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ISCApad Archive  »  2024  »  ISCApad #315  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2025-02-24) Language technologies for All (LT4All 2.0), UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France

ISCApad #315

Friday, September 13, 2024 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-26 (2025-02-24) Language technologies for All (LT4All 2.0), UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France

- LT4All 2.0 - Advancing Humanism through Language Technologies

24-26 February 2025, r


❖ Language Technologies (LT), nurtured in research laboratories for half a century, are now spreading widely across numerous applications. However, the situation varies significantly among the more than 7,500 languages spoken worldwide.

❖ The first LT4All (LT4All 1.0) conference in 2019 highlighted the critical role of multilingualism in cutting-edge technology. This spurred significant initiatives by various research institutions and major technological companies toward developing language technologies for a wider range of languages.

❖ Despite significant progress, many communities are still being left behind.

The critical issue lies not just in creating language technologies for numerous languages but also in collaborating with communities to develop the solutions they need

Organized within the framework of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL 2022-2032) and to commemorate the Silver Jubilee of International Mother Language Day 2025, the second edition of LT4All (LT4All 2.0) aims to further the agenda of language technologies with a focus on community empowerment. The goal is to harness technology not only to advance itself but also to support and enhance individuals' capabilities.

The conference is organized by the international Language Resources Association (ELRA) and its Special Interest Group on Under-resourced languages (SIGUL), a joint SIG of ELRA and of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), in partnership with UNESCO.

Further details can be found at https: Contact:

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