ISCA - International Speech
Communication Association

ISCApad Archive  »  2019  »  ISCApad #252  »  Events

ISCApad #252

Tuesday, June 11, 2019 by Chris Wellekens

3 Events
3-1 ISCA Events
3-1-1(2019-09-11) CfSS SIGDIAL 2019, Stockholm, Sweden


11-13 September 2019, Stockholm, Sweden

Second Call for Special Sessions


Special Session Submission Deadline: January 28, 2019

Special Session Notification: February 18, 2019

The Special Interest Group on Dialogue and Discourse (SIGDIAL) organizers welcome the submission of special session proposals. A SIGDIAL special session is the length of a regular session at the conference, and may be organized as a poster session, a panel session, a poster session with panel discussion, or an oral presentation session. Special sessions may, at the discretion of the SIGDIAL organizers, be held as parallel sessions.

The papers submitted to special sessions are handled by the special session organizers, but for the submitted papers to be in the SIGDIAL proceedings, they have to undergo the same review process as regular papers. The reviewers for the special session papers will be taken from the SIGDIAL program committee itself, taking into account the suggestions of the session organizers, and the program chairs will make acceptance decisions. In other words, special session organizers decide what appears in the session, while the program chairs decide what appears in the proceedings and the rest of the conference program.

We welcome special session proposals on any topic of interest to the discourse and dialogue communities. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to Explainable AI, Evaluation, Annotation, and End-to-end systems.


Those wishing to organize a special session should prepare a two-page proposal containing: a summary of the topic of the special session; a list of organizers and sponsors; a list of people who may submit and participate in the session; and a requested format (poster/panel/oral session).

These proposals should be sent to conference[at] by the special session proposal deadline. Special session proposals will be reviewed jointly by the general chair and program co-chairs.


Those wishing to propose a special session may want to look at some of the sessions organized at recent SIGDIAL meetings.

SIGDIAL 2019 Organizing Committee

General Chair:

Satoshi Nakamura, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan

Program Chairs:

Milica Gaši

, Cambridge University, UK

Ingrid Zukerman, Monash University, Australia


Local Chair:

Gabriel Skantze, KTH, Sweden


Sponsorship Chair:

Mikio Nakano, Honda Research Institute Japan, Japan


Mentoring Chair:

Alex Papangelis, Uber AI, USA


Publication Chair:

Stefan Ultes, Daimler AG, Germany


Publicity Chair:

Koichiro Yoshino, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan


SIGdial President:

Jason Williams, Apple, USA


SIGdial Vice President:

Kallirroi Georgila, University of Southern California, USA


SIGdial Secretary:

Vikram Ramanarayanan, Educational Testing Service (ETS) Research, USA


SIGdial Treasurer:

Ethan Selfridge, Interactions, USA


SIGdial President Emeritus:

Amanda Stent, Bloomberg, USA


3-1-2(2019-09-15) Welcome to INTERSPEECH 2019 (updated)




Welcome to INTERSPEECH 2019  - Willkommen in Graz, Austria, Sept 15-19, 2019

Important Dates Coming Up Soon          

  • Proposals due for Survey Presentations: extended to May 12, 2019!
    Call for Survey Presentations at 

INTERSPEECH 2019 is the 20th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association ISCA and this anniversary edition will introduce several innovative features. These innovations will certainly contribute to raise the attractiveness of the conference beyond the high levels developed already over the past two decades:

Survey presentations have been evolved from the perspective talks at INTERSPEECH 2018 in Hyderabad. The presentations will be scheduled at the start of suitable oral presentation sessions, and will be allocated a 40-minute time slot for presentation and discussion. Presentations should aim to give an overview of the state-of-the-art for a specific topic covered by one or more of the main technical areas of the conference. The presenters will also be invited to submit survey papers to the ISCA supported journals of Computer, Speech and Language and Speech Communication. For further details, see our Call for Survey Presentations further below.

Childcare ? the INTERSPEECH Kids: Bring your family along to Graz, Austria! Childcare will be provided free of charge for conference participants. For terms and conditions, see the conference webpage  Furthermore, an INTERSPEECH parenting community will be set up on the collaboration platform Slack. To secure a place for your kids, we recommend to apply for either service at your earliest convenience by sending email to

Hackathons will set a stimulating atmosphere for the most creative developers in our community and beyond: through jams and challenges, we will bring together some of our brightest minds, students who are speech science and technology aficionados and who come to Graz as conference participants, as well as students who are representing the highly interdisciplinary community of several partner universities in Graz and beyond. Watch out for details to appear soon on our website or contact directly our hackathon chairs Elmar Nöth (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg) and Johanna Pirker (TU Graz) at


3-1-3(2019-09-15) Interspeech 2019 Agenda

Welcome to INTERSPEECH 2019 -  Willkommen in Graz, Austria, Sept 15-19, 2019


INTERSPEECH is the world?s largest and most comprehensive conferen ce on the science and technology of spoken language processing. INTERSPEECH conferences emphasize interdisciplinary approaches addressing all aspects of speech science and technology, ranging from basic theories to advanced a pplications. In addition to regular oral and poster sessions, INTERSPEECH 2 019 will feature plenary talks by internationally renowned experts, tutoria ls, survey presentations, special sessions and challenges, show & tell sessions, and exhibits. A number of satellite events will also take place a round INTERSPEECH 2019.


Crossroads of Speech and Language - Our conference theme comprises three key elements important in speech research today: language diversity, diver sity of applications, and diversity of representation.  A complete lis t of the scientific areas and topics including special sessions is available at


Important Dates Coming Up Soon


Proposals due for Survey Presentations: extended to May 12, 2019
See Call for Survey Presentations at surveys/


Paper acceptance/rejection notification: June 17, 2019


Graz Convention Bureau hotel booking deadline: August 1, 2019
Rooms will go fast - don't delay your booking! See


INTERSPEECH 2019 is the 20th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association ISCA and this anniversary edition will introduce several innovative features. These innovations will certainly contribute to raise the attractiveness of the conference beyond the high levels developed already over the past two decades:


With the highly appreciated support by our generous sponsors, we are able to lower the fees for both full and student registrations. As ISCA will continue its tradition of supporting a sizeable number of student travel grants, we are confident to raise the number of participants to a new all-time record.


Childcare ? the INTERSPEECH Kids: Bring your family along to Graz, Austria! Childcare will be provided free of charge for conference participants. For terms and conditions, see the conference webpage https://www.intersp Furthermore, an INTERSPEECH parenting community will be set up on the collaboration platform Slack. To secure a place for your kids, we recommend to apply for either service at your earliest convenience by sending email to


For our Show & Tell Demonstrations we have evolved the submission format in order to improve the reviewing process. Therefore, next to a two-page description, we have asked for the upload of a simple video of your demonstration that will help deciding which demonstrations will raise the highest interest at the conference. For more details see https://www.interspeech2019.or g/calls/show_and_tell/.


Survey presentations  are a new addition to the technical program. They will be scheduled at the start of suitable oral presentation sessions, and will be allocated a 40-minute time slot for presentation and discussion. Presentations should aim to give an overview of the state-of-the-art for a specific topic covered by one or more of the main technical areas of the conference. The presenters will also be invited to submit survey papers to the ISCA supported journals of Computer, Speech and Language and Speech Co mmunication. For further details, see our Call for Survey Presentations


Hackathons will set a stimulating atmosphere for the most creative developers in our community and beyond: through jams and challenges, we will bring together some of our brightest minds, students who are speech science and technology aficionados and who come to Graz as conference participants, as well as students who are representing the highly interdisciplinary community of several partner universities in Graz and beyond. Watch out for details to appear soon on our website and if you are interested in particpating, get in touch with our hackathon chairs at


We look forward to receiving your submissions and to your participation in INTERSPEECH 2019! We strive to make this a memorable event for all of you - one highlight to watch out for will be the Dancing INTERSPEECH Soiree, An Austrian Ballroom Extravaganza at Congress Graz. If you have time to arrive a few days earlier, you can enjoy the 'Aufsteirern' festival of Styrian folk culture
and right after the conference the 'Steirische Herbst' takes over - a contemporary arts festival of all genres




General Chairs:


Gernot Kubin, TU Graz, Austria
Zdravko Kacic, University of Maribor, Slovenia


Technical Chairs:


Thomas Hain, U Sheffield, UK
Björn Schuller, U Augsburg/Imperial College, Germany/UK


Organising Committee Members:


Michiel Bacchiani, Google NY, USA
Gerhard Backfried, Sail Labs Vienna, Austria
Jamilla Balint, TU Graz, Austria
Eugen Brenner, TU Graz, Austria
Mariapaola D?Imperio, Aix Marseille U, France
Dina ElZarka, U Graz, Austria
Tim Fingscheidt, TU Braunschweig, Germany
Anouschka Foltz, U Graz, Austria
Anna Fuchs, AVL Graz, Austria
Panayiotis Georgiou, USC Los Angeles, USA
Franz Graf, Joanneum Research Graz, Austria
Markus Gugatschka, MU Graz, Austria
Martin Hagmüller, TU Graz, Austria
Petra Hödl, U Graz, Austria
Robert Höldrich, KU Graz, Austria
Mario Huemer, JKU Linz, Austria
Dorothea Kolossa, RU Bochum, Germany
Christina Leitner, Joanneum Research Graz, Austria
Stefanie Lindstaedt, KNOW Centre Graz, Austria
Helen Meng, CU Hong Kong, China
Florian Metze, CMU Pittsburgh, USA
Pejman Mowlaee, Widex/TU Graz, Denmark/Austria
Elmar Noeth, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Franz Pernkopf, TU Graz, Austria
Ingrid Pfandl-Buchegger, U Graz, Austria
Lukas Pfeifenberger, Ognios Salzburg, Austria
Johanna Pirker, TU Graz, Austria
Christoph Prinz, Sail Labs Vienna, Austria
Michael Pucher, ÖAW Vienna, Austria
Philipp Salletmayr, Nuance Vienna, Austria
Barbara Schuppler, TU Graz, Austria
Dagmar Schuller, audEERING, Germany
Jessica Siddins, U Graz, Austria
Wolfgang Wokurek, U Stuttgart, Germany
Kai Yu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China



3-1-4(2019-09-15) INTERSPEECH 2019: Call for Survey Presentations=NEW

 INTERSPEECH 2019: Call for Survey Presentations=NEW


= NEW NEW! INTERSPEECH 2019: Call for Survey Presentations NEW!

Important Dates

Proposal submission deadline: extended to Sunday, May 12, 2019
Notification of selection: Monday, June 17, 2019

Survey Presentations

Interspeech is the annual flagship conference of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), which brings together a truly interdisciplinary group of experts from academia and industry to present and discuss the latest research, technology advances and scientific discoveries in a five-day event. As such Interspeech constantly innovates and adapts. Beyond plenary talks, oral and poster presentations recent years have seen new ideas on how to engage with experts and industry.

The 20th edition of Interspeech conferences, to take place in Graz, Austria, will introduce a range of new presentation formats. Given the complexity of speech communication science and technology the need for detailed technical review of sub-areas of research has become more critical than ever.

We invite proposals for innovative and engaging Research Survey Presentations. The talks are aimed to be scheduled at the start of suitable oral presentation sessions, and will be allocated a 40-minute time slot for presentation and discussion. Presentations should aim to give an overview of the state of the art for a specific topic covered by one or more of the main technical areas of Interspeech 2019, namely

  1. Speech Perception, Production and Acquisition

  2. Phonetics, Phonology, and Prosody

  3. Analysis of Paralinguistics in Speech and Language

  4. Speaker and Language Identification

  5. Analysis of Speech and Audio Signals

  6. Speech Coding and Enhancement

  7. Speech Synthesis and Spoken Language Generation

  8. Speech Recognition ? Signal Processing, Acoustic Modeling, Robustness, Adaptation

  9. Speech Recognition ? Architecture, Search, and Linguistic Components

  10. Speech Recognition ? Technologies and Systems for New Applications

  11. Spoken Dialog Systems and Analysis of Conversation

  12. Spoken Language Processing ? Translation, Information Retrieval, Summarization, Resources and Evaluation

Proposals for Survey Presentations are required to include

  • The presenter?s name, title, and short bio (100 words), and (if applicable) a list of co-contributors.

  • Title, an outline and a description of the proposed talk (max 500 words). The description should include statements on the relevance of the talk, and the potential target audience.

  • A current CV of the presenter including a list of publications

Proposals will be evaluated by the technical programme and organising committees for relevance and significance, taking balance across areas and the available presentation slots into account (maximum 10 presentations). The presenters of the Interspeech 2019 survey talks will be invited to submit survey papers to the ISCA supported journals of Computer, Speech and Language and Speech Communication with the aim to be included in a Special Issue on the State of the Art in Speech Science and Technology.

Survey presentation proposers are invited to submit a proposal via email to the Technical Program Chairs: no later thanSunday May12, 2019. Please do not hesitate to contact the technical chairs for any questions that may arise prior to proposal submission.  Notification of selection is scheduled for June 17, 2019.

Thomas Hain and Björn Schuller

INTERSPEECH 2019 Technical Program Chairs


3-1-5(2019-09-15) INTERSPEECH 2019: Satellite Workshops (updated)

(updated)INTERSPEECH 2019: Satellite Workshops


Several excellent initiatives organize satellite workshops around INTERSPEECH 2019 and you can find a list of those approved by ISCA at Please consider contributing both to the main conference and to these important satellite events.





3-1-6(2019-09-15) Student events at Interspeech 2019 in Graz.

We are pleased to announce that ISCA-SAC will host three student events at
 Interspeech 2019 in Graz, Austria. In addition to two traditional events:
 Students Meet Experts and Doctoral Consortium, this this year we are hosting
 a new Mentoring event. This event aims to bring together SAC alumni, students
 and experts. You can find the details of all three events here:


3-1-7(2020-09-14) Interspeech 2020 Shanghai, China


Interspeech 2020
Shanghai, China, September 14-18, 2020
Chair : Helen Meng
21th INTERSPEECH event


3-1-8(2021-08-30) Interspeech 2021, Brno, Czech Republic

Brno, Czech Republic, August 30 - September 3, 2021
Chairs : Hynek Hermansky and Honza Cernocky 
22nd INTERSPEECH event


3-2 ISCA Supported Events
3-2-1(2019-07-06) 5th ISCA Supported Summer School on Speech Signal Processing (S4P-2019), Gandhinagar, India

Dear Colleagues,

 We are pleased to inform you that the Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology (DA-IICT), Gandhinagar will be organizing the 5th edition of ISCA Supported Summer School on Speech Signal Processing (S4P-2019) during July 06-10, 2019.  S4P 2019 is the 5th edition of summer school of its kind in India which is focused this time on speaker biometrics and diarization.

Early Registration: Before May 06, 2019.

The topic of S4P 2019 is ?Speaker Recognition and Diarization,? the latest topic of research involving understanding challenging field of voice biometrics. With the advent of new smartphones and deployment of voice authentication for banking transactions, it is now possible to answer, in a principled way, the insights about speech production-perception and its link to speaker-specific information, and develop new engineering models for this research problem. S4P 2019 would highlight recent developments in the field from world renowned experts. We expect researchers from IISc/IITs/NITs/DA-IICT/IIITs and other institutions in the country, industry researchers working in speech/audio area and research scholars to participate at the summer school.
 S4P 2019 will have four experts from abroad and seven experts from India to present recent developments in their respective research topics that are related to the theme of summer school.  The experts chosen are Jean-Francois Bonastre (Avignon University, France), Nicholas Evans (EURECOM, France), Thomas F. Zheng (Tsinghua University, Beijing, China),  Dong Wang (Tsinghua University, Beijing, China), Dr. P. K. Saxena (Scientific Consultant, Office of the Principal Scientific Advisor (PSA)) to Govt of India, Swaran Lata (Retd. MeitY, New Delhi).  B.Yegnanarayana (Retd. IIT Madras), Swaran Lata (Retd. MeitY, New Delhi), K. Samudravijaya (IIT Guwahati), Hema A. Murthy (IIT Madras), S. R. M. Prasanna (IIT Dharwad), Suryakanth Gangashetty (IIIT Hyderabad)  and K. S. R. Murty (IIT Hyderabad). The program committee of S4P 2016 includes internationally well-known experts from 18 countries across the world.  The S4P 2019 also includes 4th edition 5 minute Ph.D. thesis (5MPT) which provides doctoral students an opportunity to showcase their research work in front of eminent researchers both from academia and industry and possibly win ISCA endorsed cash prizes and DE GRUYTER book prizes. We are also attaching the poster and signed cover letter for call for participation. In addition, this summer school will also have a special session involving renowned experts from speech technology industry, namely. Vikram Vij (Senior Vice President, Voice Intelligence Group, Samsung Research Institute, Bengaluru, India), Sunayana Sitaram from Microsoft Research, Bangalore,  K. Sunilkumar (TCS Innovation Labs, Mumbai) and Pranaw Kumar (C-DAC Mumbai).   
We are writing this letter anticipating that you will participate in this event and we are sure, your participation will make this event enriching. We would also request you to encourage your post doctoral fellows, PhD Scholars and M.Tech. students, Research Associates (RA) and faculty colleagues to submit their application for participation. We are sure, participation at the summer school will help us to get updated on the latest research in the broad areas of speaker recognition and diarization. We will appreciate it very much if you can arrange to place the poster on the notice board of your department /institution / university/ R&D lab.

We look forward to hearing from you.

With best regards,
Prof. Hemant A. Patil,
APSIPA Distinguished Lecturer 2018-2019.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee,  S4P 2019.

 Patron K. S. Dasgupta, Director, DA-IICT GandhinagarOrganizing Committee , S4P 2019 Hemant A. Patil, Chair, DA-IICT Gandhinagar, Suman K. Mitra, Convener, DA-IICT Gandhinagar,
 Yash Vasavada, DA-IICT Gandhinagar,
 Sanjeev Gupta, DA-IICT Gandhinagar,
 Srimanta Mandal, DA-IICT Gandhinagar,
 Soman Nair, DA-IICT Gandhinagar,International Program Committee, S4P 2019 Douglas O'Shaughnessy, McGill University, Canada Sadaoki Furui, Toyota Technological Institute, Chicago, USA Douglas Reylonds, MIT Lincoln Lab, USA Pedro Torres-Carrasquillo, MIT Lincoln Lab, USA Hideki Kawahara, Wakayama University, Japan Odette Scharenborg, Delft University of Technology,The Netherlands Torbjørn Svendsen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway Jiri Navratil, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, NY, USA  Yannis Stylianou, University of Crete, Greece Tomi H. Kinnunen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Junichi Yamagishi, National Institute of Informatics, Japan  Eduardo Lleida, University of Zaragoza, Spain  Luis Javier Rodriguez-Fuentes, University of Basque Country,  Euskal Herriko
Unibertsitatea  Lori Lamel, LIMSI, France  Saikat Chatterjee, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm  Julia Hirschberg, Columbia University, New York  Kong Aik Lee, NEC Corporation, Japan   Amy Neustein, Verizon, USA  Tanja Schultz, University of Bremen, Denmark   Dong Ming Hui, Institute for Infocomm Research(I2R), A*STAR, Singapore   Eliathamby Ambikairajah, University of New South Wales, Sydney   Dong Wang, Tsinghua University, China   Tara Sainath, AI Google, USA   Tatsuya Kawahara, Kyoto University, Japan    Jianwu Jang, JAIST, Japan   Csapó Tamás Gábor, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary  Bernd Moebius, Saarland University, Germany  Pascal Perrier, GIPSA-Lab,Grenoble-INP, France   Daryush Mehta, Center of Laryngeal and Voice Rehabilitation, Boston, USA


3-2-2(2019-09-11) CfSS SIGDIAL 2019, Stockholm, Sweden


11?13 September 2019, Stockholm, Sweden


Call for Special Sessions


Special Session Submission Deadline: January 28, 2019 Special Session Notification: February 18, 2019


The Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL) organizers welcome the submission of special session proposals.

A SIGDIAL special session is the length of a regular session at the conference, and may be organized as a poster session, a panel session, a poster session with panel discussion, or an oral presentation session.

Special sessions may, at the discretion of the SIGDIAL organizers, be held as parallel sessions.


The papers submitted to special sessions are handled by the special session organizers, but for the submitted papers to be in the SIGDIAL proceedings, they have to undergo the same review process as regular papers. The reviewers for the special session papers will be taken from the SIGDIAL program committee itself, taking into account the suggestions of the session organizers, and the program chairs will make acceptance decisions. In other words, special session organizers decide what appears in the session, while the program chairs decide what  appears in the proceedings and the rest of the conference program.


We welcome special session proposals on any topic of interest to the discourse and dialogue communities. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to Explainable AI, Evaluation, Annotation, and End?to?end systems.



Those wishing to organize a special session should prepare a two-page proposal containing: a summary of the topic of the special session; a list of organizers and sponsors; a list of people who may submit and participate in the session; and a requested format (poster/panel/oral  session).


These proposals should be sent to conference[at] by the special session proposal deadline. Special session proposals will be reviewed jointly by the general chair and program co?chairs.



Those wishing to propose a special session may want to look at some of the sessions organized at recent SIGDIAL meetings.


SIGDIAL 2019 Organizing Committee


General Chair:

Satoshi Nakamura, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan


Program Chairs:

Milica Ga?i?, Cambridge University, UK

Ingrid Zukerman, Monash University, Australia


Local Chair:

Gabriel Skantze, KTH, Sweden


Sponsorship Chair:

Mikio Nakano, Honda Research Institute Japan, Japan


Mentoring Chair:

Alex Papangelis, Uber AI, USA


Publication Chair:

Stefan Ultes, Daimler AG, Germany


Publicity Chair:

Koichiro Yoshino, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan


SIGdial President:

Jason Williams, Apple, USA


SIGdial Vice President:

Kallirroi Georgila, University of Southern California, USA


SIGdial Secretary:

Vikram Ramanarayanan, Educational Testing Service (ETS) Research, USA


SIGdial Treasurer:

Ethan Selfridge, Interactions, USA


SIGdial President Emeritus:

Amanda Stent, Bloomberg, USA


3-2-3(2019-09-11)The 20th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL 2019), KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.

The 20th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL 2019) will be held on September 11-13, 2019 at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. SIGDIAL will be temporally co-located with Interspeech 2019, which will be held September 15-19 in Graz, Austria (  The SIGDIAL venue provides a regular forum for the presentation of cutting edge research in discourse and dialogue to both academic and industry researchers. Continuing a series of nineteen successful previous meetings, this conference spans the research interest areas of discourse and dialogue. The conference is sponsored by the SIGdial organization, which serves as the Special Interest Group in discourse and dialogue for both ACL and ISCA. Keynote Speakers:  Dan Bohus, Mirella Lapata, Helen Meng
TOPICS OF INTEREST  We welcome formal, corpus-based, implementation, experimental, or analytical work on discourse and dialogue including, but not restricted to, the following themes:  Discourse Processing Rhetorical and coherence relations, discourse parsing and discourse connectives. Reference resolution. Event representation and causality in narrative. Argument mining. Quality and style in text. Cross-lingual discourse analysis. Discourse issues in applications such as machine translation, text summarization, essay grading, question answering, and information retrieval.  Dialogue Systems Open domain, task oriented dialogue and chat systems. Knowledge graphs and dialogue. Dialogue state tracking and policy learning. Social and emotional intelligence. Dialogue issues in virtual reality and human-robot interaction. Entrainment, alignment and priming. Generation for dialogue. Style, voice, and personality. Spoken, multi-modal, embedded, situated, and text/web based dialogue systems, their components, evaluation and applications.  Corpora, Tools and Methodology Corpus-based and experimental work on discourse and dialogue, including supporting
topics such as annotation tools and schemes, crowdsourcing, evaluation methodology and corpora.  Pragmatic and/or Semantic Modeling Pragmatics and/or semantics of discourse and dialogue (i.e. beyond a single sentence).  Applications of Dialogue and Discourse Processing Technology
SPECIAL SESSIONS SIGDIAL 2019 will include one special session (  Implications of Deep Learning for Dialog Modeling (
Please see the special session page for additional information and submission details. In order for papers submitted to the special session to appear in the SIGDIAL 2019 conference proceedings, they must undergo the regular SIGDIAL review process.
SUBMISSIONS  The program committee welcomes the submission of long papers, short papers and demo descriptions. Papers submitted as long papers may be accepted as long papers for oral presentation or long papers for poster presentation. Accepted short papers will be presented as posters.  Long papers must be no longer than eight pages, including title, text, figures and tables. An unlimited number of pages are allowed for references. Two additional pages are allowed for example discourses or dialogues and algorithms, and an extra page is allowed in the final version to address reviewers’ comments.  Short papers should be no longer than four pages including title, text, figures and tables. An unlimited number of pages are allowed for references. One additional page is allowed for example discourses or dialogues and algorithms, and an extra page is allowed in the final version to address reviewers’ comments.  Demo descriptions should be no longer than four pages including title, text, examples, figures, tables and references. A separate one-page document should be provided to the program co-chairs for demo descriptions, specifying furniture and equipment needed for the demo. Authors are encouraged to also submit additional accompanying materials such as corpora (or corpus examples), demo code, videos, sound files, etc. Multiple Submissions Papers that have been or will be submitted to other meetings or publications must provide this information (see submission link). SIGDIAL 2019 cannot accept work for publication or
presentation that will be (or has been) published elsewhere. Any questions regarding submissions can be sent to program-chairs[at] Blind Review Building on previous year’s move to anonymous long and short paper submissions, SIGDIAL 2019 will follow the new ACL policies for preserving the integrity of double blind review (see author guidelines). Unlike long and short papers, demo descriptions will not be anonymous. Demo descriptions should include the authors’ names and affiliations, and self-references are allowed. Submission Format All long, short, and demonstration submissions must follow the two-column ACL format. Authors are expected to use the ACL LaTeX style template or Microsoft Word style template from the ACL conference. Submissions must conform to the official ACL style guidelines, which are contained in these templates. Submissions must be electronic, in PDF format. Submission Link and Deadlines Authors have to fill in the submission form in the START system and upload a pdf of their paper before the May 19 deadline. Updates of a final pdf file will be permitted until May 19, 23:59 GMT.   IMPORTANT NOTE: ADOPTION OF ACL AUTHOR GUIDELINES  As noted above, SIGDIAL 2019 is adopting the ACL guidelines for submission and citation for long and short papers. Long and short papers that do not conform to the following guidelines will be rejected without review.  Preserving Double Blind Review The following rules and guidelines are meant to protect the integrity of double-blind review and ensure that submissions are reviewed fairly. The rules make reference to the anonymity period, which runs from 1 month before the submission deadline up to the date when your paper is either accepted, rejected, or withdrawn.  You may not make a non-anonymized version of your paper available online to the general community (for example, via a preprint server) during the anonymity period. By a version of a paper we understand another paper having essentially the same scientific content but possibly differing in minor details (including title and structure) and/or in length (e.g., an abstract is a version of the paper that it summarizes).  If you have posted a non-anonymized version of your paper online before the start of the anonymity period, you may submit an anonymized version to the conference. The submitted version must not refer to the non-anonymized version, and you must inform the program chair(s) that a non-anonymized version exists. You may not update the nonanonymized version during the anonymity period, and we ask you not to advertise it on social media or take other actions that would further compromise double-blind reviewing during the anonymity period.
 Note that, while you are not prohibited from making a non-anonymous version available online before the start of the anonymity period, this does make double-blind reviewing more difficult to maintain, and we therefore encourage you to wait until the end of the anonymity period if possible. Citation and Comparison If you are aware of previous research that appears sound and is relevant to your work, you should cite it even if it has not been peer-reviewed, and certainly if it influenced your own work. However, refereed publications take priority over unpublished work reported in preprints. Specifically:  You are expected to cite all refereed publications relevant to your submission, but you may be excused for not knowing about all unpublished work (especially work that has been recently posted and/or is not widely cited).  In cases where a preprint has been superseded by a refereed publication, the refereed publication should be cited in addition to or instead of the preprint version. Papers (whether refereed or not) appearing less than 3 months before the submission deadline are considered contemporaneous to your submission, and you are therefore not obliged to make detailed comparisons that require additional experimentation and/or in-depth analysis.   MENTORING Submissions with innovative core ideas that may be in need of language (English) or organizational assistance will be flagged for 'mentoring' and accepted with recommendation to revise with a mentor. An experienced mentor who has previously published in the SIGDIAL venue will then help the authors of these flagged papers prepare their submissions for publication.   BEST PAPER AWARDS In order to recognize significant advancements in dialogue/discourse science and technology, SIGDIAL 2019 will include best paper awards. All papers at the conference are eligible for the best paper awards. A selection committee consisting of prominent researchers in the fields of interest will select the recipients of the awards.   IMPORTANT DATES  Long, Short & Demonstration PDF Submission: 19 May 2019 (23:59, GMT)  Long, Short & Demonstration Paper Notification: 28 June 2019  Final Paper Submission: 21 July 2019 (23:59, GMT)  Conference: 11-13 September, 2019
  SIGDIAL 2019 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE General Chair: Satoshi Nakamura, Nara Institute of Technology, Japan   Program Chairs: Ingrid Zukerman, Monash University, Australia Milica Gasic, Saarland University, Germany   Local Chair: Gabriel Skantze, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden   Sponsorship Chair: Mikio Nakano, Honda Research Institute Japan, Japan   Mentoring Chair: Alexandros Papangelis, Uber AI, USA
Publication Chair Stefan Ultes, Daimler AG, Germany
Publicity Chair: Koichiro Yoshino, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
SIGdial President: Jason Williams, Apple, USA   SIGdial Vice President: Kallirroi Georgila, University of Southern California, USA   SIGdial Secretary: Vikram Ramanarayanan, Educational Testing Service (ETS) Research, USA   SIGdial Treasurer: Ethan Selfridge, Interactions, USA
SIGdial President Emeritus: Amanda Stent, Bloomberg, USA


3-2-4(2019-09-13) HSCR19 - The 3rd International Workshop on the HISTORY OF SPEECH COMMUNICATION RESEARCH, Vienna, Austria

HSCR19 - The 3rd International Workshop on the HISTORY OF SPEECH COMMUNICATION RESEARCH

13-14 September, 2019 in Vienna, Austria




The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers that are interested in historical aspects of all areas of speech communication research (SCR) with a focus on the interdisciplinary nature of the different fields of research.

A special interest of the 2019 workshop is on the relation between science and technology that can be exemplified through the history of SCR ? including methods from the 20th century that are no longer the state-of-the-art but of historical relevance. Interesting questions in this respect are: How can knowledge transfers between science and technology be exemplified by the history of SCR? What is the relation between SCR and artistic practices? How was speech communication research influenced by the medical sciences?

Like the past HSCR workshops that were held in 2015 in Dresden and 2017 in Helsinki this workshop is a satellite event of the INTERSPEECH conference which will be held in Graz, Austria <>, a meeting that advertises with the Austro-Hungarian speech communication pioneer Wolfgang von Kempelen.

Invited speaker is Peter Donhauser from the Institute for Media Archeology in Vienna.


Important Dates:

Full paper submission: May 24, 2019

Notification of acceptance: July 1, 2019

Camera-ready paper submission: July 19, 2019

Workshop: September 13-14, 2019


The proceedings will be published in the book series 'Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation' at TUDpress (Technical University Dresden).

Workshop organisation:

Michael Pucher, Acoustics Research Institute, Vienna, Austria

Juergen Trouvain, Saarland University, Saarbruecken, Germany

Carina Lozo, Acoustics Research Institute, Vienna, Austria


3-2-5(2019-09-20) SSW10 - The 10th ISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop, Vienna, Austria
Call for Papers
SSW10 - The 10th ISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop
20-22 September 2019
Vienna, Austria
The 10th ISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop will be held in Vienna, Austria, 20-22 September 2019. The workshop is a satellite event of the INTERSPEECH 2019 conference in Graz, Austria.
Confirmed invited speakers
Aäron van den Oord (Google DeepMind, UK)
Claire Gardent (CNRS, France)
Workshop topics
Papers in all areas of speech synthesis technology are encouraged to be submitted, including but not limited to:
Grapheme-to-phoneme conversion for synthesis
Text processing for speech synthesis (text normalization, syntactic and semantic analysis)
Segmental-level and/or concatenative synthesis
Signal processing/statistical model for synthesis
Speech synthesis paradigms and methods; articulatory synthesis, parametric synthesis etc.
Prosody modeling and generation
Expression, emotion and personality generation
Voice conversion and modification, morphing
Concept-to-speech conversion speech synthesis in dialog systems
Avatars and talking faces
Cross-lingual and multilingual aspects for synthesis
Applications of synthesis technologies to communication disorders
TTS for embedded devices and computational issues
Tools and data for speech synthesis
Quality assessment/evaluation metrics in synthesis
Singing synthesis
Synthesis of non-human vocalisations
End-to-end text-to-speech synthesis
Direct speech waveform modelling and generation
Speech synthesis using non-ideal data (?found?, user-contributed, etc.)
Natural language generation for speech synthesis
Special topic: Synthesis of non-standard language varieties (sociolects, dialects, second language varieties)
Call for Demos
We are planning to have a demo session to showcase new developments in speech synthesis. If you have some demonstrations of your work that does not really fit in a regular oral or poster presentation, please let us know.
The workshop program will consist of a single track with invited talks, oral and poster presentations. Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length, 4-6 page papers, including figures and references. Papers can be submitted via the website
Important dates:
Deadline for paper submission: May 10th, 2019
Final deadline for paper submission: May 17th, 2019
Notification of acceptance: July 1st, 2019
Camera-ready final versions: July 19th, 2019
Workshop: 20-22 September 2019
Blizzard Challenge Workshop 2019: 23. September
We are looking forward to seeing you in Vienna.
The SSW organising committee (Michael Pucher, Junichi Yamagishi, Sebastian Le Maguer, Christian Kaseß, Friedrich Neubarth)

3-2-6(2019-09-20) The 8th ISCA Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE 2019), Graz, Austria

Event: The 8th ISCA Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE 2019)

Location: Graz, Austria

Dates: September 20 - 21, 2019




3-3 Other Events
3-3-1(2019-06-14) CfS The How2 Challenge - New Tasks for Vision and Language

Call for Submissions

The How2 Challenge - New Tasks for Vision and Language

Research at the intersection of vision and language has attracted an increasing amount of attention over the last ten years. Current topics include the study of multi-modal representations, translation between modalities, bootstrapping of labels from one modality into another, visually-grounded question answering, embodied question-answering, segmentation and storytelling, and grounding the meaning of language in visual data. Still, these tasks may not be sufficient to fully exploit the potential of vision and language data.


To support research in this area, we recently released the How2 data-set,1 containing 2000 hours of how-to instructional videos, with audio, subtitles, Brazilian Portuguese translations, and textual summaries, making it an ideal resource to bring together researchers working on different aspects of multimodal learning. We hope that a common dataset will facilitate comparisons of tools and algorithms, and foster collaboration.

We are organizing a workshop, “The How2 Challenge - New Tasks for Vision and Language” at ICML 2019, to bring together researchers and foster the exchange of ideas in this area. We seek submissions in the following two categories:


  • Papers that describe work on the How2 data, either on the “shared challenge tasks”, e.g. multi-modal speech recognition, machine translation, or video summarization challenge, described on the How2 web site2 (a leader-board will be provided), or creating “un-shared”, novel tasks.

  • Papers that describe other related and relevant work to further vision and language ideas by proposing new tasks, or analyzing the utility of existing tasks and data sets in interesting ways

The organizers encourage both the publication of novel work that is relevant to the topics of discussion, and late-breaking results on the How2 tasks in a single format. The workshop will also feature a number of invited talks, and a moderated discussion around the challenges and opportunities that current tasks in vision and language present. We aim to stimulate discussion around new tasks that go beyond image captioning and visual question answering, and which could form the basis for future research in this area. We seek to create a venue to encourage collaboration between different sub-fields and help establish new research directions that we believe will sustain multimodal machine learning research for years to come.

The How2 Challenge uses the How2 Corpus (

Invited speakers:


  • Katerina Fragkiadaki (Carnegie Mellon University)

  • Lisa Anne Hendricks (UC Berkeley)

  • Qin Jin (Renmin University)

  • Angeliki Lazaridou (DeepMind)

  • Devi Parikh (Georgia Tech)

  • Kate Saenko (Boston University)

  • Bernt Schiele (Max Plank Institute for Informatics)


Important dates:

Challenge starts: March 15, 2019

Paper submission: May 15, 2019

Notification: May 22, 2019
Workshop date: June 14 or 15, 2019


For more information, visit


Contact us at


3-3-2(2019-06-20) Journée d'études: Matérialités vocales: voix, genre, medias, Université Jean Jaurès, Toulouse, France

'A? travers cette journe?e d?e?tude, nous souhaitons ouvrir un espace
de re?flexion sur les liens entre voix et genre dans les pratiques
me?diatiques contemporaines. Nous nous inte?ressons prioritairement a?
la mate?rialite? des voix, aux dispositifs me?diatiques qui les
diffusent aussi bien qu?aux enjeux e?piste?mologiques et aux outils
me?thodologiques permettant de les analyser. »



3-3-3(2019-06-20) Workshop COFLIS, Bari, Italy

Dear SProSIG member,


Here are details of a workshop on 'Prominence between Cognitive Functions and Linguistic Structures“ (COFLIS, ) that might be of interest to you. The workshop is a satellite of the Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE) 2019 Conference and will be held immediately after PaPE on 20th June 2019 in Bari, a two-hour train ride from the venue of the main conference (Lecce). Abstract submission deadline for posters: 15th March 2019.




In the workshop, we capitalise on several decades of research on prosodic prominence to unravel the key components of the notion of prominence. By exploring the contribution of the signal, of meaning and of linguistic structure to the definition of prominence, and by relating prominence to basic cognitive concepts such as chunking and attention, we aim to provide a renewed understanding of prominence. The workshop will feature four invited talks, covering the measurable, structural and functional components of prominence. Rather than share new experimental evidence, invited speakers will be asked to focus on the theoretical implications of their use of prominence in their research. Invited talks will be complemented by regularly submitted and peer-reviewed submissions for poster presentations on prominence in phonetics and phonology. Submissions emphasising the challenges in defining and using the notion of prominence will be particularly welcome.


Looking forward to seeing you there!


Francesco Cangemi, Stefan Baumann, Michelina Savino, Martine Grice


(Sent via to the sprosig list.  To subscribe/unsubscribe, please mail  Alternative contact: Nigel Ward, Speech Prosody SIG Chair, Professor of Computer Science, University of Texas at El Paso,  +1-915-747-6827, )  


3-3-4(2019-07-01) 2019 42nd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP), Budapest, Hungary

2019 42nd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP)
July 1-3, 2019, Budapest, Hungary

Full Paper Submission: March 18, 2019 @ 6PM CET (EXTENDED DEADLINE)

Technical co-sponsors: IEEE Region 8 (Europe, Middle East and Africa), IEEE Hungary Section, IEEE Czechoslovakia Section, and IEEE Czechoslovakia Section SP/CAS/COM Joint Chapter.

The TSP 2019 Proceedings, containing presented papers at the Conference, will be submitted for indexing to the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library - IEEE Conference Record #46676, SCOPUS, Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) of Thomson Reuters, DBLP, and Google Scholar databases.

After the conference, authors of about 25% highest rated papers will also be invited to submit the extended version for publishing in Special Journal Issues (papers to be published after significant extension and new review process):
- Special Issue Selected Papers from the 2019 42nd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP) of an Applied Sciences (ISSN 2076-3417), an international peer-reviewed open access journal on all aspects of applied natural sciences published by MDPI and indexed by Web of Science (2017 JCR Q3; current Impact Factor: 1.689)
- International Journal of Advances in Telecommunications, Electrotechnics, Signals and Systems (IJATES) (ISSN 1805-5443), indexed by Google Scholar, CrossRef, WorldCat, EZB Elektronischen Zeitschriftenbibliothek, and Directory of Open Access Journals
- Selected high-quality papers submitted to Workshop WS1 will be invited for publication in Special Issue ?Recent Advances in Biometrics and its Applications? in Electronics journal (ISSN 2079-9292), published by MDPI and indexed by Web of Science (2017 JCR Q2; Impact Factor: 2.110)

Dear Colleague,

You are kindly invited to participate in the 2019 42nd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP -, which will be held on July 1-3, 2019, in Budapest, Hungary.

The TSP Conference serves as a premier annual international forum to promote the exchange of the latest advances in telecommunication technology and signal processing. The aim of the Conference is to bring together both novice and experienced scientists, developers, and specialists, to meet new colleagues, collect new ideas, and establish new cooperation between research groups from universities, research centers, and private sectors from the whole Europe, America, Asia, Australia, and Africa.


TSP 2019 has opened Call for Papers for Full Paper Submissions with an EXTENDED deadline set for March 18, 2019 @ 6PM CET. We look forward to your innovative contributions in any of the following areas:

AREA 1: Telecommunications

1. Information Systems
2. Network Services
3. Network Technologies
4. Telecommunication Systems
5. Modelling, Simulation and Measurement

AREA 2: Signal Processing

6. Analog Signal Processing
7. Audio, Speech and Language Processing
8. Biomedical Signal Processing
9. Digital Signal Processing
10. Image and Video Signal Processing

For more details please visit the Conference website at .


Prospective Organizers are invited to submit proposals for Workshops and Special Sessions held during the TSP 2019 Conference. The following Workshop and Special Sessions were approved so far:

- WS1: 3rd International Workshop on Recent Advances in Biometrics and its Applications by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Larbi Boubchir and Prof. Boubaker Daachi (both with the LIASD ? University of Paris 8, France). Selected high-quality papers submitted to this workshop will be invited for publication in Special Issue ?Recent Advances in Biometrics and its Applications? in Electronics journal (SJR Q1, IF: 2.11).
- SS1: Special Session on Internet of Things Communication Networks by Dr. Jorge Crichigno (University of South Carolina, U.S.A.) and Dr. Gautam Srivastava (Brandon University, Canada)
- SS2: Special Session on Photonic Fibre Networks and their Applications (Theory, Design, Modeling, Operation, Trials) by Dr. Josef Vojtech (CESNET a.l.e., Czech Republic) and Dr. Tomas Horvath (Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic)
- SS3: Special Session on Signal Processing and Classification for Building Intelligent Recognition Systems by Prof. Dr. Corneliu Burileanu and As. Prof. Dr. Anamaria Radoi (both with the University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania)

Organizing guidelines are available at .


In cooperation with IEEE Czechoslovakia Section SP/CAS/COM Joint Chapter, to recognize outstanding technical contributions by students, as evidenced by the quality of papers, their presentations, and their technical excellence, the authors of the Best 5 Student Papers will be awarded during the conference by the Technical Committee. The Best Student Paper Award consists in a Plaque and a Certificate of Appreciation.


The TSP 2019 is IEEE technically co-sponsored Conference organized in cooperation with eighteen universities:

- Brno University of Technology, Department of Telecommunications, Brno, Czech Republic
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Telecommunications and Media Informatics, Budapest, Hungary
- Czech Technical University in Prague, Department of Telecommunication Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic
- Isik University, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Sile/Istanbul, Turkey
- Istanbul Technical University, Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, Istanbul, Turkey
- Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology Osijek, Osijek, Croatia
- Karadeniz Technical University, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Trabzon, Turkey
- National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan
- Seikei University, Graduate School and Faculty of Science and Technology, Information Networking Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan
- Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Institute of Multimedia Information and Communication Technologies, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
- Tecnocampus, Escola Universitaria Politecnica de Mataró, Mataró, Spain
- Technical University of Sofia, Faculty of Telecommunications, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Université Paris 8, UFR MITSIC, Laboratoire d'Informatique Avancée de Saint-Denis (LIASD), France
- University ?Politehnica? of Bucharest, Center for Advanced Research on New Materials, Products and Innovative Processes (?CAMPUS?)
- University of Ljubljana, Laboratory for Telecommunications, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- University of Patras, Physics Department, Patras, Greece
- VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Department of Telecommunications, Ostrava, Czech Republic
- West Pomeranian University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Szczecin, Poland


- Miloslav Filka, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic ? Full Professor, TSP Conference Founder - Honorary Chair
- Norbert Herencsar, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic ? IEEE Czechoslovakia Section CAS/COM/SP Joint Chapter Chair, IEEE Senior Member - General Co-Chair
- Attila Vidacs, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary ? Deputy Head of Department - General Co-Chair
- Jiri Hosek, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic ? IEEE Member - Publications & Student Paper Contest Chair
- Aslihan Kartci, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic ? IEEE Graduate Student Member - Publicity & Social Media Chair
- Nandor Matrai, Asszisztencia Congress Bureau, Hungary ? Finance Chair
- Csilla Fulop, Asszisztencia Congress Bureau, Hungary ? Registrations Chair

Steering Committee:

- Larbi Boubchir, Universite Paris 8, France ? Associate Professor, IEEE Senior Member
- Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Escola Universitaria Politecnica de Mataro, Tecnocampus, Spain ? Full Professor, Dean
- Izzet Cem Goknar, Isik University, Turkey ? Institute of Science Director & Circuits and Systems (CAS) Society Turkey Chapter Chair, Full Professor, IEEE Life Fellow
- Ray-Guang Cheng, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST), Taiwan ? Full Professor, IEEE Senior Member
- Ismail Kaya, Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey ? Full Professor
- Jaroslav Koton, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic ? Vice-dean for Research, IEEE Senior Member
- Sridhar Krishnan, Ryerson University, Canada ? Full Professor & Associate Dean, IEEE Senior Member
- Mario Kusek, University of Zagreb, Croatia ? IEEE Croatia Section Communications Chapter Chair, IEEE Member
- Antonio Luque, University of Seville, Spain ? IEEE Region 8 Vice Chair Member Activities 2017, IEEE Spain Section Chair 2016-2017, IEEE Senior Member
- Shahram Minaei, Dogus University, Turkey ? Full Professor, IEEE Senior Member
- Jiri Misurec, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic ? Full Professor, Department Chair
- Ram M. Narayanan, The Pennsylvania State University, USA ? Full Professor, IEEE Fellow
- Kimio Oguchi, Seikei University, Japan ? Full Professor, IEEE Senior Member
- Serdar Ozoguz, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey ? Full Professor, Associate Chair
- Jakub Peksinski, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Poland
- Hector Perez-Meana, National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico ? Full Professor, IEEE Senior Member
- Vladimir Poulkov, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria ? Full Professor, Dean, IEEE Senior Member
- Costas Psychalinos, University of Patras, Greece ? Full Professor, IEEE Senior Member
- Markus Rupp, Vienna University of Technology, Austria ? Full Professor, Dean, IEEE Fellow
- Zdenek Smekal, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic ? Full Professor, IEEE Senior Member
- Attila Vidacs, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary ? Deputy Head of Department
- Miroslav Voznak, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic ? Full Professor, Department Chair, IEEE Senior Member
- Drago Zagar, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia ? Full Professor, Dean, IEEE Senior Member


Full Paper Submission: March 18, 2019 @ 6PM CET (EXTENDED DEADLINE)
Notification of Paper Acceptance: April 15, 2019
Final Paper Submission: April 30, 2019
Authors' Early Registration and Payment: May 10, 2019
Authors' Late Registration and Payment: May 20, 2019
Listeners' Registration: July 1, 2019
Conference: July 1-3, 2019


For more information please visit the Conference website at We are also ready to answer your questions emailed to .

Looking forward to meeting you in Budapest, Hungary.

With best regards,

Norbert Herencsar and Attila Vidacs
TSP 2019 General Co-Chairs


Follow us on:
- Facebook
- Twitter
doc. Ing. Norbert Herencsar, Ph.D.
Department of Telecommunications
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication
Brno University of Technology
Technicka 3082/12
616 00 Brno
Czech Republic


Assoc. Prof. Attila Vidacs, Ph.D.
Department of Telecommunications and Media Informatics
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Magyar tudosok korutja 2.
1117 Budapest

TSP Organizers reserve the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the Conference (e.g., non-indexing in IEEE Xplore® and other databases) if the paper is not presented at the Conference.


3-3-5(2019-07-01) HackaTAL 2019 (hackathon en traitement automatique des langues), Toulouse, France
Grand Débat // Legal Tech
HackaTAL 2019
(hackathon en traitement automatique des langues)
avec la conférence TALN/PFIA 2019


Tâches : analyses du grand débat / chatbots juridiques
Site web :
Dates : 1 et 2 juillet 2019
Lieu : Université Toulouse 1 Capitole
Inscription (gratuit pour les étudiants et doctorants) :
Fil twitter :
Le HackaTAL

Dans le cadre de la conférence TALN 2019 au sein de la plateforme PFIA, nous organisons la 4ème édition du hackathon en traitement automatique des langues, le HackaTAL 2019. L?objectif est de réunir les communautés scientifiques TAL, IA, et très largement au delà, autour de défis à relever pour questionner, interroger, modéliser, prototyper, coder, expérimenter, développer, tester, évaluer, échanger, etc. par équipes, dans une ambiance dynamique et sympathique :)

Les tâches proposées portent cette année sur deux thématiques (détails ci-dessous) :
- analyses des contributions au grand débat national,
- conception de chatbots pour le domaine juridique.

L?événement aura lieu cette année avec PFIA (, à l?université Toulouse 1 Capitole, les 1 et 2 juillet 2019. Il est très largement ouvert à tous : juniors et seniors, informaticiens, linguistes, politologues, juristes, sociologues, etc. et ne nécessite aucune préparation particulière ni de compétences spécifiques? toute personne intéressée est bienvenue pour apporter sa contribution aux travaux collaboratifs (par équipes) que nous réaliserons sur ces deux jours !
Défis proposés

1. Analyses du grand débat national

Le « grand débat national » instauré par le gouvernement début 2019 s?est matérialisée par la mise en place de dispositifs contributifs (sites, réunions, cahiers de doléances), par lesquels les citoyens peuvent donner leurs avis en réponse à des questions, et/ou selon des thématiques. L?ouverture des données produites a donné lieu à la constitution d?un corpus volumineux, sur lequel des analyses peuvent être conduites, en particulier par utilisation d?outils de traitement de la langue ou d?analyse du discours. Les tâches sont très ouvertes, nous proposons en particulier une orientation sur la génération et la nature argumentative des contributions.


- quantifier, analyser et visualiser les contributions au grand débat national
  - proposer des analyses sémantiques ou discursives des contributions
  - repérer et extraire des arguments structurés dans les contributions du grand débat
- générer des contributions ou des arguments (à préciser)
  - générer une proposition (phrase) à partir d?indices (mots, thème, opinion)
  - générer une contribution argumentative à partir d?un ensemble de propositions
  - générer un résumé à partir d?un ensemble de contributions
  - générer une contribution avec une contrainte de style (« à la manière de »)


- Jeux de données
- Autres sites contributifs (à compléter)
  - Vrai Débat :
  - Entendre la France :
- API GraphQL:
- Analyses existantes
  - Observatoire des débats (GIS Démocratie et Participation, ICPC, CEVIPOF)
  - Cartographies : Cartolabe (INRIA, Paris-Saclay, CNRS) et Politoscope (CNRS)
  - Annotations collaboratives du grand débat: et
  - Projet Grande Lecture (bulles de filtre) : cartes de 100 contributions par circonscription
  - Witted
  - Grand Débat et TAL (Vincent Claveau) et (Damien Nouvel)
  - Gilets Jaunes (LERASS)

2. Chatbots juridiques

Depuis quelques années, la mise en place d?agents conversationnels (chatbots) par de nombreuses entreprises est une tendance de fond (et déjà sujet du HackaTAL en 2016, En parallèle, les outils numériques et technologiques sont toujours plus utilisés dans le domaine juridique (LegalTech). Ces deux évolutions technologiques permettent aujourd?hui d?envisager le développement d?agents répondant à des questions sur des problématiques juridiques. Les tâches proposées visent le prototypage, voire la mise en place (démos) de telles infrastructures de dialogue à partir de ressources, soit pour des problématiques liées à la vie courante des citoyens (recherche d?informations juridiques) ou dans un contexte d?analyse de contrats pour des entreprises.


- agent qui aide à la recherche d?informations juridiques
  - détermination du domaine du litige
  - proposition de références (liens) vers des textes de loi pertinents
  - recherche de la procédure adéquate pour la résolution du problème
- agent qui répond à des questions sur des contrats juridiques
  - dates de début / fin de contrat
  - entités juridiques mentionnées (sociétés, entités administratives)
  - repérage des parties du contrat présentant des risques, incohérences ou anomalies


- Droit du numérique :
- Droits quotidiens : les fiches en langage juridique clair de et
- Module de création d?assistant juridique (
- Technologies du réseau Legal Tech Lawyer disponibles pendant le hackathon
- Projet de chatbot juridique :
- Données et contenus juridiques


Des prix seront décernés aux meilleures équipes (vote des participants et organisateurs)
Planning prévisionnel

Lundi 1er juillet
- 13h-14h : accueil et café
- 14h-15h : introduction, présentation du hackathon
- 15h-18h : développements en équipes
- 18h-19h : présentations invitées
- 19h- : cocktail, buffet, développements en équipes

Mardi 2 juillet
- 09h-12h : accueil, café, développements en équipes
- 12h-14h : déjeuner et café
- 14h-16h : développements en équipes
- 16h-18h : présentation des résultats par équipe
- 18h-19h : vote, remise des prix, conclusion

Organisation pratique

BYOD (amenez votre ordinateur)
Pas de critères pour participer, le hackathon est ouvert à tous !
Aucune préparation requise des participants
Logiciels et données en ligne :

Julien Aligon (IRIT)
Sébastien Beghelli (SAP)
Manon Cassier (AGORA)
Chloé Clavel (Télécom ParisTech)
Kevin Deturck (Viseo / ERTIM)
Nicolas Dugué (LIUM)
Maud Gilet (
Gibran Freitas (
Loïc Grobol (Lattice)
Didier Ketels (Droits Quotidiens)
Charles Leconte (
Hugues de Mazancourt (YSEOP)
Damien Nouvel (ERTIM)
Camille Pradel (Synapse)
Paul Renvoise (SAP)
Thomas Saint-Aubin (
Raphaël Troncy (EURECOM)
Guillaume Wisniewski (LIMSI)

3-3-6(2019-07-01?) Atelier Enseignement des langues et TAL -ELTAL 2019 (TALN-RECITAL 2019), Toulouse, France­

*APPEL A CONTRIBUTION : Atelier Enseignement des langues et TAL ­

Site web :

Aujourd¹hui, l¹usage des TICE devient incontournable dans le domaine de
l¹enseignement et de l¹apprentissage des langues. Les applications de
partage de connaissances, et de nouvelles formes de e-learning (MOOC ou
SPOC), ainsi que la banalisation des appareils mobiles connectés
contribuent à la prolifération des outils numériques destinés aux
apprenants de langues (ALAO). Ces outils sont généralement conçus dans
une optique de simple adaptation des contenus pédagogiques traditionnels
au support numérique, sans creuser les possibilités offertes grâce au
traitement automatique des langues, comme dans toute application ayant
trait au langage naturel. A travers cet atelier, nous souhaitons mettre
en évidence ces possibilités en rassemblant les travaux de toute la
communauté francophone autour de cette thématique.

Après l¹atelier TAL et ALAO organisé à Louvain (TALN 2006) et la
première édition de l'atelier ELTAL à Paris (JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2016),
l'atelier ELTAL 2019 sera l'occasion de faire un nouvel état de l¹art
des interactions entre didactique des langues
(enseignement/apprentissage) et TAL. L'objectif sous-jacent reste la
présentation des outils et des ressources brutes ou annotées pour
l¹enseignement/l'apprentissage des langues au sens large, sans
restriction à une aire linguistique ou géographique. Pour cette seconde
édition, nous espérons également resserrer les liens interdisciplinaires
et interuniversitaires initiés lors de la première édition.

Nous souhaitons regrouper les contributions autour de deux axes majeurs
: d'une part, celles qui présentent des ressources brutes ou annotées et
des outils 'clé en main' et, de l'autre, celles qui traitent des
applications et des méthodologies dans une visée
d'enseignement/d'apprentissage des langues. Nous voudrions consacrer une
attention particulière aux approches qui mobilisent des corpus à travers
des outils et des plateformes numériques (ENT, MOOC, SPOC etc.), mais
aussi aux questions d'ordre éthique, prenant en compte les
recommandations de la RGPD.

*Axe 1 : Outils, ressources brutes ou annotées*

   * Lexiques et dictionnaires généraux et spécialisés
   * Corpus généraux ou de spécialité
   * Corpus écrits, oraux ou multimodaux
   * Corpus d'apprenants
   * Jeux sérieux et Jeux avec un but (GWAP - Games With A Purpose)
   * Outils de génération automatique d'exercices (morphologie,
     syntaxe etc.)
   * Outils de diagnostic automatique des erreurs
   * Outils d'exploration des données brutes ou annotées
   * etc.

*Axe 2 : Applications et méthodologies à visée didactique et

   * Automatisation de la correction des productions
   * Génération automatique de sujets (outils d'évaluation et de test)
   * Application didactique des outils de génération (outils de
     flexion, de dérivation, etc.)
   * Evaluation et amélioration de la lisibilité des textes
   * Apport de l'intelligence artificielle pour la didactique des
   * Approche par compétences (selon le CECRL) : outils et méthodes
   * etc.

*Modalités de soumission : *

*Deux formats d'articles peuvent être soumis :*

   * articles longs (de 12 pages plus 2 pages maximum pour les
   * articles courts (6 pages plus 2 pages maximum pour les références)

Les articles acceptés donneront lieu à une communication orale de 20
minutes suivie d'une discussion de 10 minutes au cours de la journée
réservée à l'atelier (lundi 1er ou mardi 2 juillet 2019). Les articles
sélectionnés seront publiés dans les actes de l'atelier ELTAL
(publication en ligne). Les critères de sélection sont conformes à ceux
de la conférence principale. Les soumissions doivent être conformes aux
lignes directrices de style officielles (télécharger les fichiers de
style) et doivent être en format PDF. Les soumissions en anglais sont
acceptées dès lors qu'un co-auteur n'est pas francophone.

*Feuilles de style* :

Vous pouvez télécharger les feuilles de style à partir de ce lien :

*Dépôt des contributions :*

Le dépôt des contributions se fait via EasyChair à l¹adresse suivante :

*Dates importantes :*

   * 12 avril 2019 : date limite de soumission des propositions
   * 3 mai 2019 : notification d'acceptation ou de refus aux auteurs
     (avec relecture)
   * 17 mai 2019 : date limite de retour des versions définitives des
   * 1 ou 2 juillet (à confirmer) : date de l'atelier ELTAL 2019


3-3-7(2019-07-02) 2nd Call for Papers ? ACM Intelligent Virtual Agents Conference- IVA2019 , Paris, France

2nd Call for Papers ? ACM Intelligent Virtual Agents Conference - IVA 2019

2-5 July 2019, Paris, France


The 19th ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA) will be held on July 2-5 2019 in Paris, France. The conference is organized by CNRS, Sorbonne University and Paris-Saclay University (France), and sponsored by ACM-SIGAI.

The IVA conference started in 1998 as a workshop on Intelligent Virtual Environments at the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Brighton, UK, which was followed by a similar one in 1999 in Salford, Manchester, UK. Then dedicated stand-alone IVA conferences took place in Madrid, Spain, in 2001, Irsee, Germany, in 2003, and Kos, Greece, in 2005. Since 2006 IVA has become a full-fledged annual international event, which was first held in Marina del Rey, California, then Paris, France, in 2007, Tokyo, Japan, in 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, in 2009, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, in 2010, Reykjavik, Iceland, in 2011, Santa Cruz, USA, in 2012, Edinburgh, UK, in 2013, Boston, USA, in 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2015, Los Angeles, USA, 2016, Stockholm, Sweden, 2017. IVA 2018 was held in Sydney, Australia.



We invite submissions of research full papers on a broad range of topics, including but not limited to: theoretical foundations of virtual agents, agent modeling and evaluation, agents in games and simulations, and applications of virtual agents. Extended abstracts presenting late breaking work are also welcome.

IVA 2019 is the 19th meeting of an interdisciplinary annual conference and the main leading scientific forum for presenting research on modeling, developing and evaluating Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVAs) with a focus on communicative abilities and social behavior. IVAs are interactive digital characters that exhibit human-like qualities and can communicate with humans and each other using natural human modalities like facial expressions, speech and gesture. They are capable of real-time perception, cognition, emotion and action that allow them to participate in dynamic social environments. In addition to presentations on theoretical issues, the conference encourages the showcasing of working applications.


IVA 2019?s special topic is ?Social Learning?, that is learning while interaction socially; agents can learn from the humans and humans can learn from the agents. Agents can take different roles such as tutors, peers, motivators, coaches in training and in serious games. They can act as job recruiter, virtual patient, and nurse to name a few applications. With this topic in mind we are seeking closer engagement with industry and also with social psychologists.


For more information, please visit the IVA 2019 website:


The papers and extended abstracts will be published in the ACM digital library. All submissions will be reviewed via a double-blind review process.



Full papers

Submission Deadline: March 1, 2019

Notification of Acceptance: April 8, 2019

Camera Ready: April 22, 2019

Extended abstracts

Submission Deadline: March 1, 2019

Notification of Acceptance: April 8, 2019

Camera Ready: April 22, 2019



Beatrice de Gelder (Maastricht University)

Rachael Jack (Glasgow University)

Verena Rieser (Heriot-Watt University)

Pierre-Yves Oudeyer (INRIA - Bordeaux)



Conference Chairs

Catherine Pelachaud, CNRS-ISIR, Sorbonne University, France

Jean-Claude Martin, CNRS-LIMSI, University Paris Saclay, France

Program co-chairs

Gale Lucas, USC Institute for Creative Technologies, USA

Hendrik Buschmeier, Bielefeld University, Germany

Stefan Kopp, Bielefeld University, Germany



IVA invites submissions on a broad range of topics, including but not limited to:


List of Topics

Socio-emotional agent models: 

  • Cognition, machine learning and adaptation

  • Emotion, personality and cultural differences

  • Model of emotionally communicative behavior

  • Model of conversational behavior

  • Model of social skills

  • Machine learning for endowing virtual agents with social skills


Multimodal interaction:

  • Verbal and nonverbal coordination

  • Engagement

  • Interpersonal relation

  • Multi-party interaction

  • Model driven by theoretical foundations from psychology

  • Data driven model


Social agent architectures:

  • Design criteria and design methodologies

  • Real-time human-agent interaction

  • Incremental agent control

  • Real-time integrated system


Evaluation methods and studies:

  • Evaluation methodologies and user studies

  • Ethical considerations and societal impact

  • Applicable lessons from other fields (e.g. robotics)

  • Social agents as a means to study and model human behavior



  • Social skills training

  • Virtual agents in games and simulations

  • Applications in education, health, games, art


Social learning:

  • Learning in social interaction

  • Social skills acquisition model

  • Learning in interaction with agents

WARNING: There is a conference called ICIVA 2019 that claims to be the 21st International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents in Bali in October 2019. This conference is not the official IVA and is launched by an organization World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology that is unfortunately very famous for its predatory publishing practices.


Please note that no paper submitted to ICIVA 2019 in Bali will be published in the IVA 2019 proceedings.


3-3-8(2019-07-08) eNTERFACE 2019, Ankara, Turkey
Call for Participation | eNTERFACE 2019
Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey July 8th ? August 2nd, 2019 
-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  
The eNTERFACE 2019 Workshop is being organized this summer in Ankara, Turkey, from July 8th to August 2nd, 2019. The Workshop will be held at Bilkent University (
The eNTERFACE Workshops present an opportunity of collaborative research and software development by gathering, in a single place, a team of senior project leaders in multimodal interfaces, PhD students, and (undergraduate) students, to work on a pre-specified list of challenges, for the duration of four weeks. Participants are organized in teams, assigned to specific projects. The ultimate goal is to make this event a unique opportunity for students and experts all over the world to meet and effectively work together, so as to foster the development of tomorrow?s multimodal research community.
Senior researchers, PhD, or undergraduate students interested in participating to the Workshop should send their application by emailing the Organizing Committee at on or before April 8th, 2019. The application should contain:
-      A short CV

-      A list of three preferred projects to work on

-      A list of skills to offer for these projects.
Participants must procure their own travel and accommodation expenses. Information about the venue location and stay are provided on the eNTERFACE?19 website ( Note that although no scholarships are available for PhD students, there are no application fees.
eNTERFACE'19 will welcome students, researchers, and seniors, working in teams on the following projects

#1 A Multimodal Behaviour Analysis Tool for Board Game Interventions with Children 

#2 Cozmo4Resto: A Practical AI Application for Human-Robot Interaction

#3 Developing a Scenario-Based Video Game Generation Framework for Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality Environments

#4 Exploring Interfaces and Interactions for Graph-based Architectural Modelling in VR

#5 Spatio-temporal and Multimodal Analysis of Personality Traits 

#6 Stress and Performance Related Multi-modal Data Collection, Feature Extraction and Classification in an Interview Setting

#7 Volleyball Action Modelling for Behaviour Analysis and Interactive Multi-modal Feedback
The full detailed description of the projects is available at
Best Regards,
Hamdi & Elif


Dr. Hamdi Dibeklioglu
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Engineering Bilkent University
06800 Ankara, Turkey


3-3-9(2019-07-08) The 12th Annual International Conference on Languages & Linguistics, Athens, Greece

The 12th Annual International Conference on Languages & Linguistics is organanized on 8-11 July 2019, Athens, Greece (Academic Responsible: Dr. Valia Spiliotopoulos, Associate Professor of Professional Practice & Academic Director Centre for English Language Learning, Teaching, and Research (CELLTR), Faculty of Education, Simon Fraser University, Canada). You are more than welcome to submit a proposal for presentation. The abstract submission deadline is 11 March 2019. You may also send us a stream-panel proposal to be organized as part of the conference.


3-3-10(2019-07-21) The 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2019), Paris, France



The 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on

Research and Development in Information Retrieval

July 21-25, 2019, Paris, France




Call for Full Papers

The annual SIGIR conference is the major international forum for the presentation of new research results, and the demonstration of new systems and techniques, in the broad field of information retrieval (IR). The 42nd ACM SIGIR conference, to be held in Paris, France, welcomes contributions related to any aspect of information retrieval and access, including theories, foundations, algorithms, applications, evaluation, and analysis. The conference and program chairs invite those working in areas related to IR to submit original papers for review.

Important Dates  (timezone: anywhere on earth)

Full paper abstract registration deadline
  January 21, 2019
Full paper submission deadline
Full paper notifications
  January 28, 2019
  April 14, 2019


Program chairs

  • Yoelle Maarek, Amazon Research, Haifa, Israel
  • Jian-Yun Nie, University of Montreal, Canada
  • Falk Scholer, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia

General chairs

  • Max Chevalier, CNRS &  Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
  • Eric Gaussier, CNRS & Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France
  • Benjamin Piwowarski, CNRS, LIP6, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France


All questions about full paper submissions should be emailed to sigir2019-pcchairs AT easychair DOT org.


follow us on twitter : @sigir2019

follow us on our web site :


3-3-11(2019-07-21) The Apollo-11 speech challenge

HISTORY: On July 20, 1969 at 20:17 UTC, Earth witnessed one of the most challenging technology accomplishments by mankind to date of NASA Apollo-11 with over 600M people witnessing both the landing and first steps on the moon by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. Next July 2019 marks the 50th Anniversary of the historical Apollo-11 lunar landing and first steps.

NSF CRSS-UTDallas Project: With support from the US National Science Foundation (NSF-CISE), CRSS-UTDallas has spent the last six years developing a hardware/software solution to digitize and recover all 30-track analog tapes from Apollo-11 (plus Apollo-13 and other missions), as well as development of speech diarization technologies to advance speech technology for such data. A total of 19,000 hours of data consisting of all NASA air-to-ground, mission control, and backroom support team discussions was released this year (news releases from this NSF sponsored project this year include: NSF, NASA, BBC, AIP (Acoustical Society of America), NPR, many on-line news sites, and involvement in a planned CNN documentary where this data is contributing, etc.). To date, this will be the largest publically available audio corpus of time synchronized, team based (~600 people) naturalistic communications to accomplish a real-world task.

ANNOUNCEMNT: This email is to announce the release of the FEARLESS STEPS CHALLENGE corpus, which is being shared for a proposed Special Session at ISCA INTERSPEECH-2019. The attached flyer details the 5 challenge tasks involved:

1. SAD: Speech Activity Detection

2. Speaker Diarization

3. SID: Speaker Identification

4. ASR: Automatic Speech Recognition

5. Sentiment Detection


This challenge corpus consists of 100hours from 5 of the 30-track channels spanning three phases of Apollo-11 mission: (i) lift off, (ii) landing, (iii) lunar walk. All data for this challenge will be available soon via a download option for all to participate (this site has sample audio from the NSF funded project: ). In addition, any lab/group wishing to have access to the entire 19,000 hours can do so without charge (this is public data, so it will be available via download, or a small fee for a hard-disk and shipping to your lab).   

While diarization efforts in the past have concentrated on single channel broadcast news, interviews, etc. These all represent typically a single speaker, or small group discussing topics of interest. The FEARLESS STEPS CORPUS is all time synchronized (with IRIG Time Channel) across 30 channels, with loops containing anywhere from 3-33 speakers working collaboratively to solve challenging problems. CRSS-UTDallas has produced full diarization output for the entire 19,000hrs of data (SAD, SID, DIAR/ASR) which is available with the corpus.

REQUEST:  We are proposing a Special Session at ISCA INTERSPEECH-2019. If you have interest in getting access to the FEARLESS STEPS CORPUS and potentially participating in the CHALLENGE, please reply to this email Hansen, John' <>(an expression of interest does not obligate you to submit, we are simply trying to collect a list of interested researchers for the data). 

Many thanks for your interest!

CRSS-UTDallas Fearless Steps Team


3-3-12(2019-07-22) 3rd INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL ON DEEP LEARNING, Warsaw, Poland


DeepLearn 2019
Warsaw, Poland
July 22-26, 2019
Co-organized by:
Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences
IRDTA ? Brussels/London
DeepLearn 2019 will be a research training event with a global scope aiming at updating participants about the most recent advances in the critical and fast developing area of deep learning. This is a branch of artificial intelligence covering a spectrum of current exciting machine learning research and industrial innovation that provides more efficient algorithms to deal with large-scale data in neurosciences, computer vision, speech recognition, language processing, human-computer interaction, drug discovery, biomedical informatics, healthcare, recommender systems, learning theory, robotics, games, etc. Renowned academics and industry pioneers will lecture and share their views with the audience.
Most deep learning subareas will be displayed, and main challenges identified through 2 keynote lectures, 24 four-hour and a half courses, and 1 round table, which will tackle the most active and promising topics. The organizers are convinced that outstanding speakers will attract the brightest and most motivated students. Interaction will be a main component of the event.
An open session will give participants the opportunity to present their own work in progress in 5 minutes. Moreover, there will be two special sessions with industrial and recruitment profiles.
Master's students, PhD students, postdocs, and industry practitioners will be typical profiles of participants. However, there are no formal pre-requisites for attendance in terms of academic degrees. Since there will be a variety of levels, specific knowledge background may be assumed for some of the courses. Overall, DeepLearn 2019 is addressed to students, researchers and practitioners who want to keep themselves updated about recent developments and future trends. All will surely find it fruitful to listen and discuss with major researchers, industry leaders and innovators.
3 courses will run in parallel during the whole event. Participants will be able to freely choose the courses they wish to attend as well as to move from one to another.
DeepLearn 2019 will take place in Warsaw, whose historical Old Town was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The venue will be:
PROFESSORS AND COURSES: (to be completed)
Pierre Baldi (University of California, Irvine), [intermediate/advanced] Deep Learning: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications to the Natural Sciences
Christopher Bishop (Microsoft Research Cambridge), [introductory] Introduction to the Key Concepts and Techniques of Machine Learning
Aaron Courville (University of Montréal), [introductory/intermediate] Deep Generative Models
Sergei V. Gleyzer (University of Florida), [introductory/intermediate] Feature Extraction, End-end Deep Learning and Applications to Very Large Scientific Data: Rare Signal Extraction, Uncertainty Estimation and Realtime Machine Learning Applications in Software and Hardware
Tomas Mikolov (Facebook), [introductory] Using Neural Networks for Modeling and Representing Natural Languages (with Armand Joulin)
Hermann Ney (RWTH Aachen University), [intermediate/advanced] Speech Recognition and Machine Translation: From Statistical Decision Theory to Machine Learning and Deep Neural Networks
Navraj Pannu (GoDaddy), [introductory/intermediate] Deep Learning and Maximum Likelihood in Structural Biology
Jose C. Principe (University of Florida), [intermediate/advanced] Cognitive Architectures for Object Recognition in Video
Björn Schuller (Imperial College London), [introductory/intermediate] Deep Learning for Intelligent Signal Processing
Alex Smola (Amazon), tba
Ponnuthurai N Suganthan (Nanyang Technological University), [introductory/intermediate] Learning Algorithms for Classification, Forecasting and Visual Tracking
Johan Suykens (KU Leuven), [introductory/intermediate] Deep Learning, Neural Networks and Kernel Machines
Alexey Svyatkovskiy (Princeton University), [introductory/intermediate] From Natural Language Processing to Machine Learning on Source Code
Gaël Varoquaux (INRIA), [intermediate] Representation Learning in Limited Data Settings
An open session will collect 5-minute voluntary presentations of work in progress by participants. They should submit a half-page abstract containing title, authors, and summary of the research to by July 14, 2019.
A session will be devoted to 10-minute demonstrations of practical applications of deep learning in industry. Companies interested in contributing are welcome to submit a 1-page abstract containing the program of the demonstration and the logistics needed. At least one of the people participating in the demonstration must register for the event. Expressions of interest have to be submitted to by July 14, 2019.
Firms searching for personnel well skilled in deep learning will have a space reserved for one-to-one contacts. It is recommended to produce a 1-page .pdf leaflet with a brief description of the company and the profiles looked for, to be circulated among the participants prior to the event. At least one of the people in charge of the search must register for the event. Expressions of interest have to be submitted to by July 14, 2019.
?ukasz Kobyli?ski (Warsaw, co-chair)
Sara Morales (Brussels)
Manuel J. Parra-Royón (Granada)
David Silva (London, co-chair)
It has to be done at
The selection of up to 8 courses requested in the registration template is only tentative and non-binding. For the sake of organization, it will be helpful to have an estimation of the respective demand for each course. During the event, participants will be free to attend the courses they wish.
Since the capacity of the venue is limited, registration requests will be processed on a first come first served basis. The registration period will be closed and the on-line registration facility disabled when the capacity of the venue is exhausted. It is highly recommended to register prior to the event.
Fees comprise access to all courses and lunches. There are several early registration deadlines. Fees depend on the registration deadline.
Suggestions for accommodation will be available in due time.
A certificate of successful participation in the event will be delivered indicating the number of hours of lectures.
Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences
Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice (IRDTA) ? Brussels/London


3-3-13(2019-07-25) CfP The 1st Workshop on Conversational Interaction Systems (WCIS), Paris, France

The 1st Workshop on Conversational Interaction Systems (WCIS)


=== Call for Papers ===

You are invited to participate in the 1st Workshop on Conversational Interaction Systems (WCIS), to be held as part of 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2019) in Paris, France on 25th July 2019.

=== Important Dates ===

- Submissions due: May 3, 2019

- Paper Notification: May 31, 2019

- Camera Ready Papers due: June 30, 2019

- Workshop Day: July 25, 2019


=== Aim of the Workshop ===

Conversational interaction systems such as Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri, and Cortana have become very popular over the recent years. Such systems provide a conversational interface to a wide variety of content and on the web and in turn for IR systems. Some interactive systems like Facebook Portal and Echo Show also involve challenges with language understanding in combination with vision. Research challenges such as Dialogue System Technology Challenges and Amazon Alexa Prize have continued to inspire research in conversational AI bringing together researchers from different communities such as speech recognition, spoken language understanding, reinforcement learning, information retrieval, language generation, and multi-modal question answering.


This workshop aims to bring together researchers from academia and industry to discuss the challenges and future of conversational agents and interactive systems. We will highlight applications like recommendation systems, search, knowledge graph induction, multi-modal interaction and web question answering. The workshop will include talks from senior technical leaders and researchers to share insights associated with building conversational systems at scale. We will issue an open call for papers and will prioritize innovative and impactful contributions. Accepted papers will be presented through contributed talks or poster presentations. We will end the workshop with an open panel discussion consisting of leading researchers.


=== Workshop Topics ===

We invite contributions in the following areas:

  • End to end approaches for multi-turn dialog and retrieval systems

  • Reinforcement and imitation learning for dialog and retrieval systems

  • Dialog systems:

    • Speech recognition

    • Language understanding

    • Dialog manager and state tracking

    • Language generation and dialog evaluation

  • Conversational approaches for information retrieval:

    • Knowledge grounding

    • Multi-turn interactions for addressing complex queries

    • Conversational recommendation systems and personalization

    • Surfacing and realization of search results

  • Visual dialog and question answering

  • Human-human, human-machine and multi-modal interactions

  • Usability, interpretability and explain ability of conversational AI and IR models

  • User modeling, user context, and personalization

  • Dialog datasets and innovative data collection techniques


=== Submission Information ===

The submissions of research papers must be in PDF format and must be at most 6 pages (including figures, excluding references). The submissions should follow the current ACM two-column conference format. The templates are available on the ACM website ( Please note that our workshop is non-archival, but accepted submissions will be hosted on the workshop website. Submissions can be optionally anonymous (posting on arXiv is allowed) and should be submitted electronically via the conference submission system by the due date.


Workshop Website:

Submission Link :

Templates :


=== Organizing Committee ===

- Chandra Khatri, Uber AI

- Rahul Goel, Amazon Alexa AI

- Abhinav Rastogi, Google AI

- Alexandros Papangelis, Uber AI


Advisory Committee -

Dilek Hakkani-Tur (Amazon Alexa AI), Rushin Shah (Facebook Conversational AI), Gokhan Tur (Uber AI), Zhou Yu (UC Davis), Arindam Mandal (Amazon Alexa AI), Jan Sedivy (Czech Technical University), Panagiotis Papadakos (FORTH -ICS), Raefer Gabriel (Amazon Alexa AI)


Program Committee -

Semih Yavuz (University of California, Santa Barbara), Alessandra Cervone (University of Trento), Angeliki Metanillou (Amazon Alexa AI), Bhenam Hedayatnia (Amazon Alexa AI), Sanghyun Yi (Caltech), Huaixiu Zheng (Uber AI), Marco Damonte (University of Edinburgh), Tagyoung Chung (Amazon Alexa AI), Raghav Gupta (Google AI), Tanmay Rajpurohit (Genpact AI), Dian Yu (UC Davis), Pararth Shah (Facebook AI)


Abhinav, Chandra, Rahul, Alex




3-3-14(2019-08-04) International Conference on Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia
Music Monthly - MAY

Don't miss your opportunity to be a part of ICPhS 2019!

Call for papers

Authors will be invited to submit papers in December 2018 on original, unpublished research in the phonetic sciences. Papers related to the Congress themes are especially welcome, but we welcome papers related to any of the following list of scientific areas below. The submission deadline will be 4 December 2018.


Call for special sessions are now open

The organisers of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences invite proposals for special sessions covering emerging topics, challenges, interdisciplinary research, or subjects that could foster useful debate in the phonetic sciences.

The ICPhS themes are ?Endangered Languages, and Major Language Varieties?. Special sessions related to these themes are especially welcome, but we are interested in proposals related to any of the scientific areas covered in the Congress. The submission deadline will be 30 April 2018.


Satellite meetings and workshops

There are opportunities for holding satellite meetings as well as workshops associated with ICPhS 2019. We invite those interested in arranging a satellite event to contact the organising committee now.


Meet our keynote speakers

The organising committee is pleased to announce the keynote speakers who will be presenting at the ICPhS 2019 Congress:

  • Professor Amalia Arvaniti
  • Professor Jonas Beskow
  • Professor Nicholas Evans
  • Professor Bryan Gick
  • Professor Lucie Menard

Scientific areas

The scientific committee have put together a list of scientific areas for the 2019 ICPhS program based on previous editions and current developments within phonetics

Please click on the button below to see the full list.


Stay in the loop!

If you would like to stay up to date with the Congress and ensure you don't miss out on any milestones, let us know by clicking the button below.



Located on the south-east coast of Australia, Melbourne has been voted The World?s Most Liveable City on a number of occasions.

Melbourne is a thriving and cosmopolitan city with a unique balance of graceful old buildings and stunning new architecture surrounded by parks and gardens.

Find our more about Melbourne here.



Call for special sessions proposals
Now open!
Deadline for proposals
30 April 2018
Deadline for on-line full paper submission
4 December 2018
Registration opens
Late 2018
Author notification deadline
15 February 2019
Congress Dates
4-10 August 2019


3-3-15(2019-08-05) ICPHS 2019 SPECIAL SESSION on Computational Approaches for Documenting and Analyzing Oral Languages, Melbourne, Australia


The special session Computational Approaches for Documenting and Analyzing Oral Languages welcomes submissions presenting innovative speech data collection methods and/or assistance for linguists and communities of speakers: methods and tools that facilitate collection, transcription and translation of primary language data. Oral languages is understood here as referring to spoken vernacular languages which depend on oral transmission, including endangered languages and (typically low-prestige) regional varieties of major languages.

The special session intends to provide up-to-date information to an audience of phoneticians about developments in machine learning that make it increasingly feasible to automate segmentation, alignment or labelling of audio recordings, even in less-documented languages. A methodological goal is to help establish the field of Computational Language Documentation and contribute to its close association with the phonetic sciences. Computational Language Documentation needs to build on the insights gained through phonetic research; conversely, research in phonetics stands to gain much from the availability of abundant and reliable data on a wider range of languages.

Papers will be submited directly to the conference by December 4th and will then be evaluated according to the standard ICPhS review process [see here]. Accepted papers will be allocated either to this special session or a general session. When submitting you can specify if you want to be considered for this special session.

Laurent Besacier ? LIG UGA (France)
Alexis Michaud ? LACITO CNRS (France)
Martine Adda-Decker ? LPP CNRS (France)
Gilles Adda ? LIMSI CNRS (France)
Steven Bird ? CDU (Australia)
Graham Neubig ? CMU (USA)
François Pellegrino ? DDL CNRS (France)
Sakriani Sakti ? NAIST (Japan)
Mark Van de Velde ? LLACAN CNRS (France)


This special session is endorsed by SIGUL (Joint ELRA and ISCA Special Interest Group on Under-resourced Languages)


3-3-16(2019-08-10) The International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing AVSP 2019), Melbourne,Australia
AVSP 2019
The International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing
Melbourne, Australia, August 10 &11, 2019.
Paper Submission Deadline: May 7th, 2019
AVSP 2019 Call for Papers
AVSP is a uniquely interdisciplinary conference, focusing on the effects of auditory and visual speech information on human perception, machine recognition, and human-machine interaction. AVSP conferences attract many researchers from various fields, such as psychology, computer engineering, neuroscience, linguistics, and robotic engineering. AVSP is a satellite workshop of ICPhS 2019, the 19th International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences.
The AVSP conference will be held in Melbourne, Australia, August 10 &11, 2019.
Submission of papers are invited in all areas of auditory-visual speech processing and facial animation and including but not limited to:
  • Human recognition of audio-visual speech
  • Machine recognition of audio-visual speech
  • Human and machine models of multimodal integration
  • Multimodal processing of spoken events
  • Cross-linguistic studies
  • Developmental studies
  • Studies of the multisensory aspects of reading (e.g., print to sound mapping)
  • Role of gestures accompanying speech
  • Modeling, synthesis and recognition of facial gestures
  • Audio-visual speech synthesis
  • Audio-visual prosody
  • Emotion and Expressivity modeling
  • Neuropsychology and neurophysiology of audio-visual speech processing
  • Scene analysis using audio and visual speech information
  • Paper Submission Deadline: May 7th, 2019 
  • Notification of Acceptance: June 7th, 2019
  • Camera-ready Paper: June 15th, 2019
  • Conference: August 10 & 11, 2019
Prospective AVSP2019 authors are invited to submit a 4 to 6 page long paper or a 1 to 2 page abstract.
The organizing committee of AVSP 2019 is looking forward to your submissions.
Christopher Davis, University of Western Sydney (Australia)
Jonas Beskow, KTH Speech Music and Hearing (Sweden)
Slim Ouni , University of Lorraine (France)
Alexandra Jesse, University of Massachusetts Amherst (USA)

3-3-17(2019-08-20) CfP 21st International Conference on Speech and Computer (SPECOM-2019), Istambul, Turkey


CfP 21st International Conference on Speech and Computer (SPECOM-2019), Istanbul, Turkey














21st International Conference on Speech and Computer (SPECOM-2019)


Venue: Istanbul, Turkey, August 20-25, 2019








The conference is organized by Bogazici University (BU, Istanbul, Turkey) in cooperation with St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Science (SPIIRAS, St. Petersburg, Russia) and Moscow State Linguistic University (MSLU, Moscow, Russia).






Albert Ali Salah - Bogazici University, Turkey / Utrecht University, the Netherlands


Alexey Karpov - SPIIRAS, Russia


Rodmonga Potapova - MSLU, Russia






Hynek Hermansky - Johns Hopkins University, USA - 'If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them'


Odette Scharenborg - Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands - 'The representation of speech in the human and artificial brain'


Vanessa Evers - University of Twente, the Netherlands - 'Socially intelligent robotics'






SPECOM conference is dedicated to issues of speech technology, human-machine interaction, machine learning and signal processing, particularly:


Affective computing


Applications for human-computer interaction


Audio-visual speech processing


Automatic language identification


Computational paralinguistics


Corpus linguistics and linguistic processing


Deep learning for sound and speech processing


Forensic speech investigations and security systems


Multichannel signal processing


Multimedia processing


Multimodal analysis and synthesis


Signal processing and feature extraction


Speaker identification and diarization


Speaker verification systems


Speech and language resources


Speech analytics and audio mining


Speech dereverberation


Speech driving systems in robotics


Speech enhancement


Speech perception and speech disorders


Speech recognition and understanding


Speech translation automatic systems


Spoken dialogue systems


Spoken language processing


Text-to-speech and Speech-to-text systems


Virtual and augmented reality






4th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Robotics ICR-2019:






The official language of the event is English. However, papers on processing of languages other than English are strongly encouraged.






The conference program will include presentation of invited talks, oral presentations, and poster/demonstration sessions.






Authors are invited to submit a full paper not exceeding 10 pages formatted in the LNCS style. Those accepted will be presented either orally or as posters. The decision on the presentation format will be based upon the recommendation of several independent reviewers. The authors are asked to submit their papers using the on-line submission system:


Papers submitted to SPECOM-2019 must not be under review by any other conference or publication during the SPECOM review cycle, and must not be previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere.






SPECOM Proceedings will be published by Springer as a book in the Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI/LNCS) series listed in all major citation databases such as Web of Science, Scopus, DBLP, etc. SPECOM Proceedings are included in the list of forthcoming proceedings for August 2019.






April 22, 2019 ............ Submission of full papers (extended deadline)


May 22, 2019 ............ Notification of acceptance (extended)


June 01, 2019 ............ Camera-ready papers and early registration


Aug. 20-25, 2019 ......... Conference dates






The conference will be organized at the Bogazici University, South campus, Albert Long Hall.






All correspondence regarding the conference should be addressed to:


SPECOM-2019 Secretariat:




SPECOM-2019 web-site:




3-3-18(2019-08-24) 2019 Jelinek Summer Workshop on Speech and Language Technology , Montreal, Canada

2019 Jelinek Summer Workshop on Speech and Language Technology

We are pleased to invite one page research proposals for a workshop on Machine Learning for Speech and Language Technology at ÉTS (École de Technologie Supérieure) in Montreal, CA June 24 to August 2, 2019 (Tentative)

CALL FOR PROPOSALS Deadline: Monday, November 5th, 2018.
One-page proposals are invited for the annual Frederick Jelinek Memorial Workshop in Speech and Language Technology. Proposals should aim to advance the state of the art in any of the various fields of Human Language Technology (HLT) or related areas of Machine Intelligence, including Computer Vision and Healthcare. Proposals may address emerging topics or long-standing problems. Areas of interest in 2019 include but are not limited to: * SPEECH TECHNOLOGY: Any aspect of information extraction from speech signals; techniques that generalize in spite of very limited amounts of training data and/or which are robust to input signal variations ; techniques for processing of speech in harsh environments, etc.
 * NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING: Knowledge discovery from text; new approaches to traditional problems such as syntactic/semantic/pragmatic analysis, machine translation, cross - language information retrieval, summarization, etc.; domain adaptation; integrated language and social analysis; etc.
 * MULTIMODAL HLT: Joint models of text or speech with sensory data; grounded language learning; applications such as visual question - a nswering, video summarization, sign language technology, multimedia retrieval, analysis of printed or handwritten text. * DIALOG AND LANGUAGE UNDERSTANDING: U n d e r s t a n din g h u m a n - to - h u m a n o r h u m a n - to - computer conversation; dialog manag ement; naturalness of dialog (e.g. sentiment analysis).
 * LANGUAGE AND HEALTHCARE: information extraction from electronic health records; speech and language technology in health monitoring; healthcare delivery in hospitals or the home, public health, etc.
 These workshops are a continuation of the Johns Hopkins University CLSP summer workshop series, and will be hosted by various partner universities on a rotating basis. The research topics selected for investigation by teams in past workshops should serve as good examples for prospective proposers: An independent panel of experts will screen all received proposals for suitability. Results of this screening will be communicated by November 9th, 2018. Authors passing this initial screening will be invited to an interactive peer-review meeting in Baltimore on December 7-9th, 2018. Proposals will be revised at this meeting to address any outstanding concerns or new ideas. Two or three research topics and the teams to tackle them will be selected at this meeting for the 2019 workshop. We attempt to bring the best researchers to the workshop to collaboratively pursue research on the selected topics. Each topic brings together a diverse team of researchers and students. Authors of successful proposals typically lead these teams. Other senior participants come from academia, industry and government. Graduate student participants familiar with the field are selected in accordance with their demonstrated performance. Undergraduate participants, selected through a national search, are rising star seniors: new to the field and showing outstanding academic promise. If you are interested in participating in the 2019 Summer Workshop we ask that you submit a one-page research proposal for consideration, detailing the problem to be addressed. If a topic in your area of interest
is chosen as one of the topics to be pursued next summer, we expect you to be available to participate in the six - week workshop . We are not asking for an ironclad commitment at this juncture, just a good faith commitment that if a project in your area of interest is chosen, you will actively pursue it. We in turn will make a good faith effort to accommodate any personal/logistical needs to make your six-week participation possible.
Proposals must be submitted to by 23:59PM EDT on Monday, 11/05/2018. 


3-3-19(2019-09-02) 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2019), La Coruña, Spain

                       EUSIPCO 2019
          27th European Signal Processing Conference
                     A Coruña, Spain
                   September 2-6, 2019


- Satellite Workshop Proposals ? February 4, 2019
- Full Paper Submission ? February 18, 2019
- Notification of Acceptance ? May 17, 2019
- Final Manuscript Submission - May 31, 2019

The 2019 European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) will be held in the charming
city of A Coruña, Spain, from September 2 to September 6, 2019. This flagship conference
of the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP) will feature a comprehensive
technical program addressing all the latest developments in research and technology for
signal processing. EUSIPCO 2019 will feature world-class speakers, oral and poster
sessions, plenaries, exhibitions, demonstrations, tutorials, and satellite workshops, and
is expected to attract many leading researchers and industry figures from all over the


We invite the submission of original, unpublished technical papers on topics including
but not limited to:

- Audio and acoustic signal processing
- Speech and language processing
- Image and video processing
- Multimedia signal processing
- Signal processing theory and methods
- Sensor array and multichannel signal processing
- Signal processing for communications
- Radar and sonar signal processing
- Signal processing over graphs and networks
- Nonlinear signal processing
- Statistical signal processing
- Compressed sensing and sparse modelling
- Optimization methods
- Machine learning
- Bio-medical image and signal processing
- Signal processing for computer vision and robotics
- Computational imaging /spectral imaging
- Information forensics and security
- Signal processing for power systems
- Signal processing for education
- Bioinformatics and genomics
- Signal processing for big data
- Signal processing for the internet of things
- Design/implementation of signal processing systems


- General Co-Chairs: Mónica F. Bugallo, Stony Brook University, USA; Luis Castedo,
University of A Coruña, Spain
- Technical Program Chairs: Maria Sabrina Greco , University of Pisa, Italy; Marius
Pesavento, University of Darmstadt, Germany
- Publications Co-Chairs: Andrea Ferrari, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France;
Luca Martino, University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain
- Financial Chair: Ignacio Santamaría, University of Cantabria, Spain
- Special Sessions Co-Chairs: Markus Rupp, Vienna University of Technology, Austria;
Danilo Mandic, Imperial College London, UK
- Tutorials Co-Chairs: Aleksandar Dogand?i?, Iowa State University, USA; Mario A.T.
Figueiredo, University of Lisboa, Portugal
- Satellite Workshops Chair: Wolfgang Utschick, Technical University of Munich, Germany
- Students Activities Co-Chairs: Pau Closas, Northeastern University, USA; Jordi
Vilà-Valls, University of Toulouse / ISAE-SUPAERO, France
- Industrial Program Chair: Víctor Elvira, IMT Lille Douai, France
- Publicity Chair: Javier Vía, University of Cantabria, Spain
- International Liaisons: Ke Guan, Beijing Jiaotong University, China; Henry Argüello,
Industrial University of Santander, Colombia
- Local Chair: Roberto López-Valcarce, atlanTTic, University of Vigo, Spain

Announcements mailing list


3-3-20(2019-09-03) CfP Text Mining and Applications (TEMA?19) Track of EPIA?19, Villa Real, Portugal

*********** CALL FOR PAPERS ***********

Text Mining and Applications (TEMA?19) Track of EPIA?19

TeMA 2019 will be held at the 18th Portuguese Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (EPIA 2018) taking place at Vila Real, Portugal, from 3rd
to 6th September 2019. This track is organized under the auspices of
the Portuguese Association for Artificial Intelligence (APPIA).
This announcement contains the following information:
[1] Track description; [2] Topics of interest; [3] Important dates;
[4] Paper submission; [5] Track fees; [6] Organizing Committee; [7]
Program Committee and [8] Contacts.

[1] Track Description

The 8th edition of the Text Mining and Applications (TeMA 2019) track
will be a forum for researchers working in Human Language
Technologies, i.e. Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computational
Linguistics (CL), Natural Language Engineering (NLE), Text Mining
(TM), Information Retrieval (IR), and related areas.

The most natural form of sharing knowledge is indeed through textual
documents. Especially on the Web, a huge amount of textual information
is openly published every day, on many different topics and written in
natural language, thus offering new insights and many opportunities
for innovative applications of Human Language Technologies.

Following recent advances in general IA sub?fields such as Natural
Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML), text mining is
now even more valuable as tool for bridging the gap between language
theories and effective use of natural language contents, for
harnessing the power of semi?structured and unstructured data, and to
enable important applications in real?world heterogeneous
environments. Both hidden and new knowledge can be discovered by using
text mining methods, at multiple levels and in multiple dimensions,
and often with high commercial value.

Authors are invited to submit their papers on any of the issues
identified in section [2]. Papers will be blindly reviewed by at least
three members of the Program Committee. All accepted papers will be
published by Springer in a volume of Springer?s Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) corresponding to the proceedings of the
19th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2019.

[2] Topics of Interest

 Topics include but are not limited to:

Text Mining Natural Language Processing, and Social Media Content Analysis

?       Entity Recognition and Disambiguation
?       Relation Extraction
?       Analysis of Opinions, Emotions and Sentiments
?       Text Clustering and Classification
?       Machine Translation
?       Summarization
?       Word Sense Disambiguation
?       Co?Reference Resolution
?       Language Modeling
?       Syntax and Parsing
?       Distributional Models and Semantics
?       Multi?Word Units
?       Lexical Knowledge Acquisition
?       Spatio?Temporal Text Mining
?       Entailment and Paraphrases
?       Natural Language Generation
?       Language Resources: Acquisition and Usage
?       Cross?Lingual Approaches
?       Algorithms and Data Structures for Text Mining


?       Information Retrieval
?       Information Extraction
?       Question?Answering and Dialogue Systems
?       Text?Based Prediction and Forecasting
?       Web Content Annotation
?       Computational Social Science
?       Computational Journalism
?       Health and Well?being
?       Big Data Analysis

[3] Important dates

April 15, 2019: Paper submission deadline
May 31, 2019: Notification of paper acceptance
June 15, 2019: Deadline for camera?ready versions
September 3?6, 2019: Conference dates

[4] Paper submission

Submissions must be full technical papers on substantial, original,
and previously unpublished research. Papers can have a maximum length
of 12 pages. All papers should be prepared according to the formatting
instructions of Springer LNAI series. Authors should omit their names
from the submitted papers, and should take reasonable care to avoid
indirectly disclosing their identity. References to own work may be
included in the paper, as long as referred to in the third person. All
papers should be submitted in PDF format through the conference
management website at:

[5] Track Fees:

 Track participants must register at the main EPIA 2019 conference. No
extra fee shall be paid for attending this track.

[6] Organizing Committee:

Joaquim F. Ferreira da Silva. Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal.
Altigran Soares da Silva, Universidade Federal do Amzonas

[7] Program Committee:

Adeline Nazarenko ? University of Paris 13, France
Alberto Diaz ? Universidade Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Alberto Simões ? Algoritmi Center - University of Minho, Portugal
Alexandre Rademaker ? IBM / FGV, Brazil
Altigran Silva ? Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Brasil
Aline Villavicencio ? Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Antoine Doucet ? University of Caen, France
António Branco ? Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Béatrice Daille ? University of Nantes, France
Belinda Maia ? Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Bruno Martins ? Instituto Superior Técnico ? Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Eric de La Clergerie ? INRIA, France
Fernando Batista ? Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal
Francisco Couto ? Faculdade de Ciências ? Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Gaël Dias ? University of Caen Basse-Normandie
Hugo Oliveira ? Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Irene Rodrigues ? Universidade de Évora, Portugal
Jesús Vilares ? University of A Coruña, Spain
Joaquim Ferreira da Silva ? Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia ?
Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
Katerzyna Wegrzyn-Wolska ? ESIGETEL, France
Luciano Baebosa ? Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
Luisa Coheur ? Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal
Manuel Vilares Ferro ? University of Vigo, Spain
Mário Silva ? Instituto Superior Técnico ? Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Mohand Boughanem ? University of Toulouse III, France
Nuno Marques ? Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Pablo Gamallo ? Faculdade de Filologia, Santiago de Compustela, Spain
Paulo Quaresma ? Universidade de Évora, Portugal
Pavel Brazdil ? University of Porto, Portugal
Pável Calado ? Instituto Superior Técnico ? Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Sebastião Pais, Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
Sérgio Nunes ? Faculdade de Engenharia ? Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Vitor Jorge Rocio ? Universidade Aberta, Portugal

 [8] Contacts
Joaquim Francisco Ferreira da Silva, DI/FCT/UNL, Quinta da Torre,
2829?516, Caparica, Portugal. Tel: +351 21 294 8536 (ext. 10732) ?
Fax: +351 21 294 8541 ? E?mail: jfs [at]fct [dot] unl [dot] pt


3-3-21(2019-09-04) CfP International Conference on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI 2019) - Dublin, Ireland

Call for Papers

CBMI 2019 - Dublin, Ireland, 4-6 Sept 2019
International Conference on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing

CBMI is the annual conference that brings together the various communities
involved in all aspects of content-based multimedia indexing for retrieval,
browsing, management, visualization and analytics. After 15 successful
editions of the CBMI workshop, CBMI became a conference in 2018 and the next
edition will take place in Dublin, Ireland from 4-6 September 2019. The
scientific program will include invited keynote talks, regular papers,
demonstration papers and three special sessions on ?Medical Image Mining and
Health? (MIME), ?Signals And Multimedia? (SAM), and ?Multimedia Indexing for
Comics? (MIC).

Authors are encouraged to submit previously unpublished research papers in the
broad field of content-based multimedia indexing and applications using the
CBMI 2019 submission system: We wish to
highlight significant contributions addressing the main problems of search and
retrieval but also the related and equally important issues of multimedia
content management, user interaction, large-scale search, machine learning in
retrieval, social media indexing and retrieval.

Authors can submit full length (6 pages ? to be presented as oral
presentation) or short papers (4 pages ? to be presented as posters) to the
regular or special sessions. All paper limits are assumed to include
references. Additionally demonstration papers (up to 4 pages) may also be
submitted that highlight interesting and novel demos of CBMI-related
technologies. The submissions are peer reviewed in a single blind process. The
language of the conference is English. The CBMI 2019 conference adheres to the
IEEE paper formatting guidelines. When preparing your submission, please
follow the IEEE guidelines given by IEEE at the Manuscript Templates for
Conference Proceedings.

The CBMI proceedings are traditionally indexed and distributed by IEEE Xplore
and ACM DL. In addition, authors of the best papers of the conference will be
invited to submit extended versions of their contributions to a special issue
of a leading journal in the field.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
                ? Audio,visual and multimedia indexing;
                ? Multimodal and cross-modal indexing;
                ? Deep learning for multimedia indexing;
                ? Visual content extraction;
                ? Audio (speech, music, etc.) content extraction;
                ? Identification and tracking of semantic regions and events;
                ? Social media analysis;
                ? Metadata generation, coding and transformation;
                ? Multimedia information retrieval (image, audio, video,
                ? Mobile media retrieval;
                ? Event-based media processing and retrieval;
                ? Affective/emotional interaction or interfaces for multimedia
                ? Multimedia data mining and analytics;
                ? Multimedia recommendation;
                ? Large scale multimedia database management;
                ? Summarization, browsing and organization of multimedia
                ? Personalization and content adaptation;
                ? User interaction and relevance feedback;
                ? Multimedia interfaces, presentation and visualization tools;
                ? Evaluation and benchmarking of multimedia retrieval systems;
                ? Applications of multimedia retrieval, e.g., medicine,
lifelogs, satellite imagery, video surveillance;
                ? Cultural heritage applications.

Important dates:
Full/short paper submission:             May 04, 2019
Demo paper submission:                   May 04, 2019
Special sessions paper submission: May 04, 2019
Notification of acceptance:                June 18, 2019
Camera-ready papers due:                June 29, 2019


3-3-22(2019-09-10) CfP The 22nd conference on SPEECH,TEXT and DIALOGUE (TDS 2019), Ljubljana, Slovenia

                      TSD 2019 - LAST CALL FOR PAPERS

               The twenty-second International Conference on
                   TEXT, SPEECH and DIALOGUE (TSD 2019)
                            Ljubljana, Slovenia
                           September 10-13, 2019


The submission deadline March 31 is approaching. We will not extend the deadline.
However, in case you need some extra days, please let us know and do
the following: Register yourself and submit your paper with a valid abstract.
Put 'UNFINISHED' as the first word in the abstract (both in the system
and in the paper). We need at least the abstract to organize the reviews.
When you finish your work, please, update the paper. 


* Keynote speakers:
    Denis Jouvet (Loria, Nancy, France),
    Aline Villavicencio (University of Essex, UK),
    Bhiksha Raj (Carnegie Mellon University, USA),
    Ryan Cotterell (University of Cambridge, UK).

* TSD is traditionally published by Springer-Verlag and regularly listed in
  all major citation databases: Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings
  Citation Index, DBLP, SCOPUS, EI, INSPEC, COMPENDEX, etc.

* The TSD2019 conference is officially recognized as an INTERSPEECH 2019
  satellite event.

* The TSD2019 conference is supported by the International Speech
  Communication Association (ISCA). It holds the status of an ISCA
  Supported Event.

* TSD offers a high-standard transparent review process - double blind,
  final reviewers' discussion.

* TSD is going to take place in the beautiful centre of Ljubljana, the
  capital of Slovenia.

* The conference is organized in cooperation with the Faculty of Electrical
  Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

* TSD provides an all-service package (conference access and material, all
  meals, one social event, etc.) for an easily affordable fee.


March 31, 2019 ............... Deadline for submission of contributions
May 10, 2019 ................. Notification of acceptance or rejection
May 31, 2019 ................. Deadline for submission of camera-ready papers

September 10-13, 2019 ........ TSD2019 conference date

The proceedings will be provided on flash drives in form of navigable
content. Printed books will be available for extra fee.


The TSD series has evolved as a prime forum for interaction between
researchers in both spoken and written language processing from all over
the world. Proceedings of the TSD conference form a book published by
Springer-Verlag in their Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI)
series. The TSD proceedings are regularly indexed by Thomson Reuters
Conference Proceedings Citation Index. LNAI series are listed in all major
citation databases such as DBLP, SCOPUS, EI, INSPEC, or COMPENDEX.


Topics of the 22nd conference will include (but are not limited to):

    Speech Recognition (multilingual, continuous, emotional speech,
    handicapped speaker, out-of-vocabulary words, alternative way of
    feature extraction, new models for acoustic and language modeling).

    Corpora and Language Resources (monolingual, multilingual, text, and
    spoken corpora, large web corpora, disambiguation, specialized
    lexicons, dictionaries).

    Speech and Spoken Language Generation (multilingual, high fidelity
    speech synthesis, computer singing).

    Tagging, Classification and Parsing of Text and Speech (multilingual
    processing, sentiment analysis, credibility analysis, automatic text
    labeling, summarization, authorship attribution).

    Semantic Processing of Text and Speech (information extraction,
    information retrieval, data mining, semantic web, knowledge
    representation, inference, ontologies, sense disambiguation, plagiarism

    Integrating Applications of Text and Speech Processing (machine
    translation, natural language understanding, question-answering
    strategies, assistive technologies).

    Automatic Dialogue Systems (self-learning, multilingual,
    question-answering systems, dialogue strategies, prosody in dialogues).

    Multimodal Techniques and Modeling (video processing, facial animation,
    visual speech synthesis, user modeling, emotion and personality


All programme committee members are listed on the conference web pages


The official language of the event is English, however, papers on issues
related to text and speech processing in languages other than English are
strongly encouraged.


Ljubljana, the Slovenian capital - a city, whose name means `The beloved',
is a great place to visit, although you will not find world renowned
attractions here. Nevertheless, it has history, tradition, style, arts
& culture, an atmosphere that is both Central European and Mediterranean;
many also add the adjectives multilingual and hospitable. Being close to
many of the major sights and attractions of Slovenia, Ljubljana can also be
your starting point to discover the country's diversity.

Ljubljana is situated about halfway between Vienna and Venice. Its
character and appearance have been shaped by diverse cultural influences
and historical events. While in winter it is remarkable for its dreamy
Central European character, it is the relaxed Mediterranean feel that
stands out during summer.

Ljubljana is a picturesque city full of romantic views, with a medieval
castle towering over its historical city centre and a calm river spanned by
a series of beautiful bridges running right through it. It's a city with
a medieval heart, a city of the Baroque and Art Nouveau, with an old castle
resting above it like a sleeping beauty.

In Ljubljana eastern and western cultures met; and the Italian concept of
art combined with the sculptural aesthetics of Central European cathedrals.
The city owes its present appearance partly to Italian baroque and partly
to Art Nouveau, which is the style of the numerous buildings erected
immediately after the earthquake of 1895.

The central point of interest in Ljubljana is the Ljubljana Castle,
watching over the city from the centrally located castle hill. The
beginnings of the medieval castle go back to the 9th century, although the
castle building is first mentioned only in 1144. It gained its present
image after the earthquake of 1511 and following further renovations at the
beginning of the 17th century. At present, a funicular connects the Old
Town to the castle hill, adding an even more convenient access alternative
to the tourist train.

Ljubljana lies at the centre of Slovenia. In the morning you can visit the
stunningly beautiful Lake Bled, Lake Bohinj or Soca Valley in the high
mountainous region of the Alps, and in the evening enjoy the sunset in one
of the charming little towns on the Adriatic coast.
It only takes minutes to reach the peaceful and unspoiled countryside of
the city's green surrounding areas, which offer endless opportunities for
hiking, cycling, fishing and horse riding.

We are very excited of the fact that the TSD conference leaves the Czech
Republic for the first time within its 22-year history and that the TSD2019
is going to take place in such a wonderful location as Ljubljana.


The conference is organized by the Faculty of Applied Sciences, University
of West Bohemia, Pilsen, the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University,
Brno, and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana.


    Faculty of Electrical Engineering - University of Ljubljana
    Trzaska cesta 25
    SI-1000 Ljubljana


The preferred way of contacting the conference organizing committee is
writing an e-mail to:

    Ms Lucie Tauchenova, TSD2019 Conference Secretary
    Phone: +420 702 994 699

All paper correspondence regarding the conference should be addressed to:

    TSD2019 - NTIS P2
    Fakulta aplikovanych ved
    Zapadoceska univerzita v Plzni
    Univerzitni 8
    CZ-306 14 Plzen
    Czech Republic

    Fax: +420 377 632 402 - Please, mark the faxed material with large
    capitals 'TSD' on top.

TSD2019 conference website:


3-3-23(2019-09-12) The 3rd edition of the International Conference on Natural Language and Speech Processing (ICNLSP 2019), Trento, Italy

ICNLSP 2019  , the third edition of the International Conference on Natural Language and Speech Processing, which will be held at the  University of Trento  on September 12th, 13th 2019.

ICNLSP 2015   and   ICNLSP 2018 are indexed in DBLP, and published in Elsevier and IEEExplore respectively.

ICNLSP aims to attract contributions related to natural language and speech processing in basic theories and applications as well. Regular and posters sessions will be organized, in addition to keynotes presented by senior international researchers.
This year, a workshop on NLP solutions for under-resourced languages will be held with ICNLSP.

Authors are invited to present their work relevant to the topics of the conference.

The following list includes the topics of ICNLSP 2019 but not limited to:

Signal processing, acoustic modeling
Architecture of speech recognition system
Deep learning for speech recognition
Analysis of speech
Paralinguistics in Speech and Language
Pathological speech and language
Speech coding
Speech comprehension
Speech Translation
Speech synthesis
Speaker and language identification
Phonetics, phonology and prosody
Cognition and natural language processing
Text categorization
Sentiment analysis and opinion mining
Computational Social Web
Arabic dialects processing
Under-resourced languages: tools and corpora
New language models
Arabic OCR
Lexical semantics and knowledge representation
Requirements engineering and NLP
NLP tools for software requirements and engineering
Knowledge fundamentals
Knowledge management systems
Information extraction
Data mining and information retrieval
Machine translation


Papers must be submitted via the online paper submission system Easychair.

Each submitted paper will be reviewed by three program committee members.


Keynote speakers


Fausto Giunchiglia, University of Trento, Italy.
Preslav Nakov, QCRI, Qatar.


The workshop on NLP Solutions for Under Resourced Languages  NSURL 2019 will be held with  ICNLSP 2019 .

Important dates

Submission deadline: 30 April 2019

Notification of acceptance: 15 June 2019

Camera-ready paper due: 10 July 2019

Conference dates: 12, 13 September 2019


Dr. Mourad Abbas

Dr. Abed Alhakim Freihat


Dr. Mourad Abbas
Research director
Computational Linguistics Department, Director
Chairman of CRSTDLA Scientific council
CRSTDLA, Algiers, Algeria

3-3-24(2019-09-14) Young Female Researchers in Speech Workshop (YFRSW) , Graz, Austria

Call for Abstracts: Young Female Researchers in Speech Workshop 2019


What it is about:

The Young Female Researchers in Speech Workshop (YFRSW) is a workshop for women undergraduate and masters students who are currently working in speech science and technology. It is designed to foster interest in research in our field in women at the undergraduate or master level who have not yet committed to getting a PhD in speech science or technology areas, but who have had some research experience in their college and universities via individual or group projects.


The workshop is to be held prior to Interspeech 2019 on SaturdaySeptember 14th, 2019, in Graz, Austria. It will feature panel discussions with PhD students and senior researchers in the field, student poster presentations and a mentoring session. Student poster presentations should give an overview of a current or planned research project in which the student is involved, with an emphasis on promoting discussion.


The workshop is the fourth of its kind, after a successful inaugural event  YFRSW 2016, at Interspeech 2016 in San Francisco, USA, YFRSW 2017 at Interspeech 2017 in Stockholm, Sweden,  and YFRSW 2018 at Interspeech in Hyderabad, India.


Travel funds are available for students accepted to attend the workshop.


How to submit:

To attend the workshop please send an abstract describing your (planned) research (maximum of 300 words). This abstract should be submitted by email to by June 1, 2019.


Abstracts will be reviewed by the committee and applicants will be notified as soon as possible. We will emphasize inclusivity although all submissions should be in the core scientific domains covered by Interspeech.


Please direct any questions to:


3-3-25(2019-09-15) Zero Resource Speech Challenge 2019: TTS without T

Zero Resource Speech Challenge 2019: TTS without T

Dear Colleague,
We have the pleasure to announce the new iteration of the Zero Ressource Speech Challenge, which is submitted to Interspeech 2019. Its aim is to build a speech synthesizer  without any text or phonetic labels (hence Text to Speech without T). We takes inspiration from young infants who learn to talk before they learn to read or write. Here, the task is to discover a pseudo-text (a sub-word symbolic representation internal to the machine), from raw speech, without any labels, and to use these discovered units to resynthesize new utterances in a target voice.
The Challenge is now open (deadline March 15, 2019). Details and registration at


The organizers
Dunbar, E., Algayres, R., Benjumea, J., Karadayi, J., Cao, X-N., Bernard, M., Ondel, L., Besacier, L., Sakti, S., & Dupoux, E.
NoteThe Challenge is a continuation of the 'sub-word unit discovery' task of previous ZeroSpeech challenges, and is open to everyone (including participants concentrating solely on sub-word unit discovery or solely on synthesis, as well as participants building complete end-to-end systems).

3-3-26(2019-09-15) ASVspoof 2019 CHALLENGE


ASVspoof 2019 CHALLENGE:
Future horizons in spoofed/fake audio detection 

Can you distinguish computer-generated or replayed speech from authentic/bona fide speech? Are you able to design algorithms to detect spoofs/fakes automatically?

Are you concerned with the security of voice-driven interfaces?

Are you searching for new challenges in machine learning and signal processing?


Join ASVspoof 2019 ? the effort to develop next-generation countermeasures for the automatic detection of spoofed/fake audio. In combining the forces of leading research institutes and industry, ASVspoof 2019 encompasses two separate sub-challenges in logical and physical access control, and provides a common database of the most advanced spoofing attacks to date. The aim is to study both the limits and opportunities of spoofing countermeasures in the context of automatic speaker verification and fake audio detection.


Given a short audio clip, determine whether it represents authentic/bona fide human speech, or a spoof/fake (replay, synthesized speech or converted voice). You will be provided with a large database of labelled training and development data and will develop machine learning and signal processing countermeasures to distinguish automatically between the two. Countermeasure performance will be evaluated jointly with an automatic speaker verification (ASV) system provided by the organisers.


The ASVspoof 2019 challenge follows on from two previous ASVspoof challenges, held in 2015 and 2017. The 2015 edition focused on spoofed speech generated with text-to-speech (TTS) and voice conversion (VC) technologies. The 2017 edition focused on replay spoofing. The 2019 edition is the first to address all three forms attack and the latest, cutting-edge spoofing attack technology.



Today?s state-of-the-art, TTS and VC technologies produce speech signals that are as good as perceptually indistinguishable from bona fide speech. The LOGICAL ACCESS sub-challenge aims to determine whether the advances in TTS and VC pose a greater threat to the reliability of automatic speaker verification and spoofing countermeasure technologies. The PHYSICAL ACCESS sub-challenge builds upon the 2017 edition with a far more controlled evaluation setup which extends the focus of ASVspoof to fake audio detection in, e.g. the manipulation of voice-driven interfaces (smart speakers).



The 2019 edition also adopts a new metric, the tandem detection cost function (t-DCF). Adoption of the t-DCF metric aligns ASVspoof more closely to the field of ASV. The challenge nonetheless focuses on the development of standalone spoofing countermeasures; participation in ASVspoof 2019 does NOT require any expertise in ASV. The equal error rate (EER) used in previous editions remains as a secondary metric, supporting the wider implications of ASVspoof involving fake audio detection.


Training and development data release: 19th December 2018

Evaluation data release: 15th February 2019

Deadline to submit evaluation scores: 22nd February 2019

Organisers return results to participants: 15th March 2019

INTERSPEECH paper submission deadline: 29th March 2019



Registration should be performed once only for each participating entity and by sending an email to with ?ASVspoof 2019 registration? as the subject line. The mail body should include: (i) the name of the team; (ii) the name of the contact person; (iii) their country; (iv) their status (academic/non-academic), and (v) the challenge scenario(s) for which they wish to participate (indicative only). Data download links will be communicated to registered contact persons only.



Subscribe to general mailing list by sending e-mail with subject line ?subscribe asvspoof2019? to To post messages to the mailing list itself, send e-mails to



Junichi Yamagishi, NII, Japan & Univ. of Edinburgh, UK

Massimiliano Todisco, EURECOM, France

Md Sahidullah, Inria, France

Héctor Delgado, EURECOM, France

Xin Wang, National Institute of Informatics, Japan

Nicholas Evans, EURECOM, France

Tomi Kinnunen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland

Kong Aik Lee, NEC, JAPAN

Ville Vestman, University of Eastern Finland, Finland

* Equal contribution



University of Edinburgh, UK; Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan, University of Science and Technology of China, China; iFlytek Research, China; Saarland University / DFKI GmbH, Germany; Trinity College Dublin, Ireland; NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Japan; HOYA, Japan; Google LLC (Text-to-Speech team, Google Brain team, Deepmind); University of Avignon, France; Aalto University, Finland; University of Eastern Finland, Finland; EURECOM, France.



3-3-27(2019-09-15) The FEARLESS STEPS (FS-1) Challenge

The NASA Apollo program relied on a massive team of dedicated scientists, engineers, and specialists working seamlessly together in a cohesive manner to accomplish probably one of mankind’s greatest technological achievements in history. The Fearless Steps Initiative by UTD-CRSS has led to the digitization of 19,000 hours of analog audio data and development of algorithms to extract meaningful information from this multichannel naturalistic data. Further exploring the intricate communication characteristics of problem solving on the scale as complex as going to the moon can lead to the development of novel algorithms beneficial for speech processing and conversational understanding in challenging environments. As an initial step to motivate a streamlined and collaborative effort from the speech and language community, we propose The FEARLESS STEPS (FS-1) Challenge.

Most of the data for the Apollo Missions is unlabeled and has thus far motivated the development of some unsupervised and semi-supervised speech algorithms. The Challenge Tasks for this session encourage the development of such solutions for core speech and language tasks on data with limited ground-truth/low resource availability, and serves as the first step towards extracting high level information from such massive unlabeled corpora.

This edition of the Fearless Steps Challenge with include all or most of the following tasks:

  1. Speech Activity Detection: SAD
  2. Speaker Diarization: SD
  3. Speaker Identification: SID
  4. Automatic Speech Recognition: ASR
  5. Sentiment Detection: SENTIMENT

The necessary ground truth labels and transcripts will be provided for the training/development set data.

For more information, Please visit the release website:

The Corpus Data can be found at


  • John H.L. Hansen (Center for Robust Speech Systems, Univ. of Texas at Dallas, USA)
  • Abhijeet Sangwan (Speetra Inc., Electrical & Computer Engineering Department at Univ. of Texas at Dallas, USA)
  • Lakshmish Kaushik (Staff Researcher, SONY, Foster City, California, USA)
  • Chengzhu Yu (Researcher, Tencent AI Lab, Seattle, USA)
  • Aditya Joglekar (Univ. of Texas at Dallas, USA)
  • Meena M.C. Shekar (Center for Robust Speech Systems, Univ. of Texas at Dallas, USA)

3-3-28(2019-09-15) The VOICES from a Distance Challenge 2019, Graz, Austria
The VOiCES from a Distance Challenge 2019
SRI International and Lab 41 are organizing a speaker and speech recognition challenge for Interspeech 2019, focused especially on distant/far-field speech: 'The VOiCES from a Distance Challenge 2019'. This challenge is based on the recently collected VOiCES data, recorded in real reverberant and noisy environments ( The data is collected in multiple rooms with background distractors (music, TV, babble) and microphone types. Evaluation findings and papers will form part of a special session hosted at Interspeech 2019. The participating teams will get early access to the VOiCES phase 2 data, that will form the evaluation set for the challenge.
Both speaker recognition and automatic speech recognition (ASR) tasks will have two tracks:
(i) Fixed System - Training data is limited to specific datasets
(ii) Open System - Participants can use any datasets they have access to (private or public)
Challenge Timeline:
January 15, 2019 Release of the evaluation plan and development sets
February 25, 2019 Evaluation data available
March 4, 2019 System output submission deadline (11:59 PM PST)
March 11, 2019 Release of evaluation results 
March 15, 2019 System description submission and release of VOiCES phase 2 data and evaluation keys for the participating teams 
March 29, 2019 Regular paper submission deadline for Interspeech 2019
More information about the challenge including evaluation plan, evaluation data, and registration link can be found at:
For more information, please reach out to 
Mahesh Kumar Nandwana, Julien van Hout, Mitchell McLaren, Colleen Richey, Aaron Lawson (SRI International)
Maria Alejandra Barrios (Lab41) 

3-3-29(2019-09-20) CfP 1st Automatic Assessment of Parkinsonian Speech Workshop (AAPS2019) , Cambridge, MA, USA

Call for papers

1st Automatic Assessment of Parkinsonian Speech Workshop (AAPS2019)


Cambridge, MA, USA, September 20th-21st, 2019


The organizing committee has the pleasure to invite you to the  1st Automatic Assessment of Parkinsonian Speech   Workshop which will be held in Cambridge, MA, USA, at the premises of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 


Parkinson’s disease affects the cells producing dopamine in the brain. Parkinson’s disease symptoms include muscle rigidity, tremors, and changes in the speech. After diagnosis, treatments can help relieve symptoms, but there is no cure. Thus an early diagnosis is essential and the speech is one of those biomarkers requiring more research to evaluate its potentiality for this purpose.

Despite of the amount of research in the field, there is still room for developing new knowledge, not only about the characteristics of the speech of people affected with Parkinson’s disease, but also about its correlation with the extent of the disease. Automatic systems to evaluate and assess the disease will take advantage of the new knowledge generated in the field to make more accurate and robust systems. 

AAPS'2019 aims at fostering  interdisciplinary collaboration and interactions among researchers in the field of the automatic assessment of parkinsonian speech, thus reaching the whole scientific community.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: 

  • Automatic detection of Parkinson's Disease from the voice and speech 
  • Automatic stratification of Parkinson's Disease from the speech
  • Automatic assessment & rating of voice and speech quality for parkinsonian patients 
  • Prognosis for Parkinson's Disease from the speech
  • New strategies for parameterization and modeling parkinsonian speech
  • Corpora of parkinsonian speech 
  • Speech enhancement for parkinsonian voices 
  • Multi-modal analysis of parkinsonian speech
  • Diagnosis and Evaluation Protocols
  • Automatic Evaluation of Clinical Treatments from the speech 


Prospective authors are asked to electronically submit an extended abstract of their contributions using the online management tool. Preliminary papers should be submitted as .pdf documents using the on-line management tool of the workshop, fitted to the linked template with a maximum length of 4 pages (recommended length 1 page), including figures and tables, in English. The submitted documents should include the title and authors' names, affiliations and addresses. In addition, the e-mail address and phone number of the corresponding author should be given. The final version of the paper will be submitted by the authors after its acceptance by the program committee, fitted to the linked template, with a maximum length of 4 pages.

Workshop proceedings will be edited in electronic form with an ISBN. Author registration to the conference is required for accepted papers to be included in the proceedings. An extended version of the best papers presented at the workshop will be eligible for publication in a referred journal.


If you are thinking about submitting your work to the workshop, please, have in mind the deadlines set by the local organizing committee:

  • Proposal due June, 15th 2019
  • Notification of acceptance July,1st, 2019
  • Final papers due August 25th, 2019
  • Preliminary program September 1st, 2019
  • Workshop September 20-21, 2019
  • MISTI Global Seed Funds Award
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)
  • Stefanie Shattuck-Hufnagel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • Juan Ignacio Godino-Llorente, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)
  • Elizabeth C. Jeung-Yoon, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • Laureano Moro-Velázquez, Johns Hopkins University, (JHU) 
  • José M. Díaz-López (UPM)
  • José L. Rodríguez-Vázquez (UPM)
  • Jorge A. Gómez-García, (UPM)
  • José Peinado Serrano, (UPM)

Registration and Information

Registration will be handled via the AAPS2019 web site (

Please contact the secretariat ( for further information.


Program Chairs

Scientific Secretariat

Local Organizing Committee


3-3-30(2019-09-23) 61st International Symposium ELMAR-2019, Zadar, Croatia

61st International Symposium ELMAR-2019

September 23-25, 2019
Zadar, Croatia

Extended paper submission deadline: April 25, 2019


IEEE Region 8
IEEE Croatia Section
IEEE Croatia Section SP, AP and MTT Chapters


--> Image and Video Processing
--> Multimedia Communications
--> Speech and Audio Processing
--> Wireless Communications
--> Telecommunications
--> Mobile communications
--> Antennas and Propagation
--> Robotics
--> e-Learning and m-Learning
--> Satellite technologies
--> Radar systems
--> Navigation Systems
--> Ship Electronic Systems
--> Transport systems
--> Power Electronics and Automation
--> Naval Architecture
--> Sea Ecology

--> Special Sessions:

Prof. Snjezana Rimac Drlje, PhD
Vice-Dean for International Cooperation
Chair of Multimedia Systems and Digital Television
J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology Osijek
Osijek, Croatia


Extended deadline for submission of full papers: April 25, 2019
Notification of acceptance mailed out by: May 22, 2019
Submission of (final) camera-ready papers: June 5, 2019
Preliminary program available online by: June 21, 2019
Registration deadline: June 26, 2019


IEEE Region 8:
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3-3-31(2019-09-27) IEEE MMSP 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Call for Papers

[Deadline Extended: 31 May 2019]

IEEE MMSP 2019 is the IEEE 21st International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, organized by the Multimedia Signal Processing Technical Committee (MMSP-TC) of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS). The workshop will bring together researchers, industry practitioners and developers from diverse fields relating to multimedia signal processing to share their experiences, exchange ideas, explore future research directions and network. This is the 21st edition of this long-standing internationally renowned workshop. The workshop will feature prominent keynote speakers and cutting edge challenges, and noteworthy special sessions. 
Prospective authors are invited to submit regular and special session papers (full page, 4-6 pages) and demo papers (1 page). All accepted papers will be included in the IEEE Xplore and indexed by Scopus and EI.

Papers of interest to this workshop include, but are not limited to the following areas:
  • Image / video / speech / audio processing 
  • Multimedia communications and networking 
  • Multimedia quality assessment 
  • Internet of Things (IoT)-based multimedia systems and applications 
  • Multimedia hardware design 
  • Multimedia databases and digital libraries 
  • Multimedia security and forensics 
  • Multimedia interaction
  • Multimedia big data analytics 
  • Deep Learning for Multimedia 
  • Multimedia processing for tele-rehabilitation 
  • Multimedia for smart homes and elderly case 
  • Augmented, mixed and virtual reality 
  • Signal processing and learning for big biological / biomedical data 
  • Multimedia systems and emerging applications

Important Dates

  • Regular Paper Submission: May 31, 2019 (Extended)                  

  • Author Notification: July 18, 2019

  • Camera Ready Submission: July 30, 2019

  • Demo Paper Submission: August 10, 2019                     

  • Workshop dates: September 27-29, 2019




3-3-32(2019-09-30) CfP FinTOC shared task at the Second Financial Narrative Processing Workshop

 Call for participation - FinTOC shared task

? The Second Financial Narrative Processing Workshop (FNP 2019)

?The 22nd Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics (NoDaLiDa?19)

Task: Predict a Table of Content (ToC) from financial documents.

Two sub-tasks are proposed :

  • Detection of titles

  • Prediction of a ToC

Shared task webpage:

Shared task contact:


Important dates

Registration deadline: June 29, 2019

Submission deadline: July 13, 2019

Workshop day: September 30, 3019


3-3-33(2019-09-30) The Second Financial Narrative Processing Workshop (FNP 2019), Turku, Finland

The Second Financial Narrative Processing Workshop (FNP 2019)

To be held at The 22nd Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics (NoDaLiDa?19) in Turku, Finland. Workshop URL: Shared Task URL: WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION: Following the success of the First FNP 2018 at LREC18, Japan, we have had a great deal of positive feedback and interest in continuing the development of the financial narrative processing field. This prompted us to hold a training workshop in textual analysis methods for financial narratives that was oversubscribed showing that there is an increasing interest in the subject. As a result, we are now motivated to organise the Second Financial Narrative Processing Workshop, FNP 2019. The workshop will continue focusing on the use of Natural Language Processing (NLP), Machine Learning (ML), and Corpus Linguistics (CL) methods related to all aspects of financial text mining and financial narrative processing (FNP). There is a growing interest in the application of automatic and computer-aided approaches for extracting, s g, and analysing both qualitative and quantitative financial data. In recent years, previous manual small-scale research in the Accounting and Finance literature has been scaled up with the aid of NLP and ML methods, for example to examine approaches to retrieving structured content from financial reports, and to study the causes and consequences of corporate disclosure and financial reporting outcomes. One focal point of the proposed workshop is to develop a better understanding of the determinants of financial disclosure quality and the factors that influence the quality of information disclosed to investors beyond the quantitative data reported in the financial statements. The workshop will also encourage efforts to build resources and tools to help advance the work on financial narrative processing (including content retrieval and classification) due to the dearth of publicly available datasets and the high cost and limited access of content providers. The workshop aims to advance research on the lexical properties and narrative aspects of corporate disclosures, including glossy (PDF) annual reports, US 10-K and 10-Q financial documents, corporate press releases (including earning announcements), conference calls, media articles, social media, etc. For FNP 2019 we are collaborating with Fortia Financial Solutions, a French based company specialised in Financial Investment and Risk management on organising a shared task on automatic detection of financial documents structure as part of FNP 2019. Systems participating in the shared task can be submitted as short papers to be part of the workshop's proceedings. MOTIVATION AND TOPICS OF INTEREST: Financial narrative disclosures represent a large part of firms overall financial communications with investors. Textual commentaries help to clarify issues obscured by complex accounting methods and footnote disclosures. In addition, narratives summarise corporate strategy,contextualise results, explain governance arrangements, describe corporate social responsibility policy, and provide forward-looking information for investors. They also provide management with an opportunity to obfuscate accounting results and manipulate readers? perceptions of underlying economic performance. ORGANISING COMMITTEE: - General Chair: Dr Mahmoud El-Haj (SCC, Lancaster University, UK) - Program Chairs: Dr Paul Rayson (SCC, Lancaster University,UK)and Prof Steven Young (LUMS, Lancaster University, UK) - Publication Chair: Dr Houda Bouamor (Fortia Financial Solution, France) - Publicity Chairs: Dr Sira Ferradans (Fortia Financial Solution, France), and Dr Cathrine Salzedo (LUMS, Lancaster University, UK)IMPORTANT DATES: March 25, 2019: First Call for Workshop Papers June 5, 2019: Second Call for Workshop Papers August 18, 2019 (Midnight PST): Workshop Paper Submissions Deadline August 18, 2019: Notification of Acceptance September 6, 2019 (Midnight GMT -12): Camera Ready Papers September 18, 2019 Workshop Schedule Monday September 30, 2019: Workshop Date (Half day). CALL FOR PAPERS We invite submissions on topics that include, but are not limited to, the following: Applying core technologies on financial narratives: morphological analysis, disambiguation, tokenization, POS tagging, named entity recognition, chunking, parsing, semantic role labeling, sentiment analysis, document quality and advanced readability metrics etc. Financial narratives resources: dictionaries, annotated data, tools and technologies etc. Given the international nature of the conference, we particularly welcome FNP papers reporting non- English and multilingual research, describing the different regulatory regimes within which companies operate internationally. Submissions may include work in progress as well as finished work. Submissions must have a clear focus on specific issues pertaining to the financial narrative processing whether it is English or multilingual. Descriptions of commercial systems are welcome but authors should be willing to discuss the details of their work. Dual submissions should be disclosed at time of submission.PAPER SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Submissions must describe substantial, original, completed and unpublished work. Wherever appropriate, concrete evaluation and analysis should be included. Submissions may consist of no less than four (4) and up to eight (8) pages of content, plus unlimited references. Accepted papers authors are required to submit a camera ready to be included in the final proceedings. Authors of accepted papers will be notified after the notification of acceptance with further details. Accepted papers will be published on ACL Anthology The Proceedings will include both oral and poster papers, in the same format. Authors of papers accepted for oral or poster presentation at FNP 2019 must notify the program chairs by the camera-ready deadline as to whether the paper will be presented. We will not accept for publication or presentation the papers that overlap significantly in content or results with papers that will be (or have been) published elsewhere. PROGRAMME COMMITTEE: Andrew Moore (SCC, Lancaster University, UK) Antonio Moreno Sandoval (UAM, Spain) Catherine Salzedo (LUMS, Lancaster University, UK) Denys Proux (Naver Labs, Switzerland) Djamé Seddah (INRIA-Paris, France) Eshrag Refaee (Jazan University, Saudi Arabia) George Giannakopoulos (SKEL Lab ? NCSR Demokritos, Greece) Haithem Afli (Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland) Houda Bouamor (Fortia Financial Solutions, France) Mahmoud El-Haj (SCC, Lancaster University, UK) Marina Litvak (Sami Shamoon College of Engineering, Israel) Martin Walker (University of Manchester, UK) Paul Rayson (SCC, Lancaster University, UK)


3-3-34(2019-10-10) The 10th Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue (SpeD 2019), Timisoara, Romania.

'SpeD 2019' Organizing Committee invites you to attend the 10th Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue, at Timisoara, Romania. SpeD 2019 celebrates its 10th edition by extending the topics of interest from spoken language technology and human-computer dialogue towards broader, related domains: multimodal signal processing, biosecurity, human-robot interaction and embedded systems.

Furthermore, 'SpeD 2019' conference and international forum will reflect some of the latest tendencies in machine learning for audio, speech, image and multimodal information processing, biometrics and security for IoT, intelligent robots and embedded systems. 'SpeD 2019' will also focus on the most recent applications in these domains.

The series of 'SpeD' conferences is sponsored by IEEE and EURASIP. As all previous editions since 2009, 'SpeD 2019' Proceedings will be indexed by the IEEE Xplore and by Thomson Conference Proceedings Citation Index.


  • Speech Analysis, Representation and Models
  • Spoken Language Recognition and Understanding
  • Computational Resource Constrained Speech Recognition
  • Text-to-Speech Synthesis
  • Speech-to-Speech Translation
  • Affective Speech Recognition, Interpretation and Synthesis
  • Speaker Identification and Diarization
  • Neural Networks and Deep Learning for Speech and Speaker Recognition
  • Speech Enhancement
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Speech and Language Resources ? Data Collection, Transcription and Annotation
  • Spoken Dialogue Systems
  • Speech Interface Design and Human Factors Engineering
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Speech Disorders and Voice Pathologies
  • Educational / Healthcare Applications
  • Assistive Technologies
  • Forensic Speech Investigations and Security Systems
  • Speaker Recognition in Biometric Systems and Security
  • Biosecurity in Man-Machine Interfaces
  • IoT Security
  • Speech Emotion Recognition ? Technologies and Applications
  • Speech Interface Implementation for Embedded / Network-Based Applications
  • Audio-Visual Speech Processing
  • Multimodal Information Retrieval
  • Multivariate Information Analysis
  • Applications for Multimodal and Multimedia Processing
  • Compressed Sensing (for Speech and/or Image Processing)
  • Intelligent Robots and Human-Robot Interaction
  • Cyber-physical Systems
  • Machine Learning Applications for Embedded Systems
  • Applications of Modeling, Simulation and Verification in Automotive


  • Paper submission (6 to 10 pages, IEEE format): June 17, 2019.
  • Notification of acceptance and reviewers comments: September 9, 2019.
  • Submission of final papers: September 23, 2019.
  • Conference: October 10-12, 2019.

Conference website:'




SLSP 2019
Ljubljana, Slovenia
October 14-16, 2019
Co-organized by:
Jo?ef Stefan Institute
Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice (IRDTA), Brussels/London
SLSP is a yearly conference series aimed at promoting and displaying excellent research on the wide spectrum of statistical methods that are currently in use in computational language or speech processing. It aims at attracting contributions from both fields. Though there exist large conferences and workshops hosting contributions to any of these areas, SLSP is a more focused meeting where synergies between the two domains will hopefully happen. In SLSP 2019, significant room will be reserved to young scholars at the beginning of their career and particular focus will be put on methodology.
SLSP 2019 will take place in Ljubljana, a charming city full of art and one of the smallest capital cities in Europe. The venue will be:
Jo?ef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
1000 Ljubljana
The conference invites submissions discussing the employment of statistical models (including machine learning) within language and speech processing. Topics of either theoretical or applied interest include, but are not limited to:
anaphora and coreference resolution
authorship identification, plagiarism and spam filtering
computer-aided translation
corpora and language resources
data mining and semantic web
information extraction
information retrieval
knowledge representation and ontologies
lexicons and dictionaries
machine translation
multimodal technologies
natural language understanding
neural representation of speech and language
opinion mining and sentiment analysis
part-of-speech tagging
question-answering systems
semantic role labelling
speaker identification and verification
speech and language generation
speech recognition
speech synthesis
speech transcription
spelling correction
spoken dialogue systems
term extraction
text categorisation
text summarisation
user modeling
SLSP 2019 will consist of:
invited talks
peer-reviewed contributions
PROGRAMME COMMITTEE: (to be completed)
Pushpak Bhattacharyya (Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, IN)
Fethi Bougares (University of Le Mans, FR)
Philipp Cimiano (Bielefeld University, DE)
Nikos Fakotakis (University of Patras, GR)
Robert Gaizauskas (University of Sheffield, UK)
Julio Gonzalo (National Distance Education University, ES)
Reinhold Häb-Umbach (Paderborn University, DE)
Julia Hirschberg (Columbia University, US)
Jing Huang (JD AI Research, CN)
Mei-Yuh Hwang (Mobvoi AI Lab, US)
Nancy Ide (Vassar College, US)
Martin Karafiát (Brno University of Technology, CZ)
Vangelis Karkaletsis (National Center for Scientific Research 'Demokritos', GR)
Tomi Kinnunen (University of Eastern Finland, FI)
Carlos Martín-Vide (Rovira i Virgili University, ES, chair)
David Milne (University of Technology Sydney, AU)
Marie-Francine Moens (KU Leuven, BE)
Preslav Nakov (Qatar Computing Research Institute, QA)
Elmar Nöth (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, DE)
Stephen Pulman (University of Oxford, UK)
Matthew Purver (Queen Mary University of London, UK)
Mats Rooth (Cornell University, US)
Tony Russell-Rose (UX Labs, UK)
Horacio Saggion (Pompeu Fabra University, ES)
Tanja Schultz (University of Bremen, DE)
Efstathios Stamatatos (University of the Aegean, GR)
Erik Tjong Kim Sang (Netherlands eScience Center, NL)
Isabel Trancoso (Instituto Superior Técnico, PT)
Josef van Genabith (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, DE)
K. Vijay-Shanker (University of Delaware, US)
Atro Voutilainen (University of Helsinki, FI)
Hsin-Min Wang (Academia Sinica, TW)
Hua Xu (University of Texas, Houston, US)
Edmund S. Yu (Syracuse University, US)
François Yvon (CNRS - Limsi, FR)
Wlodek Zadrozny (University of North Carolina, Charlotte, US)
Tina An?i? (Ljubljana)
Jan Kralj (Ljubljana)
Matej Martinc (Ljubljana)
Sara Morales (Brussels)
Manuel Parra-Royón (Granada)
Senja Pollak (Ljubljana, co-chair)
Matthew Purver (London)
David Silva (London, co-chair)
Anita Valmarska (Ljubljana)
Authors are invited to submit non-anonymized papers in English presenting original and unpublished research. Papers should not exceed 12 single-spaced pages (all included) and should be prepared according to the standard format for Springer Verlag's LNCS series (see
Submissions have to be uploaded to:
A volume of proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS/LNAI series will be available by the time of the conference.
A special issue of a major journal will be later published containing peer-reviewed substantially extended versions of some of the papers contributed to the conference. Submissions to it will be by invitation.
The registration form can be found at:
DEADLINES (all at 23:59 CET):
Paper submission: June 1, 2019
Notification of paper acceptance or rejection: July 8, 2019
Final version of the paper for the LNCS/LNAI proceedings: July 15, 2019
Early registration: July 15, 2019
Late registration: September 30, 2019
Submission to the journal special issue: January 16, 2020
Institut 'Jo?ef Stefan'
Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice (IRDTA), Brussels/London


3-3-36(2019-10-14) CfC ICMI 2019 Doctoral Consortium, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China

The 21st ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2019) 
Suzhou, Jiangsu, China October 14-18, 2019
ICMI 2019 Doctoral Consortium - Call for Contributions
The goal of the ICMI Doctoral Consortium is to provide PhD students with an opportunity to present their work to a group of mentors and peers from a diverse set of academic and industrial institutions, to receive feedback on their doctoral research plan and progress, and to build a cohort of young researchers interested in designing and developing multimodal interfaces and interaction. We invite students from all PhD granting institutions who are in the process of forming or carrying out a plan for their PhD research in the area of designing and developing multimodal interfaces. We expect to provide some economic support to attendees that will cover part of their costs (travel, registration, etc.).
Who should apply?
While we encourage applications from students at any stage of doctoral training, the doctoral consortium will benefit most the students who are in the process of forming or developing their doctoral research. These students will have passed their qualifiers or have completed the majority of their coursework, will be planning or developing their dissertation research, and will not be very close to completing their dissertation research. Students from any PhD granting institution whose research falls within designing and developing multimodal interfaces and interaction are encouraged to apply.
Submission Guidelines
Graduate students pursuing a PhD degree in a field related to designing multimodal interfaces should submit the following materials:
1. Extended Abstract: A four-page description of your PhD research plan and progress in the ACM SigConf format. Your extended abstract should follow the same outline, details, and format of the ICMI short papers. The submissions will not be anonymous. In particular, it should cover: o The key research questions and motivation of your research o Background and related work that informs your research o A statement of hypotheses or a description of the scope of the technical problem o Your research plan, outlining stages of system development or series of studies o The research approach and methodology o Your results to date (if any) and a description of remaining work o A statement of research contributions to date (if any) and expected contributions of your PhD work 2. Advisor Letter: A one-page letter of nomination from the student's PhD advisor. This letter is not a letter of support. Instead, it should focus on the student's PhD plan and how the Doctoral Consortium event might contribute to the student's PhD training and research. 3. CV: A two-page curriculum vitae of the student.
All materials should be prepared in PDF format and submitted through the ICMI submission system.
Review Process
The Doctoral Consortium will follow a review process in which submissions will be evaluated by a number of factors including (1) the quality of the submission, (2) the expected benefits of the
consortium for the student's PhD research, and (3) the student's contribution to the diversity of topics, backgrounds, and institutions, in order of importance. More particularly, the quality of the submission will be evaluated based on the potential contributions of the research to the field of multimodal interfaces and its impact on the field and beyond. Finally, we hope to achieve a diversity of research topics, disciplinary backgrounds, methodological approaches, and home institutions in this year's Doctoral Consortium cohort. We do not expect more than two students to be invited from each institution to represent a diverse sample. Women and other underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply.
Financial Support
The conference is pleased to offer partial financial support for doctoral students participating in the Doctoral Consortium and attending the conference. Only students who apply and are accepted for participation in the Doctoral Consortium can be considered for financial support. The number and size of the offers of financial support are contingent upon the number of invited student participants.
All authors of accepted submissions are expected to attend the Doctoral Consortium and the main conference poster session. The attendees will present their PhD work as a short talk at the Consortium and as a poster at the conference poster session. A detailed program for the Consortium and the participation guidelines for the poster session will be available after the camera-ready deadline.
 Submission format: Four-page extended abstract using the ACM format (  Submission system:  Selection process: Peer-Reviewed  Presentation format: Talk on consortium day and participation in the conference poster session  Proceedings: Included in conference proceedings and ACM Digital Library  Doctoral Consortium Co-chairs: Daniel McDuff (Microsoft Research) and Kristiina Jokinen (AIST)
Important Dates
Submission deadline June 28th, 2019 (23:59PM, PST) Notifications July 26th, 2019 Camera-ready August 9th, 2019 Doctoral Consortium date October 14th, 2019
For more information and updates on the ICMI 2019 Doctoral Consortium, visit the Doctoral Consortium page of the main conference website For further questions, contact the Doctoral Consortium co-chairs:
 Daniel McDuff (Microsoft Research)   Kristiina Jokinen (AI Research Center, AIST Tokyo Waterfront)


3-3-37(2019-10-14) CfW The International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2019), Suzhou, Jiangsu, China

Call for Workshops

The International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2019) will be held in Suzhou, Jiangsu, China, during October 14-18, 2019. ICMI is the premier international conference for multidisciplinary research on multimodal human-human and human-computer interaction analysis, interface design, and system development. The theme of the ICMI 2019 conference is Multimodal representation of human behavior in context. ICMI has developed a tradition of hosting workshops in conjunction with the main conference to foster discourse on new research, technologies, social science models and applications. Examples of recent workshops include:

  • Multi-sensorial Approaches to Human-Food Interaction

  • Group Interaction Frontiers in Technology

  • Modeling Cognitive Processes from Multimodal Data

  • Human-Habitat for Health

  • Multimodal Analyses enabling Artificial Agents in Human-Machine Interaction

  • Investigating Social Interactions with Artificial Agents

  • Child Computer Interaction

  • Multimodal Interaction for Education


We are seeking workshop proposals on emerging research areas related to the main conference topics, and those that focus on multi-disciplinary research. We would also strongly encourage workshops that will include a diverse set of keynote speakers (factors to consider include: gender, ethnic background, institutions, years of experience, geography, etc.).


The format, style, and content of accepted workshops are under the control of the workshop organizers. Workshops may be of a half-day or one day in duration. Workshop organizers will be expected to manage the workshop content, be present to moderate the discussion and panels, invite experts in the domain, and maintain a website for the workshop. Workshop papers will be indexed by ACM.



Prospective workshop organizers are invited to submit proposals in PDF format (Max. 3 pages). Please email proposals to the workshop chairs: Hongwei Ding (, Carlos Busso ( and Tadas Baltrusaitis ( The proposal should include the following:

  • Workshop title

  • List of organizers including affiliation, email address, and short biographies

  • Workshop motivation, expected outcomes and impact

  • Tentative list of keynote speakers

  • Workshop format (by invitation only, call for papers, etc.), anticipated number of talks/posters, workshop duration (half-day or full-day) including tentative program

  • Planned advertisement means, website hosting, and estimated participation

  • Paper review procedure (single/double-blind, internal/external, solicited/invited-only, pool of reviewers, etc.)

  • Paper submission and acceptance deadlines

  • Special space and equipment requests, if any


Important Dates

  • Workshop proposal submission: Saturday, February 16, 2019

  • Notification of acceptance: Saturday, March 2, 2019

  • Workshop Date: Monday, October 14, 2019


3-3-38(2019-10-14) The 21th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2019) , Suzhou, China (deadline extended)

The 21th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2019) will be held in Suzhou, China, October 14 to 18, 2019 (, which is the premier international forum for multidisciplinary research on multimodal human-human and human-computer interaction, interfaces, and system development. The conference focuses on theoretical and empirical foundations, component technologies, and combined multimodal processing techniques that define the field of multimodal interaction analysis, interface design, and system development.


You are cordially invited to submit high-quality papers of research in the areas of multimodal interaction from behavioral and social sciences, which may help us better understand how technology can be used to increase our scientific knowledge for intelligent interaction. Many thanks.


Important Dates

Abstract Submission 
   (must include title, authors, abstract)
May 1, 2019 (11:59pm PST)
Final Submission 
  (final submissions )
May 13, 2019 (11:59pm PST) extended

3-3-39(2019-10-21) Second International Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports, Nice, France

Call for Papers


Second International Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports @ ACM Multimedia, October 21-25, 2019, Nice, France


We'd like to invite you to submit your paper proposals for the 2nd International Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports to be held in Nice, France together with ACM Multimedia 2019. The ambition of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners from different disciplines to share ideas on current multimedia/multimodal content analysis research in sports. We welcome multimodal-based research contributions as well as best-practice contributions focusing on the following (and similar, but not limited to) topics:


– annotation and indexing

– athlete and object tracking

– activity recognition, classification and evaluation

– event detection and indexing

– performance assessment

– injury analysis and prevention

– data driven analysis in sports

– graphical augmentation and visualization in sports

– automated training assistance

– camera pose and motion tracking

– brave new ideas / extraordinary multimodal solutions


Submissions can be of varying length from 4 to 8 pages, plus additional pages for the reference pages. There is no distinction between long and short papers, but the authors may themselves decide on the appropriate length of the paper.


Please refer to the workshop website for further information:



Submission Due:                           July 8, 2019

Acceptance Notification:             August 5, 2019

Camera Ready Submission:        August 19, 2019

Workshop Date:                           TBA; either Oct 21 or Oct 25, 2019



Prof. Dr. Rainer Lienhart

Multimedia Computing & Computer Vision

Institut für Informatik, Universität Augsburg

Informatik Building N, Room # 1013

Universitätsstr. 6 a, 86159 Augsburg, Germany


phone: +49 (821) 598-5703 cell: +49 (163) 960 5367

Skype: Threema oder FaceTime



3-3-40(2019-10-24)CfP Conference on *Rational Approaches in Language Science (RAILS)*, Saarbruecken, Germany

Second Call for Papers

Conference on
*Rational Approaches in Language Science (RAILS)*

24-26 October, 2019
Saarbruecken, Germany

The language sciences increasingly have in common their adoption of rational
probabilistic approaches, such as Bayesian, Information Theoretic, and Game Theoretic
frameworks. The goal of this conference is to bring together speech and language
researchers whose scientific contributions reflect  the full diversity of disciplines and
methodologies ? from speech to discourse, on-line processing to corpus-based
investigation, through to language change and evolution ? that have benefited from, and
share, such rational explanations.

*Keynote speakers:*

*Gerhard Jaeger*, University of Tuebingen
/  Bayesian typology/

*Gina Kuperberg*, Tufts University and Massachusetts General Hospital
/  What a probabilistic computational approach can tell us about us about the
neurobiology of language comprehension/

*Hannah Rohde*, University of Edinburgh
/Why are you telling me this:  Comprehension as a process of reverse engineering/
*Rory Turnbull**,* University of Hawai?i at M?noa
/  Phonetic reduction, natural selection, and bounded rationality/

We seek submissions from across the language sciences ? including speech science,
theoretical linguistics, empirical linguistics, psycholinguistics and neuroscience,
computational linguistics, as well as language development, change and evolution ? which
apply rational probabilistic explanations to linguistic phenomena, or bring novel
experimental findings to bear on such accounts.

Submissions in the form of a *400 word abstract* (excluding references), in *text
format*, are to be submitted electronically at:

Submissions open: 1 May
Submissions due: 1 June
Notification of acceptance: 1 July
Conference: October 24-26

Submission will be considered for either oral or poster presentation. Details on the
submission format and procedure are also available at the conference web-page: <>

Scientific and financial support for this conference comes from the *Collaborative
Research Center SFB1102 ?Information Density and Linguistic Encoding?*: <>

Conference organizers:
Matthew Crocker (chair)
Bistra Andreeva
Stefania Degaetano-Ortlieb
Vera Demberg
Robin Lemke
Noortje Venhuizen First Call for Papers



3-3-41(2019-11-07) 'Ratics, CNRS-Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris, France


[paʁi] 7th - 8th November 2019


The Laboratory of Phonetics and Phonology of the Université Sorbonne nouvelle organizes the ’R-atics 6 colloquium in Paris the 7th and 8th November 2019. ‘R-atics gathers an international network of researchers working on different issues concerning r sounds and has been previously organized in Nijmegen (The Netherlands), Bruxelles (Belgium), Bozen (Italy), Grenoble (France) and Leeuwarden (Nethrelands). This is an international mid-size specific conference that enhances mutual cooperation in a friendly environment on phonetic, phonological and sociolinguistic aspects of rhotics. The 2019 edition will propose to emphasize, in addition to the usual themes, r's in indigenous languages and the automatic treatment of rhotic consonants variation.

Invited speakers

Martine Adda-Dekker: LPP, CNRS-UMR 7018, Sorbonne nouvelle & Limsi CNRS

Koen Sebreghts: University of Utrecht

Moges Yigezu: University of Addis Ababa

Organizing committee

Didier Demolin: LPP, CNRS-UMR 7018, Sorbonne nouvelle

Alexis Dehais Underdown: LPP, CNRS-UMR 7018, Sorbonne nouvelle

Cédric Gendrot: LPP, CNRS-UMR 7018, Sorbonne nouvelle

Naomi Yamaguchi: LPP, CNRS-UMR 7018, Sorbonne nouvelle

Key dates

Abstract deadline: 1st July 2019.

Authors notification: 15th July 2019

Registration: 30th September 2019

Colloquium: 7th-8th November 2019


We invite contributions specifically to any theme concerning the r and the two themes chosen for this edition: 'r's in indigenous languages and the automatic treatment of the variation of rhotics'.

 the diversity of r realizations

the socio-phonetic aspects of r realizations

the production the perception of rhotics in a language or in a language family

the description of rhotics in the world’s languages

 the phonological status of r sounds

issues in the acquisition of rhotics in L1 and L2

 aspects of corrective phonetics in the pronunciation of r sounds

 r sounds in clinical phonetics

Abstracts of 500 words (plus bibliographic references) should be sent in PDF format to by 1 July 2019. Authors will take care to anonymize their communication (do not indicate names and affiliations of authors, do not refer directly to one’s own publications) and specify the type of presentation (oral, poster, indifferent).


3-3-42(2019-12-01) CfP 1st International Seminar on the Foundations of Speech (SEFOS): Breathing, Pausing, and the Voice., Univ. Southern Denmark, Sönderborg, Denmark

1st International Seminar on the Foundations of Speech (SEFOS): Breathing, Pausing, and the Voice.


Website and Contact,


SEFOS is dedicated to the physiological patterns, acoustic signals, and communicative functions of breathing, pausing and the voice - in human-human as well as in human-machine interaction. SEFOS aims to bring together researchers from different disciplines, such as phonetics, phonology, psychology, medicine, acoustics, speech technology, and computer linguistics.

Location and Venue

SEFOS will be held from 1st - 3rd December at the University of Southern Denmark, Campus Sønderborg.

Keynote speakers

Plinio Barbosa, Department of Linguistics, Unicamp, Campinas, Brazil.

'Stylistic and cross-linguistic differences in the prosodic organization of breathing, stressing, and pausing'


Jens Edlund, Department of Speech, Music and Hearing, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.

'Breathing in interaction between humans and between humans, machines and robots'


Donna Erickson, Kanazawa Medical University, Kanazawa, Japan / Haskins Laboratories, USA

'Our voice: A multifaceted finely-tuned instrument for any occasion and culture'


Call for papers

We invite contributions on all the various aspects of breathing, pausing, and the voice. Reflecting the cross-disciplinary nature of these fields of research, we are particularly pleased about submissions from the entire speech sciences and beyond, i.e., for example, medicine, rhetoric, technology, music, and zoology. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

  • acoustic and physiological analyses of speech breathing

  • breathing, pausing, and phonation patterns under different mental, emotional, physical conditions

  • pathological/clinical aspects of breathing, pausing, and the voice, including pain.

  • personality traits (including attractiveness), speaking styles, and their links to breathing, pausing, and the voice

  • breathing, pausing, and/or voice patterns in human-machine-interaction and speech technology in general

  • interrelations between breathing, pausing, and the voice

  • interrelations with other features of prosody, such as F0 and intensity

  • silent, fluent, and disfluent pauses, hesitation phenomena

  • breathing, pausing and interaction, turn-taking, discourse control

  • forms and functions of voice quality in communication

  • singing and its relation to phonation and breathing

  • new technological or methodological development on the analysis of breathing, pausing, and the voice

  • recourses and corpora

Submissions to SEFOS should be made in the form of extended abstracts, consisting of 2 pages of text plus a third page for (additional) figures and references. The abstract template is provided on the SEFOS website:

Please submit your extended abstract to and indicate in your email whether you would prefer an oral or a poster presentation (A0 portrait).

Submission and deadlines

Deadline for submissions is the 30th of September. This deadline will NOT be extended!

Submissions will be subject to anonymous peer review by two reviewers. Information about acceptance/rejection will be provided on the 15th of October.

Note that the peer-review is only to check whether the submissions meet basic scientific standards concerning method and analysis. No papers that meet these standards will be excluded unless the maximum number of submissions (100) is exceeded. Therefore, we strongly encourage authors to register for SEFOS when submitting the paper or even earlier. All authors who register for SEFOS until 30 June only pay the reduced student fee of € 90,- !

Accepted contributions will have the opportunity to hand in revised abstracted until one week before the seminar. Accepted papers will be included on a SEFOS Proceedings USB drive (with ISBN number).

Note that authors of selected papers will have the opportunity to publish a full paper in a special issue of the International Journal of Linguistics (Acta Linguistica Hafniensia):

Registration fees

Regular participant: 150 €

Student participant (incl. PhD students): 90 €

The registration fee includes the SEFOS Proceedings, a conference bag, and free lunch breaks (food and soft drinks), a welcome reception, and a social event.

Organizing committee and contact

Oliver Niebuhr: Mads Clausen Institute, SDU Electrical Engineering, Centre for Industrial Electronics, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark.

Jana Neitsch: Mads Clausen Institute, SDU Electrical Engineering, Centre for Industrial Electronics, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark.

Kerstin Fischer: Dept. of Design and Communication, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark.

Jan Michalsky: Chair of Technology Management, Friedrich-Alexander-University Nuremberg, Germany

Stephanie Berger: Dept. of General Linguistics, Institute of Scandinavian Languages, Frisian, and General Linguistics, Kiel University, Germany.


3-3-43(2019-12-14) ASRU conference , Sentosa, Singapore

Call for Papers

The ASRU Workshop is a flagship event of IEEE Speech and Language Processing Technical Committee. The workshop is held every two years and has a tradition of bringing together researchers from academia and industry in an intimate and collegial setting to discuss problems of common interest in automatic speech recognition and understanding. Topics of interest include, but not limited to, the following,


  • Automatic speech recognition
  • ASR in adverse environments
  • New applications of ASR
  • Speech-to-speech translation
  • Spoken document retrieval
  • Speaker/Language recognition
  • Multilingual language processing
  • Spoken language understanding
  • Spoken dialog systems
  • Text-to-speech system

The workshop will feature invited talks/keynotes, regular papers and special sessions. All papers will be presented as posters. A full social program will provide ample opportunities for discussion, including welcome reception, banquet, lunches, etc.


Paper submission portal will be available by 8 May 2019. The ASRU 2019 paper submission and review process is being conducted in a manner similar to previous ASRU workshops. Paper submission kit is available on




3-3-44(2019-X-X) Dialog System Technology Challenge 7 (DSTC7)

Dialog System Technology Challenge 7 (DSTC7)
Call for Participation: Data distribution has been started


The DSTC shared tasks have provided common testbeds for the dialog
research community since 2013.

From its sixth edition, it has been rebranded as 'Dialog System
Technology Challenge' to cover a wider variety of dialog related problems.

For this year's challenge, we opened the call for track proposals and
selected the following three parallel tracks by peer-reviews:

- Sentence Selection Track
- Sentence Generation Track
- Audio Visual Scene-aware dialog (AVSD) Track

Participation is welcomed from any research team (academic, corporate,
non-profit, government).

Important Dates
- Jun 1, 2018: Training data is released
- Sep 10, 2018: Test data is released
- Sep 24, 2018: Entry submission deadline
- Oct or Nov 2018: Paper submission deadline
- Spring 2019: DSTC7 special session or workshop (venue: TBD)

DSTC7 Organizing Committee
- Koichiro Yoshino - Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Japan
- Chiori Hori - Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL), USA
- Julien Perez - Naver Labs Europe, France
- Luis Fernando D'Haro - Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), Singapore

DSTC7 Track Organizers
Sentence Selection Track:
- Lazaros Polymenakos - IBM Research, USA
- Chulaka Gunasekara - IBM Research, USA
- Walter S. Lasecki - University of Michigan, USA
- Jonathan Kummerfeld - University of Michigan, USA

Sentence Generation Track:
- Michel Galley - Microsoft Research AI&R, USA
- Chris Brockett - Microsoft Research AI&R, USA
- Jianfeng Gao - Microsoft Research AI&R, USA
- Bill Dolan - Microsoft Research AI&R, USA

Audio Visual Scene-aware dialog (AVSD) Track:
- Chiori Hori - Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL), USA
- Tim K. Marks - Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL), USA
- Devi Parikh - Georgia Tech, USA
- Dhruv Batra - Georgia Tech, USA

DSTC Steering Committee
- Jason Williams - Microsoft Research (MSR), USA
- Rafael E. Banchs - Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), Singapore
- Seokhwan Kim - Adobe Research, USA
- Matthew Henderson - PolyAI, Singapore
- Verena Rieser - Heriot-Watt University, UK

Contact Information
Join the DSTC mailing list to get the latest updates about DSTC7:

- To join the mailing list: send an email to and put 'subscribe DSTC' in the
body of the message (without the quotes).
- To post a message: send your message to

For specific enquiries about DSTC7:
- Please feel free to contact any of the Organizing Committee members


3-3-45(2020-05-11) LREC 2020, 12th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation -Marseille, France

LREC 2020, 12th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation -
Palais du Pharo, Marseille, France
11-16 May 2020

Main Conference: 13-14-15 May 2020
Workshops and Tutorials: 11-12 & 16 May 2020

Conference web site:
Twitter: @LREC2020


The European Language Resources Association (ELRA) is glad to announce the 12th edition of LREC, organised with the support of national and international organisations among which AFCP, AILC, ATALA, CLARIN, ILCB, LDC, ...

LREC is the major event on Language Resources (LRs) and Evaluation for Human Language Technologies (HLT). LREC aims to provide an overview of the state-of-the-art, explore new R&D directions and emerging trends, exchange information regarding LRs and their applications, evaluation methodologies and tools, on-going and planned activities, industrial uses and needs, requirements coming from e-science and e-society, with respect both to policy issues as well as to scientific/technological and organisational ones.

LREC provides a unique forum for researchers, industrials and funding agencies from across a wide spectrum of areas to discuss issues and opportunities, find new synergies and promote initiatives for international cooperation, in support of investigations in language sciences, progress in language technologies (LT) and development of corresponding products, services and applications, and standards.


Issues in the design, construction and use of LRs: text, speech, sign, gesture, image, in single or multimodal/multimedia data

  •     Guidelines, standards, best practices and models for LRs interoperability
  •     Methodologies and tools for LRs construction and annotation
  •     Methodologies and tools for extraction and acquisition of knowledge
  •     Ontologies, terminology and knowledge representation
  •     LRs and Semantic Web (including Linked Data, Knowledge Graphs, etc.)
  •     LRs and Crowdsourcing
  •     Metadata for LRs and semantic/content mark-up

Exploitation of LRs in systems and applications

  •     Sign language, multimedia information and multimodal communication
  •     LRs in systems and applications such as: information extraction, information retrieval, audio-visual and multimedia search, speech dictation, meeting transcription, Computer Aided Language Learning, training and education, mobile communication, machine translation, speech translation, summarisation, semantic search, text mining, inferencing, reasoning, sentiment analysis/opinion mining, etc.
  •     Interfaces: (speech-based) dialogue systems, natural language and multimodal/multisensory interactions, voice-activated services, etc.
  •     Use of (multilingual) LRs in various fields of application like e-government, e-participation, e-culture, e-health, mobile applications, digital humanities, social sciences, etc.
  •     Industrial LRs requirements
  •     User needs, LT for accessibility

LRs in the age of deep neural networks

  •     Semi-supervised, weakly-supervised and unsupervised machine learning approaches
  •     Representation Learning for language
  •     Techniques for (semi-)automatically generating training data
  •     Cross-language NLP & Cross-domain NLP with reduction of human effort

Issues in LT evaluation

  •     LT evaluation methodologies, protocols and measures
  •     Validation and quality assurance of LRs
  •     Benchmarking of systems and products
  •     Usability evaluation of HLT-based user interfaces and dialogue systems
  •     User satisfaction evaluation

General issues regarding LRs & Evaluation

  •     International and national activities, projects and initiatives
  •     Priorities, perspectives, strategies in national and international policies for LRs
  •     Multilingual issues, language coverage and diversity, less-resourced languages
  •     Open, linked and shared data and tools, open and collaborative architectures
  •     Replicability and reproducibility issues
  •     Organisational, economical, ethical and legal issues


Less Resourced and Endangered Languages
Special attention will be devoted to less resourced and endangered languages: it is expected that LREC2020 makes room to activities carried out to support indigenous languages, building on the United Nations/UNESCO International Year of Indigenous Languages being celebrated in 2019.

Language and the Brain
Studying the neural basis of language helps in understanding both language processing and the brain mechanisms. LREC2020 will encourage all submissions addressing language and the brain. Among possible subtopics, submissions could focus on new datasets and resources (neuroimaging, controlled corpora, lexicons, etc.), methods aiming at new multimodal experimentations (e.g. EEG in virtual reality), language processing applications (e.g. brain decoding, brain-computer interfaces), etc.

Machine/Deep Learning
The availability of LRs is a key element of the development of high quality Human Language Technologies based on AI/Machine Learning approaches, and LREC is the best place to get access to this data, in many languages and for many domains. In addition to submissions addressing ML issues based on large quantities of data, those applied to languages for which only small, noisy or sparse data exist are also most welcomed.

In addition to describing your LRs in the LRE Map ? now a normal step in the submission procedure of many conferences ? LREC recognises the importance of sharing resources and making them available to the community.
When submitting a paper, you will be offered the possibility to share your LRs (data, tools, web-services, etc.), uploading them in a special LREC repository set up by ELRA. Your LRs will be made available to all LREC participants before the conference, to be re-used, compared, analysed. This effort of sharing LRs, linked to the LRE Map for their description, contributes to creating a common repository where everyone can deposit and share data.

The Scientific Programme will include invited talks, oral presentations, poster and demo presentations, and panels, in addition to a keynote address by the winner of the Antonio Zampolli Prize.
We will also organise an Industrial Track and a Reproducibility Track: for these there will be separate Calls.


Submission of oral and poster (or poster+demo) papers: 25 November 2019

    LREC2020 asks for full papers from 4 pages to 8 pages (plus more pages for references if needed) , which must strictly follow the LREC stylesheet which will be available on the conference website. Papers must be submitted through the LREC2020 submission platform (it uses START from Softconf) and will be peer-reviewed.

Submission of proposals for workshops, tutorials and panels: 24 October 2019

    Proposals should be submitted via an online form on the LREC website and will be reviewed by the Programme Committee.


The Proceedings will include both oral and poster papers, in the same format.

There is no difference in quality between oral and poster presentations. Only the appropriateness of the type of communication (more or less interactive) to the content of the paper will be considered.

LREC 2010, LREC 2012 and LREC 2014 Proceedings are included in the Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index. The other editions are being processed.

LREC Proceedings are indexed in Scopus (Elsevier).

Substantially extended versions of papers selected by reviewers as the most appropriate will be considered for publication in a special issue of the Language Resources and Evaluation Journal published by Springer (a SCI-indexed journal).

Nicoletta Calzolari ? CNR, Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale ?Antonio Zampolli?, Pisa - Italy (Conference chair)
Frédéric Béchet ? LIS-CNRS, Aix-Marseille University, Marseille- France
Philippe Blache ? CNRS & Aix-Marseille University, Marseille- France
Christopher Cieri ? Linguistic Data Consortium, Philadelphia - USA
Khalid Choukri ? ELRA, Paris - France
Thierry Declerck ? DFKI GmbH, Saarbrücken - Germany
Hitoshi Isahara ? Toyohashi University of Technology, Toyohashi - Japan
Bente Maegaard ? Centre for Language Technology, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen - Denmark
Joseph Mariani ? LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay - France
Asuncion Moreno ? Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona - Spain
Jan Odijk ? UIL-OTS, Utrecht - The Netherlands
Stelios Piperidis ? Athena Research Center/ILSP, Athens - Greece

Sara Goggi ? CNR, Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale ?Antonio Zampolli?, Pisa - Italy
Hélène Mazo ? ELDA/ELRA, Paris - France


3-3-46(2020-05-13) REPROLANG (part of LREC COnference), Marseille , France


Shared Task on the Reproduction of Research Results in Science and Technology of Language
(part of LREC 2020 conference)
Marseille, France
May 13-15, 2020

We are very pleased to announce REPROLANG 2020, the Shared Task on the Reproduction of
Research Results in Science and Technology of Language, organized by ELRA - European
Language Resources Association with the technical support of CLARIN - European Research
Infrastructure for Language Resources and Technology, as part of the LREC 2020 conference.


Scientific knowledge is grounded on falsifiable predictions and thus its credibility and
raison d?être relies on the possibility of repeating experiments and getting similar
results as originally
obtained and reported. In many young scientific areas, including ours, acknowledgement
and promotion of the reproduction of research results need very much to be increased.

For this reason, a special track on reproducibility is included into the LREC 2020
conference regular program (side by side with other sessions on other topics) for papers
on reproduction of research results, and the present specific community-wide shared task
is launched to elicit and motivate the spread of scientific work on reproduction. This
initiative builds on the previous pioneer LREC workshops on reproducibility 4REAL 2016
and 4REAL 2018.


The shared task is of a new type: it is partly similar to the usual competitive shared
tasks --- in the sense that all participants share a common goal; but it is partly
different to previous shared tasks --- in the sense that its primary focus is on seeking
support and confirmation of previous results, rather than on overcoming those previous
results with superior ones. Thus instead of a competitive shared task, with each
participant struggling for an individual top system that scores as far as possible from a
rough baseline, this will be a cooperative shared task, with participants struggling for
systems that reproduce as close as possible an original complex research experiment and
thus eventually reinforcing the level of reliability on its results by means of their
eventually convergent outcomes. Concomitantly, like with competitive shared tasks, in the
process of participating in the collaborative shared task, new ideas for improvement and
new advances beyond the reproduced results find here an excellent ground to be ignited.

We invite researchers to reproduce the results of a selected set of articles, which have
been offered by the respective authors with their consent to be used for this shared
task. Papers submitted for this task are expected to report on reproduction findings, to
document how the results of the original paper were reproduced, to discuss
reproducibility challenges, to inform on time, space or data requirements found
concerning training and testing, to ponder on lessons learned, to elaborate on
recommendations for best practices, etc.
Submissions that in addition to the reproduction exercise, report also on results of the
replication of the selected tasks with other languages, domains, data sets, models,
methods, algorithms, downstream tasks, etc. are also encouraged. These should permit to
gain insight also into the robustness of the replicated approaches, their learning curves
and potential of incremental performance, their capacity of generalization, their
transferability across experimental circumstances and into eventual real-life usage
scenarios, their suitability to support further progress, etc.


LREC conferences have one of the top h5-index scores of research impact among the world
class venues for research on Human Language Technology.

Accepted papers for the shared task will be published in the Proceedings of the LREC 2020
main conference. LREC Proceedings are freely available from ELRA and ACL Anthology. They
are indexed in Scopus (Elsevier) and in DBLP. LREC 2010, LREC 2012 and LREC 2014
Proceedings are included in the Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index
(the other editions are being processed).

Substantially extended versions of papers selected by reviewers as the most appropriate
will be considered for publication in special issues of the Language Resources and
Evaluation Journal published by Springer (a SCI-indexed journal).


November 25, 2019: deadline for paper submission (aligned with LREC 2020)
November 27: deadline for projects in to go public
February 14, 2020: notification of acceptance
May 11-16: LREC conference takes place


The Selection Committee has selected a broad range of papers and tasks.

Chapter A: Lexical processing

Task A.1: Cross-lingual word embeddings

Artetxe, Mikel, Gorka Labaka, and Eneko Agirre. 2018. ?A robust self-learning method for
fully unsupervised cross-lingual mappings of word embeddings?. In Proceedings of the 56th
Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2018), pp. 789?798.
Major reproduction comparables: Accuracy scores (tables 1 to 4).

Task A.2: Named entity embeddings

Newman-Griffis, Denis, Albert M Lai, and Eric Fosler-Lussier. 2018. ?Jointly Embedding
Entities and Text with Distant Supervision?. In Proceedings of The Third Workshop on
Representation Learning for NLP, pp. 195?206.
Major reproduction comparables: Spearman?s ? scores for semantic similarity predictions
(tables 3 and 4), and accuracy scores (table 6).

Chapter B: Sentence processing

Task B.1: POS tagging

Bohnet, Bernd, Ryan McDonald, Gonçalo Simões, Daniel Andor, Emily Pitler, and Joshua
Maynez. 2018. ?Morphosyntactic Tagging with a Meta-BiLSTM Model over Context Sensitive
Token Encodings?. In Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics (ACL 2018), pp. 2642?2652.
Major reproduction comparables: f-score values (tables 2 to 8).

Task B.2: Sentence semantic relatedness

Gupta, Amulya, and Zhu Zhang. 2018. ?To Attend or not to Attend: A Case Study on
Syntactic Structures for Semantic Relatedness?. In Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting
of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2018), pp. 2116?2125.
Major reproduction comparables: Pearson?s r and Spearman?s ? scores for the semantic
(table 1), and f-score values for paraphrase detection (table 2).

Chapter C: Text processing

Task C.1: Relation extraction and classification

Rotsztejn, Jonathan, Nora Hollenstein, and Ce Zhang. 2018. ?ETH-DS3Lab at SemEval-2018
Task 7: Effectively Combining Recurrent and Convolutional Neural Networks for Relation
Classification and Extraction?. In Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on
Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2018), pp. 689?696.
Major reproduction comparables: precision, recall and f-score values (tables 3 and 4).

Task C.2: Privacy preserving representation

Li, Yitong, Timothy Baldwin, and Trevor Cohn. 2018. ?Towards Robust and
Privacy-preserving Text Representations?. In Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of
the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2018), pp. 25-30.
Major reproduction comparables: POS accuracy scores (tables 1 and 2), and sentiment
f-score scores (table 3).

Task C.3: Language modelling

Howard, Jeremy, and Sebastian Ruder. 2018. ?Universal Language Model Fine-tuning for Text
Classification?. In Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics (ACL 2018), pp. 328?339.
Major reproduction comparables: Error rate (%) scores in sentiment analysis and question
classification tasks (tables 2 and 3).

Chapter D: Applications

Task D.1: Text simplification

Nisioi, Sergiu, Sanja Stajner, Simone Paolo Ponzetto, and Liviu P. Dinu. 2017.
?Exploring Neural Text Simplification Models?. In Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting
of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2017), pp. 85-91.
Major reproduction comparables: Averaged human evaluation scores, by 3 evaluators,
in 1 to 5 and -2 to +2 scales (table 2).

Task D.2: Language proficiency scoring

Vajjala, Sowmya, and Taraka Rama. 2018. ?Experiments with Universal CEFR classifications?.
In Proceedings of Thirteenth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational
Applications, pp. 147?153.
Major reproduction comparables: f-score values (tables 2, 3 and 4).

Task D.3: Neural machine translation

Vanmassenhove, Eva, and Andy Way. 2018. ?SuperNMT: Neural Machine Translation with
Semantic Supersenses and Syntactic Supertags?. In Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting
of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2018), pp. 67?73.
Major reproduction comparables: BLEU scores (tables 1 and 2; plots in figures 2, 3 and 4).

Chapter E: Language resources

Task E.1: Parallel corpus construction

Brunato, Dominique, Andrea Cimino, Felice Dell'Orletta, and Giulia Venturi. 2016.
?PaCCSS-IT: A Parallel Corpus of Complex-Simple Sentences for Automatic Text
Simplification?. In Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural
Language Processing (EMNLP 2016), pp. 351-361.
Major reproduction comparables: data set.

Participants are expected to obtain the data and tools for the reproduction from the
information provided in the paper. Using the description of the experiment is part of the
reproduction exercise.
The START platform of LREC 2020 will be used for the submission of the following required
elements: A paper describing the reproduction effort, and a link to the software and data
used to obtain the results reported in the paper (more details below). The submitted
materials and results will be checked by a CLARIN panel. Papers will be peer-reviewed.

REPROLANG 2020 invites the submission of full papers from 4 pages to 8 pages (plus more
pages for references if needed). These submissions must strictly follow the LREC 2020
conference stylesheet which will be available on the conference website.

To be checked by a CLARIN panel and the submission to be complete, the software used to
obtain the results reported in the paper must be made available as a docker container
through a project in gitlab. Detailed instructions are available at For technical support, the CLARIN team can be
contacted at or an issue can be created under

Submissions are done via the START conference management system used by LREC 2020 and
include the following elements:
- url address of your project
- url of the tar.gz with the datasets - the md5 checksum of the above tar.gz
- .pdf with the paper, which must include the above url of your project, and
the above commit hash and tag

The project in should be made public within 2 days after the submission

PRESENTATION Papers accepted for publication will be presented in a specific session of
the LREC main conference. There is no difference in quality between oral and poster
presentations. Only the appropriateness of the type of communication (more or less
interactive) to the content of the paper will be considered. The format of the
presentations will be decided by the Program Committee. The proceedings will include both
oral and poster papers in the same format.

For a selected paper to be included in the programme and to be published in the
proceedings, at least one of its authors must register for the LREC 2020 conference by
the early bird registration deadline. A single registration only covers one paper,
following the general LREC policy on registration. Registration service is to be found at
the LREC 2020 website.

About the shared task:
Piek Vossen

About the preparation and submission of materials:
REPROLANG 2020 website:


Steering Committee

António Branco, University of Lisbon (chair of Steering Committee)
Nicoletta Calzolari, ILC, Pisa (co-chair of Steering Committee)
Gertjan van Noord, University of Groningen (chair of Task Selection Committee)
Piek Vossen, VU University Amsterdam (chair of Program Committee)

Task Selection Committee

Gertjan van Noord, University of Groningen (chair)
Tim Baldwin, University of Melbourne
António Branco, University of Lisbon
Nicoletta Calzolari, ILC, Pisa
Ça?r? Çöltekin, University of Tuebingen
Nancy Ide, Vassar College, New York
Malvina Nissim, University of Groningen
Stephan Oepen, University of Oslo
Barbara Plank, University of Copenhagen
Piek Vossen, VU University Amsterdam
Dan Zeman, Prague University

Program Committee

several invitations awaiting an answer marked with [!]

Piek Vossen, VU University Amsterdam (chair)
  [!]Gilles Adda, LIMSI-CNRS, Paris
  [!]Eneko Agirre Basque University
Francis Bond, NanyangTechnical University, Singapore
António Branco, University of Lisbon

Nicoletta Calzolari, ILC, Pisa
Kevin Cohen, University of Colorado Boulder
 [!]Thierry Declerck, DFKI Saarbruecken
  [!]John McCrae, Galway University
Nancy Ide , Vassar College, New York
  [!]Antske Fokkens VU University Amsterdam
Karën Fort, University of Paris-Sorbonne
  [!] Cyril Grouin, LIMSI-CNRS, Paris
Mark Liberman, University of Pennsylvania
  [!] Margo Mieskis
  [!] Aurélie Névéol, LIMSI-CNRS, Paris
Gertjan van Noord, University of Groningen
Stephan Oepen, University of Oslo
  [!]Ted Pedersen, University of Minnesota
Senja Pollak, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana
  [!]Paul Rayson, Lancaster University
Martijn Wieling, University of Groningen

Technical Committee
Dieter Van Uytvanck, CLARIN (chair)
André Moreira, CLARIN
Twan Goosen, CLARIN
João Ricardo Silva, CLARIN and University of Lisbon
Luís Gomes, CLARIN and University of Lisbon
Willem Elbers, CLARIN


3-3-47(2020-05-xx) 2020 Speech Prosody conference, Tokyo, Japan

Dear SProSIG Members,


We are pleased to announce that the 2020 Speech Prosody conference

will be held in Tokyo, tentatively in late May or early June.


Also, there are two upcoming special sessions relating to prosody, at

ICPhs 2019, with submission deadlines for both of December 4:

'Interacting Channels of Speech - Tune and Text' and

'Modeling Meaning-Bearing Configurations of Prosodic Features' .


We'd also like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves, the

incoming officers of SProSig for 2018-2020: namely Martine Grice,

Plinio Barbosa, Hongwei Ding, Aoju Chen and myself.  We look forward

to serving the membership and are eager to hear your ideas and



Finally, the SProSIG mailing list is now hosted at the University of

Texas at El Paso. Subscription/unsubscription instructions are below.

Mailings will continue to be infrequent and focus on conference

announcements and the like. If you have such information to share,

please contact any of us.


Hongwei Ding, Aoju Chen, Martine Grice, Plinio Barbosa, Nigel Ward

Speech Prosody Special Interest Group


This mail was sent through the SProSIG mailing list, which is for

announcements of interest to the speech prosody research community.

Subscribe/unsubscribe at


Nigel Ward, Professor of Computer Science, University of Texas at El Paso

CCSB 3.0408,  +1-915-747-6827   



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