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ISCApad Archive  »  2017  »  ISCApad #229  »  Editorial

ISCApad #229

Monday, July 10, 2017 by Chris Wellekens

1 Editorial

Dear Members, 

I hope to meet most of you at Interspeech 2017. It will be the opportunity to confirm the objectives of ISCApad:

*get a monthly contact with the members at regular dates

*inform on the life of our association including our workshops, conferences, our Distinguished lecturers, the composition of the board, the fellowship nominations,

*announce conferences and workshops even not supported by ISCA that deal with speech related topics (f.i. signal processing, (deep) neural networks, social impacts of oral communication,...)

*publish job offers (internships, thesis grants, postdocs positions, regular jobs)

* announce new books and special issues on speech communication

* announce the recent theses in speech communication.

To meet these objectives I need your help: please never hesitate to contact me, to send me information that could be published, and mainly do not send almost obsolete information since our delay of publication is about one month. 

You stay at the source of information; my role is to collect and to publish it for the benefit of all members of the association.

See you next month in Stockholm.

Chris Wellekens

ISCApad editor

Professor emeritus Institut Eurecom

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