= NEW NEW! INTERSPEECH 2019: Call for Survey Presentations NEW!
Important Dates
Proposal submission deadline: extended to Sunday, May 12, 2019 Notification of selection: Monday, June 17, 2019
Survey Presentations
Interspeech is the annual flagship conference of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), which brings together a truly interdisciplinary group of experts from academia and industry to present and discuss the latest research, technology advances and scientific discoveries in a five-day event. As such Interspeech constantly innovates and adapts. Beyond plenary talks, oral and poster presentations recent years have seen new ideas on how to engage with experts and industry.
The 20th edition of Interspeech conferences, to take place in Graz, Austria, will introduce a range of new presentation formats. Given the complexity of speech communication science and technology the need for detailed technical review of sub-areas of research has become more critical than ever.
We invite proposals for innovative and engaging Research Survey Presentations. The talks are aimed to be scheduled at the start of suitable oral presentation sessions, and will be allocated a 40-minute time slot for presentation and discussion. Presentations should aim to give an overview of the state of the art for a specific topic covered by one or more of the main technical areas of Interspeech 2019, namely
Speech Perception, Production and Acquisition
Phonetics, Phonology, and Prosody
Analysis of Paralinguistics in Speech and Language
Speaker and Language Identification
Analysis of Speech and Audio Signals
Speech Coding and Enhancement
Speech Synthesis and Spoken Language Generation
Speech Recognition ? Signal Processing, Acoustic Modeling, Robustness, Adaptation
Speech Recognition ? Architecture, Search, and Linguistic Components
Speech Recognition ? Technologies and Systems for New Applications
Spoken Dialog Systems and Analysis of Conversation
Spoken Language Processing ? Translation, Information Retrieval, Summarization, Resources and Evaluation
Proposals for Survey Presentations are required to include
The presenter?s name, title, and short bio (100 words), and (if applicable) a list of co-contributors.
Title, an outline and a description of the proposed talk (max 500 words). The description should include statements on the relevance of the talk, and the potential target audience.
A current CV of the presenter including a list of publications
Proposals will be evaluated by the technical programme and organising committees for relevance and significance, taking balance across areas and the available presentation slots into account (maximum 10 presentations). The presenters of the Interspeech 2019 survey talks will be invited to submit survey papers to the ISCA supported journals of Computer, Speech and Language and Speech Communication with the aim to be included in a Special Issue on the State of the Art in Speech Science and Technology.
Survey presentation proposers are invited to submit a proposal via email to the Technical Program Chairs: tpc-chairs@interspeech2019.org no later thanSunday May12, 2019. Please do not hesitate to contact the technical chairs for any questions that may arise prior to proposal submission. Notification of selection is scheduled for June 17, 2019.
Thomas Hain and Björn Schuller
INTERSPEECH 2019 Technical Program Chairs