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ISCApad Archive  »  2024  »  ISCApad #315  »  Jobs  »  (2024-06-20) Research Fellow in Multimodal Neural Architecture, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland

ISCApad #315

Friday, September 13, 2024 by Chris Wellekens

6-23 (2024-06-20) Research Fellow in Multimodal Neural Architecture, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland

Research Fellow in Multimodal Neural Architecture

LEVEL: Research Fellow
POSTED: May 20, 2024
LOCATION: School of Engineering, Trinity College Dublin
DURATION: 3 years, starting Sept 2024 (can be flexible)
REPORTS TO: Prof Naomi Harte,
SALARY: Gross Salary starts at €46,569 -€49,177 depending on experience. Annual increments apply on SFI Pay Scale.

Please note the below is a shortened version of the full job specification. For more details please refer to the full Job Description document, which can be downloaded by clicking on the ‘Download full job spec’ button above.

The Wider Research Project

This Research Fellow is required to contribute to a new overall project led by Prof. Naomi Harte focused on the development of a unified multimodal framework for modelling and analysing real-world speech-based interaction. This Research Fellow will develop neural architectures for multimodal speech applications.  The Research Fellow will rethink the development of sophisticated deep learning architectures that can fully exploit the relevant modalities of speech in an application. They will develop approaches that are agile in deployment and that can change how modalities combine in real-time. Applications will be in audio-visual speech recognition and conversational analysis.

This work will be interdisciplinary in nature, requiring consideration of theories around conversation not only from a speech science and technology perspective, but also incorporating knowledge from established theories in the fields of psycholinguistics and cognitive science. Other elements of the project will focus on how to model multimodality in deep learning architectures. The overall team in this major project will consist of two Research Fellows (this position is one of those two), 4 PhD students, and one Research Assistant.  The position is fully in-person and requires the person to be based in Dublin, Ireland.


Candidates appointed to this role must have completed a PhD in Electrical or Electronic Engineering, or a closely related field that makes them qualified to conduct this research in multimodal interaction.


Candidates who do not address the application requirements above will not be considered for interview.

Further Information

Informal enquiries about this post should be made to Professor Naomi Harte ( but applications are only accepted through the procedure outlined in the downloaded job spec document.

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