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ISCApad Archive  »  2013  »  ISCApad #181  »  ISCA News  »  The winner of Christian Benoit Award is...

ISCApad #181

Wednesday, July 10, 2013 by Chris Wellekens

2-6 The winner of Christian Benoit Award is...

The international scientific Committee of the '7th Christian Benoît Award' has completed the evaluation of the applications and has taken a decision. The Winner is

Samer Al Moubayed
Center for Speech Technology, KTH - Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm

His project aims at developing a system architecture and a demonstrator using the novel, recently developed Furhat robot head. The Furhat robot head integrates facial animation and visual speech synthesis. The goal is to provide a platform for research on situated and multiparty audio-visual interaction.
On behalf of the Association Christian Benoît and of the scientific committee; we would like to congratulate Samer and to thank all the applicants for their works. Many of the applications are of very high quality. We hope that their authors will find other financial supports to achieve their research projects.

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