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ISCApad Archive  »  2011  »  ISCApad #159  »  Editorial

ISCApad #159

Wednesday, September 14, 2011 by Chris Wellekens

1 Editorial

Dear Members,

It was a great pleasure to meet you in Florence and to notice how active is our speech community. It is also my pleasure to congratulate the organizers who combine an excellent speech research conference and a venue in a wonderful city.

An important event at our General Assembly is the nomination of Jean Francois Bonastre from Avignon (France) as our new president.He writes his first message to the members in this issue.  He succeedes to Isabel Trancoso who has been for so many years active as a member of the board (she is the  creator and first editor of ISCApad) and then as a very efficient chairperson. Thanks Isabel for the great job.

We had little time to discuss the role of ISCApad: most of you know it is a way to communicate with you for all news regarding ISCA life, conferences (not only ISC conferences or workshops but also conferences organized by others), new books and job offers. I would recommend all of you who want to display an information in ISCApad to send it to me as soon as possible. Please do not wait the month before a conference to ask me to insert yout anouncement in this newsletter; extended deadlines are mostly too short delay to be useful for potential authors.

You will find below a call for bids for future Interspeech conference. Are you ready to challenge our Italian colleagues?

Professor emeritus Chris J. Wellekens

Institut Eurecom

Sophia Antipolis, France

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