ISCApad #159 |
Wednesday, September 14, 2011 by Chris Wellekens |
6-1 | (2011-03-01) Post-doctoral position in Automatic Speech Recognition at IRISA, France.Post-doctoral position in Automatic Speech Recognition at IRISA, France. In the framework of the project 'Automatic System Harnessing' (ASH), funded by the French National Research Agency, IRISA seeks to hire a postdoctoral researcher in the field of automatic speech recognition. Landmark-driven paradigms for large vocabulary speech recognition will be the main topic of interest [1,2,3], with a focus on developing bidirectional interaction mechanisms between landmark detection and speech transcription. The ASH project is a national project aiming at developing collaborative approaches to speech recognition by tight coupling of several ASR systems or by coupling an ASR system with landmark detectors. The idea of coupling (harnessing) systems originates from the driven decoding principle as explained in [4]. The project is leaded by the Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Université du Mans (LIUM) with the Laboratoire d'Informatique d'Avignon (LIA) as partner in addition to IRISA. The postdoc will be in charge of designing and implementing interaction mechanisms between the IRISA's ASR system and that of the other partners, during the decoding stage. Similar mechanims will be investigated for joint ASR and landmark detection in Irisa's ASR system. These research activities will be incoporated in fit in the framework of the upcoming national benchmark ETAPE/ESTER 3. Candidate should be a recent PhD in computer science or electrical engineering with strong experience in large vocabulary speech recognition (preferably search or acoustic modeling) and/or audio signal processing and classification. Candidates should have good practical and theoretical knowledge in pattern recognition. We are primarily interested in statistical approaches to pattern recognition but skills in discriminative techniques, in particular neural networks, are welcome. As we are mostly dealing with French data, knowledge of the French language is a plus but not required. IRISA is a French public laboratory located in Rennes (France), affiliated to CNRS, the French national Center for Scientific Research. The candidate will join the leading multimedia group TEXMEX at IRISA ( and develop his research in strong collaboration with the speech and audio processing group METISS. He will be part of the ASR&NLP workgroup which gathers leading scientists in speech recognition, natural language processing and information retrieval. Work will be carried out in close collaboration with a PhD student on landmark-driven speech recognition and in interaction with ASH partners. The position, to be fulfilled as soon as possible, is opened for one year, possibly with a 6 months extension. Gross salary is 2500 euros per month (2040 net pay) and includes social benefits. Please contact Guillaume Gravier ( for more details or send an extended resume for application. [1] M. Hasegawa-Johnson, S. Borys and K. Chen, Experiments in Landmark-Based Speech Recognition. Sound to Sense: Workshop in Honor of Kenneth N. Stevens, June, 2004. [2] G. Gravier and D. Moraru. Towards phonetically-driven hidden Markov models: Can we incorporate phonetic landmarks in HMM-based ASR? In Proc. ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Non Linear Speech Processing (NOLISP), 2007. [3] S. Sainath. Island driven search using broad phonetic classes. IEEE Worskhop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, 2009. [4] B. Lecouteux, G. Linarès, Y. Estève, and G. Gravier. Generalized driven decoding for speech recognition system combination. In IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2008.
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6-2 | (2011-03-09) Ingenieur R/D INRIA Rennes (France) Le centre INRIA de Rennes Bretagne Atlantique recrute en CDD :
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6-3 | (2011-03-09)Internship for Web Interface for natual language data bases INRIA Paris Stage en développement web interface graphique
Recherche stagiaires en ingéniérie Web pour le développement d?un frontal web dans le cadre d?un projet CNRS/ANR en traitement automatique des langues naturelles (, laboratoires partenaires IRCAM, Paris ; MODYCO, Nanterre)
Objectifs : Développement d?une interface web de consultation, visualisation et d?annotation de données orales structurées (3h d'enregistrement audio avec la transcription et des analyses linguistiques)
Tâche demandée : Mise en place d?une interface web permettant d?accéder à des données audio et à des annotations sur ces données par l?intermédiaire d?un langage de requête constitué au préalable. Cette interface proposera : - des formulaires de recherche s?appuyant sur un moteur existant - la représentation graphique ergonomique des annotations à l'aide de différentes visualisations des données audio et textuelles - la possibilité de réviser les annotations fournies - des statistiques sur les données et leurs représentations graphiques - un backoffice d?administration des données et des utilisateurs
Compétence techniques requises :
- Serveur : PHP ou un autre langage script (Python, Perl) et MySQL - Client Web : Javascript, HTML La connaissance de AJAX, Json, JQuery et SVG ainsi qu'en développement des outils Web avec des accès réservés sera un plus. Un intérêt pour les structures de la langue sera apprécié mais aucune connaissance particulière en parole et linguistique n?est requise. Le candidat collaborera avec l?équipe du laboratoire (linguistes et informaticiens) pour formaliser les spécifications fonctionnelles de l?application.
Indéminités mensuelles de stage. 417,09 euros
Lieu de travail : laboratoire MODYCO, Université de paris Ouest Nanterre, télétravail possible
avec mise à disposition d?ordinateur.
Début du stage : avril 2011 ou le plus tôt possible.
Durée du stage : 3 mois minimum et possibilité d?enchaîner sur un CDD de 6 à 12 mois. Contacter : Atanas Tchobanov et Kim Gerdes
Nicolas OBIN: PhD Student at IRCAM Analysis/Synthesis Team -
contact | -
? : 33 (0) 1 44 78 48 90, Fax : 33 (0)1 44 78 15 40
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6-4 | (2011-03-15) Engineer in Multimedia TCL AMERICATCL Research America (<>), the research arm of TCL Corporation in North America, is currently recruiting Research Scientists and Architects to conduct R&D efforts in the fields of multimedia, communications and smart computing. We offer competitive compensation, benefits and bonus to our employees. Established in 1981, TCL Corporation<> is a global leader in consumer electronics and communications with over 50,000 employees worldwide. TCL runs the world 6th largest TV business and 7th largest mobile phone business with globally respected brands Alcatel, Thomson and TCL. In the North America market, TCL ships Alcatel mobile phones<> and TCL TVs<>. More information of the company can be found at<> List of Openings: ( Senior Smart TV Architect Senior Multimedia Architect Research Scientist Visiting Professor Visiting Scientist Please submit your resume in pdf to CAREER.AMERICA@TCL.COM<mailto:CAREER.AMERICA@TCL.COM>. Our human resource staff will follow up with your application shortly. TCL Research America<>
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6-5 | (2011-03-22) Thesis in psycholinguistic at the University of Geneva Switzerland Le laboratoire de psycholinguistique expérimentale de l'Université de Genève met au concours:
1 poste de doctorant/e FNS en psycholinguistique expérimentale à 100% Description: Ce poste s'inscrit dans le cadre du projet de recherche financé par le Fonds National Suisse de la Recherche Scientifique (FNS) dont l’intitulé est le suivant : « Relative contribution of multiple segmentation cues to lexical identification and acquisition ». L’objectif principal du projet est d’explorer comment différents indices sous-lexicaux fournis par la structure phonétique, phonologique et rythmique de la parole contribuent à l’identification et à l’acquisition lexicale. Le/la candidat/e participera à la récolte et à l’analyse des données et développera un projet de thèse sur l'un des thèmes abordés par la recherche. Profil: Maîtrise en Psychologie, Master en Sciences du Langage avec spécialisation phonétique/phonologie (ou titre jugé équivalent). Les travaux antérieurs du/de la candidat/e devront mettre en évidence un intérêt particulier pour la psycholinguistique expérimentale. La motivation à faire une thèse de doctorat dans le cadre de la recherche soutenue par le projet sera déterminante dans le choix du/de la candidat/e. Entrée en fonction: juillet 2011 (ou à convenir) Durée du projet: 3 ans Lieu de travail: laboratoire de psycholinguistique expérimentale, Université de Genève Salaire brut: de CHF 40’200 à CHF 46’200 Délai pour le dépôt des candidatures: 15 Mai 2011 (prévoir un entretien éventuel début juin) Dossier de candidature: Les personnes intéressées sont priées de soumettre un dossier de candidature complet, incluant une lettre de motivation, leur Curriculum Vitae ainsi que la copie électronique d'une publication scientifique et/ou du mémoire de fin d'études (ou, à défaut, une recommandation du directeur/trice de mémoire). Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez vous adresser à Odile Bagou : Le dossier doit être envoyé par e-mail à l'attention du Prof. Ulrich Frauenfelder (
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6-6 | (2011-03-30) Research associate position in the Dialog Group at Cambridge Univ. UKResearch Associate, Dialogue Systems Group Applications are invited for a Research Associate position, working on automatic speech recognition. The project will be based in the Dialogue Systems Group, in the machine intelligence lab at the Cambridge University Engineering Department with an anticipated start date of May 1st, 2011 or soon after. The aim of the project is to build a server-based robust spoken dialogue system providing tourist information for in-car users. The research associate will be involved in building the system's real-time conversational speech recognition engine. Tasks will include acoustic/language model training, implementing noise robustness techniques, decoder optimization, silence detection and turn taking research. ATK and HTK will be used as the speech recognition platform. The successful candidate will have a PhD in a relevant area, such as speech recognition or computer science, and be familiar with HMM based speech recognition techniques. Preference will be given to candidates with experience in noise robustness research, end-to-end implementation of speech recognition systems, and those familiar with the ATK/HTK platforms. The Dialogue Systems Group is a world-leading research group working on robust statistical spoken dialogue systems. During the project, there will be good opportunities to attend international conferences and workshops. Interested candidates should send their CV as soon as possible to Dr Kai Yu ( or Prof. Steve Young ( Salary will be in the range £27319 to £35646 and the closing date is 14th April 2011. More information on the Dialogue Systems Group can be found at
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6-7 | (2011-04-01) Research Position in Speech Recognition for Underresourced Languages at K.U.Leuven - ESAT, Belgium
Today's speech recognition systems require hundreds of hours of example data for training the acoustic models. While such large corpora are available for the major languages, this is not the case for smaller languages, making them 'under-resourced'�. One of the underlying reasons for this data hungriness is that the dimensionality of feature vectors used in state-of-the-art speech recognition systems (typically in the range 30-40) is much larger than the intrinsic dimensionality of speech which is estimated to be 7-10 only. Efforts to make the intrinsic dimensionality smaller have been largely futile as the constraints are too complex for our by and large linear techniques. This inefficiency in basic representation, combined with other inefficiencies in mainstream context-dependent modeling makes that the hundreds of thousands parameters that constitute an acoustic model are largely redundant. The objective of this project is to apply novel mathematical techniques (e.g. spectral clustering) that can capture constraints - not in the feature space - but in the model space, i.e. in the underlying HMM parameters. Such constraints will lead to lesser requirements on the size of the training databases and should increase robustness in all situations where we don't have large corpora available, such as speaker adaptation, accent adaptation or modeling of under-resourced languages. Apart from general principles, two test cases will be be studied in more detail : i) 'Afrikaans'�, for which data from Dutch and Flemish can be reused; ii) languages form the Bantu family as spoken in South Africa for which we can only bootstrap from a wide set of rather unrelated languages. Qualifications Candidates ideally have a university degree in engineering, computer science or applied mathematics. Skills and experience in any of the following areas are welcomed: Position Within this project there is funding for a 4yr Ph.D. scholarship. Alternatively we will also accept applications for a 2 yr junior post-doc with significant relevant experience. Contact Dirk Van Compernolle - Project Partners This research will be carried out the K.U.Leuven, Belgium in the context of the AMODA project in collaboration with Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Pretoria, South Africa.
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6-8 | (2011-05-04) Post-doctoral researcher, audio signal processing, at Microsoft Research Post-doctoral researcher, audio signal processing, at Microsoft Research
Position Title: Post-doctoral researcher Organization Name: Microsoft Research Location: Redmond, WA, USA.
Microsoft Research ( is looking for one or more post-doctoral researchers in the general area of audio signal processing. They will perform research in sound capture and rendering, speech enhancement, arrays of transducers processing, psychoacoustics, human perception of sounds and images.
Strong background in the area of audio and speech signal processing, good publication record, and experience in creating a working audio systems are requirements. Expertise in speech enhancement and/or psychoacoustics is a strong advantage; good engineering and coding skills are preferred. Ability or experience to work with engineering teams is a plus.
For enquiries please send e-mail to Dr. Ivan Tashev at
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6-9 | (2011-05-07) Eight Research Positions in Speech Synthesis and Speech Recognition at Universities of Edinburgh, Cambridge, SheffieldEight Research Positions in Speech Synthesis and Speech Recognition at Universities of Edinburgh, Cambridge, SheffieldNATURAL SPEECH TECHNOLOGY -
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6-10 | (2011-05-16) Assistant(e) au Labo psycholinguistique expérimentale Genève Ouverture d'un poste d’Assistant-e en psycholinguistique (70%) au Laboratoire de psycholinguistique expérimentale
Niveau : - Assistant-e doctorant-e
Titre exigé : - Master en psychologie (ou en linguistique), ou titre jugé équivalent
Profil souhaité : - diplôme post-licence en psychologie ou en linguistique - connaissances en psycholinguistique et/ou linguistique - connaissances en informatique, logiciels d’expérimentation, analyses statistiques - bonnes bases en expérimentation
Charges : - thèse en psychologie (40% du temps) - participation à l’enseignement en psycholinguistique aux niveaux du Bachelor et du Master en Psychologie - encadrement de recherches d’étudiants en psycholinguistique expérimentale - participation aux activités de recherche de l’équipe
Salaire brut : selon barème de l’Université, dès classe 8/0, soit 43'724.-à 70% Entrée en fonction : 1er septembre 2011Taux d’activité : 70 %
Merci d’envoyer votre CV et une lettre de motivation d’ici au 31 mai 2011 à
Mme Carole Bigler Faculté de psychologie et des sciences de l’éducation Université de Genève 40 bd du Pont d'Arve 1211 Genève 4 – SuisseTel: +41 (0) 22.379.91.55 Email : Des renseignements sur le poste peuvent être obtenus auprès du Prof. Uli Frauenfelder : +41(0) 22 379 91 41 ou
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6-11 | (2011-05-16) Doctorant au Labo psycholinguistique expérimentale Genève Le laboratoire de psycholinguistique expérimentale de la Faculté de psychologie et des sciences de l’éducation (Université de Genève) met au concours:
1 poste de doctorant-e FNS à 100% en psycholinguistique expérimentale Description: Ce poste s'inscrit dans le cadre du projet de recherche financé par le Fonds National Suisse de la Recherche Scientifique (FNS) dont l’intitulé est le suivant : « Relative contribution of multiple segmentation cues to lexical identification and acquisition ». L’objectif principal du projet est d’explorer comment différents indices sous-lexicaux fournis par la structure phonétique, phonologique et rythmique de la parole contribuent à l’identification et à l’acquisition lexicale. Le-la candidat-e participera à la récolte et à l’analyse des données et développera un projet de thèse sur l'un des thèmes abordés par la recherche. Titre exigé : Maîtrise universitaire en psychologie ou Maîtrise universitaire en sciences du langage avec spécialisation phonétique/phonologie, ou titre jugé équivalent. Profil: Les travaux antérieurs du-de la candidat-e devront mettre en évidence un intérêt particulier pour la psycholinguistique expérimentale. La motivation à faire une thèse de doctorat dans le cadre de la recherche soutenue par le projet sera déterminante dans le choix du-de la candidat-e. Entrée en fonction: été 2011 (ou à convenir) Durée: 3 ans Lieu de travail: laboratoire de psycholinguistique expérimentale, Faculté de psychologie et des sciences de l’éducation, Genève Salaire brut: de CHF 40’200 à CHF 46’200 Délai pour le dépôt des candidatures: 31 Mai 2011 (prévoir un entretien éventuel en juin) Dossier de candidature: Les personnes intéressées sont priées de soumettre un dossier de candidature incluant une lettre de motivation, leur Curriculum Vitae, copie du diplôme de maîtrise (ou master), ainsi que la copie électronique d'une publication scientifique et/ou du mémoire de fin d'études (ou, à défaut, une recommandation du directeur-trice de mémoire). Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez vous adresser à Madame Odile Bagou : Le dossier doit être envoyé par e-mail à l'attention du Prof. Ulrich Frauenfelder (
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6-12 | (2011-05-18) Research Positions in Speech Synthesis and Speech Recognition Great Britain Title: Research Positions in Speech Synthesis and Speech Recognition
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6-13 | (2011-06-04) Post-doc 'Traitement du Langage Parlé' du LIMSI/CNRS Le groupe 'Traitement du Langage Parlé' du LIMSI/CNRS
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6-14 | (2011-06-08) Ingénieur en conception et développement en expérimentation, Lab Phonétique et Phonologie, Paris
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6-15 | (2011-06-14) 3 Professorships on Speech Coding, Semantic Audio Processing and Psychoacoustics at International Audio Laboratories Erlangen, Germany Title: Professorships on Speech Coding, Semantic Audio Processing and
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6-16 | (2011-06-14) Professeur Angers FranceUn poste de professeur 27 (voir fiche de poste ci-après) sera à pourvoir à l'Université d'Angers (LERIA et département d'informatique de l'UFR Sciences) lors d'un recrutement au fil de l'eau pour une prise de fonction prévue au 1 novembre 2011. Le calendrier provisoire du concours est le suivant : - 07/07/2011 au 18/08/2011 : Ouverture de la campagne et candidatures - 12/09/2011 au 29/09/2011 : Travaux du comité de sélection - 07/10/2011 au 14/10/2011 : V½ux des candidats - 17/10/2011 : Publication des résultats sur GALAXIE - 01/11/2011 : Prise de fonction Le recrutement étant totalement ouvert, les personnes intéressées peuvent dès à présent prendre contact.
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6-17 | (2011-06-21) Ms/PhD/Contractor Positions at Ozyegin University, Istanbul, Turkey title: Description: Several funded Ms/Phd positions are available at the Speech Lab of Istanbul, Turkey ( Successful researchers will also potentially be offered consultant and contractor positions at a local speech recognition company.
Qualifications Candidates should ideally have a BS, Master or equivalent degree in engineering or computer science. Candidates with a math or physics degree and excellent programming skills may apply as well. Either a strong mathematical and statistical background or a strong background in programming (C++, Matlab, Python, Java) is required. Having good programming skills and math skills is a big plus. Previous experience in speech recognition/synthesis, statistical signal processing or machine learning is an asset.
Key words: speech recognition, speech synthesis, speaker verification, machine learning, data mining
Latest application date: 1/1/2012
Financing: available
Type of Position: scholarship. successful researchers will also potentially be offered consultant and contractor positions at a local speech recognition company.
Source of Funding: EU and national funds
International travel: funding available
Duration of the Project : 2-4 years
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6-18 | (2011-07-07) Programming position ELRA/ELDA Programming position
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6-19 | (2011-07-13)Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Arabic phonetics and phonology, Univ. York, UK The UK Economic and Social Research Council funded Intonational Variation in Arabic project is seeking a Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Arabic phonetics and phonology. Application information is available here:
The closing date for applications is August 11th and we plan to interview on August 26th. Information about the Intonational Variation in Arabic project is available here:
I would be very grateful if you would forward this information to any students or colleagues who might wish to apply.
Best regards, Sam Hellmuth --------------------------------------------------- Department of Language & Linguistic Science
Times Higher Education University of the Year 2010
Intonational Variation in Arabic: Email disclaimer:
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6-20 | (2011-07-14)Postdoctoral Research Scientist Position open at Columbia University in Spoken Dialogue Systems Position Postdoctoral Research Scientist Position open at Columbia University in Spoken Dialogue Systems Position: Research and prototype development of a Spoken Dialogue System Project Description: The Spoken and Natural Language Processing groups at Columbia University in New York City have an opening for a computational linguist with expertise in research in and implementation of Spoken Dialogue Systems, with experience in Natural Language Generation. Some familiarity with multilingual processing is a plus. The Spoken Language Processing and Natural Language Processing groups are collaborating on a large DARPA project to develop state-of-the-art Spoken Dialogue Systems. We will experiment with developing new confidence metrics for guiding confirmation strategies, strategies for clarification sub-dialogues, new types of reference generation, and combining prosody and text to produce effective system prompts. The Speech Group and the NLP Group at Columbia have years of expertise in Natural Language Generation, Spoken Dialogue Systems, prosody, and multilingual processing and work in close collaboration with Research Scientists at the Columbia Center for Computational Learning Systems, who will also participate in this project. The successful candidate will be expected to play a major role in prototyping two Spoken Dialogue Systems to be built during different phases of the project and transferring these to a small team of developers who will create the final systems. One system will perform simple interactions with a robot, and the other will support dialogue in translation. The candidate will also play a major role in the research undertaken with these systems. The position is available for an initial period of two years with possible extension for 3 additional years, depending upon renewal of funding. Qualified applicants should have: • A PhD or equivalent to U.S. PhD in computational linguistics or spoken language processing • Several years’ experience with building spoken dialog systems and/or natural language generation systems • Familiarity with multilingual systems • Good implementational skills (Java, Python and/or C++) • Good English writing skills • The ability to work both independently and in a team in a multidisciplinary environment Conditions of Employment: the position is available from September/October 2011 or until filled Please address questions about the position and send your application and most current CV (and ask for 3 reference letters to be sent) in email to: Julia Hirschberg Department of Computer Science Columbia University Columbia is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer.
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6-21 | (2011-07-18) Deux postes de doctorants au LIMSI Le LIMSI (Laboratoire d'Informatique pour la Mécanique et les Sciences de l'Ingénieur) à Orsay ouvre deux postes de thèse de doctorat :
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6-23 | (2011-08-05) Research Associate/Assistant Vacancies in Cambridge University Dialogue Systems Group Research Associate/Assistant Vacancies in Cambridge University Dialogue Systems Group Applications are invited for research positions in statistical dialogue management, automatic speech recognition and statistical speech synthesis. The successful applicants will join a small team working on various aspects of spoken interaction with machines including:
Candidates should have, or expect to shortly receive, a PhD or have comparable research experience in one or more of the above areas. Salaries will be in the range £27428 to £35788 depending on qualifications and experience, and the starting date is flexible. This is an exciting opportunity to join one of the leading groups in statistical speech and language processing. Cambridge provides excellent research facilities and there are extensive opportunities for collaboration, visits and attending conferences. Further information on the work of the Dialogue Systems Group and more details on these vacancies can be found at: Prospective candidates should send their CV as soon as possible to Dr Kai Yu or Prof Steve Young ({ky219,
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6-24 | (2011-08-08) Research Scientist, ASR Palo Alto USA Research Scientist, ASR Website:
Responsible for advancing the state of the company's ( automated grading technology (Versant Grading System) while working with the sales, marketing and test development teams to solve practical problems from the field. The position demands a person who has broad interests and is motivated to design and implement improvements to the company’s system. Opportunities for further research in applicable areas are available.
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6-25 | (2011-08-08) Research Scientist, ASR Palo Alto USA Research Scientist, ASR Website:
Responsible for advancing the state of the company's ( automated grading technology (Versant Grading System) while working with the sales, marketing and test development teams to solve practical problems from the field. The position demands a person who has broad interests and is motivated to design and implement improvements to the company’s system. Opportunities for further research in applicable areas are available.
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6-26 | (2011-08-23)Postdoc position in Speech Recognition, Adaptation, Retrieval and Translation In Aalto University School of Science, Finland Postdoc position in Speech Recognition, Adaptation, Retrieval and Translation In Aalto University School of Science (previously known as Helsinki University of Technology) in Department of Information and Computer Science. We are looking for a postdoc to join our research group working on machine learning and probabilistic modeling in speech recognition, adaptation, retrieval and translation. Speech recognition group (led by Mikko Kurimo) belongs to the national Center of Excellence in Adaptive Informatics (by prof Oja, 2006-2011) and Computational Inference (by prof Oja, 2012-2017) which are the successors to the Neural Networks Research Centre (by prof Kohonen, 1995-2005). We are happy to consider outstanding candidates interested in any of our research themes, for example: • large-vocabulary speech recognition • acoustic and language model adaptation • speech recognition in noisy environments • speech retrieval and translation based on unsupervised morpheme models • speech recognition in multimodal and multilingual interfaces and information retrieval • speech recognition in indexing streaming audio and video Postdoc: 1 year + extension possibilities. Starting date: As soon as possible. Position requires a relevant doctoral degree in CS or EE, skills for doing excellent research in a group, and outstanding research experience in any of the research themes mentioned above. The candidate is expected to perform high-quality research, and assist in supervising PhD students. In Helsinki you will join the innovative international computational data analysis and ICT community. Among European cities, Helsinki is special in being clean, safe, liberal, Scandinavian, and close to nature, in short, having a high standard of living. English is spoken everywhere. See. e.g. Visit Finland. Please attach a CV including a list of publications and email addresses of 2-3 people willing to give more information. Include a brief description of research interests and send the application by email to Mikko Kurimo, Mikko.Kurimo at Adaptive Informatics Research Centre, Department of Information and Computer Science, Aalto University School of Science
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6-27 | (2011-08-25) Position Announcement: Computational Linguistics at Ohio State Position Announcement: Computational Linguistics at Ohio State
The Department of Linguistics at the Ohio State University seeks candidates for a tenure-track Assistant Professor or tenured Associate Professor position in computational linguistics, starting Autumn 2012. Candidates should have a strong background in statistical modeling and machine learning, but otherwise the area of specialization within computational linguistics is open. Candidates are expected to have their Ph.D. completed by the time of the appointment. The new assistant or associate professor will be expected to be active in research and publication, to meet standard departmental teaching requirements and to perform service duties as required by the department and the university. Review of applications will begin on December 15, 2011, and will continue until the position is filled. Dossiers consisting of a letter of interest, current curriculum vitae and the names of three references should be sent to: Computational Linguistics Search Committee Department of Linguistics The Ohio State University 222 Oxley Hall 1712 Neil Avenue Columbus, OH 43210-1298 For questions, please contact Michael White ( For information about the Computational Linguistics and Language Technology group and the Department of Linguistics, please visit and The Ohio State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. Women, minorities, Vietnam-era veterans, disabled veterans, and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
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6-28 | (2011-08-26) PhD Scholarship in Human and Automatic Speaker Characterisation, Canberra Australia PhD Scholarship in Human and Automatic Speaker Characterisation A PhD Scholarship is offered for a maximum of 3 years in the area of speaker recognition and characterisation. The value of the stipend in 2011 is A$31,860 per annum, which corresponds to the current base level of the Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) plus a top-up of A$9,000 per annum. In the following years the stipend will be indexed to the base level of the APA plus the A$9,000 top-up. The award is tax-free in Australia. Applications close 15 September 2011 The University of Canberra, the Technical University of Berlin and Deutsche Telekom AG are undertaking a joint research project in the field of speaker recognition and speaker characterisation. The project will evaluate both human and automatic speaker recognition and speaker characterisation performance over different channels, and it will provide a framework of speech quality factors for high-quality voice services. The successful candidate will have a good honours degree or equivalent with research experience in speech or speaker recognition, digital signal processing and pattern recognition. He or she will conduct research towards the aims of the project under the supervision of Prof. Michael Wagner of the University of Canberra and Prof. Sebastian Möller of the Technical University of Berlin. The position is based at the University of Canberra, but will involve a substantial period, or periods, of time at the Technical University of Berlin. The continuation of the Scholarship is contingent upon satisfactory progress according to the rules for higher-degree-by-research (HDR) students at the University of Canberra and is limited to three years. At the University of Canberra, the candidate will be working within the Biometrics Research Group (formerly the National Centre for Biometric Studies), a research group working on biometric technology, applied to a range of authentication and forensic applications and including speech and image processing. At TU Berlin, the candidate will be hosted at the Quality and Usability Lab (, which is part of Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, and will be integrated into a highly vibrant multidisciplinary research group dealing with all aspects of human-machine interaction. General information for prospective HDR students at the University of Canberra can be found at, and further information may be obtained from and from Both Prof. Wagner and Prof. Möller will also be available for direct contact at Interspeech 2011 in Florence. Applications including a CV are to be sent by email to
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6-29 | (2011-09-05) Postdoc position: Articulatory copy synthesis at LORIA (Nancy, France). Postdoc position: Articulatory copy synthesis at LORIA (Nancy, France). One year, start between October and December 2011 at LORIA (Nancy, France). Description The objective is to synthesize speech from dynamic and static articulatory data of the vocal tract. Several kinds of data are available: X-ray films recorded in the eighties, static MRI data of the vocal tract, EMA data (electromagnetography, i.e. positions of sensors glued onto speech articulators acquired at a frame rate of 200 Hz) and ultrasound images of the tongue registered with respect to the speaker’s head. We already built an adaptable articulatory model, which describes the 2D geometry of the vocal tract from the larynx to the lips. The area function of the vocal tract can be derived easily from this model. We thus plan to animate this model from EMA or ultrasound data. The second part of the postdoc deals with the connection between the dynamics of the vocal tract shape provided by the articulatory model and the acoustic simulation. The synthesizer developed by S. Maeda can generate any speech sound, i.e. consonants and vowels, but the difficulty is to pilot the transitions between vowels and consonants relevantly to avoid any spurious artifact. Expected skills Medical imaging, signal processing, acoustics, speech processing Contact:
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6-30 | (2011-09-14) TENURE TRACK OR TENURED POSITION IN SPEECH AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING, AALTO UNIVERSITY (FINLAND) Aalto University ( is a new multidisciplinary university, where science and art meet technology and business. The University is located in Espoo and Helsinki in Finland. The new university's ambitious goal is to rank among the top universities in the world in its areas of specialization. Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering invites applications for: TENURE TRACK OR TENURED POSITION IN SPEECH AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING, which can be filled on any level from assistant professor to tenured professor The tenure track is open to talented individuals who have excellent potential for a scientific career. On the basis of their experience and competence, applicants will be placed on any of the four levels of the tenure track system: Assistant Professor (1), Assistant Professor (2), Associate Professor, or Full Professor. The candidates for the two first-mentioned levels are appointed for a fixed term, while the candidates for Associate Professor positions are appointed either permanently or for a fixed term. Full Professor positions are permanent. The position is located at the Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics ( The Department puts special emphasis on scientific publications in high-impact journals combined with industrial collaboration within ICT sector. The industrial relevance of the Department’s research is very high and the research groups have close cooperation with several ICT and other high-tech companies. In this call, the Department is seeking to hire highly qualified individuals for the position. The candidates should provide world class competence in speech and language processing or closely related fields supporting and complementing the present strong focus areas of the Department’s research and teaching. All qualified candidates in the study area are encouraged to apply. The dead line of the applications is October 31, 2011. Application call and instruction are available here: For additional information, please contact Vice Head of the Department, Professor Paavo Alku (