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ISCApad Archive  »  2024  »  ISCApad #315  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2025-05-16) CfP 3rd International Conference on Tone and Intonation - TAI 2025, Herrsching, Germany

ISCApad #315

Friday, September 13, 2024 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-28 (2025-05-16) CfP 3rd International Conference on Tone and Intonation - TAI 2025, Herrsching, Germany

Call for Papers

3rd International Conference on Tone and Intonation - TAI 2025

Date: 16-May-2025 to 18-May-2025
Location: Herrsching (near Munich), Germany
Meeting Email:
Web Site:

Call Deadline: 09-Dec-2024

Meeting Description:

The TAI conference is the result of the merging the International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages (TAL) and the Conference on Tone and Intonation in Europe (TIE). The TAI 2025 conference aims to bring together distinguished researchers, experts, and practitioners from around the world to exchange ideas, insights, and the latest advancements in the field of tone and intonation. The TAI proceedings are archived by ISCA, the International Speech Communication Association.

Call for Papers:


We are delighted to announce that the Third International Conference on Tone and TAI 2025 will be held in Herrsching near Munich, Germany, from 16–18 May 2025. Jointly sponsored by the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA) and the International Phonetic Association (IPA), TAI 2025 will be hosted by the Institute for Phonetics and Speech Processing of the LMU Munich.

With the theme of 'Variation and change in tone and intonation systems across space and time', our aim at TAI 2025 is to foster a more diverse and comprehensive understanding of tone and intonation by exploring variation in geographical as well as physical space, along with the dynamic evolution of tone and intonation across various timescales. We invite submissions that explore phonetic and phonological aspects of tone and intonation, with a particular focus on the following topics:

1. Variation and Change in Space:
- Cross-linguistics comparison of tone and intonation in well- and under-studied languages.
- Documentation of tonal and intonational patterns in endangered languages.
- Analysis of geographic variation in tone and intonation.
- Tone and intonation in language contact.

2. Variation and Change in Time:
- Diachronic change of tone and intonation.
- Generational differences of tone and intonation.
- Sociolinguistic factors influencing tonal and intonational change.

3. Variation Beyond Space and Time:
- Psycholinguistic, cognitive, and neural correlates of tone and intonation.
- Physiological underpinnings of tone and intonation.
- Acquisition of tone and intonation in L1 and L2.
- Tone and intonation in neurodevelopmental disorders and impairments.
- Role of tone and intonation in multimodal communication.
- Computational modeling and applications of tone and intonation.

We welcome submissions on any aspect of tone and intonation in language, not limited to the aforementioned topics. We encourage contributions from a wide range of theoretical and methodological perspectives, including experimental, descriptive, and computational approaches. Contributions by junior researchers and/or with interdisciplinary research methods are strongly encouraged.

Submission information:

Abstracts should be written in English and no more than 2 A4-sized pages (1 page of text and 1 page for tables, figures, and references), including up to 5 keywords that best describe the paper. All submissions should be in PDF format. Abstracts will be subject to double-blind peer review; please ensure that all identifying information is removed from the abstract.

Abstract submission opens: 15 October 2024
Abstract submission deadline: 9 December 2024
Notification of acceptance: 3 February 2025

Abstract submission will be via CMT:


Sireemas Maspong



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