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ISCApad Archive  »  2017  »  ISCApad #230  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2017-08-25) 1st International Workshop on Grounding Language Understanding, Stockholm, Sweden

ISCApad #230

Thursday, August 10, 2017 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-34 (2017-08-25) 1st International Workshop on Grounding Language Understanding, Stockholm, Sweden


1st International Workshop on Grounding Language Understanding (GLU 2017)

25 August 2017
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

GLU 2017 aims at bringing together researchers working with modeling different aspects of grounding language acquisition and understanding.

Although speech and language technology have reached a level of maturity, machines still fall short of human performance, especially when considering flexibility and robustness. It is therefore desirable to extend the machine learning approach which has been applied to speech and language technology, and emulate more closely the way humans and living systems acquire language.

The programme of talks - including three excellent keynotes - is now available at / Programme

If you wish to attend, please register at / Registration
(Registration closes on Wednesday, 2 August 2017.)

Giampiero Salvi, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Stéphane Dupont, University of Mons, Belgium

GLU 2017 takes place immediately after INTERSPEECH in Stockholm ( and is supported by the International Speech Communication Association ( and by the CHIST-ERA Network (

For more information, visit the GLU 2017 website:

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