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ISCApad Archive  »  2018  »  ISCApad #239  »  ISCA News  »  Call for SProSIG Officer nominations

ISCApad #239

Friday, May 11, 2018 by Chris Wellekens

2-4 Call for SProSIG Officer nominations

Call for SProSIG Officer Nominations

SProSIG, the Speech Prosody Special Interest Group, seeks nominations for new officers.   New officers will replace the outgoing officers at the end of 2018.   Nomination should include the name of the nominee, and a short candidate statement (not more than 200 words) suitable for e-mail to the SProSIG membership.  Self-nominations are accepted.  Nominations should be sent by e-mail to the current SProSIG President, Keikichi Hirose, at  Nominations will be open until July 31, 2018.  Elections will be held by e-mail thereafter.  Researchers who are considering running for office, but would like more information, are invited to meet with the current officers during the conference Speech Prosody 2018.

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