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ISCApad Archive  »  2020  »  ISCApad #263  »  Journals  »  TIPA- Special issue 'How the Body Contributes to Discourse and Meaning?

ISCApad #263

Friday, May 15, 2020 by Chris Wellekens

7-4 TIPA- Special issue 'How the Body Contributes to Discourse and Meaning?


Call for papers – TIPA journal vol. 36, 2020

Call for papers

(Interdisciplinary work on speech and language)

TIPA is a journal on open access on the online journal platform 'OpenEdition Journals' and free of charge for submission and publication. The Evaluation Procedure is a double-blind evaluation by a scientific committee.


Coordination: Brahim AZAOUI (Montpellier University, LIRDEF) & Marion TELLIER (Aix-Marseille University, LPL)


Research on the body, taken in a broad sense (gaze, manual gestures, proxemics, etc.), has recently experienced a renewed interest in various fields in human sciences. Since the praxeological shift in linguistics in the 1950s with the theories of speech acts in particular, interactional linguistics (Mondada, 2004, 2007; Kerbrat-Orecchioni, 2004) has given it a certain place in its work. Similarly, didactics has gradually recognized its importance in the teaching and learning process (Sime, 2001, 2006; Tellier, 2014 & 2016) thanks in particular to the numerous studies carried out in social semiotics (Jewitt, 2008; Kress et al, 2001), in education sciences (Pujade-Renaud, 1983), psychology and cognitive sciences (Stam, 2013) or linguistics (Aden, 2017, Colletta, 2004; Tellier 2008, 2014; Azaoui, 2015, 2019; Gullberg, 2010).

However, if this field of study is gaining in interest, as shown by the number of articles, books and PhD dissertations dedicated to it, it must be noted that few French journals have devoted an issue to it.

This issue of TIPA journal seeks to contribute to the understanding and dissemination of this theme by collecting various contributions to answer the following question: how does the body of speakers co-constructs discourse and meaning in didactic speech? The term 'didactic speech' will refer to any situation where the discourse of the interlocutors aims to make somebody know/learn. This conception is inspired by Moirand's work on the notion of didacticity (1993), which makes it possible to distinguish discourses whose primary intention is didactic, such as those produced in school situations, from those which are not didactic but have a didactic intent. Therefore, these speeches can take place in contexts other than the classroom, whether in face-to-face or distant interactions (e. g. videoconferencing) or in asymmetric interactions in which an expert must adapt his or her speech to explain to or convince a non-expert (doctor/patient, parent/child, professional/client, political speech...).

The various articles proposed will pertain to a theoretical framework that considers speech and the body as being in constant interaction, the study and understanding of one makes the functioning of the other explicit, or as part of the same cognitive process (McNeill, 2005; Kendon, 2004). The authors will indicate which of the following three areas their contribution will focus on:

1. Epistemology

Didactic discourse including interactions outside the school context, to what extent is it possible to consider a continuum of pedagogical gestures (Azaoui, 2014, 2015; Tellier 2015) and to qualify gestures made outside the classroom context as pedagogical (Azaoui, 2015)? The work of McNeill or Kendon has made it possible to highlight the coverbal dimension of certain gestures carried out in an interaction situation, what about other non-verbal phenomena? To what extent could proxemics be described as coverbal (Azaoui, 2019a)? How do facial signals (eyebrow movements, eye or lip movements) contribute to the construction of meaning in an exchange (by reporting understanding or non-understanding for example) (Allwood & Cerrato, 2003)? How does recent work on motion capture shed new light on discourse and the construction of meaning?

2. Analysis of practices

Most of our knowledge about the use of gestures and the body in general is the product of work based on the analysis of practices of teachers and other professionals (Tellier & Cadet, 2014; Azaoui, 2016; Mondada, 2013; Saubesty and Tellier, 2015) or learners (Colletta, 2004; Stam, 2013; Gullberg, 2010). The analysis can be considered from the point of view of the recipients of the multimodal discourse by focusing on their verbal comments on the gestures (or the body in general) or on their meta-gestural activity, these gestures made to 'talk' about the observed gestures (Azaoui, 2019b).

Contributions in this perspective of analysis will help to increase our understanding of the link between bodily activity and speech. These proposals could focus in particular on the way in which the body participates in the organisation of exchanges, speaking or moments of meaning construction in explanatory sequences or the resolution of sequences of misunderstanding, for example, by showing how the body's movements are articulated with speech (or not) to explain or to give feedback to an interlocutor on his speech.

3. Training in/through bodily activity?

The relationship between body and speech can finally be considered from the point of view of training. For the past thirty years or so, a call for training in bodily activity has been made (Calbris & Porcher, 1989) and subsequently adopted by a number of researchers (Cadet & Tellier, 2007 and Tellier & Cadet, 2014; Azaoui, 2014; Tellier and Yerian 2018). If the hands of apprentices are said to be intelligent (Fililettaz, St Georges & Duc, 2008), it seems that – to a certain extent - all professionals use their body to organise or carry out their activity. Therefore, training in and through kinaesthetics is necessary, if only to raise awareness. But can we train in kinaesthetics? If so, how?

Some of the work is based on self-confrontation interviews, leaving room for teachers to verbalize gestural or kinaesthetic practices more generally (Gadoni & Tellier, 2014 and 2015; Azaoui, 2014, 2015). Papers may focus on this process of awareness raising through video (used as stimulated recall). In addition, papers analysing the implementation and/or impact of training schemes for the use of the teaching profession are also included in this issue. These proposals may concern any professional field in which interaction is asymmetrical, such as: doctor-patient relations, communication with young children, communication with people with comprehension difficulties (pathological or not), professional and client relations, etc.


April 1st, 2019: first call for papers

June 3rd, 2019: second call for papers

August 31st, 2019: submission of the paper (version 1)

November 15th, 2019: Notification to authors: acceptance, proposal for amendments (of version 1) or refusal

January 15th, 2020: submission of the amended version (version 2)

March 15th, 2020: Committee feedback (regarding the final version)

April 15th, 2020: publication

Instructions for authors

Please send 3 files in electronic form to:,,

- a .doc file containing, in addition to the body of the article, the title, name and affiliation of the author(s)

- two anonymous files, one in .doc format and the other in .pdf format.

For more details, please visit the 'instructions to authors' page at

Selected bibliography

Azaoui, B. (2015). Polyfocal classroom interactions and teaching gestures. An analysis of non verbal orchestration. Proceedings “Gestures and speech in interaction (GESPIN)”, Nantes, 2-4 septembre 2015.

Azaoui, B. (2019b). Ce que les élèves voient et disent du corps de leur enseignant: analyse multimodale de leur discours. Dans V. Rivière & N. Blanc (dirs.), Observer l’activité multimodale en situations éducatives : circulations entre recherche et formation. Lyon : ENS Editions.

Calbris, G. & Porcher, L. (1989). Geste et communication. Paris : Didier.

Colletta, J.-M. (2004). Le développement de la parole chez l’enfant âge de 6 à 11 ans. Liège : Mardaga.

Fililettaz, L. ; St Georges, I. & Duc, B. (dirs., 2008). Cahiers de la section des sciences de l’éducation, no 117, « Vos mains sont intelligentes ! Interactions en formation professionnelle initiale ». Université de Genève : Faculté de psychologie et des sciences de l’éducation.

Jewitt, T. (2008). Multimodality and literacy in school classrooms. Review of research in education, 32, 241–267.

Kendon, A. (2004). Gesture. Visible action as utterance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

McNeill, D. (2005). Gesture and thought. Chicago, USA: University of Chicago Press.

Mondada, L. (2013). Embodied and Spatial Resources for Turn-Taking in Institutional Multi-Party Interactions: Participatory Democracy Debates. Journal of Pragmatics, 46, 39-68.

Stam, G. (2013). Second language acquisition and gesture. In C. A. Chapelle (Ed.), The encyclopedia of applied linguistics. Oxford, England: Blackwell.

Tellier, M. & Cadet, L. (2014). Le corps et la voix de l’enseignant : théorie et pratique. Paris : Maison des langues.

Tellier, M. & Yerian, K. (2018). Mettre du corps à l’ouvrage : Travailler sur la mise en scène du corps du jeune enseignant en formation universitaire. Les Cahiers de l’APLIUT, n°37(2).


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