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ISCApad #217 |
Sunday, July 10, 2016 by Chris Wellekens |
5-2-1 | ELRA - Language Resources Catalogue - Update (April 2016)
We are happy to announce that a set of Pashto Language Resources (1 Broadcast Speech Resource and 6 Written Corpora) and 1 new Multimodal Resource are now available in our catalogue.
Pashto Language Resources: This set of Pashto Language Resources was produced by ELDA within the PEA TRAD project supported by the French Ministry of Defence (DGA). It consists of 1 Broadcast Speech Resource and 6 Written Corpora. Available resources are listed below (click on the links for further details): This corpus contains 108 hours of broadcast news recordings transcribed, covering more than 1,000 speakers. Transcriptions are provided together with the audio files and include about 46,000 segments and 1.1M words. For more information, see: http://catalog.elra.info/product_info.php?products_id=1265 This is a monolingual text corpus in Pashto. The corpus contains about 112,000,000 tokens collected from 46 different blogs and websites. For more information, see: http://catalog.elra.info/product_info.php?products_id=1266 ELRA-W0093 TRAD Pashto-French Parallel corpus of transcribed Broadcast News Speech - Training data
This corpus consists of the transcription of 106 hours of recordings in Pashto from the TRAD Pashto Broadcast News Speech Corpus (ELRA-S0381) translated into French. It contains about 832,000 source words and 747,000 target words. ISLRN: 802-643-297-429-4 For more information, see: http://catalog.elra.info/product_info.php?products_id=1267 ELRA-W0094 TRAD Pashto-French Parallel corpus of transcribed Broadcast News Speech - Test data
This is a parallel corpus, which contains 10,000 Pashto words translated into French. The source texts come from 3 broadcast news transcriptions of the TRAD Pashto Broadcast News Speech Corpus (ELRA-S0381). ISLRN: 547-897-479-723-3 For more information, see: http://catalog.elra.info/product_info.php?products_id=1268 ELRA-W0095 TRAD Pashto-English Parallel corpus of transcribed Broadcast News Speech - Test data
This is a parallel corpus, which contains 10,000 Pashto words translated into English. The source texts come from 3 broadcast news transcriptions of the TRAD Pashto Broadcast News Speech Corpus (ELRA-S0381).ISLRN: 006-102-605-738-4 For more information, see: http://catalog.elra.info/product_info.php?products_id=1269 ELRA-W0096 TRAD Pashto-French News Articles Parallel corpus
For more information, see: http://catalog.elra.info/product_info.php?products_id=1270ISLRN: 649-628-149-051-7 This is a parallel corpus, which contains 10,000 Pashto words translated into French by two different translators. The source texts have been collected from the following news websites: Azadiradio, Mashaal and Voice of America Pashto. ELRA-W0097 TRAD Pashto-English News Articles Parallel corpus
For more information, see: http://catalog.elra.info/product_info.php?products_id=1271ISLRN: 612-936-517-010-2 This is a parallel corpus, which contains 10,000 Pashto words translated into English by two different translators. The source texts have been collected from the following news websites: Azadiradio, Mashaal and Voice of America Pashto. ELRA-S0374 FoxPersonTracks: a Benchmark for Person Re-Identification from TV Broadcast Shows
FoxPersonTracks is a person track dataset dedicated to person re-identification. The dataset is built from a set of real life TV shows broadcasted from BFMTV and LCP TV french channels, provided during REPERE challenge. It contains a total 4,604 persontracks (short video sequences featuring an individual with no background) from 266 persons. The dataset also provides re-identification results using space-time histograms as a baseline, together with an evaluation tool in order to ease the comparison to other re- identification methods.ISLRN: 168-132-570-218-1 For more information, see: http://catalog.elra.info/product_info.php?products_id=1264 For more information on the catalogue, please contact Valérie Mapelli mailto:mapelli@elda.org If you would like to enquire about having your resources distributed by ELRA, please do not hesitate to contact us. Visit our On-line Catalogue: http://catalog.elra.info
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5-2-2 | LDC Newsletter (June 2016)
In this newsletter: Commercial use and LDC data New publications:
Commercial use and LDC data For-profit organizations are reminded that an LDC membership is a pre-requisite for obtaining a commercial license to almost all LDC databases. Non-member organizations, including non-member for-profit organizations, cannot use LDC data to develop or test products for commercialization, nor can they use LDC data in any commercial product or for any commercial purpose. LDC data users should consult corpus-specific license agreements for limitations on the use of certain corpora. Visit our Licensing page for more information.
New Corpora
(1) Chinese Treebank 9.0 consists of approximately two million words of annotated and parsed text from Chinese newswire, government documents, magazine articles, various broadcast news and broadcast conversation programs, web newsgroups, weblogs, discussion forums, chat messages and transcribed conversational telephone speech. This new data set in the Chinese Treebank series adds more annotated web data and two new genres ? chat messages and transcribed telephone speech.
There are 3,726 text files in this release, containing 132,076 sentences, 2,084,387 words, 3,247,331 characters (hanzi or foreign). The data is provided in the UTF-8 encoding, and the annotation has Penn Treebank-style labeled brackets. The data is provided in four different formats: raw text, word segmented, POS-tagged, and syntactically bracketed formats. All files were automatically verified and manually checked.
Chinese Treebank 9.0 is distributed via web download.
2016 Subscription Members will automatically receive two copies of this corpus. 2016 Standard Members may request a copy as part of their 16 free membership corpora. Non-members may license this data for US $300.
(2) CHM150 (Corpus Hecho en México 150) was developed by the Speech Processing Laboratory of the Faculty of Engineering at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and consists of approximately 1.63 hours of Mexican Spanish speech, associated transcripts, and speaker metadata. The goal of this work was to support spoken term detection and forensic speaker identification.
This corpus is comprised of Mexican Spanish microphone speech from 75 male speakers and 75 female speakers in a quiet office environment. Speakers could answer pre-selected open questions or describe a particular painting shown to them on a computer monitor. Speaker metadata in this release includes age, gender, place of birth, place of residence and parents' nationalities.
CHM150 is distributed via web download.
2016 Subscription Members will automatically receive two copies of this corpus. 2016 Standard Members may request a copy as part of their 16 free membership corpora. This data is being made available at no-cost for non-member organizations under a research license.
(3) GALE Phase 4 Arabic Weblog Parallel Sentences was developed by LDC. Along with other corpora, the parallel text in this release comprised training data for Phase 4 of the DARPA GALE (Global Autonomous Language Exploitation) Program. This corpus contains Modern Standard Arabic source text and corresponding English translations, selected from newsgroup and weblog data collected by LDC and translated by LDC or under its direction.
The data includes 1,067 source-translation document pairs, comprising 68,346 words (Arabic source) of translated data.
Sentences were selected for translation in two steps. First, files were chosen using sentence selection scripts provided by GALE program participants SRI International and IBM. The output was then manually reviewed by LDC staff to eliminate problematic sentences. Selected files were reformatted into a human-readable translation format and assigned to translation vendors. Translators followed LDC's Chinese to English translation guidelines and were provided with the full source documents containing the target sentences for their reference. Bilingual LDC staff performed quality control procedures on the completed translations.
GALE Phase 4 Arabic Weblog Parallel Sentences is distributed via web download.
2016 Subscription Members will automatically receive two copies of this corpus. 2016 Standard Members may request a copy as part of their 16 free membership corpora. Non-members may license this data for US $1750.
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5-2-3 | Appen ButlerHill
Appen ButlerHill A global leader in linguistic technology solutions RECENT CATALOG ADDITIONS—MARCH 2012 1. Speech Databases 1.1 Telephony
2. Pronunciation Lexica Appen Butler Hill has considerable experience in providing a variety of lexicon types. These include: Pronunciation Lexica providing phonemic representation, syllabification, and stress (primary and secondary as appropriate) Part-of-speech tagged Lexica providing grammatical and semantic labels Other reference text based materials including spelling/mis-spelling lists, spell-check dictionar-ies, mappings of colloquial language to standard forms, orthographic normalization lists. Over a period of 15 years, Appen Butler Hill has generated a significant volume of licensable material for a wide range of languages. For holdings information in a given language or to discuss any customized development efforts, please contact: sales@appenbutlerhill.com
4. Other Language Resources Morphological Analyzers – Farsi/Persian & Urdu Arabic Thesaurus Language Analysis Documentation – multiple languages
For additional information on these resources, please contact: sales@appenbutlerhill.com 5. Customized Requests and Package Configurations Appen Butler Hill is committed to providing a low risk, high quality, reliable solution and has worked in 130+ languages to-date supporting both large global corporations and Government organizations. We would be glad to discuss to any customized requests or package configurations and prepare a cus-tomized proposal to meet your needs.
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5-2-4 | OFROM 1er corpus de français de Suisse romande Nous souhaiterions vous signaler la mise en ligne d'OFROM, premier corpus de français parlé en Suisse romande. L'archive est, dans version actuelle, d'une durée d'environ 15 heures. Elle est transcrite en orthographe standard dans le logiciel Praat. Un concordancier permet d'y effectuer des recherches, et de télécharger les extraits sonores associés aux transcriptions.
Pour accéder aux données et consulter une description plus complète du corpus, nous vous invitons à vous rendre à l'adresse suivante : http://www.unine.ch/ofrom.
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5-2-5 | Real-world 16-channel noise recordings We are happy to announce the release of DEMAND, a set of real-world
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5-2-6 | Aide à la finalisation de corpus oraux ou multimodaux pour diffusion, valorisation et dépôt pérenne Aide à la finalisation de corpus oraux ou multimodaux pour diffusion, valorisation et dépôt pérenne
Le consortium IRCOM de la TGIR Corpus et l’EquipEx ORTOLANG s’associent pour proposer une aide technique et financière à la finalisation de corpus de données orales ou multimodales à des fins de diffusion et pérennisation par l’intermédiaire de l’EquipEx ORTOLANG. Cet appel ne concerne pas la création de nouveaux corpus mais la finalisation de corpus existants et non-disponibles de manière électronique. Par finalisation, nous entendons le dépôt auprès d’un entrepôt numérique public, et l’entrée dans un circuit d’archivage pérenne. De cette façon, les données de parole qui ont été enrichies par vos recherches vont pouvoir être réutilisées, citées et enrichies à leur tour de manière cumulative pour permettre le développement de nouvelles connaissances, selon les conditions d’utilisation que vous choisirez (sélection de licences d’utilisation correspondant à chacun des corpus déposés).
Cet appel d’offre est soumis à plusieurs conditions (voir ci-dessous) et l’aide financière par projet est limitée à 3000 euros. Les demandes seront traitées dans l’ordre où elles seront reçues par l’ IRCOM. Les demandes émanant d’EA ou de petites équipes ne disposant pas de support technique « corpus » seront traitées prioritairement. Les demandes sont à déposer du 1er septembre 2013 au 31 octobre 2013. La décision de financement relèvera du comité de pilotage d’IRCOM. Les demandes non traitées en 2013 sont susceptibles de l’être en 2014. Si vous avez des doutes quant à l’éligibilité de votre projet, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour que nous puissions étudier votre demande et adapter nos offres futures.
Pour palier la grande disparité dans les niveaux de compétences informatiques des personnes et groupes de travail produisant des corpus, L’ IRCOM propose une aide personnalisée à la finalisation de corpus. Celle-ci sera réalisée par un ingénieur IRCOM en fonction des demandes formulées et adaptées aux types de besoin, qu’ils soient techniques ou financiers.
Les conditions nécessaires pour proposer un corpus à finaliser et obtenir une aide d’IRCOM sont :
Les demandes peuvent concerner tout type de traitement : traitements de corpus quasi-finalisés (conversion, anonymisation), alignement de corpus déjà transcrits, conversion depuis des formats « traitement de textes », digitalisation de support ancien. Pour toute demande exigeant une intervention manuelle importante, les demandeurs devront s’investir en moyens humains ou financiers à la hauteur des moyens fournis par IRCOM et ORTOLANG.
IRCOM est conscient du caractère exceptionnel et exploratoire de cette démarche. Il convient également de rappeler que ce financement est réservé aux corpus déjà largement constitués et ne peuvent intervenir sur des créations ex-nihilo. Pour ces raisons de limitation de moyens, les propositions de corpus les plus avancés dans leur réalisation pourront être traitées en priorité, en accord avec le CP d’IRCOM. Il n’y a toutefois pas de limite « théorique » aux demandes pouvant être faites, IRCOM ayant la possibilité de rediriger les demandes qui ne relèvent pas de ses compétences vers d’autres interlocuteurs.
Les propositions de réponse à cet appel d’offre sont à envoyer à ircom.appel.corpus@gmail.com. Les propositions doivent utiliser le formulaire de deux pages figurant ci-dessous. Dans tous les cas, une réponse personnalisée sera renvoyée par IRCOM.
Ces propositions doivent présenter les corpus proposés, les données sur les droits d’utilisation et de propriétés et sur la nature des formats ou support utilisés.
Cet appel est organisé sous la responsabilité d’IRCOM avec la participation financière conjointe de IRCOM et l’EquipEx ORTOLANG.
Pour toute information complémentaire, nous rappelons que le site web de l'Ircom (http://ircom.corpus-ir.fr) est ouvert et propose des ressources à la communauté : glossaire, inventaire des unités et des corpus, ressources logicielles (tutoriaux, comparatifs, outils de conversion), activités des groupes de travail, actualités des formations, ... L'IRCOM invite les unités à inventorier leur corpus oraux et multimodaux - 70 projets déjà recensés - pour avoir une meilleure visibilité des ressources déjà disponibles même si elles ne sont pas toutes finalisées.
Le comité de pilotage IRCOM
Utiliser ce formulaire pour répondre à l’appel : Merci.
Réponse à l’appel à la finalisation de corpus oral ou multimodal
Nom du corpus :
Nom de la personne à contacter : Adresse email : Numéro de téléphone :
Nature des données de corpus :
Existe-t’il des enregistrements : Quel média ? Audio, vidéo, autre… Quelle est la longueur totale des enregistrements ? Nombre de cassettes, nombre d’heures, etc. Quel type de support ? Quel format (si connu) ?
Existe-t’il des transcriptions : Quel format ? (papier, traitement de texte, logiciel de transcription) Quelle quantité (en heures, nombre de mots, ou nombre de transcriptions) ?
Disposez vous de métadonnées (présentation des droits d’auteurs et d’usage) ?
Disposez-vous d’une description précise des personnes enregistrées ?
Disposez-vous d’une attestation de consentement éclairé pour les personnes ayant été enregistrées ? En quelle année (environ) les enregistrements ont eu lieu ?
Quelle est la langue des enregistrements ?
Le corpus comprend-il des enregistrements d’enfants ou de personnes ayant un trouble du langage ou une pathologie ? Si oui, de quelle population s’agit-il ?
Dans un souci d’efficacité et pour vous conseiller dans les meilleurs délais, il nous faut disposer d’exemples des transcriptions ou des enregistrements en votre possession. Nous vous contacterons à ce sujet, mais vous pouvez d’ores et déjà nous adresser par courrier électronique un exemple des données dont vous disposez (transcriptions, métadonnées, adresse de page web contenant les enregistrements).
Nous vous remercions par avance de l’intérêt que vous porterez à notre proposition. Pour toutes informations complémentaires veuillez contacter Martine Toda martine.toda@ling.cnrs.fr ou à ircom.appel.corpus@gmail.com.
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5-2-7 | Rhapsodie: un Treebank prosodique et syntaxique de français parlé Rhapsodie: un Treebank prosodique et syntaxique de français parlé
Nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer que la ressource Rhapsodie, Corpus de français parlé annoté pour la prosodie et la syntaxe, est désormais disponible sur http://www.projet-rhapsodie.fr/
Le treebank Rhapsodie est composé de 57 échantillons sonores (5 minutes en moyenne, au total 3h de parole, 33000 mots) dotés d’une transcription orthographique et phonétique alignées au son.
Il s'agit d’une ressource de français parlé multi genres (parole privée et publique ; monologues et dialogues ; entretiens en face à face vs radiodiffusion, parole plus ou moins interactive et plus ou moins planifiée, séquences descriptives, argumentatives, oratoires et procédurales) articulée autour de sources externes (enregistrements extraits de projets antérieurs, en accord avec les concepteurs initiaux) et internes. Nous tenons en particulier à remercier les responsables des projets CFPP2000, PFC, ESLO, C-Prom ainsi que Mathieu Avanzi, Anne Lacheret, Piet Mertens et Nicolas Obin.
Les échantillons sonores (wave & MP3, pitch nettoyé et lissé), les transcriptions orthographiques (txt), les annotations macrosyntaxiques (txt), les annotations prosodiques (xml, textgrid) ainsi que les metadonnées (xml & html) sont téléchargeables librement selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d’utilisation commerciale - Partage dans les mêmes conditions 3.0 France. Les annotations microsyntaxiques seront disponibles prochainement Les métadonnées sont également explorables en ligne grâce à un browser. Les tutoriels pour la transcription, les annotations et les requêtes sont disponibles sur le site Rhapsodie. Enfin, L’annotation prosodique est interrogeable en ligne grâce au langage de requêtes Rhapsodie QL. L'équipe Ressource Rhapsodie (Modyco, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre) Sylvain Kahane, Anne Lacheret, Paola Pietrandrea, Atanas Tchobanov, Arthur Truong. Partenaires : IRCAM (Paris), LATTICE (Paris), LPL (Aix-en-Provence), CLLE-ERSS (Toulouse).
******************************************************** Rhapsodie: a Prosodic and Syntactic Treebank for Spoken French We are pleased to announce that Rhapsodie, a syntactic and prosodic treebank of spoken French created with the aim of modeling the interface between prosody, syntax and discourse in spoken French is now available at http://www.projet-rhapsodie.fr/ The Rhapsodie treebank is made up of 57 short samples of spoken French (5 minutes long on average, amounting to 3 hours of speech and a 33 000 word corpus) endowed with an orthographical phoneme-aligned transcription . The corpus is representative of different genres (private and public speech; monologues and dialogues; face-to-face interviews and broadcasts; more or less interactive discourse; descriptive, argumentative and procedural samples, variations in planning type). The corpus samples have been mainly drawn from existing corpora of spoken French and partially created within the frame of theRhapsodie project. We would especially like to thank the coordinators of the CFPP2000, PFC, ESLO, C-Prom projects as well as Piet Mertens, Mathieu Avanzi, Anne Lacheret and Nicolas Obin. The sound samples (waves, MP3, cleaned and stylized pitch), the orthographic transcriptions (txt), the macrosyntactic annotations (txt), the prosodic annotations (xml, textgrid) as well as the metadata (xml and html) can be freely downloaded under the terms of the Creative Commons licence Attribution - Noncommercial - Share Alike 3.0 France. Microsyntactic annotation will be available soon. The metadata are searchable on line through a browser. The prosodic annotation can be explored on line through the Rhapsodie Query Language. The tutorials of transcription, annotations and Rhapsodie Query Language are available on the site.
The Rhapsodie team (Modyco, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre : Sylvain Kahane, Anne Lacheret, Paola Pietrandrea, Atanas Tchobanov, Arthur Truong. Partners: IRCAM (Paris), LATTICE (Paris), LPL (Aix-en-Provence),CLLE-ERSS (Toulouse).
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5-2-8 | Annotation of “Hannah and her sisters” by Woody Allen. We have created and made publicly available a dense audio-visual person-oriented ground-truth annotation of a feature movie (100 minutes long): “Hannah and her sisters” by Woody Allen. Jean-Ronan Vigouroux, Louis Chevallier Patrick Pérez Technicolor Research & Innovation
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5-2-9 | French TTS Text to Speech Synthesis:
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5-2-10 | Google 's Language Model benchmark A LM benchmark is available at:https://github.com/ciprian-chelba/1-billion-word-language-modeling-benchmark
Here is a brief description of the project.
'The purpose of the project is to make available a standard training and test setup for language modeling experiments. The training/held-out data was produced from a download at statmt.org using a combination of Bash shell and Perl scripts distributed here. This also means that your results on this data set are reproducible by the research community at large. Besides the scripts needed to rebuild the training/held-out data, it also makes available log-probability values for each word in each of ten held-out data sets, for each of the following baseline models:
ArXiv paper: http://arxiv.org/abs/1312.3005
Happy benchmarking!'
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5-2-11 | International Standard Language Resource Number (ISLRN) (ELRA Press release) Press Release - Immediate - Paris, France, December 13, 2013 Establishing the International Standard Language Resource Number (ISLRN) 12 major NLP organisations announce the establishment of the ISLRN, a Persistent Unique Identifier, to be assigned to each Language Resource. On November 18, 2013, 12 NLP organisations have agreed to announce the establishment of the International Standard Language Resource Number (ISLRN), a Persistent Unique Identifier, to be assigned to each Language Resource. Experiment replicability, an essential feature of scientific work, would be enhanced by such unique identifier. Set up by ELRA, LDC and AFNLP/Oriental-COCOSDA, the ISLRN Portal will provide unique identifiers using a standardised nomenclature, as a service free of charge for all Language Resource providers. It will be supervised by a steering committee composed of representatives of participating organisations and enlarged whenever necessary. More information on ELRA and the ISLRN, please contact: Khalid Choukri choukri@elda.org More information on ELDA, please contact: Hélène Mazo mazo@elda.org ELRA 55-57, rue Brillat Savarin 75013 Paris (France) Tel.: +33 1 43 13 33 33 Fax: +33 1 43 13 33 30
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5-2-12 | ISLRN new portal Opening of the ISLRN Portal
ELRA, LDC, and AFNLP/Oriental-COCOSDA announce the opening of the ISLRN Portal @ www.islrn.org.
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5-2-13 | Speechocean – update (May 2016)
Speechocean – update (May 2016):
Speechocean: A global language resources and data services supplier
About Speechocean
Speechocean is one of the world well-known language related resources & services provider in the fields of Human Computer Interaction and Human Language Technology. At present, we can provide data services with 110+ languages and dialects across the world.
KingLine Data Center ---Data Sharing Platform
Kingline Data Center is operated and supervised by Speechocean, which is mainly focused on language resources creating and providing for research and development of human language technology.
These diversified corpora are widely used for the research and development in the fields of Speech Recognition, Speech Synthesis, Natural Language Processing, Machine Translation, Web Search, etc. All corpora are openly accessible for users all over the world, including users from scientific research institutions, enterprises or individuals.
For more detailed information, please visit our website: http://kingline.speechocean.com
New released corpora:
ID: King-ASR-360
This is a 1-channel Taiwanese Mandarin and English mix language mobile phone speech database, which is collected over Samsung mobile phone. This database is owned by Beijing Haitian Ruisheng Science Technology Ltd (SpeechOcean, www.speechocean.com). 1,026 speakers were recorded in total, and each speaker recorded 1 session in one of three different environments: office, restaurant or street. With discarding some unqualified utterances, the whole corpus contains the recordings of 321,890 utterances of Taiwanese mandarin and English mixed language speech data which were from all the speakers. The pure recording time is about 514 hours, including the leading silence (about 500 ms) and the trailing silence (about 500 ms). The total size of this database is 55.2 GB.
ID: King-ASR-148
This is a 3-channel Italian mobile phone speech database, which is collected over 3 different mobile operating systems simultaneously: iOS, Android and Windows phone. This database is owned by Beijing Haitian Ruisheng Science Technology Ltd (SpeechOcean, www.speechocean.com). This database is performed in three different environment: office, restaurant and street. The corpus contains the recordings of 377,535 utterances of Italian speech data which were from 300 speakers. The pure recording time is about 499.7 hours (3-channel), including the leading silence (about 500 ms) and the trailing silence (about 500 ms). The total size of this database is 53.7 GB. A pronunciation lexicon with a phonemic transcription is also included. All the data was transcribed and labeled.
Contact Information
Xianfeng Cheng
Tel: +86-10-62660928; +86-10-62660053 ext.8080
Mobile: +86 13681432590
Skype: xianfeng.cheng1
Email: chengxianfeng@speechocean.com; cxfxy0cxfxy0@gmail.com
Website: www.speechocean.com
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5-2-14 | kidLUCID: London UCL Children’s Clear Speech in Interaction Database kidLUCID: London UCL Children’s Clear Speech in Interaction Database We are delighted to announce the availability of a new corpus of spontaneous speech for children aged 9 to 14 years inclusive, produced as part of the ESRC-funded project on ‘Speaker-controlled Variability in Children's Speech in Interaction’ (PI: Valerie Hazan). Speech recordings (a total of 288 conversations) are available for 96 child participants (46M, 50F, range 9;0 to 15;0 years), all native southern British English speakers. Participants were recorded in pairs while completing the diapix spot-the-difference picture task in which the pair verbally compared two scenes, only one of which was visible to each talker. High-quality digital recordings were made in sound-treated rooms. For each conversation, a stereo audio recording is provided with each speaker on a separate channel together with a Praat Textgrid containing separate word- and phoneme-level segmentations for each speaker. There are six recordings per speaker pair made in the following conditions:
The kidLUCID corpus is available online within the OSCAAR (Online Speech/Corpora Archive and Analysis Resource) archive (https://oscaar.ci.northwestern.edu/). Free access can be requested for research purposes. Further information about the project can be found at: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/pals/research/shaps/research/shaps/research/clear-speech-strategies This work was supported by Economic and Social Research Council Grant No. RES-062- 23-3106.
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5-2-15 | Robust speech datasets and ASR software tools
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5-2-16 | International Standard Language Resource Number (ISLRN) implemented by ELRA and LDC ELRA and LDC partner to implement ISLRN process and assign identifiers to all the Language Resources in their catalogues.
Following the meeting of the largest NLP organizations, the NLP12, and their endorsement of the International Standard Language Resource Number (ISLRN), ELRA and LDC partnered to implement the ISLRN process and to assign identifiers to all the Language Resources (LRs) in their catalogues. The ISLRN web portal was designed to enable the assignment of unique identifiers as a service free of charge for all Language Resource providers. To enhance the use of ISLRN, ELRA and LDC have collaborated to provide the ISLRN 13-digit ID to all the Language Resources distributed in their respective catalogues. Anyone who is searching the ELRA and LDC catalogues can see that each Language Resource is now identified by both the data centre ID and the ISLRN number. All providers and users of such LRs should refer to the latter in their own publications and whenever referring to the LR.
ELRA and LDC will continue their joint involvement in ISLRN through active participation in this web service.
Visit the ELRA and LDC catalogues, respectively at http://catalogue.elra.info and https://catalog.ldc.upenn.edu
Background The International Standard Language Resource Number (ISLRN) aims to provide unique identifiers using a standardised nomenclature, thus ensuring that LRs are correctly identified, and consequently, recognised with proper references for their usage in applications within R&D projects, product evaluation and benchmarking, as well as in documents and scientific papers. Moreover, this is a major step in the networked and shared world that Human Language Technologies (HLT) has become: unique resources must be identified as such and meta-catalogues need a common identification format to manage data correctly.
***About NLP12*** Representatives of the major Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics organizations met in Paris on 18 November 2013 to harmonize and coordinate their activities within the field.
*** About ELRA *** The Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC) is an open consortium of universities, libraries, corporations and research laboratories that creates and distributes linguistic resources for language-related education, research and technology development. To find out more about LDC, please visit our web site: https://www.ldc.upenn.edu
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5-2-17 | Base de données LIBRE et GRATUITE pour la reconnaissance du locuteur Je me permet de vous solliciter pour contribuer à la création
d?une base de données LIBRE et GRATUITE
pour la reconnaissance du locuteur.
Plus de détails et la marche à suivre ci-dessous.
Merci beaucoup,
Anthony Larcher
Récemment, un certain nombre de laboratoires spécialisés dans la reconnaissance du locuteur dépendante du texte ont initié le projet RedDots.
Il s?agit d?une initiative volontaire sur financement propre des laboratoires.
Ce projet encourage des discussions sur les thèmes de la reconnaissance du locuteur,
la collection de corpus et les cas d?usage propres à cette technologie à travers un Google Group.
Dans le cadre du projet RedDots, l?Institute for Infocomm Research (Singapour) a développé une application Android
qui permet d?enregistrer des données sur un téléphone portable.
Cette base de données a pour but de pallier certaines lacunes des corpus existants:
- le coût (certaines bases standard sont vendues à plusieurs milliers d?euro)
- la taille limitée (le nombre limité de locuteurs ne permet plus d?évaluer les systèmes de reconnaissance de manière significative)
- la variabilité limitée (les données sont actuellement enregistrées dans plus de 5 pays dans le monde entier)
Afin de distributer une base de données, qui puisse bénéficier librement
à l?ensemble de la communauté de recherche nous vous sollicitons.
Comment faire et en combien de temps?
- inscrivez vous en 2 minutes à l?adresse suivante
- installez l?application Android sur votre téléphone en 2 minutes, saisissez l'ID et mot de passe qui vous seront envoyé par email
- enregistrez une session 3 minutes sur votre téléphone
Tout se fait en moins de 10 minutes?
Une des limitations principale des corpus existant est le nombre limité de sessions
enregistrée par locuteur et le court intervalle de temps au cours duquel ces sessions sont enregistrées.
Afin de combler ce manque nous espérons que chaque participant acceptera d?enregistrer
plusieurs sessions dans les mois à venir.
Idealement, chaque participant enregistrera 3 ou 4 minutes par semaine pendant un an.
Ou vont mes données et pour quoi sont elles utilisées?
Les données sont actuellement envoyées sur un serveur de l?Institute for Infocomm Research
à Singapour. Un institut de recherche public.
En vous enregistrant, vous acceptez que ces données soient utilisées à des fins de recherche
uniquement. ces données seront mise à disposition en ligne gratuitement tout au long du projet.
Merci pour votre contribution, n?hésitez pas à faire circuler cet email.
Plus de détails seront données prochainement dans un article soumis à INTERSPEECH 2015.
Anthony Larcher
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5-2-18 | ISLRN adopted by Joint Research Center (JRC) of the European Commission JRC, the EC's Joint Research Centre, an important LR player: First to adopt the ISLRN initiative
The Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission's in house science service, is the first organisation to use the International Standard Language Resource Number (ISLRN) initiative and has requested ISLRN 13-digit unique identifiers to its Language Resources (LR).
The current JRC LRs (downloadable from https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/language-technologies) with an ISLRN ID are:
Background The International Standard Language Resource Number (ISLRN) aims to provide unique identifiers using a standardised nomenclature, thus ensuring that LRs are correctly identified, and consequently, recognised with proper references for their usage in applications within R&D projects, product evaluation and benchmarking, as well as in documents and scientific papers. Moreover, this is a major step in the networked and shared world that Human Language Technologies (HLT) has become: unique resources must be identified as such and meta-catalogues need a common identification format to manage data correctly.
*** About the JRC *** As the Commission's in-house science service, the Joint Research Centre's mission is to provide EU policies with independent, evidence-based scientific and technical support throughout the whole policy cycle.
*** About ELRA ***
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5-2-19 | Forensic database of voice recordings of 500+ Australian English speakers Forensic database of voice recordings of 500+ Australian English speakers
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5-2-20 | Audio and Electroglottographic speech recordings
Audio and Electroglottographic speech recordings from several languages We are happy to announce the public availability of speech recordings made as part of the UCLA project 'Production and Perception of Linguistic Voice Quality'. http://www.phonetics.ucla.edu/voiceproject/voice.html Audio and EGG recordings are available for Bo, Gujarati, Hmong, Mandarin, Black Miao, Southern Yi, Santiago Matatlan/ San Juan Guelavia Zapotec; audio recordings (no EGG) are available for English and Mandarin. Recordings of Jalapa Mazatec extracted from the UCLA Phonetic Archive are also posted. All recordings are accompanied by explanatory notes and wordlists, and most are accompanied by Praat textgrids that locate target segments of interest to our project. Analysis software developed as part of the project – VoiceSauce for audio analysis and EggWorks for EGG analysis – and all project publications are also available from this site. All preliminary analyses of the recordings using these tools (i.e. acoustic and EGG parameter values extracted from the recordings) are posted on the site in large data spreadsheets. All of these materials are made freely available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike-3.0 Unported License. This project was funded by NSF grant BCS-0720304 to Pat Keating, Abeer Alwan and Jody Kreiman of UCLA, and Christina Esposito of Macalester College. Pat Keating (UCLA)
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5-2-21 | Press release: Opening of the ELRA License Wizard Press Release - Immediate - Paris, France, April 2, 2015
Currently, the License Wizard allows the user to choose among several licenses that exist for the use of Language Resources: ELRA, Creative Commons and META-SHARE.
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5-2-22 | EEG-face tracking- audio 24 GB data set Kara One, Toronto, Canada We are making 24 GB of a new dataset, called Kara One, freely available. This database combines 3 modalities (EEG, face tracking, and audio) during imagined and articulated speech using phonologically-relevant phonemic and single-word prompts. It is the result of a collaboration between the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute (in the University Health Network) and the Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto.
In the associated paper (abstract below), we show how to accurately classify imagined phonological categories solely from EEG data. Specifically, we obtain up to 90% accuracy in classifying imagined consonants from imagined vowels and up to 95% accuracy in classifying stimulus from active imagination states using advanced deep-belief networks.
Data from 14 participants are available here: http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~complingweb/data/karaOne/karaOne.html.
If you have any questions, please contact Frank Rudzicz at frank@cs.toronto.edu.
Best regards, Frank
PAPER Shunan Zhao and Frank Rudzicz (2015) Classifying phonological categories in imagined and articulated speech. In Proceedings of ICASSP 2015, Brisbane Australia ABSTRACT This paper presents a new dataset combining 3 modalities (EEG, facial, and audio) during imagined and vocalized phonemic and single-word prompts. We pre-process the EEG data, compute features for all 3 modalities, and perform binary classi?cation of phonological categories using a combination of these modalities. For example, a deep-belief network obtains accuracies over 90% on identifying consonants, which is signi?cantly more accurate than two baseline supportvectormachines. Wealsoclassifybetweenthedifferent states (resting, stimuli, active thinking) of the recording, achievingaccuraciesof95%. Thesedatamaybeusedtolearn multimodal relationships, and to develop silent-speech and brain-computer interfaces.
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5-2-23 | TORGO data base free for academic use. In the spirit of the season, I would like to announce the immediate availability of the TORGO database free, in perpetuity for academic use. This database combines acoustics and electromagnetic articulography from 8 individuals with speech disorders and 7 without, and totals over 18 GB. These data can be used for multimodal models (e.g., for acoustic-articulatory inversion), models of pathology, and augmented speech recognition, for example. More information (and the database itself) can be found here: http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~complingweb/data/TORGO/torgo.html.
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5-2-24 | Datatang Datatang is a global leading data provider that specialized in data customized solution, focusing in variety speech, image, and text data collection, annotation, crowdsourcing services.
1, Speech data collection 2, Speech data synthesis 3, Speech data transcription I’ve attached our company introduction as reference, as well as available speech data lists as follows:
If you find any particular interested datasets, we could provide you samples with costs too.
Runze Zhao Oversea Sales Manager | Datatang Technology China M: +86 185 1698 2583 18 Zhongguancun St. Kemao Building Tower B 18F Beijing 100190
US M: +1 617 763 4722 640 W California Ave, Suite 210 Sunnyvale, CA 94086