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ISCApad #162 |
Wednesday, December 07, 2011 by Chris Wellekens |
6-1 | (2011-06-04) Post-doc 'Traitement du Langage Parlé' du LIMSI/CNRS Le groupe 'Traitement du Langage Parlé' du LIMSI/CNRS
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6-2 | (2011-06-08) Ingénieur en conception et développement en expérimentation, Lab Phonétique et Phonologie, Paris
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6-3 | (2011-06-14) 3 Professorships on Speech Coding, Semantic Audio Processing and Psychoacoustics at International Audio Laboratories Erlangen, Germany Title: Professorships on Speech Coding, Semantic Audio Processing and
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6-4 | (2011-06-14) Professeur Angers FranceUn poste de professeur 27 (voir fiche de poste ci-après) sera à pourvoir à l'Université d'Angers (LERIA et département d'informatique de l'UFR Sciences) lors d'un recrutement au fil de l'eau pour une prise de fonction prévue au 1 novembre 2011. Le calendrier provisoire du concours est le suivant : - 07/07/2011 au 18/08/2011 : Ouverture de la campagne et candidatures - 12/09/2011 au 29/09/2011 : Travaux du comité de sélection - 07/10/2011 au 14/10/2011 : V½ux des candidats - 17/10/2011 : Publication des résultats sur GALAXIE - 01/11/2011 : Prise de fonction Le recrutement étant totalement ouvert, les personnes intéressées peuvent dès à présent prendre contact.
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6-5 | (2011-06-21) Ms/PhD/Contractor Positions at Ozyegin University, Istanbul, Turkey title: Description: Several funded Ms/Phd positions are available at the Speech Lab of Istanbul, Turkey (www.ozyegin.edu.tr). Successful researchers will also potentially be offered consultant and contractor positions at a local speech recognition company.
Qualifications Candidates should ideally have a BS, Master or equivalent degree in engineering or computer science. Candidates with a math or physics degree and excellent programming skills may apply as well. Either a strong mathematical and statistical background or a strong background in programming (C++, Matlab, Python, Java) is required. Having good programming skills and math skills is a big plus. Previous experience in speech recognition/synthesis, statistical signal processing or machine learning is an asset.
Key words: speech recognition, speech synthesis, speaker verification, machine learning, data mining
Latest application date: 1/1/2012
Financing: available
Type of Position: scholarship. successful researchers will also potentially be offered consultant and contractor positions at a local speech recognition company.
Source of Funding: EU and national funds
International travel: funding available
Duration of the Project : 2-4 years
Contact: cenk.demiroglu@ozyegin.edu.tr
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6-6 | (2011-07-07) Programming position ELRA/ELDA Programming position
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6-7 | (2011-07-13)Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Arabic phonetics and phonology, Univ. York, UK The UK Economic and Social Research Council funded Intonational Variation in Arabic project is seeking a Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Arabic phonetics and phonology. Application information is available here: http://bit.ly/q1fkKl.
The closing date for applications is August 11th and we plan to interview on August 26th. Information about the Intonational Variation in Arabic project is available here: www.york.ac.uk/res/ivar/
I would be very grateful if you would forward this information to any students or colleagues who might wish to apply.
Best regards, Sam Hellmuth --------------------------------------------------- Department of Language & Linguistic Science
Times Higher Education University of the Year 2010
Intonational Variation in Arabic: www.york.ac.uk/res/ivar/
http://www.york.ac.uk/language/staff/academic-research/sam-hellmuth/ Email disclaimer: http://www.york.ac.uk/docs/disclaimer/email.htm
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6-8 | (2011-07-14)Postdoctoral Research Scientist Position open at Columbia University in Spoken Dialogue Systems Position Postdoctoral Research Scientist Position open at Columbia University in Spoken Dialogue Systems Position: Research and prototype development of a Spoken Dialogue System Project Description: The Spoken and Natural Language Processing groups at Columbia University in New York City have an opening for a computational linguist with expertise in research in and implementation of Spoken Dialogue Systems, with experience in Natural Language Generation. Some familiarity with multilingual processing is a plus. The Spoken Language Processing and Natural Language Processing groups are collaborating on a large DARPA project to develop state-of-the-art Spoken Dialogue Systems. We will experiment with developing new confidence metrics for guiding confirmation strategies, strategies for clarification sub-dialogues, new types of reference generation, and combining prosody and text to produce effective system prompts. The Speech Group and the NLP Group at Columbia have years of expertise in Natural Language Generation, Spoken Dialogue Systems, prosody, and multilingual processing and work in close collaboration with Research Scientists at the Columbia Center for Computational Learning Systems, who will also participate in this project. The successful candidate will be expected to play a major role in prototyping two Spoken Dialogue Systems to be built during different phases of the project and transferring these to a small team of developers who will create the final systems. One system will perform simple interactions with a robot, and the other will support dialogue in translation. The candidate will also play a major role in the research undertaken with these systems. The position is available for an initial period of two years with possible extension for 3 additional years, depending upon renewal of funding. Qualified applicants should have: • A PhD or equivalent to U.S. PhD in computational linguistics or spoken language processing • Several years’ experience with building spoken dialog systems and/or natural language generation systems • Familiarity with multilingual systems • Good implementational skills (Java, Python and/or C++) • Good English writing skills • The ability to work both independently and in a team in a multidisciplinary environment Conditions of Employment: the position is available from September/October 2011 or until filled Please address questions about the position and send your application and most current CV (and ask for 3 reference letters to be sent) in email to: Julia Hirschberg Department of Computer Science Columbia University julia@cs.columbia.edu Columbia is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer.
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6-9 | (2011-07-18) Deux postes de doctorants au LIMSI Le LIMSI (Laboratoire d'Informatique pour la Mécanique et les Sciences de l'Ingénieur) à Orsay ouvre deux postes de thèse de doctorat :
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6-11 | (2011-08-05) Research Associate/Assistant Vacancies in Cambridge University Dialogue Systems Group Research Associate/Assistant Vacancies in Cambridge University Dialogue Systems Group Applications are invited for research positions in statistical dialogue management, automatic speech recognition and statistical speech synthesis. The successful applicants will join a small team working on various aspects of spoken interaction with machines including:
Candidates should have, or expect to shortly receive, a PhD or have comparable research experience in one or more of the above areas. Salaries will be in the range £27428 to £35788 depending on qualifications and experience, and the starting date is flexible. This is an exciting opportunity to join one of the leading groups in statistical speech and language processing. Cambridge provides excellent research facilities and there are extensive opportunities for collaboration, visits and attending conferences. Further information on the work of the Dialogue Systems Group and more details on these vacancies can be found at: http://mi.eng.cam.ac.uk/research/dialogue/jobs.html Prospective candidates should send their CV as soon as possible to Dr Kai Yu or Prof Steve Young ({ky219,mailto:sjy11%7D@cam.ac.uk).
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6-12 | (2011-08-23) Postdoc position in Speech Recognition, Adaptation, Retrieval and Translation In Aalto University School of Science, Finland Postdoc position in Speech Recognition, Adaptation, Retrieval and Translation In Aalto University School of Science (previously known as Helsinki University of Technology) in Department of Information and Computer Science. http://research.ics.tkk.fi/speech/jobs11.shtml We are looking for a postdoc to join our research group working on machine learning and probabilistic modeling in speech recognition, adaptation, retrieval and translation. Speech recognition group (led by Mikko Kurimo) belongs to the national Center of Excellence in Adaptive Informatics (by prof Oja, 2006-2011) and Computational Inference (by prof Oja, 2012-2017) which are the successors to the Neural Networks Research Centre (by prof Kohonen, 1995-2005). We are happy to consider outstanding candidates interested in any of our research themes, for example: • large-vocabulary speech recognition • acoustic and language model adaptation • speech recognition in noisy environments • speech retrieval and translation based on unsupervised morpheme models • speech recognition in multimodal and multilingual interfaces and information retrieval • speech recognition in indexing streaming audio and video Postdoc: 1 year + extension possibilities. Starting date: As soon as possible. Position requires a relevant doctoral degree in CS or EE, skills for doing excellent research in a group, and outstanding research experience in any of the research themes mentioned above. The candidate is expected to perform high-quality research, and assist in supervising PhD students. In Helsinki you will join the innovative international computational data analysis and ICT community. Among European cities, Helsinki is special in being clean, safe, liberal, Scandinavian, and close to nature, in short, having a high standard of living. English is spoken everywhere. See. e.g. Visit Finland. Please attach a CV including a list of publications and email addresses of 2-3 people willing to give more information. Include a brief description of research interests and send the application by email to Mikko Kurimo, Mikko.Kurimo at tkk.fi Adaptive Informatics Research Centre, Department of Information and Computer Science, Aalto University School of Science
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6-13 | (2011-08-25) Position Announcement: Computational Linguistics at Ohio State Position Announcement: Computational Linguistics at Ohio State
The Department of Linguistics at the Ohio State University seeks candidates for a tenure-track Assistant Professor or tenured Associate Professor position in computational linguistics, starting Autumn 2012. Candidates should have a strong background in statistical modeling and machine learning, but otherwise the area of specialization within computational linguistics is open. Candidates are expected to have their Ph.D. completed by the time of the appointment. The new assistant or associate professor will be expected to be active in research and publication, to meet standard departmental teaching requirements and to perform service duties as required by the department and the university. Review of applications will begin on December 15, 2011, and will continue until the position is filled. Dossiers consisting of a letter of interest, current curriculum vitae and the names of three references should be sent to: Computational Linguistics Search Committee Department of Linguistics The Ohio State University 222 Oxley Hall 1712 Neil Avenue Columbus, OH 43210-1298 For questions, please contact Michael White (mwhite@ling.ohio-state.edu). For information about the Computational Linguistics and Language Technology group and the Department of Linguistics, please visit http://www.ling.ohio-state.edu/cllt/ and http://linguistics.osu.edu. The Ohio State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. Women, minorities, Vietnam-era veterans, disabled veterans, and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
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6-14 | (2011-08-26) PhD Scholarship in Human and Automatic Speaker Characterisation, Canberra Australia PhD Scholarship in Human and Automatic Speaker Characterisation A PhD Scholarship is offered for a maximum of 3 years in the area of speaker recognition and characterisation. The value of the stipend in 2011 is A$31,860 per annum, which corresponds to the current base level of the Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) plus a top-up of A$9,000 per annum. In the following years the stipend will be indexed to the base level of the APA plus the A$9,000 top-up. The award is tax-free in Australia. Applications close 15 September 2011 The University of Canberra, the Technical University of Berlin and Deutsche Telekom AG are undertaking a joint research project in the field of speaker recognition and speaker characterisation. The project will evaluate both human and automatic speaker recognition and speaker characterisation performance over different channels, and it will provide a framework of speech quality factors for high-quality voice services. The successful candidate will have a good honours degree or equivalent with research experience in speech or speaker recognition, digital signal processing and pattern recognition. He or she will conduct research towards the aims of the project under the supervision of Prof. Michael Wagner of the University of Canberra and Prof. Sebastian Möller of the Technical University of Berlin. The position is based at the University of Canberra, but will involve a substantial period, or periods, of time at the Technical University of Berlin. The continuation of the Scholarship is contingent upon satisfactory progress according to the rules for higher-degree-by-research (HDR) students at the University of Canberra and is limited to three years. At the University of Canberra, the candidate will be working within the Biometrics Research Group (formerly the National Centre for Biometric Studies), a research group working on biometric technology, applied to a range of authentication and forensic applications and including speech and image processing. At TU Berlin, the candidate will be hosted at the Quality and Usability Lab (www.qu.tu-berlin.de), which is part of Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, and will be integrated into a highly vibrant multidisciplinary research group dealing with all aspects of human-machine interaction. General information for prospective HDR students at the University of Canberra can be found at www.canberra.edu.au, and further information may be obtained from michael.wagner@canberra.edu.au and from sebastian.moeller@telekom.de. Both Prof. Wagner and Prof. Möller will also be available for direct contact at Interspeech 2011 in Florence. Applications including a CV are to be sent by email to michael.wagner@canberra.edu.au.
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6-15 | (2011-09-05) Postdoc position: Articulatory copy synthesis at LORIA (Nancy, France). Postdoc position: Articulatory copy synthesis at LORIA (Nancy, France). One year, start between October and December 2011 at LORIA (Nancy, France). Description The objective is to synthesize speech from dynamic and static articulatory data of the vocal tract. Several kinds of data are available: X-ray films recorded in the eighties, static MRI data of the vocal tract, EMA data (electromagnetography, i.e. positions of sensors glued onto speech articulators acquired at a frame rate of 200 Hz) and ultrasound images of the tongue registered with respect to the speaker’s head. We already built an adaptable articulatory model, which describes the 2D geometry of the vocal tract from the larynx to the lips. The area function of the vocal tract can be derived easily from this model. We thus plan to animate this model from EMA or ultrasound data. The second part of the postdoc deals with the connection between the dynamics of the vocal tract shape provided by the articulatory model and the acoustic simulation. The synthesizer developed by S. Maeda can generate any speech sound, i.e. consonants and vowels, but the difficulty is to pilot the transitions between vowels and consonants relevantly to avoid any spurious artifact. Expected skills Medical imaging, signal processing, acoustics, speech processing Contact: Yves.Laprie@loria.fr
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6-16 | (2011-09-14) TENURE TRACK OR TENURED POSITION IN SPEECH AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING, AALTO UNIVERSITY (FINLAND) Aalto University (http://www.aalto.fi/en/) is a new multidisciplinary university, where science and art meet technology and business. The University is located in Espoo and Helsinki in Finland. The new university's ambitious goal is to rank among the top universities in the world in its areas of specialization. Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering invites applications for: TENURE TRACK OR TENURED POSITION IN SPEECH AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING, which can be filled on any level from assistant professor to tenured professor The tenure track is open to talented individuals who have excellent potential for a scientific career. On the basis of their experience and competence, applicants will be placed on any of the four levels of the tenure track system: Assistant Professor (1), Assistant Professor (2), Associate Professor, or Full Professor. The candidates for the two first-mentioned levels are appointed for a fixed term, while the candidates for Associate Professor positions are appointed either permanently or for a fixed term. Full Professor positions are permanent. The position is located at the Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics (http://spa.tkk.fi/en/index/). The Department puts special emphasis on scientific publications in high-impact journals combined with industrial collaboration within ICT sector. The industrial relevance of the Department’s research is very high and the research groups have close cooperation with several ICT and other high-tech companies. In this call, the Department is seeking to hire highly qualified individuals for the position. The candidates should provide world class competence in speech and language processing or closely related fields supporting and complementing the present strong focus areas of the Department’s research and teaching. All qualified candidates in the study area are encouraged to apply. The dead line of the applications is October 31, 2011. Application call and instruction are available here: http://www.aalto.fi/en/current/jobs/professors/ For additional information, please contact Vice Head of the Department, Professor Paavo Alku (Paavo.Alku@aalto.fi).
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6-17 | (2011-10-5) Two positions at the University of Eastern Finland School of Computing, University of Eastern Finland
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6-18 | (2011-10-10) Research and teaching positions at LabEx EFL Paris RESEARCH and TEACHING POSITIONS for 2011-2012 in Paris Jacqueline Vaissière
Coordinateur EFL Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris3 (Sorbonne Paris Cité)
Institut Universitaire de France
Laboratoire Phonétique et Phonologie, LPP (CNRS/Paris3)
19 rue des Bernardins
75005 Paris tel: 06 15 93 94 71 (01 43 26 57 17: gestionnaire du laboratoire)
Pages du laboratoire: http://lpp.univ-paris3.fr Pages personnelles: http://www.personnels.univ-paris3.fr/users/vaissier/pub/ARTICLES/index.htm
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6-19 | (2011-10-24) Professeur de phonétique expérimentale- Université Paris-Diderot Université Paris Diderot Poste de Professeur. Profil : Phonétique expérimentale Le candidat, qui devra avoir une compétence en phonétique expérimentale (acoustique, articulatoire) ancrera son travail de recherche dans un programme s’articulant à un ou plusieurs autres domaines de la linguistique (phonologie, morphologie, syntaxe, sémantique). Un intérêt pour la prosodie ou pour l’étude linguistique des corpus oraux serait apprécié. Le candidat sera responsable de l’animation de la filière Phonétique Expérimentale de l’UFRL de Paris-Diderot et de l’encadrement des étudiants qui en relèvent. Enseignement : filières de formation concernées L3-M1-M2 de sciences du langage Enseignements fondamentaux obligatoires dans tous les cursus spécialités : - Linguistique théories descriptives- Linguistique informatique- FLE- Phonétique Activités de RechercheLe candidat sera responsable de l’animation de la filière Phonétique Expérimentale de l’UFRL de Paris-Diderot et de l’encadrement des étudiants qui en relèvent au sein du laboratoire de phonétique. Il axera sa recherche en phonétique expérimentale dans un programme adossé à un ou plusieurs autres domaines de la linguistique (phonologie, morphologie, syntaxe, sémantique). Equipe ou unité de recherche d’affectation Le candidat sera rattaché au laboratoire CLILLAC-ARP. Contact Philippe Martin : directeur UFR 01 57 27 57 87 philippe.martin@linguist.jussieu.fr Jeanine Mary : responsable administrative 01 57 27 57 80
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6-20 | (2011-10-28) Post-doc en traitement de la parole. LIA, Avignon, France Offre post-doctorale en traitement de la parole. Avignon, LIA. Dans le cadre du projet « Reconnaissance de personnes dans des contenus audiovisuels » (PERCOL), financé par l'ANR, le LIA souhaite recruter un chercheur post-doctorant dans le domaine du traitement automatique de la parole. Le thème de recherche principal portera sur l'identification de personnes dans des émissions télévisées, sur la base du signal audio uniquement. Dans ce contexte, le projet PERCOL vise à l'élaboration d'un système de reconnaissance de personnes, utilisant différentes modalités présentes dans les émissions télévisées ciblées : audio, image, vidéo et texte (sous-titres incrustés). Les partenaires du projet sont académiques (le LIF [Marseille], le LIA [Avignon] et le LIFL [Lilles]) et industriel (Orange Labs). Le post-doctorant aura en charge l'amélioration de la plateforme d'identification/suivi de personnes développée au LIA, basée sur le signal audio. Cette plateforme comprend un système de segmentation et de regroupement en locuteurs et un système d'identification de personnes à partir de la segmentation obtenue. Il sera amené à intervenir sur le système de transcription de la parole du LIA et interviendra également dans les travaux sur la fusion multimodale en collaboration avec les autres partenaires du projet. Le candidat devra posséder une thèse récente en informatique ou en traitement du signal avec une grande expérience en traitement de la parole et/ou en traitement et classification de signaux sonores. Il devra démontrer des connaissances théoriques et pratiques en reconnaissance des formes, classification et approches statistiques. Le LIA (http://lia.univ-avignon.fr) est une Equipe d'Accueil (EA n° 4128) qui regroupe les enseignants-chercheurs de l’Université d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse (UAPV) relevant de la 27e section du CNU ainsi que les ingénieurs, les doctorants et les stagiaires de MASTER durant la période consacrée à leur travail de recherche. Le post-doctorant rejoindra la thématique langage du laboratoire et travaillera avec les membres de la thématique travaillant sur le projet PERCOL. Le poste, d'une durée de 12 mois, éventuellement prolongée de 12 mois, est à pourvoir à partir du 1e janvier 2012. La rémunération est comprise entre 2000 et 2200 euros nets par mois, suivant l'expérience du candidat.
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6-21 | (2011-11-02) Postdoc in physiological data acquisition and processing in speech production- Laboratoire de phonetique et Phonologie (UMR 7018) Université de Paris 3 We offer a one year postdoc position in physiological data acquisition and processing in speech production within the 10-year LABEX project 'Empirical foundations of linguistics' that started in 2011. The position is based in Paris, at the Laboratoire de phonetique et Phonologie (UMR 7018) from the Université de Paris 3. This postdoctoral position is linked to the strand « Phonetic and phonological complexity - boosting empirical approaches » of the LABEX project, and will be supervised by Lise CREVIER-BUCHMAN.
The successful candidate will contribute to the physiological and acoustic data collection, and will elaborate signal processing methods and tools to analyse/assess voice and speech in normal and pathological populations. Her responsibilities will include selecting and recording acoustic and articulatory data (ultrasound, EGG, video with high speed imaging and aerodynamics), carrying out acoustic and articulatory analyses. She/he will undertake experiments of two types. One will consist in defining parameters for acoustical and physiological data collection and designing analysis methods. The second will consist in an attempt of modelling phonatory and articulatory behaviours for i) normal standard and non standard productions such as whispered voice or singing styles, ii) and pathological productions. The aim is to better understand deviant speech production mechanisms and compensation capabilities.
The candidate will have a PhD in Engineering or signal processing (audio and video) with, if possible, some knowledge of experimental phonetics and speech sciences. More information on the position can be found at http://www.labex-efl.org/?q=en/hiring/2012 or by contacting Lise CREVIER-BUCHMAN(lise.crevier@univ-paris3.fr)
Application deadline is April 10th 2012.
Candidate should send a CV with list of publications, a site web where publications can be found and the names of two referents to Martine Adda-Decker (madda@limsi.fr)
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6-22 | (2011-11-03) PhD position on speech synthesis, Vienna, Austria. The Telecommunications Research Center Vienna, Austria (FTW) is currently hiring for the following position:
PhD position on speech synthesis, Vienna, Austria.
The Telecommunications Research Center Vienna, Austria (FTW) is a dynamic company with an international atmosphere that carries out application-oriented research on communication solutions for different application fields. Our mission is to fill the gap between science and industry, pursuing a challenging research program in collaboration with both academic and industrial partners. The successful candidate will work within a 3-year basic research project on acoustic modeling and transformation of language varieties in FTW’s Cognitive Interface group in the area of User Interaction and Communication Economics. You can find more information starting with November 9, 2012 on www.ftw.at. Informal inquiries can be made by email to Dr. Michael Pucher (pucher@ftw.at). On more information on our current and past projects in this field please visit https://portal.ftw.at/projects/avds/ and https://portal.ftw.at/projects/vsds/. The application closes on 15.12.2011. The earliest possible starting date is 01.2.2012
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6-23 | (2011-11-05) Postdoc position at Northeastern University Applications are invited for an anticipated postdoctoral position at Northwestern University in the area of computational modeling of the lexicon in many different languages. The postdoctoral fellow will work with linguistics professor Janet Pierrehumbert as a member of an interdisciplinary team that includes outstanding computer scientists and electrical engineers at four other American research institutions. The Northwestern component of the collaborative project will focus on novel methods for bootstrapping lexical networks from sparse statistical samples. The ideal candidate will have a Ph.D in computational linguistics, EECS, applied mathematics, or physics, and the demonstrated ability to create and document robust software. Familiarity with C, Python and Unix/Linux environments are a plus.
Negotiable start date in early 2012. Competitive salary scale comparable to postdoctoral positions in computer science. Initial appointment for one year with renewal subject to performance and availability of funding. Please apply by email with a statement of research interests and a CV including the names and contact information for three references. Send the application to: linguistics@northwestern.edu using the subject line: Pierrehumbert postdoc The application should arrive by December 10, 2011 to receive fullest consideration.
Northwestern is an Equal Opportunity Employer, and applications are encouraged from all qualified junior researchers. Hiring is contingent on eligibility to work in the United States. Non-US-residents will receive consideration for the position.
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6-24 | (2012-10-27) Postdoc position in physiological data acquisition and processing in speech production LABEX project, Université Paris 3 We offer a one year postdoc position in physiological data acquisition and processing in speech production within the 10-year LABEX project 'Empirical foundations of linguistics' that started in 2011. The position is based in Paris, at the Laboratoire de phonetique et Phonologie (UMR 7018) from the Université de Paris 3. This postdoctoral position is linked to the strand « Phonetic and phonological complexity - boosting empirical approaches » of the LABEX project, and will be supervised by Lise CREVIER-BUCHMAN.
The successful candidate will contribute to the physiological and acoustic data collection, and will elaborate signal processing methods and tools to analyse/assess voice and speech in normal and pathological populations. Her responsibilities will include selecting and recording acoustic and articulatory data (ultrasound, EGG, video with high speed imaging and aerodynamics), carrying out acoustic and articulatory analyses. She/he will undertake experiments of two types. One will consist in defining parameters for acoustical and physiological data collection and designing analysis methods. The second will consist in an attempt of modelling phonatory and articulatory behaviours for i) normal standard and non standard productions such as whispered voice or singing styles, ii) and pathological productions. The aim is to better understand deviant speech production mechanisms and compensation capabilities.
The candidate will have a PhD in Engineering or signal processing (audio and video) with, if possible, some knowledge of experimental phonetics and speech sciences.
More information on the position can be found at http://www.labex-efl.org/?q=en/hiring/2012 or by contacting Lise CREVIER-BUCHMAN(lise.crevier@univ-paris3.fr)
Application deadline is April 10th 2012.
Candidate should send a CV with list of publications, a site web where publications can be found and the names of two referents to Martine Adda-Decker (madda@limsi.fr)
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6-25 | (2011-11-09) Postdoc at Aix-en-Provence, France Proposition de post-doctorat à Aix-en-Provence (France), à partir de février 2012, pour une durée de 1 an renouvelable 1 fois. ANR MINPROGEST Rôle de la théorie de l’esprit dans la construction du sens L'objectif général du projet ANR MINDPROGEST est de déterminer, en français, quel rôle joue l'attribution des états mentaux (intention, croyance, connaissance) aux autres - encore appelée théorie de l'esprit (ToM) ou mindreading – dans la construction du sens. La conversation étant le site fondamental de l'utilisation du langage, un défi majeur consistera à déterminer ce rôle de la ToM dans le contexte de l'interaction sociale chez des individus atteints de schizophrénie et des personnes sans pathologie. On connaît le rôle majeur que joue la prosodie dans la construction du sens et notamment dans l’expression et la reconnaissance des intentions (via sa fonction attitudinale). L’intérêt pour le sens, de plus en plus manifeste aujourd’hui dans les études en prosodie, se traduira par l’exploration plus spécifique de la dimension intonative de la prosodie. Dans ce projet, il s’agira donc d’étudier les contours intonatifs en tant qu’ils véhiculent des informations relatives à l’attribution et la reconnaissance d’états mentaux à l’autre en vue de construire le sens. Une approche multidisciplinaire (linguistique, psychologie, neurosciences et santé mentale) sera adoptée pour étudier la contribution des mécanismes linguistiques et cognitifs à la construction du sens. Mots-clés : prosodie, sens de l’intonation, contours intonatifs, pragmatique, théorie de l’esprit, schizophrénie. Profil du/de la canditat(e) : Pour ce projet multidisciplinaire, le/la candidat(e) sera titulaire d’un doctorat en prosodie (de préférence sur la prosodie du français). La maîtrise (quasi) native du français est requise. Une bonne connaissance des approches phonologiques de l’intonation et de la problématique du sens de l’intonation ainsi que la maîtrise des méthodes expérimentales d’investigation de ces questions seront déterminantes. Le dossier de candidature comprendra : a) Un CV b) Une lettre de motivation décrivant les intérêts de recherche du/de la canditat(e) c) 2 lettres de recommandation et/ou le nom et les coordonnées de 2 personnes référentes Financement : subvention ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) Salaire : selon les normes du CNRS Contact : Maud Champagne-Lavau email: maud.champagne-lavau@lpl-aix.fr Laboratoire Parole et Langage UMR 6057, CNRS 5 Av. Pasteur B.P. 80975 13604 Aix-en-Provence, France Téléphone : (33) 04 88 78 57 07 Laboratoire Parole et Langage http://www.lpl.univ-aix.fr/ http://lpl-aix.fr/person/bertrand http://lpl-aix.fr/person/portes
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6-26 | (2011-11-15) Postdoc position at Institut Eurecom, Sophia Antipolis, France Post-Doctoral Research Position (M/F) at EURECOM, France Title: Speaker modeling, recognition and diarization Department: Multimedia Communications URL: http://www.eurecom.fr/mm.en.htm Start date: January/February 2012 Duration: 18 months contract Description: EURECOM?s Multimedia Communications Department invites applications for a full-time, 18-month post-doctoral research position (M/F) to work in speaker modeling, recognition and diarization within its Speech and Audio Processing Research Group. The group participates in a growing number of national, European and direct, industrial research projects. The performance of text-independent speaker recognition and speaker diarization systems typically degrades when only limited speaker-specific training data is available. Under such circumstances speaker models can be biased or poorly normalized across phones. Linguistic mismatch in test or clustering data leads to degraded speaker recognition and diarization performance respectively. This work will investigate new normalisation and marginalization approaches to improve speaker modeling and hence the robustness of recognition and diarization systems to nuisance and linguistic variation. The position is linked to the on-going Adaptable Ambient LIving ASsistant (ALIAS) project which is funded through the joint-national/European Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) programme. The ALIAS project, which involves several European academic and industrial partners, aims to develop a mobile robot system that interacts with elderly users, monitors and provides cognitive assistance in daily life, and promotes social inclusion by creating connections to people and events in the wider world. You will be required to work on the research, development and integration of speaker diarization, localization and recognition systems to identify and track different users in the context of an adaptable speech interface. The candidate is expected to represent EURECOM at technical project meetings and related international scientific events and conferences. Requirements: The successful candidate will have been awarded a PhD degree in a relevant field of speech processing prior to their joining EURECOM. You will have a strong research track record with significant publications at leading international conferences. Experience of collaborative research projects at the European level is desirable. You will be highly motivated to undertake challenging, applied research and have excellent English language speaking and writing skills. French language skills are a bonus. Applications: Please send to the address below (i) a one page statement of research interests and motivation, (ii) your CV and (iii) contact details for two referees (preferably one from your PhD or most recent research supervisor). The screening of applications will begin immediately and the search will continue until the position is filled. As part of its policy of promoting gender diversity, especially in computer science and scientific professions, EURECOM encourages women to apply for positions predominantly held by men. Contact: Dr Nicholas Evans Postal address: 2229 Route des Crêtes BP 193, F-06904 Sophia Antipolis cedex, France Email address: evans@eurecom.fr Web address: http://www.eurecom.fr/main/institute/job.en.htm Phone: +33/0 4 93 00 81 14 Fax: +33/0 4 93 00 82 00 EURECOM is a graduate school and a Research center in Communication Systems, located in Sophia Antipolis technology park, in close proximity with a large number of research units of leading multinational corporations in the telecommunications, semiconductor and biotechnology sectors, as well as other outstanding research and teaching institutions. EURECOM was founded in 1991 by TELECOM ParisTech (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications) and EPFL (Swiss federal institute of Lausanne) in a consortium form, combining academic and industrial partners. EURECOM deploys its expertise around three major fields: Networking and security, Multimedia Communications and Mobile Communications and has a strong international scope and strategy. EURECOM is particularly active in research in its areas of excellence while also training a large number of doctoral candidates. Its contractual research is recognized across Europe and contributes largely to its budget. --
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6-27 | (2011-11-15) 2-4 PhD positions in Speech Technology and Communication at KTH 2-4 PhD positions in Speech Technology and Communication at KTH The goal of the positions is to contribute to the research foundation for speech technology in tomorrows conversational systems. Anticipated specializations •1. Conversational human-robot interaction •2. Speech synthesis for human-like dialog •3. Avatars that interact through speech, gesture or sign language •4. Studies of situation-sensitive dialogue behavior Links to more detailed descriptions on KTH's main website: http://www.kth.se/om/work-at-kth/vacancies/phd-students-in-speech-technology-and-communication-1.205567?l=en_UK More information about our department can be found here: http://www.speech.kth.se/
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6-28 | (2011-11-15) Research Associate/Research Fellow - Natural Speech Technology Research Associate/Research Fellow - Natural Speech Technology Fixed-term for 3 years Salary: Research Associate - Grade 7: £28,251 to £35,788 per annum Research Fellow - Grade 8: £36,862 to £44,016 per annum Closing Date 6 December 2011 The Speech and Hearing research group in the Department of Computer Science (SPandH) is a partner in the EPSRC Programme Grant in Natural Speech Technology (NST), in collaboration with the Universities of Edinburgh and Cambridge. NST is a large and ambitious project, aiming to significantly advance the state-of-the-art in speech technology by making it more natural, approaching human levels of reliability, adaptability and conversational richness. The total duration of the NST programme is 5 years and it is organised in themes that cover a diverse set of collaborative studies in speech recognition and synthesis. Applications, practical demonstrations and interaction with technology users in industry are also part of the programme. The successful applicant will work on speech recognition research topics under the NST programme at Sheffield. SPandH has developed state-of-the-art automatic speech recognition systems that have repeatedly shown best performance in international competitions (U.S. NIST) and are publicly available (www.webasr.org). In clinical applications, SPandH has introduced a user-driven methodology for personalised speech technology. Together, these advances form the foundation for Sheffield work within NST. Excellent computing resources are available to allow ambitious experiments with innovative ideas. This is an opportunity to work in a well-connected international team with world-leading reputations in speech recognition research and in collaboration with outstanding groups at the Centre for Speech Technology Research at Edinburgh and the Machine Intelligence Lab at Cambridge University. Applicants should have a PhD (or have equivalent experience) in a related subject area. Applicants are required to have a good track record in research of speech recognition and/or machine learning topics. Experience in one or more of the following areas will be an advantage: statistical machine learning , pattern processing signal processing acoustic or language modelling for automatic speech recognition Solid knowledge of Unix type operating systems and programming in C/C++ is required. For an appointment at Research Fellow level, experience in research management is essential as candidates are expected to take a leading role in site scientific management. For further information see http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/ADM425/research-associate-research-fellow For informal enquiries please contact Thomas Hain (t.hain@dcs.shef.ac.uk) or Phil Green (p.green@dcs.shef.ac.uk). --
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6-29 | (2011-11-15) Three Funded Studentships in Speech Technology & Machine Learning at Sheffield Three Funded Studentships in Speech Technology & Machine Learning at Sheffield Up to three funded Ph.D. studentships are available in the Speech and Hearing Research Group in the Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield UK. These studentships are supported by the EPSRC programme grant in Natural Speech Technology (http://www.natural-speech-technology.org/) and associated funding sources. Project topics will be defined within the following areas: - Techniques for unsupervised learning from continuous streams of speech data, - Models that adapt to new scenarios and speaking styles, - Recognisers that can detect 'who spoke what, when, and how' in any acoustic environment and task domain, - Personal Adaptive Listening systems for people with communication disorders. For more details, visit http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/ADM394/phd-research-studentships-natural-speech-technology/ For informal enquiries please contact Thomas Hain (t.hain@dcs.shef.ac.uk) or Phil Green (pdg@dcs.shef.ac.uk).
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6-30 | (2011-11-15) Researcher in speech synthesis (f/m) at the Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien (FTW) is a dynamic company with an international atmosphere that carries out application-oriented research on communication technology. Our mission is to fill the gap between science and industry, pursuing a challenging research program in collaboration with both academic and industrial partners. Currently we are hiring for the following position: Researcher in speech synthesis (f/m) Long-term goal of the research is to embed context-sensitive speech synthesis in the application scenarios at FTW: personal communication, intelligent transport systems, and intelligent energy networks. Initially the successful candidate will work on acoustic modeling and transformation of language varieties, embedded in the team of the Research Area ‘User Interaction and Communication Economics’. Your responsibilities: Acoustic modeling and transformation of language varieties for speech synthesis Transfer of results to application scenarios in focus of FTW Publish and present research work at international workshops, conferences, and journals Pursue a PhD thesis in the field of speech synthesis for context-dependent human-machine communication scenarios Contribute to overall strategic and applied research activities within the center and co-operate with our industrial partners Qualification requirements: University degree in computer science, electrical engineering, mathematics, linguistics or a related field Experience in one or more of the following fields: statistical modeling and machine learning, acoustic modeling, computational linguistics, speech signal processing, speech processing Strong programming skills in one or more of the following languages: Perl, Python, shell scripting, C, Java Proficiency in English (oral and written), additional language skills in German are an advantage Since the project deals with the modeling of Austrian German varieties a willingness to learn German is required Ability to combine theoretical reasoning with practical applications and evaluations On more information on our current and past projects in this field please visit https://portal.ftw.at/projects/avds/ and https://portal.ftw.at/projects/vsds/. Please send your complete application (CV, covering letter, certificates) to: FTW Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien GmbH attn.: Mag. Ulrike Gemassmer Donau-City-Straße 1 A-1220 Wien Österreich or via Email to bewerbung-amtv@ftw.at
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6-31 | (2011-11-24) PhD student in Sonification Research at the Institute for Electronic Music and Acoustics of the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (Austria) PhD student in Sonification Research
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6-32 | (2011-12-01) Ph.D. Program Carnegie Mellon | PORTUGAL Ph.D. Program Carnegie Mellon | PORTUGAL in the area of Language and Information Technologies Deadline: December 15, 2011 The Language Technologies Institute (LTI) of the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University offers a dual degree Ph.D. Program in Language and Information Technologies in cooperation with Portuguese Universities. This Ph.D. program is part of the Carnegie Mellon | Portugal Partnership. The Language Technologies Institute, a world leader in the areas of speech processing, language processing, information retrieval, machine translation, machine learning, and bio-informatics, has been formed 20 years ago. The breadth of language technologies expertise at LTI enables new research in combinations of the core subjects, for example, in speech-to-speech translation, spoken dialog systems, language-based tutoring systems, and question/answering systems. The Portuguese consortium of Universities includes (but is not limited to) the Spoken Language Systems Lab (L2F) of INESC-ID Lisbon/IST, the University of Lisbon (FLUL), the University of Beira Interior (UBI) and the University of Algarve (UALG). These Universities share expertise in the same language technologies as LTI, although with a strong focus on processing the Portuguese language. The LT program involves 1 or 2 new PhD students every year. Each Ph.D. student will receive a dual degree from LTI and the selected Portuguese University, being co-supervised by one advisor from each institute, and spending approximately half of the 5-year doctoral program at each institute.The academic part will be done during the first 2 years, including a maximum of 8 courses, with a proper balance of focus areas (Linguistic, Computer Science, Statistical/Learning, Task Orientation). The remaining 3 years of the doctoral program will be dedicated to research. The thesis topic will be in one of the research areas of the cooperation program, defined by the two advisors. Two multilingual topics have been identified as primary research areas (although other areas of human language technologies may be also contemplated): computer assisted language learning (CALL) and speech-to-speech machine translation (S2SMT). The doctoral students will be involved in one of the collaborative projects between LTI and the Portuguese Universities aimed at building real HLT systems. The scholarship will be funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Portugal. How to Apply The application deadline for the LT Ph.D. program in the scope of the CMU-Portugal partnership is December 15. Students interested in the dual doctoral program must apply by filling the corresponding form at the LTI webpage. For more information about the joint degree doctoral program in LT, send email to the coordinators of the program: •Isabel.Trancoso at inesc-id dot pt •LTI_Portugal_Admissions at cs dot cmu dot edu The applications will be screened by a joint committee formed by representatives of LTI and of the Portuguese Universities. The candidates should indicate their scores in GRE and TOEFL tests. Despite the particular focus on the Portuguese language, applications are not in any way restricted to native or non-native speakers of Portuguese. Program Highlights REAP.PT project http://call.l2f.inesc-id.pt/reap.public/ PT-STAR project http://pt-star.l2f.inesc-id.pt/ptstar/ See also Priberam Machine Learning Lunch Seminars http://www.priberam.pt/Empresa/Inovacao/Seminarios.aspx Lisbon Machine Learning Summer School http://lxmls.it.pt/
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6-33 | (2011-12-01) Post-doctoral position in Cognitive Neuroscience Post-doctoral position in Cognitive Neuroscience