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ISCApad #146

Tuesday, August 10, 2010 by Chris Wellekens

3-1 ISCA Events
3-1-1(2010-09-22) 7th ISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop (SSW7), Kyoto,Japan

7th ISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop (SSW7)
Kyoto, Japan - September 22-24, 2010

The Seventh ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop (ITRW) on Speech
Synthesis will take place at ATR, Kyoto, Japan, September 22-24, 2010.
It is co-sponsored by the International Speech Communication
Association (ISCA), the ISCA Special Interest Group on Speech
Synthesis (SynSIG), the National Institute of Information and
Communications Technology (NICT), and the Effective Multilingual
Interaction in Mobile Environments (EMIME) project.  The workshop will
be held as a satellite workshop of Interspeech 2010 (Chiba, Japan,
September 26-30, 2010).  This workshop follows on from the previous
workshops, Autrans 1990, Mohonk 1994, Jenolan Caves 1998, Pitlochry
2001, Pittsburgh 2004, Bonn 2007, which aim to promote research and
development of all aspects of speech synthesis.

Workshop topics Papers in all areas of speech synthesis technology are
encouraged to be submitted, with emphasis placed on:

* Spontaneous/expressive speech synthesis
* Speech synthesis in dialog systems
* Voice conversion/speaker adaptation
* Multilingual/crosslingual speech synthesis
* Automated methods for speech synthesis
* TTS for embedded devices
* Talking heads with animated conversational agents
* Applications of synthesis technologies to communication disorders
* Evaluation methods

Submissions for the technical program:

The workshop program will consist of invited lectures, oral and poster
presentations, and panel discussions.  Prospective authors are invited
to submit full-length, 4-6 page papers, including figures and
references.  All papers will be handled and reviewed electronically.
The SSW7 website will provide you with further

Important dates:

* May 7, 2010: Paper submission deadline
* June 30, 2010: Acceptance/rejection notice
* June 30, 2010: Registration begins
* July 9, 2010: Revised paper due
* September 22-24, 2010: Workshop at ATR in Kyoto


3-1-2(2010-09-26) INTERSPEECH 2010 Chiba Japan


     INTERSPEECH2010 Call for Papers


     Makuhari,Japan / September 26-30, 2010



Dear Colleague,


INTERSPEECH is the world's largest and most comprehensive conference on

issues surrounding the science and technology of  spoken language

processing(SLP) both in humans and in machines. It is our great pleasure to

host INTERSPEECH 2010 in  Japan, the birthplace of ICSLP, which has held two

ICSLPs, in Kobe and Yokohama, in the past.

The theme of INTERSPEECH 2010 is 'Spoken Language Processing for All Ages,

Health Conditions, Native Languages and  Environments'. INTERSPEECH 2010

emphasizes an interdisciplinary approach covering all aspects of speech

science and  technology spanning the basic theories to applications. Besides

regular oral and poster sessions, plenary talks by  internationally renowned

experts, tutorials, exhibits, and special sessions are planned.


      'INTERSPEECH conferences are indexed in ISI'


We invite you to submit original papers in any related area, including but

not limited to:




    * Human speech production

    * Human speech and sound perception

    * Linguistics, phonology and phonetics

    * Intersection of spoken and written languages

    * Discourse and dialogue

    * Prosody (e.g., production, perception, prosodic structure, modeling)

    * Paralinguistic and nonlinguistic cues (e.g., emotion and expression)

    * Physiology and pathology of spoken language

    * Spoken language acquisition, development and learning

    * Speech and other modalities (e.g., facial expression, gesture)




    * Speech analysis and representation

    * Speech segmentation

    * Audio segmentation and classification

    * Speaker turn detection

    * Speech enhancement

    * Speech coding and transmission

    * Voice conversion

    * Speech synthesis and spoken language generation

    * Automatic speech recognition

    * Spoken language understanding

    * Language and dialect identification

    * Cross-lingual and multi-lingual speech processing

    * Multimodal/multimedia signal processing (including sign languages)

    * Speaker characterization and recognition

    * Signal processing for music and song

    * Spoken language technology for prosthesis, rehabilitation, wellness

and welfare

    * Computational linguistics for SLP

    * Written Language Processing for SLP




    * Spoken dialogue systems

    * SLP Systems for information extraction/retrieval

    * Systems for spoken language translation

    * Applications for aged and handicapped persons

    * Applications for learning and education

    * Other applications




    * Spoken language resources and annotation

    * Evaluation and standardization of spoken language systems


Special Sessions

    * Open Vocabulary Spoken Document Retrieval

    * Compressive Sensing for Speech and Language Processing

    * Social Signals in Speech

    * The Voice - a Special Treat for the Social Brain?

    * Quality of Experiencing Speech Services

    * Speech Intelligibility Enhancement for All Ages, Health Conditions,

and Environments

    * INTERSPEECH 2010 Paralinguistic Challenge - Age, Gender, and Affect

    * The Speech Models - Searching for Better Representations of Speech

    * Fact and Replica of Speech Production


Paper Submission


Papers for the INTERSPEECH 2010 proceedings should be up to four pages in

length and conform to the format given in the  paper preparation guidelines

and author kits which is now available on the INTERSPEECH 2010 website along

with the Final  Call for Papers. Optionally, authors may submit additional

files, such as multimedia files, to be included on the  Proceedings CD-ROM.

Authors shall also declare that their contributions are original and not

being submitted for  publication elsewhere (e.g., another conference,

workshop, or journal). Papers must be submitted via the on-line paper

submission system. The deadline for submitting a paper is 30 April 2010.

This date will not be extended. Inquiries  regarding paper submissions

should be directed via email to


Important dates


  Paper submission deadline: 30 April 2010

  Notification of acceptance or rejection: 2 July 2010

  Camera-ready paper due: 9 July 2010

  Authors' registration deadline: 12 July 2010

  Early registration deadline: 28 July 2010

  Conference dates: 26-30 September 2010


Please visit our website at


General Chair

  Keikichi Hirose

General Vice Chair

  Yoshinori Sagisaka


3-1-3(2011-08-27) INTERSPEECH 2011 Florence Italy

Interspeech 2011

Palazzo dei Congressi,  Italy, August 27-31, 2011.

Organizing committee

Piero Cosi (General Chair),

Renato di Mori (General Co-Chair),

Claudia Manfredi (Local Chair),

Roberto Pieraccini (Technical Program Chair),

Maurizio Omologo (Tutorials),

Giuseppe Riccardi (Plenary Sessions).

More information


3-1-4(2012-09-09) INTERSPEECH 2012, Portland, Oregon USA


Portland, U.S., 09-13 September 2012
Chair: Jan van Santen, Richard Sproat 
13th INTERSPEECH event


3-1-5(2013-08-23) Interspeech 2013 Lyon France

Interspeech 2013 Lyon, France 23-29 August 2013 General Chair: Frédéric Bimbot


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