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ISCApad Archive  »  2015  »  ISCApad #207  »  Editorial

ISCApad #207

Friday, September 25, 2015 by Chris Wellekens

1 Editorial

Dear ISCApad readers,

My attendance at Interspeech in Dresden followed by a short break in my past laboratory Eurecom in Sophia Antipolis (France) cause the delay of this issue. I apologize to the organizers of events who see their anouncements postponed by more than a week.

 First of all, I must congratulate Interspeech 2015 organizers for the quality of their work. Many parameters contributed to this success: quality of the congress hall located at a walking distance of the city center, quality of the social program, proximity of excellent hotels, efficiency of the staff and volunteers. Above all, the quality of the papers presented by the participants but also the careful and rigorous reviewing (50% accepted papers) and the excellent program set up by the TPC.

During Interspeech, the partial replacement of the board was announced . Members who served during many years stepped down and should be thanked for their service to our community, in particular our past president Tanja Schultz.They  are replaced by new elected members. This new board is now chaired by Haizhou Li who served in the previous term as a vice-president. His experience guarantees a strong progress to ISCA.

We now turn our glance to the future; all our wishes are due to the organizing team of Interspeech 2016 in San Francisco.

We were aware of the venue of Interspeech 2017 in Stockholm (Sweden) but the brand new information is the venue of Interspeech 2018 in Hyderabad (India). Congratulations to the courageous volunteers. But planning for rthe future, the board calls for bids for Interspeech 2019!(see hereunder subtitle ISCA News)

Christian Wellekens

Professor emeritus

Iscapad editor


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