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ISCApad Archive  »  2012  »  ISCApad #168  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2012-07-27) LabPhon 13 Stuttgart, Germany

ISCApad #168

Sunday, June 10, 2012 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-9 (2012-07-27) LabPhon 13 Stuttgart, Germany

Call for papers

LabPhon 13
The 13th Conference on Laboratory Phonology
Stuttgart, Germany, July 27-29, 2012

Deadline for abstract submission: 15 January 2012

Notification of acceptance: 31 March 2012

Conference website:

Abstracts are solicited for contributed papers for presentation as 20-minute oral contributions or as posters. Contributions relating to the conference themes are especially encouraged; there will also be sessions for non-thematic papers.

The overall theme for the conference is “Phonological and phonetic computations: between grammar and neural activity.” Our goal is to bring together researchers from phonology, phonetics, and adjacent psycho- and neurosciences and to seek to advance these disciplines by encouraging the joint pursuit of interdisciplinary research questions. Specific topics that address this theme are the following:

    Simulation as a research method in Laboratory Phonology.
    Invited speakers: Bruce Hayes (UCLA), Andrew Wedel (Univ. Arizona)
    Invited moderator: Bernd Möbius (Saarland Univ.)

    Computational approaches to sound change: data-driven and model driven.
    Invited speakers: Jonathan Harrington (LMU Munich), Paul Boersma (Univ. Amsterdam)
    Invited moderator: John Coleman (Univ. Oxford)

    Temporal mechanisms in neural processing of sounds and prosodies.
    Invited speakers: Karsten Steinhauer (McGill Univ.), William Idsardi (Univ. Maryland)
    Invited moderator: Carsten Eulitz (Univ. Konstanz)

    Rich memory for rich phonology.
    Invited speakers: Stephen Goldinger (Arizona State Univ.), Robert Port (Indiana Univ.)
    Invited moderator: Holger Mitterer (MPI Nijmegen)

Non-thematic sessions (both oral and poster) will include contributions to other topics of interest to the LabPhon community.

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