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ISCApad Archive  »  2024  »  ISCApad #315  »  Events  »  ISCA Supported Events  »  (2025) Call for Bids for 3rd International Conference on Tone and Intonation (TAI 2025)

ISCApad #315

Friday, September 13, 2024 by Chris Wellekens

3-2-1 (2025) Call for Bids for 3rd International Conference on Tone and Intonation (TAI 2025)

Dear colleagues,

Following the success of the 2nd International Conference on Tone and Intonation (TAI 2023) <> held in Singapore 18-20 November 2023, the TAI Standing Committee is now inviting bids to host the 3rd TAI conference in 2025.

As the merger of the TAL (Tonal Aspects of Languages) and TIE (Tone and Intonation in Europe) conference series (2004–2018), the TAI series inherits features from its predecessors. The conference accepts 2-page abstracts, avoids parallel sessions, and typically hosts 3 to 5 invited keynote speakers. Following the conference, participants may choose to submit their optional 5-page full papers for publication in the ISCA online archives. With a focus on linguistic rather than technological aspects of prosody, TAI is affiliated with both the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA) and the International Phonetic Association (IPA), thereby receiving grants/awards from both organizations. TAI may also feature workshops at the same venue outside the conference program, before, after or during the conference. Given that all previous TIE conferences were held in Europe, the aim for the new TAI series is to rotate between Europe and other locations. Consequently, it is preferable for TAI 2025 to take place in Europe. While the initial two TAIs were held in November/December, the scheduling of future TAI conferences remains flexible, with spring or summer generally preferred, contingent on the preferences of local organizers.

The responsibility of the TAI Standing Committee is to promote the continuation of the series, select the venue for the next conference, and evaluate conferences and any proposals for format changes. The committee is composed of former TAL/TIE and TAI organizers. Its current members are Amalia Arvaniti, Yiya Chen, Christian DiCanio, Minghui Dong, Wentao Gu, Carlos Gussenhoven, Yanfeng Lu, Hansjörg Mixdorff, and Oliver Niebuhr. All bids will be discussed and voted on by the committee.

Bids should minimally provide the following information:

- Host institution
- General chair (and any co-organizers)
- Proposed conference dates
- Proposed conference theme
- Venue or general location of the venue
- Transportation and accommodation
- Estimated full and student registration fees
- Financial plan (including existing or potential funding sources)

Any additional information that may support the bid is welcome.

Bids should be submitted to the current chair of the TAI Standing Committee, Prof. Wentao Gu ( by 30 April 2024. He is also available for additional information. Please feel free to distribute this announcement to any researchers in the speech prosody community who may be interested. Thank you very much!!

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