ISCA - International Speech
Communication Association

ISCApad Archive  »  2022  »  ISCApad #287  »  Academic and Industry Notes

ISCApad #287

Monday, May 09, 2022 by Chris Wellekens

4 Academic and Industry Notes
4-1New Master curriculum integrating advanced study and research covering all areas of language science,Univ. of Paris, France

The Paris Graduate School of Linguistics (PGSL) is a newly-formed Paris-area graduate program covering all areas of language science.

It offers a comprehensive Master curriculum integrating advanced study and research, in close connection with PhD programs as well as with the Empirical Foundations of Linguistics consortium. 

Research plays a central part in the program, and students also take elective courses to develop an interdisciplinary outlook. Prior knowledge of French is not required.

For more details, please see

New funding opportunity:

 Application deadline : February 1st 2021 (program starting September 1st 2021)

PGSL is funded by Smarts-UP (Student-centered iMproved, Active Research-based Training Strategy at Université de Paris) through the ANR SFRI grant « Grandes universités de recherche » (PIA3) 2020-2029.


4-2Projet européen ELE (European Language Equality),

Dans le cadre du projet européen ELE (European Language Equality), qui vise à créer une
feuille de route pour atteindre une égalité linguistique numérique totale en Europe d'ici
2030,  une enquête détaillée concernant le support technologique pour plus de 70 langues
européennes est en cours de réalisation.

Notre contribution porte spécifiquement sur la langue française, et les autres langues
d'Europe, officielles ou non, seront traitées par d'autres groupes, avec un recensement
distinct des ressources.

Si vous fournissez des outils, services ou collections de données linguistiques liés à la
langue française, nous vous serions donc extrêmement reconnaissants de consacrer quelques
minutes à nous aider à identifier un maximum de ressources linguistiques pour le
français. Notez qu'un certain nombre d'enquêtes similaires sont actuellement en cours
pour les autres langues européennes.

Pour ce faire, le plus simple sera de nous signaler par retour de courrier les ressources
produites dans vos équipes que vous souhaitez voir figurer dans cet inventaire, en nous
fournissant par exemple un lien vers une page Web documentant la ou les ressources. Merci
de prendre soin de vérifier au préalable que la ressource n'est pas déjà connue

Nous sommes intéressés par toutes les ressources et technologies linguistiques qui
existent actuellement et sont opérationnelles, quelle que soit la politique d'accès,
telles que:
- les corpus : collections de segments de texte ou de documents bruts ou annotés,
monolingues ou bi-/multilingues, mono- ou multimodaux, transcriptions audio, scripts,
enregistrements audio et vidéo, etc. ainsi que les corpus d'apprenants et les corpus de
langue des signes.
- des descriptions linguistiques, comprenant des modèles de langage et des grammaires
- ressources lexicales/conceptuelles, comprenant des lexiques informatiques, des bases de
données terminologiques, des répertoires, des ontologies, des listes de termes, des
thésaurus, etc.
- des outils et services : services offerts via le web, d'autres réseaux ou fonctionnant
dans le cloud, mais aussi outils téléchargeables, code source, etc. Il s'agit notamment
d'outils de base pour le français (analyseurs morphologiques, tagueurs POS, lemmatiseurs,
analyseurs syntaxiques, etc.), d'outils d'aide à la rédaction (par exemple, correcteurs
d'orthographe, de grammaire et de style), d'outils/services pour la
recherche/extraction/fouille d'informations, l'analyse de texte et de parole, la
traduction automatique, la compréhension et la génération de langue naturelle, les
technologies vocales, les systèmes conversationnels, etc.

Notez que dans le cadre de cette collecte, un certain nombre de ressources répertoriées
dans des catalogues publiquement accessibles ont déja été répertoriées et peuvent être
retrouvées dans le catalogue ELG:

*Il n'est donc pas nécessaire de les documenter à nouveau.*

Vous trouverez de plus amples informations sur le projet à l'adresse suivante :

Si vous avez des questions concernant cette enquête, merci de nous contacter directement.

Merci beaucoup

Gilles Adda, Ioana Vasilescu et François Yvon


4-3Cambridge's Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence MPhil

Cambridge's Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence MPhil


Are you interested in speech and language processing, computer vision & robotics, human-computer interaction, or machine learning? Please consider applying to the University of Cambridge?s Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence (MLMI) MPhil programme


The MLMI MPhil is an elite 11 month programme with a small cohort of about 30 students each year. Due to its small size there is the opportunity to carry out PhD-like research projects on the course (see here for previous students? dissertations), as well having a number of bespoke taught modules with lots of opportunities to interact with the faculty and other members of the course (see here for a list of modules and here for a list of the teaching staff).


Previous members of the MPhil have gone on to study for PhDs in top research groups (e.g. at Oxford, Cambridge, Stanford, and MIT), and have gone into top industry positions (e.g. Microsoft Research, Facebook AI Research, Open AI, and AstraZeneca).


This year our programme is restructuring around four overlapping tracks: speech and language processing, computer vision & robotics, human-computer interaction, and machine learning. You apply to one of these tracks and this choice shapes your module options and the research project that you will take on. We are especially interested in candidates who are interested in speech and language processing, computer vision & robotics, and human-computer interaction as we have significant capacity to expand in these areas this year.


Details about the application process can be found on our website. The application deadline is 2nd December 2021.


4-4Serveur Discord pour jeunes chercheurs.
Nous souhaitons vous faire part aujourd'hui de la création d'un serveur Discord pour les jeunes chercheurs en parole:

Cet espace de discussion a pour but de rassembler la communauté des jeunes chercheurs en parole en France (étudiants en master, doctorants, post-doctorants...).
Vous pourrez notamment y partager vos derniers papiers publiés, vos questions ou appels à l'aide pour l'utilisation d'un logiciel (ou autre), ou simplement rentrer en contact avec des personnes qui travaillent dans votre domaine ou des domaines liés au votre. Rien n'est fixe, le serveur est voué à évoluer au cours de son utilisation! Il peut aussi nous servir à nous retrouver lors d'une conférence ou autre. En tant que jeunes chercheurs avec un petit réseau, on connaît tous ce sentiment peu confortable d'être seul(e) à une conférence, malgré les 1500 personnes autour de nous. Alors plutôt que de stresser chacun dans notre coin, autant nous retrouver et partager tout ça ensemble en nous donnant rendez-vous grâce au serveur de discussion!

La création de ce serveur Discord fait suite à l'appel du comité d'organisation des JEP pour l'organisation d'un événement à destination des jeunes chercheurs en parole lors des Journées d'Etudes en Parole qui auront lieu à Noirmoutier du 13 au 17 juin 2022 ( Nous l'avons d'abord créé pour discuter entre jeunes chercheurs sur ce que l'on pourrait imaginer comme événement, puis nous avons pensé qu'il serait intéressant de l'ouvrir à tous pour recueillir vos besoins/envies et voir ce qui pourrait intéresser un maximum de personnes. Il est donc également destiné à essayer de mieux cerner les besoins de formation de chacun. Rassurez-vous, il est partagé en deux: une catégorie pour tous, et une catégorie pour celles et ceux intéressés par l'organisation de journées d'études, ainsi, pas de spam inutile. Si vous souhaitez rejoindre cette deuxième catégorie, il faudra me le notifier dans le canal #général ou me le demander par message privé*.

Rendez-vous sur le serveur pour faire vivre notre communauté de jeunes chercheurs!
Merci aux organisateurs des JEP et à l'AFCP pour leur soutien.

4-5ASR challenge in Hindi
We are excited to announce the Interspeech-2022 ASR challenge in Hindi using the data collected by Gram Vaani - a social technology enterprise. The data consists of 100 hours of transcribed data and 1000 hours of unlabelled data. More details about the challenge can be found in the attached flyer or at the following website:
We solicit your participation in this challenge, and innovative work done as part of this challenge may be submitted to the Interspeech-2022 Special Session on Low Resource ASR Development (

4-6Call for bids for International Conference on Tone and Intonation (TAI 2023)

Dear Speech Prosody SIG members,

After the successful 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation (TAI 2021) <> held at the University of Southern Denmark in Sønderborg last December, the TAI Standing Committee is calling for bids to host the 2nd TAI conference, to be held in 2023.

Being a merger of the TAL (Tonal Aspects of Languages) and TIE (Tone and Intonation in Europe) conference series (2004–2018), the TAI series has inherited features of the two earlier ones. The conference accepts 2-page abstracts, has no parallel sessions and will typically feature some 2 to 6 invited speakers. It is affiliated both to ISCA and to IPA, and participants may choose to submit their 5-page full papers after the conference to the TAI Proceedings for publication in the ISCA archives. TAI conferences may feature workshops at the same venue outside the conference program, before, after or during the conference. Since all of the TIE conferences were held in Europe, the aim for the new TAI series is to alternate between Europe and other locations, so that TAI 2023 is preferably held outside Europe.

The task of the TAI Standing Committee is to promote the continuation of the series, select the venue of the next conference, evaluate conferences and any proposals for format changes. The current Standing Committee is mostly an amalgam of former TAL/TIE and TAI organizers who have been involved in the creation of the merger. Its members are Amalia Arvaniti, Yiya Chen, Christian DiCanio, Wentao Gu (Chair), Carlos Gussenhoven, Hansjörg Mixdorff, Oliver Niebuhr, Tomas Riad, Allison Wetterlin, Yi Xu, and Margaret Zellers. In the near future, the Standing Committee will generally include two organizers of each of the last four TAI conferences (before the next venue is decided) or the last three TAI conferences plus the upcoming one (after the next venue is decided).

Bids should minimally provide the following information:

- Host institution
- General chair (and any co-organizers)
- Proposed conference dates
- Venue or general location of the venue
- Transportation and accommodation
- Estimated full and student registration fees
- Financial plan (including existing or potential funding sources)
- Plan for a virtual/hybrid mode in case of emergency, with indication of registration fees

Any further information that may support the bid is welcome. This may include a conference insurance fee, perhaps borne by the host institution or the professional company that helps organize the conference.

Bids should be sent to Wentao Gu <> by 30 April 2022, who is also available for more information.


4-7Call for proposals ASRU 2023

Call for Proposals - ASRU 2023
Deadline: 10 June 2022

2022 IEEE SLTC Workshop Sub-Committee

Following on the success of the bi-annual ASRU workshop over the past decade, the IEEE Speech and Language Technical Committee invites proposals to host the 2023 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU 2023). Past ASRU workshops have fostered a collegiate atmosphere through a thoughtful selection of venues, thus offering a unique opportunity for researchers to interact and learn.

The proposal should include the information outlined below.

  • Workshop location and practicalities
    • Geographical location
    • Workshop venue (facilities, meeting rooms, network access during the workshop, audio/visual equipment)
    • Accommodation -- hotel availability and pricing
    • Meals
    • Transportation options -- major airports, logistics, visas
    • Climate
    • In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, we ask that proposals include information about how they would handle the situation where the COVID-19 outbreak was still on-going at the time of ASRU 2023 (typically, December 2023).
  • Approximate workshop dates
    • Previous workshops have been held in the month of December
    • A statement about the certainty of holding the workshop at the proposed venue, including whether the venue has been officially reserved, and until when the reservation is valid
  • Approximate total cost to participants to attend, including accommodation, meals, and registration fees.
  • Estimated budget for 300-400+ participants and expected sponsorships, including venue costs, administration, banquet, coffee breaks, publication costs, etc.
  • Committee Personnel
    • General chair(s)
    • Technical chairs
    • Local arrangements chair(s)
    • Other committee members and roles
  • Tentative program
    • Dates for paper submission, notification of acceptance, proposals for demonstrations, early registration
    • Reception, talks, posters, demo session, banquet, etc.
    • Substantial program additions/changes vs. past instances of ASRU
The deadline for proposals is Friday, June 10, 2022.

Send proposals and questions to the workshop sub-committee:
Zhijian Ou, Abdelrahman Mohamed, Helen Hastie, Seokhwan Kim, Hagai Aronowitz, Sibel Oyman.

In June, the IEEE SLTC will review proposals, and selection results are expected by July 15, 2021

If you are interested in submitting a proposal, we encourage you to contact the workshop sub-committee in advance of submitting a proposal. They can provide an example of a past successful proposal and example budget. Further, proposers who make contact before Friday, 29 April 2022 may be invited to briefly present in-person or virtually at the annual IEEE SLTC meeting at ICASSP 2022, 22-27 May 2022, in Singapore, to obtain feedback from the SLTC ( Presentations should be reasonably specific but need not be complete. Note that the SLTC does not have funding available for travel to ICASSP.

The organizers of the ASRU workshop do not have to be SLTC members, and we encourage submissions from all potential organizers. IEEE SLTC members are welcome to participate on proposals, and the organizing committees of past ASRU events have included many SLTC members. To maintain fairness of selection, SLTC members who are affiliated with an ASRU 2023 proposal will not participate in the ASRU 2023 selection vote. Further, the members of the workshops sub-committee may not be affiliated with any ASRU 2023 proposal. Please feel free to distribute this call for proposals far and wide, and invite members of the speech and language community at large to submit a proposal to organize the next ASRU workshop.

For more information on the most recent workshops, please visit:


4-8Call for special sessions of SIGDIAL
The Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL) organizers welcome the submission of special session proposals. We welcome special session proposals on any topic of interest to the discourse and dialogue communities. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to Role of Discourse in NLP Applications, Explainable AI, Evaluation, Annotation, End?to?end systems, Vision and Language, Multimodal Systems, and Human-Robot Interaction.
A SIGDIAL special session is the length of a regular session at the conference, and may be organized as a poster session, a panel session, a poster session with panel discussion, or an oral presentation session. Special sessions may, at the discretion of the SIGDIAL organizers, be held as parallel sessions. The papers submitted to special sessions are handled by the special session organizers, but for the submitted papers to be in the SIGDIAL proceedings, they have to undergo the same review process as regular papers. The reviewers for the special session papers will be taken from the SIGDIAL program committee itself, taking into account the suggestions of the session organizers, and the program chairs will make acceptance decisions. In other words, special session organizers decide what appears in the session, while the program chairs decide what appears in the proceedings and the rest of the conference program.
Those wishing to organize a special session should prepare a two-page proposal containing: a summary of the topic of the special session; a list of organizers and sponsors; a list of people who may submit and participate in the session; and a requested format (poster/panel/oral session).
These proposals should be sent to by the special session proposal deadline. Special session proposals will be reviewed jointly by the general chair and program co?chairs.
Those wishing to propose a special session may want to look at some of the sessions organized at recent SIGDIAL meetings.
Important Dates
Mar 12, 2022: Special Session Proposal Deadline
Mar 26, 2022: Special Session Notification

4-9Short courses at ICASSP 2022
Register for Short Courses at ICASSP 2022!
In Collaboration with SPS Education Board
The IEEE Signal Processing Society (IEEE-SPS) Education Board is planning an inaugural education activity in the form of short courses at ICASSP 2022. The introduction of education-oriented short courses will offer Professional Development Hours (PDHs) and Continuing Education Units (CEUs) certificates to those who complete each course. Given that students, academic, and industry researchers and practitioners have a broad diversity of interests and areas of experience worldwide, the IEEE-SPS goal is to develop meaningful methods of offering beneficial and relevant courses in support of our membership educational needs.

Six courses have been selected by SPS Education Board and the ICASSP committee. The courses will be conducted in-person and online as parallel tracks during the main ICASSP conference. The total duration of each course is 10 hours.
Both in-person and online courses can be attended remotely.

View more information and Syllabus

Register for the short courses at ICASSP 2022!

Short Courses at ICASSP 2022

1: [In-person] Low-Dimensional Models for High-Dimensional Data: From Linear to Nonlinear, Convex to Nonconvex, and Shallow to Deep

Time (SGT):
Tuesday, 24 May 2022, 13:00 - 17:00
Wednesday, 25 May 2022, 13:00 - 15:00
Thursday, 26 May 2022, 13:00 - 17:00

Sam Buchanan, Columbia University
Yi Ma, UC Berkeley
Qing Qu, University of Michigan
John Wright, Columbia University
Yuqian Zhang, Rutgers University
Zhihui Zhu, University of Denver

(In-Person presentations are subject to COVID situation and travel permission. Yuqian Zhang, Zhihui Zhu will be presenting remotely.)


2: [In-person] Inclusive Neural Speech Synthesis -iNSS

Time (SGT):
Tuesday, 24 May 2022, 13:00 - 17:00 
Wednesday, 25 May 2022, 13:00 - 15:00 
Thursday, 26 May 2022, 13:00 - 17:00

Yannis Stylianou, Univ of Crete (Greece) & Apple UK
Vassilis Tsiaras, Univ of Crete (Greece)
Alistair Conkie, Apple USA
Soumi Maiti, Apple USA
Junichi Yamagishi, NII Japan
Xin Wang, NII Japan
Yutian Chen, DeepMind, China
Malcolm Slaney, Google USA
Petko Petkov, Apple UK
Shifas Padinjaru Veettil, Apple UK
George Kafentzis, Univ of Crete (Greece)

(In-Person presentations are subject to COVID situation and travel permission.
George Kafentzis will be presenting remotely.)


3: [In-person] Biomedical Signal Analysis and Healthcare

Time (SGT):
Tuesday, 24 May 2022, 13:00 - 17:00
Wednesday, 25 May 2022, 13:00 - 15:00
Thursday, 26 May 2022, 13:00 - 17:00

Kai Keng ANG
Jung-jae KIM
Mahsa Paknezhad
Arvind Channarayapatna Srinivasa
Pavitra Krishnaswamy
Ramasamy Savitha

(All presenters are from Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore)


4: [Virtual] Signal Processing and Learning from Network Data

Time (SGT): 
Tuesday, 24 May 2022, 19:00 - 23:00
Wednesday, 25 May 2022, 19:00 - 21:00 
Thursday, 26 May 2022, 19:00 - 23:00

Marcelo Fiori, Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay
Fernando Gama, Rice University, USA
Federico Larroca, Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay
Gonzalo Mateos, University of Rochester, USA


5: [Virtual] Speech technology for health: from technical foundations to applications

Time (SGT): 
Tuesday, 24 May 2022, 19:00 - 23:00
Wednesday, 25 May 2022, 19:00 - 21:00 
Thursday, 26 May 2022, 19:00 - 23:00

Chi-Chun Lee, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Prasanta Kumar Ghosh, Indian Institute of Science, India
Yu Tsao, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Yi-Chiao Wu, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Hsin-Min Wang, Academia Sinica, Taiwan


6: [Virtual] Transformer Architectures for Multimodal Signal Processing and Decision Making

Time (SGT): 
Tuesday, 24 May 2022, 19:00 - 23:00
Wednesday, 25 May 2022, 19:00 - 21:00 
Thursday, 26 May 2022, 19:00 - 23:00

Chen Sun, Brown University and Google
Boqing Gong, Google


View Full Course Descriptions!
Educational Workshop/Courses

SPS member Advance/Regular:
IEEE member Advance/Regular:
Non-member Advance/Regular:
SPS Student member Advance/Regular:
IEEE Student member Advance/Regular:
Student Non-member Advance/Regular:
Life member Advance/Regular:
Low Income Economy Countries

Registration Fee



4-10Bids for Speech Prosody 2024

Dear Speech Prosody SIG Members,

While we're all looking forward to Speech Prosody 2022 in Lisbon .

 . it's also time to look ahead and start planning Speech Prosody 2024.  Accordingly members of SProSIG with a history of attendance at Speech Prosody conferences are encouraged to submit bids to host Speech Prosody 12.  Bids submitted by April 21 will garner a presentation spot during Speech Prosody in Lisbon.  The final deadline is June 30, 2022, and written bids received by that date will be posted at   The SProSIG membership will then be invited to consider the bids and to vote their preferences.  Bids may include any information that you believe is likely to sway the members, but should contain at least:
- City and Country
- General Chair
- Organizing Committee Members
- Proposed conference dates
- Expected registration fee
- Sponsoring Organization (university, company, or agency; may be tentative)
- Venue (may be tentative)
- Access from the closest major airport
- Accommodation options
Further information and the bid template are available at  Please submit bids to Plinio Barbosa and Martine Grice  with a cc to Nigel Ward .

Plinio Barbosa, Martine Grice, Aoju Chen, Hongwei Ding, Nigel Ward

Speech Prosody SIG Officers


4-11The new ISLRN Web Portal is now open (ELRA)

Press Release – Immediate

Paris, France, March 23, 2022

The new ISLRN Web Portal is now open.

ELRA is happy to release a new version of ISLRN (International Standard Language Resource Number) web portal.

In order to improve the performance of the portal, with an up-to-date technical infrastructure, ISLRN was ported into latest versions of Django and Python frameworks. Consequently, the website design was also adapted to make the navigation and the functionalities clearer and faster for users.

Some of the main design changes currently are:

-          The main page now offers an extensive description of ISLRN and a single click button to request for an ISLRN number. Subpages can now be viewed from the top menu at all levels of the portal;

-          The search tool that allows for looking for resources “by ISLRN” or “by resource name” has been combined into one single search box with predictive typing function and is also accessible at all levels of the portal;

-          Expressive icons allow users to locate the functionalities in a more intuitive way;

-          Language Resources description pages are better structured and the ISLRN ID of the resource may be copied directly from the Language Resource description page;

-          Functionalities of management pages (both for users and administrators), such as profile pages or user internal submission pages are improved.



The ISLRN (International Standard Language Resource Number) is a unique persistent identifier to be assigned to each Language Resource. The establishment of ISLRNs was a major step in the networked and shared world of Human Language Technologies. Unique resources must be identified as they are, and meta-catalogues require a common identification format to manage data correctly. Therefore, Language Resources should carry identical identification schemes regardless their representations, their types and their storage place (hard drives, internet or intranet).

To find out more about ISLRN, please visit the website:


4-12Nominations for the AntonioZampolli-Prize

In 2004, the ELRA Board has created a prize to honour the memory of its first President, Professor Antonio Zampolli, a pioneer and visionary scientist who was internationally recognized in the field of Computational Linguistics and Human Language Technologies (HLT). He also contributed much through the establishment of ELRA and the LREC conference.

To reflect Professor Zampolli's specific interest in our field, the ELRA Antonio Zampolli Prize is awarded to individuals and small groups whose work lies within the areas of Language Resources and Language Technology Evaluation with acknowledged contributions to their advancements.

The Prize will be awarded for the 9th time in June 2022 at the LREC 2022 conference in Marseille (20-25 June, 2022).

Nominations should be sent to the ELRA President Antonio Branco at no later than April 25, 2022.

On behalf of the ELRA Board
Antonio Branco

Please visit ELRA web site for the ELRA Antonio Zampolli Prize Statutes, the nomination procedure and the previous winners



More information:

European Language Resources Association
Contact us @
Follow us on Twitter: @ELRANews


4-13Open Preview for ICASSP 2022 is now available on IEEE Xplore®

To maximize visibility and impact as early as possible, all accepted papers for the 2022 IEEE

International Conference on Acoustics, Speech & Signal Processing are now published in the IEEE Xplore® digital library through Open Preview. 

Free of charge, available from now through 28 May 2022, you can now browse more than 1,800 papers that were accepted to ICASSP 2022. Join us in Singapore from 22-27 May, or join the virtual conference on May 7-13 to hear from and interact directly with the authors. 


ICASSP 2022 Topics include: 

  • Applied Signal Processing Systems
  • Audio & Acoustic Signal Processing
  • Bio Imaging & Signal Processing
  • Compressive Sensing, Sampling, & Dictionary Learning
  • Computational Imaging
  • Computer Vision Financial Signal Processing
  • Deep Learning/Machine Learning for Signal Processing
  • Image, Video & Multidimensional Signal Processing
  • Industrial Signal Processing
  • Information Forensics & Security
  • Internet of Things
  • Multimedia Signal Processing
  • Quantum Signal Processing
  • Remote Sensing and Signal Processing
  • Sensor Array & Multichannel Signal Processing
  • Signal Processing for Big Data
  • Signal Processing for Communication & Networking
  • Signal Processing for Cyber Security
  • Signal Processing for Education
  • Signal Processing Over Graphs
  • Signal Processing Theory & Methods
  • Speech & Language Processing

If you haven't yet registered for ICASSP 2022, there's still time!


Attend the hybrid conference and join us in Singapore on 22-27 May 2022, or join us virtually from May 7-13. Come expand your knowledge, meet your peers from around the world, and hear from cutting-edge speakers and experts across the signal processing industry. 


4-14WSIS hackathon

UNESCO and the International Telecommunications Union ITU are organizing a

global hackathon on ICTs to support the decade of indigenous languages,

as part of the 2022 WSIS Forum.

The WSIS hackathon will launch on 19 April through 10 May.

Prize winners will be selected in three categories: Knowledge, Empowerment and Preservation.

UNESCO and ITU will organize two mentoring sessions, most likely on the 21st and 25th of April this month, with one session held in the morning (for Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asian time zone) and another in the afternoon (for the Americas).

The mentoring session would involve your hearing pitch sessions by the coding teams and then providing your constructive feedback in such areas as relevance & originality, feasibility, suggestions for additional tweaks/improvements. The mentors may also give opening or closing remarks highlighting the challenges and needs facing indigenous populations and languages from your perspective. There is a chance we may also forward you any further questions from the hackathon teams, which you may help respond to if you wish.

These mentoring sessions will be a key aspect of the global hackathon. We are hoping for as many as 60 teams to sign up for a five minute pitch session with one of at least six volunteer mentors, approximately ten mentoring sessions for you of 5 minutes each, over perhaps a two hour period.

REQUEST: I hope that you may agree to volunteer your time to help mentor the coding teams, and/or designate, if you are not available, representative(s) from your organization to be our WSIS hackathon mentors. N.B. Bilingual mentors in any language would be useful, e.g. Spanish/English bilingual speakers for the afternoon session, and French/Arabic/English for the morning session.

Upon hearing back from you on your availability, I will send you more details, options and ways to engage and contribute.

p.s. I also welcome you to please share the hackathon link (registration deadline is 19 April) on your mailing lists and newsletters to encourage more indigenous participants who may be interested.

Thank you so much for your consideration. Best regards, Joe





Jo Hironaka (広中 浄)

Programme Specialist

Digital Innovation and Transformation

Communication and Information Sector



tel.: +33 (0)145680941



4-15Le projet European Language Equality

Le projet European Language Equality vise à établir un agenda stratégique concernant la
recherche et l’innovation pour atteindre l’égalité des langues à l’ère numérique en
Europe en 2030. Dans le cadre de ce projet, les partenaires ont produit des rapports
documentant l'état des technologies et ressources pour chaque langue officielle, ainsi
que pour certaines langues non-officielles (D1.4-D1.36). Des états de l'art couvrant
quatre grands domaines ont également été produits (D2.12-D2.16):
- la traduction automatique:
- les technologies vocales
- les technologies pour l'analyse et la compréhension des langues
- les ressources et les bases de connaissance.

Tous ces rapports sont accessibles depuis le site du projet:

Le rapport consacré à l'état des technologies pour la langue française et pour la langue
des signes française a fait l'objet d'une traduction en français. Il est disponible ici:


4-16Webinars from TAPAS project
In the framework of the TAPAS project (, we are delighted to introduce a
series of webinars that will be held every tuesday at 1pm CEST starting on the 3rd of may. TAPAS is a a Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Network European Training Network (MSCA-ITN-ETN) project that aims to transform the well being of people with debilitating speech pathologies (e.g., due to stroke, Parkinson's, etc). These groups face communication problems that can lead to social exclusion. They are now being further marginalised by a new wave of speech technology that is increasingly woven into everyday life but which is not robust to atypical speech.
Each one of our ESRs will present 20 minutes + 10 minutes questions about a part of their subject (2 ESRs per slot), trying to overcome challenges encountered by those people .
3rd of may Sebastiao Quintas: Deep learning approaches to assess head and neck cancer voice intelligibility
Yilin Pan: Using Speech Analysis to Detect Onset and Monitor Cognitive Decline
10th of may Srikanth Nallanthighal : Acoustic speech-based monitoring for telehealth and predictive analytics
Julian Fritsch : Learning detection of pathological speech
17th of may Zhengjun Yue: Continous Speech Recognition for People with Dysarthria
Wei Xue: Developing valid measures of pathological speech intelligibility: human ratings and automatic scores
24th of may Juan Camilo Vasquez Correa: Modelling the progression of neurological diseases
Abdessalem hammami: Generating Phonological Feedback for Evidence-Based Speech Therapy
31st of may Thomas Rolland : Developing speech therapy games for children with speech disorder
Bence Halpern : Predicting and synthesizing plausible speech examples after oral cancer treatment
7th of june Zhao Ren : Deep learning techniques for computer audition
Enno Hermann : Rapid development of speech technology for pathological speech
14th of june Viviana Mendoza: Development of a virtual articulation therapist
Tomás Arias-Vergara: Automatic surveying of speech of Cochlear Implant users

4-17Appel à projets pour la Défense (France).

Un accord cadre entre l’Agence de l’Innovation de Défense (AID) et le CNRS permet de
financer des projets de recherche universitaires pouvant intéresser le secteur de la
défense. Le Traitement Automatique des Langues (incl. parole, RI), identifié comme un axe
important pour l’AID, fait l’objet de cet appel. Il est ouvert à tous les chercheurs et
chercheuses membres d’une *unité reconnue par le CNRS* (p.ex. UMR).

Thèmes de recherche
Les thèmes recherchés sont listés ci-dessous, mais d’autres peuvent être proposés si un
intérêt pour l’AID est explicité.
- Extraction et structuration de terminologie/connaissances, domaines de spécialité
- Traitement des langues peu dotées, apprentissage par transfert, augmentation de données
- Traduction multi-locuteur, multi-lingue, en condition bruitée
- Transcription multi-locuteur/multi-dialectes, identification/anonymisation locuteur,
identification dialectes en conditions difficiles, variantes accentuelles, commande vocale
- Génération de textes/résumés, aide à la rédaction, synthèse de données multimodales
- Robustesse des algorithmes de TAL, généricité, traitement en configuration matérielle
- Création de données sur le français ou des langues d’intérêts, données d’évaluation
- ...

La durée (entre 24 et 36 mois) et le financement demandé seront à définir dans le projet,
en cohérence avec les objectifs visés. Les dépenses pourront couvrir du personnel (thèse,
post-doctorat ou ingénieur de recherche), l’achat de matériel, des coûts d’annotation,
des missions... Il est encouragé des projets s’inscrivant dans une démarche de science
ouverte (données ouvertes, code, publications...).

Comment postuler
Il est impératif de prendre contact au plus tôt (cf. courriels ci-dessous) pour discuter
de votre idée de projet avec les experts DGA/AID. Le cas échéant, le dossier de
proposition de projet (léger) sera rendu disponible après contact ; il sera à envoyer le
9 septembre au plus tard aux contacts ci-dessous.

Contacts techniques (DGA) :
Contacts administratifs (AID) :
Contact CNRS / GdR TAL : Vincent.Claveau@irisa.frUn accord cadre entre l’Agence de l’Innovation de Défense (AID) et le CNRS permet de
financer des projets de recherche universitaires pouvant intéresser le secteur de la
défense. Le Traitement Automatique des Langues (incl. parole, RI), identifié comme un axe
important pour l’AID, fait l’objet de cet appel. Il est ouvert à tous les chercheurs et
chercheuses membres d’une *unité reconnue par le CNRS* (p.ex. UMR).

Thèmes de recherche
Les thèmes recherchés sont listés ci-dessous, mais d’autres peuvent être proposés si un
intérêt pour l’AID est explicité.
- Extraction et structuration de terminologie/connaissances, domaines de spécialité
- Traitement des langues peu dotées, apprentissage par transfert, augmentation de données
- Traduction multi-locuteur, multi-lingue, en condition bruitée
- Transcription multi-locuteur/multi-dialectes, identification/anonymisation locuteur,
identification dialectes en conditions difficiles, variantes accentuelles, commande vocale
- Génération de textes/résumés, aide à la rédaction, synthèse de données multimodales
- Robustesse des algorithmes de TAL, généricité, traitement en configuration matérielle
- Création de données sur le français ou des langues d’intérêts, données d’évaluation
- ...

La durée (entre 24 et 36 mois) et le financement demandé seront à définir dans le projet,
en cohérence avec les objectifs visés. Les dépenses pourront couvrir du personnel (thèse,
post-doctorat ou ingénieur de recherche), l’achat de matériel, des coûts d’annotation,
des missions... Il est encouragé des projets s’inscrivant dans une démarche de science
ouverte (données ouvertes, code, publications...).

Comment postuler
Il est impératif de prendre contact au plus tôt (cf. courriels ci-dessous) pour discuter
de votre idée de projet avec les experts DGA/AID. Le cas échéant, le dossier de
proposition de projet (léger) sera rendu disponible après contact ; il sera à envoyer le
9 septembre au plus tard aux contacts ci-dessous.

Contacts techniques (DGA) :
Contacts administratifs (AID) :
Contact CNRS / GdR TAL :


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