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ISCApad Archive  »  2021  »  ISCApad #282  »  Jobs  »  (2021-08-24) Assistant/Associate Professor position in Machine Learning (tenure) at Telecom Paris France

ISCApad #282

Thursday, December 09, 2021 by Chris Wellekens

6-10 (2021-08-24) Assistant/Associate Professor position in Machine Learning (tenure) at Telecom Paris France
Telecom Paris, a founding member of Institut Polytechnique de Paris, a member of Institut Mines-Telecom (IMT), and one of the top French Engineering schools is opening an Assistant/Associate Professor position in Machine Learning (tenure).
The position is within the  Machine Learning, Statistics & Signal Processing research group (S2A) and is open to a wide variety of research topics around the  team expertise, which covers both theoretical and methodological works in Machine Learning, at the interface of computational/mathematical statistics, stochastic modelling, time-series analysis, signal processing and optimization.Though, expertise in one of the following subjects is at least desired:

- trustworthy machine learning (reliable, robust, fair, explainable)
- online learning, reinforcement learning
- structured prediction / multi-task
- large scale learning, frugal learning
- time-series, spatio-temporal data
More information is given at :

Additional information
In the context of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, the activities in Data Science and AI of the S2A team benefit from the center Hi!Paris (, offering seminars, workshops and fundings through calls for project

The position
? Permanent position
? 19 place Marguerite Perey - 91120 Palaiseau - France

Application must be performed through one of the websites

(French) :
(English) :

Important dates
? September 24, 2021 : application deadline
? October 25-26 and November 4-5: interviews (by visio-conference eventually)
Winter 2021/22: beginning

Contact :
Stephan Clémençon (Head of the S2A group)
Florence d?Alché (Holder of the Chair DSAIDIS)
For more info on being an Associate Professor at Telecom Paris, contact

Other web Sites :
Image, Data, Signal Department: web link 
LTCI lab: web link
S2A team: web link
Télécom Paris: web link

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