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ISCApad #266 |
Monday, August 10, 2020 by Chris Wellekens |
5-1-1 | Shinji Watanabe, Marc Delcroix, Florian Metze, John R. Hershey (Eds), 'New Era for Robust Seech Recognition', Springer. Shinji Watanabe, Marc Delcroix, Florian Metze, John R. Hershey (Eds), 'New Era for Robust Seech Recognition', Springer. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-319-64680-0
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5-1-2 | Fabrice Marsac, Rudolph Sock, CONSÉCUTIVITÉ ET SIMULTANÉITÉ en Linguistique, Langues et Parole, L'Harmattan,France Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la parution du volume thématique « CONSÉCUTIVITÉ ET SIMULTANÉITÉ en Linguistique, Langues et Parole » dans la Collection Dixit Grammatica (L’Harmattan, France) :
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5-1-3 | Emmanuel Vincent (Editor), Tuomas Virtanen (Editor), Sharon Gannot (Editor), 'Audio Source Separation and Speech Enhancement', Wiley Emmanuel Vincent (Editor), Tuomas Virtanen (Editor), Sharon Gannot (Editor), Audio Source Separation and Speech Enhancement:
ISBN: 978-1-119-27989-1 October 2018 504 pages
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5-1-4 | Jen-Tzung Chien, 'Source Separation and Machine Learning', Academic Press Jen-Tzung Chien, 'Source Separation and Machine Learning', Academic Press
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5-1-5 | Ingo Feldhausen, « Methods in prosody: A Romance language perspective », Language Science Press (open access) Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer la parution d'un recueil validé par un comité de lecture et consacré aux méthodes de recherche en prosodie. Cet ouvrage est intitulé « Methods in prosody: A Romance language perspective ». Il est publié par Language Science Press, une maison d’édition open access. Le livre peut-être téléchargé gratuitement en cliquant sur le lien suivant : http://langsci-press.org/catalog/book/183 La table des matières est la suivante : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction Foreword I Large corpora and spontaneous speech 1) Using large corpora and computational tools to describe prosody: An 2) Intonation of pronominal subjects in Porteño Spanish: Analysis of II Approaches to prosodic analysis 3) Multimodal analyses of audio-visual information: Some methods and 4) The realizational coefficient: Devising a method for empirically 5) On the role of prosody in disambiguating wh-exclamatives and III Elicitation methods 6) The Discourse Completion Task in Romance prosody research: Status 7) Describing the intonation of speech acts in Brazilian Portuguese: Indexes 263 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N'hésitez pas à diffuser la parution de cet ouvrage auprès de vos collègues qui pourraient s'y intéresser. Bien cordialement, Ingo Feldhausen
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5-1-6 | Nigel Ward, 'Prosodic Patterns in English Conversation', Cambridge University Press, 2019 Prosodic Patterns in English Conversation Nigel G. Ward, Professor of Computer Science, University of Texas at El Paso Cambridge University Press, 2019.
Spoken language is more than words: it includes the prosodic features and patterns that speakers use, subconsciously, to frame meanings and achieve interactional goals. Thanks to the application of simple processing techniques to spoken dialog corpora, this book goes beyond intonation to describe how pitch, timing, intensity and voicing properties combine to form meaningful temporal configurations: prosodic constructions. Combining new findings with hitherto-scattered observations from diverse research traditions, this book enumerates twenty of the principal prosodic constructions of English.
http://www.cambridge.org/ward/ nigel@utep.edu http://www.cs.utep.edu/nigel/
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5-1-7 | J.H.Esling, Scott R.Moisik, Allison Benner, Lise Crevier-Buchman, 'Voice Quality: the Laryngeal Articulator Model', Cambridge University Press Voice Quality The Laryngeal Articulator Model Hardback 978-1-108-49842-5 John H. Esling, University of Victoria, British Columbia Scott R. Moisik, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Allison Benner, University of Victoria, British Columbia Lise Crevier-Buchman, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Paris The first description of voice quality production in forty years, this book provides a new framework for its study: The Laryngeal Articulator Model. Informed by instrumental examinations of the laryngeal articulatory mechanism, it revises our understanding of articulatory postures to explain the actions, vibrations and resonances generated in the epilarynx and pharynx. It focuses on the long-term auditory-articulatory component of accent in the languages of the world, explaining how voice quality relates to segmental and syllabic sounds. Phonetic illustrations of phonation types and of laryngeal and oral vocal tract articulatory postures are provided. Extensive video and audio material is available on a companion website. The book presents computational simulations, the laryngeal and voice quality foundations of infant speech acquisition, speech/voice disorders and surgeries that entail compensatory laryngeal articulator adjustment, and an exploration of the role of voice quality in sound change and of the larynx in the evolution of speech.
1. Voice and voice quality; 2. Voice quality classification; 3. Instrumental case studies and computational simulations of voice quality; 4. Linguistic, paralinguistic and extralinguistic illustrations of voice quality; 5. Phonological implications of voice quality theory; 6. Infant acquisition of speech and voice quality; 7. Clinical illustrations of voice quality; 8. Laryngeal articulation and voice quality in sound change, language ontogeny.
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5-1-8 | Albert di Cristo,' Les langues naturelles'. HAL archive ouverte Albert di Cristo, les langues naturelles. https://hal-amu.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02149640 Cet ouvrage constitue la première partie d?un vaste travail dédié à l?étude des façons dont les langues naturelles conditionnent l?information et au rôle que joue la prosodie dans l?expression de ces conditionnements. Cette première partie se propose d?analyser, sous ses divers aspects (principalement d'ordre épistémologiques), la notion de structure informationnelle, notamment dans ses relations avec la grammaire et d?examiner, dans le détail, les déterminants qui forment l?armature de cette structure. Dans cette perspective, les discussions portent, outre sur les notions de thème, de topique et de « given », sur celles de focus, de focalisation et de contraste, qui font l?objet d?analyses approfondies. Les discussions s?attachent à appréhender ces notions, à la fois dans l?optique de leurs propriétés formelles, de leur fonctionnalité et des significations qu?elles contribuent à délivrer. Un chapitre entier de cette première partie est consacré à l?étude du questionnement et à la manière dont l?organisation de l?information est gérée dans l?exercice de cette activité. L?ouvrage est doté d?une bibliographie qui comporte plus de deux mille références. Cet ouvrage sera complété par une 2ème partie, en cours de rédaction, qui traitera essentiellement de la prosodie et de son rôle dans les conditionnements de l'information.
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5-1-9 | Benjamin Weiss, 'Talker Quality in Human and Machine Interaction - Modeling the Listener’s Perspective in Passive and Interactive Scenarios'. T-Labs Series in Telecommunication Services. Springer Nature, Cham. (2020) Benjamin Weiss (2020): 'Talker Quality in Human and Machine Interaction - Modeling the Listener’s Perspective in Passive and Interactive Scenarios'. T-Labs Series in Telecommunication Services. Springer Nature, Cham.
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5-1-10 | W.F.Katz, P.F.Assman, 'The Routledge Handbook of Phonetics', Routledge.
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5-1-11 | Proceedings of SLTU-CCURL2020 Dear all, we are very happy to announce that the SLTU-CCURL2020 Proceedings are available online: https://lrec2020.lrec-conf.org/media/proceedings/Workshops/Books/SLTUCCURLbook.pdf
This year, LREC2020 would have featured an extraordinary event: the first joint SLTU-CCURL2020 Workshop, which was planned as a two-day workshop, with 54 papers accepted either as oral and poster presentations.
The workshop program was enriched by two tutorials and two keynote speeches.
We will miss the presentations, the discussions and the overall stimulating environment very deeply.
We are thankful to ELRA and ISCA for their support to the workshop, to our Google sponsor and to the 60 experts of the Program Committee, who worked tirelessly in order to help us to select the best papers representing a wide perspective over NLP, speech and computational linguistics addressing less-resource languages.
Looking forward to better times when we will be able to meet in person again, we hope that you will find these workshop proceedings relevant and stimulating for your own research.
With our best wishes,
Claudia Soria, Laurent Besacier, Dorothee Beermann, and Sakriani Sakti