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ISCApad Archive  »  2015  »  ISCApad #204  »  Resources  »  Database  »  Speechocean – update (May 2015)

ISCApad #204

Tuesday, June 16, 2015 by Chris Wellekens

5-2-13 Speechocean – update (May 2015)


Speechocean – update (May2015):




Speechocean: A global language resources and data services supplier




Speechocean has over 500 large-scale databases available in 110+ languages and accents with the platform of desktop, in-car, telephony and tablet PC. Our data repository is enormous and diversified, which includes ASR Databases, TTS Databases, Lexica, Text Corpora, etc.




Speechocean is glad to announce more resources that available in its catalogue:




  1. Canadian French Speech Recognition Database ---- Sentences (Desktop)-200 Speakers


ID: King-ASR-173


This database collection is a desktop 2-channel speech database collected and owned by Speechocean (


The corpus contains the recordings of gender balanced 200 speakers of Canadian French speech data from different regions of Quebec in Canada. Each speaker recorded about 300 different utterances naturally in office environment. The total amount of utterances is 115964, and the total recording time is175.48 hours, including the leading and trailing silence (about 500 ms). The total size of this database is51.9 GB.


A pronunciation lexicon with a phonemic transcription in SAMPA is also included. All the data was transcribed and labeled.




  1. Spain Spanish speech recognition Database——(Desktop)-210 speakers


ID: King-ASR-202


This database collection is a desktop 1-channel speech database collected and owned by Speechocean ( ).


The corpus contains the recordings of gender balanced 210 speakers of Spanish speech data from the different regions of Spain, and 500 prompts for each speaker were recorded in quiet office environment. The total amount of utterance is 105000and the total recording time is 92.9 hours. The total size of this database is 9.96 GB. All the data has been transcribed and annotated precisely. The database was made for the tuning and testing purpose of speech recognition system and language study and etc.




Contact Information


Xianfeng Cheng


Business Manager of Commercial Department


Tel: +86-10-62660928; +86-10-62660053 ext.8080


Mobile: +86 13681432590


Skype: xianfeng.cheng1

















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