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ISCApad Archive  »  2019  »  ISCApad #252  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2019-09-15) The VOICES from a Distance Challenge 2019, Graz, Austria

ISCApad #252

Tuesday, June 11, 2019 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-11 (2019-09-15) The VOICES from a Distance Challenge 2019, Graz, Austria
The VOiCES from a Distance Challenge 2019
SRI International and Lab 41 are organizing a speaker and speech recognition challenge for Interspeech 2019, focused especially on distant/far-field speech: 'The VOiCES from a Distance Challenge 2019'. This challenge is based on the recently collected VOiCES data, recorded in real reverberant and noisy environments ( The data is collected in multiple rooms with background distractors (music, TV, babble) and microphone types. Evaluation findings and papers will form part of a special session hosted at Interspeech 2019. The participating teams will get early access to the VOiCES phase 2 data, that will form the evaluation set for the challenge.
Both speaker recognition and automatic speech recognition (ASR) tasks will have two tracks:
(i) Fixed System - Training data is limited to specific datasets
(ii) Open System - Participants can use any datasets they have access to (private or public)
Challenge Timeline:
January 15, 2019 Release of the evaluation plan and development sets
February 25, 2019 Evaluation data available
March 4, 2019 System output submission deadline (11:59 PM PST)
March 11, 2019 Release of evaluation results 
March 15, 2019 System description submission and release of VOiCES phase 2 data and evaluation keys for the participating teams 
March 29, 2019 Regular paper submission deadline for Interspeech 2019
More information about the challenge including evaluation plan, evaluation data, and registration link can be found at:
For more information, please reach out to 
Mahesh Kumar Nandwana, Julien van Hout, Mitchell McLaren, Colleen Richey, Aaron Lawson (SRI International)
Maria Alejandra Barrios (Lab41) 

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