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ISCApad #206

Thursday, August 20, 2015 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-33 (2015-09-21) International Workshop on Affective Social Multimedia Computing (ASMMC2015), Xi-an, China


CALL FOR PAPERS  International Workshop on Affective Social Multimedia computing (ASMMC2015)
Selected papers will be published in an SCI Journal in the Multimedia Area.
The International Workshop on Affective Social Multimedia Computing (ASMMC) 2015, Xi?an, China, 21 September, 2015
A one-day workshop of the 6th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII2015). 
In co-located with ACII 2015 (
Important Dates
Full Paper Submission : 3 June 2015
Notification of Acceptance : 3 July 2015
Camera-Ready Submission : 24 July 2015
Workshop Scope
Social multimedia is fundamentally changing how we communicate, interact, and collaborate in our daily lives. Recent advances in multimedia computing attract an increase in the research on multimedia content analysis, indexing and retrieval based on subjective concepts such as emotion, aesthetics, and preference. Different from the traditional content-based retrieval methods, the affective social media computing aims to process affective content from social multimedia. As the availability of massive and heterogeneous social media data, the problem becomes challenging because it requires multidisciplinary understanding of content and perceptional cues from social multimedia. From the multimedia perspective, research relies on the theoretical and technological findings in affective computing, machine learning, pattern recognition, signal/multimedia processing, computer vision, behavior and social psychology. Affective analysis of social multimedia is attracting growing attention from industry and businesses that provide social networking sites, content-sharing services, distribute and host the media.
This workshop focuses on the analysis of affective signals in social multimedia (e.g., twitter, weichat, weibo, youtube, facebook, etc). It seeks contributions on various aspects of affective computing in social multimedia on related theory, methodology, algorithms and techniques. 
The workshop will address, but is not limited to, the following topics:
? Affective/Emotional content analysis of images, videos, music, metadata (text, symbols, etc.)
? Affective indexing, ranking, and retrieval on big social media data
? Affective computing in social multimedia by multimodal integration (face expression, gesture, posture, speech, text/language)
? Emotional implicit tagging and interactive systems
? User interests and behavior modeling in social multimedia
? Video and image summarization based on affect
? Affective analysis of social media and harvesting the affective response of crowd
? Affective generation in social multimedia, expressive text-to-speech and expressive language translation
? Applications of affective social multimedia computing
The best paper award(s) and journal special issue
The workshop will select the best paper with a cash award from sponsors. In order to promote this emergent research area, we currently seek to publish a special issue or a special section on affective social multimedia in a relevant journal (SCI-indexed). If successful, the extensions of the best paper(s) and honorable mention papers will have a priority to be included into the special issue or session of the journal.
Submission of papers
The papers should feature original empirical work, theoretical work, or a well defendable but arguable position of the authors. Papers will be published in the proceedings of ACII 2015 by IEEE. Papers should be limited to 6 pages.
Submitting a paper means that, if the paper is accepted, at least one author should attend the workshop and present the paper.
Please submit your paper via: 
Workshop Co-Chairs
Dong-Yan HUANG , Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
Lei XIE, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Shuicheng YAN, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Jie YANG, National Science Foundation, USA
ACII workshop chairs
Carlos BUSSO, The University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Hatice GUNES, Queen Mary University of London, UK
Programme Committee
Shih-Fu CHANG, Columbia University, U.S.A
Stephen COX , University of East Anglia, UK
Minghui DONG, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
Wolfgang HUERST, Utrecht University, Nerthland
Qiang JI , Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Jia JIA , Tsinghua university, China
Qin JIN, Renmin University of China, China
Swee Lan SEE , Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
Haizhou LI , Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
Weisi LIN , Nanyang Technology University, Singapore
Jiebo LUO , University of Rochester, USA
Hichem SAHLI, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Bjoern SCHULLER, TUM, Germany
Vidhyasaharan SETHU , University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Rainer STIEFELHAGEN, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, USA
Yan TONG , University of South Carolina, USA
Changsheng XU, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Zhongfei ZHANG, Binghamton University
Peng ZHANG, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Xuan ZHU , Samsung R&D Institute of China, China
Please email inquiries concerning ASMMC2015 to:
Dr. Huang Dong Yan, Email:

Prof. Lei Xie, Email:

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