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ISCApad Archive  »  2019  »  ISCApad #252  »  ISCA News

ISCApad #252

Tuesday, June 11, 2019 by Chris Wellekens

2 ISCA News
2-1A message from our President John Hansen

Dear ISCA members:

Welcome to the next installment of the ISCApad for June 2019!  This edition has a number of updates from the community including upcoming meetings, job openings, theses, and announcements.


Interspeech-2019: [] will take place September 15-19, 2019, in Graz, AUSTRIA, with the theme being: Crossroads of Speech and Language.The Technical Program Meeting (TPC) have taken place (June 6-7, 2019 in Graz, Austria) and paper decisions will be communicated this morning. More than 2100 initial papers were entered with 1829 papers going out for reviews. ISCA thanks all those who participated in the Interspeech-2019 review process (your service is GREATLY appreciated!).


INTERSPEECH-2019 Events/Highlights:

I would also like to point out some additional items taking place at Interspeech-2019…

  • Tutorials (link): the organizing committee has put together a strong and comprehensive Tutorial Program with 8 highly respected individuals/teams covering a range of topics.

  • Survey Talks: this Interspeech, mini survey talks will be given that are integrated into the technical program. This is expected to encourage our ISCA members to expand your “comfort” space and go to areas outside of your main specialization!

  • Satellite Events (link): there are eight satellite events/workshops which are taking place in conjunction with INTERSPEECH-2019.

Again, this is the first time Interspeech will be held in Austria, and it promises to be a great opportunity to experience speech and language processing in a country where one of the first major published works on speech by Wolfgang von Kempelen on the first speaking machine. There continue to be opportunities for industry sponsorship, and I encourage companies to consider providing even modest support, since this allows for the organizers to provide expanded opportunities for attendees, particularly for students and young researchers exploring job prospects!


ISCA Elections: The ISCA Board is represented by 14 volunteers who are elected by the worldwide ISCA Membership. Members are elected for a four year term, with elections taking place every two years for approximately half of the members. This year, ISCA held their election with an open call for nominations, and formal online election process. The ISCA Board election process is now completed, and I am happy to report that the six following candidates have been elected (three new members, and three returning members), and will assume their responsibilities after the ISCA General Assembly at INTERSPEECH-2019.

          Sebastian Moller                   Nobuaki Minematsu                   Margaret Zellers

         Torbjorn Svendsen                 Jianhua Tao                    John H.L. Hansen


We will also be recognizing the tremendous service of those ISCA Board members who will be

completing their service this fall at INTERSPEECH-2019.


Supporting Diversity in Speech Communication:

ISCA has launched a new area on the ISCA website to support diversity in speech communication. This is intended to offer opportunities for organizers of workshops and conferences to help expand diversity representation in terms of geographic, gender, and topic/specialization. Please visit the ISCA website to learn more!


ISCA Commitment to our Membership:

ISCA is committed to promoting a safe, supportive, and professional experience for all peoples to work and contribute to advancing the field of speech communications. To this end, the ISCA Board is currently developing and expanding several documents to articulate our support:

(1) Code-of-Ethics for Authors (e.g., addressing data issues, (self-)plagiarism, copyright, human right issues), as well as .

(2) Code-of-Conduct for Conference Attendees (e.g., addressing harassment and discrimination based on on gender, race, religion, etc.)

If you have any suggestions, please contact us.


As always, we welcome feedback and input from the ISCA community – if you have suggestions for our society or want to be involved, please let us know!


We look forward to your participation in ISCA and Interspeech-2019!


John H.L. Hansen, ISCA President





2-2Call for reviewers: ACTION REQUIRED

At the start of this new year 2019, we invite you to update your contact and
professional information on the ISCA Membership Portal:


If you are one of the people who have multiple START IDs with different emails, please let us know your preferred username and we will see about cleaning this up.

 We are also updating the reviewer base in anticipation of Interspeech 2019.
 Please think to nominate yourself or your colleagues to serve as reviewers.

People should nominate themselves via the ISCA reviewer

 The recommended required experience is for the nominee to have obtained their
 PhD and be first author of at least one journal article or several conference
 papers. If the nominee stopped their studies with a Masters, they should have
 at least 5-7 years of experience and be the first author of at least one or
 two journal articles and several conference papers.


2-3Videos of Interspeech and ISCA supported conferences
Video archives are available in 
where keynote speeches from IS 2010 can be seen. You will also find video archives 
of many other conferences.

2-4ISCA Archive Analysis: a never ending story!

The article 'Rediscovering 25 Years of Discoveries in Spoken Language Processing: A Preliminary ISCA Archive Analysis', published at Interspeech 2013 on the occasion of the ESCA/ISCA Silver Jubilee, has been extended to the production and analysis of the NLP4NLP corpus containing close to 65,000 articles published in major conferences and journals in speech and language processing over 50 years (1965-2015) on various aspects (publication, collaboration, citation, innovation, plagiarism,...). The results of those analyses have recently been assembled in a series of two papers published in a special issue on 'Mining Scientific Papers: NLP-enhanced Bibliometrics' of the 'Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics' journal :


2-5Access to ICASSP 2019 papers.

All ICASSP-2019 papers are now downloadable from IEEExplore for everyone (not just Explore members), but only for a 30-day period, ending mid-May.


2-6Video of Interspeech 2018 keynotes

video of Interspeech 2018 keynotes is  uploaded on ISCA website


2-7Women in Speech Research

 ISCA is committed to supporting diversity in speech communication, and celebrating speech
communication as an exciting and diverse field of research and discovery. Moreover, ISCA
is committed to gender equality.

We are therefore delighted to announce that the database with names, affiliations,
positions, and research topics of women in speech science and speech technology,
originally started by Maxine Eskenazi, is now a wonderful, searchable website, created by
Mark Hasegawa-Johnson.

The website can be found at

The website can be used for, amongst others:
- Workshop and conference organisers to search for keynote and invited speakers,
panelists, and co-organisers
- Nominations for distinguished lecturers
- Norminations for awards, medals, fellowships, and prizes
- Prospective new faculty by faculty search committees

If you identify yourself as female and want to be added to this list, please follow the
instructions on the WomenNspeech website.

We hope this website will be useful to many!

Julia Hirschberg
Mark Hasegawa-Johnson
Odette Scharenborg


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