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ISCApad Archive  »  2015  »  ISCApad #204  »  Recent Theses

ISCApad #204

Tuesday, June 16, 2015 by Chris Wellekens

8 Recent Theses
8-1Sofia Strömbergsson, 'The /k/s, the /t/s, and the in-betweens. Novel approaches to examining the perceptual consequences of misarticulated speech´

Email address:
Sofia Strömbergsson has completed her PhD thesis entitled 'The /k/s, the /t/s, and the
in-betweens. Novel approaches to examining the perceptual consequences of misarticulated
speech' at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. It was supervised by
Professor David House. Link to the document:


8-2Mohamad Hasan, Bahari, 'Automatic Speaker Characterization Automatic Identification of Gender, Age, Language and Accent from Speech Signals

Mohamad Hasan, Bahari has completed his PhD thesis entitled 'Automatic Speaker
Characterization Automatic Identification of Gender, Age, Language and Accent from Speech
Signals' at KU Leuven. It was supervised by Hugo Van hamme. Link to the document:


8-3Bing Jiang, 'Using Deep Neural Network for Spoken Language identification'

Bing Jiang has completed his PhD thesis entitled 'Using Deep Neural Network for Spoken
Language identification' at University of Science and Technology of China. It was
supervised by Pro. Li-Rong Dai.


8-4Jan-Niklas Antons, 'Neural Correlates of Quality Perception for Complex Speech Signals'

Email address:
Jan-Niklas Antons has completed his PhD thesis entitled 'Neural Correlates of Quality
Perception for Complex Speech Signals' at Technische Universität Berlin. It was
supervised by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Möller. Link to the document:


8-5Sung Min Ban, 'Feature and Model Domain Blind Dereverberation for Distant-Talking Speech Recognition'

Email address:
Sung Min Ban has completed his PhD thesis entitled 'Feature and Model Domain Blind
Dereverberation for Distant-Talking Speech Recognition' at Pusan National University,
South Korea. It was supervised by Hyung Soon Kim. Link to the document:


8-6José David Lopes, 'Lexical Entrainment in Spoken Dialog Systems'

José David Lopes has completed his PhD thesis entitled 'Lexical Entrainment in Spoken
Dialog Systems' at Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa. It was supervised
by Isabel Trancoso, Maxine Eskenazi. Link to the document:


8-7George P. Kafentzis, 'Adaptive sinusoidal models for speech with applications in speech modifications and audio analysis'

Email address:
George P. Kafentzis has completed his PhD thesis entitled 'Adaptive sinusoidal models for
speech with applications in speech modifications and audio analysis' at University of
Crete and University of Rennes 1. It was supervised by Yannis Stylianou and Olivier
Boeffard. Link to the document:


8-8Xingyu, Na, ' Personalization of HMM-based Speech Synthesis'.

Email address:
Xingyu, Na has completed his PhD thesis entitled 'Personalization of HMM-based Speech
Synthesis' at Beijing Institute of Technology. It was supervised by Jingming Kuang. Link
to the document:


8-9Tuomo Raitio, 'Voice source modelling techniques for statistical parametric speech synthesis'

Tuomo Raitio, 'Voice source modelling techniques for statistical parametric speech synthesis'
Email address:
Tuomo Raitio has comleted his PhD thesis entitled 'Voice source modelling techniques for statistical parametric speech synthesis? at Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland. It was supervised by Professor Paavo Alku.
Link to the document:


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