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ISCApad Archive  »  2019  »  ISCApad #249  »  Resources  »  Books

ISCApad #249

Monday, March 11, 2019 by Chris Wellekens

5-1 Books
5-1-1Pejman Mowlaee et al., 'Phase-Aware Signal Processing in Speech Communication: Theory and Practice', Wiley 2016

Phase-Aware Signal Processing in Speech Communication: Theory and Practice

Pejman Mowlaee, Johannes Stahl, Josef Kulmer, Florian Mayer

An overview on the challenging new topic of phase-aware signal processing

Speech communication technology is a key factor in human-machine interaction, digital hearing aids, mobile telephony, and automatic speech/speaker recognition. With the proliferation of these applications, there is a growing requirement for advanced methodologies that can push the limits of the conventional solutions relying on processing the signal magnitude spectrum.

Single-Channel Phase-Aware Signal Processing in Speech Communication provides a comprehensive guide to phase signal processing and reviews the history of phase importance in the literature, basic problems in phase processing, fundamentals of phase estimation together with several applications to demonstrate the usefulness of phase processing.

Key features:

  • Analysis of recent advances demonstrating the positive impact of phase-based processing in pushing the limits of conventional methods.
  • Offers unique coverage of the historical context, fundamentals of phase processing and provides several examples in speech communication.
  • Provides a detailed review of many references and discusses the existing signal processing techniques required to deal with phase information in different applications involved with speech.
  • The book supplies various examples and MATLAB® implementations delivered within the PhaseLab toolbox.

Single-Channel Phase-Aware Signal Processing in Speech Communication is a valuable single-source for students, non-expert DSP engineers, academics and graduate students.

ejman Mowlaee, Johannes Stahl, Josef Kulmer, Florian Mayer
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5-1-2Jean Caelen, Anne Xuereb, 'Dialogue : altérité, interaction, énaction'


Jean Caelen,Anne Xuereb

Dialogue : altérité, interaction, énaction

Editions universitaires européennes


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5-1-3Bäckström, Tom (with Guillaume Fuchs, Sascha Disch, Christian Uhle and Jeremie Lecomte), 'Speech Coding with Code-Excited Linear Prediction', Springer

 Speech Coding with Code-Excited Linear Prediction

Author: Bäckström, Tom

Invited chapters from: Guillaume Fuchs, Sascha Disch, Christian Uhle and Jeremie Lecomte

Publisher: Springer

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5-1-4Shinji Watanabe, Marc Delcroix, Florian Metze, John R. Hershey (Eds), 'New Era for Robust Seech Recognition', Springer.

Shinji Watanabe, Marc Delcroix, Florian Metze, John R. Hershey (Eds), 'New Era for Robust Seech Recognition', Springer.

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5-1-5Fabrice Marsac, Rudolph Sock, CONSÉCUTIVITÉ ET SIMULTANÉITÉ en Linguistique, Langues et Parole, L'Harmattan,France

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la parution du volume thématique « CONSÉCUTIVITÉ ET SIMULTANÉITÉ en Linguistique, Langues et Parole » dans la Collection Dixit Grammatica (L’Harmattan, France) :
- CONSÉCUTIVITÉ ET SIMULTANÉITÉ en Linguistique, Langues et Parole – 1. Phonétique, Phonologie (Sous la direction de Camille Fauth, Jean-Paul Meyer, Fabrice Marsac & Rudolph Sock) • ISBN : 978-2-343-14277-7 • 5 mars 2018 • 172 pages
- CONSÉCUTIVITÉ ET SIMULTANÉITÉ en Linguistique, Langues et Parole – 2. Syntaxe, Sémantique (Sous la direction de Angelina Aleksandrova, Céline Benninger, Anne Theissen, Fabrice Marsac & Jean-Paul Meyer) • ISBN : 978-2-343-14278-4 • 5 mars 2018 • 300 pages
- CONSÉCUTIVITÉ ET SIMULTANÉITÉ en Linguistique, Langues et Parole – 3. Didactique, Traductologie-Interprétation (Sous la direction de Jean-Paul Meyer, Mária Pal'ová & Fabrice Marsac) • ISBN : 978-2-343-14279-1 • 5 mars 2018 • 200 pages
Cet ouvrage collectif, qui comprend trois tomes complémentaires, rassemble des études constituant les traces écrites de communications prononcées lors du colloque international éponyme s’étant tenu à l’Université de Strasbourg (France) en juillet 2015. Les tomes renferment des travaux originaux et novateurs traitant de la dynamicité complexe du couple consécutivité-simultanéité saisi dans le domaine des Sciences du Langage. Le contenu, délibérément interdisciplinaire, concerne non seulement l’ensemble des disciplines relatives aux Sciences du langage mais aussi d’autres disciplines scientifiques, connexes mais préoccupées par des problématiques résolument linguistiques. Les éditeurs de ce volume thématique espèrent que les divers points de vue linguistiques ainsi adoptés livreront aux lecteurs un état des connaissances actualisé relativement aux différentes problématiques traitées. Il va sans dire, par ailleurs, que les auteurs comme les éditeurs apprécieront tout retour constructif de la part des lecteurs.
Fabrice Marsac et Rudolph Sock Directeurs de Dixit Grammatica


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5-1-6Emmanuel Vincent (Editor), Tuomas Virtanen (Editor), Sharon Gannot (Editor), 'Audio Source Separation and Speech Enhancement', Wiley

 Emmanuel Vincent (Editor), Tuomas Virtanen (Editor), Sharon Gannot (Editor),

Audio Source Separation and Speech Enhancement:

ISBN: 978-1-119-27989-1

October 2018

504 pages

This 500-page book provides a unifying view of source separation and enhancement,
including but not limited to array processing, matrix factorization, and deep learning
based methods, and speech and music applications, with consistent notation and
terminology across all chapters.

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5-1-7Jen-Tzung Chien, 'Source Separation and Machine Learning', Academic Press

Jen-Tzung Chien, 'Source Separation and Machine Learning', Academic Press

Source Separation and Machine Learning presents the fundamentals in adaptive learning
algorithms for Blind Source Separation (BSS) and emphasizes the importance of machine
learning perspectives. It illustrates how BSS problems are tackled through adaptive
learning algorithms and model-based approaches using the latest information on mixture
signals to build a BSS model that is seen as a statistical model for a whole system.
Looking at different models, including independent component analysis (ICA), nonnegative
matrix factorization (NMF), nonnegative tensor factorization (NTF), and deep neural
network (DNN), the book addresses how they have evolved to deal with multichannel and
singlechannel source separation.

Key features:
? Emphasizes the modern model-based Blind Source Separation (BSS) which closely connects
the latest research topics of BSS and Machine Learning
? Includes coverage of Bayesian learning, sparse learning, online learning,
discriminative learning and deep learning
? Presents a number of case studies of model-based BSS, using a variety of learning
algorithms that provide solutions for the construction of BSS systems

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5-1-8Ingo Feldhausen, « Methods in prosody: A Romance language perspective », Language Science Press (open access)

Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer la parution d'un recueil validé par un comité de lecture et consacré aux méthodes de recherche en prosodie. Cet ouvrage est intitulé « Methods in prosody: A Romance language perspective ».

Il est publié par Language Science Press, une maison d’édition open access. Le livre peut-être téléchargé gratuitement en cliquant sur le lien suivant :

La table des matières est la suivante :


Ingo Feldhausen, Jan Fliessbach & Maria del Mar Vanrell                                                                   iii

Pilar Prieto                                                                                                                                              vii

I Large corpora and spontaneous speech

1) Using large corpora and computational tools to describe prosody: An
exciting challenge for the future with some (important) pending problems to solve

Juan María Garrido Almiñana                                                                                                                  3

2) Intonation of pronominal subjects in Porteño Spanish: Analysis of 
spontaneous speech

Andrea Pešková                                                                                                                                     45

II Approaches to prosodic analysis

3) Multimodal analyses of audio-visual information: Some methods and
issues in prosody research

Barbara Gili Fivela                                                                                                                                 83

4) The realizational coefficient: Devising a method for empirically
determining prominent positions in Conchucos Quechua

Timo Buchholz & Uli Reich                                                                                                                 123

5) On the role of prosody in disambiguating wh-exclamatives and
wh-interrogatives in Cosenza Italian

Olga Kellert, Daniele Panizza & Caterina Petrone                                                                               165

III Elicitation methods

6) The Discourse Completion Task in Romance prosody research: Status
quo and outlook

Maria del Mar Vanrell, Ingo Feldhausen & Lluïsa Astruc                                                                    191

7) Describing the intonation of speech acts in Brazilian Portuguese:
Methodological aspects

João Antônio de Moraes & Albert Rilliard                                                                                           229

Indexes                                                                                                                                                  263


N'hésitez pas à diffuser la parution de cet ouvrage auprès de vos collègues qui pourraient s'y intéresser.

Bien cordialement,

Ingo Feldhausen
(Co-coordinateur d'ouvrage)

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