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ISCApad #154 |
Friday, April 22, 2011 by Chris Wellekens |
5-1-1 | Spoken Language Processing Spoken Language Processing, edited by Joseph Mariani (IMMI and Publisher ISTE-Wiley Speech processing addresses various scientific and technological areas. It includes speech analysis and variable rate coding, in order to store or transmit speech. It also covers speech synthesis, especially from text, speech recognition, including speaker and language identification, and spoken language understanding. This book covers the following topics: how to realize speech production and perception systems, how to synthesize and understand speech using state-of-the-art methods in signal processing, pattern recognition, stochastic modeling, computational linguistics and human factor studies.
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5-1-2 | L'imagerie medicale pour l'etude de la parole Alain Marchal, Christian Cave Eds Hermes Lavoisier 99 euros • 304 pages • 16 x 24 • 2009 • ISBN : 978-2-7462-2235-9 Du miroir laryngé à la vidéofibroscopie actuelle, de la prise d'empreintes statiques à la palatographie dynamique, des débuts de la radiographie jusqu'à l'imagerie par résonance magnétique ou la magnétoencéphalographie, cet ouvrage passe en revue les différentes techniques d'imagerie utilisées pour étudier la parole tant du point de vue de la production que de celui de la perception. Les avantages et inconvénients ainsi que les limites de chaque technique sont passés en revue, tout en présentant les principaux résultats acquis avec chacune d'entre elles ainsi que leurs perspectives d'évolution. Écrit par des spécialistes soucieux d'être accessibles à un large public, cet ouvrage s'adresse à tous ceux qui étudient ou abordent la parole dans leurs activités professionnelles comme les phoniatres, ORL, orthophonistes et bien sûr les phonéticiens et les linguistes.
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5-1-3 | Korpusbasierte Sprachverarbeitung Author: Christoph Draxler
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5-1-4 | Linear Predictive Coding and the Internet Protocol, by Robert M. Gray Linear Predictive Coding and the Internet Protocol, by Robert M. Gray, a special edition hardback book from Foundations and Trends in Signal Processing (FnT SP). The book brings together two forthcoming issues of FnT SP, the first being a survey of LPC, the second a unique history of realtime digital speech on packet networks.
Volume 3, Issue 3 A Survey of Linear Predictive Coding: Part 1 of LPC and the IP By Robert M. Gray (Stanford University) http://www.nowpublishers.com/product.aspx?product=SIG&doi=2000000029
Volume 3, Issue 4
A History of Realtime Digital Speech on Packet Networks: Part 2 of LPC and the IP By Robert M. Gray (Stanford University) http://www.nowpublishers.com/product.aspx?product=SIG&doi=2000000036
The links above will take you to the article abstracts.
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5-1-5 | Modern Trends in Arabic Dialectology, M. Embarki and M. Ennaji Modern Trends in Arabic Dialectology,
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5-1-6 | Gokhan Tur , R De Mori Spoken Language Understanding: Systems for Extracting Semantic Information from Speech Title: Spoken Language Understanding: Systems for Extracting Semantic Information from Speech Editors: Gokhan Tur and Renato De Mori Web: http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0470688246.html Brief Description (please use as you see fit): Spoken language understanding (SLU) is an emerging field in between speech and language processing, investigating human/ machine and human/ human communication by leveraging technologies from signal processing, pattern recognition, machine learning and artificial intelligence. SLU systems are designed to extract the meaning from speech utterances and its applications are vast, from voice search in mobile devices to meeting summarization, attracting interest from both commercial and academic sectors. Both human/machine and human/human communications can benefit from the application of SLU, using differing tasks and approaches to better understand and utilize such communications. This book covers the state-of-the-art approaches for the most popular SLU tasks with chapters written by well-known researchers in the respective fields. Key features include: Presents a fully integrated view of the two distinct disciplines of speech processing and language processing for SLU tasks. Defines what is possible today for SLU as an enabling technology for enterprise (e.g., customer care centers or company meetings), and consumer (e.g., entertainment, mobile, car, robot, or smart environments) applications and outlines the key research areas. Provides a unique source of distilled information on methods for computer modeling of semantic information in human/machine and human/human conversations. This book can be successfully used for graduate courses in electronics engineering, computer science or computational linguistics. Moreover, technologists interested in processing spoken communications will find it a useful source of collated information of the topic drawn from the two distinct disciplines of speech processing and language processing under the new area of SLU.
5-2-1 | Bell System Technical Journal (1922-1983) available .I received this very good news from Joseph P. Campbell (MIT Lincoln Laboratory): The entire Bell System Technical Journal from 1922--1983 is now available on line! It is offered in PDF format sorted by year, volume, and issue; and it is searchable: http://bstj.bell-labs.com/ BSTJ holds a wealth of consolidated information of outstanding contributions from Bell Labs over the years. For example, check out Fletcher's 1922 article 'The Nature of Speech and Its Interpretation', BSTJ, vol 1, no 1. Also see Shannon's landmark paper and much, much more! As Joe pointed out, the current generation of researchers didn't grow up with BSTJs under their bed like we both did, but for the older generation that remembers these great articles, this is indeed very good news. --Isabel Trancoso
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5-2-2 | ELRA Language Resources Catalogue Update (June 2010) ELRA is happy to announce that 2 new Speech Desktop/Microphone resources, 1 new Terminological Resource and 1 Written Corpus are now available in its catalogue: ELRA-S0305 EPAC Corpus: orthographic transcriptions
This corpus consists of approx. 100 hours of manual orthographic transcriptions, which were produced from 1,677 hours of non transcribed recordings from the ESTER Evaluation Campaign (Technolangue programme). This corpus also consists of automatic transcriptions of the full 1,677 hours.
For more information, see: http://catalog.elra.info/product_info.php?products_id=1119
ELRA-S0307 BABEL Polish database
The BABEL Polish Database is a speech database that was produced by a research consortium funded by the European Union under the COPERNICUS programme (COPERNICUS Project 1304). It consists of the basic 'common' set which contains the Many Talker Set (30 males, 30 females), the Few Talker Set (5 males, 5 females), the Very Few Talker Set (1 male, 1 female).
For more information, see: http://catalog.elra.info/product_info.php?products_id=1120
ELRA-T0374 Terminology database of natural sciences
This dictionary covers the three kingdoms: Animal, Vegetal, Mineral. It contains 50,000 species with numerous synonyms in French, English and Latin and many breeds and varieties. Minerals are given with their chemical formula. About 7,900 definitions in French are included. It also includes synonyms and linguistic variants.
For more information, see: http://catalog.elra.info/product_info.php?products_id=1121
ELRA-W0053 Catalan-Spanish Parallel Corpus
This corpus contains more than 100 million words and it contains 10 years of bilingual articles from “El Periódico de Catalunya”. The data are aligned at sentence level and stored in text files, in a one sentence per line basis. The data are provided in plain text, with no encoding whatsoever.
For more information, see: http://catalog.elra.info/product_info.php?products_id=1122
Moreover, please note that the content of the following 3 Terminological Resources has been updated and their prices have been revised:
ELRA-T0102 Terminology database of expressions
This resource comprises over about 26,000-30,000 expressions, such as sayings, proverbs, idioms, slogans, citations, exclamations, onomatopoeias and figurative expressions of French and English. Several grammatical topics that are included in some sentences are also handled. This resource contains synonyms. The DISCIPLINE field refers to the expression category: proverbs, idioms, postposition verbs.
For more information, see: http://catalog.elra.info/product_info.php?products_id=114
ELRA-T0103 Terminology database of finance
This dictionary covers the three kingdoms: Animal, Vegetal, Mineral. It contains 50,000 species with numerous synonyms in French, English and Latin and many breeds and varieties. Minerals are given with their chemical formula. About 7,900 definitions in French are included. It also includes synonyms and linguistic variants.
For more information, see: http://catalog.elra.info/product_info.php?products_id=115
ELRA-T0367 Terminology database of telecommunication
This resource comprises over 89,200 entries in the field of telecommunication. It also contains many synonyms and abbreviations in both languages, as well as meaning, case or applications for polysemic terms.
For more information, see: http://catalog.elra.info/product_info.php?products_id=659
For more information on the catalogue, please contact Valérie Mapelli mailto:mapelli@elda.org
Visit our On-line Catalogue: http://catalog.elra.info
Visit the Universal Catalogue: http://universal.elra.info
Archives of ELRA Language Resources Catalogue Updates: http://www.elra.info/LRs-Announcements.html
ELRA - Language Resources Catalogue - Update
In the framework of our ongoing campaign for updating and reducing the prices of the language resources distributed in the ELRA catalogue, ELRA is happy to announce that the prices for the following resources have been substantially reduced:
ELRA-S0074 British English SpeechDat(II) MDB-1000
This speech database contains the recordings of 1,000 British speakers recorded over the British mobile telephone network. Each speaker uttered around 40 read and spontaneous items.
For more information, see: http://catalog.elra.info/product_info.php?products_id=723
ELRA-S0075 Welsh SpeechDat(II) FDB-2000
This speech database contains the recordings of 2,000 Welsh speakers recorded over the British fixed telephone network. Each speaker uttered around 40 read and spontaneous items.
For more information, see: http://catalog.elra.info/product_info.php?products_id=557
ELRA-S0101 Spanish SpeechDat(II) FDB-1000
This speech database contains the recordings of 1,000 Castillan Spanish speakers recorded over the Spanish fixed telephone network. Each speaker uttered around 40 read and spontaneous items.
This database is a subset of the Spanish SpeechDat(II) FDB-4000 (ref. ELRA-S0102).
For more information, see: http://catalog.elra.info/product_info.php?products_id=726
ELRA-S0102 Spanish SpeechDat(II) FDB-4000
This speech database contains the recordings of 4,000 Castillan Spanish speakers recorded over the Spanish fixed telephone network. Each speaker uttered around 40 read and spontaneous items.
This database includes the Spanish SpeechDat(II) FDB-1000 (ref. ELRA-S0101).
For more information, see: http://catalog.elra.info/product_info.php?products_id=727
ELRA-S0140 Spanish SpeechDat-Car database
The Spanish SpeechDat-Car database contains the recordings in a car of 306 speakers, who uttered around 120 read and spontaneous items. Recordings have been made through 5 different channels, of which 4 were in-car microphones (1 close-talk microphone, 3 far-talk microphones) and 1 channel over the GSM network.
For more information, see: http://catalog.elra.info/product_info.php?products_id=690
ELRA-S0141 SALA Spanish Venezuelan Database
This speech database contains the recordings of 1,000 Venezuelan speakers recorded over the Venezuelan fixed telephone network. Each speaker uttered around 50 read and spontaneous items.
For more information, see: http://catalog.elra.info/product_info.php?products_id=736
ELRA-S0297 Hungarian Speecon database
The Hungarian Speecon database comprises the recordings of 555 adult Hungarian speakers and 50 child Hungarian speakers who uttered respectively over 290 items and 210 items (read and spontaneous).
For more information, see: http://catalog.elra.info/product_info.php?products_id=1094
ELRA-S0298 Czech Speecon database
The Czech Speecon database comprises the recordings of 550 adult Czech speakers and 50 child Czech speakers who uttered respectively over 290 items and 210 items (read and spontaneous).
For more information, see: http://catalog.elra.info/product_info.php?products_id=1095
For more information on the catalogue, please contact Valérie Mapelli mailto:mapelli@elda.org
Visit our On-line Catalogue: http://catalog.elra.info
Visit the Universal Catalogue: http://universal.elra.info
Archives of ELRA Language Resources Catalogue Updates: http://www.elra.info/LRs-Announcements.html
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5-2-3 | LDC Newsletter (March 2011) In this newsletter:
Roberto Aceves - Monterrey Institute of Technology and Superior Studies, ITESM (Mexico), graduate student, Computer Science. Roberto has been awarded a copy of the Speech in Noisy Environments (SPINE) database for his research in automatic speech recognition in noisy environments.
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5-2-4 | ELDA Distribution Campaign 2010 ELDA Distribution Campaign 2010
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5-2-5 | SpeechOcean China SpeechOcean China also has about 200+ large language resources and some of databases can be freely used to our members for academic research purpose. As a ISCA member, we will be also glad to share these databases to other ISCA members,