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ISCApad Archive  »  2011  »  ISCApad #159  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2011-12-04) International Symposium on Audiovisual Detection of Errors in Pronunciation Training (IS ADEPT)

ISCApad #159

Wednesday, September 14, 2011 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-13 (2011-12-04) International Symposium on Audiovisual Detection of Errors in Pronunciation Training (IS ADEPT)
International Symposium on Audiovisual Detection of Errors in
Pronunciation Training (IS ADEPT)
Cairo University, Egypt
4-6 December 20011

The aim of this symposium is to bring together academia and industry
within the field of Computer Assisted Pronunciation Training in order
to reach a common understanding of the current state-of-the-art in
pronunciation error analysis and identifying needs and paths for
future research.

Keynote speakers
Lewis Johnson, Chief scientist at Alelo Inc.
Horacio Franco, Speech Technology & Research Laboratory SRI International
Gary Pelton, VP Carnegie Speech
Helmer Strik, Radboud University Nijmegen
Silke Witt-Ehsani, Vice President, TuVox Design Center
Florian Hoenig, University of Erlangen

Invited speakers will give presentations focusing on overviews of
automatic pronunciation detection methods in commercial applications
and research projects, ongoing development of pronunciation analysis
algorithms, and the pedagogical or pragmatic needs in future

Paper submissions
Prospective participants should submit a full 4 or 6 page paper, or a
1 page demo proposal. Please refer to for
the list of topics.

Important Dates
Paper Submission 10 September 2011
Notification of Acceptance 10 October 2011
Camera-Ready Paper 4 November 2011
Registration Deadline 4 November 2011

Social program
The program includes a symposium river cruise dinner on the Nile, an
excursion to the nearby pyramids in Giza and common lunches during the

International Symposium on Audiovisual Detection of Errors in
Pronunciation Training (IS ADEPT)
Cairo University, Egypt
4-6 December 20011

Call for Papers
IS ADEPT is a symposium jointly organized by the Centre for Speech
Technology, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden and the Faculty of Computers and
Information (FCI), Cairo University, Egypt with the support of the
Arabic Language Technology Center (ALTEC).

The aim of this symposium is to bring together academia and industry
within the field of Computer Assisted Pronunciation Training. That is,
on the one hand, researchers working on methods to create and evaluate
algorithms for automatic detection and analysis of language learners'
pronunciation errors and, on the other, representatives from companies
marketing language learning software. The goal is to reach a common
understanding of the current state-of-the-art in pronunciation error
analysis and identifying needs and paths for future research.

Keynote speakers
Lewis Johnson, Chief scientist at Alelo Inc.
Horacio Franco, Speech Technology & Research Laboratory SRI International
Gary Pelton, VP Carnegie Speech
Helmer Strik, Radboud University Nijmegen
Silke Witt-Ehsani, Vice President, TuVox Design Center
Florian Hoenig, University of Erlangen

Invited speakers will give presentations focusing on overviews of
automatic pronunciation detection methods in commercial applications
and research projects, ongoing development of pronunciation analysis
algorithms, and the pedagogical or pragmatic needs in future

Paper submissions
Prospective participants should submit a full 4 or 6 page paper, or a
1 page demo proposal. Both types of submissions will be reviewed by
members of the scientific committee.

Important Dates
Paper Submission 10 September 2011
Notification of Acceptance 10 October 2011
Camera-Ready Paper 4 November 2011
Registration Deadline 4 November 2011
Symposium Dates 4-6 December 2011

Topics (non-exhaustive)
Automatic pronunciation scoring
Automatic pronunciation error detection and analysis
Audiovisual methods for pronunciation analysis
Articulation-based pronunciation analysis
Evaluation of pronunciation analysis algorithms
Evaluation of commercial products
Technology vs. pedagogy: match and misses
Feedback based on automatic pronunciation analysis
Robustness and portability of analysis methods (exercises, speakers,
dialects, languages)
Effect of intonation/stress on pronunciation errors

Social program
One aim of the symposium is to promote future exchange between the
participants and a social program will be organized in order to allow
for more informal discussions and exchanges of ideas. The program
includes a symposium river cruise dinner on the Nile, an excursion to
the nearby pyramids in Giza and common lunches during the symposium.

Registration fees
$250, $150 for students

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