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ISCApad #281

Monday, November 08, 2021 by Chris Wellekens

3-2 ISCA Supported Events
3-2-1(2022-05-23) Speech Prosody 2022 - Call for Special Sessions
Speech Prosody 2022 - Call for Special Sessions

Speech Prosody 2022, the eleventh international conference on speech prosody, will be held in Lisbon on 23-26 May, 2022. We invite proposals for special sessions to be held during the conference. We encourage proposals on interdisciplinary topics, under-researched topics and/or important new emerging areas of interest.

Proposals (sent as a pdf file) should include:

? Title of the proposed session

? Names and affiliations of organizers (including brief bio and contact information)

? Justification of interest, fit, and impact for the scope of Speech Prosody conferences (maximum 1 page)

? Tentative list of papers (titles/affiliations /authors), if available

? Additional or non-standard resources (e.g. data, equipment, etc) required for organizing the special session


Submitted proposals will be reviewed by the Technical Program committee in conjunction with the Organizing committee. Each special session is expected to consist of three or four accepted papers. Papers intended for special sessions should be submitted through the regular conference submission system, and the same review procedure and criteria will apply.

E-mail address for submission of proposals: 

Submission deadline: September, 12


For more details on Speech Prosody 2022, please visit

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3-2-2(2022-05-23) Speech Prosody 2022 - Call for Workshops and Tutorials
Speech Prosody 2022 - Call for Workshops and Tutorials

Speech Prosody 2022, the eleventh international conference on speech prosody, will be held in Lisbon on 23-26 May, 2022. Workshops and tutorials co-located with the conference will take place on 27-28 May, 2022. The Speech Prosody organizing committee invites proposals for prosody-related workshops and tutorials. Workshops on under-researched topics are encouraged, as well as tutorials on new methodological approaches and techniques. 

Proposals (sent as a pdf file) should include:

?  Workshop/Tutorial name and acronym

?  Organizers?  (and tutors?) name, brief bio, and contact information

?  Proposed duration of the Workshop/Tutorial, and possible and desired dates

?  Estimated number of participants

?  For Workshops: Invited speakers (if any)

?  For Tutorials: Profile of the expected audience (e.g., young researchers, experienced researchers, expected background and skills)

?  Technical requirements

?  A short description of the workshop/tutorial to be published on the conference web page


E-mail address for submission of proposals for workshop/tutorials:

Submission deadline: September, 12


For more details on Speech Prosody 2022, please visit

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3-2-3(2022-05-23) Speech Prosody 2022, Lisbon, Portugal

 The Speech Prosody 2022 website is now live, at ,?
with the Call for Papers and information on the venue, etc. 

Dear Speech Prosody SIG members,


The organizers have chosen the Special Sessions for Speech Prosody 2022, as follows:  


  • Digital prosodic typology: Machine learning in prosodic typological analysis
  • Measuring, modeling, and training of speaking styles
  • Musical power: The effect of musicality on prosodic development
  • Prosodic marking of information structure in child language: Prosody and beyond
  • Timing and rhythm across languages
  • How prosody bootstraps grammar and the lexicon: A cross-linguistic perspective


For details,  .


Nigel Ward, SProSIG Chair



The deadline for abstract and full paper submission to Speech Prosody 2022 has been extended.



New deadline for Submission of title, author info and 200-word abstract - **8 November**


New deadline for Full paper submission - **19 November**



The Speech Prosody 2022 web site now includes information on the SP 2022 tutorials, workshop and satellite meeting, listed below:












Gradience in intonation: GRIN




Satellite meeting


2nd International Seminar on the Foundations of Speech (SEFOS II) 2022 - Theme: Articulation and Prosody: Between Interface and Integration





Looking forward to seeing you all in Lisbon,



Sónia Frota
Professora catedrática Professor
Coordenadora Científica - CLUL | Scientific Coordinator - CLUL
Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa Center of Linguistics of the University of Lisbon (CLUL) 



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3-2-4The International Conference 'Language Technologies for All (LT4All): a report.

The International Conference 'Language Technologies for All (LT4All):  
Enabling Linguistic Diversity and Multilingualism Worldwide', which took  
place on December 4-6, 2019 at Unesco Headquarters in Paris in the  
framework of the International Year of Indigenous Languages (IYIL 2019),  
was sponsored by ISCA. 
The rationale of the conference was: 'How to improve the present  
situation where only 2% of the languages spoken over the world benefit  
from Language Technologies' ? 
 Out of the 7,000+ language spoken around the world, only a few have associated Language
Technologies. The majority of languages can be considered as 'under-resourced' or as 'not
supported'. This situation, very detrimental to many languages speakers, and specifically
indigenous languages speakers, creates a digital divide,  and places many languages in
danger of digital extinction, if not complete extinction.

Organized as part of the 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages, the 1st edition
of LT4All (Language Technologies for All: Enabling Linguistic Diversity and
Multilingualism Worldwide) took place in Paris at the UNESCO Headquarters on December
4-6, 2019 and gathered 400 participants from various backgrounds (including language
science and technology researchers, linguists, industrials, indigenous peoples, language
policy and decision makers) from all over the world.

 It allowed for fruitful exchanges between Language Technology providers  
and Language Policy makers, as it can be seen on Twitter: 
The conference oral sessions were webcasted and can be replayed, in  
English and French: see 

The LT4All Programme and Editorial Committees are very happy to announce that the set of
Research Papers and Posters collected at the occasion of LT4All is now available online
at :

LT4All has  been made possible thanks to the close cooperation between UNESCO, the 
Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra (Russian Federation), the
European Language Resources Association (ELRA) and its Special Interest  Group on
Under-resourced  languages  (SIGUL), and in partnership with UNESCO Intergovernmental
Information for All Programme (IFAP) and the Interregional Library Cooperation Centre, as
well as with support of other public organizations, including ISCA, and sponsors.

More information including the list of all the sponsors and supporters @

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