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ISCApad Archive  »  2011  »  ISCApad #158  »  Events  »  ISCA Supported Events

ISCApad #158

Thursday, August 04, 2011 by Chris Wellekens

3-2 ISCA Supported Events
3-2-1(2011-08-24) CfP SLaTE-2011 workshop Venice, Italy


We would like to invite you to submit a paper to the SLaTE-2011 workshop
August 24-26, 2011 (before Interspeech-2011 in Florence, Italy)
Ca' Foscari University, Venice, Italy

The ISCA (International Speech Communication Association) Special Interest Group (SIG) on Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE) promotes the use of speech and language technology for educational purposes, and provides a forum for exchanging information (

The workshop will address all topics related to SLaTE, such as:
- Speech technology for education
- Natural language processing for education
- Spoken dialogue systems for education
- Applications using speech and/or natural language processing for education
- Intelligent tutoring systems using speech and natural language
- Development of language resources for SLaTE applications
- Assessment of SLaTE methods and applications

We especially welcome contributions on the future of Speech and Language Technology in Education, e.g. mobile learning, serious gaming, virtual reality, social media (networks), etc.
In addition, we would like to invite demonstrations of systems.

Full 4-page papers should be submitted before April 8, 2011.
Notification of acceptance or rejection of papers will be given by June 10, 2011.
For further information see
If you have questions, you can send an e-mail to SLaTE2011-org (at)

SLaTE-2011 will be organized by Helmer Strik, Catia Cucchiarini (Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands, technical program), Rodolfo Delmonte and Rocco Tripodi (Ca' Foscari University, Venice, Italy, local organizers), within the framework of the ISCA-SIG SLaTE (see

Best regards,
Helmer Strik, Catia Cucchiarini, Rodolfo Delmonte, and Rocco Tripodi
The SLaTE-2011 Organizing Committee


3-2-2(2011-08-31) AVSP 2011 The 11th International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing

AVSP 2011 The 11th International Conference
on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing

August 31 - September 3, 2011

Volterra, Italy

The 11th international conference on Auditory-Visual Speech
Processing (AVSP) will be held from August 31 to September 3,
2011, directly following the INTERSPEECH2011 conference.

AVSP is a uniquely interdiciplinary conference, being focused on
synergy effects of auditory and visual speech information on
human perception, machine recognition, and human-machine
interaction. AVSP conferences have attracted a lot of researchers
in various fields, such as psychologists, computer engineers,
neuroscientists, linguists, phoneticians, and robot engineers.

The AVSP2011 conference will consist of oral and poster
presentations, a demo session and lectures by invited speakers
(announced later).

Submission of papers or demo proposals are invited in any areas
of auditory-visual speech processing including but not limited
* Audio-visual speech synthesis
* Audio-visual speech recognition by humans and machines
* Models of multimodal integration
* Multimodal processing of spoken events
* Cross-linguistic studies of audio-visual speech processing
* Developmental studies of audio-visual speech processing
* Role of gestures accompanying speech
* Audio-visual prosody
* Modeling, animation and recognition of gestures and expressions
* Neurophysiology and neuropsychology of audition and vision
* Scene analysis using audio and visual information
* Novel techniques for animation of talking faces
* Data collection and corpora for audio-visual speech processing

Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline      5 May 2011 (Final)
Notification of Acceptance     16 June 2011
Camera-ready Paper             1 July 2011
Early Registration Deadline    27 June 2011
Late Registration Deadline     22 August 2011
Conference                     31 August - 3 September 2011


Prospective participants can submit a contribution in one of two
1. Full 4 or 6 page papers
2. 1 page demo proposals. Accepted proposals will be presented
  during a demo session at the conference

Submission instructions can be found on the conference website Submissions in both formats will be
reviewed by members of the scientific committee.

Organizing Committee

Jonas Beskow
Olov Engwall
Giampiero Salvi
Samer Al Moubayed

(Department of Speech, Music, and Hearing. KTH, Sweden.)

Scientific Committee

Gerard Bailly (GIPSA)
Piero Cosi (U.PADOVA)
Darren Cosker (U. BATH)
Sacha Fagel (ZOOBE)
Gabriele Fanelli (ETZH)
Björn Granström (KTH)
Valerie Hazan (UCL)
David House (KTH)
Carlos Ishi (ATR)
Alexandra Jesse (UMASS AMHERST)
Christian Kroos (MARCS)
Francisco Lacerda (STOCKHOLM U.)
Dominic W. Massaro (UCSC)
Slim Ouni (LORIA)
Catherine Pelachaud (PARIS TECH)
Gerasimos Potamianos (FORTH)
Laurel Riek (CAMBRIDGE)
Kaoru Sekiyama (U. KUMAMOTO)
Barry-John Theobald (UEA)

Registration Fees

Registration for the conference includes accommodation (3 nights),
meals and printed proceedings. Preliminary rates for early
registrants are 500 EUR for single room and 400 EUR for shared
double. Student attendees are encouraged to seek grants for
participation through ISCA.

Conference Website and Contact Info


3-2-3(2011-09-01) CfP IWSDS2011 - Special Tracks

Call for Papers
IWSDS2011 - Special Tracks
Granada, Spain, September 1-3, 2011

Following on the success of IWSDS2009 (in Irsee, Germany) and IWSDS2010
(in Gotemba Kogen Resort, Japan) this 3rd International Workshop on
Spoken Dialogue Systems (IWSDS2011) will bring together researchers from
all over the world working in the field of spoken dialogue systems. It
will provide an international forum for the presentation of research and
applications and for lively discussions among researchers as well as industrialists.

This year's workshop designates 'Paralinguistic Information and its
Integration in Spoken Dialogue Systems' as a special theme of
discussion, considering three Special Tracks:

- Spoken dialogue systems for robotics
- Emotions and spoken dialogue systems
- Spoken dialogue systems for real-world applications

We would also like to encourage discussions of common issues of spoken
dialogue systems.

The workshop will be held just after INTERSPEECH 2011, Florence, Italy,
August 28-31, 2011. It is endorsed by SIGDIAL, a SIG of ISCA and ACL,
and is supported by the Korean Society of Speech Scientists. The
workshop proceedings will be published in a book by Springer.

Web page of the workshop

Important dates

June  3, 2011: Deadline for Long, Short and Demo papers
June 13, 2011: Author notification
June 19, 2011: Deadline for final submission of accepted paper
June 26, 2011: Deadline for early registration
September 1-3, 2011: Workshop


Ramon Lopez-Cozar Delgado - University of Granada, Spain
Tetsunori Kobayashi - Waseda University, Japan

Steering Committee

Gary Geunbae Lee - POSTECH, Pohang, Korea
Joseph Mariani - LIMSI-CNRS and IMMI, Orsay, France
Wolfgang Minker - Ulm University, Germany
Satoshi Nakamura - NICT, Kyoto, Japan

Local Committee

Zoraida Callejas - University of Granada, Spain
David Griol - Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain
Gonzalo Espejo - University of Granada, Spain
Nieves Abalos - University of Granada, Spain

Scientific Committee

Jan Alexandersson - DFKI, Saarbrücken, Germany
Masahiro Araki- Interactive Intelligence lab, Kyoto Institute of
Technology, Japan
André Berton - Daimler R&D, Ulm, Germany
Sadaoki Furui - Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
Joakim Gustafson - KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
Tobias Heinroth - Ulm University, Germany
Paul Heisterkamp - Daimler Research, Ulm, Germany
Kristiina Jokinen - University of Helsinki, Finland
Tatsuya Kawahara - Kyoto University, Japan
Hong Kook Kim - Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
Lin-Shan Lee - National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Mike McTear - University of Ulster, UK
Mikio Nakano - Honda Research Institute, Japan
Elmar Nöth - University of Erlangen, Germany
Norbert Reithinger - DFKI, Saarbrücken, Germany
Gabriel Skantze - KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
Alexander Schmitt - Ulm University, Germany
Kazuya Takeda - Graduate School of Information Science, Nagoya
University, Japan
Hsin-min Wang - Academia Sinica, Taiwan


3-2-4(2011-09-01) IWSDS2011 Workshop on Paralinguistic Information and its Integration in Spoken Dialogue Systems: satellite event of Interspeech 2011


Dear colleagues,

It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in this

IWSDS2011 Workshop on Paralinguistic Information and its Integration in Spoken Dialogue Systems

to be held at Saray hotel in Granada, Spain from September 1 to September 3, 2011.

Following on the success of IWSDS2009 (in Irsee, Germany) and IWSDS2010 (in Gotemba Kogen Resort, Japan) this 3rd International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems (IWSDS2011) will bring together researchers from all over the world working in the field of spoken dialogue systems. It will provide an international forum for the presentation of research and applications and for lively discussions among researchers as well as industrialists.

This year's workshop designates 'Paralinguistic Information and its Integration in Spoken Dialogue Systems' as a special theme of discussion.  We would also like to encourage discussions of common issues of spoken dialogue systems.

The workshop will be held just after INTERSPEECH 2011; Florence, Italy, August 28-31, 2011 and is endorsed by SIGDIAL, a SIG of ISCA, and ACL. It is also supported by the Korean Society of Speech Scientists. The workshop proceedings will be published in a book by Springer.

We welcome you to the workshop.

Ramón López-Cózar - University of Granada (Spain)
Tetsunori Kobayashi - Waseda University (Japan)
Chairs of IWSDS2011

For questions, please contact:


3-2-5(2011-12-15) (Call for demos) IEEE workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding

ASRU 2011
Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop
Big Island, Hawaii
December 11-15, 2011
Demonstration Call for Proposals
> Deadline: September 15, 2011 <

The program committee for the 12th biannual IEEE workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and
Understanding is accepting proposals for the Show & Tell demonstration session event that will be held
during the conference. The Demonstration session has become an exciting highlight of the ASRU
workshops. The event will include demonstrations of latest innovations by research groups in industry,
academia and government. Demonstrations can be related to any of the topics defined by ASRU:
• ASR / LV CSR Systems
• Language Modeling
• Acoustic Modeling
• Decoder Search
• Spoken Language Understanding
• Spoken Dialog Systems
• Multilingual Speech & Language Processing
• Robustness in ASR
• Spoken Document Retrieval
• Speech-to-Speech Translation
• Text-to-Speech Systems
• Speech Summarization
• New Applications of ASR
• Speech Signal Processing
The deadline for submission of Show & Tell demos proposals is September 15, 2011 with notification
of acceptance by September 29, 2011. Submissions will be mailed to the Demonstration Chairs.
Proposals should include the demonstration title, list of authors, and an abstract of no more than one
page. The abstract should clearly explain what is novel and innovative in the proposed demonstration.
Show & Tell demonstrations should have an interactive component (i.e., should be more than a simple
computer simulation or graph).
Each demonstration will be allotted one table, space for a poster, and a power outlet. Presenters are
responsible for all other equipment and shipping to and from the conference. At request wireless
Internet connection will also be available and, if you have special requirements, please contact the
Demonstration Chairs.
ASRU 2011
the Demonstration Chairs
Patrick Nguyen (e-mail:
Olivier Siohan(e-mail:


3-2-6(2011-12-15) Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop ASRU 2011
 ASRU 2011
            Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop
                               Big Island, Hawaii
                              December 11-15, 2011

The deadline for submitting papers is 1 July 2011. The website will not accept any submissions after July 1st 11:59PM Hawaiian time. Please be sure to submit your papers by:

** Workshop overview and topics **
The twelfth IEEE workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU) will be held on December 11-15, 2011. The ASRU workshop meets every two years and has a tradition of bringing together researchers from academia and industry in an intimate and collegial setting to discuss problems of common interest in automatic speech recognition and understanding.

Submission of papers in all areas of human language technology is encouraged, with emphasis placed on:
- Automatic speech recognition and understanding
- Human speech recognition and understanding
- Speech-to-text systems
- Spoken dialog systems
- Multilingual language processing
- Robustness in ASR
- Spoken document retrieval
- Speech-to-speech translation
- Text-to-speech systems
- Spontaneous speech processing
- Speech summarization
- New applications of ASR

** Schedule **
Paper submission deadline: 1 July 2011
Paper acceptance/rejection: 20 August 2011
Early registration deadline: 15 October 2011
Workshop: 11-15 December 2011

** Technical Program **
The workshop program will consist of oral and poster presentations, including invited overview lectures covering major areas of the field.  In addition, there will be four keynote addresses by well-known experts on such related topics as machine learning and pattern classification.

** Submission Procedure **
Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length, 4-6 page papers, including figures and references, to the ASRU 2011 website ( All papers will be handled and reviewed electronically. The website will provide you with further details.  Please note that the submission dates for papers are strict deadlines.

** Registration and information **
Please note that the number of attendees will be limited and priority will be given to paper presenters. Registration will be handled via the ASRU 2011 website,, where more information on the workshop will be available. 



3-2-7(2012-06-04) JEP 2012 Grenoble



29e Journées d'Études sur la Parole

Grenoble du 4 au 8 juin 2012


Date limite de soumission : 31 janvier 2012

Notification aux auteurs : 20 mars 2012

Date limite de soumission des versions définitives : 15 avril 2012

Conférence : 4-8 juin 2012


Organisée par l'équipe GETALP du LIG (Laboratoire Informatique de Grenoble), le LIDILEM (Laboratoire de linguistique et didactique des langues étrangères et maternelles) et le département DPC du Gipsa-lab, les JEP'2012 se tiendront du 4 au 8 juin 2012 à Grenoble à l'occasion de la conférence jointe JEP-TALN-RECITAL'2012.

JEP-TALN-RECITAL'2012 regroupe la 29ème édition des Journées d'Étude sur la Parole (JEP'2012), la 19ème édition de la conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN'2012) et la 14ème édition des Rencontres des Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (RECITAL'2012).

Pour la quatrième fois, après Nancy en 2002, Fès en 2004, et Avignon en 2008, l'AFCP (Association Francophone pour la Communication Parlée) et l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) organisent conjointement leur principale conférence afin de réunir en un seul lieu les deux communautés du traitement de la langue orale et écrite.

Les JEP'2012 comprendront des communications orales et affichées et des conférences invitées.

Les communications porteront sur la parole dans ses différents aspects. Les thèmes de la conférence incluent, de façon non limitative :

  • Acoustique de la parole
  • Acquisition de la parole et du langage
  • Analyse, codage et compression de la parole
  • Applications à composantes orales (dialogue, indexation, interaction, etc)
  • Apprentissage d'une langue seconde
  • Communication multimodale
  • Dialectologie
  • Évaluation, corpus et ressources
  • Langues en danger
  • Modèles de langage
  • Pathologies de la parole
  • Perception de parole
  • Phonétique et phonologie
  • Phonétique clinique
  • Prises de position présentant un point de vue sur les sciences et technologies de la parole
  • Production de parole
  • Prosodie
  • Psycholinguistique
  • Reconnaissance et compréhension de la parole
  • Reconnaissance de la langue
  • Reconnaissance du locuteur
  • Signaux sociaux, sociophonétique
  • Synthèse de la parole

Critères de Sélection
Les auteurs sont invités à soumettre des travaux de recherche originaux, n'ayant pas fait l'objet de publications antérieures. Les contributions proposées seront examinées par au moins deux spécialistes du domaine. Seront considérées en particulier :

  • l’importance et l’originalité de la contribution ;
  • la discussion critique des résultats, en particulier par rapport aux autres travaux du domaine ;
  • la situation des travaux présentés dans le contexte de la recherche internationale ;
  • l’organisation et la clarté de la présentation ;
  • l’adéquation aux thèmes de la conférence. 

Les articles sélectionnés seront publiés dans les actes de la conférence.

Modalités de Soumission

Les articles soumis ne devront pas dépasser 4 pages en Times 10, sur deux colonnes, format A4.

Les différents modèles (Word, Word 2007, OpenOffice Writer et LaTeX) seront disponibles sur le site internet de la conférence (à venir cet automne).

Contact :

L'AFCP offre un certain nombre de bourses pour les doctorants et jeunes chercheurs désireux de prendre part à la conférence, voir le site de l'AFCP

L'ISCA apporte également un soutien financier aux jeunes chercheurs participant à des manifestations scientifiques sur la parole et le langage, voir le site de l'ISCA


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