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ISCApad #200

Friday, February 13, 2015 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-41 (2015-03-20) Conference:Theory of mind and Language: Experimental data and clinical applications, Aix-Marseille University


Theory of mind and Language: Experimental data and clinical applications




Friday 20 March 2015


Laboratoire Parole et Langage (LPL CNRS UMR 7309, Aix-Marseille University)

Conference room B011, 5 avenue Pasteur, 13100 Aix-en-Provence, France



Theory of mind is the ability to form representations of other people’s mental states and to use these representations to understand, predict and judge their statements and behaviours (Baron-Cohen, Leslie, & Frith, 1985; Premack & Woodruff, 1978). Study of this ability has become a major focus for cognitive sciences in the last twenty years, showing that this ability plays a fundamental role for social interactions. While loads of researches (particularly in pathology and in development) give support to a relationship between theory of mind and language, the role of this cognitive ability in meaning construction is still under debate.


Is theory of mind conveyed by language (e.g. reference marker, prosody, gestures) during social interaction? Does theory of mind play a role in meaning construction? Do speakers take the perspective of the listener to explain or understand meaning? If it is the case, do linguistic forms such as reference markers or intonation contours signal how the speaker takes the listener’s perspective into account? And how do the listeners use this linguistic information to interpret the speaker’s mental states?


The aim of this conference will be to present and discuss experimental data dealing with the relationship between theory of mind and language in different population (e.g. development, healthy people, pathology). Our main goal will be to bring together researchers from different backgrounds (cognitive sciences, experimental psychology, neuropsychology, psycholinguistics, phonetics/phonology, and pragmatics) with a view to improve our understanding of how language can convey theory of mind during social interactions.


The conference is organized by Maud Champagne-Lavau, Cristel Portes, Amandine Michelas (LPL) and Claire Beyssade (Paris 8 & Institut Jean Nicod).



Registration and abstract submission for the conference can be completed at the following link:

Registration is free but you must register to be able to attend the conference.



Call for posters

We welcome the submission of abstracts for posters on any area of scientific domains (experimental psychology, cognitive neurosciences, phonetics, phonology, pragmatics) with a view to improve our understanding of the relationship between ToM and Language. 

Abstracts should be written in English or French and not exceed 250 words. An extra page may be added for figures and references. Submissions must be sent with the author’s name(s), affiliation(s) and e-mail address(es).



Important dates

  • Deadline for abstract submission: 15 February 2015
  • Notification of acceptance: 20 February 2015
  • Deadline for inscription: 6 March 2015





8h30 – 9h00 :                                    Accueil des participants / Welcome


9h00 – 10h00 :                  Rethinking the Theory-of-Mind Hypothesis of Autism

Tiziana Zalla, Institut Jean Nicod, CNRS UMR 8129, ENS, Paris, France


10h00 – 10h30 :                                Pause/coffee break


10h30 – 11h15 :                Assessing theory of mind during conversation in Mild cognitive impairment

Noémie Moreau, LPL, CNRS UMR 7309, Aix-Marseille Université


11h15 – 12h00 :                TITRE à venir

Madelyne Klein, LPL, CNRS UMR 7309, Aix-Marseille Université


12h00-13h00 :                                   Pause déjeuner / Lunch break


13h00 – 14h00 :                                Session poster / poster session


14h00 – 15h00 :                Prosodic and referential marking in oral narratives by Adults with High Functioning Autism

Francesco Cangemi1, Marion Fossard2, Martine Grice1, Martina Krüger1, Kai Vogeley3

1Institute of Linguistics, Department of Phonetics, University of Cologne, Germany.
2Institut des sciences du langage et de la communication, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
3Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Hospital Cologne, Germany.


15h00 – 15h45 :                The intonational encoding of commitment, attitude attribution and call on addressee in French

Cristel Portes, LPL, CNRS UMR 7309, Aix-Marseille Université


15h45 – 16h15 :                                Pause / coffee break


16h15 – 17h00 :                Relationship between theory of mind and intonational focus marking in French: Results from schizophrenia

Amandine Michelas, LPL, CNRS UMR 7309, Aix-Marseille Université


17h00 – 17h30 :                                Conclusion

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