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ISCApad #261

Saturday, March 14, 2020 by Chris Wellekens

3-1 ISCA Events
3-1-1(2020-10-12) ACM Multimedia, Seattle, WA, USA

===== ACM Multimedia 2020 =====

Oct. 12-16, Seattle
More details please visit:

1. Call for Papers

ACM Multimedia is the premier international conference in multimedia. It
covers multiple emerging fields focusing on advancing the research and
applications of many media, including but not limited to images, text, audio,
speech, music, sensor and social data.  It strongly encourages a complete and
integrated approach to exchange, process and utilize information across
modalities, as well as all cutting-edge research on each medium with potential
of great positive impacts on everyday lives and technological breakthroughs.
While the community has a tradition of developing and innovating AI and system
approaches to handle big data and improve users? experiences on engaging and
interacting with multimedia, it is also uniquely angled towards novel
applications and urgent industrial challenges. As such the conference openly
embraces new intellectual perspectives from both industry and academia, and
welcomes submissions from related fields, such as artificial intelligence,
vision and languages, data sciences, HCI and multimedia signal processing, as
well as healthcare, education and beyond.  We invite the submissions in four
major themes of multimedia.

Engaging Users with Multimedia
        Emotional and social signals
        Multimedia search and recommendations
        Summarization, analysis and storytelling

        Interactions and quality of experiences
        Art and culture
        Multimedia applications

Multimedia Content Understanding
        Multimodal integration and alignment
        Vision and language
        Resource-efficient multimedia computing on edges

Multimedia Systems
        Systems and middleware
        Transport and delivery
        Data systems management and indexing

2. Highlights of ACM Multimedia 2020

Scientific Diversity: It is among our top priorities to ensure a top-quality
conference that covers a full diversity of all fields of multimedia research
including a variety of media modalities by addressing both technological and
practical challenges.

Value: We strive to select the most innovative and the highest-quality
research aiming at the most impactful novelty on individual media and/or from
a systematic perspective of innovating and integrating multiple components
across modalities.

Sharing: We value the sharing of not only knowledge (in the form of papers,
presentations and demos) but also the code and open-source software. While we
will continue the implementation of the ACM Artifact Review and Badging, best
efforts will be made on sharing and preserving the open-source code and
systems resulting from the published papers.

3. Location

The conference will be held in Bellevue, Washington, United States, located in
the Greater Seattle area famous as an ever-green city and home to many hi-tech
companies. Our venue, Hyatt Regency Bellevue, is centrally located in

4. Important Dates

Reproducibility Companion Paper - 2 Feb 2020
Workshop Proposals Submission - 10 Feb 2020
Grand Challenge Proposal Submission - 10 Feb 2020
Grand Challenge Proposal Notification - 24 Feb 2020
Regular Papers Submission - 28 Mar 2020 (Abstract: 21 Mar 2020)
Open Source Competition Submission - 11 May 2020
Brave New Ideas Submission - 11 May 2020
Interactive Artworks Submission - 11 May 2020
Doctorial Symposium Submission - 11 May 2020
Panel Proposals Submission - 11 May 2020
Tutorial Proposals Submission - 11 May 2020
Technical Demo and Video Program Submission - 25 May 2020
Regular Papers Notification - 22 Jun 2020
Grand Challenge Solutions Submission -        29 Jun 2020
Workshop Papers Submission - 29 Jun 2020

5. Organizing Committee

Honorary Chair:

Ramesh Jain, University of California Irvine

General Chairs:

ChangWen Chen, CUHK Shenzhen
Rita Cucchiara, UNIMORE
Xian-Sheng Hua, Alibaba Group

Technical Program Coordinator:

Marcel Worring, University of Amsterdam

Technical Program Chairs:

Guo-Jun Qi, Futurewei Technologies
Elisa Ricci, UNITN & FBK
Zhengyou Zhang, Tencent
Roger Zimmermann, National University of Singapore

Panel Chairs:

Jiebo Luo, University of Rochester
Yong Rui, Lenovo

Tutorial Chairs:

Jialie Shen, Queen's University Belfast
Laura Toni, University College London

Workshop Chairs:

Winston Hsu, National Taiwan University
Shervin Shirmohammadi, University of Ottawa

Brave New Ideas Chairs:

Cees Snoek, University of Amsterdam
Hengtao Shen, UEST of China
Junsong Yuan, University at Buffalo

Multimedia Grand Challenge Chairs:

Ani Kembhavi, The Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Lei Zhang, Microsoft

Open Source Chairs:

Jianchao Yang, Bytedance AI Lab US
Lucile Sassatelli, Université Cote d'Azur

Demo and Video Program Chairs:

Cathal Gurrin, Dublin City University
Klaus Schoeffmann, Klagenfurt University
Yonghong Tian, Peking University

Interactive Arts Chairs:

Peter Knees, TU Wien
Zhe Gan, Microsoft

Web & Social Media Chairs:

Yiru Zhao, Alibaba Group
Yonggang Wen, Nanyang Technological University

Sponsor Chairs:

Yu-Gang Jiang, Fudan University
Tianzhu Zhang, University of Science and Technology of China

Publicity Chairs:

Benoit Huet, EURECOM
Kien A. Hua, University of Central Florida
Mohan Kankanhalli, National University of Singapore
Yuxin Peng, Peking University

Finance Chair:

Shuonan Zhang, Alibaba Group

Local Chairs:

Dinghuang Ji, Alibaba Group
Yu Cheng, Microsoft
Yu Wang, Alibaba Group

Publication Chairs:

Pradeep K. Atrey, University at Albany
Zhu Li, University of Missouri

Preservation Chair:

Balakrishnan Prabakaran, University of Texas at Dallas

Reproducibility Chairs:

Björn Þór Jónsson, IT University of Copenhagen
Naoko Nitta, Osaka University

Doctoral Symposium Chair:

Yao Liu, Binghamton University

Student Travel Grant Chairs

Abdulmotaleb El Saddik, University of Ottawa
Anthony Vetro, MERL


3-1-2(2020-10-25) Cf Tutorials Interspeech 2020, Shanghai, China (UPDATE)
Call for Tutorials

Important Dates
? Submission deadline: April 3, 2020
? Acceptance/rejection notification: May 3, 2020

INTERSPEECH conferences are attended by researchers with a long-term track-record in speech sciences and technologies as well as by early-stage researchers or researchers interested in a new domain within the INTERSPEECH areas. An important part of the conference is the tutorials held on the first day of the conference, October 25, 2020. Presented by speakers with extensive expertise in speech technologies, the tutorials will provide their audience with a rich learning experience and an exposure to longstanding research problems, contemporary research topics, and emerging areas.
We encourage proposals for addressing introductory or advanced topics in an introductory style as well as for targeting experienced researchers who want to dig deeper into a new topic.
A tutorial may introduce an emerging area in speech-related research or present an overview of an established area; but it should not focus on the presenter's individual research. Each tutorial should last for three hours.

Proposals should include (in this order)
? Tutorial Title
? Presenter(s): Name, affiliation, contact information (email and telephone)
? 3-4 sentence abstract summarizing the proposed tutorial that could be used for advertisement
? Description of the proposal: 1-2 pages description plus references and any webpages/material useful for reviewing the proposal
? Explanation of relevance of the proposed tutorial (0.5 - 1 page)
? Tutorial logistics, including
     o Duration (3 hours = 1 session)
     o Description of presentation format (e.g. one or more presenters etc.)
     o Special equipment required for the tutorial
     o Choose one option for the distribution of the accompanying material: (1) with a USB stick or (2) with a password-protected download link.
? Presenter information
     o Biography of presenter(s)
     o Key publications of presenter(s) on the tutorial topic
     o List of previous tutorial experience
? Audience information
     o Target audience (e.g., new researchers to the field, research students, specialists of adjacent fields, etc.)
     o Other considerations or comments

Submission procedure
Proposals for INTERSPEECH 2020 tutorials may be no more than 4 pages and must conform to the format stated above; please use clear headings to indicate each point.
Proposals should be submitted by email to by April 3, 2020 and notification of accepted proposals will be given by May 3, 2020.
By submitting a proposal, the presenter(s) understand the ISCA policy of strongly encouraging video-recording of the tutorial for education purposes if the proposal is accepted. Access to recording materials will be given via ISCA Video Archives.
Questions? Please contact

The tutorial chairs
? Zhijian Ou (
? Man-Wai Mak (


3-1-3(2020-10-26) Cf Show and Tell, Interspeech 2020, Shanghai, China (UPDATED)
Show & Tell
Important Dates
? Submission deadline: Saturday, June 6, 2020
? Acceptance/rejection notification: TBA
? Final paper and final video due: TBA

INTERSPEECH is the world’s largest and most comprehensive conference on the science and technology of spoken language processing.
Show & Tell is a special event organized during the conference. Participants are given the opportunity to demonstrate their most recent progress of developments, and interact with the conference attendees in an informal way, such as a demo, mock-up or any adapted format of their own choice. The contributions must highlight the innovative side of the concept and may relate to a regular paper.

Submission and Preparation Guidelines
Each initial Show & Tell submission must contain both a paper of up to 2 pages detailing the demonstration and a video illustrating what is going to be shown. The paper (including references) has to follow the format defined in the paper preparation guidelines as detailed in the “INTERSPEECH 2020 Author’s Kit”. Please note that the focus of the paper shall be on describing what the visitors will see and experience. The video can simply be recorded with a mobile phone or alike. Submissions will be evaluated by the organizing committee for relevance, originality, clarity, and significance of the proposed demonstration. At least one author of each accepted submission must register for and attend the conference, and demonstrate the system during the Show & Tell sessions.
Each accepted Show & Tell paper will be allocated two pages in the conference proceedings. Furthermore, a final video, which is to be submitted by the final paper deadline, will be made publicly available. Show & Tell demonstrations will be presented in their dedicated time slot in the conference program. Each presentation space includes
?  one poster board
?  one table
?  wireless internet connection, and
?  a power outlet
Please submit your proposal to the Show & Tell Chairs via no later than June 6, 2020.

3-1-4(2020-10-26) CfSS and challenges Interspeech 2020, Shanghai, China

Call for proposals of
Special  Sessions & Challenges
deadline is approaching!

For more information, please visit the Special Sessions & Challenges webpage.



  • Proposals of special sessions / challenges due: Monday, December 16, 2019
  • Notification of pre-selection: Wednesday, January 15, 2020
  • Final list of special sessions: Monday, June 15, 2020


Submission of the proposals are encouraged for INTERSPEECH 2020, covering interdisciplinary topics and/or important new emerging areas of interest related to main conference topics. Submissions related to special focus of the conference, Cognitive Intelligence for Speech Processing, are particularly welcome. Apart from supporting a particular theme, special sessions may also have a format that is different from a regular session.

Each special session proposal must contain the following information:

  • Title of the proposed special session,
  • Names and affiliations of the organizers (including contact information and a brief biography for each organizer),
  • Up to five bullet points on what makes the session special,
  • A summary (up to one page) stating the importance of the session’s topic and objectives. Furthermore, the session format should be clearly defined (panel, oral, posters, etc.). The summary should also explain why the topic cannot be properly covered by regular conference sessions,
  • A tentative list of researchers who could contribute papers to the session. Note that with a nominal 50% acceptance rate for Interspeech papers, this means that special sessions should have a minimum of 12 anticipated submissions, unless their format allocates time to something other than paper presentations,
  • Additional or non-standard resources (e.g., data, equipment, poster stands, etc.) required for organizing the special session.

Proposals will be evaluated by the organizing committee for relevance and significance. Papers for approved Special Sessions have to be submitted following the same schedule and procedure as regular papers; the papers will undergo the same review process by anonymous and independent reviewers. Special session organizers will be involved in the reviewer assignment and in the final decisions.

Special session proposers are invited to submit a proposal via email to the Special Session Chairs Zhiyong Wu (Tsinghua University), Tim Fingscheidt (Technical University of Braunschweig), Bhuvana Ramabhadran (Google), Yongguo Kang (Baidu), Pengyuan Zhang (IOA, CAS) at no later than Friday, November 29, 2019. Please do not hesitate to ask before submitting your proposal if further clarifications are needed. Notification of pre-selection is scheduled for Tuesday, December 31, 2019. Final acceptance will be announced shortly after paper decisions are completed.


3-1-5(2020-10-26) Interspeech 2020 Shanghai, China (UPDATED)


Interspeech 2020
Shanghai, China, October 26-29, 2020
Chair : Helen Meng
21th INTERSPEECH event

The submission and review process has also been updated as follows:

May 8, 2020 Paper submission deadline
June 6, 2020 Show and tell submission due
July 24, 2020 Paper acceptance/rejection notification
Aug 10, 2020 Notification about ISCA Travel Grants
Aug 24, 2020 Early-bird registration deadline
Sep 23, 2020 Standard registration deadline


3-1-6(2021-08-30) Interspeech 2021, Brno, Czech Republic

Brno, Czech Republic, August 30 - September 3, 2021
Chairs : Hynek Hermansky and Honza Cernocky 
22nd INTERSPEECH event


3-1-7Call for reviewers for INTERSPEECH 2020
Dear Members, We are sending the invitation of reviewers for Interspeech2020. Could you please update your 
membership information and register on the reviewer portal if you are willing to do the 
reviewing for Interspeech2020? You are also encourage to nominate more reviewer candidates. We are looking forward to your participation. -------------- Best regards, Jianhua 

3-1-8Interspeech 2022, Incheon, South Korea

Incheon in South Korea will welcome Interspeech 2022.


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