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ISCApad Archive  »  2015  »  ISCApad #207  »  Resources  »  Database  »  Speechocean – update (August 2015)

ISCApad #207

Friday, September 25, 2015 by Chris Wellekens

5-2-13 Speechocean – update (August 2015)


Speechocean – update (August 2015):


Speechocean: A global language resources and data services supplier


About Speechocean

Speechocean is one of the world well-known language related resources & services provider in the fields of Human Computer Interaction and Human Language Technology. At present, we can provide data services with 110+ languages and dialects across the world.


KingLine Data Center ---Data Sharing Platform

Kingline Data Center is operated and supervised by Speechocean, which is mainly focused on language resources creating and providing for research and development of human language technology.

These diversified corpora are widely used for the research and development in the fields of Speech Recognition, Speech Synthesis, Natural Language Processing, Machine Translation, Web Search, etc. All corpora are openly accessible for users all over the world, including users from scientific research institutions, enterprises or individuals.

For more detailed information, please visit our website:


New released corpora:

  1. Mexican Spanish Speech Recognition Database (Mobile)-300 Speakers

ID: King-ASR-143

This is a 3-channel Mexican Spanish mobile speech database, which is collected over three mobile phone simultaneously (android mobiles, iPhone and windows phones) in Mexico. This database was performed in a quiet environment.
The prompts were the phonetically rich sentences. Due to the potential cognitive load of saying these sentences by the subjects, we took care to choose natural sentences of length between 5 and 25 words. The raw sentences are selected from different domain: Conversations, News, etc. We did remove a number of sentences that includes offensive or negative words or phrase. In order to achieve a good phone balance, we choose sentences from the sentences list to fill out our number. Finally, we had around 29995 unique sentences in our list of sentences, with each of them repeated less than 4 times among different speakers.
The corpus contains the recordings of 270,711 utterances which were from 303 speakers. The recording time is about 477 hours (3-channel), including the leading silence (about 500 ms) and the trailing silence (about 500 ms). The total size of this database is about 51 GB.


  1. Argentinean Spanish Speech Recognition Database(Desktop)-200 Speakers

ID: King-ASR-281

This is a 4-channel Spanish desktop speech database, which is collected over 4 different microphones simultaneously. The project was performed in Argentina; cover all the cities, for example: BuenosAires, Cordoba, Lanus, Cordoba...

Each Speaker was recorded around 300 sentences which were selected from a pool of phonetically rich sentences in approximate 80 minutes as natural as possible. The recording was performed in a quiet office environment.

This database is performed in quiet office environment. The corpus contains the recordings of 236,232 utterances of Spanish speech data which were from 200 speakers. The pure recording time is about 358 hours (4-channel), including the leading silence (about 500 ms) and the trailing silence (about 500 ms). The total size of this database is 141 GB.

A pronunciation lexicon with a phonemic transcription in SAMPA was carefully made by covering all the words in the transcription files.


  1. Chilean Spanish Speech Recognition Database -(Mobile)-300 Speakers

ID: King-ASR-290

This is a 3-channel Chilean Spanish speech database, which is collected over 3 different mobile operating systems: iOS, Android and Windows Phone platform. The project was performed in Chile, cover all the main cities. For example: Santiago, Rancagua, Antofagasta and Viña.
300 speakers were recorded in total, and each speaker recorded in a quiet environment.
The prompts were the phonetically rich sentences. The raw sentences are all selected from the News domain Twitter/Forum and SMS. We did remove a number of sentences that includes offensive or negative words or phrase. Finally, we had 108055 unique sentences in our list of sentences, that we generated the prompt sheets from with no more than 3 times for each.
With discarding some unqualified utterances, the whole corpus contains the recordings of 268,704 utterances; the pure recording time is about 519 hours (including leading silence and tail silence). The total size of this database is about 55.8 G.


Contact Information

Xianfeng Cheng


Tel: +86-10-62660928; +86-10-62660053 ext.8080

Mobile: +86 13681432590

Skype: xianfeng.cheng1













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