ISCA - International Speech
Communication Association

ISCApad Archive  »  2020  »  ISCApad #266  »  Events

ISCApad #266

Monday, August 10, 2020 by Chris Wellekens

3 Events
3-1 ISCA Events
3-1-1(2020-10-25) Cf Tutorials Interspeech 2020, Shanghai, China (UPDATE)
Call for Tutorials

Important Dates
? Submission deadline: April 3, 2020
? Acceptance/rejection notification: May 3, 2020

INTERSPEECH conferences are attended by researchers with a long-term track-record in speech sciences and technologies as well as by early-stage researchers or researchers interested in a new domain within the INTERSPEECH areas. An important part of the conference is the tutorials held on the first day of the conference, October 25, 2020. Presented by speakers with extensive expertise in speech technologies, the tutorials will provide their audience with a rich learning experience and an exposure to longstanding research problems, contemporary research topics, and emerging areas.
We encourage proposals for addressing introductory or advanced topics in an introductory style as well as for targeting experienced researchers who want to dig deeper into a new topic.
A tutorial may introduce an emerging area in speech-related research or present an overview of an established area; but it should not focus on the presenter's individual research. Each tutorial should last for three hours.

Proposals should include (in this order)
? Tutorial Title
? Presenter(s): Name, affiliation, contact information (email and telephone)
? 3-4 sentence abstract summarizing the proposed tutorial that could be used for advertisement
? Description of the proposal: 1-2 pages description plus references and any webpages/material useful for reviewing the proposal
? Explanation of relevance of the proposed tutorial (0.5 - 1 page)
? Tutorial logistics, including
     o Duration (3 hours = 1 session)
     o Description of presentation format (e.g. one or more presenters etc.)
     o Special equipment required for the tutorial
     o Choose one option for the distribution of the accompanying material: (1) with a USB stick or (2) with a password-protected download link.
? Presenter information
     o Biography of presenter(s)
     o Key publications of presenter(s) on the tutorial topic
     o List of previous tutorial experience
? Audience information
     o Target audience (e.g., new researchers to the field, research students, specialists of adjacent fields, etc.)
     o Other considerations or comments

Submission procedure
Proposals for INTERSPEECH 2020 tutorials may be no more than 4 pages and must conform to the format stated above; please use clear headings to indicate each point.
Proposals should be submitted by email to by April 3, 2020 and notification of accepted proposals will be given by May 3, 2020.
By submitting a proposal, the presenter(s) understand the ISCA policy of strongly encouraging video-recording of the tutorial for education purposes if the proposal is accepted. Access to recording materials will be given via ISCA Video Archives.
Questions? Please contact

The tutorial chairs
? Zhijian Ou (
? Man-Wai Mak (


3-1-2(2020-10-26) Cf Show and Tell, Interspeech 2020, Shanghai, China (UPDATED)
Show & Tell
Important Dates
? Submission deadline: Saturday, June 6, 2020
? Acceptance/rejection notification: TBA
? Final paper and final video due: TBA

INTERSPEECH is the world’s largest and most comprehensive conference on the science and technology of spoken language processing.
Show & Tell is a special event organized during the conference. Participants are given the opportunity to demonstrate their most recent progress of developments, and interact with the conference attendees in an informal way, such as a demo, mock-up or any adapted format of their own choice. The contributions must highlight the innovative side of the concept and may relate to a regular paper.

Submission and Preparation Guidelines
Each initial Show & Tell submission must contain both a paper of up to 2 pages detailing the demonstration and a video illustrating what is going to be shown. The paper (including references) has to follow the format defined in the paper preparation guidelines as detailed in the “INTERSPEECH 2020 Author’s Kit”. Please note that the focus of the paper shall be on describing what the visitors will see and experience. The video can simply be recorded with a mobile phone or alike. Submissions will be evaluated by the organizing committee for relevance, originality, clarity, and significance of the proposed demonstration. At least one author of each accepted submission must register for and attend the conference, and demonstrate the system during the Show & Tell sessions.
Each accepted Show & Tell paper will be allocated two pages in the conference proceedings. Furthermore, a final video, which is to be submitted by the final paper deadline, will be made publicly available. Show & Tell demonstrations will be presented in their dedicated time slot in the conference program. Each presentation space includes
?  one poster board
?  one table
?  wireless internet connection, and
?  a power outlet
Please submit your proposal to the Show & Tell Chairs via no later than June 6, 2020.

3-1-3(2020-10-26) CfSS and challenges Interspeech 2020, Shanghai, China

Call for proposals of
Special  Sessions & Challenges
deadline is approaching!

For more information, please visit the Special Sessions & Challenges webpage.



  • Proposals of special sessions / challenges due: Monday, December 16, 2019
  • Notification of pre-selection: Wednesday, January 15, 2020
  • Final list of special sessions: Monday, June 15, 2020


Submission of the proposals are encouraged for INTERSPEECH 2020, covering interdisciplinary topics and/or important new emerging areas of interest related to main conference topics. Submissions related to special focus of the conference, Cognitive Intelligence for Speech Processing, are particularly welcome. Apart from supporting a particular theme, special sessions may also have a format that is different from a regular session.

Each special session proposal must contain the following information:

  • Title of the proposed special session,
  • Names and affiliations of the organizers (including contact information and a brief biography for each organizer),
  • Up to five bullet points on what makes the session special,
  • A summary (up to one page) stating the importance of the session’s topic and objectives. Furthermore, the session format should be clearly defined (panel, oral, posters, etc.). The summary should also explain why the topic cannot be properly covered by regular conference sessions,
  • A tentative list of researchers who could contribute papers to the session. Note that with a nominal 50% acceptance rate for Interspeech papers, this means that special sessions should have a minimum of 12 anticipated submissions, unless their format allocates time to something other than paper presentations,
  • Additional or non-standard resources (e.g., data, equipment, poster stands, etc.) required for organizing the special session.

Proposals will be evaluated by the organizing committee for relevance and significance. Papers for approved Special Sessions have to be submitted following the same schedule and procedure as regular papers; the papers will undergo the same review process by anonymous and independent reviewers. Special session organizers will be involved in the reviewer assignment and in the final decisions.

Special session proposers are invited to submit a proposal via email to the Special Session Chairs Zhiyong Wu (Tsinghua University), Tim Fingscheidt (Technical University of Braunschweig), Bhuvana Ramabhadran (Google), Yongguo Kang (Baidu), Pengyuan Zhang (IOA, CAS) at no later than Friday, November 29, 2019. Please do not hesitate to ask before submitting your proposal if further clarifications are needed. Notification of pre-selection is scheduled for Tuesday, December 31, 2019. Final acceptance will be announced shortly after paper decisions are completed.


3-1-4(2020-10-26) First Voice Privacy Challenge at Interspeech 2020 UPDATED

The deadlines for the First VoicePrivacy Challenge at Interspeech-2020 have been extended, and the schedule, including the submission deadline, has been adjusted according to the new Interspeech paper submission deadline of 8th May 2020.

Also, version 1.2 of the VoicePrivacy 2020 Challenge Evaluation Plan is available on the challenge website:

Changes include the same schedule update, the release of a second, simpler baseline system and results for both baselines.

Both baselines are available online:

Please check the latest updates:

The registration for the VoicePrivacy Challenge continues!

Registration should be performed once for each participating entity and by sending an email to: with ?VoicePrivacy 2020 registration? as the subject line. The mail body should include: (i) the name of the team; (ii) the name of the contact person; (iii) their country; (iv) their status (academic/nonacademic).


3-1-5(2020-10-26) Interspeech 2020 Shanghai, China (UPDATED)


Interspeech 2020
Shanghai, China, October 26-29, 2020
Chair : Helen Meng
21th INTERSPEECH event

The submission and review process has also been updated as follows:

May 8, 2020 Paper submission deadline
June 6, 2020 Show and tell submission due
July 24, 2020 Paper acceptance/rejection notification
Aug 10, 2020 Notification about ISCA Travel Grants
Aug 24, 2020 Early-bird registration deadline
Sep 23, 2020 Standard registration deadline


3-1-6(2021-08-30) Interspeech 2021, Brno, Czech Republic

Brno, Czech Republic, August 30 - September 3, 2021
Chairs : Hynek Hermansky and Honza Cernocky 
22nd INTERSPEECH event


3-1-7(2022) Interspeech 2022, Incheon, South Korea

Incheon in South Korea will welcome Interspeech 2022.


3-1-8(2023-08-20) Interspeech 2023, Dublin, Ireland

, ISCA has reached the decision to hold INTERSPEECH-2023 in Dublin, Ireland (Aug. 20-24, 2023)


3-1-9Message from the Student Advisory Committee:Covid 19 and Interspeech 2020 Shanghai

Dear ISCA community,

The Student Advisory Committee of ISCA (ISCA-SAC) is pleased to announce that we are planning three student events in the context of Interspeech 2020. This year, the events will take place online around the same time as Interspeech in Shanghai.

- 2nd Mentoring
The event gives PhD students the opportunity to engage in a discussion with early-career and senior researchers from academia and industry. ISCA-SAC aims at providing a warm environment for discussing questions concerning a variety of topics, such as research in academia and industry, equal opportunities, publishing, and professional development.
Application required. Participants will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis.

- 6th Doctoral Consortium
The event provides an opportunity for PhD students, especially those early in the process of identifying a thesis topic, to present their research and discuss it with a panel of experts. The discussion includes feedback on the evolution and progress of their research. It helps them to identify a road-map toward refining their thesis.
Application required. Submit extended two-page abstract until August 1, 2020.

- 7th Students Meet Experts
The event consists of a panel discussion with experts from industry and academia, in which the questions of the student audience are discussed. All Bachelor, Master, and Phd students are invited to join. After the event students have the opportunity to meet the experts in person and follow up with more in-depth questions.
Registration requested. We collect questions for the experts during the registration process.

For more information on how to sign up for the events, please visit

For more information about ISCA-SAC, please visit:

We are looking forward to your participation!

Iona Gessinger

ISCA-SAC General Coordinator


3-2 ISCA Supported Events
3-2-1(2020-08-16) 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation (TAI), Sonderberg, Denmark (UPDATE)


Unfortunately, I have to inform you today that we will have to cancel the TAI conference in Sonderborg, DK for this year (as well as its satellite event, 13th Nordic Prosody). This announcement makes me and the whole organization team very sad, especially because the planning process was already very advanced, including safety preparations such as masks for conference participants, and the first contributions have already been submitted.
However, the Danish government has decided that no major events may take place in Denmark until at least August 31, 2020, and as a public institution, we must abide by this rule. Additionally, although more and more countries seem to be managing the crisis well, making reliable travel bookings for August will most likely still remain a problem for many months. Moreover, we know from the United States and other countries that many of our colleagues won't be allowed to travel to international conferences before the end of August. Of course, we don't want to exclude anyone from the conference and/or expose anyone to unnecessary health risks.
A multilateral, personal exchange of ideas and feedback is essential for a conference and for fostering research in general. It is for this reason that we prefer not to carry out the TAI conference online. Instead, we -- as well as many colleagues with whom we have discussed informally -- would prefer to postpone TAI to next year.

The new preliminary date for TAI is 15-18 June (Wed-Fri), 2021, i.e. right before PaPE 2021 in Barcelona, Spain. The host of TAI remains the University of Southern Denmark, in Sonderborg, DK. We will work hard to confirm the new date for TAI as soon as possible. Please check our website for updates.
Regarding the submission procedure, we have closed the Easychair submission page for now. When the new date for the TAI has been fixed, we will open the submission page again in good time before the conference dates. We expect the new submission deadline to be at the beginning of 2021. In this way, everyone will still have enough time to carry out his/her studies  planned for TAI (even if they are currently interrupted due to Corona) without time pressure. Of course, all authors who have already submitted abstracts for TAI are welcome to submit their contributions elsewhere.
We will keep you up to date and hope for your understanding and your active participation in the TAI in 2021.We, the organizing team and I wish you all a productive and successful post-Easter period. Stay healthy and positive!

Warm and sunny regards from Southern Denmark,
Oliver Niebuhr, Jan Michalsky, Meg Zellers, Jana Neitsch, Stephanie Berger and Jonas Sikorskis.                      


1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation (TAI)

'Tone and Intonation in a globalized, digital world'

Sonderborg, Denmark

16-20 August 2020

The 1st edition of the Tone-and-Intonation (TAI) conference series is proudly hosted by the Centre of Industrial Electronics (CIE) at the University of Southern Denmark. Being a merger of the two former conference series TAL (Tonal Aspects of Languages) and TIE (Tone and Intonation in Europe), TAI 2020 welcomes contributions on phonetic and phonological analyses of prosody including (but not limited to) topics related to the production and perception of prosody and rhythm, the semantics and pragmatics of prosody, the acquisition and teaching of prosody in L1 and L2, and cross-linguistic comparisons of prosody.  In addition, in TAI 2020 a number of sessions will be dedicated to the conference theme of globalization and digitization. In this context, we also encourage researchers of neighboring disciplines to submit papers related to tone and intonation to the conference.

Globalization poses increasing challenges to both societies and individuals in terms of language contact and language acquisition. Digitization opens up new ways of human-human and human-machine interaction. In both contexts, tone and intonation are special linguistic, technical and didactic hurdles. Their better understanding not only has the potential for deeper insights into the nature of speech communication but can also decisively shape the communication of tomorrow.


Centre of Industrial Electronics (CIE) at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) on science campus Alsion, Sonderborg, Denmark ( The SDU is both the third-largest and the third-oldest Danish university. Since the introduction of the ranking systems in 2012, the University of Southern Denmark has consistently been ranked as one of the top 50 young universities in the world by both the Times Higher Education World University Rankings and the QS World University Rankings. The SDU is also among the top 20 universities in Scandinavia.


- Mariapaola D'Imperio (Rutgers University, USA)

- Peggy Mok (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China)

- Stefan Baumann (University of Cologne, Germany)

- Hans Basböll (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark)


01 March 2020 Online abstract submission opens
19 April 2020 Abstract submission deadline
31 May 2020 Notification of acceptance
21 June 2020 Early bird registration deadline
16-20 August 2020 1st Tone-and-Intonation Conference, Sonderborg, Denmark

01 November 2020 Deadline for the submission of a revised abstract and an optional 5-page full paper (4 pages of text plus 1 page for references only)

Registrations are made through the conference website. Abstract and paper submission will be handled via the EasyChair platform. More detailed information about the submission procedure and about the abstract/paper formatting requirements will be available on the conference website soon.

TAI 2020 is co-sponsored by ISCA (International Speech Communication Association) and the IPA (International Phonetic Association). We are pleased to offer 5 IPA Student Awards that will cover the early bird student registration fee. Further ISCA-sponsored grants (max. 3) might be added soon. Please check the website for further information on how to apply.

Oliver Niebuhr

Associate Professor of Communication & Innovation

SDU Electrical Engineering

CIE - Centre for Industrial Electronics


3-2-2(2020-09-21) 11th International Workshop on Spoken Dialog System Technology (IWSDS2020), Madrid, Spain (UPDATED)

The Information Processing and Telecommunications Center at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (IPTC-UPM) in collaboration with Universidad de Granada are organizing the 11th International Workshop on Spoken Dialog System Technology (IWSDS2020) to be held in Madrid, Spain from September 21-23, 2020. We are now inviting paper submissions especially on the following topics:

  • Engagement and emotion in human-robot interactions
  • Digital resources for interactive applications
  • Multi-modal and machine learning methods
  • Companions, personal assistants and dialogue systems
  • Proactive and anticipatory interactions
  • Educational and healthcare robot applications
  • Dialogue systems and reasoning
  • Big data and large scale spoken dialogue systems
  • Multi-lingual dialogue systems
  • Spoken dialog systems for low-resource languages
  • Domain Transfer and adaptation techniques for spoken dialog systems

However, submissions are not limited to these topics, therefore we are encouraging to submit papers in all areas of spoken dialogue systems. We particularly welcome papers that can be illustrated by a demonstration, and will organize the conference in order to best accommodate these papers, whatever their category. We distinguish between the following categories of regular submissions:

Categories of submissions:

  • Long Research Papers are reserved for reports on mature research results. The expected length of a long paper should be in the range of 8-14 pages, including references.
  • Short Research Papers should be in the range of 4-8 pages, including references. Authors may choose this category if they wish to report on smaller case studies or ongoing but interesting and original research efforts.
  • Position Papers deal with novel research ideas or view-points which describe trends or fruitful starting points for future research and elicit discussion and are not much researched. They should be 2 pages long, excluding references.
  • Demo Submissions ? System Papers: Authors who wish to demonstrate their system may choose this category and provide a description of their system and demo. System papers should not exceed 6 pages in total.

As usual, a selection of accepted papers will be published in a book by Springer following the conference (Springer LNEE series, SCOPUS and other important indexes).



Authors are requested to submit PDF files of their manuscripts using the paper submission system (EasyChair).

IWSDS 2020 requires that all authors wishing to present a paper take into account:

  • The paper is substantially original and will not be submitted to any other conference or journal during the IWSDS 2020 review period.
  • The paper does not contain any plagiarism.
  • The paper will be presented by one of the authors in-person at the conference site according to the schedule published. Any paper accepted in the technical program, but not presented on-site will be withdrawn from the official conference proceedings.

NOTE: All submitted papers are subject to a single-blind review. The change in page limits is to accommodate responses to reviewer comments only.


Special Sessions and Workshops

In addition, IWSDS will host three special sessions and one workshop. Authors can submit specific papers to any of these using the same procedure as the regular papers but selecting the specific session during the submission process. For additional information about these special sessions and workshop please check the Special Session link:


Templates for formatting are available below:


Important dates

Paper submission deadline:  January 10, 2020 (23:59 Pacific Standard Time, GMT -8)

Paper notification deadline: February 7, 2020

Camera ready papers due: February 21, 2020

Early bird registration ends: July 17, 2020

Twitter: @iwsds2020 
Supported by: SigDial and Colips

3-2-3(2020-09-21) CALL for Workshops and Special Sessions for IWSDS 2020, Madrid, Spain (UPDATED)

CALL for Workshops and Special Sessions for IWSDS 2020

Place: Madrid, Spain
Dates: September 21-23, 2020


INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON SPOKEN DIALOG SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY (IWSDS) 2020 invites proposals for Workshops and Special Sessions in any topic related to the main conference theme: Conversational Dialogue Systems for the Next Decade.

Authors are requested to submit PDF files (maximum three pages) of their proposal to

The proposal must indicate:

  1. Whether the proposal is for a workshop or for a special session:Workshop / Special Session title
    • Workshops are half day events collocated either before or after the IWSDS 2020 main program. Registration to workshops is not included with IWSDS registration. Participants only interested in attending the workshops do not need to register for IWSDS.
    • Special sessions are 90-minute sessions that are part of the IWSDS main program. Registration to special sessions is included with IWSDS registration.
  2. Name, affiliation, e-mail and phone number of the organizers
  3. A description of the workshop / Special Session title including:Tentative program committee members (only for workshop proposals)
    • objectives
    • topics of interest
    • justification
    • expected number of submissions
    • tentative program
  4. Special audio-visual, internet, computer or equipment requirements
  5. Whether the workshop / special session have been run before:Any additional information that might be relevant for the proposal evaluation
    • where and when
    • number of participants

Proposal submission deadline: September 13, 2019

Proposal acceptance notification: September 17, 2019


Important notice:
  1. Based on the volume of submissions and other logistic constraints accepted workshops can be converted into special sessions or vice versa
  2. IWSDS 2020 organization cannot provide any kind of financial support to workshop and special session organizers. IWSDS 2020 organization will only cover expenses related to venue, audio-visual equipment and coffee breaks for workshops and special sessions.


The Information Processing and Telecommunications Center at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (IPTC-UPM) in collaboration with Universidad de Granada are organizing the 11th International Workshop on Spoken Dialog System Technology (IWSDS2020) to be held in Madrid, Spain from September21-23, 2020. We are now inviting paper submissions especially on the following topics:

List of Topics

  • Engagement and emotion in human-robot interactions
  • Digital resources for interactive applications
  • Multi-modal and machine learning methods
  • Companions, personal assistants and dialogue systems
  • Proactive and anticipatory interactions
  • Educational and healthcare robot applications
  • Dialogue systems and reasoning
  • Big data and large scale spoken dialogue systems
  • Multi-lingual dialogue systems
  • Spoken dialog systems for low-resource languages
  • Domain Transfer and adaptation techniques for spoken dialog systems

However, submissions are not limited to these topics, therefore we are encouraging to submit papers in all areas of spoken dialogue systems. We particularly welcome papers that can be illustrated by a demonstration, and will organize the conference in order to best accommodate these papers, whatever their category. 

Submission Guidelines

All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.We distinguish between the following categories of regular submissions:

  • Long Research Papers are reserved for reports on mature research results. The expected length of a long paper should be in the range of 8-14 pages, including references.
  • Short Research Papers should be in the range of 4-8 pages, including references. Authors may choose this category if they wish to report on smaller case studies or ongoing but interesting and original research efforts.
  • Position Papers deal with novel research ideas or view-points which describe trends or fruitful starting points for future research and elicit discussion and are not much researched. They should be 2 pages long, excluding references.
  • Demo Submissions ? System Papers: Authors who wish to demonstrate their system may choose this category and provide a description of their system and demo. System papers should not exceed 6 pages in total.

Authors are requested to submit PDF files of their manuscripts using the paper submission system (EasyChair).

IWSDS 2020 requires that all authors wishing to present a paper take into account:

  • The paper is substantially original and will not be submitted to any other conference or journal during the IWSDS 2020 review period.
  • The paper does not contain any plagiarism.
  • The paper will be presented by one of the authors in-person at the conference site according to the schedule published. Any paper accepted in the technical program, but not presented on-site will be withdrawn from the official conference proceedings.

NOTE: All submitted papers are subject to a single-blind review. The change in page limits is to accommodate responses to reviewer comments only.

As usual, a selection of accepted papers will be published in a book by Springer following the conference (Springer LNEE series, SCOPUS and other important indexes).

Special Sessions and Workshops

In addition, IWSDS will host three special sessions and one workshop. Authors can submit specific papers to any of these using the same procedure as the regular papers but selecting the specific session during the submission process. For additional information about these special sessions and workshop please check the Special Session link:

Templates for formatting are available below:

Important Dates

  • Paper submission deadline:  January 10, 2020 (23:59 Pacific Standard Time, GMT -8)
  • Paper notification deadline: February 7, 2020
  • Camera ready papers due: February 21, 2020
  • Early bird registration ends: July 17, 2020
  • Website: 
  • Twitter: @iwsds2020 


All questions about submissions should be emailed to


IWSDS2020 is sponsored by Universidd Politécnica de Madrid, SigDial, and Colips.


Organizing Committee

  • General Chair: Luis Fernando D'Haro, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
  • General Chair: Zoraida Callejas, Universidad de Granada, Spain
  • Local Organiser: David Griol, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
  • Publicity: Marta Ruiz Costa-Jussà, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
  • Sponsorship Chair: José Quesada, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
  • Special Sessions Chair: María Inés Torres (UPV/EHU), Universidad del País Vasco, Spain
  • Student Organizer: Manuel Gil Martín, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain)
  • Social Activities: Ricardo Kleinlein, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain)
  • Webmaster: Kheng Hui Yeoh, Institute for Infocomm Research (Singapore)

Steering Committee

  • Maxine Eskenazi, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
  • Laurence Devillers, LIMSI-CNRS & Univ. Paris-Sorbonne 4, France
  • Rafael E. Banchs, Nanyang Technological University of Singapore
  • Sabato Marco Siniscalchi, Kore University of Enna, Italy

Senior Steering Committee

  • Joseph Mariani, LIMSI-CNRS, France
  • Kristiina Jokinen, AIST Tokyo Waterfront, Japan
  • Haizhou Li, national University of Singapore, Singapore
  • David Traum, University of Southern California, USA
  • Satoshi Nakamura, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan

3-2-5The International Conference 'Language Technologies for All (LT4All): a report.

The International Conference 'Language Technologies for All (LT4All):  
Enabling Linguistic Diversity and Multilingualism Worldwide', which took  
place on December 4-6, 2019 at Unesco Headquarters in Paris in the  
framework of the International Year of Indigenous Languages (IYIL 2019),  
was sponsored by ISCA. 
The rationale of the conference was: 'How to improve the present  
situation where only 2% of the languages spoken over the world benefit  
from Language Technologies' ? 
It allowed for fruitful exchanges between Language Technology providers  
and Language Policy makers, as it can be seen on Twitter: 
The conference oral sessions were webcasted and can be replayed, in  
English and French: see 


3-3 Other Events
3-3-1(2020) LREC 2020, Marseille cancelled (COVID 19)
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, LREC 2020 could unfortunately not be held in Marseille in May 2020 as planned.
The LREC 2020 Programme Committee and the ELRA Board have decided that:


1. the 12th edition of LREC, LREC 2020, will not be postponed and is definitely cancelled.


2. the next LREC will be the 13th edition, LREC 2022, which will take place in Marseille (in Pharo) on June 16-24, 2022.


3. ELRA will organize an event around Language Resources and current challenges on Covid-19 in 2021. Details on format, dates and location will follow.
Looking forward to seeing you,
LREC 2020 Programme Committee & ELRA Board
See the 2020 Proceedings:

3-3-2(2020-08-13) Nordic prosody conference, Sonderborg,Denmark (UPDATED)


Unfortunately, I have to inform you today that we will have to cancel the TAI conference in Sonderborg, DK for this year (as well as its satellite event, 13th Nordic Prosody). This announcement makes me and the whole organization team very sad, especially because the planning process was already very advanced, including safety preparations such as masks for conference participants, and the first contributions have already been submitted.
However, the Danish government has decided that no major events may take place in Denmark until at least August 31, 2020, and as a public institution, we must abide by this rule. Additionally, although more and more countries seem to be managing the crisis well, making reliable travel bookings for August will most likely still remain a problem for many months. Moreover, we know from the United States and other countries that many of our colleagues won't be allowed to travel to international conferences before the end of August. Of course, we don't want to exclude anyone from the conference and/or expose anyone to unnecessary health risks.
A multilateral, personal exchange of ideas and feedback is essential for a conference and for fostering research in general. It is for this reason that we prefer not to carry out the TAI conference online. Instead, we -- as well as many colleagues with whom we have discussed informally -- would prefer to postpone TAI to next year.

The new preliminary date for TAI is 15-18 June (Wed-Fri), 2021, i.e. right before PaPE 2021 in Barcelona, Spain. The host of TAI remains the University of Southern Denmark, in Sonderborg, DK. We will work hard to confirm the new date for TAI as soon as possible. Please check our website for updates.
Regarding the submission procedure, we have closed the Easychair submission page for now. When the new date for the TAI has been fixed, we will open the submission page again in good time before the conference dates. We expect the new submission deadline to be at the beginning of 2021. In this way, everyone will still have enough time to carry out his/her studies  planned for TAI (even if they are currently interrupted due to Corona) without time pressure. Of course, all authors who have already submitted abstracts for TAI are welcome to submit their contributions elsewhere.
We will keep you up to date and hope for your understanding and your active participation in the TAI in 2021.We, the organizing team and I wish you all a productive and successful post-Easter period. Stay healthy and positive!

Warm and sunny regards from Southern Denmark,
Oliver Niebuhr, Jan Michalsky, Meg Zellers, Jana Neitsch, Stephanie Berger and Jonas Sikorskis.

Call for Papers


The 13th edition of the Nordic Prosody (NP) conference series is proudly hosted by Centre of Industrial Electronics (CIE) at the University of Southern Denmark on science campus Alsion, Sonderborg, Denmark ( The conference will be held as a satellite event to the 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation (TAI), 16-20 August 2020. Note that there will be a discount for NP participants who sign up for both conferences!

The University of Southern Denmark (SDU) is both the third-largest and the third-oldest Danish university. Since the introduction of the ranking systems in 2012, the University of Southern Denmark has consistently been ranked as one of the top 50 young universities in the world by both the Times Higher Education World University Rankings and the QS World University Rankings. The SDU is also among the top 20 universities in Scandinavia.


Nordic Prosody conferences take place every 4 years. The first one was in Lund in 1978, organized by Eva Gårding, Gösta Bruce and Robert Bannert. The 12th Nordic Prosody was in 2016 in Trondheim, Norway. The conference series focuses on the forms and functions of prosodic patterns in Nordic languages and in languages spoken around the Baltic Sea. Contributions on all the various aspects of phonetics, phonology, and speech typology are welcome. Papers presenting new corpora, methods, or devices can be submitted as well. We also encourage researchers from neighboring disciplines like (second-language) pedagogy, acoustics, human-machine interaction, and voice pathology to submit contributions to the conference.


Keynote Speakers


- David House (KTH Stockholm, Sweden) & Gilbert Ambrazaitis (Linnaeus University, Sweden): The multimodal nature of prominence

- Wim van Dommelen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway): Interactions of segmental and prosodic parameters

- Nicolai Pharao (Copenhagen University, Denmark): Processing prosody – recognizing speakers and recognizing words


Important dates:

31 May 2020 Abstract submission deadline
21 June 2020 Early bird registration deadline
13-15 August 2020 13th Nordic Prosody Conference, Sonderborg, Denmark

01 November 2020 Full-paper submission deadline


Registrations are made through the conference website. Abstracts as well as full papers should be sent by email to More detailed information about the formatting requirements will be available on the conference website.

Conference proceedings will be published in a peer-reviewed volume of  a Peter Lang book series.



two special sessions at Tone and Intonation 2020 (August 16-20, SDU Sonderborg), as described below.  Please visit for more information, now including the conference keynote speakers, registration information, etc.


“Perceptual impact of foreign accents and non-standard varieties”


Marta Ortega-Llebaria (University of Pittsburgh, USA) & Jan Volín (Charles University, Czech Republic)


Suprasegmental features of speech have received well-deserved attention in the past decades. In particular, research in the f0 domain has proven especially promising since the melodic and tonal attributes of speech are perceptually salient and robust. They also convey a variety of meanings – lexical, grammatical, affective, pragmatic, conative, social – and they facilitate cerebral speech processing and comprehension. Unprecedented mobility of human populations leads to multilingual contexts that create new situations of language contact and language learning involving typologically different language varieties, many of which are still under-researched. Exactly these new linguistic situations could provide new insights into functioning of melodic and tonal phenomena and their role in, for instance, the linguistic structure, language learning and social stereotyping.


Submissions that investigate tone and intonation in relation to the following subtopics are especially welcome:


• perception and interpretation of melodic and tonal features in non-native languages and non-standard varieties


• implicit (unconscious) judgements about the users of non-native languages and non-standard varieties


• explicit (conscious) evaluations of intonation of non-native languages and non-standard varieties in different contexts, e.g., court, L2 proficiency exams, job interviews, business presentations


• emotional response to non-standard varieties and foreign-accented speech


• social consequences of speaking outside standard


• effects of unfamiliar accents into f0 processing and cognitive load


• entrainment/conversational accommodation in f0 domain


• the role of intonation in perceived fluency, accentedness, intelligibility and comprehensibility


• didactic approach to tones and tunes in foreign language teaching




After the opening overview of the field, the special session is planned to host 6 oral presentations of 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for on-spot clarifications and a number of poster presentations. The presentations will be followed by a chaired panel discussion.




“Prosody-oriented studies of social communicative speech in a digitized world”


Barbara Schuppler (TU Graz, Austria) & Wentao Gu (Nanjing Normal University, China)


In the last decade, human-human and human-machine social communicative dialogues have received more and more attention among linguists and speech scientists. For one thing, linguists study social communicative speech in order to go beyond controlled experiments and get additional insights into how spoken languages are processed in dynamic interaction. For another thing, accurate and phenomenologically rich automatic speech/speaker/emotion recognition and expressive text-to-speech synthesis systems are essential for conversational dialogue systems, as these become increasingly more interactional and social rather than solely transactional. Prosody, as the major vehicle of social functions, plays key roles in both types of studies. The investigation of prosodic variation in dialogue does not only require applying existing methods to interactional data. It also requires developing new categories of forms and functions, new modeling techniques and new sources of data/knowledge. This special session aims at bringing together phoneticians, linguists and speech technologists interested in the prosody of conversational speech. Submissions on the following topics and on different languages, including minority languages, are especially welcome:


• tools and data resources for the annotation and analysis of prosody in conversational speech


• the relationship between prosodic forms and communicative functions


• cross-linguistic and individual prosody variation in social speech communication


• co-variation of the segmental and suprasegmental characteristics in speech communication


• models of prosody in conversational speech


• prosody-oriented studies in automatic speech/speaker/emotion recognition and expressive text-to-speech synthesis


• prosody-oriented studies in human-robot interaction


The special session is able to include a maximum of 10 submissions, e.g., subdivided into 7 oral presentations of 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for discussion and 3 oral presentations that showcase new methods, tools, and corpora.




Submissions to the special sessions use the same abstract and paper templates as regular contributions to TAI, and submissions are made through the same Easychair link as for regular contributions to TAI. The deadline for all submissions is 19 April 2020.  Please see for more information.








This mail was sent through the SProSIG mailing list, which is for


announcements of interest to the speech prosody research community.


To subscribe/unsubscribe, send mail to




Nigel Ward, Professor of Computer Science, University of Texas at El Paso


CCSB 3.0408,  +1-915-747-6827   

We wish all of you a good start into the new lecture term.

The NP13 organizing committee,


Oliver Niebuhr, Jana Neitsch, Jan Michalsky, Meg Zellers, Stephanie Berger, Kerstin Fischer


Oliver Niebuhr

Associate Professor of Communication & Innovation

SDU Electrical Engineering

CIE - Centre for Industrial Electronics


This mail was sent through the SProSIG mailing list, which is for announcements of interest to the speech prosody research community. To subscribe/unsubscribe, mail



3-3-3(2020-08-24) The 28th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2020), Amsterdam , The Netherlands, UPDATED


The conference is postponed to January 18-22 2021. See

The 28th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2020)

August 24-28, 2020, Amsterdam, The Netherlands



Rebecca Willett, Departments of  Statistics and Computer Science,
University of Chicago, USA.

Michael Unser, Biomedical Imaging Group, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale
de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland.

Robert Heath, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Texas at Austin, USA.


On behalf of the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP), it is a great
pleasure of the organizing committee to invite you to the 28th European Signal Processing
Conference, EUSIPCO 2020, to be held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. EUSIPCO is the
flagship conference of EURASIP and offers a comprehensive technical program addressing
all the latest developments in research and technology for signal processing. EUSIPCO
2020 will feature worldclass speakers, oral and poster sessions, plenaries, exhibitions,
demonstrations, tutorials, and satellite workshops, and is expected to attract many
leading academic researchers and people from industry from all over the world.


We invite the submission of original, unpublished technical papers on topics including
but not limited to:

- Audio and acoustic signal processing
- Speech and language processing
- Image and video processing
   Multimedia signal processing
- Signal processing theory and methods
- Sensor array and multichannel signal processing
- Signal processing for communications
- Radar and sonar signal processing
- Signal processing over graphs and networks
- Nonlinear signal processing
- Statistical signal processing
- Compressed sensing and sparse modelling
- Optimization methods
- Machine learning
- Bio-medical image and signal processing
- Signal processing for computer vision and robotics
- Computational imaging / spectral imaging
- Information forensics and security
- Signal processing for power systems
- Signal processing for education
- Bioinformatics and genomics
- Signal processing for big data
- Signal processing for the internet of things
- Design/implementation of signal processing systems

Accepted papers will be included in IEEE Xplore©. EURASIP enforces a ?no-show? policy.
Procedures to submit papers, proposals for special sessions, tutorials and satellite
workshops can be found on the website.


Beurs van berlage ( The Beurs van Berlage breathes history
and character. It was already a bustling trading place in 1903. Today it?s a one in a
million conference location in the warm heart of Amsterdam, with high quality and
service, an impressive atmosphere and excellent facilities. A fantastic location
that you?ll never forget! The building is located in the characteristic historic center
of Amsterdam, opposite the Central Station and around the corner from Dam Square. Amidst
impressive cultural highlights and no fewer than eight thousand hotel rooms. The design
by master architect Berlage breathes history and vigor. It certainly leaves
an unforgettable impression! In less than fifteen minutes from Schiphol Airport you?re
already in the Beurs van Berlage. Moreover, there are ample parking opportunities within
walking distance.


- Special Session Proposals? December 6, 2019
- Tutorial Proposals ? January 17, 2020
- Satellite Workshop Proposals ? January 24, 2020
- Full Paper Submission ? March 2, 2020
- Notification of Acceptance ? May 29, 2020
- Final Manuscript Submission ? June 12, 2020


3-3-4(2020-08-31) 1st Call for paper – RO-MAN 2020 Special Session in Dialogue Management Systems for Human-Robot Interaction , Naples, Italy

1st Call for paper – RO-MAN 2020 Special Session in Dialogue Management Systems for Human-Robot Interaction

The Special Session Dialogue Management Systems for Human-Robot Interaction will be held in Naples during the RO-MAN 2020 Conference ( which will take place from August 31st to September 4th. This Special Session is a joint initiative of Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Computazionale (AILC) and Associazione Italiana di Scienze della Voce (AISV), i.e. the two Italian scientific societies on Computational Linguistics and Speech Sciences.

The Special Session will focus on Spoken Dialogue Systems, currently a leading topic in Social and Interactional Robotics. In this area some ongoing, often unresolved, issues, including accuracy in automatic speech recognition, naturalness of speech synthesis and complexity of semantic domain representation, are fast going toward a revolutionary turning point allowing researchers to concentrate on multimodal integration, spoken language understanding, and automatic evaluation of the speaker’s intents.



We invite participants to submit a 6 pages paper. Example submission topics include, but are not limited to:

· Speech and gesture interfaces for robotic interaction

· Spoken language understanding and domain semantic representation

· Specific vs general domain dialogue systems

· Dialogue state tracking

· Datasets for training dialogue systems

· User intent classification

· Vision, spatial representation, deixis, reference disambiguation

· Persuasive dialogue systems ed empathic strategies

· Dialogic corpora collection

· Dialogue Systems evaluation

· Modelling miscommunication and repair strategies



  1. Create an account: go to, then PIN and fill out the form. Ask all your co-authors to do the same if they do not have an account on the system yet, write down the authors' PINs (this information is needed for manuscript processing purposes).

  2. Go to Support Menu and depending on how you are preparing your paper, download a template: LaTeX or MS-Word, Use these templates/style files to create the paper and save in PDF format.

  3. Upload the paper: go to and click on 'Submit a contribution to RO-MAN 2020'.

  4. Submit (regular paper, special session paper).

  5. Fill in the form presented on the next page (make sure to enter all author PINs created in Step 1).

Please note, that our conference policy requires that at least one of the authors of the contributing submission must pay the conference registration fee to upload the final camera ready. This is to ensure that at least one of the presenting authors will be registered to attend the conference and deliver the presentation. The link to the registration system will be available on the conference website soon.

*The proposal must be submitted via the Papercept submission site.*

If you have any questions about the special sessions proposal submission, please contact



Submission Deadline: MARCH 15, 2020

Notification of Acceptance: MAY 27, 2020

Camera-ready deadline: JUNE 15, 2020


With kind regards,


On behalf of the Organizing Committee:


Francesco Cutugno – University of Naples ‘Federico II’

Barbara Gili Fivela – University of Salento

Bernardo Magnini – Fondazione Bruno Kessler



3-3-5(2020-09-07) CfP Text Mining and Applications (TEMA2020) , Lisboa, Portugal

Call for Papers ? Text Mining and Applications (TEMA?20) Track of EPIA?20

TeMA 2020 will be held at the 20th Portuguese Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (EPIA 2020) taking place at Lisboa, Portugal, from 7th to
9th September 2020. This track is organized under the auspices of the
Portuguese Association for Artificial Intelligence (APPIA). EPIA 2020
URL: :

This announcement contains the following information:

[1] Track description; [2] Topics of interest; [3] Important dates;
[4] Paper submission; [5] Track fees; [6] Organizing Committee; [7]
Program Committee and [8] Contacts.

[1] Track Description
The 10th Track of Text Mining and Applications (TeMA 2020) is a forum
for researchers working in Human Language Technologies, i.e. Natural
Language Processing (NLP), Computational Linguistics (CL), Natural
Language Engineering (NLE), Text Mining (TM), Information Retrieval
(IR), and related areas.
        The most natural form of sharing knowledge is indeed through textual
documents. Especially on the Web, a huge amount of textual information
is openly published every day, on many different topics and written in
natural language, thus offering new insights and many opportunities
for innovative applications of Human Language Technologies.
        Following recent advances in general IA sub-fields such as NLP,
Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL), text mining is now even
more valuable as tool for bridging the gap between language theories
and effective use of natural language contents, for harnessing the
power of semi-structured and unstructured data, and to enable
important applications in real-world heterogeneous environments. Both
hidden and new knowledge can be discovered by using text mining
methods, at multiple levels and in multiple dimensions, and often with
high commercial value.
Authors are invited to submit their papers on any of the issues
identified in section [2]. Revision of the papers will be double-blind
by the members of the Program Committee. All accepted papers will be
published by Springer in a volume of Springer?s Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) corresponding to the proceedings of the
20th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2020.

[2] Topics of Interest
TM, NLP, and Social Media Content Analysis
?       Entity Recognition and Disambiguation
?       Relation Extraction
?       Analysis of Opinions, Emotions and Sentiments
?       Text Clustering and Classification
?       Machine Translation
?       Summarization
?       Word Sense Disambiguation
?       Co-Reference Resolution
?       Language Modeling
?       Syntax and Parsing
?       Distributional Models and Semantics
?       Multi-Word Units
?       Lexical Knowledge Acquisition
?       Spatio-Temporal Text Mining
?       Entailment and Paraphrases
?       Natural Language Generation
?       Language Resources: Acquisition and Usage
?       Cross-Lingual Approaches
?       Algorithms and Data Structures for Text Mining
?       Information Retrieval and Information Extraction
?       Question-Answering and Dialogue Systems
?       Text-Based Prediction and Forecasting
?       Web Content Annotation
?       Computational Social Science
?       Computational Journalism
?       Health and Well-being
?       Big Data Analysis

 [3] Important dates
Paper submission deadline: April 15, 2020
Paper acceptance notification: May 31, 2020
Camera-ready deadline: June 15, 2020
        EPIA Conference: September 7-9, 2020(Lisboa, Portugal)

[4] Paper submission
Submissions must be full technical papers on substantial, original,
and previously unpublished research. Papers can have a maximum length
of 12 pages. All papers should be prepared according to the formatting
instructions of Springer LNAI series. Authors should omit their names
from the submitted papers, and should take reasonable care to avoid
indirectly disclosing their identity. References to own work may be
included in the paper, as long as referred to in the third person. All
papers should be submitted in PDF format through the conference
management website at:
Authors should consult Springer?s authors? guidelines and use their
proceedings templates, either for LaTeX or for Word, for the
preparation of their papers. Springer encourages authors to include
their ORCIDs in their papers. In addition, the corresponding author of
each paper, acting on behalf of all of the authors of that paper, must
complete and sign a Consent-to-Publish form. The corresponding author
signing the copyright form should match the corresponding author
marked on the paper. Once the files have been sent to Springer,
changes relating to the authorship of the papers cannot be made.

[5] Track Fees:
 Track participants must register at the main EPIA 2020 conference.

[6] Organizing Committee:
Joaquim Silva, DI ? FCT/UNL, Quinta da Torre, 2829-516 Caparica,
Portugal (Contact person).
Pablo Gamallo, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Praza do
Obradoiro, 0, 15705 Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña, Spain.
Paulo Quaresma, DI ? Uviversidade de Évora, Largo dos Colegiais 2,
7000-645 Évora, Portugal.
Irene Rodrigues., DI ? Uviversidade de Évora, Largo dos Colegiais 2,
7000-645 Évora, Portugal

[7] Program Committee:
Adam Jatowt ? Universit of Kioto, Japan
Alberto Diaz ? Universidade Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Alberto Simões ? Algoritmi Center - University of Minho, Portugal
Alexandre Rademaker ? IBM / FGV, Brazil
Altigran Silva ? Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Brasil
Antoine Doucet ? University of Caen, France
António Branco ? Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Béatrice Daille ? University of Nantes, France
Bruno Martins ? Instituto Superior Técnico ? Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Eric de La Clergerie ? INRIA, France
Fernando Batista ? Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal
Francisco Couto ? Faculdade de Ciências ? Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Gabriel Pereira Lopes ? Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia ?
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Gaël Dias ? University of Caen Basse-Normandie
Hugo Oliveira ? Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Iñaki Vicente - Language Technology, Elhuyar Foundation
Irene Rodrigues ? Universidade de Évora, Portugal
Jesús Vilares ? University of A Coruña, Spain
Joaquim Ferreira da Silva ? Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia ?
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Katerzyna Wegrzyn-Wolska ? ESIGETEL, France
Luisa Coheur ? Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal
Manuel Vilares Ferro ? University of Vigo, Spain
Marcos Garcia - Universidade da Coruña, Spain
Mário Silva ? Instituto Superior Técnico ? Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Miguel Alonso ? Universidade da Coruña, Spain
Pablo Gamallo ? Faculdade de Filologia, Santiago de Compustela, Spain
Patricia Martín-Rodilla ? Universidade da Coruña, Spain
Paulo Quaresma ? Universidade de Évora, Portugal
Pavel Brazdil ? University of Porto, Portugal
Renata Vieira ? Universidade de Évora, Portugal
Sérgio Nunes ? Faculdade de Engenharia ? Universidade do Porto, Portugal

[8] Contacts
Joaquim Francisco Ferreira da Silva, DI/FCT/UNL, Quinta da Torre,
2829?516, Caparica, Portugal. Tel: +351 21 294 8536 (ext. 10732) ?
Fax: +351 21 294 8541 ? E?mail: jfs [at]fct [dot] unl [dot] pt


3-3-6(2020-09-08 )TSD 2020 - PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT and CALL for WORKSHOPS, Brno, Czech Republic


Twenty-third International Conference on TEXT, SPEECH and DIALOGUE (TSD 2020)
              Brno, Czech Republic, 8-11 September 2020

The conference is organized by the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk
University, Brno, and the Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of
West Bohemia, Pilsen.  The conference is supported by International
Speech Communication Association.

Venue: Brno, Czech Republic


TSD series evolved as a prime forum for interaction between researchers in
both spoken and written language processing from all over the world.
Proceedings of TSD form a book published by Springer-Verlag in their
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series.


The TSD 2020 conference will be accompanied by one-day satellite workshops
or project meetings with organizational support by the TSD organizing
committee. The organizing committee can arrange for a meeting room at the
conference venue and prepare a workshop proceedings as a book with ISBN by
a local publisher. The workshop papers that will pass also the standard TSD
review process will appear in the Springer proceedings.  Each workshop is
a subject to proposal that should be sent to the contact e-mail ahead of the respective deadline.


Topics of the conference will include (but are not limited to):

    Corpora and Language Resources (monolingual, multilingual,
    text and spoken corpora, large web corpora, disambiguation,
    specialized lexicons, dictionaries)

    Speech Recognition (multilingual, continuous, emotional
    speech, handicapped speaker, out-of-vocabulary words,
    alternative way of feature extraction, new models for
    acoustic and language modelling)

    Tagging, Classification and Parsing of Text and Speech
    (morphological and syntactic analysis, synthesis and
    disambiguation, multilingual processing, sentiment analysis,
    credibility analysis, automatic text labeling, summarization,
    authorship attribution)

    Speech and Spoken Language Generation (multilingual, high
    fidelity speech synthesis, computer singing)

    Semantic Processing of Text and Speech (information
    extraction, information retrieval, data mining, semantic web,
    knowledge representation, inference, ontologies, sense
    disambiguation, plagiarism detection)

    Integrating Applications of Text and Speech Processing
    (machine translation, natural language understanding,
    question-answering strategies, assistive technologies)

    Automatic Dialogue Systems (self-learning, multilingual,
    question-answering systems, dialogue strategies, prosody in

    Multimodal Techniques and Modelling (video processing, facial
    animation, visual speech synthesis, user modelling, emotions
    and personality modelling)

Papers on processing of languages other than English are strongly



    Elmar Noeth, Germany (general chair)
    Rodrigo Agerri, Spain
    Eneko Agirre, Spain
    Vladimir Benko, Slovakia
    Archna Bhatia, United States
    Jan Cernocky, Czech Republic
    Simon Dobrisek, Slovenia
    Kamil Ekstein, Czech Republic
    Karina Evgrafova, Russia
    Yevhen Fedorov, Ukraine
    Carlos Ferra, Cuba
    Volker Fischer, Germany
    Darja Fiser, Slovenia
    Eleni Galiotou, Greece
    Bjorn Gamback, Norway
    Radovan Garabik, Slovakia
    Alexander Gelbukh, Mexico
    Louise Guthrie, USA
    Tino Haderlein, Germany
    Jan Hajic, Czech Republic
    Eva Hajicova, Czech Republic
    Yannis Haralambous, France
    Hynek Hermansky, USA
    Jaroslava Hlavacova, Czech Republic
    Ales Horak, Czech Republic
    Eduard Hovy, USA
    Denis Jouvet, France
    Maria Khokhlova, Russia
    Aidar Khusainov, Russia
    Daniil Kocharov, Russia
    Miloslav Konopik, Czech Republic
    Ivan Kopecek, Czech Republic
    Valia Kordoni, Germany
    Evgeny Kotelnikov, Russia
    Pavel Kral, Czech Republic
    Siegfried Kunzmann, Germany
    Nikola Ljubesic, Croatia
    Natalija Loukachevitch, Russia
    Bernardo Magnini, Italy
    Oleksandr Marchenko, Ukraine
    Vaclav Matousek, Czech Republic
    France Mihelic, Slovenia
    Roman Moucek, Czech Republic
    Agnieszka Mykowiecka, Poland
    Hermann Ney, Germany
    Juan Rafael Orozco-Arroyave, Colombia
    Karel Pala, Czech Republic
    Nikola Pavesic, Slovenia
    Maciej Piasecki, Poland
    Josef Psutka, Czech Republic
    James Pustejovsky, USA
    German Rigau, Spain
    Leon Rothkrantz, The Netherlands
    Anna Rumshisky, USA
    Milan Rusko, Slovakia
    Pavel Rychly, Czechia
    Mykola Sazhok, Ukraine
    Odette Scharenborg, The Netherlands
    Pavel Skrelin, Russia
    Pavel Smrz, Czech Republic
    Petr Sojka, Czech Republic
    Georg Stemmer, Germany
    Marko Robnik Sikonja, Slovenia
    Vitomir Struc, Slovenia
    Marko Tadic, Croatia
    Jan Trmal, Czechia
    Tamas Varadi, Hungary
    Zygmunt Vetulani, Poland
    Aleksander Wawer, Poland
    Pascal Wiggers, The Netherlands
    Yorick Wilks, United Kingdom
    Marcin Wolinski, Poland
    Alina Wroblewska, Poland
    Victor Zakharov, Russia
    Jerneja Zganec Gros, Slovenia


The conference program will include presentation of invited papers,
oral presentations, and poster/demonstration sessions. Papers will
be presented in plenary or topic oriented sessions.

Social events including a trip in the vicinity of Brno will allow
for additional informal interactions.


The conference program will include oral presentations and
poster/demonstration sessions with sufficient time for discussions of
the issues raised.


April 10 2020 ............ Submission of abstracts
April 17 2020 ............ Submission of full papers
June 5 2020 .............. Notification of acceptance
June 15 2020 ............. Final papers (camera ready) and registration
August 8 2020 ............ Submission of demonstration abstracts
August 15 2020 ........... Notification of acceptance for
                           demonstrations sent to the authors
September 8-11 2020 ...... Conference date

The contributions to the conference will be published in proceedings
that will be made available to participants at the time of the


The official language of the conference is English.


All correspondence regarding the conference should be
addressed to
    Ales Horak, TSD 2020
    Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University
    Botanicka 68a, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
    phone: +420-5-49 49 18 63
    fax: +420-5-49 49 18 20

The official TSD 2020 homepage is:


Brno is the second largest city in the Czech Republic with a
population of almost 400.000 and is the country's judiciary and
trade-fair center. Brno is the capital of South Moravia, which is
located in the south-east part of the Czech Republic and is known
for a wide range of cultural, natural, and technical sights.
South Moravia is a traditional wine region. Brno had been a Royal
City since 1347 and with its six universities it forms a cultural
center of the region.

Brno can be reached easily by direct flights from London, Berlin and
Milano, and by trains or buses from Vienna (150 km) or Prague (230 km).


3-3-7(2020-09-08) TSD 2020 - SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS, Brno, Czech Republic (UPDATED)

                     TSD 2020 - SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS

Twenty-third International Conference on TEXT, SPEECH and DIALOGUE (TSD 2020)
              Brno, Czech Republic, 8-11 September 2020

The conference is organized by the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk
University, Brno, and the Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of
West Bohemia, Pilsen.  The conference is supported by International
Speech Communication Association.

Venue: Brno, Czech Republic


    April 27 2020 ............ Submission of full papers


In the current Czech Republic situation, the COVID-19 spread is far from
epidemic, almost all the cases are very mild. Moreover, the Czech
government is taking strong precautions to stop the COVID-19 spread before
it would actually happen.  This is why the organizers believe that the
actual organization of the TSD 2020 conference in September is not at risk
and we plan to continue the preparation process without changes.


    April 10 2020 ............ Submission of abstracts
    April 17 2020 ............ Submission of full papers

Submission of abstracts serves for better organization of the review
process only - for the actual review a full paper submission is
necessary. It is still possible to submit both by the full paper deadline.


    Paolo Rosso, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
    Diana Maynard, University of Sheffield, UK
    Joakim Nivre, Uppsala University, Sweden


TSD series evolved as a prime forum for interaction between researchers in
both spoken and written language processing from all over the world.
Proceedings of TSD form a book published by Springer-Verlag in their
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series. TSD Proceedings
are regularly indexed by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation
Index/Web of Science.  Moreover, LNAI series are listed in all major
citation databases such as DBLP, SCOPUS, EI, INSPEC or COMPENDEX.


The TSD 2020 conference will be accompanied by one-day satellite workshops
or project meetings with organizational support by the TSD organizing
committee. The organizing committee can arrange for a meeting room at the
conference venue and prepare a workshop proceedings as a book with ISBN by
a local publisher. The workshop papers that will pass also the standard TSD
review process will appear in the Springer proceedings.  Each workshop is
a subject to proposal that should be sent via the proposal submission form
or discussed via the contact e-mail ahead of the
respective deadline.


Topics of the conference will include (but are not limited to):

    Corpora and Language Resources (monolingual, multilingual,
    text and spoken corpora, large web corpora, disambiguation,
    specialized lexicons, dictionaries)

    Speech Recognition (multilingual, continuous, emotional
    speech, handicapped speaker, out-of-vocabulary words,
    alternative way of feature extraction, new models for
    acoustic and language modelling)

    Tagging, Classification and Parsing of Text and Speech
    (morphological and syntactic analysis, synthesis and
    disambiguation, multilingual processing, sentiment analysis,
    credibility analysis, automatic text labeling, summarization,
    authorship attribution)

    Speech and Spoken Language Generation (multilingual, high
    fidelity speech synthesis, computer singing)

    Semantic Processing of Text and Speech (information
    extraction, information retrieval, data mining, semantic web,
    knowledge representation, inference, ontologies, sense
    disambiguation, plagiarism detection, fake news detection)

    Integrating Applications of Text and Speech Processing
    (machine translation, natural language understanding,
    question-answering strategies, assistive technologies)

    Automatic Dialogue Systems (self-learning, multilingual,
    question-answering systems, dialogue strategies, prosody in

    Multimodal Techniques and Modelling (video processing, facial
    animation, visual speech synthesis, user modelling, emotions
    and personality modelling)

Papers on processing of languages other than English are strongly


    Elmar Noeth, Germany (general chair)
    Rodrigo Agerri, Spain
    Eneko Agirre, Spain
    Vladimir Benko, Slovakia
    Archna Bhatia, USA
    Jan Cernocky, Czech Republic
    Simon Dobrisek, Slovenia
    Kamil Ekstein, Czech Republic
    Karina Evgrafova, Russia
    Yevhen Fedorov, Ukraine
    Carlos Ferrer, Cuba
    Volker Fischer, Germany
    Darja Fiser, Slovenia
    Eleni Galiotou, Greece
    Bjorn Gamback, Norway
    Radovan Garabik, Slovakia
    Alexander Gelbukh, Mexico
    Louise Guthrie, USA
    Tino Haderlein, Germany
    Jan Hajic, Czech Republic
    Eva Hajicova, Czech Republic
    Yannis Haralambous, France
    Hynek Hermansky, USA
    Jaroslava Hlavacova, Czech Republic
    Ales Horak, Czech Republic
    Eduard Hovy, USA
    Denis Jouvet, France
    Maria Khokhlova, Russia
    Aidar Khusainov, Russia
    Daniil Kocharov, Russia
    Miloslav Konopik, Czech Republic
    Ivan Kopecek, Czech Republic
    Valia Kordoni, Germany
    Evgeny Kotelnikov, Russia
    Pavel Kral, Czech Republic
    Siegfried Kunzmann, USA
    Nikola Ljubesic, Croatia
    Natalija Loukachevitch, Russia
    Bernardo Magnini, Italy
    Oleksandr Marchenko, Ukraine
    Vaclav Matousek, Czech Republic
    France Mihelic, Slovenia
    Roman Moucek, Czech Republic
    Agnieszka Mykowiecka, Poland
    Hermann Ney, Germany
    Juan Rafael Orozco-Arroyave, Colombia
    Karel Pala, Czech Republic
    Nikola Pavesic, Slovenia
    Maciej Piasecki, Poland
    Josef Psutka, Czech Republic
    James Pustejovsky, USA
    German Rigau, Spain
    Leon Rothkrantz, The Netherlands
    Anna Rumshisky, USA
    Milan Rusko, Slovakia
    Pavel Rychly, Czechia
    Mykola Sazhok, Ukraine
    Odette Scharenborg, The Netherlands
    Pavel Skrelin, Russia
    Pavel Smrz, Czech Republic
    Petr Sojka, Czech Republic
    Georg Stemmer, Germany
    Marko Robnik Sikonja, Slovenia
    Vitomir Struc, Slovenia
    Marko Tadic, Croatia
    Jan Trmal, Czechia
    Tamas Varadi, Hungary
    Zygmunt Vetulani, Poland
    Aleksander Wawer, Poland
    Pascal Wiggers, The Netherlands
    Yorick Wilks, United Kingdom
    Marcin Wolinski, Poland
    Alina Wroblewska, Poland
    Victor Zakharov, Russia
    Jerneja Zganec Gros, Slovenia


The conference program will include presentation of invited papers,
oral presentations, and poster/demonstration sessions. Papers will
be presented in plenary or topic oriented sessions.

Social events including a trip in the vicinity of Brno will allow
for additional informal interactions.


Authors are invited to submit a full paper not exceeding 8 pages
formatted in the LNCS style (including references). Those accepted
will be presented either orally or as posters. The decision about the
presentation format will be based on the recommendation of the
reviewers. The authors are asked to submit their papers using the
on-line form accessible from the conference website.

Papers submitted to TSD 2020 must not be under review by any other
conference or publication during the TSD review cycle, and must not be
previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere.

As reviewing will be blind, the paper should not include the authors'
names and affiliations. Furthermore, self-references that reveal the
author's identity, e.g., 'We previously showed (Smith, 1991) ...',
should be avoided. Instead, use citations such as 'Smith previously
showed (Smith, 1991) ...'.  Papers that do not conform to the
requirements above are subject to be rejected without review.

The authors are strongly encouraged to write their papers in TeX or
LaTeX formats. These formats are necessary for the final versions of
the papers that will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes.
Authors using a WORD compatible software for the final version must
use the LNCS template for WORD and within the submit process ask the
Proceedings Editors to convert the paper to LaTeX format.  For this
service a service-and-license fee of CZK 2000 will be levied

The paper format for review has to be a PDF file with all required fonts
included. Upon notification of acceptance, presenters will receive further
information on submitting their camera-ready and electronic sources (for
detailed instructions on the final paper format see, Sample File

Authors are also invited to present actual projects, developed
software or interesting material relevant to the topics of the
conference.  The presenters of demonstrations should provide an
abstract not exceeding one page. The demonstration abstracts will not
appear in the conference proceedings.


April 10 2020 ............ Submission of abstracts
April 17 2020 ............ Submission of full papers
June 5 2020 .............. Notification of acceptance
June 15 2020 ............. Final papers (camera ready) and registration
August 8 2020 ............ Submission of demonstration abstracts
August 15 2020 ........... Notification of acceptance for
                           demonstrations sent to the authors
September 8-11 2020 ...... Conference date

Submission of abstracts serves for better organization of the review
process only - for the actual review a full paper submission is

The accepted conference contributions will be published in Springer
proceedings that will be made available to participants at the time
of the conference.


The official language of the conference is English.


The organizing committee will arrange discounts on accommodation in
the 4-star hotel at the conference venue. The current prices of the
accommodation will be available at the conference website.


All correspondence regarding the conference should be
addressed to
    Ales Horak, TSD 2020
    Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University
    Botanicka 68a, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
    phone: +420-5-49 49 18 63
    fax: +420-5-49 49 18 20

The official TSD 2020 homepage is:


Brno is the second largest city in the Czech Republic with a
population of almost 400.000 and is the country's judiciary and
trade-fair center. Brno is the capital of South Moravia, which is
located in the south-east part of the Czech Republic and is known
for a wide range of cultural, natural, and technical sights.
South Moravia is a traditional wine region. Brno had been a Royal
City since 1347 and with its six universities it forms a cultural
center of the region.

Brno can be reached easily by direct flights from London and Milan, and by
trains or buses from Vienna (150 km) or Prague (230 km).

For the participants with some extra time, nearby places may
also be of interest.  Local ones include: Brno Castle now called
Spilberk, Veveri Castle, the Old and New City Halls, the
Augustine Monastery with St. Thomas Church and crypt of Moravian
Margraves, Church of St.  James, Cathedral of St. Peter & Paul,
Cartesian Monastery in Kralovo Pole, the famous Villa Tugendhat
designed by Mies van der Rohe along with other important
buildings of between-war Czech architecture.

For those willing to venture out of Brno, Moravian Karst with
Macocha Chasm and Punkva caves, battlefield of the Battle of
three emperors (Napoleon, Russian Alexander and Austrian Franz
- Battle by Austerlitz), Chateau of Slavkov (Austerlitz),
Pernstejn Castle, Buchlov Castle, Lednice Chateau, Buchlovice
Chateau, Letovice Chateau, Mikulov with one of the largest Jewish
cemeteries in Central Europe, Telc - a town on the UNESCO
heritage list, and many others are all within easy reach.

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3-3-8(2020-09-13) CfP Workshop Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon (CogALex), Barcelona, Spain
Call for Papers


Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon


Workshop co-located with COLING
(28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics),
Barcelona, Spain, September 13, 2020

Paper submission deadline: May 14, 2020
deadline for shared-task papers : May 20, 2020

For latest information always look here

1 Background

Supporting us in many tasks (thinking, searching, memorizing and communicating) words are important. Hence, one may wonder how to build tools supporting their learning and usage (access/navigation). Alas the answer is not quite as straightforward as it may seem. It depends on various factors: the questioner's background (lexicography, psychology, computer science), the task (production/reception), and the material support (hardware). Words in books, computers and the human brain are not the same. Obviously, being aware of this, different communities have focused on different issues ?(dictionary building; creation of navigational tools; representation and organization of words; time course for accessing a word, etc.)? yet,  their views and  respective goals have changed considerably over time.  

Rather than considering the lexicon as a static entity, where discrete units (words) are organized alphabetically (database view), dictionaries are now viewed dynamically, i.e., as lexical graphs, whose entities are linked in various ways (topical relations; associations) and whose weight links may vary over time. While lexicographers view words as products (holistic entities), psychologists and neuroscientists view them as processes (decomposition), involving various steps or layers (representations) between an input and an output.

Computational linguists have their own ways to look at words, and their proposals have also changed quite a bit during the last decade. Discrete count-based vector representations have successively been replaced by continuous vectors (i.e., word embeddings) and then by language-model-based contextualized representations. These latter are more powerful than any of the other forms, as they are able to account for context ambiguity, outperforming the static models (including word-embeddings) in a broad range of tasks.

As one can see, different communities look at words from different angles, which can be an asset, as complementary views may help us to broaden and deepen our understanding of this fundamental cognitive resource. Yet, this diversity of perspectives can also a problem, in particular if the field is rapidly moving on, as in our case. Hence it becomes harder and harder for everyone, including experts, to remain fully informed about the latest changes (state of the art). This is one of the reasons why we organize this workshop. More precisely, our goal is not only to keep people informed without getting them crushed by the information glut, but also to help them to perceive clearly what is new, relevant, hence important. Last, but not least, we would like to connect people from different communities in the hope that this may help them to gain new insights or inspirations.


2   Scope and Topics

This workshop is about possible enhancements of lexical resources (representation, organization of the data, etc.). To allow for this we invite researchers to submit their contributions. The idea is to discuss the limitations of existing resources and to explore possible enhancements that take into account the users? and the engineers' needs (computational aspects).

Also, just like in the past we propose again a 'shared task'. This time the goal is to provide a common benchmark for testing lexical representations for the automatic identification of lexical semantic relations (synonymy, antonymy, hypernymy, part-whole meronymy) in various languages (English, Chinese, and so on).

For this workshop we solicit papers including but not limited to the following topics, each of which can be considered from various points of view: linguistics (lexicography, computational- or corpus linguistics), neuro- or psycholinguistics (tip-of-the-tongue problem, word associations), network-related sciences (vector-based approaches, graph theory, small-world problem), and so on.

1    Organization, i.e. structure of the lexicon
?     Micro- and macrostructure of the lexicon;
?     Indexical categories (taxonomies, thesaurus-like topical structures, etc.);
?     Map of the lexicon (topology) and relations between words (word associations).

2    The meaning of words and how to reveal it
?    Lexical representation (holistic, decomposed);
?    Meaning representation (concept based, primitives);
?    Distributional semantics (count models, neural embeddings, etc. )

3    Analysis of the conceptual input given by a dictionary user
?    What information do language producers typically provide when looking for a word (terms, relations)?
?    What kind of relational information do they give: typed or untyped relations?
?    Which relations are typically used?

4    Methods for crafting dictionaries or indexes
?    Manual, automatic or collaborative building of dictionaries and indexes (crowdsourcing, serious games, etc.);
?    Extraction of associations from corpora to build semantic networks supporting navigation;
?    (Semi-) automatic induction of the link type (e.g., synonym, hypernym, meronym, ...).

5    Creation of new types of dictionaries
?    Concept dictionary;
?    Dictionary of larger segments than words (clauses, phrasal elements);
?    Dictionary of patterns or concept-patterns;
?    Dictionary of syllables.

6    Dictionary access (navigation and search strategies), interface issues

?    Search based on sound (rhymes), meaning or contextually related words (associations);
?    Determination of appropriate search space based on the user?s cognitive state (information available at the onset: query) and meta-knowledge (knowledge concerning the relationship between the input and the target word), ...
?    Identification of typical word access strategies (navigational patterns) used by people;
?    Interface problems, data visualization.

3  Workshop Submissions

The workshop features two tracks: 

  • A regular research track, where the submissions must be substantially original.
  • A shared task track, with submissions consisting of system description papers.


The regular research track submissions should follow one of the 2 formats:

  • Long papers (9 content pages + references) should report on solid and finished research including new experimental results, resources and/or techniques.
  • Short papers (4 content pages + references) should report on small experiments, focused contributions, ongoing research, negative results and/or philosophical discussion.

Submissions must be anonymized, conform to the style sheet of COLING (, and be submitted via their website ( While some papers may be accepted only as posters, in the proceedings no distinction will be made between them and full papers.


4 Important Dates

       Workshop papers

  • Paper submission deadline: May 14, 2020
  • Notification of acceptance: June 24, 2020
  •  Camera-ready papers due: July 11, 2020
  • Workshop date: September 13, 2020

Shared task


  • Release of development data : March 1, 2020
  • Release of test data April: 20-24, 2020 
  • Announcement of winners May 1, 2020
  • Shared task papers due: May 20, 2020


5 Invited Speaker

       Alex Arenas (

              Alephsys Lab, Computer Science & Mathematics,

              Universidad Rovira i Virgili, 43007 Tarragona, Spain

6 Workshop Organizers

  • Michael Zock (LIS, CNRS, Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France)
  • Alessandro Lenci (Comput. Linguistics Laboratory, University of Pisa, Italy)
  • Enrico Santus (MIT Computer Science& AI Lab, Boston, USA)
  • Emmanuele Chersoni (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China)

7 Program Committee

see :

8 Contacts

For general questions, please get in touch with Michael Zock



Concerning the shared task, please contact

Enrico Santus                 (, or

Emmanuele Chersoni     (




3-3-9(2020-09-13) FinTOC?2 shared task at COLING2020, Barcelona, Spain UPDATED



News: The training data has been released. If you wish to access it, you need to register to the shared task here:








Held at COLING 2020 as part of the FNP-FNS 2020 workshop.


13 September, Barcelona, Spain.



Shared Task URL:


Workshop URL:


Participation Form:

Second Call for Participation

FinTOC?2 shared task

Held at COLING 2020 as part of the FNP-FNS 2020 workshop.
13 September, Barcelona, Spain.

Shared Task URL:
Workshop URL:
Participation Form:


The FinTOC?2 shared task aims to bring together the community of researchers interested in Financial Document Processing and Document Layout Analysis to advance the state of the art in the automatic processing of financial documents. This task focuses on the automatic generation of reports' Table Of Contents (henceforth TOC), as it is a key building block in the semantic analysis of financial documents. Generating the TOC requires detecting the span of all document sections and subsections, identifying their titles, and organising them into a hierarchy. It is a well-known fact that extracting document structure is a key step in information processing. For example sections can be used to determine areas where algorithms can be applied, such as Information Extraction, thus reducing false positives rate and irrelevant noise.

This is the second edition of the FinTOC shared task which will be held at COLING 2020 in Barcelona (Spain) as part of the FNP-FNS 2020 workshop. Last year?s edition received significant interest, particularly on the Title Detection track. Our aim this year is to increase interest by:
- lowering the barriers to the entry to the TOC extraction track, and
- opening up the task to a new language: French. We are particularly interested in systems which can be applied to both English and French languages.

This second edition proposes two tracks: one track per language, and it will score systems on both Title detection and TOC generation performance. We have revised the task and greatly simplified data formats to make it as smooth as possible for every interested researcher to participate and submit their systems? outputs at FinTOC?2.

Each of the participating teams will be asked to submit a short paper describing their methods and solutions to be presented at the workshop.


To register your interest in participating in FinTOC?2 shared task please use the following google form by no later than April 6th, 2020:

Important dates:

December 1st, 2020: Registration opens.
February 17th, 2020: Release of training set & scoring scripts.
March 23rd, 2020: Release of test set.
April 6th, 2020: Registration deadline.
April 13th, Submission deadline.
May 1st, 2020: Release of results.
Sep 13th, 2020: Workshop day.

For any questions on the shared task please contact us on:

Shared task organizers:

- Najah-Imane Bentabet, Fortia Financial Solutions
- Ismail El Maarouf, Fortia Financial Solutions
- Mahmoud El-Haj, Lancaster University
- Remi Juge, Fortia Financial Solutions
- Dialekti Valsamou-Stanislawski, Fortia Financial Solutions


3-3-10(2020-09-15) ADReSS challenge, Shanghai, China (UPDATED)

Due to the COVID19, INTERSPEECH 2020 has new dates: 26-29 October 2020 

Call for Participation:


Alzheimer's Dementia Recognition through Spontaneous Speech:
The ADReSS Challenge at INTERSPEECH 2020 (Sep 15-18, Shanghai, China)

Dementia is a category of neurodegenerative diseases that entails a
long-term and usually gradual decrease of cognitive functioning.  While
a number of studies have investigated speech and language features for
the detection of Alzheimer's Disease and mild cognitive impairment, and
proposed various signal processing and machine learning methods for this
prediction task, the field still lacks balanced and standardised data
sets on which these different approaches can be systematically compared.

The ADReSS Challenge has made available a benchmark dataset of
spontaneous speech, which is acoustically pre-processed and balanced in
terms of age and gender, defining a shared task through which different
approaches to AD recognition in spontaneous speech can be compared.

We invite researchers working on speech and language analysis methods
for detection of AD and/or assessment of cognitive status to develop or
test their approaches to these tasks on the ADReSS Challenge dataset,
and to submit a paper for presentation at INTERSPEECH'2020, in the
Challenge's special session.

The relevant dates are:

*  January 24, 2020: ADReSS training data available
*  March 15, 2020: ADReSS test data made available
*  March 17, 2020: Period for submission of results opens
*  March 30, 2020: *INTERSPEECH'2020 paper submission deadline*
*  June 19, 2020: Paper acceptance/rejection notification
*  September 15-18, 2020: INTERSPEECH'2020, in Shanghai, China.

For further details please see

 - Saturnino Luz, Usher Institute, The University of Edinburgh
 - Fasih Haider, The University of Edinburgh
 - Sofia de la Fuente, The University of Edinburgh
 - Davida Fromm, Carnegie Mellon University
 - Brian MacWhinney, Carnegie Mellon University

3-3-11(2020-09-21)CfP MACHINE LEARNING FOR SIGNAL PROCESSING (MLSP 2020), Espoo ,Finland

MLSP 2020


Call for Papers

Machine learning, as the driving force of this wave of AI, provides powerful solutions to many real-world technical and scientific challenges. The 30th MLSP workshop, an annual event organized by the IEEE Signal Processing Society MLSP Technical Committee, will present the most recent and exciting advances in machine learning for signal processing through keynote talks, tutorials, as well as special and regular single-track sessions. Prospective authors are invited to submit papers on relevant algorithms and applications including, but not limited to:

  • Learning theory and modeling
  • Neural networks and deep learning
  • Bayesian Learning and modeling
  • Sequential learning, sequential decision methods
  • Information-theoretic learning
  • Graphical and kernel models
  • Bounds on performance
  • Source separation and independent component analysis
  • Signal detection, pattern recognition and classification
  • Tensor and structured matrix methods
  • Machine learning for big data
  • Large scale learning
  • Dictionary learning, subspace and manifold learning
  • Semi-supervised and unsupervised learning
  • Active and reinforcement learning
  • Learning from multimodal data
  • Resource efficient machine learning
  • Cognitive information processing
  • Bioinformatics applications
  • Biomedical applications and neural engineering
  • Speech and audio processing applications
  • Image and video processing applications
  • Intelligent multimedia and web processing
  • Communications applications
  • Other applications including social networks, games, smart grid, security and privacy

Special Session Call for Proposals

MLSP is seeking original, high quality proposals for Special Sessions, to be included in the technical program along with the regular track. Special Sessions are expected to address research in focused, emerging, or interdisciplinary areas of particular interest, not covered already by traditional MLSP sessions.

More details

Paper Submission

Prospective authors are invited to submit a double column paper of up to six pages using the electronic submission procedure which will be peer-reviewed.

More details

Paper Publication

Accepted papers will be published on on a password-protected website that will be available during the workshop. The presented papers will be published in and indexed by IEEE Xplore.

Schedule 2020

  • Special session call deadline: March 19
  • Paper submission deadline: April 19
  • Decision notification: June 30
  • Camera-ready paper deadline: July 25
  • Advance registration deadline: August 22


Organizing Committee

General Chair: Simo Särkkä (Aalto University), Program Chairs: Lassi Roininen (Lappeenranta University of Technology), Andreas Hauptmann (University of Oulu), Manon Kok (TU Delft), Michael Riis Andersen (Technical University of Denmark), Finance Chair: Seppo Sierla (Aalto University), Publicity Chair: Arno Solin (Aalto University), Tutorial Chair: Alexander Ilin (Aalto University), Publications Chair: Roland Hostettler (Uppsala University), Advisory Committee: Zheng-Hua Tan (Aalborg University), Murat Akcakaya (University of Pittsburgh), Bhaskar Rao (University of California San Diego), Raviv Raich (Oregon State University)




3-3-12(2020-09-22) ImageCLEF 2020 ImageCLEF 2020 Thessaloniki, Greece

ImageCLEF 2020
Multimedia Retrieval in CLEF


ImageCLEF 2020 is an evaluation campaign that is being organized as
part of the CLEF (Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum) labs.
The campaign offers several research tasks that welcome participation
from teams around the world.

The results of the campaign appear in the working notes proceedings,
published by CEUR Workshop Proceedings ( and are presented
in the CLEF conference. Selected contributions among the participants
will be invited for submission to a special section 'Best of CLEF'20
Labs' in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) of
CLEF'21, together with the annual lab overviews.

Target communities involve (but are not limited to):
- information retrieval (text, vision, audio, multimedia, social
media, sensor data, etc.)
- machine learning, deep learning
- data mining
- natural language processing
- image and video processing
- computer vision
with special attention to the challenges of multi-modality,
multi-linguality, and interactive search.

*** 2020 TASKS ***

*ImageCLEFlifelog* (4th edition)
An increasingly wide range of personal devices that allow capturing
pictures, videos, and audio clips for every moment of our lives, are
becoming available. In this context, the task addresses the problems
of lifelogging data retrieval and summarization.

Organizers: Duc-Tien Dang-Nguyen (University of Bergen), Van-Tu Ninh,
Tu-Khiem Le, Liting Zhou & Cathal Gurrin (Dubin City University), Luca
Piras (Pluribus One & University of Cagliari), Michael Riegler & Pål
Halvorsen (SimulaMet), Minh-Triet Tran (University of Science),
Mathias Lux (Klagenfurt University).

*ImageCLEFcoral* (2nd edition)
The increasing use of structure-from-motion photogrammetry for
modelling large-scale environments from action cameras has driven the
next generation of visualization techniques. The task addresses the
problem of automatically segmenting and labeling a collection of
images that can be used in combination to create 3D models for the
monitoring of coral reefs.

Organizers: Jon Chamberlain, Adrian Clark & Alba García Seco de
Herrera (University of Essex), Antonio Campello (Wellcome Trust).

*ImageCLEFmedical* (2nd edition)
Medical images can be used in a variety of scenarios and this task
will combine the most popular medical tasks of ImageCLEF and continue
the last year idea of combining various applications, namely:
automatic image captioning and scene understanding, medical visual
question answering and decision support on tuberculosis. This allows
to explore synergies between the tasks.

Organizers: Asma Ben Abacha & Dina Demner-Fushman (National Library of
Medicine), Sadid A. Hasan (CVS Health), Vivek Datla & Joey Liu
(Philips Research Cambridge), Obioma Pelka & Christoph M. Friedrich
(University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund), Alba García Seco
de Herrera (University of Essex), Yashin Dicente Cid (University of
Warwick), Serge Kozlovski, Vitali Liauchuk & Vassili Kovalev (United
Institute of Informatics Problems), Henning Müller (HES-SO).

*ImageCLEFdrawnUI2020* (new)
Enabling people to create websites by drawing them on a piece of paper
can make the webpage building process more accessible. The task
addresses the problem of automatically recognizing hand drawn objects
representing website UIs, that will be further translated into
automatic website code.

Organizers: Paul Brie & Fichou Dimitri (teleportHQ), Mihai Dogariu,
Liviu Daniel Stefan, Mihai Gabriel Constantin & Bogdan Ionescu
(University Politehnica of Bucharest).

(may vary depending on the task)
- Task registration opens: December 20, 2019
- CLEF long and short paper submission: April 27, 2020
- Run submission: May 11, 2020
- Working notes submission: May 25, 2020
- CLEF 2020 conference: September 22-25, Thessaloniki, Greece

Bogdan Ionescu, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
Henning Müller, HES-SO, Sierre, Switzerland
Renaud Péteri, University of La Rochelle, France


3-3-13(2020-10-06) SPECOM 2020, St Petersburg, Russia (UPDATED)










22nd International Conference on Speech and Computer (SPECOM-2020)


Venue: St. Petersburg, Russia, October 06-10, 2020








Due to COVID-19 pandemic in the world, SPECOM-2020 conference with satellite events may be partially or completely organized as a teleconference via Zoom service within announced dates. In the case of a teleconference, essentially reduced registration fees are provided for authors, as well as a free registration for participants. The proceedings will be prepared in time and published by Springer in LNCS series, the on-line proceedings will be available before the conference.






June 15, 2020 .................. Submission of full papers (final date)


July 15, 2020 ................... Notification of acceptance/rejection


July 27, 2020 ................... Camera-ready papers and early registration






The conference is organized by the St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPIIRAS, St. Petersburg, Russia) in cooperation with Moscow State Linguistic University (MSLU, Moscow, Russia).






Alexey Karpov - SPIIRAS, Russia


Rodmonga Potapova - MSLU, Russia






SPECOM attracts researchers, linguists and engineers working in the following areas of speech science, speech technology, natural language processing, human-computer interaction:


Affective computing


Audio-visual speech processing


Corpus linguistics


Computational paralinguistics


Deep learning for audio processing


Feature extraction


Forensic speech investigations


Human-machine interaction


Language identification


Multichannel signal processing


Multimedia processing


Multimodal analysis and synthesis


Sign language processing


Speaker recognition


Speech and language resources


Speech analytics and audio mining


Speech and voice disorders


Speech-based applications


Speech driving systems in robotics


Speech enhancement


Speech perception


Speech recognition and understanding


Speech synthesis


Speech translation systems


Spoken dialogue systems


Spoken language processing


Text mining and sentiment analysis


Virtual and augmented reality


Voice assistants






5th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Robotics ICR-2020:






The official language of the event is English. However, papers on processing of languages other than English are strongly encouraged.






The conference program will include presentation of invited talks, oral presentations, and poster/demonstration sessions.






Authors are invited to submit full papers of 6-10 pages formatted in the Springer LNCS style. Each paper will be reviewed by at least three independent reviewers (single-blind), and accepted papers will be presented either orally or as posters. Papers submitted to SPECOM 2020 must not be under review by any other conference or publication during the SPECOM review cycle, and must not be previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere. The authors are asked to submit their papers using the on-line submission system:






SPECOM Proceedings will be published by Springer as a book in the Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI/LNCS) series listed in all major international citation databases. SPECOM Proceedings are included in the list of forthcoming proceedings for October 2020.






All correspondence regarding the conference should be addressed to:


SPECOM-2020 Secretariat:




SPECOM-2020 web-site:




3-3-14(2020-10-12) 3rd International Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports (MMSports'20), Seattle, USA

Call for Papers


Third International Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports (MMSports'20) @ ACM Multimedia, October 12-16, 2020, Seattle, USA


We'd like to invite you to submit your paper proposals for the 3rd International Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports to be held in Seattle, USA together with ACM Multimedia 2020. The ambition of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners from different disciplines to share ideas on current multimedia/multimodal content analysis research in sports. We welcome multimodal-based research contributions as well as best-practice contributions focusing on the following (and similar, but not limited to) topics:


– annotation and indexing

– athlete and object tracking

– activity recognition, classification and evaluation

– event detection and indexing

– performance assessment

– injury analysis and prevention

– data driven analysis in sports

– graphical augmentation and visualization in sports

– automated training assistance

– camera pose and motion tracking

– brave new ideas / extraordinary multimodal solutions


Submissions can be of varying length from 4 to 8 pages, plus additional pages for the reference pages. There is no distinction between long and short papers, but the authors may themselves decide on the appropriate length of the paper.


Please refer to the workshop website for further information:



Submission Due:                   June 29, 2020

Acceptance Notification:     July 31, 2020

Camera Ready Submission:     August 7, 2020

Workshop Date:                TBA; either Oct 12 or Oct 16, 2020



3-3-15(2020-10-12) ACM Multimedia 2020 Workshop on Multimodal Conversational AI

ACM Multimedia 2020 Workshop on Multimodal Conversational AI
12 - 16 October 2020

### Deadline: 30 July

The ACM Multimedia Workshop on Multimodal Conversational AI aims to bring together researchers and practitioners in the areas of multimodal conversational AI.
Recently, conversational systems have seen a significant rise in demand due to modern commercial applications using systems such as Amazon's Alexa, Apple's Siri, Microsoft's Cortana and Google Assistant. The research on multimodal chatbots is a widely underexplored area, where users and the conversational agent communicate by natural language and visual data.
Conversational agents are now becoming a commodity as a number of companies push for this technology. The wide use of these conversational agents exposes the many challenges in achieving more natural, human-like, and engaging conversational agents. The research community is actively addressing several of these challenges: how are visual and text data related in user utterances? How to interpret the user intent? How to encode multimodal dialog status? What are the ethical and legal aspects of conversational AI?
The Multimodal Conversational AI workshop will be a forum where researchers and practitioners share their experiences and brainstorm about success and failures in the topic. It will also promote collaboration to strengthen the conversational AI community at ACM Multimedia.

### Topics of Interest
- Design and evaluation of conversational agents
- User-Agent experience design
- Preference elicitation in conversational agents
- Recommendations in conversational systems
- User-agent legal and ethical issues in conversational systems
- Multimodal user intent understanding
- Visual conversations/dialogs
- Opinion recommendation in conversational agents
- Deep learning for multimodal conversational agents
- Conversation state tracking models and online learning
- Supply/demand in conversational agents for e-commerce
- Reinforcement learning in conversational agents
- Resources and datasets
- Conversational systems applications, including, but not limited to, e-commerce, social-good, music, Web search, healthcare.

### Paper Submission Guidelines
All submissions must be written in English and be formatted according to the ACM templates and guidelines. All papers should be submitted electronically through the conference submission system.
Papers are up to 6 pages in length plus additional pages for references. Full papers will be refereed through double-blind peer review. The proceedings will be distributed to all delegates at the conference.

### Timeline

- Submission: 30 July
- Notification: 26 August
- Camera-ready copy: to be defined with ACM Multimedia organization
- Workshop: 12 or 16 October

### Organizers
- Alexander Hauptmann, Carnegie Mellon University, Language Technologies Institute
- Joao Magalhaes, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
- Ricardo G. Sousa, Farfetch, Portugal
- Joao Paulo Costeira, ISR/IST, Portugal

3-3-16(2020-10-12) Third International Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports (MMSports'20)

Call for Papers


Third International Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports (MMSports'20) @ ACM Multimedia, October 12-16, 2020, Seattle, USA


We'd like to invite you to submit your paper proposals for the 3rd International Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports to be held in Seattle, USA together with ACM Multimedia 2020. The ambition of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners from different disciplines to share ideas on current multimedia/multimodal content analysis research in sports. We welcome multimodal-based research contributions as well as best-practice contributions focusing on the following (and similar, but not limited to) topics:


? annotation and indexing

? athlete and object tracking

? activity recognition, classification and evaluation 

? event detection and indexing 

? performance assessment 

? injury analysis and prevention 

? data driven analysis in sports 

? graphical augmentation and visualization in sports 

? automated training assistance 

? camera pose and motion tracking 

? brave new ideas / extraordinary multimodal solutions


Submissions can be of varying length from 4 to 8 pages, plus additional pages for the reference pages. There is no distinction between long and short papers, but the authors may themselves decide on the appropriate length of the paper.


Please refer to the workshop website for further information:



Submission Due:                   June 29, 2020 

Acceptance Notification:     July 31, 2020 

Camera Ready Submission:     August 7, 2020 

Workshop Date:                TBA; either Oct 12 or Oct 16, 2020



The 8th International Conference on Statistical Language and Speech Processing (SLSP 2020) invites researchers to submit poster presentations. SLSP 2020 will be held in Cardiff on October 14-16, 2020. See

Poster presentations are intended to enhance informal interactions with conference participants, at the same time allowing for in-depth discussion.


Presentations displaying novel work in progress on statistical models (including machine learning) for language and speech processing are encouraged. Posters do not need to show final research results. Work that might lead to new interesting developments is welcome.


Poster submission deadline: September 7, 2020

Notification of poster acceptance or rejection: September 14, 2020


Please upload a .pdf submission to:

It should contain the title, author(s) and affiliation, and should not exceed 500 words.


Posters will be allocated 10 minutes each in the programme for oral presentation. Moreover, they will remain hanging out during the whole conference for discussion.


Posters will not appear in the LNCS/LNAI proceedings volume of SLSP 2020. However, they will be eligible for submission to the post-conference journal special issue in Language Resources and Evaluation (Springer, JCR 2018 impact factor: 1.029).


At least one author of each accepted poster must register to the conference by September 21, 2020. The registration fare is reduced: 285 Euros. It gives the same rights all other conference participants will have (attendance, copy of the proceedings volume, coffee breaks, lunches). Contributors of regular papers who in addition get a poster accepted must register for the latter independently.




3-3-18(2020-10-25) ICMI 2020 Doctoral Consortium - 3rd Call for Contributions, Utrecht, The Netherlands
ICMI 2020 Doctoral Consortium - Submission extended to 10th Aug
25-29 Oct 2020, Utrecht, The Netherlands
ICMI2020 will be held as a virtual conference or partially virtual conference.
The goal of the ICMI Doctoral Consortium (DC) is to provide PhD students with an opportunity to present their work to a group of mentors and peers from a diverse set of academic and industrial institutions, to receive feedback on their doctoral research plan and progress, and to build a cohort of young researchers interested in designing and developing multimodal interfaces and interaction. We invite students from all PhD granting institutions who are in the process of forming or carrying out a plan for their PhD research in the area of designing and developing multimodal interfaces. We expect to provide economic support to most attendees that will cover part of their costs (travel, registration, meals etc.).

= Who should apply? =
While we encourage applications from students at any stage of doctoral training, the doctoral consortium will benefit most the students who are in the process of forming or developing their doctoral research. These students will have passed their qualifiers or have completed the majority of their coursework, will be planning or developing their dissertation research, and will not be very close to completing their dissertation research. Students from any PhD granting institution whose research falls within designing and developing multimodal interfaces and interaction are encouraged to apply.

= Why should you attend? =
The DC provides an opportunity to build a social network that includes the cohort of DC students, senior students, recent graduates, and senior mentors.  Not only is this an opportunity to get feedback on research directions, it is also an opportunity to learn more about the process and to understand what comes next. We aim to connect you with a mentor who will give specific feedback on your research and whom you can talk to during the lunch. We specifically aim to create an informal setting where students feel supported in their professional development.

= Agenda =
  • 09:00 - 09:30: Invited talk
  • 09:30 - 11:00: DC talks 1
  • 11:00 - 11:30: Coffee break
  • 11:30 - 13:00: DC talks 2
  • 13:00 - 14:30: Lunch mentoring session
  • 14:30 - 15:15: Panel discussion (senior PhD students and recent graduates)
  • 15:15 - 15:45: Coffee break
  • 15:45 - 17:00: Table discussions (small group discussions about topics of interest)
= Submission Guidelines =
Graduate students pursuing a PhD degree in a field related to designing multimodal interfaces should submit the following materials:
  1. Extended Abstract: A four-page description of your PhD research plan and progress in the ACM SigConf format. Your extended abstract should follow the same outline, details, and format of the ICMI short papers. The submissions will not be anonymous. In particular, it should cover:
    • The key research questions and motivation of your research;
    • Background and related work that informs your research;
    • A statement of hypotheses or a description of the scope of the technical problem;
    • Your research plan, outlining stages of system development or series of studies;
    • The research approach and methodology;
    • Your results to date (if any) and a description of remaining work;
    • A statement of research contributions to date (if any) and expected contributions of your PhD work;
  2. Advisor Letter: A one-page letter of nomination from the student's PhD advisor. This letter is not a letter of support. Instead, it should focus on the student's PhD plan and how the Doctoral Consortium event might contribute to the student's PhD training and research.
  3. CV: A two-page curriculum vitae of the student.
All materials should be prepared in PDF format and submitted through the ICMI submission system.

= Review Process =
The Doctoral Consortium will follow a review process in which submissions will be evaluated by a number of factors including (1) the quality of the submission, (2) the expected benefits of the consortium for the student's PhD research, and (3) the student's contribution to the diversity of topics, backgrounds, and institutions, in order of importance. More particularly, the quality of the submission will be evaluated based on the potential contributions of the research to the field of multimodal interfaces and its impact on the field and beyond. Finally, we hope to achieve a diversity of research topics, disciplinary backgrounds, methodological approaches, and home institutions in this year's Doctoral Consortium cohort. We do not expect more than two students to be invited from each institution to represent a diverse sample. Women and other underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply.

= Financial Support =
The conference is pleased to offer partial financial support for doctoral students participating in the Doctoral Consortium and attending the conference. Only students who apply and are accepted for participation in the Doctoral Consortium can be considered for financial support. The number and size of the offers of financial support are contingent upon the number of invited student participants.

= Attendance =
All authors of accepted submissions are expected to attend the Doctoral Consortium and the main conference poster session. The attendees will present their PhD work as a short talk at the Consortium and as a poster at the conference poster session. A detailed program for the Consortium and the participation guidelines for the poster session will be available after the camera-ready deadline.

= Process =
? Submission format: Four-page extended abstract using the ACM format (
? Submission system:
? Selection process: Peer-Reviewed
? Presentation format: Talk on consortium day and participation in the conference poster session
? Proceedings: Included in conference proceedings and ACM Digital Library
? Doctoral Consortium Co-chairs: Juliet Haarman (University of Twente) Emily Mower Provost (University of Michigan) and Catharine Oertel (TU Delft).

= Important Dates =
Submission deadline (extended): Aug 10, 2020 (23:59PM, PST)
Notifications: August 17, 2020
Camera-ready: September 2nd, 2020
Doctoral Consortium date: October 25, 2020

= Questions? =
For more information and updates on the ICMI 2020 Doctoral Consortium, visit the Doctoral Consortium page of the main conference website (
For further questions, contact the Doctoral Consortium co-chairs:


3-3-19(2020-10-25) 7th INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL ON BIG DATA (BigDat 2020 Autumn), Beersheba, Israel


BigDat 2020 Autumn
Beersheba, Israel
October 25-29, 2020
Co-organized by:
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Department of Software and Information Systems Engineering
Data Science Research Center
Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice (IRDTA)
--- Early registration deadline: July 20, 2020 ---
BigDat 2020 Autumn will be a research training event with a global scope aiming at updating participants on the most recent advances in the critical and fast developing area of big data. Previous events were held in Tarragona, Bilbao, Bari, Timi?oara, Cambridge and Ancona.
Big data is a broad field covering a large spectrum of current exciting research and industrial innovation with an extraordinary potential for a huge impact on scientific discoveries, medicine, engineering, business models, and society itself. Renowned academics and industry pioneers will lecture and share their views with the audience.
Most big data subareas will be displayed, namely foundations, infrastructure, management, search and mining, security and privacy, and applications (to biological and health sciences, to business, finance and transportation, to online social networks, etc.). Major challenges of analytics, management and storage of big data will be identified through 19 four-hour and a half courses and 3 keynote lectures, which will tackle the most active and promising topics. The organizers are convinced that outstanding speakers will attract the brightest and most motivated students. Interaction will be a main component of the event.
An open session will give participants the opportunity to present their own work in progress in 5 minutes. Moreover, there will be two special sessions with industrial and recruitment profiles.
Master's students, PhD students, postdocs, and industry practitioners will be typical profiles of participants. However, there are no formal pre-requisites for attendance in terms of academic degrees. Since there will be a variety of levels, specific knowledge background may be assumed for some of the courses. Overall, BigDat 2020 Autumn is addressed to students, researchers and practitioners who want to keep themselves updated about recent developments and future trends. All will surely find it fruitful to listen and discuss with major researchers, industry leaders and innovators.
BigDat 2020 Autumn will take place in Beersheba, the largest city in the Negev desert of southern Israel and an important technology center. The venue will be:
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Marcus Family Campus
3 courses will run in parallel during the whole event. Participants will be able to freely choose the courses they wish to attend as well as to move from one to another.
Paolo Addesso (University of Salerno), [introductory/intermediate] Data Fusion for Remotely Sensed Data
Thomas Bäck & Hao Wang (Leiden University), [introductory/intermediate] Data Driven Modeling and Optimization for Industrial Applications
Paul Bliese (University of South Carolina), [introductory/intermediate] Using R for Mixed-effects (Multilevel) Models
Altan Cakir (Istanbul Technical University), [intermediate] Big Data Analytics with Apache Spark
Edward Chang (Stanford University), [intermediate] Artificial Intelligence for Disease Diagnosis and Precision Surgery
Michael X. Cohen (Radboud University Nijmegen), [introductory] Dimension Explosion and Dimension Reduction in Brain Electrical Activity
Ian Fisk (Flatiron Institute), [introductory] The Infrastructure to Support Data Science
Michael Freeman (University of Washington), [intermediate] Interactive Data Visualization Using D3 + Observable
David Gerbing (Portland State University), [introductory] Derive Meaning from Data with R Visualizations
Yifan Hu (Yahoo Research), [introductory/advanced] Data Visualization and Machine Learning
Rafael Irizarry (Harvard University), [introductory] Data Science for Statisticians (tidyverse, ggplot, wrangling)
Wagner A. Kamakura (Rice University), [intermediate] Advanced Business Analytics using Excel Addins
Ravi Kumar (Google), [intermediate/advanced] Clustering for Big Data
Victor O.K. Li (University of Hong Kong), [intermediate] Deep Learning and Applications
Panos Pardalos (University of Florida), [intermediate/advanced] Optimization and Data Sciences Techniques for Large Networks
Valeriu Predoi (University of Reading), [introductory] A Beginner's Guide to Big Data Analysis: How to Connect Scientific Software Development with Real World Problems
Alexandre Vaniachine (VirtualHealth), [intermediate] Open-source Columnar Databases
Sebastián Ventura (University of Córdoba), [intermediate/advanced] Supervised Descriptive Pattern Mining
Xiaowei Xu (University of Arkansas, Little Rock), [introductory/advanced] Deep Learning for Text Mining
An open session will collect 5-minute voluntary presentations of work in progress by participants. They should submit a half-page abstract containing the title, authors, and summary of the research to by October 17, 2020.
A session will be devoted to 10-minute demonstrations of practical applications of big data in industry. Companies interested in contributing are welcome to submit a 1-page abstract containing the program of the demonstration and the logistics needed. People participating in the demonstration must register for the event. Expressions of interest have to be submitted to by October 17, 2020.
Firms searching for personnel well skilled in big data will have a space reserved for one-to-one contacts. It is recommended to produce a 1-page .pdf leaflet with a brief description of the company and the profiles looked for to be circulated among the participants prior to the event. People in charge of the search must register for the event. Expressions of interest have to be submitted to by October 17, 2020.
Stavi Baram (Beersheba)
Mark Last (Beersheba)
Carlos Martín-Vide (Tarragona, program chair)
Sara Morales (Brussels)
Manuel J. Parra-Royón (Granada)
Lior Rokach (Beersheba, co-chair)
Bracha Shapira (Beersheba, co-chair)
David Silva (London, co-chair)
It has to be done at
The selection of up to 8 courses requested in the registration template is only tentative and non-binding. For the sake of organization, it will be helpful to have an estimation of the respective demand for each course. During the event, participants will be free to attend the courses they wish.
Since the capacity of the venue is limited, registration requests will be processed on a first come first served basis. The registration period will be closed and the on-line registration tool disabled when the capacity of the venue is exhausted. It is highly recommended to register prior to the event.
Fees comprise access to all courses and lunches. There are several early registration deadlines. Fees depend on the registration deadline.
Refunding of registration fees will not be possible. However, an exception will be made in case the event must be postponed due to the continuation of the coronavirus crisis in Autumn (which is a scenario the organizers do not expect).
Suggestions for accommodation will be available in due time.
A certificate of successful participation in the event will be delivered indicating the number of hours of lectures.
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice (IRDTA) ? Brussels/London


3-3-20(2020-10-25) ICMI 2020: Second Call for Late-Breaking Results, Utrecht, The Netherlands (COVID)

ICMI 2020: Third Call for Late-Breaking Results (Deadline Extended)
25-29 Oct 2020, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Dear all,
ICMI2020 is going virtual. With the help of our Virtual Conference chairs, we are currently preparing an online and interactive program. Stay tuned!
the organizing team of ICMI2020.

Based on the success of the LBR in ICMI 2018 and 2019, the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI) 2020 continues soliciting submissions for the special venue titled Late-Breaking Results (LBR). The goal of the LBR venue is to provide a way for researchers to share emerging results at the conference. Accepted submissions will be presented in a poster session at the conference, and the extended abstract will be published in the new Adjunct Proceedings (Companion Volume) of the main ICMI Proceedings. Like similar venues at other conferences, the LBR venue is intended to allow sharing of ideas, getting formative feedback on early-stage work, and furthering collaborations among colleagues.

Online Submission

For online paper submissions, please click on the following link:


- Submission deadline: August 19th, 2020 (extended)
- Notifications: September 8th, 2020
- Camera-ready deadline: September 30th, 2020
- Conference Dates: October 24-25, 2020
- Submission format: Anonymized, short paper (four pages not including references), following the submission guidelines (
- Selection process: Peer-Reviewed
- Presentation format: Participation in the conference poster session
- Proceedings: Included in Adjunct Proceedings and ACM Digital Library
- LBR Co-chairs: Elizabeth Shriberg (Berkeley University) and Catherine Pelachaud (CNRS-Sorbonne University)

What are Late-Breaking Results?

Late-Breaking Work (LBR) submissions represent work such as preliminary results, provoking and current topics, novel experiences or interactions that may not have been fully validated yet, cutting edge or emerging work that is still in exploratory stages, smaller-scale studies, or in general, work that has not yet reached a level of maturity expected for the full-length main track papers. However, LBR papers are still expected to bring a contribution to the ICMI community, commensurate with the preliminary, short, and quasi-informal nature of this track.

Why submit to the Late-Breaking Results track at ICMI?

Accepted LBR papers will be presented as posters during the conference. This provides an opportunity for researchers to receive feedback on early-stage work, explore potential collaborations, and otherwise engage in exciting thought-provoking discussions about their work in an informal setting that is significantly less constrained than a paper presentation. The LBR (posters) track also offers those new to the ICMI community a chance to share their preliminary research as they become familiar with this field.
Late-Breaking Results papers appear in the Adjunct Proceedings (Companion Volume) of the ICMI Proceedings. Copyright is retained by the authors, and the material from these papers can be used as the basis for future publications as long as there are 'significant' revisions from the original, as per the ACM and ACM SIGCHI policies.

Submission Guidelines

Extended Abstract: An anonymized, four-page paper, not including references, in the 2015 ACM SIGCHI Extended Abstracts format ( The paper should be submitted in PDF format and through the ICMI submission system in the 'Late-Breaking Results' track. Due to the tight publication timeline, it is recommended that authors submit a very nearly finalized paper that is as close to camera-ready as possible, as there will be a very short timeframe for preparing the final camera-ready version and no deadline extensions can be granted.

Anonymization: Authors are instructed not to include author information in their submission. In order to help reviewers judge the situation of the LBR to prior work, authors should not remove or anonymize references to their own prior work. Instead, we recommend that authors obscure references to their own prior work by referring to it in the third person during submission. If desired, after acceptance, such references can be changed to first-person.

Review Process

LBRs will be evaluated to the extent that they are presenting work still in progress, rather than complete work which is under-described in order to fit into the LBR format. The LBR track will undergo an external peer review process. Submissions will be evaluated by a number of factors including (1) the relevance of the work to ICMI, (2) the quality of the submission, and (3) the degree to which it 'fits' the LBR track (e.g., in-progress results). More particularly, the quality of the submission will be evaluated based on the potential contributions of the research to the field of multimodal interfaces and its impact on the field and beyond.


ICMI2020 is going virtual. With the help of our Virtual Conference chairs, we are currently preparing an online and interactive program. Stay tuned!


For more information and updates on the ICMI 2020 Late-Breaking Results (LBR), visit the LBR page of the main conference website:

For further questions, contact the LBR co-chairs (Elizabeth Shriberg, Catherine Pelachaud        



3-3-21(2020-10-25) ICMI 2020: Third Call for Demonstrations and Exhibits, Utrecht, The Netherlands (COVID19)

ICMI 2020: Third Call for Demonstrations and Exhibits
25-29 Oct 2020, Utrecht, The Netherlands

=== COVID-19 announcement 3 ===
Dear all,

We are investigating ways to hold ICMI2020 as a virtual conference or as a partially virtual conference. In any case, the ICMI2020 proceedings will be published as scheduled.

the organizing team of ICMI2020. 
We invite you to submit your proposals for demonstrations and exhibits to be held during the 22nd ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2020), located in Utrecht, the Netherlands, October 25-29th, 2020.

This year?s conference theme: In this information age, technological innovation is at the core of our lives and rapidly transforming and impacting the state of the world in art, culture, and society, and science as well - the borders between classical disciplines such as humanities and computer science are fading. In particular, we wonder how multimodal processing of human behavioural data can create meaningful impact in art, culture, and society practices. And vice versa, how does art, culture, and society influence our approaches and techniques in multimodal processing? As such, this year, ICMI welcomes contributions on our theme for Multimodal processing and representation of Human Behaviour in Art, Culture, and Society.

Demonstrations and Exhibits
The ICMI 2020 Demonstrations & Exhibits session is intended to provide a forum to showcase innovative implementations, systems and technologies demonstrating new ideas about interactive multimodal interfaces. It can also serve to introduce commercial products.

Proposals may be of two types: demonstrations or exhibits. The main difference is that demonstrations include a 1-2 page paper, which will be included in the ICMI main proceedings, while the exhibits only need to include a brief outline (no more than one page; not included in ICMI proceedings). We encourage both the submission of early research prototypes and interesting mature systems. In addition, authors of accepted regular research papers may be invited to participate in the demonstration sessions as well.

Demonstration Submission
Please submit a 1-2 page description of the demonstration through the main ICMI conference management system ( Demonstration description(s) must be in PDF format, according to the ACM conference format, of no more than 2 pages in length including references (submission format: Demonstration proposals should include a description with photographs and/or screen captures of the demonstration and, where possible, a video of the proposed demo should accompany the submission (no larger than 200MB). The demo and exhibit paper submissions are not anonymous. However, all ACM rules and guidelines related to paper submission should be followed (e.g. plagiarism, including self-plagiarism).

The demonstration submissions will be peer reviewed, according to the following criteria: suitability as a demo, scientific or engineering feasibility of the proposed demo system, application, or interactivity, alignment with the conference focus, potential to engage the audience, and overall quality and presentation of the written proposal. Authors are encouraged to address such criteria in their proposals (paper submission), along with preparing the short papers mindful of the quality and rigorous scientific expectations of an ACM publication.

The demo program will include the accepted proposals and may additionally include invited demos from among full-length papers accepted for presentation at the conference. Please note that the accepted descriptions will be included in the ICMI main proceedings.

Exhibit Submission
Exhibit proposals should be submitted following the same guidelines, formatting, and due dates as for demonstration proposals. Exhibit proposals must be shorter in length (up to one page) and more suitable for mature systems. Exhibits will not have a paper published in the ICMI 2020 proceedings.

At least one author of all accepted Demonstrations and Exhibits submissions must register for and attend the conference, including the conference demonstrations and exhibits session(s).

Important Dates
Submission of demo and exhibit proposals July 17, 2020
Demo and exhibit notification of acceptance July 31, 2020
Submission of demo final papers August 17, 2020

For further questions, contact the Demonstrations and Exhibits co-chairs: Zakia Hammal ( and Dominique Vaufreydaz (

3-3-22(2020-10-25?) The 2nd Insights on Group & Team Dynamics workshop at ICMI

*Call for Papers*

The 2nd Insights on Group & Team Dynamics workshop will be held in conjunction with ICMI 2020. It is the 2nd time this workshop will be held at ICMI, after a successful run in 2018, and the 5th in a series of meetings on group interaction. This workshop aims to brings together group scholars and researchers in multimodal interaction. We would like this workshop to serve as a platform to develop a common language, to provide a place to meet, foster and maintain relationships and to grow as a community. One of the biggest challenges is the culture of publication in conferences for computer science which differs from how social scientists work. The workshop will provide a sympathetic approach to this to enable participation from both disciplines and also to provide feedback to each other about how to carry out research on this topic. Finally, Lehmann-Willenbrock, Hung, Salah, and Kozwloski are editing a book volume on this topic to help researchers in both fields to understand each other better. This workshop will facilitate discussions to identify possible contributors of such a book.

Important Dates:

submission date: August 15

Notification of acceptance:  September 1st

Submission: All submissions are are done through easy chair: 


Review Procedure: double blind,2-3 reviewers per paper (at least one from each discipline).

Format: virtual


3-3-23(2020-10-?) The VoicePrivacy2020 Challenge Evaluation Plan

The VoicePrivacy 2020 Challenge Evaluation Plan is available on the website: VoicePrivacy initiative Challenge is spearheading the effort to develop privacy preservation solutions for speech technology. It aims to gather a new community to define the task and metrics and to benchmark initial solutions using common datasets, protocols and metrics. VoicePrivacy takes the form of a competitive challenge. The challenge is to develop anonymization solutions which suppress personally identifiable information contained within speech signals. At the same time, solutions should preserve linguistic content and speech quality/naturalness. The challenge will conclude with a session/event held in conjunction with Interspeech 2020 at which challenge results will be made publicly available.

Please find more information about on the challenge website:



Participants/teams are requested to register for the evaluation. Registration should be performed once only for each participating entity and by sending an email to:
with ?VoicePrivacy 2020 registration? as the subject line. The mail body should include: (i) the name of the team; (ii) the name of the contact person; (iii) their country; (iv) their status (academic/nonacademic).


Participants are encouraged to subscribe to the VoicePrivacy 2020 mailing list by sending an email to: with ?subscribe 2020? as the subject line. Successful registrations are confirmed by return email.

To post messages to the mailing list itself, emails should be addressed to:

Best regards,

The VoicePrivacy 2020 Challenge Organizers,

Jean-François Bonastre - University of Avignon - LIA, France
Nicholas Evans - EURECOM, France
Fuming Fang - NII, Japan
Andreas Nautsch - EURECOM, France
Paul-Gauthier Noé - University of Avignon - LIA, France
Jose Patino - EURECOM, France
Md Sahidullah - Inria, France
Brij Mohan Lal Srivastava - Inria, France
Natalia Tomashenko - University of Avignon - LIA, France
Massimiliano Todisco - EURECOM, France
Emmanuel Vincent - Inria, France
Xin Wang - NII, Japan
Junichi Yamagishi - NII, Japan and University of Edinburgh, UK


3-3-24(2020-11-02) TIM 2020 : Séminaire Traitement de l'Information Multimodale, Paris, France



TIM 2020 : Séminaire Traitement de l'Information Multimodale

du 02 au 04 novembre 2020 @ Paris, France



Date limite de soumission : 06 juillet 2020 avec possibilité de modification des soumissions jusqu'au lundi 20 juillet inclus

URL de soumission :



Contact :


** Appel à Communication **


Le séminaire Traitement de l?Information  Multimodale est organisé par la DGA et se tiendra dans ses locaux parisiens du 02 au 04 novembre 2020. Il rassemble les acteurs civils et Défense du traitement d?images et du traitement automatique du langage naturel, afin de promouvoir les collaborations  au sein de la communauté. Ce séminaire scientifique s?adresse à l?ensemble des acteurs techniques de l?écosystème : laboratoires académiques, équipes R&D industrielles, etc.  Il a notamment pour objectif de favoriser les échanges autour d?approches et de solutions innovantes pour répondre aux enjeux du traitement de l?information multimodale, en particulier dans une perspective de développement de systèmes étatiques ; un intérêt  particulier est donc porté aux traitements et domaines d?application non couverts par les applications grand public.


Les contributions scientifiques, théoriques  comme appliquées, sont les bienvenues concernant plusieurs  domaines liés à l?intelligence artificielle :  traitement automatique du langage naturel (parole et écrit), traitement d?images, traitement de données multimodales et aspects méthodologiques de la mise au point de tels traitements.  Dans le cas d'une contribution appliquée, les illustrations sur cas représentatif seront particulièrement appréciées.


Deux types de contributions sont sollicités :

* communications : deux formats possibles (poster ou présentation orale) sur proposition du contributeur et suivant l?avis du comité de programme ;

* démonstrations.


Liste non limitative de thématiques :


* Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel

- Fouille de données, recherche d'information et extraction d'information

- Enrichissement automatique de bases de connaissances et d'ontologies

- Traitements spécifiques pour les données Web et réseaux sociaux : détection de fake news, gestion du langage non-canonique, etc.

- Author profiling

- Génération de langage naturel

- Traitement de la parole : identification de la langue / du locuteur / de la voix, synthèse et reconnaissance automatique de la parole, détection de mots-clés, détection d'événements acoustiques, diarization, etc.

- Prise en compte du code-switching

- Traduction neuronale : texte, parole

- Travaux sur des langues spécifiques : dialectes arabes, langues d'Afrique sub-saharienne, etc.

- Conception de modèles multilingues

- Conception de modèles end-to-end


* Traitement Images (optiques, SAR et Hyperspectrales) ou vidéos

- Amélioration d?images, interpolation, super-résolution

- Mosaïquage, recalage, spatio/aéro-triangulation

- Analyse et compréhension de scènes

- Pistage et suivi d'objets dans des vidéos

- Recherche et indexation d'images et de vidéos par le contenu

- Biométrie : forte (visage, iris, etc.) et faible (taille, cheveux, etc.)

- Calcul de MNS / MNT, Reconstruction 3D

- Détection, reconnaissance et identification d'anomalies, d'objets, de personnes ou de logos

- Détection de changement et d?activité

- Anticipation d?événements à base de détections élémentaires dans des séries d'images


* Multimodalité

- Tâches multimodales, visual grounding

- Analyse de documents : reconnaissance de caractères, reconnaissance de l?écriture manuscrite, compréhension de documents, etc.

- Détection et génération de Deepfake : voice conversion, voice cloning, face swapping, incrustation, etc.

- Interaction naturelle Homme-machine : assistants vocaux, détection d'émotions, etc.

- Synthèse et fusion d'information

- Recherche et indexation multimodales : recherche textuelle d'images, génération de légendes, alignement texte-vidéo, etc.

- Géolocalisation à partir du contenu


* Méthodologie et thématiques communes

- Interprétabilité des systèmes de TIM

- Apports et limites des méthodes d'apprentissage profond pour le TIM

- Adaptation de systèmes : adaptation de domaine, de tâche, méthodes de transfert, etc.

- Apprentissage de représentations, en particulier embeddings

- Apprentissage en cours de vie : apprentissage continu, interactions utilisateurs, etc.

- Traitement des données bruitées

- Techniques pour le 'small data' : langues peu dotées, petits corpus, zero-shot learning, augmentation de données, etc.

- Génération automatique de données synthétiques

- Compression (audio, image, vidéo)

- Environnements, frameworks, outils d'évaluation

- Corpus : annotation, apprentissage actif, capitalisation de données, etc.

- Retour d'expériences de campagnes d'évaluation et de défis


** Modalités de soumission et sélection des contributions **


Les contributeurs sont invités à proposer un résumé entre 2000 et 4000 caractères, en français sauf exception (auteur ou équipe non francophone), en identifiant les auteurs et leurs affiliations et en précisant s'il s'agit d'une communication (indiquer une préférence entre présentation orale ou poster) ou d'une démonstration.


Les travaux présentés doivent être originaux et constituer une avancée par rapport à l?état de l?art, toutefois la présentation de travaux déjà soumis ou publiés à une conférence internationale durant l?année en cours est également la bienvenue (à  mentionner clairement dans le résumé soumis). Les contributions se feront en français, sauf exception (auteur ou équipe non francophone).


Les soumissions reçues feront l?objet d?un examen par plusieurs relecteurs du domaine. Elles seront notamment évaluées eu égard à leur pertinence vis-à-vis du positionnement et des thématiques du séminaire, leur justesse technique, la clarté du résumé.  En cas de sélection, une phase d?échanges entre le comité de programme et les auteurs est prévue en amont de la présentation, afin d?en valider les modalités et la forme. L'envoi des supports de communication sera donc demandé plusieurs semaines en avance.


Les soumissions se font exclusivement via Easychair à l'url suivante : La page de soumission est d'ores et déjà ouverte !


** Dates importantes **


* Soumission des résumés : date limite le 06 juillet 2020 ===> possibilité de modification des soumissions jusqu'au lundi 20/07 inclus <===

* Notification aux auteurs : au plus tard le 02 septembre 2020

* Date du séminaire : du 02 au 04 novembre 2020


** Situation sanitaire due au Covid-19 **


En fonction de l?évolution de la situation sanitaire en France due à la pandémie de Covid-19, en cas d'impossibilité de tenue du séminaire TIM aux dates initialement prévues une adaptation sera proposée (présentiel à effectif réduit, report, passage en  virtuel...).



Le comité de programme du séminaire TIM 2020


3-3-25(2020-11-18) Two challenges at IberSPEECH2020, Valldolid, Spain

IberSPEECH'2020 will hold two evaluation challenges, the traditional ALBAYZÍN evaluation organized by the Spanish Thematic Network on Speech Technologies and the ALLIES evaluation organized by the ALLIES European project: LNE (Laboratoire national de métrologie et d?essais, France), LIUM (Le Mans Université, France), IDIAP (Switzerland) and UPC (Spain).

ALLIES evaluation focuses on speaker segmentation on a new corpus of audio-visual documents (news, debates, talk-shows...) from the French channel LCP.

More information about ALLIES evaluation can be found in

ALBAYZÍN evaluation challenges focus on evaluating different audio-visual technologies over TV and radio broadcast, and Basque Parliament content.

Five evaluations are proposed:

  • Speech to Text Challenge (S2TC), organized by RTVE (Spanish public radio and television) and Universidad de Zaragoza, consists of automatically transcribe different types of TV shows.
  • Speaker Diarization and Identity Asignement (SDIAC), organized by RTVE(Spanish public radio and television) and Universidad de Zaragoza, consists of segmenting broadcast audio documents according to different speakers, linking those segments which originate from the same speaker and identify a closed set of speakers. 
  • Multimodal Diarization and Scene Description Challenge (MDSDC), organized by RTVE (Spanish public radio and television) and Universidad de Zaragoza, consists of segmenting broadcast audio-visual documents according to a closed set of speakers, faces and scene descriptors and linking those segments which originate from the same speaker, face and scene descriptor. 
  • Search on Speech Challenge (SoSC), organized by Universidad San Pablo-CEU and AuDIaS from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, consists of searching in audio content a list of terms/queries. 
  • Text-to-Speech Alignment Evaluation (S2TAC), organized by University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), consists of aligning text and audio extracted from a plenary session of the Basque Parliament (bilingual audio).

More information about the different challenges, databases and online registration can be found in

More information about IberSpeech 2020 in

The calendar for the Albayzín S2TC, SDIAC, MDSDC and SoSC evaluations is:

  • March 23th, 2020: Registration opens
  • March 23th, 2020: Release of the training and development data
  • June 1st, 2020: Registration deadline. Release of the evaluation data
  • June 30th, 2020: Submission deadline
  • July 15th, 2020: Results distribution to the participants
  • September 13th, 2020: Paper submission deadline
  • November 18-20, 2020: Iberspeech 2020 conference in Valladolid (Spain)

The calendar for the Albayzín S2TAC evaluation is:

  • May 4th, 2020 Evaluation plan released. Registration open.
  • May 18th, 2020 Development data released. Scoring website enabled for dev data.
  • July 13th, 2020 Test data released. Registration closed.
  • July 24th, 2020 Deadline for submitting results.
  • July 27th, 2020 Scoring website enabled for test data.
  • September 13th, 2020: Paper submission deadline
  • November 18-20, 2020: Iberspeech 2020 conference in Valladolid (Spain)

For any additional information, please contact the organizers of the calls.

Thanks in advance for your time an interest in IBERSPEECH 2020 Conference and ALBAYZÍN evaluations.

Best regards,
The ALBAYZÍN 2020 Evaluations Organizing Committee

Alfonso Ortega Giménez,
Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
Eduardo Lleida Solano,
Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
Luis Javier Rodríguez Fuentes,
Universidad del País Vasco, Spain


3-3-26(2020-11-26) 56th LINGUISTICS COLLOQUIUM (on line and free)
November 26 to 28, 2020
International conference comprising all fields of linguistics
For the first time taking place as a free online event
Special theme: Translation, Multilinguality and Cognition
Submission of abstracts: September 30, 2020
Submission of full papers: February 28, 2021
Website: (English and German)
Keynote speaker: Philipp Koehn, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Since its inception in 1966, the Linguistics Colloquium has been held annually without interruption in a total of 18 European countries. Its long term continuity is ensured by a large international committee consisting of its previous organizers. The Colloquium is devoted to research in all areas of linguistics. It is open to different theoretical approaches and aims to create friendly and inspiring conditions for the fruitful exchange of ideas and results. It is also appreciated for its welcoming atmosphere and cooperative discussion culture open to scientists of all ages and nationalities.
Traditionally, authors submit an abstract which, upon acceptance,  is presented and discussed at the conference. Afterwards, a full paper has to be submitted, taking into account the outcome of the scientific discussion. As usually, also this year we plan to publish the  proceedings as a hardcover book in the series 'Linguistik International' of the Peter Lang publishing house.
Like many other conferences, this year, for the first time in its history, the Linguistics Colloquium will be organized as an online event. As, despite regular attendance from overseas, the Colloquium has been a mostly European event so far, we hope that colleagues from other continents will see this as an opportunity to get to know the friendly and co-operative spirit of the colloquium. To further encourage this and because an online event requires less funding, as a novelty this year we decided to completely waive registration fees.

The special theme of this year's conference is 'Translation, Multilinguality and Cognition'. But contributions from all areas of linguistics are welcome, including but not limited to:
* Theory of linguistics
* Historical linguistics
* Diachronic linguistics
* Corpus linguistics, text mining
* Computational linguistics, natural language processing
* Neural languague processing and machine learning
* Comparative & contrastive linguistics, typology
* Applied linguistics, language learning
* Neuro- and psycholinguistics
* Sociolinguistics
* Lexicology, lexicography
* Phonology, phonetics
* Morphology
* Syntax
* Semantics
* Pragmatics
* Text, discourse
* Semiotics

Sept. 30, 2020: Submission of abstracts
Oct. 15, 2020: Notification of acceptance
Oct. 30, 2020: Registration for presenters (free of charge)
Nov. 14, 2020: Zoom trial session (test session to identify technical problems)
Nov. 22, 2020: Registration for participants without presentation (free of charge)
Nov. 26 to 28, 2020: Conference dates
Feb. 28, 2021: Submission of full papers

See the long version of the call for papers at

As in previous years, we plan to publish post-conference proceedings as a hardcover book in the series Linguistik International ( of the Peter Lang publisher (

Conference languages are English and German. Although the Linguistics Colloquium supports linguistic diversity, for organizational reasons we are not able to provide for more languages. To avoid problems for delegates not speaking both languages, attention will be placed on parallelizing programme sessions in such a way that, as far as possible, there is always a choice of language.

Please send all correspondence relating to the 56th Linguistics Colloquium 2020 by e-mail to lingcoll(at)

Reinhard Rapp (Coordinator), Athena R.C., Greece; Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences and University of Mainz, Germany
George Tambouratzis, Athena R.C., Greece
Gisela Zunker-Rapp, University of Tübingen, Germany
Haruko Miyakoda, Tsuda University, Tokyo, Japan
Christiane Zehrer, Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences, Germany

See the long version of the call for papers at

3-3-27(2020-12-06) CfP 12th IEEE Intl Workshop on Information Forensics and Security @online

Call for Papers | IEEE WIFS 2020

12th IEEE International Workshop on
Information Forensics and Security

6-11 December 2020 @online


The International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS) is a major forum bringing together researchers and practitioners from various fields of digital forensics and information security. The workshop covers a broad range of topics, and seeks papers addressing (list not exhaustive):

  • Data Privacy and Anonymity
  • Blockchain security and privacy       
  • Biometrics            
  • Digital Forensics and Analysis         
  • Watermarking and Content Protection
  • Surveillance
  • Usability and Human Factors
  • Human Aspects of Information Integrity
  • Network Security
  • Physical Layer Security
  • Security of Cyber-physical Systems
  • Steganography & Covert Communications
  • Applied Cryptography
  • Hardware Security
  • Information Theoretic Security
  • Economics of Information Integrity

Regular Papers: Regular submission can be up to 6 double-column pages including references. Accepted and presented papers will be available in the IEEE Xplore digital library. WIFS accepts only original research papers having no overlap with manuscripts that are already published or submitted elsewhere (including journals, conferences and workshops). Double submissions will be rejected immediately.
Demos and Work-in-Progress: We seek submissions for a special session devoted to work-in-progress and systems presentations. Authors of papers recently accepted to IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security or IEEE Signal Processing Letters will be given the opportunity to present their work subject to approval by the program chairs. Please see the website for more details.
Conference Theme and Special Sessions: The main theme of WIFS?20 is ?Living in Synthetic Reality?. We aim to explore the impact of synthetic content generation on information integrity and encourage discussion and awareness of its impact on the society. We will host special sessions, keynote speakers and hands-on tutorials.

Important Dates

  • Paper submission (revised) - July 31, 2020
  • Author notification (revised) - September 21, 2020
  • Camera ready paper submission (revised): - October 5, 2020
  • Early registration deadline - October 30, 2020

Organizing Committee

General Chairs: Program Chairs:
David Doermann (SUNY Buffalo, USA) Wade Trappe (Rutgers University, USA)
Anthony Hoogs (Kitware, USA) Quanyan Zhu (NYU, USA)
  Pawel Korus (AGH UST, Poland and NYU, USA)

3-3-28(2020-12-14) The 12th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP), Providence, RI, USA

Important note:  conference as a virtual meeting


The 12th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP 2020) will take place during its revised dates (Dec 14-18, 2020) as an online virtual meeting (



 Instructions for Authors.

Note that previously accepted abstracts do not need to be resubmitted; however, authors are encouraged to upload revised versions of their abstracts based on reviewer feedback using the EasyChair portal. The deadline for new submissions and revisions to accepted abstracts is August 1st, 2020.  

The 12th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP),

organized through Haskins Laboratories, will take place June 1-4 2020 in Providence, RI, USA, at the Omni Convention Center Hotel.

Inaugurated in Grenoble in 1988, the ISSP is an international forum for researchers to share their work on all aspects of human speech production, including phonology, phonetics, prosody, biomechanics, signal processing, motor control, neuroscience, modeling, disordered speech and speech accommodation. The diversity of topics is a particular strength of the conference, providing opportunities for young researchers especially to be exposed to complementary ideas and methods apart from their immediate focus. Previous meetings have occurred in Sydney, Ubatuba (Brazil), Strasbourg, Montreal, Cologne, and Tianjin, and we anticipate that turnout for the Providence conference will be large and enthusiastic.

The overall theme of the conference is intended to foster discussion of how speech production develops, consolidates, and degenerates over the typical lifespan. The meeting is structured around eight invited speakers, each highlighting a subtopic of interest within their session:


Lisa Goffman (UT Dallas); language acquisition and its disorders

Elder speech

Cécile Fougeron (U. Sorbonne); effects of aging on coarticulation

Disordered Speech

Suzanne Boyce (U. Cincinnati); articulatory characteristics of motor deficits


Gabriel Mindlin (U. Buenos Aires); syllabic structure of birdsong


Brad Sutton (U. Illinois); rtMRI as a tool for viewing articulation across the entire vocal tract


Kristofer Bouchard (UCSF); eCOG as an emerging method for investigating speech motor planning and execution

Speech Interaction

Jennifer Pardo (Montclair State); aspects of phonetic convergence and turn-taking in conversational dyads

Speech Technology

Carol Espy-Wilson (U. Maryland); estimating articulatory gestures from acoustics


For additional details please visit the conference website:


3-3-29(2020-12-15) Eighth International Conference on Big Data Analytics, Ashoka University, Sonepat (Delhi, NCR), India


Paper Submission Deadline: 6 July 2020 PST 



Consider submitting your papers to the Eight International Conference on Big Data Analytics (BDA) 2020.


Kindly share the CFP with others who may wish to submit papers to BDA 2020, which will be held at Ashoka University, Sonepat (Delhi, NCR), India.



Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of the CFP.




Eighth International Conference on Big Data Analytics

December 15-18, 2020

Ashoka University

Sonepat (Delhi, NCR), India

The 8th International Conference on Big Data Analytics (BDA 2020) will be held during December 15-18, 2020 at Ashoka University, India.  The conference will be organized by Ashoka University. BDA 2020 provides an international forum for researchers and industry practitioners to share their original research results, practical experiences and thoughts on big data from different perspectives including storage models, data access, computing paradigms, analytics, information sharing and privacy, redesigning mining algorithms, open issues and future research trends.


BDA 2020 invites original, technically sound, high-quality research papers proposing novel solutions addressing the problems related to big data analytics as well as case studies and practical experiences with big data. Major topics of interest to the conference include, but are not limited to:


Analytics as a Service

Architectural Design for Big Data

Big Data Analytics for Governance

Conceptual/cognitive/programming Models for Big data analytics 

Clustering of Big Data

Data Fusion and Multi Modal Analytics 

Data Models for Big Data Analytics

Domain-specific Analytics 

Index Structures for Big Data Analytics 

Interaction Design for Exploratory Analytics

Machine Learning techniques for Big Data 

Large-scale recommendation systems and graph analysis


Model Discovery from Big Data

NoSQL and non-standard Data Models

Physical Data Organization for Big Data

Predictive Modelling 

Rule Mining from Big Data

Scalability and Performance issues 

Security, privacy and legal issues specific to big data

Semantics of Big Data

Streaming Data Analytics

Summarization and Materialized views

Topic Modelling 

Unstructured and Semi-structured Data Mining


Research Track Submissions

Each paper should contain an abstract of approximately 300 words having a page limit of 20 pages in the LNCS style. The  submissions including the title page, references and appendix. For preparing the manuscript, please see instructions for authors by Springer, in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS) 


Submission Link:


Important Dates: (All times in PST)

Abstract submission: July 6, 2020, 23:59 PST

Full paper submissions: July 13, 2020, 23:59 PST

Research paper notifications: September 14, 2020, 23:59 PST

Camera-ready submission: October 1, 2020, 23:59 PST


Call for Workshops and Tutorials 


The BDA 2020 organizing committee invites proposals for half ? day and full - day workshops and tutorials on established and emerging topics in the areas of Big Data Analytics and other related areas. Information for submission of each type of proposal is provided on the conference website.


Note: Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the conference is proposed to be held online. We are closely monitoring the situation and shall provide updates as necessary




PC Co-Chairs of BDA 2020: 

Ladjel Bellatreche (, ENSMA, France

Hamido Fujita (, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan

Vikram Goyal (, IIIT Delhi, India


3-3-30(2021-01-04) Bioacoustics Winter School, University of Lyon/Saint-Etienne, France

Bioacoustics Winter School- January 4-15, 2021, University of Lyon/Saint-Etienne, France

The Bioacoustics Winter School (BWS) is an intensive course on animal and human acoustic communication (2 weeks; > 80 hours class + group projects). BWS is organized every January at the University of Lyon/Saint-Etienne by the Sensory Neuro-Ethology Team (ENES team, ENES/CRNL CNRS INSERM).
The teaching staff of BWS is made up of researchers from the ENES team as well as researchers from other institutions, from France and abroad.
BWS is open to PhD and master students, researchers, engineers, veterinarians, wildlife managers, members of wildlife conservation organizations, etc.
Learning objectives
Training in bioacoustic scientific investigations and tools.
At the end of the course and the group project, the following skills will have been acquired:
- knowledge in how to use the basic material necessary for any study in bioacoustics (digital recorder, microphones, speakers);
- basic knowledge in sound and signal processing (use of softwares such as PRAAT and Seewave);
- skills in how to set up a bioacoustic study (scientific question, experimental design, realization of experiments, results' analysis);
- general knowledge on the bioacoustics world and its interests, bot in basic and applied research.
The two week training is concluded by an oral & written exam. BWS students receive a degree in bioacoustics, certified by the University of Lyon / Saint-Etienne.
Registrations for the 2021 session (January 4-15) are now open.

To get the provisional program and to apply, please go to:


3-3-31(2021-01-06) 12th Oxford Dysfluency Conference (ODC), Oxford, UK (UPDATED)

New dates announced:
6-9 January 2021

So that you can submit your abstract and register with confidence we are relaxing our cancellation terms due to the Coronavirus COVID-19 situation. Rest assured that we will refund your registration fee, with no penalty, should you wish to cancel during the uncertainty of the outbreak.

Dear Colleague,

As the spread of COVID-19 continues and the situation is still uncertain, Elsevier and the Conference Chairs have taken the decision to postpone the 12th Oxford Dysfluency Conference (ODC) to 6-9 January 2021 in the same venue, St Catherine?s College Oxford. 

Due to the re-scheduling of the conference we are able to extend the submission deadline for oral and poster abstracts to 21 August 2020. 

Submit your abstracts now on the following topics. 

  • Conceptualizing stuttering
  • Genetics, brain, and neurophysiology
  • More than speech
  • Cluttering, acquired stuttering, and atypical disfluencies,
  • Working with people who stutter
Submit your abstract here!

The Oxford Dysfluency Conference has a reputation as one of the leading international scientific conferences in the field of dysfluency.

The conference brings together researchers and clinicians, providing a showcase and forum for discussion and collegial debate about the most current and innovative research and clinical practices. 

Throughout the history of the Oxford Dysfluency Conference, the primary aim has been to bridge the gap between research and clinical practice. 
The conference seeks to promote research that informs management, with interventions that are supported by sound theory and which inform future research.

We look forward to welcoming you to Oxford in January.


Conference Chairs

Sharon Millard, The Michael Palin Centre for Stammering, UK
Shelley B. Brundage, George Washington University, USA


3-3-32(2021-01-11) 4th INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL ON DEEP LEARNING, Milan, Italy


DeepLearn 2021 Winter
Milan, Italy
January 11-15, 2021
Co-organized by:
Department of Information Engineering
Marche Polytechnic University
Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice ? IRDTA
--- Early registration deadline: July 28, 2020 ---
In conjunction with ICPR 2020
DeepLearn 2021 Winter will be a research training event with a global scope aiming at updating participants on the most recent advances in the critical and fast developing area of deep learning. Previous events were held in Bilbao, Genova and Warsaw.
Deep learning is a branch of artificial intelligence covering a spectrum of current exciting research and industrial innovation that provides more efficient algorithms to deal with large-scale data in neurosciences, computer vision, speech recognition, language processing, human-computer interaction, drug discovery, biomedical informatics, healthcare, recommender systems, learning theory, robotics, games, etc. Renowned academics and industry pioneers will lecture and share their views with the audience.
Most deep learning subareas will be displayed, and main challenges identified through 24 four-hour and a half courses and 3 keynote lectures, which will tackle the most active and promising topics. The organizers are convinced that outstanding speakers will attract the brightest and most motivated students. Interaction will be a main component of the event.
An open session will give participants the opportunity to present their own work in progress in 5 minutes. Moreover, there will be two special sessions with industrial and recruitment profiles.
Master's students, PhD students, postdocs, and industry practitioners will be typical profiles of participants. However, there are no formal pre-requisites for attendance in terms of academic degrees. Since there will be a variety of levels, specific knowledge background may be assumed for some of the courses. Overall, DeepLearn 2021 Winter is addressed to students, researchers and practitioners who want to keep themselves updated about recent developments and future trends. All will surely find it fruitful to listen and discuss with major researchers, industry leaders and innovators.
DeepLearn 2021 Winter will take place in Milan, the third largest economy among European cities and one of the Four Motors for Europe. The venue will be:
MiCo Milano Convention Centre
Piazzale Carlo Magno 1
The venue will be shared with the 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition ? ICPR 2020
3 courses will run in parallel during the whole event. Participants will be able to freely choose the courses they wish to attend as well as to move from one to another.
KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: (to be completed)
Nello Cristianini (University of Bristol), Data, Intelligence and Shortcuts
Petia Radeva (University of Barcelona), Uncertainty Modeling and Deep Learning in Food Analysis
PROFESSORS AND COURSES: (to be completed)
Ignacio Arganda-Carreras (University of the Basque Country), [introductory/intermediate] Deep Learning for Bioimage Analysis
Mikhail Belkin (Ohio State University), [intermediate/advanced] Understanding Deep Learning through the Lens of Over-parameterization
Thomas G. Dietterich (Oregon State University), [introductory/intermediate] Safe and Robust Artificial Intelligence: Robustness, Calibration, Rejection, and Anomaly
Georgios Giannakis (University of Minnesota), [advanced] Ensembles for Interactive and Deep Learning Machines with Scalability, Expressivity, and Adaptivity
Sergei V. Gleyzer (University of Alabama), [introductory/intermediate] Machine Learning Fundamentals and Their Applications to Very Large Scientific Data: Rare Signal and Feature Extraction, End-to-end Deep Learning, Uncertainty Estimation and Realtime Machine Learning Applications in Software and Hardware
Ça?lar Gülçehre (DeepMind), [intermediate/advanced] Deep Reinforcement Learning
Balázs Kégl (Huawei Technologies), [introductory] Deep Model-based Reinforcement Learning
Ludmila Kuncheva (Bangor University), [intermediate] Classification of Non-i.i.d. Data
Vincent Lepetit (ENPC ParisTech), [intermediate] Deep Learning and 3D Geometry
Geert Leus (Delft University of Technology), [introductory/intermediate] Graph Signal Processing: Introduction and Connections to Distributed Optimization and Deep Learning
Andy Liaw (Merck Research Labs), [introductory] Deep Learning and Statistics: Better Together
Abdelrahman Mohamed (Facebook AI Research), [introductory/advanced] Recent Advances in Automatic Speech Recognition
Sayan Mukherjee (Duke University), [introductory/intermediate] Integrating Deep Learning with Statistical Modeling
Hermann Ney (RWTH Aachen University), [intermediate/advanced] Speech Recognition and Machine Translation: From Statistical Decision Theory to Machine Learning and Deep Neural Networks
Lyle John Palmer (University of Adelaide), [introductory/advanced] Epidemiology for Machine Learning Investigators
Razvan Pascanu (DeepMind), [intermediate/advanced] Understanding Learning Dynamics in Deep Learning and Deep Reinforcement Learning
Jan Peters (Technical University of Darmstadt), [intermediate] Robot Learning
José C. Príncipe (University of Florida), [intermediate/advanced] Cognitive Architectures for Object Recognition in Video
Björn W. Schuller (Imperial College London), [introductory/intermediate] Deep Signal Processing
Sargur N. Srihari (University at Buffalo), [introductory] Generative Models in Deep Learning
Gaël Varoquaux (INRIA), [intermediate] Representation Learning in Limited Data Settings
René Vidal (Johns Hopkins University), [intermediate/advanced] Mathematics of Deep Learning
Ming-Hsuan Yang (University of California, Merced), [intermediate/advanced] Learning to Track Objects
An open session will collect 5-minute voluntary presentations of work in progress by participants. They should submit a half-page abstract containing the title, authors, and summary of the research to by January 3, 2021.
A session will be devoted to 10-minute demonstrations of practical applications of deep learning in industry. Companies interested in contributing are welcome to submit a 1-page abstract containing the program of the demonstration and the logistics needed. People participating in the demonstration must register for the event. Expressions of interest have to be submitted to by January 3, 2021.
Firms searching for personnel well skilled in deep learning will have a space reserved for one-to-one contacts. It is recommended to produce a 1-page .pdf leaflet with a brief description of the company and the profiles looked for to be circulated among the participants prior to the event. People in charge of the search must register for the event. Expressions of interest have to be submitted to by January 3, 2021.
Emanuele Frontoni (Ancona, co-chair)
Carlos Martín-Vide (Tarragona, program chair)
Sara Moccia (Ancona)
Sara Morales (Brussels)
Marina Paolanti (Ancona)
Manuel J. Parra-Royón (Granada)
Luca Romeo (Ancona)
David Silva (London, co-chair)
It has to be done at
The selection of up to 8 courses requested in the registration template is only tentative and non-binding. For the sake of organization, it will be helpful to have an estimation of the respective demand for each course. During the event, participants will be free to attend the courses they wish.
Since the capacity of the venue is limited, registration requests will be processed on a first come first served basis. The registration period will be closed and the on-line registration tool disabled when the capacity of the venue is exhausted. It is highly recommended to register prior to the event.
Fees comprise access to all courses and lunches. There are several early registration deadlines. Fees depend on the registration deadline.
Suggestions for accommodation will be available in due time.
A certificate of successful participation in the event will be delivered indicating the number of hours of lectures.
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione, Università Politecnica delle Marche
Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice ? IRDTA, Brussels/London


3-3-33(2021-01-17) Advanced Language Processing School (ALPS) ,Autrans ( Grenoble Area), France


Advanced Language Processing School (ALPS)
January, 17-22 2021
Autrans (Grenoble area) - France

We are opening the registration for the first Advanced Language Processing School (ALPS) in Grenoble, co-organized by University Grenoble Alpes and Naver Labs Europe.

*Target Audience*
This is a winter school covering advanced topics in NLP, and we are primarily targeting doctoral students and advanced (research) masters. A few slots will also be reserved for academics and persons working in research-heavy positions in industry.

This winter school aims to provide talks of renowned NLP researchers, as well as creating an ideal environment to foster collaborations

The speakers are:
 - Isabelle Augenstein: _Interpretability and Explainability for NLP_
 - Tim Baldwin: _Natural Language Processing for User Generated Content_
 - Kyunghyun Cho: _Neural Sequence Modeling: Learning and Inference_
 - Yejin Choi: _Neural Commonsense Knowledge and Reasoning_
 - Grzegorz Chrupa?a: _Visually Grounded Models of Spoken Language and their Analysis_
 - Claire Gardent: _Neural approaches to Natural Language Generation_
 - Sanjeev Khudanpur: _Recent Advances in Automatic Speech Recognition (TBC)_

In addition to the talks, an important aspect of this school is the interaction between participants. The registration fee covers full board in a residence close to a ski resort, and some of the afternoons there will be organised social activities.
In view of the current public health situation, we are preparing to hold the event virtually in case it will not be possible to do so physically in January. Registration fees will be adapted in that case.

To apply to this winter school, please follow the instructions at . The deadline for applying is July 31st, and we will notify acceptance in September



3-3-34(2021-01-18) EUSIPCO2020 Announcement , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
EUSIPCO 2020 Announcement
The organising committee of the 28th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2020) has been closely monitoring the evolution of the COVID-19 outbreak as well as the recommendations issued by public health experts. As the safety and well-being of all participants is our top priority, the EUSIPCO 2020 Organising Committee and the EURASIP Board of Directors have decided that EUSIPCO 2020 will maintain the current schedule for submission, review and publication of papers. The physical meeting in Amsterdam, however, will be rescheduled from August 24 - 28, 2020, to January 18 - 22, 2021, when it is expected to be safe to travel.

The policy for paper publication remains unchanged. Each paper needs to be linked to a full registration at a non-student rate by July 2nd, 2020. Papers without a full registration will be withdrawn from the program and the proceedings. Each registration includes admission to the technical sessions, welcome reception, coffee breaks, and exhibits in Amsterdam in January 2021, and one copy of the electronic proceedings.

The following deadlines remain unchanged:

Final Manuscript Submission ? June 12, 2020
Early Bird Registration ? July 2, 2020
Publication date papers ? August 24, 2020

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Amsterdam in January 18-22, 2021!

Richard Heusdens
Cedric Richard
General Chairs, EUSIPCO 2020

3-3-35(2021-01-19) CfP 2021 IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology, Shenzhen, China

Call for Papers | IEEE SLT 2021

2021 IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology

19-22 January 2021 | Shenzhen, China


The SLT Workshop is a biennial flagship event of IEEE Speech and Language Processing Technical Committee. The 8th IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology (SLT) will be held on January 19-22, 2021 in Shenzhen, China. The theme for this year will be ?Spoken language technologies: deep learning and beyond?. The workshop will feature the most recent and exciting advances in speech and language processing through invited talks/keynotes, as well as special and regular single-track sessions.


The special theme for this year will be 'Spoken language technologies: deep learning and beyond'. All papers related to spoken language technology are welcome. Topics of interest include, but not limited to, the following:
  • Speech recognition and synthesis
  • Spoken language understanding
  • Spoken document retrieval
  • Question answering from speech
  • Assistive technologies
  • Natural language processing
  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Spoken dialog systems
  • Speech data mining
  • Emotion recognition from speech
  • Spoken document summarization
  • Spoken language corpora
  • Speaker/language recognition
  • Evaluation methodologies


Shenzhen is a tourist attractive modern city centered in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The emblematic city of prosperous provides for best living quality, world-class transport infrastructure and comfortable climate. You can browse all conference information on the website:

Important Dates

Challenge session submission:
Challenge session notification:
Special session proposal due:
Special session notification:
Paper submission due:
Paper notification:
Demo submission due:
Author and early registration due:
Demo selection notification:
Workshop Date:
May 22, 2020
May 29, 2020
June 12, 2020
July 13, 2020
August 14, 2020
November 2, 2020
November 20, 2020
November 23, 2020
December 13, 2020
January 19-22, 2021

Submission Details

Authors are invited to prepare a full-length, 4-6 page papers, including figures, plus 1-2 additional pages for references only, to the SLT 2021 website:

Organizing Committee  

General Chairs
Zhijian Ou, Tsinghua University
Lei Xie, NW Polytech University

Technical Program Chairs
Jinyu Li, Microsoft
Xiaodong Cui, IBM
Dilek Hakkani-Tur, Amazon
Chiori Hori, MERL
Masami Akamine, Tohoku University
Kong-Aik Lee, NEC

Finance Chairs
Xunying Liu, CUHK
Zheng-Hua Tan, Aalborg University

Sponsorship Chair
Jen-Tzung Chien, NCTU

Publication Chair
Hsin-Min Wang, Academia Sinica

Panel and Invited Speaker Chair
Brian Mak, HKUST
Asli Celikyilmaz, Microsoft

Special Session and Demo Chairs
Yang Liu, Amazon
Thomas Fang Zheng, Tsinghua University

Regional Publicity Chairs
Ozlem Kalinli, Apple
Jianhua Tao, China Academy of Sciences
Zhehuai Chen, Google

Local Arrangements Chairs
Zhiyong Wu, Tsinghua-Shenzhen
Yuexian Zou, PKU-Shenzhen

Advisory Board
Helen Meng, CUHK
Haizhou Li, NUS
Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, UIUC
Sadaoki Furui, TTIC


3-3-36(2021-01-?) ROBOTDIAL-2020 @Kyoto or Yokohama, Japan


ROBOTDIAL Workshop 2020
Robot Dialogues - Dialogue Models for Human-Robot Interaction


In conjunction with IJCAI 2020, Yokohama, Japan




The IJCAI-PRICAI-2020 conference will take place either in Kyoto (January 4-10) or in Yokohama (January 18-23) and the organizers have set new deadlines for the workshop program. Accordingly, the new submission deadline for ROBOTDIAL 2020 is

August 28, 2020 AoE (Anywhere on Earth).

The ROBOTDIAL-2020 workshop will be held in conjunction with the main conference, and it will take place both in-person and also virtually for those who can't come.

Please consider submitting a paper to the 1st RobotDial Workshop on Dialogue Models for Human-Robot Interaction. The submission detail and more information about the workshop can be found on the workshop website:

More information about the IJCAI-PRICAI conference will be on the conference website:

We are looking forward to seeing your at ROBOTDIAL2020 in-person or virtually in January.

Best wishes,
Kristiina, Martin, Divesh, and Pierre

ROBOTDIAL-2020 workshop organisers


==== Overview ====

Large communities in AI, robotics and interaction technology already work
on spoken language-based human-robot interaction. Their different starting
points and assumptions call for discussions, exchange of ideas and more
integrated approaches to implementations and modelling of spoken dialogues
on robot platforms.

This one-day workshop offers a platform for researchers to discuss and
elaborate their views at the intersection of AI, robotics and spoken
dialogue modelling. Sophisticated interaction models and implementations
are critical in this endeavour but are not often explicitly addressed.
Dialogue modelling and dialogue system implementations, on their part, are
often developed without sufficiently considering how the models could be
used in an embodied robotic system which also interacts with the
environment. The workshop offers a platform for discussions concerning
appropriate architectures and representations, in order to build a joint
understanding of the aspects and features that address the pertinent
questions in the multidisciplinary field of robot dialogues.

We invite submissions for this workshop based on (but not limited to) the
following topics:

- models of human-robot interactions and dialogue
- multimodal human-robot dialogue
- non-verbal communication in human-robot dialogue
- language modeling for robot interactions
- robots and unstructured conversation
- user studies with human-robot dialogue
- paralinguistics for robot interaction
- cognitive architectures for spoken dialogues
- representations for interaction and dialogue modelling

For further information, please check the workshop website or contact the authors at:

Looking forward to seeing you in Yokohama!

Kristiina Jokinen (AIRC, AIST Tokyo Waterfront, Japan)
Martin Heckmann (Honda Research Institute Europe, Germany)
Divesh Lala (University of Kyoto, Japan)
Pierre Lison (Norsk Regnesentral, Norway)





LATA 2020 & 2021
Milan, Italy
March 1-5, 2021
Co-organized by:
Department of Informatics, Systems and Communication
University of Milano-Bicocca
Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice
LATA is a conference series on theoretical computer science and its applications. LATA 2020 & 2021 will reserve significant room for young scholars at the beginning of their career. It will aim at attracting contributions from classical theory fields as well as application areas.
LATA 2020 & 2021 will merge the scheduled program for LATA 2020, which could not take place because of the Covid-19 crisis, with a new series of papers submitted on this occasion.
LATA 2020 & 2021 will be held in Milan, the third largest economy among European cities and one of the Four Motors for Europe. The venue will be:
University of Milano-Bicocca
Viale Piero e Alberto Pirelli 22
Building U6
Aula Mario Martini (Aula U6-04)
Topics of either theoretical or applied interest include, but are not limited to:
algebraic language theory
algorithms for semi-structured data mining
algorithms on automata and words
automata and logic
automata for system analysis and programme verification
automata networks
automatic structures
combinatorics on words
computational complexity
concurrency and Petri nets
data and image compression
descriptional complexity
foundations of finite state technology
foundations of XML
grammars (Chomsky hierarchy, contextual, unification, categorial, etc.)
grammatical inference, inductive inference and algorithmic learning
graphs and graph transformation
language varieties and semigroups
language-based cryptography
mathematical and logical foundations of programming methodologies
parallel and regulated rewriting
power series
string processing algorithms
symbolic dynamics
term rewriting
trees, tree languages and tree automata
weighted automata
LATA 2020 & 2021 will consist of:
invited talks
peer-reviewed contributions
Eric Allender (Rutgers University), The New Complexity Landscape around Circuit Minimization
Laure Daviaud (City, University of London), About Decision Problems for Weighted Automata
Christoph Haase (University College London), Approaching Arithmetic Theories with Finite-state Automata
Artur Je? (University of Wroc?aw), Recompression: Technique for Word Equations and Compressed Data
Jean-Éric Pin (CNRS), How to Prove that a Language Is Regular or Star-free?
Thomas Place (University of Bordeaux), Deciding Classes of Regular Languages: A Language Theoretic Point of View
Jorge Almeida (University of Porto, PT)
Franz Baader (Technical University of Dresden, DE)
Alessandro Barenghi (Polytechnic University of Milan, IT)
Marie-Pierre Béal (University of Paris-Est, FR)
Djamal Belazzougui (CERIST, DZ)
Marcello Bonsangue (Leiden University, NL)
Flavio Corradini (University of Camerino, IT)
Bruno Courcelle (University of Bordeaux, FR)
Laurent Doyen (ENS Paris-Saclay, FR)
Manfred Droste (Leipzig University, DE)
Rudolf Freund (Technical University of Vienna, AT)
Pawe? Gawrychowski (University of Wroc?aw, PL)
Amélie Gheerbrant (Paris Diderot University, FR)
Tero Harju (University of Turku, FI)
Lane A. Hemaspaandra (University of Rochester, US)
Jarkko Kari (University of Turku, FI)
Dexter Kozen (Cornell University, US)
Markus Lohrey (University of Siegen, DE)
Parthasarathy Madhusudan (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, US)
Sebastian Maneth (University of Bremen, DE)
Nicolas Markey (IRISA, Rennes, FR)
Carlos Martín-Vide (Rovira i Virgili University, ES, chair)
Giancarlo Mauri (University of Milano-Bicocca, IT)
Victor Mitrana (University of Bucharest, RO)
Paliath Narendran (University at Albany, US)
Gennaro Parlato (University of Molise, IT)
Dominique Perrin (University of Paris-Est, FR)
Nir Piterman (Chalmers University of Technology, SE)
Sanguthevar Rajasekaran (University of Connecticut, US)
Antonio Restivo (University of Palermo, IT)
Wojciech Rytter (University of Warsaw, PL)
Kai Salomaa (Queen?s University, CA)
Helmut Seidl (Technical University of Munich, DE)
William F. Smyth (McMaster University, CA)
Ji?í Srba (Aalborg University, DK)
Edward Stabler (University of California, Los Angeles, US)
Benjamin Steinberg (City University of New York, US)
Frank Stephan (National University of Singapore, SG)
Jan van Leeuwen (Utrecht University, NL)
Margus Veanes (Microsoft Research, US)
Mikhail Volkov (Ural Federal University, RU)
Alberto Leporati (Milan, co-chair)
Sara Morales (Brussels)
Manuel Parra-Royón (Granada)
Rafael Peñaloza Nyssen (Milan)
Dana Shapira (Ariel)
David Silva (London, co-chair)
Bianca Truthe (Giessen)
Claudio Zandron (Milan, co-chair)
Authors are invited to submit non-anonymized papers in English presenting original and unpublished research. Papers should not exceed 12 single-spaced pages (all included) and should be prepared according to the standard format for Springer Verlag's LNCS series (see If necessary, exceptionally authors are allowed to provide missing proofs in a clearly marked appendix.
Upload submissions to:
A volume of proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS series will be available by the time of the conference.
A special issue of Information and Computation (Elsevier, 2019 JCR impact factor: 0.872) will be later published containing peer-reviewed substantially extended versions of some of the papers contributed to the conference. Submissions to it will be by invitation.
The registration form can be found at:
DEADLINES (all at 23:59 CET):
Paper submission: October 19, 2020
Notification of paper acceptance or rejection: November 23, 2020
Final version of the paper for the LNCS proceedings: November 30, 2020
Early registration: November 30, 2020
Late registration: February 15, 2021
Submission to the journal special issue: June 5, 2021
david (at)
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
IRDTA ? Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice, Brussels/London


3-3-38(2021-06-28) CONTENT-BASED MULTIMEDIA INDEXING, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
The spread of COVID-19 in many countries worldwide, including France, has led to increased safety measures in these countries. As the organization committee of CBMI, it is essential for us to ensure that everyone can attend the conference safely as well as submit their work in the best conditions. As a consequence, it was decided to postpone the 18th edition of CBMI. The conference will be held in Lille on June 28-30, 2021. The new important dates for the submission process are listed below. A new website for the conference will be set up soon. The conference should operate as usual. During the conference, we will abide by the recommendations of the local and international health authorities at that time to offer a safe conference to everyone. Meanwhile, please keep yourself and others safe if you live in an affected region, and see you in great shape at CBMI 2021!



University of Lille, Cité scientifique, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
28-30 June 2021


CBMI (eighteenth edition) aims at bringing together the various communities involved in all aspects of content-based multimedia indexing for retrieval, browsing, management, visualization and analytics. Topics of interest to the CBMI community include, but are not limited to, the following: audio and visual and multimedia indexing, multimodal and cross-modal indexing, deep learning for multimedia indexing, visual content extraction, audio (speech, music, etc.) content extraction, identification and tracking of semantic regions and events, social media analysis.

The eighteenth edition of CBMI will be organized by the CRIStAL laboratory at University of Lille, Lille, France, following the successful previous editions of Toulouse 1999, Brescia 2001, Rennes 2003, Riga 2005, Bordeaux 2007, London 2008, Chania 2009, Grenoble 2010, Madrid 2011, Annecy 2012, Veszprem 2013, Klagenfurt 2014, Prague 2015, Bucharest 2016, Firenze 2017, La Rochelle 2018, and Dublin 2019.

Authors are encouraged to submit previously unpublished research papers in the broad field of content-based multimedia indexing and applications. We wish to highlight significant contributions addressing the main problem of search and retrieval but also the related and equally important issues of multimedia content management, user interaction, large-scale search, learning in retrieval, social media indexing and retrieval. Additional special sessions are planned in areas such as deep learning for retrieval, social media retrieval, cultural heritage, surveillance and security.

Authors can submit full length (6 pages - to be presented as oral presentation) or short papers (4 pages - to be presented as posters). Papers can be submitted to the regular paper sessions, demo session, or to one of the special sessions. Additionally demonstration papers (up to 4 pages) may also be submitted that highlight interesting and novel demos of CBMI-related technologies. The submissions are peer reviewed in a single blind process. The language of the conference is English. The CBMI 2021 conference adheres to the IEEE paper formatting guidelines. When preparing your submission, please follow the IEEE guidelines given by IEEE at the Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings.

The CBMI proceedings are traditionally indexed and distributed by IEEE Xplore and ACM DL. In addition, authors of certain best papers of the conference will be invited to submit extended versions of their contributions to a special issue of a leading journal in the field (e.g. MTAP - Springer), and other best papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their contributions in a book (ISTE/WILEY publisher).

Topics of interest to the CBMI community include, but are not limited to, the following:
. Audio and visual and multimedia indexing
. Multimodal and cross-modal indexing
. Deep learning for multimedia indexing
. Visual content extraction
. Audio (speech, music, etc) content extraction
. Identification and tracking of semantic regions and events
. Social media analysis
. Metadata generation, coding and transformation
. Multimedia information retrieval (image, audio, video, text)
. Mobile media retrieval
. Event-based media processing and retrieval
. Affective/emotional interaction or interfaces for multimedia retrieval
. Multimedia data mining and analytics
. Multimedia recommendation
. Large scale multimedia database management
. Summarization, browsing and organization of multimedia content
. Personalization and content adaptation
. User interaction and relevance feedback
. Multimedia interfaces, presentation and visualization tools
. Evaluation and benchmarking of multimedia retrieval systems
. Applications of multimedia retrieval, e.g., medicine, lifelogs, satellite imagery, video surveillance
. Cultural heritage applications

Important Information:

Conference date : 28-30 June 2021, at Lille, France. 
Deadline for special session proposals: 15 October 2020
Deadline for regular paper and demo submissions : 15 January 2021
Notification of acceptance : 15 March 2021
Camera-ready papers due : 30 March 2021

3-3-39(2021-?-?) Call for Participation: The Ninth Dialog System Technology Challenge (DSTC9)

Call for Participation: The Ninth Dialog System Technology Challenge (DSTC9)


The DSTC shared tasks have provided common testbeds for the dialog research community since 2013. From its sixth edition, it has been rebranded as 'Dialog System Technology Challenge' to cover a wider variety of dialog related problems.

 For this year's challenge, we opened the call for track proposals and selected the following four parallel tracks by peer-reviews:
 - Beyond Domain APIs: Task-oriented Conversational Modeling with Unstructured Knowledge Access (Amazon Alexa AI): This track aims to allow users to have requests that are out of the scope of APIs/DB but potentially available in external knowledge sources. Track participants will develop task-oriented dialogue systems to understand relevant domain knowledge, and generate system responses with the relevant selected knowledge. In addition, the track includes evaluation on generalization over unseen domains and modalities (i.e. moving from written to spoken conversations).
 - Multi-domain Task-oriented Dialog Challenge II (Microsoft Research AI & Tsinghua University): This track follows its success in DSTC-8 continuing with the effort of building dialog systems under a multi-domain setting. This time extending the task by incorporating new datasets, creating new sub-tasks, and providing a new development platform. The new task specifically focuses on two aspects of dialog systems: language portability and end-to-end system complexity. 
- Interactive Evaluation of Dialog (CMU & USC): This track targets the creation of systems that can be effectively used in interactive settings by real users. The task is intended to move research beyond datasets, and evaluate models in interactive environments with real users allowing several valuable properties of dialog to be measured: consistency, adaptiveness and user-centric development. DialPort, a platform for interactive assessment with real users will be used for evaluation. 
- SIMMC: Situated Interactive Multi-Modal Conversational AI (Facebook Assistant & Facebook AI): This track aims to tackle grounding dialog in an evolving multi-modal contextual input. Unlike previous multimodal track challenges, where the context from the non-textual modalities (video and audio) remains unchanged as the dialog progresses, this track encompasses a rich, situated multi-modal user context in the form of a shared image or VR environment that evolves fluidly based on the dialog flow.
 Participation is welcomed from any research team (academic, corporate, non-profit, government).
 Important Dates

- Jun 15, 2020: Training data is released

- Sep 21, 2020: Test data is released

- Oct 5, 2020: Entry submission deadline
- Nov 2020: Paper submission deadline
- Spring 2021: DSTC9 workshop (venue: TBD)
 DSTC9 Organizing Committee

- Chulaka Gunasekara - IBM Research AI, USA

- Abhinav Rastogi - Google Research, USA
- Yun-Nung (Vivian) Chen - National Taiwan University, Taiwan 
- Luis Fernando D'Haro - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
- Seokhwan Kim - Amazon Alexa AI, USA
 DSTC9 Track Organizers
Beyond Domain APIs: Task-oriented Conversational Modeling with Unstructured Knowledge Access 
- Seokhwan Kim, Mihail Eric, Behnam Hedayatnia, Karthik Gopalakrishnan, Yang Liu, Dilek Hakkani-tur (Amazon Alexa AI)
 Multi-domain Task-oriented Dialog Challenge II 
- Baolin Peng, Jianfeng Gao, Jinchao Li, Lars Liden, Minlie Huang, Qi Zhu, Runze Liang, Ryuichi Takanobu, Shahin Shayandeh, Swadheen Shukla, Zheng Zhang (Microsoft Research AI & Tsinghua University)
 Interactive Evaluation of Dialog 
- Shikib Mehri, Carla Gordon, David Traum, Maxine Eskenazi (CMU & USC)
SIMMC: Situated Interactive Multi-Modal Conversational AI 
- Ahmad Beirami, Eunjoon (EJ) Cho, Paul A. Crook, Ankita De, Alborz Geramifard, Satwik Kottur, Seungwhan Moon, Shivani Poddar, Rajen Subba (Facebook Assistant & Facebook AI)
 DSTC Steering Committee

 Koichiro Yoshino - Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Japan 
- Chiori Hori - Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL), USA 
- Rafael E. Banchs - Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore 
- Michel Galley - Microsoft Research AI, USA
 Contact Information
 Join the DSTC mailing list to get the latest updates about DSTC9:
- To join the mailing list: visit!forum/list/join
- To post a message: send your message to
- To leave the mailing list: visit!forum/list/unsubscribe
 For specific enquiries about DSTC9: Please feel free to contact



3-3-40CfP ICASSP 2021

Announcing the Call for Papers
for ICASSP 2021



The International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing (ICASSP), is the IEEE Signal Processing Society?s flagship conference on signal processing and its applications. The 46th edition of ICASSP will be held in the dynamic city of Toronto, Canada; one of the most multicultural and cosmopolitan cities in the world. The programme will include keynotes by pre-eminent international speakers, cutting-edge tutorial topics, and forward-looking special sessions. ICASSP also provides a great networking opportunity with a wide range of like-minded professionals from academia, industry and government organizations.

Conference Topics

  • Audio & Acoustic Signal Processing
  • Bio Imaging & Signal Processing
  • Machine Learning for Signal Processing
  • Signal Processing for Big Data
  • Financial Signal Processing
  • Image, Video & Multidimensional Signal Processing
  • Computational Imaging
  • Computer Vision
  • Internet of Things
  • Multimedia Signal Processing
  • Quantum Signal Processing
  • Signal Processing Over Graphs
  • Remote Sensing and Signal Processing
  • Sensor Array & Multichannel Signal Processing
  • Industrial Signal Processing
  • Signal Processing for Communication & Networking
  • Signal Processing for Education
  • Signal Processing Theory & Methods
  • Speech & Language Processing
  • Compressive Sensing, Sampling, & Dictionary Learning
  • Information Forensics & Security
  • Design & Implementation of Signal Processing 

Call for Tutorials: Tutorials at ICASSP form an important part of the program, giving attendees the opportunity to learn about current research areas that are of growing interest to the signal processing community. Therefore, the tutorials should be prepared and presented to a wide audience. Prospective presenters may discuss their proposals with the tutorials chair before the submission.

Call for Special Sessions: The program for ICASSP 2021 will include Special Sessions that complement the main program, in line with the technical scope of the conference.  Please refer to the conference webpage for information about Special Session proposals and submissions.

Call for Exhibitors and Sponsors: ICASSP offers exhibitors and companies an opportunity to showcase their products and innovative solutions, as well as recruitment and networking opportunities. Please check the conference webpage for information about signing up to become an exhibitor or sponsor at ICASSP 2021.
SP Society Journal Paper Presentations: Authors of papers in the journals of the IEEE Signal Processing Society will have the opportunity to present their work at ICASSP 2021, subject to space availability and approval by the Technical Program Chairs. Only papers published between October 20, 2019 and October 19, 2020 are eligible for presentation at ICASSP 2021. The papers presented at ICASSP will neither be reviewed nor included in the proceedings for IEEEXplore. 

Open Preview: Open Preview allows conference proceedings to be available in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, free of charge, to all customers, 30 days prior to the conference start date, through the conference end date.

Important Dates

Special Session Proposal Submission August 10, 2020
Special Session Acceptance Notification September 7, 2020
Tutorials Proposal Deadline October 12, 2020
Full Paper Submission Deadline October 19, 2020
Tutorial Acceptance Notification November 16, 2020
Journal Papers and Letters Due January 11, 2021
Paper Acceptance Notification January 22, 2021
Final Paper Submission February 11, 2021
Author Registration Deadline February 11, 2021
Open Preview May 7?June 11, 2021
Show & Tell Proposals March 8, 2021



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