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ISCApad Archive  »  2018  »  ISCApad #239  »  Jobs  »  (2018-04-19) PhD at LeMans University, France

ISCApad #239

Friday, May 11, 2018 by Chris Wellekens

6-79 (2018-04-19) PhD at LeMans University, France

Title of the PhD thesis:


Automatic speech processing in meetings

using microphone array


Key words : environment with reverberation– Array & Beamforming – Signal processing – Deep learning – Transcription and speaker recognition



Supervision : Silvio Montrésor (LAUM), Anthony Larcher (LIUM), Jean-Hugh Thomas (LAUM)


Funding: LMAC (Scientific bets of Le Mans Acoustique)


Beginning : September 2018


Contact :


Aim of the PhD thesis

The subject is supported by two laboratories of Le Mans – Université: the acoustics lab (LAUM) and the computer science lab (LIUM). The aim is to enhance automatic speech processing in meetings, transcription and speaker recognition, by using a recording device and audio signal processing from a microphone array.



Subject of the PhD thesis

It consists in implementing a hands-free system able to localise the speakers in a room, to separate the signals emitted by these speakers and to enhance the speech signal and its processing.


The thesis’ issues are the following:


-       Define an array geometry adapted to distant sound recording with few microphones.


-       Propose processing able to take advantage of the acoustic data provided by the array and to select the parts of the audio signals (reflexion orders) the most relevant for enhancing the performance of the automatic speech recognition system of the LIUM. The process should take into account the confined environment (meeting room). It will also use source separation algorithms to identify the different speakers during the meeting.


-       Propose new development to the usual methods to extract features from the signal to enhance the relevance for the neural network.


-       Propose a learning strategy for the neural network to enhance the transcription performance.


Some références

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[9] Y. Liu, N. Nower, S. Morita, M. Unoki, Speech enhancement of instantaneous amplitude and phase for applications in noisy reverberant environments, Speech Communication 84 (2016) 1-14.


[10] Feng, X., Zhang, Y., & Glass, J. (2014, May). Speech feature denoising and dereverberation via deep autoencoders for noisy reverberant speech recognition. In 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (pp. 1759-1763). IEEE.

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[12] Xiong X., Watanabe S., Erdogan H., Lu L., Hershey J., Seltzer M. L., Chen G., Zhang Y., Mandel M., Yu D., Deep Beamforming Networks for Multi-Channel Speech Recognition, Proceedings of ICASSP 2016, pp 5745-5749.

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