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ISCApad Archive  »  2020  »  ISCApad #263  »  Jobs  »  (2020-04-15) Professor (W3) on AI for Language Technologies, Germany

ISCApad #263

Friday, May 15, 2020 by Chris Wellekens

6-44 (2020-04-15) Professor (W3) on AI for Language Technologies, Germany
The Institute of Anthropomatics and Robotics within the Division 2 - Informatics, Economics, and Society - is seeking to fill, as soon as possible, the position of a
   Professor (W3) on AI for Language Technologies
The research area of the professorship are methods of artificial intelligence, especially machine learning, for the realization of intelligent systems for human-machine interaction and their evaluation in real-world applications. Possible research topics include natural language understanding, spoken language translation, automatic speech recognition, interactive and incremental learning from heterogeneous data, and the extraction of semantics from image, text and speech data. The professorship contributes to the 'Robotics and Cognitive Systems' focus of the KIT Department of Informatics.
In teaching, the professorship contributes to the education of students of the KIT Department of Informatics, among others in the fields of natural language understanding, neural networks, machine learning, and cognitive systems. Participation in undergraduate teaching of basic courses in computer science in the German language is expected, especially in the field of artificial intelligence. A transition period for acquiring German language skills is provided.
Active participation in interACT (International Center for Advanced Communication Technologies) is desired. Experience in the development of innovations in application fields of artificial intelligence, e.g. with industrial cooperation partners, is advantageous. 
We are looking for a candidate with outstanding scientific qualifications and an outstanding international reputation in the above-mentioned field of research. Skills in the acquisition of third-party funding and the management of scientific working groups are expected, as well as very good didactic skills both in basic computer science lectures and in in-depth courses on subjects within the research area of the professorship.
Active participation in the academic tasks of the KIT Department of Informatics and in the self-administration of KIT in Division II is expected as well as participation in the KIT Center Information - Systems - Technologies.
According to § 47 of the Baden-Wuerttemberg University Act (Landeshochschulgesetz des Landes Baden-Württemberg), a university degree, teaching aptitude and exceptional competence in scientific work are required.
KIT is an equal opportunity employer. Women are especially encouraged to apply. Applicants with disabilities will be given preferential consideration if equally qualified. The KIT is certified as a family-friendly university and offers part-time employment, leaves of absence, a Dual Career Service and coaching to actively promote work-life-balance.
Applications with the required documents (curriculum vitae, degree certificates as well as a list of publications) and a perspective paper (maximum of three pages) should be sent by e-mail, preferably compiled into a single PDF document, to  by 03.05.2020. For enquiries regarding this specific position please contact Professor Dr. Tamim Asfour, e-mail: .
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics
KIT Center Information, Systems, Technologies (KCIST)

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