy to

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