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ISCApad #172 |
Sunday, October 07, 2012 by Chris Wellekens |
6-1 | (2012-04-02) Research position in Spoken Language Dialogue Systems Development for Serious Games ; University of Ulm Germany Research Position with perspective of a PhD degree in Spoken Language -- Wolfgang Minker Ulm University Communications Engineering - Dialogue Systems Albert-Einstein-Allee 43 D-89081 Ulm Phone: +49 731 502 6254/-6251 Fax: +49 731 501 226254 http://dialogue-systems.org
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6-2 | (2012-04-04) PhD fellowship- Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Trento, Italy
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6-3 | (2012-04-04) Post-Doctoral Research Position, Aalto University Post-Doctoral Research Position, Aalto University
Title: Statistical speech synthesis Department: Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics
URL: http://spa.aalto.fi/en/ Start date: August-October 2012 Duration: 12-18 months contract
Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics, Aalto University (Espoo, Finland), invites applications for a post-doctoral researcher position in speech technology. The position is funded by the Simple4all project (http://simple4all.org/), which is a collaboration between Aalto University, University of Edinburgh (coordinator), University of Helsinki, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, and Universitatea Tehnica Cluj-Napoca. Simple4All is a 3 year project, funded by EC’s FP7 ICT Programme, whose general aim is to create speech synthesis technology that learns from data with little or no expert supervision and continually improves itself, simply by being used.
The work at the Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics focuses on novel vocoding technologies in statistical parametric speech synthesis. More specifically, we are interested in utilizing such speech models in statistical speech synthesis that are closer to the human speech production mechanism and are inherently able to produce many voice qualities. Applicants for the post-doctoral researcher position must have a PhD (or equivalent experience) in speech processing, digital signal processing or computer science. They must have background in statistical speech synthesis, experience in the development of vocoders is particularly appreciated. In addition, experience of project development and project leadership in a research context, together with excellent communication, presentation, and organisational skills are highly desirable.
To apply, please send your CV (.pdf format) including a list of publications and your contact information, a statement of research interests and contact information for at least 2 references. Applications must be sent to paavo.alku@aalto.fi using the subject line: Post-doc position in statistical speech synthesis Application deadline: 30 June 2012
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6-4 | (2012-04-15) Full Time Research Programmer, Dialog Research Center, CMU Pittsburgh Full Time Research Programmer, Dialog Research Center
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6-5 | (2012-04-20) PhD grant: Prosodic markers at IRIT Toulouse Modélisation de trajectoires de marqueurs prosodiques et linguistiques ; application à la caractérisation des intentions des intervenants dans les discours audiovisuels
Contact Jérôme Farinas, jfarinas@irit.fr équipe SAMOVA http://www.irit.fr/recherches/SAMOVA/
Description du sujet Dans le domaine du traitement automatique de l'audio, les systèmes actuels sont parvenus à une assez grande maturité pour extraire de façon plutôt fiable des informations sur les locuteurs présents, la langue utilisée et la transcription de la parole. Un des objectifs de la recherche actuelle consiste à utiliser ces informations afin de structurer les interventions des locuteurs et plus largement le contenu radiophonique et télévisuel.
Dans ce contexte, l'équipe SAMOVA de l'IRIT a acquis ces dernières années de fortes compétences en modélisation et segmentation automatique en locuteurs [Louradour 2007, El Khoury 2010], en identification automatique de langues [Pellegrino 1998, Farinas 2002, Rouas 2005], en segmentation parole/musique/chant [Pinquier 2004, Lachambre 2009], en extraction de jingle [Pinquier 2004], en transcription de la parole [Campagne ESTER 2004], en recherche de zones de parole conversationnelle [Projet EPAC 2010] et de mots-clés [Le Blouch 2009]. En s'appuyant sur ces travaux, l'équipe travaille sur la structuration des émissions en se basant sur les interventions des locuteurs et leurs interactions [Bigot 2011] ainsi que sur la vidéo [Ercolessi 2011].
A partir d'une caractérisation du rôle des intervenants (présentateur, locuteur dominant...) notre objectif est d'étudier plus précisément les interactions entre locuteurs afin de distinguer ce qui dans le message relève de l'interaction (ouverture, clôture, présentation d'un invité, gestion des tours de parole) et des échanges d'opinion. Plus largement, le sujet de thèse proposé vise à étudier l'intention dans les interventions audiovisuelles de personnes. La modélisation des intentions est principalement basée sur la modélisation de la prosodie, qui a travers l'intonation et le rythme permet d'influer sur la forme du discours. Cette modélisation devra prendre en compte la prosodie à court ou long terme [Farinas2002,Rouas2004]. Deux niveaux de modélisations seront donc mis en œuvre afin de caractériser la modalité de la phrase et la modification de la prosodie des mots. Cela passera par la choix de paramètres prosodiques appropriée (F0, energie) et la modélisation statistique de ces paramètres. L'évolution temporelle pourra être prise en compte en utilisant des modélisations stochastiques, des modélisations de trajectoires. Cette étude se déroulera en deux phases :
Les applications de cette recherche concernent la structuration de contenus audiovisuels pour aider à l'archivage documentaire et la recherche d'information dans ces contenus. Cette structuration et caractérisation de zones d'interaction présente également un intérêt pour la constitution de résumés audio-visuels.
Le candidat devra posséder un Master avec de fortes compétences en informatique. Des connaissances en traitement du signal, en reconnaissance de la parole seraient souhaitables (reconnaissance de la parole et prosodie).
Références [Louradour 2007] Noyaux de séquences pour la vérification du locuteur par Machines à Vecteurs de Support. Thèse de doctorat, Université Paul Sabatier, janvier 2007 [El Khoury 2010] Unsupervised Video Indexing based on Audiovisual Characterization of Persons. Thèse de doctorat, Université de Toulouse, juin 2010 [Pellegrino 1998] Une approche phonétique en identification automatique des langues : la modélisation acoustique des systèmes vocaliques. Thèse de doctorat, Université Paul Sabatier, décembre / december 1998. [Farinas 2002] Une modélisation automatique du rythme pour l'identification des langues. Thèse de doctorat, Université Paul Sabatier, novembre 2002. [Rouas 2005] Caractérisation et identification automatique des langues. Thèse de doctorat, Université Paul Sabatier, mars 2005. [Pinquier 2004] Indexation sonore : recherche de composantes primaires pour une structuration audiovisuelle. Thèse de doctorat, Université Paul Sabatier, décembre 2004. [Lachambre 2009] Caractérisation de l'environnement musical dans les documents audiovisuels. Thèse de doctorat, Université de Toulouse, décembre 2009. [Campagne ESTER 2004] G. Gravier, J.F. Bonastre, S. Galliano, E. Geoffrois, K. Mc Tait and K. Choukri. ESTER, une campagne d'évaluation des systèmes d'indexation d'émissions radiophoniques, Proc. Journées d'Etude sur la Parole, Avril 2004. [projet EPAC 2010] Yannick Estève, Thierry Bazillon, Jean-Yves Antoine, Frédéric Béchet, Jérôme Farinas. The EPAC corpus: manual and automatic annotations of conversational speech in French broadcast news (regular paper). Dans : Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2010), Valletta, Malte, 19/05/2010-21/05/2010, Nicoletta Calzolari, Khalid Choukri, Bente Maegaard, Joseph Mariani, Jan Odijk (Eds.), European Language Resources Association (ELRA), p. 1686-1689, 2011. [Le Blouch 2009] Décodage acoustico-phonétique et applications à l'indexation audio automatique. Thèse de doctorat, Université Paul Sabatier, juin 2009. [Bigot 2011] Benjamin Bigot, Isabelle Ferrané, Julien Pinquier, Régine André-Obrecht. Speaker Role Recognition to help Spontaneous Conversational Speech Detection (regular paper). Dans : International workshop on Searching Spontaneous Conversational Speech SCSS (SCSS 2010), Firenze, Italy, 25/10/2010-29/10/2010, ACM, p. 5-10, octobre 2010. [Ercolessi 2011] Philippe Ercolessi, Hervé Bredin, Christine Sénac and Philippe Joly, Segmenting TV series into scenes using speaker diarization, WIAMIS 12th International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, Delft, Pays-Bas,13-15 avril 2011.
Mots clés Traitement automatique de la parole, décodage phonétique, recherche de mots clés, prosodie, acoustique, structuration en émissions, vidéo
Kewords Automatic Speech Processing, Phonetic Decoding, Keyword Spotting, Prosody, Acoustic, Structuring Programs, Video
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6-6 | (2012-04-20) Ingénieur at INRIA France Inria recherche un ingénieur jeune diplômé pour développer sa boîte à outils de séparation de sources audio FASST (http://bass-db.gforge.inria.fr/fasst/) et effectuer un travail de recherche sur la reconnaissance de la parole robuste au bruit.
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6-7 | (2012-05-01) PhD Reconnaissance automatique de la parole continue : parole spontanée LORIA Nancy France Sujet de thèse :Reconnaissance automatique de la parole continue : parole spontanée
Encadrants pour ce sujet : Lieu : Inria-LORIA Nancy
Le sujet est affiché sur le site de l'école doctorale IAEM http://www.iaem.uhp-nancy.fr/ , rubrique 'propositions contrats doctoraux'. Date limite du depot de candidature : le 1-er juin
Conetxte : La reconnaissance de la parole est un processus par lequel un ordinateur transforme le signal acoustique de la parole prononcée en texte. Pendant ce processus, le système de reconnaissance utilise des modèles acoustiques, des modèles de langage et un lexique de prononciations.
L’objet de cette thèse est d’apporter des éléments de solution à ce problème en proposant de nouvelles méthodes qui permettent de mieux prendre en compte les caractéristiques de la prononciation spontanée dans le cadre de la reconnaissance automatique de la parole.
Références : [Brun et al.2005] A. Brun, C. Cerisara, D. Fohr et I. Illina. ANTS : le système de transcription automatique du LORIA. WorkShop ESTER, 2005.
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6-8 | (2012-05-13) PhD position: Caractérisation de l'ambiance sonore dans des enregistrements ethnomusicologiques IRIT Toulouse France Titre : Caractérisation de l?ambiance sonore dans des enregistrements ethnomusicologiques
Responsables : Régine André-Obrecht et Julien Pinquier (IRIT, équipe SAMoVA) obrecht@irit.fr et pinquier@irit.fr
Cette thèse concerne le traitement de données ethnomusicologiques issues des archives du CNRS-Musée de l?Homme, gérées par le Centre de Recherche en EthnoMusicologie (CREM) du Laboratoire d'Ethnologie et de Sociologie Comparative (LESC). Il s?agit de documents en cours de numérisation et d?informatisation (3500 heures d?enregistrements inédits, de 1900 à nos jours, de musiques traditionnelles et d?enquêtes ethnographiques du monde entier et 3500 heures de documents anciens et rares). Cette collection est d?une grande importance historique et est unique au monde. Dans ce contexte applicatif, il est nécessaire de mettre au point un ensemble d'outils de traitement automatique de l'audio (parole, musique, chant, bruits?) afin de produire une indexation (semi)automatique pour un accès intelligent à la collection d'enregistrements sonores. Ce travail est principalement à destination de chercheurs (experts) en ethnomusicologie.
L?étude envisagée a pour objectif une caractérisation plus fine des composantes Parole, Musique, Chant, Bruits afin de définir l?environnement sonore générique. De plus, l?introduction d?une approche semi-supervisée (prise en compte de métadonnées disponibles ou de l?utilisateur) doit permettre la caractérisation d?environnements sonores spécifiques.
Après s?être approprié les différents systèmes précédemment développées à l?IRIT, concernant la détection de parole et de musique, le doctorant aura en charge leur adaptation au corpus du projet. L?analyse des zones de parole et de voix chantée détectées doit conduire à une segmentation en tours de parole et en tours de chant, suivie du regroupement de ces segments par recherche de similarité des voix. Dès lors que les enregistrements sonores sont effectués dans des conditions naturelles et lorsque les zones de parole, de musique et de chant sont identifiées, restent des zones sonores digne d?un intérêt pour un ethnomusicologique car leur écoute permet de préciser le contexte sonore de la session de l?enregistrement, ce que l?on appelle « l?ambiance sonore ». Il est proposé de localiser ces zones de bruit d?intérêt et de spécifier un étiquetage. Pour ce faire, deux stratégies sont envisagées : - un mode supervisé en utilisant les attributs acoustiques classiques (approche générique), - un mode non-supervisé en introduisant des connaissances issues des ethnomusicologues (approche spécifique) via la plateforme Telemeta (http://crem.telemeta.org/).
Ce doctorat sera financé par le projet ANR DIADEMS qui démarrera en octobre 2012. Il serait appréciable que le candidat ait des connaissances en reconnaissance de formes et en traitements de la parole et de la musique.
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6-9 | (2012-06-01) Two positions at Nuance Belgium Nuance is the leading provider of speech and imaging solutions for businesses and consumers around the world. Our technologies, applications and services make the user experience more compelling by transforming the way people interact with information and how they create, share and use documents. Every day, millions of users and thousands of businesses, experience Nuance by calling directory assistance, getting account information, dictating patient records, telling a navigation system their destination, or digitally reproducing documents that can be shared and searched. Making each of those experiences productive and compelling is what Nuance is all about. Speech Recognition Specialist Merelbeke, Belgium Permanent role Response to Craig.Robertson@Nuance.com Nuance Mobile builds innovative, intelligent and intuitive touch and speech interfaces to simplify and enhance the way people interact with mobile devices, applications, and services. Nuance Mobile solutions make mobile devices and in-car systems easier to use, automate customer self-service, and optimize the access and discovery of even the most advanced mobile applications and content - regardless of technical know-how, location, environment, or physical and literacy capabilities. As a contributing member of Nuance, you will work within a dynamic team environment to develop, support, market and sell our award-winning software applications. We offer competitive compensation packages and a challenging technical but casual work environment. Join our dynamic, entrepreneurial team that operates worldwide (Europe, US, APAC). Be a part of our fast growing track of continuing success. For more information, please see www.nuance.com. Nuance is an equal opportunity employer. Responsibilities As a Speech Recognition specialist at Nuiance you will work with peers from other teams arround the world to investigate new & best usage of speech recognition for music and/or POI vertical domains. You will be closely working together with our R&D dpt to understand what is and what is not doable with the current limitation of the technology, and help customer's and Nuance internal integration teams to include Nuance technologies into successful products in an efficient way. Representative tasks will include:
Preferred: • Experience with embedded hardware platforms, embedded operating systems, and embedded software development is desirable • Experience with Python and SQLite is highly desirable • Windows CE or Linux or QNX OS
Nuance is the leading provider of speech and imaging solutions for businesses and consumers around the world. Our technologies, applications and services make the user experience more compelling by transforming the way people interact with information and how they create, share and use documents. Every day, millions of users and thousands of businesses, experience Nuance by calling directory assistance, getting account information, dictating patient records, telling a navigation system their destination, or digitally reproducing documents that can be shared and searched. Making each of those experiences productive and compelling is what Nuance is all about. NLP Processing Engineer Merelbeke, Belgium Permanent role Response to Craig.Robertson@Nuance.com Qualifications Excellent background in statistics, pattern recognition, and/or signal processing • Expertise in natural language processing, computational linguistics, statistical language modeling, search, and/or machine translation • Strong programming skills, ideally in Python, Java, and/or C. • Skills related to text processing, scripting languages, regular expressions • Excellent oral and written communications skills in English. • Ability to carry out focused and goal-oriented research and development, ability to assume responsibility for one’s work • Ability to work in an international team as well as independently in fast-paced environment • Ability to creatively solve problems while leveraging existing technology with an eye for efficiency.
PhD or equivalent research experience are a strong asset
• Good knowledge of speech recognition theory, acoustics, and/or psychoacoustics
• User interface, human—machine interaction, and dialogue system development experience
• Operational knowledge of languages other than English
MSc, ideally PhD in computer science, engineering, physics, mathematics, or other technical field
Craig Robertson Recruitment Manager EMEA
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6-10 | (2012-06-11) PhD Student 'Increasing Robustness of Speech Recognition' Radbout University Nijmegen NL
PhD Student 'Increasing Robustness of Speech Recognition' (1,0 fte) Renewed Job opening ! Faculty of Arts Vacancy number: 23.02.12 Closing date: 7 July 2012 Responsibilities As a PhD student you will participate in the FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network Investigating Speech Processing In Realistic Environments (INSPIRE). This network provides research opportunities for 13 PhD students and 3 postdocs. You will become a member of an international team of researchers whose aim is to gain a better understanding of how listeners recognize speech, even under non-ideal circumstances. You will contribute to urgently needed solutions that help alleviate the serious communication problems that arise, especially for older and hearing-impaired persons, when different combinations of 'adverse' conditions affect the speech processing system. You will conduct your research in the framework of of a project called ’Increasing robustness of speech recognition by using multiple signal representations’. Speech processing in the human brain presumably involves competition between multiple, intermediate signal representations. The redundancy of these different representations are assumed to help improve the robustness of recognition. In some cases, however, they may lead to conflicting interpretations resulting in intelligibility problems. The goal of this PhD project is to investigate to what extent human recognition errors with regard to speech in ’adverse’ conditions can be replicated by machines that were trained on multiple input representations which are partially redundant. Work environment The project will be carried out at the Centre for Language and Speech Technology (CLST). CLST is a research unit within the Faculty of Arts of Radboud University Nijmegen and hosts a large international group of senior researchers and PhD students who conduct research at the frontier of science and develop innovative applications. What we expect from you You should: - hold a Master's degree in engineering or science; - have a strong background in machine learning (experience with dynamic Bayesian networks would be an advantage), mathematical and/or statistical modelling, and signal processing; - have excellent programming skills; - be willing to spend several months at the Technical University of Denmark. Prior exposure to courses in linguistics or speech- or hearing-related fields would be an advantage. Furthermore, you should comply with the rules set forward by the FP7 Marie Curie ITNs, i.e. you should: - not have resided of performed your main research activity in the Netherlands for more than 12 months in the last three years; - be willing to work in at least one other country in the INSPIRE network; - have less than 4 years of research experience since you obtained your Master’s degree, and not hold a PhD. What we have to offer We offer you: - employment: 1,0 fte; - in addition to the salary: an 8% holiday allowance and an 8.3% end-of-year bonus; - the starting salary is €2,042 per month on a full-time basis; the salary will increase to €2,492 per month in the third year; - in addition to the salary, you will receive travel and training allowances on the basis of generous Marie Curie ITN provisions; - duration of the contract: 18 months with the possibility of extension by another 18 months. Are you interested in our excellent employment conditions (http://www.ru.nl/newstaff/working_at_radboud/conditions_of/)? The Radboud University is an equal opportunity employer. Female researchers are strongly encouraged to apply for this vacancy. Would you like to know more? Further information on: Investigating Speech Processing In Realistic Environments (http://www.inspire-itn.eu/) Dr. Bert Cranen, assistant professor Speech science Telephone: +31 24 3612904 E-mail: B.Cranen@let.ru.nl Applications Are you interested? Please include with your application: - a CV; - a 2-page description of your research interests explaining why the INSPIRE goals appeal to you, how the INSPIRE team may benefit from your participation, and your career perspectives as expected from INSPIRE; - university transcripts; - names and email addresses of two potential referees (or alternatively letters of recommendation). It is Radboud University Nijmegen's policy to only accept applications by e-mail. Please send your application, stating vacancy number 23.02.12, to vacatures@let.ru.nl, for the attention of drs. M.J.M. van Nijnatten, before 7 July 2012. No commercial propositions ple
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6-11 | (2012-06-11) Speech Recognition Scientist at Sunnyvale Job Description Title: Speech Recognition Scientist Location: Sunnyvale Status: Regular, Full-time, Exempt We are a well-funded start-up with cutting-edge speech recognition with a disruptive technology platform applicable to a variety of markets and environments for spoken dialog interaction. With an exciting mix of evolving speech-enabled products, we offer excellent opportunities for 'rock star' scientists to grow and share in our success. We offer competitive compensation, excellent benefits and an ultra-creative work environment. We are currently seeking a talented speech recognition scientist to join our hands-on team developing our platform spoken dialog interactions. The ideal candidate has a proven track record for optimizing speech recognition performance. This work includes creating the necessary scripts and tools to experiment with novel algorithms to optimize recognition and natural language understanding throughout all stages of a multi-modal dialog system. Among others, you will be asked to work on statistical language modeling, as well as language model and acoustic model adaptation.
Responsibilities Develop tools and enhance algorithms that facilitate deployment and tuning of spoken dialog systems Analyze speech recognition performance andimplement solutions to provide optimum accuracy Use, improve and create research tools to create, update and optimize language models and speech recognition systems for multiple domains Evaluate and develop different language modeling and rescoring based on machine learning algorithms Document language model development and adaptation process Work with the team to design future product releases
Required Skills & Experience Ph.D. or Master’s degree in computer science, electrical engineering, comp. linguistics, or equivalent Speech and/or language processing background (in research and/or industry) In-depth scripting experience with Python, Perl or similar Ability to own and drive experimental definition, investigations and ultimately be responsible for the speech recognition performance Passion for solving difficult problems Strong planning and communication skills Strong analytical and problem solving skills and ability to troubleshoot issues
Pluses: Background in natural language processing, machine learning and/or computational linguistics Programming experience in C/C++ Qualified candidates are encouraged to send your resume and cover letter to swright@fluentialinc.com. Fluential, LLC, is an Equal Opportunity Employer. To learn more, please visit us online at http://www.fluentialinc.com
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6-12 | (2012-06-11) Voice Developer (m/f) Speech Technology Automotive, Nuance Turin (Italy) Nuance is a leading provider of speech and imaging solutions for businesses and consumers around the world. Our technologies, applications and services make the user experience more compelling by transforming the way people interact with information and how they create, share and use documents. Every day, millions of users and thousands of businesses, experience Nuance by calling directory assistance, getting account information, dictating patient records, telling a navigation system their destination, or digitally reproducing documents that can be shared and searched. Making each of those experiences productive and compelling is what Nuance is all about.
As a contributing member of Nuance, you will work within a dynamic team environment to develop, support, market and sell our award-winning software applications. We offer competitive compensation packages and a casual work environment. Join our dynamic, entrepreneurial team that operates worldwide (Europe, US, APAC). Be a part of our fast growing track of continuing success.
For more information, please see www.nuance.com. Nuance is an equal opportunity employer.
For our office in Turin / Italy we are currently looking for a fulltime
Voice Developer (m/f) Speech Technology Automotive
Key responsibilities.
We offer. At Nuance Communications we believe our people are our most valuable asset. We offer competitive compensation packages and we offer you career development opportunities in a challenging technical but casual work environment. As a Nuance team member you will work within a dynamic international team operating worldwide. Does Nuance speak to you? If you are interested in joining our team, please send your English CV including earliest starting date and salary expectations via our Recruiting tool https://jobs-nuance.icims.com/jobs/7804/job.
Nuance's Mobility Division builds innovative, intelligent and intuitive touch and speech interfaces to simplify and enhance the way people interact with mobile devices, applications, and services. Nuance Mobile solutions make mobile devices and in-car systems easier to use, automate customer self-service, and optimize the access and discovery of even the most advanced mobile applications and content - regardless of technical know-how, location, environment, or physical and literacy capabilities.
ILONA ALEXANDRA HOLTZ Recruiter - Employment Specialist DACH Human Resources Nuance Communications Aachen GmbH Site Ulm Soeflingerstr. 100 D-89077 Ulm, Germany Fon +49 731 - 379 50 1166 Fax +49 731 - 379 50 1106 (Zentrale) Mobil +49 170 56 15 235
WWW.NUANCE.COMThe experience speaks for itself ™ Geschäftsführung/Director: Jan Anthierens Sitz der Gesellschaft/Registered Office: Aachen Registergericht/Court of Registration: Aachen Reg. Nr.: HRB 11872 USt-ID/VAT: DE 813191696 This electronic transmission and any files transmitted with it are confidential. It is transmitted for the sole use of the person(s) to whom it is addressed. Any further distribution or copying is prohibited. If you receive this message in error, please inform the sender immediately, do not use it or disclose its contents and delete it from your system. Please note that Nuance cannot guarantee that the transmission will be secure or error-free.
Experience Nuance in the web: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32QbXebhiag&list=UUtmZ1Vk2yFJkOe1DYQwLgag&index=1&feature=plcp Or
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6-13 | (2012-06-11) Speech Output Designer (m/f) Speech Technology Automotive Nuance at Merelbeke Belgium For our office in Merelbeke / Belgium we are currently looking for a fulltime
Speech Output Designer (m/f) Speech Technology Automotive
Key responsibilities.
We offer. At Nuance Communications we believe our people are our most valuable asset. We offer competitive compensation packages and we offer you career development opportunities in a challenging technical but casual work environment. As a Nuance team member you will work within a dynamic international team operating worldwide. Does Nuance speak to you? If you are interested in joining our team, please send your English CV including earliest starting date and salary expectations via our Recruiting tool https://jobs-nuance.icims.com/jobs/7801/job .
Nuance's Mobility Division builds innovative, intelligent and intuitive touch and speech interfaces to simplify and enhance the way people interact with mobile devices, applications, and services. Nuance Mobile solutions make mobile devices and in-car systems easier to use, automate customer self-service, and optimize the access and discovery of even the most advanced mobile applications and content - regardless of technical know-how, location, environment, or physical and literacy capabilities.
ILONA ALEXANDRA HOLTZ Recruiter - Employment Specialist DACH Human Resources Nuance Communications Aachen GmbH Site Ulm Soeflingerstr. 100 D-89077 Ulm, Germany Fon +49 731 - 379 50 1166 Fax +49 731 - 379 50 1106 (Zentrale) Mobil +49 170 56 15 235
WWW.NUANCE.COMThe experience speaks for itself ™ Geschäftsführung/Director: Jan Anthierens Sitz der Gesellschaft/Registered Office: Aachen Registergericht/Court of Registration: Aachen Reg. Nr.: HRB 11872 USt-ID/VAT: DE 813191696 This electronic transmission and any files transmitted with it are confidential. It is transmitted for the sole use of the person(s) to whom it is addressed. Any further distribution or copying is prohibited. If you receive this message in error, please inform the sender immediately, do not use it or disclose its contents and delete it from your system. Please note that Nuance cannot guarantee that the transmission will be secure or error-free.
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6-14 | (2012-06-11) Speech Output Designer (m/f) Speech Technology Automotive at Nuance Turin Italy For our office in Turin / Italy we are currently looking for a fulltime
Speech Output Designer (m/f) Speech Technology Automotive
Key responsibilities.
We offer. At Nuance Communications we believe our people are our most valuable asset. We offer competitive compensation packages and we offer you career development opportunities in a challenging technical but casual work environment. As a Nuance team member you will work within a dynamic international team operating worldwide. Does Nuance speak to you? If you are interested in joining our team, please send your English CV including earliest starting date and salary expectations via our Recruiting tool https://jobs-nuance.icims.com/jobs/7801/job .
Nuance's Mobility Division builds innovative, intelligent and intuitive touch and speech interfaces to simplify and enhance the way people interact with mobile devices, applications, and services. Nuance Mobile solutions make mobile devices and in-car systems easier to use, automate customer self-service, and optimize the access and discovery of even the most advanced mobile applications and content - regardless of technical know-how, location, environment, or physical and literacy capabilities.
ILONA ALEXANDRA HOLTZ Recruiter - Employment Specialist DACH Human Resources Nuance Communications Aachen GmbH Site Ulm Soeflingerstr. 100 D-89077 Ulm, Germany Fon +49 731 - 379 50 1166 Fax +49 731 - 379 50 1106 (Zentrale) Mobil +49 170 56 15 235
WWW.NUANCE.COMThe experience speaks for itself ™ Geschäftsführung/Director: Jan Anthierens Sitz der Gesellschaft/Registered Office: Aachen Registergericht/Court of Registration: Aachen Reg. Nr.: HRB 11872 USt-ID/VAT: DE 813191696 This electronic transmission and any files transmitted with it are confidential. It is transmitted for the sole use of the person(s) to whom it is addressed. Any further distribution or copying is prohibited. If you receive this message in error, please inform the sender immediately, do not use it or disclose its contents and delete it from your system. Please note that Nuance cannot guarantee that the transmission will be secure or error-free.
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6-15 | (2012-06-11) Co Producer (m/f) Speech Technology Automotive at Nuance Turin Italy For our office in Turin / Italy we are currently looking for a fulltime
Co Producer (m/f) Speech Technology Automotive
Key responsibilities:
We offer. At Nuance Communications we believe our people are our most valuable asset. We offer competitive compensation packages and we offer you career development opportunities in a challenging technical but casual work environment. As a Nuance team member you will work within a dynamic international team operating worldwide. Does Nuance speak to you? If you are interested in joining our team, please send your English CV including earliest starting date and salary expectations via our Recruiting tool https://jobs-nuance.icims.com/jobs/7799/job .
Nuance's Mobility Division builds innovative, intelligent and intuitive touch and speech interfaces to simplify and enhance the way people interact with mobile devices, applications, and services. Nuance Mobile solutions make mobile devices and in-car systems easier to use, automate customer self-service, and optimize the access and discovery of even the most advanced mobile applications and content - regardless of technical know-how, location, environment, or physical and literacy capabilities.
ILONA ALEXANDRA HOLTZ Recruiter - Employment Specialist DACH Human Resources Nuance Communications Aachen GmbH Site Ulm Soeflingerstr. 100 D-89077 Ulm, Germany Fon +49 731 - 379 50 1166 Fax +49 731 - 379 50 1106 (Zentrale) Mobil +49 170 56 15 235
WWW.NUANCE.COMThe experience speaks for itself ™ Geschäftsführung/Director: Jan Anthierens Sitz der Gesellschaft/Registered Office: Aachen Registergericht/Court of Registration: Aachen Reg. Nr.: HRB 11872 USt-ID/VAT: DE 813191696 This electronic transmission and any files transmitted with it are confidential. It is transmitted for the sole use of the person(s) to whom it is addressed. Any further distribution or copying is prohibited. If you receive this message in error, please inform the sender immediately, do not use it or disclose its contents and delete it from your system. Please note that Nuance cannot guarantee that the transmission will be secure or error-free.
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6-16 | (2012-06-11) Tools Developer (m/f) Software Engineering C/C++ Speech Technology Automotive at Nuance Turin Italy For our office in Turin / Italy we are currently looking for a fulltime
Tools Developer (m/f) Software Engineering C/C++ Speech Technology Automotive
Key responsibilities:
We offer. At Nuance Communications we believe our people are our most valuable asset. We offer competitive compensation packages and we offer you career development opportunities in a challenging technical but casual work environment. As a Nuance team member you will work within a dynamic international team operating worldwide. Does Nuance speak to you? If you are interested in joining our team, please send your English CV including earliest starting date and salary expectations via our Recruiting tool https://jobs-nuance.icims.com/jobs/7797/job .
Nuance's Mobility Division builds innovative, intelligent and intuitive touch and speech interfaces to simplify and enhance the way people interact with mobile devices, applications, and services. Nuance Mobile solutions make mobile devices and in-car systems easier to use, automate customer self-service, and optimize the access and discovery of even the most advanced mobile applications and content - regardless of technical know-how, location, environment, or physical and literacy capabilities.
ILONA ALEXANDRA HOLTZ Recruiter - Employment Specialist DACH Human Resources Nuance Communications Aachen GmbH Site Ulm Soeflingerstr. 100 D-89077 Ulm, Germany Fon +49 731 - 379 50 1166 Fax +49 731 - 379 50 1106 (Zentrale) Mobil +49 170 56 15 235
WWW.NUANCE.COMThe experience speaks for itself ™ Geschäftsführung/Director: Jan Anthierens Sitz der Gesellschaft/Registered Office: Aachen Registergericht/Court of Registration: Aachen Reg. Nr.: HRB 11872 USt-ID/VAT: DE 813191696 This electronic transmission and any files transmitted with it are confidential. It is transmitted for the sole use of the person(s) to whom it is addressed. Any further distribution or copying is prohibited. If you receive this message in error, please inform the sender immediately, do not use it or disclose its contents and delete it from your system. Please note that Nuance cannot guarantee that the transmission will be secure or error-free.
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6-17 | (2012-06-11) Voice Manager (m/f) Speech Technology Automotive at Nuance Turin Italy Voice Manager (m/f) Speech Technology Automotive
Key responsibilities:
We offer. At Nuance Communications we believe our people are our most valuable asset. We offer competitive compensation packages and we offer you career development opportunities in a challenging technical but casual work environment. As a Nuance team member you will work within a dynamic international team operating worldwide. Does Nuance speak to you? If you are interested in joining our team, please send your English CV including earliest starting date and salary expectations via our Recruiting tool https://jobs-nuance.icims.com/jobs/7795/job.
Nuance's Mobility Division builds innovative, intelligent and intuitive touch and speech interfaces to simplify and enhance the way people interact with mobile devices, applications, and services. Nuance Mobile solutions make mobile devices and in-car systems easier to use, automate customer self-service, and optimize the access and discovery of even the most advanced mobile applications and content - regardless of technical know-how, location, environment, or physical and literacy capabilities.
ILONA ALEXANDRA HOLTZ Recruiter - Employment Specialist DACH Human Resources Nuance Communications Aachen GmbH Site Ulm Soeflingerstr. 100 D-89077 Ulm, Germany Fon +49 731 - 379 50 1166 Fax +49 731 - 379 50 1106 (Zentrale) Mobil +49 170 56 15 235
WWW.NUANCE.COMThe experience speaks for itself ™ Geschäftsführung/Director: Jan Anthierens Sitz der Gesellschaft/Registered Office: Aachen Registergericht/Court of Registration: Aachen Reg. Nr.: HRB 11872 USt-ID/VAT: DE 813191696 This electronic transmission and any files transmitted with it are confidential. It is transmitted for the sole use of the person(s) to whom it is addressed. Any further distribution or copying is prohibited. If you receive this message in error, please inform the sender immediately, do not use it or disclose its contents and delete it from your system. Please note that Nuance cannot guarantee that the transmission will be secure or error-free.
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6-18 | (2012-06-12) Senior research scientist at Pearson Pearson has one defining goal: to help people progress in their lives through learning. We champion innovation and we invest in models for education that deliver on our promise for effective, accessible, and personal learning from early literacy, college and career readiness to professional education, through data informed instruction and inventive applications for mobile and digital learning.
Responsible for advancing the state of the company's automated grading technology while working with the sales, marketing and test development teams to solve practical problems from the field. The position demands a person who has broad interests and is motivated to design and implement improvements to the company’s system. Opportunities for further research in applicable areas are available.
Responsibilities of this role:
Personality attributes/skills required: • Experience in designing and running ASR experiments using HTK a plus
Please apply online at www.pearsoned.com/careers
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6-19 | (2012-06-12) Research scientist at Pearson Pearson has one defining goal: to help people progress in their lives through learning. We champion innovation and we invest in models for education that deliver on our promise for effective, accessible, and personal learning from early literacy, college and career readiness to professional education, through data informed instruction and inventive applications for mobile and digital learning.
Research Scientist:
Responsible for advancing the state of the company's automated grading technology while working with the sales, marketing and test development teams to solve practical problems from the field. The position demands a person who has broad interests and is motivated to design and implement improvements to the company’s system. Opportunities for further research in applicable areas are available. Qualifications:
Personality attributes/skills required:
Apply online at www.pearsoned.com/careers
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6-20 | (2012-06-15) INESC-ID Open Positions, Lisbon Partugal INESC-ID Open Positions The Institution Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa (INESC-ID) is one of the most dynamic research institutes in Portugal in the areas of communication and information technologies. The activity of INESC-ID is focused on the following area: Interactive Intelligent Systems (http://www.inesc-id.pt).
Job Description Successful candidates will be integrated in an existing research group at INESC-ID and will conduct research focusing on:
By addressing the creation of intelligent and affective relations with machines, together with intelligent visualization and virtual environments, the candidate will develop techniques that will advance the state of the art in building dialogue, multi-modal interaction and affective relations with machines.
The work will be carried out in one of the three groups: Spoken Language Systems, Intelligent Agents and Synthetic Characters or Visualization and Multi-modal Interactions.
The position holder is expected to develop scientific research preferably within these topics, and will be encouraged to start their own projects in coordination with colleagues. Excellent candidates in related areas are also strongly encouraged to apply.
Qualifications Required Applicants should hold a PhD, be fluent in English and show evidence of autonomous research abilities. The should be willing to work in a team and also have a strong publication record. The successful candidate should propose an innovative research project with relevance for the research area where she/he will be integrated.
Contract Conditions INESC-ID is an equal opportunity employer that implements the principle of equal treatment and training irrespective of religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation in employment. The contract corresponds to a salary of a Research Assitant Professor in Portugal. Successful applicants will be in post from August 2012.
Application Deadline July 15th 2012
Application details
INESC-ID invites eligible individuals to submit their expressions of interest, which must include an application letter, a detailed CV, a 1-page outline of a proposed research program, and is highly recommended to include reference letters. All documents should be sent by email to applications@inesc-id.pt and/or snail mail to: Direcção INESC-ID, R. Alves Redol, 9, 1000-029 Lisboa, Portugal.
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6-21 | (2012-06-15) Language Processing Software Engineer at ONMOBILE Language Processing Software Engineer At ONMOBILE SA, an IT and Telecom VAS company, we hire at the earliest possible date an experienced natural language processing (NLP) software engineer for new research and development projects on automatic speech recognition, text processing, and multilingual question-answering systems.
We are looking for a software development engineer with NLP development or research background on either commercial or academic speech recognition systems. You will be familiar with and have practical experience in the following areas: State-of-the-art NLP technologies (robust parsing, finite-state transducers FSTs, statistical language modelling etc.) Semantic Web technologies like RDF, OWL, SPARQL Ability to develop with Eclipse RCP Strong programming skill with modern programming languages (C++, Java) and scripting languages Expertise in speech recognition, acoustic modelling, and audio/video processing is a plus You should have an engineer school or university degree in computer science or related disciplines. A PhD or an equivalent level of experience would be helpful.
An application-oriented perspective and a concern for customers with strong analytical and problem solving skills are required. You should be capable to work independently when needed.
Other skills: transparent behaviour, clarity of expression, ability to work in a multi-cultural team.
Languages: fluent in English, French
The position is based in Paris, France.
Contact by email to WenXuan TENG (
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6-22 | (2012-06-15) Speech and Audio Processing Software Engineer at ONMOBILE Speech and Audio Processing Software Engineer At ONMOBILE SA, an IT and Telecom VAS company, we are hiring at the earliest possible date an experienced Speech and Audio Processing Software Engineer for research and development projects on automatic speech recognition, text processing, and multilingual question-answering systems.
We are looking for a software development engineer with speech recognition and audio processing development or research background on either commercial or academic speech recognition systems. You will be familiar with and have practical experience in the following areas: State-of-the-art speech recognition technologies (decoder, language models, acoustic models, signal processing) and their implementation within efficient recognition and training systems Audio and signal processing for de-noising, acoustic feature extraction, audio fingerprinting, karaoke scoring etc. Strong programming skill with modern programming languages (C++, Java) and scripting languages Expertise in NLP technologies is a plus You should have an engineer school or university degree in signal processing or computer science or related disciplines. A PhD or an equivalent level of experience would be helpful.
An application-oriented perspective and a concern for customers with strong analytical and problem solving skills are required. You should be capable to work independently when needed.
Other skills: transparent behaviour, clarity of expression, ability to work in a multi-cultural team.
Languages: fluent in English, French
The position is based in Paris, France. Contact by email to WenXuan TENG (
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6-23 | (2012-06-17) 2-4 PhD positions in Speech Technology and Communication at KTH Stockholm Sweden 2-4 PhD positions in Speech Technology and Communication The goal of the positions is to contribute to the research foundation for speech technology in tomorrow's conversational systems. Anticipated specializations
The positions include free tuition and are salaried 4 year employments, presently starting at 2800 euro/month increasing to 3400 euro/month for the last year. To get information about how to apply for the positions go to http://www.speech.kth.se/vacancies/
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6-24 | (2012-06-21) Mandarin TTS (Text To Speech) Manager / Expert / Research Engineer Positions at Nuance: 6 Location : Shanghai, China Nuance Communications is a listed US$1.5B global software company and the world leader in speech, text and imaging solutions for businesses and consumers around the world, with aggressive growth plans in the Asia Pacific region.
Job title: Mandarin TTS (Text To Speech) Manager / Expert / Research Engineer Positions: 6 Location : Shanghai, China
Job description and requirements Overview: Nuance's Mobility Division builds innovative, intelligent and intuitive touch and speech interfaces to simplify and enhance the way people interact with mobile devices, applications, and services. Nuance Mobile solutions make mobile devices and in-car systems easier to use, automate customer self-service, and optimize the access and discovery of even the most advanced mobile applications and content - regardless of technical know-how, location, environment, or physical and literacy capabilities. Responsibilities:
Reporting to TTS manager, the research scientist will conduct and lead innovative research and development on speech synthesis technologies for Asian languages. In the role as research scientist, your goal will be to continuously drive improvements and innovation to the Nuance Chinese TTS system, for commercial deployment in all types of markets and platforms. Representative tasks will include: •Design, implementation, evaluation, optimization and testing of new algorithms and tools for text-to-speech synthesis, for both signal generation and text processing/understanding. •Product integration supervision of proven innovation results •Defining the team's innovation and technical agenda, in cooperation with TTS management •Creation of demonstrators and evaluators of new technologies. Required skills: Digital speech processing, strong mathematics knowledge, excellent computer programming skills preferably in C, C++ and scripting languages, familiarity with different OS and computing platforms, excellent English and communication skills, strong team player, proven track record of achievements in Chinese TTS R&D, fluent Mandarin speaking Preferred skills: Hands-on experiences in one or more of these areas, TTS R&D, software engineering, natural language processing and understanding, project management, parametric and/or unit selection TTS development Education: PhD or Master degree in EE or CS from a well known university You can also find the job details via searching job 7812 and 7806, 7808~7811 at http://www.nuance.com/company/careers/index.htm
Contact information: Further questions and resumes can be sent to Lily He, Recruiter for Nuance Greater China at lily.he@nuance.com Thank you for your time and consideration, I look forward to hearing from you!
Regards, Lily He
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6-25 | (2012-06-30) Thèse CIFRE à Orange Labs (Issy les Moulineaux, Paris). Thèse CIFRE à Orange Labs (Issy les Moulineaux, Paris).
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6-26 | (2012-07-05) PhD at LIG (Grenoble-France) PhD proposal : Collaborative Annotation of multi-modal, multi-lingual and multimedia documents
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6-27 | (2012-07-08) Faculty position in Phonetic Science and Speech Technology at Nanjing Normal University, China Faculty position in Phonetic Science and Speech Technology at Nanjing Normal University, China (Urgent job announcement) The Institute of Linguistic Science and Technology at Nanjing Normal University, China, invites applications for a faculty position in the area of Phonetic Science and Speech Technology. The position can be Lecturer, Associate Professor, or Professor, depending on the qualifications and experience of the applicant. Nanjing Normal University (NNU) is situated in Nanjing, a city in China not only famous for its great history and culture but also pride for excellence in education and academy. With Chinese-style buildings and garden-like environment, the Suiyuan Campus of NNU is often entitled the “ Most Beautiful Campus in the Orient.” Nanjing Normal University is among the top 5 universities of China in the area of Linguistics. Placing strong emphasis on interdisciplinary research, the Institute of Linguistic Science and Technology at NNU is unique in that it bridges the studies of theoretical and applied linguistics, phonetics, cognitive sciences, neural sciences, and information technologies. The phonetic laboratory is very well equipped, with sound-proof recording studio, professional audio facilities, physiological instruments (e.g., WAVE system, PowerLab, EGG, EPG, airflow and pressure module, and nasality sensor), EEG for ERP studies, eye tracker, etc. The laboratory just organized an international symposium TAL 2012 www.TAL2012.org very successfully at the end of May. We welcome interested colleagues to join us. The research can cover any areas in phonetic sciences and speech technologies, including but not limited to speech production, speech perception, prosodic modeling, speech synthesis, automatic speech recognition and understanding, spoken language acquisition, computer-aided language learning, and ERP study for spoken languages. Outstanding research support will be offered. Requirements: * A PhD degree (or an expected one) in related disciplines (e.g., linguistics, psychology, physics, applied mathematics, computer sciences, and electronic engineering); * Good publication/patent record in phonetic sciences or speech technologies; * Good oral and written communication skills in both Chinese and English; * Team work spirit in a multidisciplinary group. Interested candidates should submit a CV, a detailed list of publication, the copies of the best two or three publications, and the contact information of two references to: Prof. Wentao GU Email: wtgu@njnu.edu.cn; wentaogu@gmail.com Phone: (office) +86-25-8359-8624, (mobile) +86-189-3687-2840 The position will keep open until it is filled. An earlier application is strongly recommended
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6-28 | (2012-07-26) Offre de thèse en correction orthographique par traduction statistique, Univ. Le Mans, FranceOffre de thèse financée au sein du laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Université du Maine (LIUM) dans le domaine de la correction orthographique automatique par méthodes de traduction statistique. Lieu : LIUM (Le Mans) Date : 1/10/2012 Durée : 3 ans Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le projet 'investissement d'avenir' PACTE, porté par l'entreprise Diadeis, et dont sont également partenaires l'équipe Alpage (INRIA et Paris 7), et les entreprises A2ia et Isako. PACTE a pour objectif l'amélioration de la qualité orthographique des textes issus de différentes méthodes de capture textuelle. L'accent est mis sur les sorties d'OCR (reconnaissance optique de caractères sur des textes imprimés scannés), mais concerne également des données obtenues par reconnaissance d'écriture manuscrite, par saisie manuelle, et par rédaction directe. Les techniques qui seront utilisées sont à la fois statistiques et hybrides, faisant usage d'outils et de ressources de linguistique computationnelle. Le domaine d'application principal du projet est celui de la numérisation du patrimoine écrit, dans un contexte multilingue. Une deuxième thèse démarrera à Alpage avec un accent sur l'utilisation des connaissances linguistiques pour aider à optimiser automatiquement ou quasi-automatiquement la qualité orthographique des textes. Dans le cadre du projet PACTE, une étroite collaboration aura lieu entre le LIUM, Alpage et la société Diadeis. Dans ce contexte, l'enjeu de la thèse au LIUM est d'analyser comment utiliser les techniques de traduction automatique statistique pour la correction d'erreur. En effet, on peut considérer la correction d'erreur comme un processus de passage d'une langue erronée vers une langue correcte. Une approche similaire a déjà été utilisée avec succès pour corriger les sorties des systèmes de traduction par règles, connue sous le nom 'statistical post-editing (SPE)'. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, il s'agit donc d'étudier comment une approche similaire peut être utilisée pour la correction orthographique. Un aspect important de cette thèse concerne le développement de modèles de langue efficaces, donnant de bons résultats avec une faible empreinte mémoire. Les modèles n-grammes à repli seront privilégiés, mais d'autres méthodes seront également explorées, notamment la modélisation dans l'espace continu (continuous space language models). Nous nous intéresserons aussi à l'intégration de connaissances morphosyntaxiques, en collaboration avec l'équipe Alpage. Les langues étudiées seront prioritairement le français et l'anglais, ainsi que l'allemand. Une application à l'espagnol, l'italien, voire d'autres langues européennes est possible. Profil recherché : - bonnes compétences en informatique (la maîtrise de Linux est indispensable, programmation en C++, utilisation de scripts, Perl, etc); - des connaissances en traduction automatique statistique sont souhaitées, ou, à défaut, en apprentissage automatique; - une expérience avec l'outil Moses est un plus. La thèse se déroulera au sein de l'équipe LST du LIUM. Le LIUM est connu au niveau international pour ses recherches dans le domaine de la traduction statistique, et nous avons de nombreuses collaborations avec des universités et entreprises en Europe et aux États-Unis. Contact : Holger Schwenk Holger.Schwenk@lium.univ-lemans.fr
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6-29 | (2012-08-03) PhD Studentship in Speaker Diarization at EURECOM, Sophia Antipolis, Alpes Maritimes, France PhD Studentship in Speaker Diarization at EURECOM
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6-30 | (2012-08-08) Poste de chercheur junior en sciences du langage-Univ Mons-Hainaut Belgique Offre d’emploi : « Chercheur en sciences de la parole » _____________________________________________________________________________________
Service de Métrologie et Sciences du langage, Laboratoire de phonétique,
Université de Mons, Mons, Belgique _____________________________________________________________________________________
Le service de métrologie et sciences du langage constitue une réserve ouverte de recrutement en vue de l’engagement possible dans des postes de chercheur junior (M/F) boursier en sciences de la parole. Profil du candidat (M/F) :
Profil de poste : Le titulaire du poste (M/F) contribue aux efforts de recherche du Service dans le cadre de l’une des thématiques ressortissant à l’un des deux projets décrits en annexe. Il prépare une thèse de doctorat articulée avec l’un de ces projets. Il peut être amené à prendre une part mineure aux activités d’encadrement pédagogique du service. Certains postes sont d’ores et déjà disponibles au service, d’autres sont susceptibles de lui être attribués moyennant une candidature au sein d’un concours (interne et/ou externe à l’UMONS), avec support du Service. Bourse de recherche d’une durée de quatre ans, par tranches renouvelables d’un an, avec prise de fonctions au plus tôt le 1er octobre 2012. Les personnes intéressées sont priées d’adresser au plus vite un dossier comportant :
au format pdf (exclusivement) à l’adresse : bernard.harmegnies@umons.ac.be Annexe 1 : Projet PAROLPATHOS Titre du projet
Evaluation acoustique et auditive du signal de parole de locuteurs francophones en situation de handicap. Apports de la phonétique clinique au développement de procédures d’évaluation holistique du sujet communicant situé dans son écosystème.
Résumé et objectifs du projet
Les phénomènes acoustiques que produit le locuteur dans l’actualisation de son intention de communication ne comportent pas seulement la manifestation matérielle des formes linguistiques prescrites par les systèmes de la langue. Le signal de parole charrie aussi quantité d'éléments sans rapport avec les signes linguistiques, mais causalement liés à divers aspects du fonctionnement ou de l'état du locuteur, et susceptibles, dès lors, d'avoir valeur d'indices.
Dans les cas où le sujet se trouve en situation de handicap, des éléments liés à un contexte pathologique peuvent ainsi affleurer dans le signal de parole. Les productions vocales du locuteur peuvent dès lors porter la marque tant de problèmes localisés au niveau de l'une ou l'autre des procédures de traitement du langage que de difficultés non langagières mais ayant sur le langage des répercussions plus ou moins directes.
La phonétique clinique, discipline en émergence depuis deux décennies dans le monde anglo-saxon, et depuis quelques années seulement en Francophonie, se centre sur ces phénomènes avec le projet de mettre ses méthodes et techniques de laboratoire au service de la compréhension du fonctionnement du locuteur, là où l'existence d'une pathologie lui fait affronter la situation de communication comme situation de handicap. Aujourd'hui, si les approches de la phonétique clinique apparaissent, au crible de ces travaux, d'un très haut intérêt, force est cependant de reconnaître que l'état des connaissances scientifiques en la matière demeure embryonnaire et inégal. D'une part, les recherches se centrent le plus souvent sur des phénomènes observés dans des échantillons de parole de langue anglaise: la langue française fait, de ce point de vue, figure de parent pauvre. D'autre part, certains secteurs pathologiques ont fait l'objet de bien moins d'efforts que d’autres (sinon aucun). En outre, souvent, des équipes différentes ont recours à des méthodologies différentes, même si elles travaillent sur des cadres pathologiques identiques ; il est donc malaisé d'évaluer la fiabilité et la validité des différentes approches métrologiques. Par ailleurs, dans de nombreux cas, les approches quantitatives à base acoustique, quelque sophistiquées qu’elles soient, ne parviennent pas à une finesse clinique comparable à celles de l'expert humain. Enfin, la plupart des outils aujourd'hui disponibles s'assortissent de contraintes techniques et méthodologiques qui en rendent l'utilisation difficile en contexte écologique de communication.
Notre projet vise, en conséquence, à dégager une synthèse générale des moyens d’évaluation disponibles, valable pour les productions des locuteurs francophones s’exprimant dans des situations de handicap comportant une dimension pathologique. Il recourt à une large variété de tableaux cliniques (troubles de l’articulation, troubles de la fluence, laryngopathies acquises, carcinomes des voies aéro-digestives supérieures, pathologies neurologiques non-spécifiquement liées à la sphère du langage, vieillissement langagier physiologique vs. pathologique) et à un panel d'approchesméthodologiques diversifié, afin de pouvoir étudier le croisement des tableaux cliniques et des méthodologies dans un large territoire conceptuel. Il compare ces approches métrologiques à entrée acoustique aux évaluations formées par des auditeurs humains dotés de types et de niveaux d’expertise variables. Ce faisant, il vise non seulement à faire oeuvre d’intervalidation, mais interroge également les processus cognitifs permettant à l’observateur de construire et d’exercer son expertise. Il étudie en outre la généralisabilité des mesures et des évaluations pratiquées en contexte artificiel (laboratoire, hôpital) aux contextes écologiques de vie (famille, services, institutions) et propose une approche intégrée de l’évaluation de la contribution de la qualité communicationnelle à la qualité de vie.
Annexe 2 : Projet COGNIPHON Titre du projet
Contrôle cognitif de la production des sons de parole en phase d’acquisition de la L2
Résumé et objectifs du projet
L’individu qui, ayant acquis la maîtrise du langage au travers de sa seule langue maternelle, souhaite en apprendre une autre, se trouve confronté à la nécessité de traiter, en L2, (en perception comme en production) des sons similaires à ceux de la L1 d’une manière différente (par exemple, certaines réalisations du /e/ de l’espagnol peuvent être acoustiquement fort similaires de celles du /ɛ/ du portugais), voire de percevoir et produire en L2 des sons inexistants en L1 (par exemple, la production du /ʔ/ en arabe ne correspond à la réalisation d’aucun phonème de l’anglais). L’idée que, dans le cadre de cet apprentissage, le sujet recourt mal à propos aux stratégies qui lui sont habituelles en L1 a, depuis longtemps, inspiré les linguistes, les pédagogues et, singulièrement, les scientifiques intéressés à la cognition humaine, qui peuvent y voir la mise en œuvre inappropriée de stratégies routinisées par le biais de l’usage de la L1.
Les pédagogues de l’oral en langue étrangère (particulièrement le courant verbo-tonal), soucieux de prendre en charge cette propension de l’apprenant, ont proposé divers moyens d’intervention dans le cadre de démarches qu’il est de coutume de rassembler sous l’appellation correction phonétique. De cela résulte un corps technique rassemblant des procédés didactiques appuyés essentiellement sur l’expertise des praticiens. Les enseignants de langue s’accordent certes en général sur l’intérêt de ces techniques. Néanmoins, l’étude objective non seulement de leur efficacité mais aussi, plus profondément, de leur mode de fonctionnement, n’a fait l’objet que de fort peu de développements, hormis les travaux de quelques trop rares équipes. La situation actuelle est donc paradoxale, car même si les échanges verbaux sont désormais au centre des pratiques de classe en L2, la question du traitement pédagogique de l’acquisition des processus de gestion cognitive de la matière phonique a largement été scotomisée dans le domaine de la recherche empirique et très peu de connaissances fiablement basées sur des évidences expérimentales sont en fait disponibles. C’est d’autant plus regrettable que la demande sociale pour des prestations orales multilingues de qualité s’accroît continûment et que diverses officines vendent aujourd’hui au prix fort un savoir-faire souvent banal, prétendument fondé sur des évidences scientifiques, en vérité non démontrées. Notre projet vise au développement d’un programme de recherche dont la finalité est précisément de contribuer à combler cette lacune par la mise en œuvre de dispositifs expérimentaux susceptibles d’apprécier le poids des divers éléments causaux impliqués dans l’acquisition de nouvelles compétences de contrôle phonique et susceptibles d’être appliqués à tout sujet, quelles que soient ses caractéristiques intrinsèques. Si, dans son origine, notre réflexion part de constats opérés dans le cadre de situations concrètes d’enseignement-apprentissage et si, par ailleurs, elle se nourrit de l’expertise des enseignants, nous nous inscrivons cependant résolument dans une perspective de recherche fondamentale. Notre objet d’étude n’est autre que l’ensemble des facteurs extrinsèques susceptibles d’être manipulés en vue de favoriser la maîtrise, par l’apprenant de langue étrangère, de nouvelles possibilités de contrôle phonique, que ces facteurs aient ou non été identifiés et/ou délibérément exploités dans le cadre pédagogique. Nous nous trouvons donc bien ici au cœur de ces processus cognitifs “ mis en jeu au cours de l’acquisition, la perception, la compréhension et la production du langage parlé […] ” que Ferrand & Grainger (2004, p. 11) définissent précisément comme constituant l’objet-même des préoccupations scientifiques de la psycholinguistique cognitive.
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6-31 | (2012-08-24) Post-docs call for application at Brain and Language Research Institute, Aix en Provence France Brain and Language Research Institute
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6-32 | (2012-08-30) Post-doc position at LIMSI-CNRS in the Spoken Language Processing group, Paris Post-doc position at LIMSI-CNRS Post-doc positionin the Spoken Language Processing group A post-doc position will be proposed at LIMSI-CNRS, in the context of the ANR-funded CHIST-ERA CAMOMILE Project (Collaborative Annotation of multi-MOdal, MultI-Lingual and multi-mEdia documents).
Description Human activity is constantly generating large volumes of heterogeneous data, in particular via the Web. These data can be collected and explored to gain new insights in social sciences, linguistics, economics, behavioural studies as well as artificial intelligence and computer sciences. Skills A PhD in a field related to the project is required. Contacts
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6-33 | (2012-08-30) A Post-doc position at Bruno Kessler Foundation, Center for Information Technology (Trento-Italy) A Post-doc position is available in the Speech-acoustic scene analysis and interpretation - SHINE Unit at Bruno Kessler Foundation, Center for Information Technology. The Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK) conducts research activities in Information Technology, Materials and Microsystems, Theoretical Physics, Mathematics, Italian-Germanic historical studies, Religious studies and International Relations. Through its network, it also develops research in the fields of international relationships, conflict causes and effects, European economic institutions, behavioral economics and evaluative assessment of public policies. Workplace description The SHINE unit conducts research on acoustic signal processing and interpretation, mainly concerning speech signals acquired by multi-microphone systems in indoor environment. The research aims to progress in the scientific areas of Acoustic Scene Analysis and Speech Interaction under noisy and reverberant conditions, in particular with a speaker at distance from the microphones. More information about SHINE unit is available at the following link: http://shine.fbk.eu
Job description The SHINE Research Unit is looking for a candidate to carry out research activities in the field of Distant Speech Recognition. Applications are invited for a post-doctoral researcher who will work under the DIRHA project funded by the EU (http://dirha.fbk.eu) and other internal research activities. This project aims to study voice-based systems in domestic environments supporting natural speech interaction using distant microphones e.g. for supporting motor-impaired persons. Main field of research are multi- channel acoustic processing, distant speech recognition and understanding, speaker identification and verification, spoken dialogue management. ![]() ![]() Job requirements
Employment Type of contract: 30-month contract Number of position: 1 Gross salary: from 33.000 to 41.000 € per year (depending on the candidate’s experience) Benefit: company subsidized cafeteria or meal vouchers, internal car park, welcome office support for visa formalities, accommodation, social security, etc., reductions on bank accounts, public transportation, sport, accommodation and language courses fees. Start date: Autumn 2012 Place: Povo, Trento (Italy) Application process To apply online, please send your detailed CV (.pdf format) including a list of publications, a statement of research interests and contact information for at least 2 references. Please include in your CV your authorization for the handling of your personal information as per the Italian Personal data Protection Code, Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 June 2003. Applications must be sent to jobs@fbk.eu Emails should have the following reference code: SHINE_PostDoc2012_DSR Application deadline: September 25th 2012 For more information, please contact: Maurizio Omologo (e-mail: omologo@fbk.eu) Those candidates who will pass the preliminary curricula screening will be contacted shortly for an interview. Those applicants who will not be selected, will be notified of the exclusion at the end of the selection process. Please note that FBK may contact short-listed candidates who were not selected for the current openings within a period of 6 months for any selection process for similar positions. For transparency purposes, the name of the selected candidate, upon his/her acceptance of the position, will be published on the FBK website at the bottom of the selection notice.
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6-34 | (2012-09-07) 4 positions as Google's Dublin office as Speech Linguistic Project Managers There are four temporary positions opening at Google's Dublin office as Speech Linguistic Project Managers for French, Italian, German and Spanish (see description below). The role would suit someone with an advanced degree in (Computational) Linguistics (Master's degree or Ph.D.) and a native speaker of one of these languages.
These positions were recently advertised on the Linguist List (http://linguistlist.org/jobs/get-jobs.cfm?JobID=98660&SubID=4551801) where all the relevant information can be found. A description can be found below as well.
Job title:
Speech Linguistic Project Manager (French, German, Italian, Iberian Spanish)
Job description:
As a Linguistic Project Manager and a native speaker of one of the target languages, you will oversee and manage all work related to achieving high data quality for speech projects in your own language.
You will be based in the Dublin office, managing a team of Data Evaluators and working on a number of projects towards Speech research: ASR, TTS, and NLP
This includes:
- managing and overseeing the work of your team
- creating verbalisation rules, such as expanding URLs, email addresses, numbers
- providing expertise on pronunciation and phonotactics
- building and maintaining a database of speech recognition patterns
- creating pronunciations for new lexicon entries, maintaining the lexicon
- working with QA tools according to given guidelines and using in-house tools
Job requirements:
- native-level speaker of one of the target languages (with good command of the standard dialect) and fluent in English
- keen ear for phonetic nuances and attention to detail; knowledge of the language's phonology
- must have attended elementary school in the country where the language is spoken
- ability to quickly grasp technical concepts
- excellent oral and written communication skills
- good organizational skills, previous experience in managing external resources
- previous experience with speech/NLP-related projects a plus
- advanced degree in Linguistics, Computational Linguistics preferred
- also a plus: proficiency with HTML, XML, and some programming language; previous experience working in a Linux environment
Project duration: 6-9 months (with potential for extension)
For immediate consideration, please email your CV and cover letter in English (PDF format preferred) with 'Speech Linguistic Project Manager [language]' in the subject line.
Email Address for Applications: DataOpsMan@gmail.com
Contact Person: Linne Ha
Closing date: open until filled
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6-35 | (2012-09-26) Speech Recognition/Machine Learning Engineers ar Cantab Research, Cambridge,UK Speech Recognition/Machine Learning Engineers
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6-36 | (2012-10-05) ASSOCIATE RESEARCH SCIENTIST POSITION at ETS Princeton, NJ, USA ASSOCIATE RESEARCH SCIENTIST POSITION Speech Educational Testing Service Headquartered in Princeton, NJ, ETS is the world’s premier educational measurement institution and a leader in educational research. As a nonprofit corporation and an innovator in developing tests for clients in education, government, and business we are dedicated to advancing educational excellence for the communities we serve. ETSs Research & Development division has an opening for a researcher in the NLP & Speech Group. The Group currently consists of about 15 Ph.D. level research scientists in areas related to NLP and speech. Its main focus is on foundational research as well as on development of new capabilities to automatically score written and spoken test responses in a wide range of ETS test programs including TOEFL(R)iBT and GRE(R). PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES Provide scientific and technical skills in conceptualizing, designing, obtaining support for, conducting, managing, and disseminating results of research projects in the field of speech technology, or portions of largescale research studies or programs in the same field. Develop and/or modify speech theories to conceptualize and implement new capabilities in automated scoring and speech-based analysis and evaluation systems which are used to improve assessments, learning tools and test development practices. Apply scientific, technical and software engineering skills in designing and conducting research studies and capability development in support of educational products and services. Develop and oversee the conduct of selected portions of research proposals and project budgets. Design and conduct complex scientific studies functioning as an expert in major facets of the projects. Assist in the conduct of research projects by accomplishing directed tasks according to schedule and within budget. Participate in dissemination activities through the publications of research papers, progress and technical reports, the presentation of seminars or other appropriate communication vehicles. Develop professional relationships as a representative, consultant or advisor to external advisory and policy boards and councils, research organizations, educational institutions and educators. REQUIREMENTS A Ph.D. in Language Technologies, Natural Language Processing, Computer Science or Electrical Engineering, with strong emphasis on speech technology and preferably some education in linguistics is required. Evidence of substantive research experience and/or experience in developing and deploying speech capabilities is required. Demonstrable contributions to new and/or modified theories of speech processing and their implementation in automated systems. Demonstrable expertise in the application of speech recognition systems and fluency in at least one major programming language (e.g., Java, Perl, C/C++, Python). HOW TO APPLY Please apply online at www.ets.org/careers – position #124337. ETS offers competitive salaries, outstanding benefits, a stimulating work environment, and attractive growth potential. ETS is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.
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6-37 | (2012-10-05) Researcher in Speech Technology at Vicomtech-IK4, San Sebastian, Spain Researcher in Speech Technology
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6-38 | (2012-10-10) Dolby Research Beijing looking for world-class talent!
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6-39 | (2012-10-11) Faculty Position at the Center for Spoken Language Understanding, Portland, Oregon
The Institute on Development & Disability/Center for Spoken Language Understanding invites applications at all ranks for a faculty position in Natural Language Processing, to include technologies for analysis of speech, language, or both. Special interest in applications to behavioral manifestations of neurological disorders is essential.
The primary interest is to extend our existing program in developing behavioral technologies that allow early detection and remediation of a wide range of neurological disorders, in including Autism and Parkinson’s.
The Institute on Development & Disability/ Center for Spoken Language Understanding is at the forefront of this new, exciting area of research. The faculty member will be expected to teach courses supporting the research program and appropriate background areas such Machine Learning and Computational Linguistics. We seek a researcher with a well-developed program in Natural Language Processing, to collaborate with the CSLU team and with clinicians throughout OHSU. The appointee will be expected to maintain an independent, extramurally funded research program.
Please contact: Jan van Santen, vansantj@ohsu.edu
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6-40 | (2012-10-11) Research Programmer at the College of Pharmacy at the University of Minnesota Brief Description: The College of Pharmacy at the University of Minnesota is seeking a talented, pro-active and innovative individual for a Research Programmer position to work on several projects in Center for Clinical and Cognitive Neuropharmacology (C3N). C3N is engaged in conducting interdisciplinary research focused on cognitive effects of medications and neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease. Computerized assessment is used to measure these cognitive effects. The successful candidate for this position will be responsible for a variety of computer-related tasks including creating and maintaining innovative computer-based neuropsychological testing applications that involve spontaneous speech and language collection and analysis. The successful candidate will also be responsible for creating and maintaining databases used to store and organize experimental samples and web-enabled interfaces to the databases and data analysis tools. The successful candidate will also be expected to work with graduate and undergraduate students on specific programming and research projects to meet the needs of the Center.
Full Description is available here on the official University of Minnesota job posting site: