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ISCApad Archive  »  2019  »  ISCApad #252  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2019-08-10) The International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing AVSP 2019), Melbourne,Australia

ISCApad #252

Tuesday, June 11, 2019 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-37 (2019-08-10) The International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing AVSP 2019), Melbourne,Australia
AVSP 2019
The International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing
Melbourne, Australia, August 10 &11, 2019.
Paper Submission Deadline: May 7th, 2019
AVSP 2019 Call for Papers
AVSP is a uniquely interdisciplinary conference, focusing on the effects of auditory and visual speech information on human perception, machine recognition, and human-machine interaction. AVSP conferences attract many researchers from various fields, such as psychology, computer engineering, neuroscience, linguistics, and robotic engineering. AVSP is a satellite workshop of ICPhS 2019, the 19th International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences.
The AVSP conference will be held in Melbourne, Australia, August 10 &11, 2019.
Submission of papers are invited in all areas of auditory-visual speech processing and facial animation and including but not limited to:
  • Human recognition of audio-visual speech
  • Machine recognition of audio-visual speech
  • Human and machine models of multimodal integration
  • Multimodal processing of spoken events
  • Cross-linguistic studies
  • Developmental studies
  • Studies of the multisensory aspects of reading (e.g., print to sound mapping)
  • Role of gestures accompanying speech
  • Modeling, synthesis and recognition of facial gestures
  • Audio-visual speech synthesis
  • Audio-visual prosody
  • Emotion and Expressivity modeling
  • Neuropsychology and neurophysiology of audio-visual speech processing
  • Scene analysis using audio and visual speech information
  • Paper Submission Deadline: May 7th, 2019 
  • Notification of Acceptance: June 7th, 2019
  • Camera-ready Paper: June 15th, 2019
  • Conference: August 10 & 11, 2019
Prospective AVSP2019 authors are invited to submit a 4 to 6 page long paper or a 1 to 2 page abstract.
The organizing committee of AVSP 2019 is looking forward to your submissions.
Christopher Davis, University of Western Sydney (Australia)
Jonas Beskow, KTH Speech Music and Hearing (Sweden)
Slim Ouni , University of Lorraine (France)
Alexandra Jesse, University of Massachusetts Amherst (USA)

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