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ISCApad Archive  »  2013  »  ISCApad #176  »  Jobs  »  (2012-11-15) Faculty positions at CSLP at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA

ISCApad #176

Saturday, February 09, 2013 by Chris Wellekens

6-20 (2012-11-15) Faculty positions at CSLP at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA

The Center for Language and Speech Processing at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA,
seeks applicants for a tenure-track or tenured faculty member in speech and language processing. Rank will be dependent on the experience and accomplishments of the candidate.

Applicants must have a Ph.D. in a relevant discipline and will be expected to establish a strong, independent, multidisciplinary, internationally recognized research program. Commitment to quality teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels is required. We are committed to building a diverse educational environment; women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply.

Prospective candidates should email for further information.


Hynek Hermansky
Julian S. Smith Professor in Electrical Engineering
Center for Language and Speech Processing
The Johns Hopkins University
3400 N. Charles Street, Hackerman Hall
Baltimore, Maryland 21218

Admin. support:
Ruth Scally

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