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ISCApad #246 |
Thursday, December 13, 2018 by Chris Wellekens |
3-3-1 | (2018-06-06) 22nd Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs (RJC 2019 - ED 268), Paris, France 22nd Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs (RJC 2019 - ED 268) ?Variation in linguistics: approaches, data, uses? 6th? 7thJune 2019 University Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 (Maison de la Recherche) 4, rue des Irlandais - 75005 PARIS Dear Colleagues,
The «Langage et langues : description, théorisation, transmission» Doctoral School (ED 268, University Sorbonne Nouvelle) is glad to announce the Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs (RJC 2019). The conference will be held from June 6th- June 7th 2019 in Paris.
These Rencontres offer junior researchers preparing a Master?s or a Doctorate degree, as well as post-doctorate students, the opportunity to present their work in individual paper or poster sessions.
This year?s theme tackles the issue of:
?Variation in linguistics: approaches, data, uses? We encourage proposals concerned with this topic from any linguistic discipline. Everyone who is interested in presenting an individual paper or a poster is welcome to submit a 4000 characters abstract in English or French for double-blind review by January 21st, 2019 at 7pm (Paris time UTC+1). Abstracts must be uploaded on the platform EasyChair at the following address: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=rjc2019
Individual papers will be allocated 20 minutes, and an additional 10 minutes for discussion. The size of the posters is A0. Poster authors will be invited to give a short oral presentation of their work.
Agenda Submission deadline: January 21st, 2019 Notification of acceptance: March 2019 Conference dates: June 6th ? 7th, 2019 Conference location: Maison de la Recherche Address: 4, rue des Irlandais - 75005 PARIS Web site: http://www.univ-paris3.fr/rencontres-jeunes-chercheurs-301310.kjsp
Please find attached the call for papers and submission guidelines (in French and in English) for the Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs.
Please, circulate widely. Many thanks in advance. Best regards, --- The RJC Organizing Committee rjc-ed268@univ-paris3.fr
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3-3-2 | (2018-12-11) Journée d'étude: Méthodes pour la recherche autour de la communication multimodale 'artéfactée', Aix-en-Provence, France Journée d'étude Méthodes pour la recherche autour de la communication multimodale 'artéfactée'
Mardi 11 décembre 2018 Laboratoire Parole et Langage, Aix-en-Provence
Regards et pratiques à la croisée de disciplines et du monde industriel.?
L?usage de technologies de l?information et de la communication évolutives et interopérables transforment les pratiques de la vie quotidienne que nous soyons au travail, en formation, en mobilité, en activités récréatives ou en soins?Ces usages peuvent être imposés mais aussi spontanés, sous condition matérielle d?accès à ces technologies mais aussi d?un « savoir s?y prendre » n?allant pas nécessairement de soi. Pour différentes disciplines, le développement et l?usage de plateformes interactives multimodales tout comme les expérimentations de robot de téléprésence, ou d?environnement virtuel multi-utilisateurs actionnant leurs avatars ou communiquant avec des agents virtuels représentent autant d?opportunités de recherches. Mais au-delà d' objets de recherche en émergence en sciences du langage, informatique, sociologie ou didactique autour de ce qui peut être appelé la communication multimodale « artefactée », c?est la question de l?évolution et adaptation des méthodes qui est posée. Cette question est d?autant plus vive dans une visée de recherche interdisciplinaire et constitue le point d'orgue de cette journée d'étude.
Gratuite et ouverte à toutes et tous. Inscription obligatoire.
Contact : + 33(0)4 13 55 36 39 christelle.combe(at)univ-amu.fr
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3-3-3 | (2018-12-18) Spoken Language Technologies Workshop, Athens, Greece
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3-3-5 | (2019-03-06) 30th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV) 2019, Dresden, Germany CALL FOR PAPERS:
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3-3-7 | (2019-03-28) The Second (2019) IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR'19); San José, CA, USA The Second (2019) IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR'19)
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3-3-8 | (2019-04-24) CfP IWSDS 2019 Special Session -- Dialogue systems and lifelong learning, Siracusa, Sicily, Italy Call for Papers
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3-3-9 | (2019-04-24) CfP IWSDS 2019: International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems Technology, Syracuse, Sicily, Italy CALL FOR PAPERS https://easychair.org/cfp/IWSDS2019 http://www.wikicfp.com/cfp/servlet/event.showcfp?eventid=80840©ownerid=128361
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3-3-10 | (2019-04-24) CfW and SS, IWSDS 2019: International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems Technology, Siracusa, Sicily, Italy ------------------------------------------------------------------------
CALL FOR WORKSHOPS AND SPECIAL SESSIONS IWSDS 2019: International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems Technology Place: Siracusa, Sicily, Italy Main Conference Dates: April 24-26, 2019 Conference website: https://iwsds2019.unikore.it/
The INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON SPOKEN DIALOGUE SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY (IWSDS) 2019 invites proposals for Workshops and Special Sessions in any topic related to the main conference theme: 'Increasing naturalness and flexibility in spoken dialogue interaction'
Authors are requested to submit PDF files (maximum three pages) of their proposal to the following email:
The proposal must indicate:
1. Whether the proposal is for a workshop or for a special session:
- Workshops are half day events collocated either before or after the IWSDS 2019 main program. Registration to workshops is not included with IWSDS registration. Participants only interested in attending the workshops do not need to register for IWSDS.
- Special sessions are 90-minute sessions that are part of the IWSDS main program. Registration to special sessions is included with IWSDS registration.
2. Workshop / Special Session title
3. Name, affiliation, e-mail and phone number of the organizers
4. Tentative program committee members (only for workshop proposals)
5. A description of the workshop / Special Session including:
- Objectives
- Topics of interest
- Justification
- Expected number submissions
- Tentative program
6. Special audio-visual, Internet, computer or equipment requirements
7. Whether the workshop / special session have been run before:
- Where and when
- Number of participants
8. Any additional information that might be relevant for the proposal evaluation
Proposal submission deadline: October 25, 2018
Proposal submission notification: October 30, 2018
Important notice:
1. Based on the volume of submissions and other logistic constrains, accepted workshops can be converted into special sessions or vice versa.
2. IWSDS 2019 organization will not provide any kind of financial support to workshop and special session organizers. IWSDS 2019 organization will only cover expenses related to venue, audio-visual equipment and coffee breaks for workshops and special sessions.
General Chairs Sabato Marco Siniscalchi Haizhou Li (Curtesy Assistant)
Technical Program Chairs Sandro Cumani Valerio Mario Salerno
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3-3-11 | (2019-04-24) European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN 2019), Bruges, Belgium ESANN 2019: European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning Bruges, Belgium, 24-25-26 April 2019
Call for papers
The call for papers is available at http://www.esann.org/. The deadline for submitting papers is November 19, 2018.
The ESANN conferences cover machine learning, artificial neural networks, statistical information processing and computational intelligence. Mathematical foundations, algorithms and tools, and applications are covered. In addition to regular sessions, 7 special sessions will be organized on the following topics: - Streaming data analysis, concept drift and analysis of dynamic data sets - Embeddings and Representation Learning for Structured Data - Parallel and Distributed Machine Learning: Theory and Applications - Societal Issues in Machine Learning: When Learning from Data is Not Enough - Reliable Machine Learning - Statistical physics of learning and inference - 60 Years of Weightless Neural Systems
ESANN 2019 builds upon a successful series of conferences organized each year since 1993. ESANN has become a major scientific event in the machine learning, computational intelligence and artificial neural networks fields over the years.
The conference will be organized in Bruges, one of the most beautiful medieval towns in Europe. Designated as the 'Venice of the North', the city has preserved all the charms of the medieval heritage. Its center, which is inscribed on the Unesco World Heritage list, is in itself a real open air museum.
We hope to receive your submission to ESANN 2019 and to see you in Bruges next year!
----------------------------------------------------- If you do not wish to receive mailings about ESANN conferences, please fill the following form and send it to esann@uclouvain.be (do not reply to this e-mail!): Name: .................... First Name: .................... E-mail address: ....................
Tick one of the following boxes: O I do not wish to receive any mailing (both printed and e-mails) about the ESANN conference O I do not wish to receive emails about the ESANN conference, but I accept to receive the printed versions of the call for papers and program (maximum 2 postal mails per year) O I do not wish to receive postal mails about the ESANN conference, but I accept to receive e-mails (maximum 3 per year) -----------------------------------------------------
======================================================== ESANN - European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning http://www.esann.org/
* For submissions of papers, reviews, registrations: Michel Verleysen Univ. Cath. de Louvain - Machine Learning Group
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3-3-12 | (2019-04-24) Workshop on Chatbots and Conversational Agent Technologies & Dialogue Breakdown Detection Challenge @ IWSDS 2019, Siracusa, Sicily, Italy Workshop on Chatbots and Conversational Agent Technologies & Dialogue Breakdown Detection Challenge @ IWSDS 2019 (https://iwsds2019.unikore.it/)
24-26 April, 2019, Siracusa, Sicily, Italy
Workshop Description
Although chat-oriented dialogue systems have been around for many years (almost fifty years indeed, if we consider Weizenbaum's Eliza system as the starting milestone), they have been recently gaining a lot of popularity in both research and commercial arenas. From the commercial stand point, chat-oriented dialogue seems to be providing an excellent means to engage users for entertainment purposes, as well as to give a more human-like appearance to established vertical goal-oriented dialogue systems.
From the research perspective, on the other hand, this kind of systems poses interesting challenges and problems to the research community. The main objective of the workshop is to bring together researchers working on problems related to chat-oriented dialogue for promoting discussion and knowledge sharing about the state-of-the-art and novel techniques in this field, as well as to coordinate a collaborative effort to collect/generate data, resources and evaluation protocols for future research in this area.
Topics of Interest
This workshop invites original research contributions on all aspects of chat-oriented dialogue, including closely related areas such as knowledge representation and reasoning, language generation, and natural language understanding, among others. In this sense the workshop will invite for both long and short paper submissions in areas including (but not restricted to):
?Chat-oriented dialogue systems
?Data collections and resources
?Information extraction
?Natural language understanding
?General domain knowledge representation
?Common sense and reasoning
?Natural language generation
?Emotion detection and generation
?Sense of humor detection and generation
?Chat-oriented dialogue evaluation
?User studies and system evaluation
?Multimodal human-computer interaction
Paper Format and Submissions
Paper submissions to WOCHAT should follow the IWSDS 2019 paper submission policy: single-blind review and in Springer LNCS format (https://iwsds2019.unikore.it/call-for-paper).
Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers (up to 12 pages) or short papers (up to 8 pages). Paper submissions must be done in electronic format through the IWSDS 2019 Conference Submission page (https://easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?key=81335471.oDm5m3UuCGJG2I8K) where you must select 'WOCHAT' under the available submission categories.
Important Dates
?January 15, 2019: Paper Submission Deadline
?January 25, 2019: Paper Acceptance Notification
?February 15, 2019: Camera Ready Version Deadline
?April 2019: WOCHAT @ IWSDS 2019 in Sicily, Italy
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3-3-13 | (2019-05-12) 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brighton, UK 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
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3-3-14 | (2019-05-14) JPC2019 - 8èmes Journées de Phonétique Clinique, Mons, Belgique JPC2019 - 8èmes Journées de Phonétique Clinique
Mons, 14-16 mai 2019 Site web: http://langage.be/JPC/indexjpc.html
Appel à communications
Depuis leur création en 2005, les Journées de Phonétique Clinique ont été régulièrement organisées sur une base bisannuelle. Le plus souvent françaises (localisées à Paris en 2005 et 2017, à Grenoble en 2007, à Aix-en-Provence en 2009, à Strasbourg en 2011 et à Montpellier en 2015), elles seront belges en 2019, comme déjà elles le furent à la faveur de leur organisation à Liège en 2013. C?est en effet le Laboratoire de phonétique de l?Université de Mons (sous l?égide de l?Institut de Recherche en Sciences et Technologies du Langage) qui accueillera la manifestation du 14 au 16 mai 2019.
Rencontre scientifique internationale, les Journées de Phonétique Clinique s?intéressent aux questions concernant le fonctionnement normal et pathologique de la voix, de la parole et du langage. Elles s?adressent à une communauté scientifique multidisciplinaire où se croisent chercheurs, ingénieurs, médecins, orthophonistes, logopèdes, logopédistes et toutes autres formes de « speech therapists ». Elles convoquent des questions relevant tant de la médecine que de la psychologie, de la linguistique et de manière générale, de la plupart des domaines se rattachant aux sciences du langage.
Les JPC se veulent un espace d?échange marqué du sceau de la convivialité et du respect des différences interindividuelles où professionnels, scientifiques confirmés et jeunes chercheurs se sentent libres de présenter dans un esprit d?ouverture leurs réflexions et travaux aboutis ou en cours, que ceux-ci reposent sur l?exploitation de données empiriques, l?élaboration de modèles ou l?analyse d?applications cliniques, concernant tant le sujet sain que le sujet pathologique.
Lors de cette huitième édition, deux conférences plénières seront organisées, dont l'une sera donnée par le professeur Pascale Tremblay (Laboratoire des neurosciences de la parole et de l?audition, Centre de Recherche CERVO & Université Laval, Québec). Les deux premières journées (14-15 mai) seront consacrées à la conférence proprement dite, alors que la troisième journée (16 mai) s'organisera autour d'ateliers thématiques (p.ex. outils de traitement automatique de la parole pathologique, troubles phonétiques vs. troubles phonologiques, etc.) et d'un salon de la logopédie ouvert aux étudiants et aux professionnels.
Les propositions de communication (résumé de 400 mots, hors titre, auteurs et références) porteront sur les problématiques suivantes (liste non exhaustive): - Perturbations du système oro-pharyngo-laryngé - Parole et perturbations des systèmes perceptifs, auditifs et visuels - Troubles cognitifs et moteurs de la parole et du langage - Modélisation de la parole et de la voix pathologiques - Évaluation fonctionnelle du langage, de la parole et de la voix - Diagnostic et traitement des troubles/pathologies de la parole et de la voix parlée et chantée - Instrumentation et ressources en phonétique clinique - Bilinguisme et développement tout au long de la vie - Etc.
Dates importantes: - 01 février 2019 : Soumission des résumés via Easychair:https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=jpc2019
- 15 mars 2019 : Notification aux auteurs - 01 avril - 01 mai 2019 : Inscriptions au tarif réduit - 01 mai 2019 : Version finale des abstracts - 14-16 mai 2019 : Conférence
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3-3-15 | (2019-05-16) CfSS JPC 2019, Mons, Belgique
Appel Ateliers: JPC 2019 16 mai 2019 Université de Mons, Belgique
Objectifs Afin d?encourager le dialogue et les rencontres entre cliniciens et chercheurs, le comité d?organisation des JPC 2019 lance un appel à l?organisation d?ateliers transversaux, ciblés sur une thématique particulière. Ces ateliers seront co-organisés par au moins un(e) clinicien(ne) et un(e) chercheur(se) sous une forme ouverte et participative, p.ex. table ronde, débat, tutoriel, session de démonstration, séminaires...
Quatre ateliers prendront place la matinée du jeudi 16 mai 2019 lors de la dernière journée des 8e Journées de Phonétique Clinique. Ils disposeront d?un créneau de 3 heures au maximum. L?organisation des ateliers sera confiée aux responsables des projets d?atelier acceptés. Ceux-ci seront chargés d?assurer la sollicitation des intervenants ou l?appel à communications, la définition du programme scientifique et la communication avec les participants à l?atelier. Ils devront s'assurer de l'inscription à l?atelier des participants, inscrits ou non-inscrits aux JPC. Les organisateurs des JPC prendront en charge la partie logistique des ateliers (gestion des salles, pauses café et diffusion des abstracts dans le livre des résumés de la conférence). Les invitations dans le cadre de ces ateliers ne seront pas prises en charge par l?organisation des JPC 2019.
Calendrier ? Date des ateliers : jeudi 16 mai 2019 ? Date limite de soumission de la proposition : 18 janvier 2019 ? Réponse du comité d'organisation des JPC : 25 janvier 2019
Modalités de proposition Les propositions d'ateliers (2 pages maximum) comprendront les éléments suivants : ? Titre de l'atelier ? Nom, prénom, affiliation, adresse électronique des responsables de l?atelier (au moins un(e) clinicien(ne) et un(e) chercheur(se)) ? Nom, prénom et coordonnées de la personne de contact pour la communication avec les organisateurs ? Une description synthétique de la thématique de l'atelier ? Le format envisagé (table ronde, débat, tutoriel, session de démonstration, séminaires, etc.) ? Comité scientifique ? Participants invités ou attendus (nombre, profil: enseignants, chercheurs, cliniciens, étudiants, etc.)
Les propositions seront envoyées en format pdf à l?adresse suivante: JPC2019@umons.ac.be Elles seront soumises à l?avis du comité de programme des JPC 2019.
Publication dans le livret des résumés Le format souhaité suivra les recommandations des JPC 2019 (résumé de maximum 400 mots en français (hors titre, auteurs, et bibliographie)
Contact et informations JPC2019@umons.ac.be www.langage.be/JPC/indexjpc.html
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3-3-16 | (2019-06-04) 14th PAC conference (Phonologie de l’Anglais Contemporain / Phonology of Contemporary English), Aix-en -Provence, France Call for papers: 14th PAC conference (Phonologie de l’Anglais Contemporain / Phonology of Contemporary English)
PAC AIX 2019 Phonetic and phonological variation in contemporary English: Xperience-Xperimentation
Laboratoire Parole et Langage, Aix-en-Provence, France June 4-5 2019
Guest Speakers : Dominic Watt (U. York) & Emmanuel Ferragne (U. Paris Diderot)
We are pleased to announce the 2019 edition of the annual PAC conference, ‘Phonetic and phonological variation in contemporary English: Xperience / Xperimentation’, due to take place from Tuesday June 4 to Wednesday June 5 2019 and, hosted by the Laboratoire Parole et Langage and Aix-Marseille University in Aix-en-Provence. We shall welcome as invited guest speakers Dominic Watt, from the University of York and Emmanuel Ferragne from The Paris Diderot University of Paris Diderot. Both have worked on varieties of English and are currently working on forensic phonetics, among other topics.
The PAC programme (http://www.pacprogramme.net) gathers researchers interested in the study of variation in contemporary spoken English, adhering to a common protocol for data collection and annotation. The PAC conferences have been organized annually since 2000 and have been willing to welcome researchers studying spoken English worldwide and from a wide variety of backgrounds.
The 2019 edition of the conference will focus on « experience/experimentation », in French « l’expérience » (which is polysemic). People working in the framework of the PAC programme are used to following a field approach. The data collected within the framework of the PAC programme may easily be exploited by experimentalists as well. The idea is to open the conference to researchers working in a more experimental setting. We would like to make the link between the 2 two domains and our guest speakers will show that the two approaches may be complementary in the study of language. Papers concerned by either field work or experimental methods or combining the two domains are welcome. A wide range of issues can be explored, matching the research axes of the PAC programme, such as, and among others, studies of English in urban contexts, analyses of prosodic variation, of L2 English or papers concerned with tools and annotation strategies.. The audience will consist of colleagues and students working on spoken English corpora and the presentations are all in English.
The deadline for sending a title with a one-page anonymous abstract (excluding references) is January 7, 2019.
Please visit the conference web site, where you can find a template for abstracts and upload your abstract submission: https://pacaix2019.sciencesconf.org/ (you will need to create a sciencesconf account if you don’t already have one).
Notification of acceptance will be sent by mid February 2019.
For any questions, you can contact us at the following address: pacaix2019@sciencesconf.org
Local Organising committee: Julia Bongiorno Stéphanie Desous Sophie Herment Joëlle Lavaud Catherine Perrot Claudia Pichon-Starke Paul Sartre Anne Tortel Gabor Turcsan
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3-3-17 | (2019-07-21) The 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2019), Paris, France
The 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval July 21-25, 2019, Paris, France CALL FOR PAPERS Call for Full Papers The annual SIGIR conference is the major international forum for the presentation of new research results, and the demonstration of new systems and techniques, in the broad field of information retrieval (IR). The 42nd ACM SIGIR conference, to be held in Paris, France, welcomes contributions related to any aspect of information retrieval and access, including theories, foundations, algorithms, applications, evaluation, and analysis. The conference and program chairs invite those working in areas related to IR to submit original papers for review. Important Dates (timezone: anywhere on earth)
CommitteesProgram chairs
General chairs
ContactAll questions about full paper submissions should be emailed to sigir2019-pcchairs AT easychair DOT org. follow us on twitter : @sigir2019 follow us on our web site : http://sigir.org/sigir2019/
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3-3-18 | (2019-07-21) The Apollo-11 speech challenge HISTORY: On July 20, 1969 at 20:17 UTC, Earth witnessed one of the most challenging technology accomplishments by mankind to date of NASA Apollo-11 with over 600M people witnessing both the landing and first steps on the moon by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. Next July 2019 marks the 50th Anniversary of the historical Apollo-11 lunar landing and first steps. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_11 NSF CRSS-UTDallas Project: With support from the US National Science Foundation (NSF-CISE), CRSS-UTDallas has spent the last six years developing a hardware/software solution to digitize and recover all 30-track analog tapes from Apollo-11 (plus Apollo-13 and other missions), as well as development of speech diarization technologies to advance speech technology for such data. A total of 19,000 hours of data consisting of all NASA air-to-ground, mission control, and backroom support team discussions was released this year (news releases from this NSF sponsored project this year include: NSF, NASA, BBC, AIP (Acoustical Society of America), NPR, many on-line news sites, and involvement in a planned CNN documentary where this data is contributing, etc.). To date, this will be the largest publically available audio corpus of time synchronized, team based (~600 people) naturalistic communications to accomplish a real-world task. ANNOUNCEMNT: This email is to announce the release of the FEARLESS STEPS CHALLENGE corpus, which is being shared for a proposed Special Session at ISCA INTERSPEECH-2019. The attached flyer details the 5 challenge tasks involved: 1. SAD: Speech Activity Detection 2. Speaker Diarization 3. SID: Speaker Identification 4. ASR: Automatic Speech Recognition 5. Sentiment Detection
This challenge corpus consists of 100hours from 5 of the 30-track channels spanning three phases of Apollo-11 mission: (i) lift off, (ii) landing, (iii) lunar walk. All data for this challenge will be available soon via a download option for all to participate (this site has sample audio from the NSF funded project: https://app.exploreapollo.org/ ). In addition, any lab/group wishing to have access to the entire 19,000 hours can do so without charge (this is public data, so it will be available via download, or a small fee for a hard-disk and shipping to your lab). While diarization efforts in the past have concentrated on single channel broadcast news, interviews, etc. These all represent typically a single speaker, or small group discussing topics of interest. The FEARLESS STEPS CORPUS is all time synchronized (with IRIG Time Channel) across 30 channels, with loops containing anywhere from 3-33 speakers working collaboratively to solve challenging problems. CRSS-UTDallas has produced full diarization output for the entire 19,000hrs of data (SAD, SID, DIAR/ASR) which is available with the corpus. REQUEST: We are proposing a Special Session at ISCA INTERSPEECH-2019. If you have interest in getting access to the FEARLESS STEPS CORPUS and potentially participating in the CHALLENGE, please reply to this email Hansen, John' <john.hansen@utdallas.edu>(an expression of interest does not obligate you to submit, we are simply trying to collect a list of interested researchers for the data). Many thanks for your interest! CRSS-UTDallas Fearless Steps Team
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3-3-19 | (2019-08-04) International Conference on Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia![]() Don't miss your opportunity to be a part of ICPhS 2019!
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The special session Computational Approaches for Documenting and Analyzing Oral Languages welcomes submissions presenting innovative speech data collection methods and/or assistance for linguists and communities of speakers: methods and tools that facilitate collection, transcription and translation of primary language data. Oral languages is understood here as referring to spoken vernacular languages which depend on oral transmission, including endangered languages and (typically low-prestige) regional varieties of major languages.
The special session intends to provide up-to-date information to an audience of phoneticians about developments in machine learning that make it increasingly feasible to automate segmentation, alignment or labelling of audio recordings, even in less-documented languages. A methodological goal is to help establish the field of Computational Language Documentation and contribute to its close association with the phonetic sciences. Computational Language Documentation needs to build on the insights gained through phonetic research; conversely, research in phonetics stands to gain much from the availability of abundant and reliable data on a wider range of languages.
Laurent Besacier ? LIG UGA (France)
Alexis Michaud ? LACITO CNRS (France)
Martine Adda-Decker ? LPP CNRS (France)
Gilles Adda ? LIMSI CNRS (France)
Steven Bird ? CDU (Australia)
Graham Neubig ? CMU (USA)
François Pellegrino ? DDL CNRS (France)
Sakriani Sakti ? NAIST (Japan)
Mark Van de Velde ? LLACAN CNRS (France)
This special session is endorsed by SIGUL (Joint ELRA and ISCA Special Interest Group on Under-resourced Languages)
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2019 Jelinek Summer Workshop on Speech and Language Technology
We are pleased to invite one page research proposals for a workshop on Machine Learning for Speech and Language Technology at ÉTS (École de Technologie Supérieure) in Montreal, CA June 24 to August 2, 2019 (Tentative)
CALL FOR PROPOSALS Deadline: Monday, November 5th, 2018.
One-page proposals are invited for the annual Frederick Jelinek Memorial Workshop in Speech and Language Technology. Proposals should aim to advance the state of the art in any of the various fields of Human Language Technology (HLT) or related areas of Machine Intelligence, including Computer Vision and Healthcare. Proposals may address emerging topics or long-standing problems. Areas of interest in 2019 include but are not limited to: * SPEECH TECHNOLOGY: Any aspect of information extraction from speech signals; techniques that generalize in spite of very limited amounts of training data and/or which are robust to input signal variations ; techniques for processing of speech in harsh environments, etc.
* NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING: Knowledge discovery from text; new approaches to traditional problems such as syntactic/semantic/pragmatic analysis, machine translation, cross - language information retrieval, summarization, etc.; domain adaptation; integrated language and social analysis; etc.
* MULTIMODAL HLT: Joint models of text or speech with sensory data; grounded language learning; applications such as visual question - a nswering, video summarization, sign language technology, multimedia retrieval, analysis of printed or handwritten text. * DIALOG AND LANGUAGE UNDERSTANDING: U n d e r s t a n din g h u m a n - to - h u m a n o r h u m a n - to - computer conversation; dialog manag ement; naturalness of dialog (e.g. sentiment analysis).
* LANGUAGE AND HEALTHCARE: information extraction from electronic health records; speech and language technology in health monitoring; healthcare delivery in hospitals or the home, public health, etc.
These workshops are a continuation of the Johns Hopkins University CLSP summer workshop series, and will be hosted by various partner universities on a rotating basis. The research topics selected for investigation by teams in past workshops should serve as good examples for prospective proposers: http://www.clsp.jhu.edu/workshops/. An independent panel of experts will screen all received proposals for suitability. Results of this screening will be communicated by November 9th, 2018. Authors passing this initial screening will be invited to an interactive peer-review meeting in Baltimore on December 7-9th, 2018. Proposals will be revised at this meeting to address any outstanding concerns or new ideas. Two or three research topics and the teams to tackle them will be selected at this meeting for the 2019 workshop. We attempt to bring the best researchers to the workshop to collaboratively pursue research on the selected topics. Each topic brings together a diverse team of researchers and students. Authors of successful proposals typically lead these teams. Other senior participants come from academia, industry and government. Graduate student participants familiar with the field are selected in accordance with their demonstrated performance. Undergraduate participants, selected through a national search, are rising star seniors: new to the field and showing outstanding academic promise. If you are interested in participating in the 2019 Summer Workshop we ask that you submit a one-page research proposal for consideration, detailing the problem to be addressed. If a topic in your area of interest
is chosen as one of the topics to be pursued next summer, we expect you to be available to participate in the six - week workshop . We are not asking for an ironclad commitment at this juncture, just a good faith commitment that if a project in your area of interest is chosen, you will actively pursue it. We in turn will make a good faith effort to accommodate any personal/logistical needs to make your six-week participation possible.
Proposals must be submitted to jsalt2019-planning@jhu.edu by 23:59PM EDT on Monday, 11/05/2018.
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Dialog System Technology Challenge 7 (DSTC7)
Call for Participation: Data distribution has been started
Website: http://workshop.colips.org/dstc7/index.html
The DSTC shared tasks have provided common testbeds for the dialog
research community since 2013.
From its sixth edition, it has been rebranded as 'Dialog System
Technology Challenge' to cover a wider variety of dialog related problems.
For this year's challenge, we opened the call for track proposals and
selected the following three parallel tracks by peer-reviews:
- Sentence Selection Track
- Sentence Generation Track
- Audio Visual Scene-aware dialog (AVSD) Track
Participation is welcomed from any research team (academic, corporate,
non-profit, government).
Important Dates
- Jun 1, 2018: Training data is released
- Sep 10, 2018: Test data is released
- Sep 24, 2018: Entry submission deadline
- Oct or Nov 2018: Paper submission deadline
- Spring 2019: DSTC7 special session or workshop (venue: TBD)
DSTC7 Organizing Committee
- Koichiro Yoshino - Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Japan
- Chiori Hori - Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL), USA
- Julien Perez - Naver Labs Europe, France
- Luis Fernando D'Haro - Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), Singapore
DSTC7 Track Organizers
Sentence Selection Track:
- Lazaros Polymenakos - IBM Research, USA
- Chulaka Gunasekara - IBM Research, USA
- Walter S. Lasecki - University of Michigan, USA
- Jonathan Kummerfeld - University of Michigan, USA
Sentence Generation Track:
- Michel Galley - Microsoft Research AI&R, USA
- Chris Brockett - Microsoft Research AI&R, USA
- Jianfeng Gao - Microsoft Research AI&R, USA
- Bill Dolan - Microsoft Research AI&R, USA
Audio Visual Scene-aware dialog (AVSD) Track:
- Chiori Hori - Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL), USA
- Tim K. Marks - Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL), USA
- Devi Parikh - Georgia Tech, USA
- Dhruv Batra - Georgia Tech, USA
DSTC Steering Committee
- Jason Williams - Microsoft Research (MSR), USA
- Rafael E. Banchs - Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), Singapore
- Seokhwan Kim - Adobe Research, USA
- Matthew Henderson - PolyAI, Singapore
- Verena Rieser - Heriot-Watt University, UK
Contact Information
Join the DSTC mailing list to get the latest updates about DSTC7:
- To join the mailing list: send an email to
listserv@lists.research.microsoft.com and put 'subscribe DSTC' in the
body of the message (without the quotes).
- To post a message: send your message to dstc@lists.research.microsoft.com.
For specific enquiries about DSTC7:
- Please feel free to contact any of the Organizing Committee members
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Dear SProSIG Members,
We are pleased to announce that the 2020 Speech Prosody conference
will be held in Tokyo, tentatively in late May or early June.
Also, there are two upcoming special sessions relating to prosody, at
ICPhs 2019, with submission deadlines for both of December 4:
'Interacting Channels of Speech - Tune and Text'
https://timo-roettger.weebly.com/icphs---tune-and-text.html and
'Modeling Meaning-Bearing Configurations of Prosodic Features'
http://www.cs.utep.edu/nigel/pconstructions/icphs-configs.html .
We'd also like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves, the
incoming officers of SProSig for 2018-2020: namely Martine Grice,
Plinio Barbosa, Hongwei Ding, Aoju Chen and myself. We look forward
to serving the membership and are eager to hear your ideas and
Finally, the SProSIG mailing list is now hosted at the University of
Texas at El Paso. Subscription/unsubscription instructions are below.
Mailings will continue to be infrequent and focus on conference
announcements and the like. If you have such information to share,
please contact any of us.
Hongwei Ding, Aoju Chen, Martine Grice, Plinio Barbosa, Nigel Ward
Speech Prosody Special Interest Group www.sprosig.org
This mail was sent through the SProSIG mailing list, which is for
announcements of interest to the speech prosody research community.
Subscribe/unsubscribe at http://listserv.utep.edu/mailman/listinfo/sprosig
Nigel Ward, Professor of Computer Science, University of Texas at El Paso
CCSB 3.0408, +1-915-747-6827
nigel@utep.edu http://www.cs.utep.edu/nigel/
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